#!/usr/bin/env python """ This is a rough Python translation of the ideas presented in this KMDI tutorial: http://web.tiscali.it/andreabergia/kmditutorial.html What does work: IDEAlMode - yay! Adding and closing child views Two-way syncing between a tool widget and a matching child view All is not rosy, however: Instances of the KmdiExample maintain a dictionary of child views. Values cannot be deleted from this dictionary during a window close (causes an immediate segfault). Child views created after initialization aren't numbered correctly; given the first problem, it's harder to do this than it's really worth. The example segfaults at shutdown if the tool (on the left) is is open but is not in overlap-mode. """ import os import sys from qt import SIGNAL, TQVBoxLayout, TQLabel from tdecore import i18n, TDEAboutData, TDEApplication, TDEGlobal, KIcon, TDECmdLineArgs from tdeui import KDockWidget, KListBox, KStdAction try: from kmdi import KMdi, KMdiMainFrm, KMdiChildView except (ImportError, ): print 'Exception importing KMDI; check your PyKDE installation' sys.exit(1) sigChildCloseRequest = SIGNAL('childWindowCloseRequest(KMdiChildView *)') sigChildViewActivated = SIGNAL('viewActivated(KMdiChildView *)') sigBoxSelectionChanged = SIGNAL('selectionChanged(TQListBoxItem *)') def getIcon(name, group=KIcon.NoGroup, size=KIcon.SizeSmall): """ returns a kde icon by name """ return TDEGlobal.instance().iconLoader().loadIcon(name, group, size) class KmdiExample(KMdiMainFrm): """ KmdiExample(parent=None) -> an example KMdiMainFrm window """ uifilebase = 'uikmdi.rc' viewIcons = ('network', 'email', 'stop', 'back', 'forward', ) toolIcons = ('view_icon', 'configure') def __init__(self, parent=None): KMdiMainFrm.__init__(self, parent, 'KmdiExample', KMdi.IDEAlMode) xmlfile = os.path.join('.', self.uifilebase) self.setXMLFile(os.path.abspath(xmlfile)) actions = self.actionCollection() self.openNewAction = KStdAction.openNew(self.newView, actions) self.quitAction = KStdAction.quit(self.close, actions) self.closeAction = KStdAction.close(self.closeActiveChild, actions) self.createGUI(None) self.statusBar() self.resize(400, 300) self.tools = {} for idx, ico in enumerate(self.toolIcons): wid = KListBox(self, 'list%s' % idx) self.makeTool(wid, 'Tool %s' % idx, ico) ## smells self.mainToolWidget = maintool = self.tools['Tool 0'][0] self.childs = {} for idx, ico in enumerate(self.viewIcons): self.makeView('View %s' % idx, ico, ico) self.connect(self, sigChildViewActivated, self.activatedMessage) self.connect(self, sigChildViewActivated, self.syncFromChildView) self.connect(maintool, sigBoxSelectionChanged, self.syncFromMainTool) self.syncFromChildView(self.activeWindow()) def syncFromMainTool(self, item): """ activate the view that matches the item text """ try: self.activateView(self.findWindow(item.text())) except (RuntimeError, ): pass def syncFromChildView(self, child): """ sync the main tool to the indicated child """ maintool = self.mainToolWidget item = maintool.findItem(child.tabCaption()) if item: maintool.setSelected(item, True) def makeTool(self, widget, caption, icon, percent=50): """ makes a tool from the widget """ tip = i18n('%s Tool Tip' % caption) dock = KDockWidget.DockLeft maindock = self.getMainDockWidget() widget.setIcon(getIcon(icon)) tool = self.addToolWindow(widget, dock, maindock, percent, tip, caption) self.tools[caption] = (widget, tool) def makeView(self, label, icon, text): """ makes a child view with a text label and a pixmap label """ view = KMdiChildView(label, self) self.childs[label] = view view.setIcon(getIcon(icon)) layout = TQVBoxLayout(view) layout.setAutoAdd(True) lbl = i18n('Label for a view with an icon named %s' % text) lbl = TQLabel(lbl, view) pxm = TQLabel('', view) pxm.setPixmap(getIcon(icon, size=KIcon.SizeLarge)) self.addWindow(view) self.mainToolWidget.insertItem(label) self.connect(view, sigChildCloseRequest, self.closeChild) def removeMainToolItem(self, view): """ remove item from the main list tool that corresponds to the view """ maintool = self.mainToolWidget maintool.takeItem(maintool.findItem(view.tabCaption(), 0)) def newView(self): """ make a view when the user invokes the new action """ self.makeView('View %s' % len(self.childs), 'network', 'A Fresh View') self.syncFromChildView(self.activeWindow()) def closeActiveChild(self): """ close the current view """ self.removeMainToolItem(self.activeWindow()) self.closeActiveView() self.syncFromChildView(self.activeWindow()) def closeChild(self, which): """ called to close a view from its tab close button """ try: caption = which.tabCaption() except (AttributeError, ): ## probably None; bug in kmdi? return self.removeMainToolItem(which) which.close() self.statusBar().message(i18n('%s closed' % caption)) self.syncFromChildView(self.activeWindow()) def activatedMessage(self, view): """ updates the status bar with the caption of the current view """ try: self.statusBar().message(i18n('%s activated' % view.tabCaption())) except (RuntimeError, ): ## sometimes the status bar or the current object is already gone... pass if __name__ == '__main__': aname = 'PyKDE KMDI Sample' desc = 'A Simple PyKDE KMDI Sample' ver = '1.0' lic = TDEAboutData.License_GPL author = 'Troy Melhase' authormail = 'troy@gci.net' about = TDEAboutData(aname, aname, ver, desc, lic, '%s (c) 2004' % authormail) about.addAuthor(author, 'hi, mom!', authormail) about.addAuthor ('Jim Bublitz', 'For PyKDE', 'jbublitz@nwinternet.com') TDECmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, about) app = TDEApplication() mainWindow = KmdiExample() mainWindow.show() app.exec_loop()