<!-- Originally Copyright (c) 2000 Federico David Sacerdoti <tech@slinuxmachines.com> Modifications/Extensions by Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org> This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers: PUBLIC "-//KDE Project//KPartGUI DTD//EN" SYSTEM "kpartgui.dtd" This DTD should be included at the head of an xmlguibuilder XML file like this: <!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM "kpartgui.dtd"> --> <!--The root element that must enclose all other tags in the document. --> <!ELEMENT kpartgui ((ActionProperties | MenuBar | ToolBar | Merge | DefineGroup | MainWindow | StatusBar | Menu)*)> <!ATTLIST kpartgui name CDATA #REQUIRED version CDATA #REQUIRED library CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Allows standard actions to be customized --> <!ELEMENT ActionProperties (Action+)> <!-- A menu bar --> <!ELEMENT MenuBar ((Menu | Separator | Action | ActionList | Merge | DefineGroup )*)> <!ATTLIST MenuBar name CDATA #IMPLIED group CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- A tool bar -- Attributes: name: a unique name for the toolbar, use mainToolBar for the main one -- fullWidth: if true (default), the toolbar extends to the full width of the window -- position: the position of the toolbar in the window -- iconText: whether to show icon or text or both -- iconSize: the size of the icons (0 for default, or usually 22 or 32) -- index: the index in the toolbar dock (see TQMainWindow::moveToolBar) -- offset: the X offset in the toolbar dock (see TQMainWindow::moveToolBar) -- newline: if true, this toolbar will start a new line (i.e. under the ones before it). -- group: optional group name, for named merging (?) -- hidden: if true, the toolbar is initially hidden. There should be a menu entry for showing it. -- noEdit: if true, the toolbar won't appear in the toolbar editor --> <!ELEMENT ToolBar ((Action | Separator | ActionList | Merge | DefineGroup)*)> <!ATTLIST ToolBar name CDATA #REQUIRED fullWidth (true|false) "true" position (top|bottom|left|right) "top" iconText (icononly|textonly|icontextright|icontextbottom) #IMPLIED iconSize CDATA #IMPLIED index CDATA #IMPLIED offset CDATA #IMPLIED newline (true|false) "false" group CDATA #IMPLIED hidden (true|false) "false" noEdit (true|false) "false" > <!-- A Menu such as the "File" or "Edit" menu. Can be used to define popup menus as well. --> <!ELEMENT Menu (text?, (Action | ActionList | Separator | TearOffHandle | Merge | DefineGroup | Menu )*)> <!ATTLIST Menu name CDATA #REQUIRED group CDATA #IMPLIED icon CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Defines both Standard and app-specific actions. An action can appear in a menu, a toolbar or in a menubar . --> <!ELEMENT Action EMPTY> <!-- We defined only a few standard KAction properties here. Theoritically we can have any property here --> <!ATTLIST Action name CDATA #REQUIRED group CDATA #IMPLIED text CDATA #IMPLIED whatsThis CDATA #IMPLIED toolTip CDATA #IMPLIED shortText CDATA #IMPLIED icon CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Inserts a separator item into a menubar or toolbar --> <!ELEMENT Separator EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Separator lineSeparator (true|false) "false" group CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Inserts a tear-off handle into a menu --> <!ELEMENT TearOffHandle EMPTY> <!ATTLIST TearOffHandle group CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Used to name a menu, the first letter in is generally preceded by an '&' to specify the menu's shortcut key --> <!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA)> <!-- Specifies a dynamic list of actions, each of which can be changed by plugging/unplugging it --> <!ELEMENT ActionList EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ActionList name CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- Not explicitly defined or in widely used yet. --> <!ELEMENT MainWindow (ANY)> <!-- Not explicitly defined or in widely used yet. --> <!ELEMENT StatusBar (ANY)> <!-- Specifies the entry index for merging in a gui client --> <!ELEMENT Merge EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Merge name CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- Specifies a entry index for merging, similar to the Merge tag, but with a global scope and accessible via the group attribute of other tags --> <!ELEMENT DefineGroup EMPTY> <!ATTLIST DefineGroup name CDATA #REQUIRED >