; list p=16f871 ; list directive to define processor #include <p16f871.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _BODEN_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _XT_OSC & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF ;__CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _EXTRC_CLKOUT ;********************************************************************** M_SAVE_STATE macro mov wf w_saved movfw STATUS movwf status_saved endm M_RESTORE_STATE macro movfw status_saved movwf STATUS swapf w_saved,f swapf w_saved,w endm BANK0 = 0x0 BANK1 = 0x80 BANK2 = 0x100 BANK3 = 0x180 ;********************************************************************** INT_VAR UDATA_SHR w_saved RES 1 ; variable used for context saving status_saved RES 1 ; variable used for context saving TEMP_VAR UDATA_SHR count RES 1 count2 RES 1 ledA RES 1 ledC RES 1 ledB RES 1 ;********************************************************************** STARTUP CODE 0x000 ; processor reset vector nop ; for debugger movlw high start ; load upper byte of 'start' label movwf PCLATH ; initialize PCLATH goto start ; go to beginning of program ;********************************************************************** INT_VECTOR CODE 0x004 ; interrupt vector location goto interrupt ;********************************************************************** PROG1 CODE interrupt M_SAVE_STATE M_SAVE_STATE ; try using twice a macro ; increment duty cycle ; btfss CCP1CON ^ BANK0,4 ; goto duty_cycle_inc_bit0 ; bcf CCP1CON ^ BANK0,4 ; btfss CCP1CON ^ BANK0,5 ; goto duty_cycle_inc_bit1 ; bcf CCP1CON ^ BANK0,5 ; incfsz CCPR1L ^ BANK0,f ; goto update_duty_cycle_done ;duty_cycle_inc_bit0 ; bsf CCP1CON ^ BANK0,4 ; goto update_duty_cycle_done ;duty_cycle_inc_bit1 ; bsf CCP1CON ^ BANK0,5 ;update_duty_cycle_done ; increment count decfsz count,1 goto done movlw .10 movwf count ; blink and output movfw ledB xorlw B'00001111' movwf ledB movwf PORTB done bcf INTCON,2 ; reset TMR0 interrupt flag M_RESTORE_STATE retfie ; return from interrupt ;********************************************************************** start ; initialize microchip clrf TMR0 ^ BANK0 clrf INTCON ^ BANK0 ; clrf PORTA ^ BANK0 clrf PORTB ^ BANK0 ; clrf PORTC ^ BANK0 ; clrf PORTD ^ BANK0 ; clrf PORTE ^ BANK0 banksel TRISA ; bank 1 ; clrf TRISA ^ BANK1 ; all outputs clrf TRISB ^ BANK1 ; all outputs ; clrf TRISC ^ BANK1 ; all outputs ; clrf TRISD ^ BANK1 ; all outputs ; clrf TRISE ^ BANK1 ; all outputs movlw B'11010101' ; set prescaler to 64 movwf OPTION_REG ^ BANK1 ; and start TMR0 (internal source clock) ; movlw B'00000110' ; set PORTA and PORTE to be all digital ; movwf ADCON1 ^ BANK1 banksel INTCON ; back to bank 0 bsf INTCON,T0IE ; enable TMR0 interrupt bsf INTCON,GIE ; enable all interrupts ; initialize PWM ; CLRF CCP1CON ^ BANK0 ; disable CCP module ; CLRF TMR2 ^ BANK0 ; clear Timer2 (also set the pre-scaler to 1) ; MOVLW .1 ; MOVWF CCPR1L ^ BANK0 ; set duty cycle = (CCPR1L+1)/(PR2+1) [25% for (31+1)/(127+1)] ; banksel PR2 ; select bank 1 ; MOVLW .255 ; MOVWF PR2 ^ BANK1 ; set period = Fosc/4/pre-scaler/(PR2+1) ; BCF TRISC ^ BANK1,2 ; set CCP1 pin as output ; banksel PIR1 ; back to bank 0 ; MOVLW B'001100' ; MOVWF CCP1CON ^ BANK0 ; set PWM mode (the 2 LSBs of the duty cycle are set to '00') ; BSF T2CON ^ BANK0,TMR2ON ; Timer2 starts to increment ; The CCP1 interrupt is disabled, ; do polling on the TMR2 Interrupt flag bit ;PWM_Period_Match ; BTFSS PIR1, TMR2IF ; GOTO PWM_Period_Match ; Update this PWM period and the following PWM Duty cycle ; BCF PIR1, TMR2IF ; initialize variables movlw B00000101' movwf ledB movlw .10 movwf count ; loop forever goto $ ;********************************************************************** END