path: root/PerlTQt/examples/progress
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2012-01-01 18:29:30 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2012-01-01 18:29:30 -0600
commitb2af005db21bd8fd068cb79b2ae700953128af2c (patch)
treeabd0ed633726bf0bbecb57d30e92836c31e02695 /PerlTQt/examples/progress
parentc1b9383f2032d82db5eb8918dca885e37a901dde (diff)
Move PerlQt
Diffstat (limited to 'PerlTQt/examples/progress')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/progress/ b/PerlTQt/examples/progress/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4112e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/progress/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+package AnimatedThingy;
+use TQt;
+use TQt::isa "TQt::Label";
+use TQt::attributes qw[
+ label
+ step
+ ox oy
+ x0 x1
+ y0 y1
+ dx0 dx1
+ dy0 dy1
+use constant nqix => 10;
+sub NEW
+ shift->SUPER::NEW($_[0]);
+ label= $_[1]."\n... and wasting CPU\nwith this animation!\n";
+ ox = [];
+ oy = [];
+ step = 0;
+ for (my $i=0; $i<nqix; $i++)
+ { ox->[0][$i] = oy->[0][$i] = ox->[1][$i] = oy->[1][$i] = 0 }
+ x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = 0;
+ dx0 = rand(8)+2;
+ dy0 = rand(8)+2;
+ dx1 = rand(8)+2;
+ dy1 = rand(8)+2;
+ setBackgroundColor(&black);
+sub show
+ startTimer(150) unless isVisible();
+ SUPER->show;
+sub hide
+ SUPER->hide;
+ killTimers()
+sub sizeHint
+ TQt::Size(120,100)
+sub timerEvent
+ my $p = TQt::Painter(this);
+ my $pn= $p->pen;
+ $pn->setWidth(2);
+ $pn->setColor(backgroundColor());
+ $p->setPen($pn);
+ step = (step + 1) % nqix;
+ $p->drawLine(ox->[0][step], oy->[0][step], ox->[1][step], oy->[1][step]);
+ (x0, dx0) = inc(x0, dx0, width());
+ (y0, dy0) = inc(y0, dy0, height());
+ (x1, dx1) = inc(x1, dx1, width());
+ (y1, dy1) = inc(y1, dy1, height());
+ ox->[0][step] = x0;
+ oy->[0][step] = y0;
+ ox->[1][step] = x1;
+ oy->[1][step] = y1;
+ my $c = TQt::Color;
+ $c->setHsv( (step*255)/nqix, 255, 255 ); # rainbow effect
+ $pn->setColor($c);
+ $pn->setWidth(2);
+ $p->setPen($pn);
+ $p->drawLine(ox->[0][step], oy->[0][step], ox->[1][step], oy->[1][step]);
+ $p->setPen(&white);
+ $p->drawText(rect(), &AlignCenter, label);
+sub paintEvent
+ my $ev = shift;
+ my $p = TQt::Painter(this);
+ my $pn= $p->pen;
+ $pn->setWidth(2);
+ $p->setPen($pn);
+ $p->setClipRect($ev->rect);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<nqix; $i++) {
+ my $c = TQt::Color;
+ $c->setHsv( ($i*255)/nqix, 255, 255 ); # rainbow effect
+ $pn->setColor($c);
+ $p->setPen($pn);
+ $p->drawLine(ox->[0][$i], oy->[0][$i], ox->[1][$i], oy->[1][$i]);
+ }
+ $p->setPen(&white);
+ $p->drawText(rect(), &AlignCenter, label);
+sub inc
+ my ($x, $dx, $b)= @_;
+ $x += $dx;
+ if ($x<0) { $x=0; $dx=rand(8)+2; }
+ elsif ($x>=$b) { $x=$b-1; $dx=-(rand(8)+2); }
+ return ($x, $dx)
+package CPUWaster;
+use TQt;
+use TQt::isa "TQt::Widget";
+use TQt::attributes qw[
+ menubar
+ file
+ options
+ rects
+ pb
+ td_id
+ ld_id
+ dl_id
+ cl_id
+ md_id
+ got_stop
+ timer_driven
+ default_label
+use TQt::slots
+ drawItemRects => ['int'],
+ doMenuItem => ['int'],
+ stopDrawing => [ ],
+ timerDriven => [ ],
+ loopDriven => [ ],
+ defaultLabel => [ ],
+ customLabel => [ ],
+ toggleMinimumDuration
+ => [ ];
+use AnimatedThingy;
+use constant first_draw_item => 1000;
+use constant last_draw_item => 1006;
+sub NEW
+ shift->SUPER::NEW(@_);
+ menubar = MenuBar( this, "menu" );
+ pb = 0;
+ file = TQt::PopupMenu;
+ menubar->insertItem( "&File", file );
+ for (my $i=first_draw_item; $i<=last_draw_item; $i++)
+ { file->insertItem( drawItemRects($i)." Rectangles", $i) }
+ TQt::Object::connect( menubar, TQT_SIGNAL "activated(int)", this, TQT_SLOT "doMenuItem(int)" );
+ file->insertSeparator;
+ file->insertItem( "Quit", TQt::app(), TQT_SLOT "quit()" );
+ options = TQt::PopupMenu;
+ menubar->insertItem( "&Options", options );
+ td_id = options->insertItem( "Timer driven", this, TQT_SLOT "timerDriven()" );
+ ld_id = options->insertItem( "Loop driven", this, TQT_SLOT "loopDriven()" );
+ options->insertSeparator;
+ dl_id = options->insertItem( "Default label", this, TQT_SLOT "defaultLabel()" );
+ cl_id = options->insertItem( "Custom label", this, TQT_SLOT "customLabel()" );
+ options->insertSeparator;
+ md_id = options->insertItem( "No minimum duration", this, TQT_SLOT "toggleMinimumDuration()" );
+ options->setCheckable( 1 );
+ loopDriven();
+ customLabel();
+ setFixedSize( 400, 300 );
+ setBackgroundColor( &black );
+sub drawItemRects
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $n = $id - first_draw_item;
+ my $r = 100;
+ while($n--)
+ { $r *= $n%3 ? 5:4 }
+ return $r
+sub doMenuItem
+ my $id = shift;
+ draw(drawItemRects($id)) if ($id >= first_draw_item && $id <= last_draw_item)
+sub stopDrawing
+{ got_stop = 1 }
+sub timerDriven()
+ timer_driven = 1;
+ options->setItemChecked( td_id, 1 );
+ options->setItemChecked( ld_id, 0 );
+sub loopDriven
+ timer_driven = 0;
+ options->setItemChecked( ld_id, 1 );
+ options->setItemChecked( td_id, 0 );
+sub defaultLabel
+ default_label = 1;
+ options->setItemChecked( dl_id, 1 );
+ options->setItemChecked( cl_id, 0 );
+sub customLabel
+ default_label = 0;
+ options->setItemChecked( dl_id, 0 );
+ options->setItemChecked( cl_id, 1 );
+sub toggleMinimumDuration
+ options->setItemChecked( md_id,
+ !options->isItemChecked( md_id ) );
+sub timerEvent
+ pb->setProgress( pb->totalSteps - rects ) if(!(rects%100));
+ rects--;
+ {
+ my $p = TQt::Painter(this);
+ my $ww = width();
+ my $wh = height();
+ if ( $ww > 8 && $wh > 8 )
+ {
+ my $c = TQt::Color(rand(255), rand(255), rand(255));
+ my $x = rand($ww-8);
+ my $y = rand($wh-8);
+ my $w = rand($ww-$x);
+ my $h = rand($wh-$y);
+ $p->fillRect( $x, $y, $w, $h, Brush($c) );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rects || got_stop)
+ {
+ pb->setProgress( pb->totalSteps );
+ my $p = TQt::Painter(this);
+ $p->fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), Brush(backgroundColor()));
+ enableDrawingItems(1);
+ killTimers();
+ pb = 0;
+ }
+sub newProgressDialog
+ my($label, $steps, $modal) = @_;
+ my $d = ProgressDialog($label, "Cancel", $steps, this,
+ "progress", $modal);
+ if ( options->isItemChecked( md_id ) )
+ { $d->setMinimumDuration(0) }
+ if ( !default_label )
+ { $d->setLabel( AnimatedThingy($d,$label) ) }
+ return $d;
+sub enableDrawingItems
+ my $yes = shift;
+ for (my $i=first_draw_item; $i<=last_draw_item; $i++)
+ {
+ menubar->setItemEnabled($i, $yes);
+ }
+sub draw
+ my $n = shift;
+ if ( timer_driven )
+ {
+ if ( pb ) {
+ warn("This cannot happen!");
+ return;
+ }
+ rects = $n;
+ pb = newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\n".
+ "Using timer event.", $n, 0);
+ pb->setCaption("Please Wait");
+ TQt::Object::connect(pb, TQT_SIGNAL "cancelled()", this, TQT_SLOT "stopDrawing()");
+ enableDrawingItems(0);
+ startTimer(0);
+ got_stop = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $lpb = newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\n".
+ "Using loop.", $n, 1);
+ $lpb->setCaption("Please Wait");
+ my $p = TQt::Painter(this);
+ for (my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
+ {
+ if(!($i%100))
+ {
+ $lpb->setProgress($i);
+ last if ( $lpb->wasCancelled );
+ }
+ my ($cw, $ch) = (width(), height());
+ my $c = TQt::Color(rand(255), rand(255), rand(255));
+ my $x = rand($cw-8);
+ my $y = rand($cw-8);
+ my $w = rand($cw-$x);
+ my $h = rand($cw-$y);
+ $p->fillRect($x, $y, $w, $h, Brush($c));
+ }
+ $lpb->cancel;
+ $p->fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), Brush(backgroundColor()));
+ }
+package main;
+use TQt;
+use CPUWaster;
+my $a=TQt::Application(\@ARGV);
+my $w=CPUWaster;
+exit $a->exec;