#ifndef _KKEYSERVER_X11_H
#define _KKEYSERVER_X11_H

#include "kshortcut.h"
#include "kkeynative.h"

 * A collection of functions for the conversion of key presses and
 * their modifiers from the window system (X11) specific format
 * to the generic format and vice-versa.
namespace KKeyServer
	 * Supplement enum KKey::ModFlag
	 * @since 3.1
	enum ExtraModFlag { MODE_SWITCH = 0x2000 };
	struct CodeMod	{ int code, mod; };

	 * Represents a key symbol.
	 * @see KKey
	 * @see KKeyServer
	struct Sym
          /// the actual value of the symbol
		uint m_sym;

	  /// Creates a null symbol.
			{ m_sym = 0; }
	   * Creates asymbol with the given value.
	   * @param sym the value
		Sym( uint sym )
			{ m_sym = sym; }
	   * Creates a symbol from the given string description.
	   * @param s the description of the symbol
	   * @see toString()
		Sym( const TQString& s )
			{ init( s ); }

	   * Initializes the symbol with the given TQt key code.
	   * @param keyTQt the qt key code
	   * @return true if succesful, false otherwise
	   * @see TQt::Key
		bool initQt( int keyTQt );
	   * Initializes the key with the given string description.
	   * @param s the string description
	   * @return true if succesful, false otherwise
	   * @see toString()
		bool init( const TQString &s );

	   * Returns the qt key code of the symbol.
	   * @return the qt key code
		int qt() const;

	   * @internal
		TQString toStringInternal() const;

	   * Returns the string representation of the symbol.
	   * @return the string representation of the symbol
		TQString toString() const;

	   * Returns the mods that are required for this symbol as 
	   * ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag's. For example, Break requires a 
	   * Ctrl to be valid.
	   * @return the required @ref KKey::ModFlag's
	   * @see KKey::ModFlag
		uint getModsRequired() const;

	   * TODO: please find out what this method does and document it
		uint getSymVariation() const;

	   * Casts the symbol to its integer representation.
		operator uint() const { return m_sym; }
	   * Overloaded operator to convert ints to Sym.
		Sym& operator =( uint sym ) { m_sym = sym; return *this; }

		TQString toString( bool bUserSpace ) const;

		static void capitalizeKeyname( TQString& );

	 * Represents a key press.
	 * @see KKey
	struct Key
	  /// Code for native Keys in TQt
		enum { CODE_FOR_QT = 256 };

	  /// The code of the key
		uint m_code;

	  /// The modifiers of the key
		uint m_mod;

	  /// The symbol of the key
		uint m_sym;

	   * Initializes the key with a @ref KKey.
	   * @param key the key to get the data from
	   * @param bTQt true to take the TQt keycode, false
	   *            for the native key code
	   * @see TQt::Key
	   * @see KKeyNative
		bool init( const KKey& key, bool bTQt );

	   * Checks whether the key code is a native code.
	   * @return true if native code of the window system,
	   *         false if it is a TQt keycode
	   * @see TQt::Key
	   * @see KKeyNative
		bool isNative() const { return m_code != CODE_FOR_QT; }

	   * Returns the code of the key.
	   * @return the code of the key
		uint code() const { return m_code; }

	   * Returns the modifiers of the key.
	   * @return the modifiers of the key
		uint mod() const { return m_mod; }

	   * Returns the symbol of the key.
	   * @return the symbol of the key
		uint sym() const { return m_sym; }

	   * Returns the qt key code.
	   * @return the qt key code
		int keyCodeQt() const { return (int) m_sym; }

	   * Sets the qt key code.
	   * @param keyTQt the qt key code
		void setKeycodeQt( int keyTQt )
			{ m_code = CODE_FOR_QT; m_sym = keyTQt; }

	   * Initializes this key with a @ref KKeyNative.
	   * @return this key
		Key& operator =( const KKeyNative& key );

	 * Compares this key with the given Key object. Returns a 
	 * negative number if the given Key is larger, 0 if they 
	 * are equal and a positive number this Key is larger. The 
	 * returned value is the difference between the symbol, modifier
	 * or code, whatever is non-zero first.
	 * @param key the key to compare with this key
	 * @return a negative number if the given Key is larger, 0 if 
	 * they are equal and a positive number this Key is larger
		int compare( const Key& key ) const;

	 * Compares the symbol, modifiers and code of both keys.
	 * @see compare()
		bool operator ==( const Key& b ) const
			{ return compare( b ) == 0; }

	 * Compares the symbol, modifiers and code of both keys.
	 * @see compare()
		bool operator <( const Key& b ) const
			{ return compare( b ) < 0; }

	   * Converts this Key to a KKey.
	   * @return the KKey
		KKey key() const;

	 * TODO: please document this class
	struct Variations
		enum { MAX_VARIATIONS = 4 };

		Key m_rgkey[MAX_VARIATIONS];
		uint m_nVariations;

		Variations() { m_nVariations = 0; }

		void init( const KKey&, bool bTQt );
		uint count() const { return m_nVariations; }
		const Key& key( uint i ) const { return m_rgkey[i]; }

	/// TODO: please document
	bool initializeMods();

	 * Returns the equivalent X modifier mask of the given modifier flag.
	 * @param modFlag the generic flags to check
	 * @return the window system specific flags
	uint modX( KKey::ModFlag modFlag );

	 * Returns true if the current keyboard layout supports the Win key.
	 * Specifically, whether the Super or Meta keys are assigned to an X modifier.
	 * @return true if the keyboard has a Win key
	 * @see modXWin()
	bool keyboardHasWinKey();

	 * Returns the X11 Shift modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 Shift modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXShift();

	 * Returns the X11 Lock modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 Lock modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXLock();

	 * Returns the X11 Ctrl modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 Ctrl modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXCtrl();

	 * Returns the X11 Alt (Mod1) modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 Alt (Mod1) modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXAlt();

	 * Returns the X11 NumLock modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 NumLock modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXNumLock();

	 * Returns the X11 Win (Mod3) modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 Win (Mod3) modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see keyboardHasWinKey()
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXWin();

	 * Returns the X11 ScrollLock modifier mask/flag.
	 * @return the X11 ScrollLock modifier mask/flag.
	 * @see accelModMaskX()
	uint modXScrollLock();

	 * Returns bitwise OR'ed mask containing Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and
	 * Win (if available).
	 * @see modXShift()
	 * @see modXLock()
	 * @see modXCtrl()
	 * @see modXAlt()
	 * @see modXNumLock()
	 * @see modXWin()
	 * @see modXScrollLock()
	uint accelModMaskX();

	 * Extracts the symbol from the given TQt key and
	 * converts it to a symbol.
	 * @param keyTQt the qt key code
	 * @param sym if successful, the symbol will be written here
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see TQt::Key
	 * @see Sym
	bool keyQtToSym( int keyTQt, uint& sym );
	 * Extracts the modifiers from the given TQt key and
	 * converts them in a mask of ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers.
	 * @param keyTQt the qt key code
	 * @param mod if successful, the modifiers will be written here
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see TQt::Key
	bool keyQtToMod( int keyTQt, uint& mod );

	 * Converts the given symbol to a TQt key code.
	 * @param sym the symbol
	 * @param keyTQt if successful, the qt key code will be written here
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see TQt::Key
	 * @see Sym
	bool symToKeyQt( uint sym, int& keyTQt );

	 * Converts the mask of ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers to 
	 * a mask of ORed TQt key code modifiers.
	 * @param the mask of @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers
	 * @param the mask of TQt key code modifiers will be written here,
	 *        if successful
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see TQt::Key
	 * @see KKey
	bool modToModQt( uint mod, int& modTQt );

	 * Converts the mask of ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers to 
	 * a mask of ORed X11 modifiers.
	 * @param the mask of @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers
	 * @param the mask of X11 modifiers will be written here,
	 *        if successful
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see KKey
	bool modToModX( uint mod, uint& modX );

	 * Converts the mask of ORed X11 modifiers to 
	 * a mask of ORed TQt key code modifiers.
	 * @param the mask of X11 modifiers
	 * @param the mask of TQt key code modifiers will be written here
	 *        if successful
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see TQt::Key
	bool modXToModQt( uint modX, int& modTQt );

	 * Converts the mask of ORed X11 modifiers to 
	 * a mask of ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers.
	 * @param the mask of X11 modifiers
	 * @param the mask of @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers will be written here, 
	 *        if successful
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see KKey
	bool modXToMod( uint modX, uint& mod );

	 * Converts a X11 key code and a mask of ORed X11 modifiers
	 * into a X11 symbol.
	 * converts it to a symbol.
	 * @param codeX the X11 key code
	 * @param modX the mask of ORed X11 modifiers
	 * @param sym if successful, the X11 symbol will be written here
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @see TQt::Key
	 * @see Sym
	bool codeXToSym( uchar codeX, uint modX, uint& symX );

	 * @internal
	TQString modToStringInternal( uint mod );

	 * Converts the mask of ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers to a 
	 * user-readable string.
	 * @param mod the mask of ORed @ref KKey::ModFlag modifiers
	 * @return the user-readable string
	TQString modToStringUser( uint mod );

	 * @internal
	 * Unimplemented?
	bool stringToSymMod( const TQString&, uint& sym, uint& mod );

	 * @internal
	 * Unimplemented?
	void keyQtToKeyX( uint keyCombTQt, unsigned char *pKeyCodeX, uint *pKeySymX, uint *pKeyModX );

#endif // !_KKEYSERVER_X11_H