path: root/test/test.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2021-11-23 00:11:22 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2021-11-23 00:11:22 +0900
commit26fc60d30352bb3bbf00f8a392bbc695ff8cf29f (patch)
treeebfaffc782da646c5ca5a5547121aeb05b68cdac /test/test.cpp
parent652c2aea23bd9dea082f5de2c0babe1728ac608f (diff)
Removed original test folder and add more manual tests.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/test/test.cpp b/test/test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 62a3ecbfa..000000000
--- a/test/test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-#include "test.h"
-#include "core/polkittqt1-authority.h"
-#include "agent/polkittqt1-agent-session.h"
-#include "core/polkittqt1-details.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <TQtDBus/TQDBusMessage>
-#include <TQtDBus/TQDBusConnection>
-using namespace PolkitTQt;
-using namespace PolkitTQt::Agent;
-void wait()
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- usleep(100);
- TQCoreApplication::processEvents();
- }
-void TestAuth::test_Auth_checkAuthorization()
- // This needs the file org.tqt.policykit.examples.policy from examples to be installed
- UnixProcessSubject process(TQCoreApplication::applicationPid());
- Authority::Result result;
- // Check if this method returns good authorization results
- Authority *authority = Authority::instance();
- result = authority->checkAuthorizationSync("org.tqt.policykit.examples.kick", process, Authority::None);
- TQCOMPARE(result, Authority::No);
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- result = authority->checkAuthorizationSync("org.tqt.policykit.examples.cry", process, Authority::None);
- TQCOMPARE(result, Authority::Yes);
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- result = authority->checkAuthorizationSync("org.tqt.policykit.examples.bleed", process, Authority::None);
- TQCOMPARE(result, Authority::Challenge);
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- // Now we try async methods
- TQSignalSpy spy(authority, SIGNAL(checkAuthorizationFinished(PolkitTQt::Authority::Result)));
- // Call asynchronous checkAuthorization
- authority->checkAuthorization("org.tqt.policykit.examples.kick", process, Authority::None);
- // Give the polkit time to obtain the result and emit the signal with it
- wait();
- // Test if the signal was emitted
- TQCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
- // Test the result
- result = qVariantValue<PolkitTQt::Authority::Result> (spy.takeFirst()[0]);
- TQCOMPARE(result, Authority::No);
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- spy.clear();
- // Let's test the cancellability
- authority->checkAuthorization("org.tqt.policykit.examples.kick", process, Authority::None);
- authority->checkAuthorizationCancel();
- // Wait and check if the signal arrieved
- wait();
- TQCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0);
- // Check if it can cancel user authentication dialog
- authority->checkAuthorization("org.tqt.policykit.examples.bleed", process, Authority::AllowUserInteraction);
- // Show it for second
- sleep(1);
- // And now kill it
- authority->checkAuthorizationCancel();
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- // But how to test if it was successful?
- tqWarning() << "You should see an authentication dialog for a short period.";
-void TestAuth::test_Auth_enumerateActions()
- // This needs the file org.tqt.policykit.examples.policy from examples to be installed
- ActionDescription::List list = Authority::instance()->enumerateActionsSync();
- TQVERIFY(!Authority::instance()->hasError());
- // Check whether enumerateAction returns at least example actions
- int count = 0;
- Q_FOREACH(const ActionDescription &ad, list) {
- if ((ad.actionId() == "org.tqt.policykit.examples.kick") ||
- (ad.actionId() == "org.tqt.policykit.examples.cry") ||
- (ad.actionId() == "org.tqt.policykit.examples.bleed"))
- count++;
- }
- TQCOMPARE(count, 3);
- // Test asynchronous version as well
- list.clear();
- count = 0;
- TQSignalSpy spy(Authority::instance(), SIGNAL(enumerateActionsFinished(PolkitTQt::ActionDescription::List)));
- Authority::instance()->enumerateActions();
- wait();
- TQCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
- list = qVariantValue<PolkitTQt::ActionDescription::List> (spy.takeFirst()[0]);
- TQVERIFY(!Authority::instance()->hasError());
- Q_FOREACH(const ActionDescription &ad, list) {
- if ((ad.actionId() == "org.tqt.policykit.examples.kick") ||
- (ad.actionId() == "org.tqt.policykit.examples.cry") ||
- (ad.actionId() == "org.tqt.policykit.examples.bleed"))
- count++;
- }
- TQCOMPARE(count, 3);
- // Test cancelling the enumeration
- spy.clear();
- Authority::instance()->enumerateActions();
- Authority::instance()->enumerateActionsCancel();
- wait();
- TQCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0);
- TQVERIFY(!Authority::instance()->hasError());
-void TestAuth::test_Identity()
- // Get real name and id of current user and group
- struct passwd *userinfo = getpwuid(getuid());
- TQString userName = userinfo->pw_name;
- unsigned int userId = userinfo->pw_uid;
- unsigned int groupId = userinfo->pw_gid;
- // Try to create UnixUser from username
- UnixUserIdentity user(userName);
- TQVERIFY(user.identity());
- // Create generic Identity from UnixUser via string representation
- Identity id = Identity::fromString(user.toString());
- // Compare obtained uid with real uid
- TQCOMPARE(id.toUnixUserIdentity().uid(), userId);
- // Create generic Identity from UnixGroup via string representation
- UnixGroupIdentity group(groupId);
- TQVERIFY(group.identity());
- id = Identity::fromString(group.toString());
- TQCOMPARE(id.toUnixGroupIdentity().gid(), groupId);
- // Test setting gid to another value
- group.setGid(9999U);
- id = Identity::fromString(group.toString());
- TQCOMPARE(id.toUnixGroupIdentity().gid(), 9999U);
-void TestAuth::test_Authority()
- Authority *authority = Authority::instance();
- TQVERIFY(authority);
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- // Verify emiting of the signals
- TQSignalSpy spy(authority, SIGNAL(consoleKitDBChanged()));
- TQDBusMessage msg = TQDBusMessage::createMethodCall("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit",
- "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager",
- "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager",
- "OpenSession");
- TQDBusMessage reply = TQDBusConnection::systemBus().call(msg);
- TQString cookie;
- cookie = qVariantValue<TQString> (reply.arguments()[0]);
- msg = TQDBusMessage::createMethodCall("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit",
- "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager",
- "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager",
- "CloseSession");
- msg.setArguments(TQList<TQVariant> () << cookie);
- TQDBusConnection::systemBus().call(msg);
- // FIXME: Emitting consoleKitDBChanged is not working now
- tqWarning() << "Emitting consoleKitDBChanged is not working now, test will be skipped";
- //TQVERIFY(spy.count() > 0);
- TQVERIFY(!authority->hasError());
- // configChanged signal from authority requires changing some policy files
- // and it would require user interaction (typing the password)
- // so this is not covered by this test
-void TestAuth::test_Subject()
- // Get pid of this appication
- TQ_LONG pid = TQCoreApplication::applicationPid();
- // Create unix process for it
- UnixProcessSubject *process = new UnixProcessSubject(pid);
- // Test if pid doesn't differ
- TQCOMPARE(process->pid(), pid);
- // Serialize and deserialize subject
- //Subject *subject = Subject::fromString(process->toString());
- // and try it
- //TQCOMPARE(((UnixProcess *) subject)->pid(), pid);
- delete process;
-void TestAuth::test_Session()
- /*
- UnixUser user(getuid());
- Session *session = new Session(&user, "/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2");
- TQSignalSpy spy_completed(session, SIGNAL(completed(bool)));
- TQSignalSpy spy_request(session, SIGNAL(request(TQString,bool)));
- TQSignalSpy spy_error(session, SIGNAL(showError(TQString)));
- TQSignalSpy spy_info(session, SIGNAL(showInfo(TQString)));
- session->initiate();
- session->response("aaa");
- // Canceling should emit the "completed" signal
- session->cancel();
- TQCOMPARE(spy_completed.count(), 1);
- //UnixProcess *process = new UnixProcess(TQCoreApplication::applicationPid());
- //Authority::instance()->checkAuthorization("org.tqt.policykit.examples.kick", process, Authority::None);
- tqDebug() << "COMPLETED:" << spy_completed.count();
- tqDebug() << "REQUEST:" << spy_request.count();
- tqDebug() << "ERROR:" << spy_error.count();
- tqDebug() << "INFO:" << spy_info.count();
- */
-void TestAuth::test_Details()
- Details details;
- details.insert("1", "aaa");
- details.insert("2", "bbb");
- details.insert("3", "ccc");
- details.insert("4", "ddd");
- TQCOMPARE(details.lookup("1"), TQString("aaa"));
- TQCOMPARE(details.lookup("2"), TQString("bbb"));
- TQCOMPARE(details.lookup("3"), TQString("ccc"));
- TQCOMPARE(details.lookup("4"), TQString("ddd"));
- TQList<TQString> list = details.keys();
- TQVERIFY(list.contains("1"));
- TQVERIFY(list.contains("2"));
- TQVERIFY(list.contains("3"));
- TQVERIFY(list.contains("4"));