// // Copyright 2006 Jim Bublitz <jbublitz@nwinternet.com> // Earlier copyrights 1998 - 2005 Jim Bublitz and/or Phil Thompson // may also apply // Generated by preSip // module tdecore version KDE 3.5.3 // This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public // License along with this library; see the file COPYING. // If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class KLocale { %TypeHeaderCode #include <klocale.h> %End public: KLocale (const TQString&, KConfig* = 0); //ig KLocale (const KLocale&); TQString translate (const char*) const; TQString translate (const char*, const char*) const; TQString translate (const char*, const char*, ulong) const; bool setEncoding (int); bool setLanguage (const TQString&); bool setLanguage (const TQStringList&); bool setCountry (const TQString&); enum SignPosition { ParensAround, BeforeQuantityMoney, AfterQuantityMoney, BeforeMoney, AfterMoney }; TQString decimalSymbol () const; TQString thousandsSeparator () const; TQString currencySymbol () const; TQString monetaryDecimalSymbol () const; TQString monetaryThousandsSeparator () const; TQString positiveSign () const; TQString negativeSign () const; int fracDigits () const; bool positivePrefixCurrencySymbol () const; bool negativePrefixCurrencySymbol () const; SignPosition positiveMonetarySignPosition () const; SignPosition negativeMonetarySignPosition () const; TQString formatMoney (double, const TQString& = TQString ::null , int = -1) const; TQString formatNumber (double, int = -1) const; TQString formatNumber (const TQString&) const; %If ( KDE_3_5_0 - ) TQString formatNumber (const TQString&, bool, int) const; %End %If ( KDE_3_2_0 - ) TQString formatLong (long) const; %End %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) bool nounDeclension () const; %End TQString formatDate (const TQDate&, bool = 0) const; %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) bool dateMonthNamePossessive () const; %If ( KDE_3_3_0 - ) TQString formatTime (const TQTime&, bool, bool) const; %End %End TQString formatTime (const TQTime&, bool = 0) const; bool use12Clock () const; bool weekStartsMonday () const; %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) int weekStartDay () const; %End TQString monthName (int, bool = 0) const; %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) TQString monthNamePossessive (int, bool = 0) const; %End TQString weekDayName (int, bool = 0) const; %If ( KDE_3_2_0 - ) const KCalendarSystem* calendar () const; TQString calendarType () const; void setCalendar (const TQString&); %End TQString formatDateTime (const TQDateTime&, bool, bool = 0) const; double readMoney (const TQString&, bool* = 0) const; double readNumber (const TQString&, bool* = 0) const; TQDate readDate (const TQString&, bool* = 0) const; TQDate readDate (const TQString&, const TQString&, bool* = 0) const; %If ( KDE_3_2_0 - ) enum ReadDateFlags { NormalFormat, ShortFormat }; TQDate readDate (const TQString&, KLocale::ReadDateFlags, bool* = 0) const; %End TQTime readTime (const TQString&, bool* = 0) const; %If ( KDE_3_2_0 - ) enum ReadTimeFlags { WithSeconds, WithoutSeconds }; TQTime readTime (const TQString&, KLocale::ReadTimeFlags, bool* = 0) const; %End TQString language () const; TQString country () const; TQStringList languagesTwoAlpha () const; TQStringList languageList () const; const char* encoding () const; int encodingMib () const; TQTextCodec* codecForEncoding () const; %If ( KDE_3_2_0 - ) int fileEncodingMib () const; %End void setDateFormat (const TQString&); void setDateFormatShort (const TQString&); %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) void setDateMonthNamePossessive (bool); %End void setTimeFormat (const TQString&); void setWeekStartsMonday (bool); %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) void setWeekStartDay (int); %End TQString dateFormat () const; TQString dateFormatShort () const; TQString timeFormat () const; void setDecimalSymbol (const TQString&); void setThousandsSeparator (const TQString&); void setPositiveSign (const TQString&); void setNegativeSign (const TQString&); void setPositiveMonetarySignPosition (KLocale::SignPosition); void setNegativeMonetarySignPosition (KLocale::SignPosition); void setPositivePrefixCurrencySymbol (bool); void setNegativePrefixCurrencySymbol (bool); void setFracDigits (int); void setMonetaryThousandsSeparator (const TQString&); void setMonetaryDecimalSymbol (const TQString&); void setCurrencySymbol (const TQString&); int pageSize () const; void setPageSize (int); enum MeasureSystem { Metric, Imperial }; KLocale::MeasureSystem measureSystem () const; void setMeasureSystem (KLocale::MeasureSystem); void insertCatalogue (const TQString&); void removeCatalogue (const TQString&); void setActiveCatalogue (const TQString&); TQString translateTQt (const char*, const char*, const char*) const; %If ( KDE_3_1_0 - ) TQStringList allLanguagesTwoAlpha () const; TQString twoAlphaToLanguageName (const TQString&) const; TQStringList allCountriesTwoAlpha () const; TQString twoAlphaToCountryName (const TQString&) const; %End static void splitLocale (const TQString&, TQString&, TQString&, TQString&); static void setMainCatalogue (const char*); static TQString langLookup (const TQString&, const char* = "html"); static TQString defaultLanguage (); static TQString defaultCountry (); %If ( KDE_3_0_1 - ) static TQString _initLanguage (KConfigBase*); %End TQString formatMoney (const TQString&) const; TQString languages () const; //ig bool setCharset (const TQString&); //ig TQString charset () const; protected: //ig static void initInstance (); //force private: KLocale (const KLocale&); //end }; // class KLocale %ModuleCode #include <klocale.h> %End TQString i18n (const char*); TQString i18n (const char*, const char*); TQString i18n (const char*, const char*, ulong);