1. HEX FILES (10F200 12C508A 16F877 17C42A 18F452 30F2010):
  - for each devices with hex file from "dummy_hex_32" directory:
    * load with correct device type: display should be as described in "dummy_hex.txt"
    * save with same hex format: check the file is the same
    * optionnally: load with incorrect device type: should not crash (may warn about incorrect memory ranges)

  - load "test_asm_standalone.asm" and compile

  - load project "test_project" and compile
  - save/create new: #### TODO

3. GUI + COMMAND-LINE PROGRAMMING (serial + USB ICD2 with 16F871 and 18F452):
  - for each available devices with hex file from "test_hex_32" directory:
      * connect: check correct ids are detected
      * blank: should be ok
      * blank_check: should be ok
      * load hex file
      * verify: should fail
      * program: should be ok
      * verify: should be ok (should warn if some blocks are protected)
      * blank_check: should fail
      * release reset: should run program
      * hold reset: should stop program
      * read: should be ok
      * verify: should be ok