path: root/PerlTQt/bin/ptqtsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PerlTQt/bin/ptqtsh')
1 files changed, 675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PerlTQt/bin/ptqtsh b/PerlTQt/bin/ptqtsh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..012e920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PerlTQt/bin/ptqtsh
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+# ptqtsh : a graphical shell for PerlTQt.
+# author: Germain Garand <>
+# license: GNU Public License v2
+use utf8;
+use strict 'vars';
+package TQtShellControl;
+use TQt;
+use TQt::isa qw(TQt::MainWindow);
+use TQt::slots
+ fileOpen => [],
+ fileSave => [],
+ fileSaveAs => [],
+ filePrint => [],
+ fileExit => [],
+ helpExample => [];
+use TQt::signals
+ fileNeedsEval => [TQString];
+use TQt::attributes qw(
+ menubar
+ fileMenu
+ helpMenu
+ toolBar
+ fileName
+ fileOpenAction
+ fileSaveAction
+ fileSaveAsAction
+ filePrintAction
+ fileExitAction
+ helpExampleAction
+ comboBox
+ sessionLog
+ executedLines
+ printer
+our $image0_data =
+["22 22 7 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"b c #292c29",
+"c c #5a5d5a",
+"d c #838583",
+"e c #c5c2c5",
+"a c #ffffff",
+our $image1_data =
+["22 22 5 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"c c #838100",
+"a c #ffff00",
+"b c #ffffff",
+our $image2_data =
+["22 22 5 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #838100",
+"b c #c5c2c5",
+"c c #cdb6d5",
+our $image3_data =
+["22 22 88 2",
+"TQt c None",
+".2 c #000000",
+".S c #08ff08",
+"#v c #100810",
+".U c #101010",
+"#c c #101018",
+".M c #181018",
+"#e c #181818",
+".A c #181820",
+".L c #201820",
+"#l c #202020",
+".z c #202029",
+"#m c #292029",
+"#u c #292829",
+"#n c #292831",
+".R c #29ff29",
+"#o c #312831",
+".T c #313031",
+"#p c #313039",
+".Z c #31ff31",
+"#q c #393039",
+"#t c #393839",
+".y c #393841",
+"#s c #413841",
+".o c #414041",
+"#h c #4a4852",
+".n c #5a505a",
+"#r c #5a5962",
+".I c #5ace5a",
+"#b c #6a616a",
+".p c #6a696a",
+".x c #6a6973",
+".Y c #6aff62",
+".l c #736973",
+".t c #7b717b",
+".s c #7b7183",
+".0 c #7bff7b",
+".r c #837983",
+".u c #83798b",
+"#g c #83858b",
+".v c #8b7994",
+"#i c #8b858b",
+".w c #8b8594",
+"#j c #8b8d8b",
+".8 c #8b8d94",
+".m c #948d94",
+"#k c #948d9c",
+"#f c #949594",
+".q c #94959c",
+".J c #94c694",
+"#d c #9c959c",
+"#a c #9c95a4",
+".k c #9c9d9c",
+".N c #9c9da4",
+".H c #9ccea4",
+".K c #a49da4",
+"#. c #a49dac",
+".i c #a4a5a4",
+".3 c #a4a5ac",
+"## c #ac9dac",
+".V c #aca5ac",
+".d c #acaeac",
+".j c #acaeb4",
+".9 c #b4aeb4",
+".# c #b4b6b4",
+".a c #bdbebd",
+".7 c #bdd6bd",
+".c c #c5c6c5",
+".5 c #cdc6cd",
+".b c #cdcecd",
+".4 c #cdced5",
+".F c #d5ced5",
+".G c #d5cede",
+".h c #d5d6d5",
+".E c #d5d6de",
+".Q c #d5ffd5",
+".B c #ded6de",
+".1 c #ded6e6",
+".g c #dedede",
+".D c #dedee6",
+".6 c #e6dee6",
+".f c #e6e6e6",
+".C c #e6e6ee",
+".X c #e6ffe6",
+".O c #eee6ee",
+".e c #eeeeee",
+".W c #f6f6f6",
+".P c #ffffff",
+sub NEW
+ shift->SUPER::NEW(@_);
+ my $image0 = TQt::Pixmap($image0_data);
+ my $image1 = TQt::Pixmap($image1_data);
+ my $image2 = TQt::Pixmap($image2_data);
+ my $image3 = TQt::Pixmap($image3_data);
+ my $box = VBox(this);
+ sessionLog = TextEdit($box, "sessionLog");
+ sessionLog->setTextFormat(TQt::RichText());
+ sessionLog->setReadOnly(1);
+ comboBox = ComboBox($box, "comboBox");
+ comboBox->setEditable(1);
+ comboBox->setAutoCompletion(1);
+ this->setCentralWidget($box);
+ comboBox->setFocus;
+ this->resize(500,300);
+ setCaption("PerlTQt Shell");
+# fileNewAction= TQt::Action(this, "fileNewAction");
+# fileNewAction->setIconSet(TQt::IconSet($image0));
+# fileNewAction->setText(trUtf8("New"));
+# fileNewAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("&New"));
+# fileNewAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+N")));
+ fileOpenAction= TQt::Action(this, "fileOpenAction");
+ fileOpenAction->setIconSet(TQt::IconSet($image1));
+ fileOpenAction->setText(trUtf8("Open"));
+ fileOpenAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("&Open..."));
+ fileOpenAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+O")));
+ fileSaveAction= TQt::Action(this, "fileSaveAction");
+ fileSaveAction->setIconSet(TQt::IconSet($image2));
+ fileSaveAction->setText(trUtf8("Save"));
+ fileSaveAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("&Save"));
+ fileSaveAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+S")));
+ fileSaveAsAction= TQt::Action(this, "fileSaveAsAction");
+ fileSaveAsAction->setText(trUtf8("Save As"));
+ fileSaveAsAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("Save &As..."));
+ fileSaveAsAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+A")));
+ filePrintAction= TQt::Action(this, "filePrintAction");
+ filePrintAction->setIconSet(TQt::IconSet($image3));
+ filePrintAction->setText(trUtf8("Print"));
+ filePrintAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("&Print..."));
+ filePrintAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+P")));
+ fileExitAction= TQt::Action(this, "fileExitAction");
+ fileExitAction->setText(trUtf8("Exit"));
+ fileExitAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("E&xit"));
+ fileExitAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+E")));
+ helpExampleAction= TQt::Action(this, "helpExampleAction");
+ helpExampleAction->setText(trUtf8("Example"));
+ helpExampleAction->setMenuText(trUtf8("Examp&le"));
+ helpExampleAction->setAccel(KeySequence(trUtf8("Ctrl+L")));
+ toolBar = TQt::ToolBar("", this, DockTop());
+ toolBar->setLabel(trUtf8("Tools"));
+ fileOpenAction->addTo(toolBar);
+ fileSaveAction->addTo(toolBar);
+ filePrintAction->addTo(toolBar);
+ menubar= TQt::MenuBar( this, "menubar");
+ fileMenu= TQt::PopupMenu(this);
+# fileNewAction->addTo(fileMenu);
+ fileOpenAction->addTo(fileMenu);
+ fileSaveAction->addTo(fileMenu);
+ fileSaveAsAction->addTo(fileMenu);
+ fileMenu->insertSeparator;
+ filePrintAction->addTo(fileMenu);
+ fileMenu->insertSeparator;
+ fileExitAction->addTo(fileMenu);
+ menubar->insertItem(trUtf8("&File"), fileMenu);
+ menubar->insertSeparator;
+ helpMenu= TQt::PopupMenu(this);
+ helpExampleAction->addTo(helpMenu);
+ menubar->insertItem(trUtf8("&Help"), helpMenu);
+# TQt::Object::connect(fileNewAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileNew()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileOpenAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileOpen()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileSaveAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileSave()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileSaveAsAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileSaveAs()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(filePrintAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "filePrint()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileExitAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileExit()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(helpExampleAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "helpExample()");
+ executedLines = [];
+#sub fileNew
+# print "Form1->fileNew(): Not implemented yet.\n";
+sub fileOpen
+ my $fn = TQt::FileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+ ".",
+ "Pqtsh Session (*.ptqts)",
+ this,
+ "open session",
+ "Choose a file to open" );
+ $fn or return;
+ emit fileNeedsEval($fn);
+sub getFileName
+ fileName = TQt::FileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+ ".",
+ "Pqtsh Session (*.ptqts)",
+ this,
+ "save session",
+ "Choose a filename" );
+ fileName !~ /\.ptqts$/ and fileName = fileName . ".ptqts";
+ return fileName;
+sub save
+ my $fn = shift;
+ open( OUT, ">$fn") or do {
+ TQt::MessageBox::critical(
+ this,
+ "Error" ,
+ "Couldn't open $fn for writing: $!",
+ &TQt::MessageBox::Ok,
+ &TQt::MessageBox::NoButton );
+ return
+ };
+ for (@{ &executedLines })
+ {
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ chomp;
+ $_ .= ";" unless /;\s*$/;
+ print OUT $_, "\n"
+ }
+ close OUT
+sub fileSave
+ emptySession() and return;
+ my $fn = fileName || getFileName();
+ $fn or return;
+ save($fn)
+sub fileSaveAs
+ emptySession() and return;
+ my $fn;
+ my ($cond, $doit);
+ {
+ $fn = getFileName();
+ $fn or return;
+ if( -e $fn )
+ {
+ $cond++;
+ $doit = TQt::MessageBox::warning(
+ this,
+ "Warning" ,
+ "File exists, overwrite ?",
+ &TQt::MessageBox::Yes,
+ &TQt::MessageBox::No );
+ }
+ else
+ { $cond = 0 }
+ }
+ goto AGAIN if $cond and $doit == &TQt::MessageBox::No;
+ save($fn)
+sub filePrint
+ my $Margin = 10;
+ my $pageNo = 1;
+ emptySession() and return;
+ printer = TQt::Printer unless printer;
+ if ( printer->setup(this) ) {
+ statusBar()->message( "Printing..." );
+ my $p = TQt::Painter;
+ if( !$p->begin( printer ) )
+ {
+ statusBar()->message( "An error occured..." );
+ return
+ }
+ $p->setFont( sessionLog->font() );
+ my $yPos = 0;
+ my $fm = $p->fontMetrics;
+ my $metrics = TQt::PaintDeviceMetrics( printer );
+ for( my $i = 0 ; $i < @{ &executedLines } ; $i++ ) {
+ if ( $Margin + $yPos > $metrics->height() - $Margin ) {
+ my $msg ="Printing (page ". ++$pageNo . ")...";
+ statusBar()->message( $msg );
+ printer->newPage();
+ $yPos = 0;
+ }
+ $p->drawText( $Margin, $Margin + $yPos,
+ $metrics->width(), $fm->lineSpacing(),
+ &ExpandTabs | &DontClip,
+ ${ &executedLines }[ $i ] );
+ $yPos = $yPos + $fm->lineSpacing();
+ }
+ $p->end();
+ statusBar()->message( "Printing completed", 3000 );
+ } else {
+ statusBar()->message( "Printing aborted", 3000 );
+ }
+sub fileExit
+ emit TQt::app()->quit() if confirmExit();
+sub closeEvent
+ my $e = shift;
+ if(confirmExit())
+ {
+ $e->accept
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $e->ignore
+ }
+sub confirmExit
+ my $doit;
+ if(@{ &executedLines })
+ {
+ $doit = TQt::MessageBox::warning(
+ this,
+ "Warning" ,
+ "A session is opened, quit anyway ?",
+ &TQt::MessageBox::Yes,
+ &TQt::MessageBox::No );
+ }
+ else
+ { return 1 }
+ return (($doit == &TQt::MessageBox::No) ? 0 : 1);
+sub emptySession
+ unless (@{ &executedLines })
+ {
+ statusBar()->message("Session is empty...", 3000);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ 0
+sub helpExample
+ emit fileNeedsEval("__DATA__")
+package TQtShell;
+use TQt;
+use TQt::isa qw(TQt::MainWindow);
+use TQt::slots
+ evalInput=>[],
+ evalFile=>[TQString];
+use TQt::attributes qw(
+ shellWindow
+use TQtShellControl;
+sub NEW
+ shift->SUPER::NEW(@_);
+ shellWindow = TQtShellControl(undef, "shellWindow");
+ this->resize(350,350);
+ this->move(Point(10,10));
+ shellWindow->move(Point(300,200));
+ this->show;
+ shellWindow->show;
+ this->connect(shellWindow->comboBox->lineEdit, TQT_SIGNAL 'returnPressed()', TQT_SLOT 'evalInput()');
+ this->{'prompt'} = '<b><font color="blue">$&gt;</font></b>';
+ setCaption("MainWindow - this");
+ shellWindow->sessionLog->setText("Ready.<br>");
+ TQt::Object::connect(shellWindow, TQT_SIGNAL 'fileNeedsEval(TQString)', this, TQT_SLOT 'evalFile(TQString)');
+sub logAppend
+ shellWindow->sessionLog->setText( shellWindow->sessionLog->text . shift )
+sub evalInput
+ evalOneLine( shellWindow->comboBox->currentText );
+sub evalOneLine
+ my $prot = my $ln = shift;
+ $prot =~ s/</&lt;/gs;
+ $prot =~ s/>/&gt;/gs;
+ logAppend( this->{'prompt'}. "$prot<br>" );
+ {
+ no strict;
+ eval $ln;
+ }
+ if($@)
+ {
+ my $prot = $@ ;
+ $prot =~ s/</&lt;/gs;
+ $prot =~ s/>/&gt;/gs;
+ my $c = shellWindow->sessionLog->color;
+ $prot =~ s/\n/<br>/gs;
+ logAppend('<font color="red">'.$prot.'</font><br>');
+ shellWindow->sessionLog->setColor( $c );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @{ shellWindow()->{'executedLines'} }, $ln;
+ shellWindow->comboBox->clearEdit;
+ shellWindow->comboBox->setFocus;
+ }
+ shellWindow->sessionLog->scrollToBottom
+sub evalFile
+ my $fn = shift;
+ my $fh;
+ if($fn eq "__DATA__")
+ {
+ $fh = \*::DATA
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ open($fh, $fn) or do {
+ TQt::MessageBox::warning (
+ this,
+ "Error" ,
+ "Couldn't open $fn: $!",
+ &TQt::MessageBox::Ok,
+ &TQt::MessageBox::NoButton );
+ return
+ };
+ }
+ while(<$fh>)
+ {
+ evalOneLine($_)
+ }
+ close $fh
+package TQt::TextHandle;
+sub TIEHANDLE { my ( $classnm, $widg, $color) = @_;
+ my $h = { widg => $widg, color => $color};
+ bless $h, $classnm;
+sub PRINT {
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $color = $me->{color};
+ my $printed = join $/, @_;
+ $printed =~ s/</&lt;/gs;
+ $printed =~ s/>/&gt;/gs;
+ $printed =~ s/\n/<br>/gs;
+ $me->{widg}->setText( $me->{widg}->text . "<font color=\"$color\">$printed</font>" );
+sub PRINTF { shift->PRINT(sprintf shift, @_); }
+sub CLOSE { shift->UNTIE; }
+sub UNTIE { }
+package main;
+use strict;
+use TQt;
+use TQtShell;
+use TQt::debug;
+my $app = TQt::Application(\@ARGV);
+my $w = TQtShell(undef, "mainWindow");
+my $shw = $w->shellWindow;
+tie *STDOUT, 'TQt::TextHandle', $shw->sessionLog, 'black';
+tie *STDERR, 'TQt::TextHandle', $shw->sessionLog, 'red';
+exit $app->exec;
+statusBar()->message("Hello World !");
+use TQt::attributes qw|datetime button textedit sample vbox| ;
+vbox = VBox(this);
+datetime = DateTimeEdit(vbox);
+textedit = TQt::TextEdit(vbox);
+button = PushButton("Hello World!", vbox) ;
+sample = TQt::PopupMenu( this );
+use TQt::slots 'there' => [];
+sample->insertItem("&There", this, TQT_SLOT 'there()');
+menuBar()->insertItem("&Here", sample);
+sub there { statusBar()->message("There...", 2000) };