path: root/examples3/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples3/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/examples3/ b/examples3/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3ebdd12..0000000
--- a/examples3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#** $Id: 3.3.7 edited Aug 31 2005 $
-#** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
-#** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
-#** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
-#** Converted to PyTQt3 by Hans-Peter Jansen <[email protected]>
-import sys
-from python_tqt.qt import *
-from random import randint
-class AnimatedThingy(TQLabel):
- def __init__(self, parent, s):
- TQLabel.__init__(self, parent)
- self.label = TQString(s)
- self.setEraseColor(TQt.white)
- self.label.append("\n... and wasting CPU\nwith this animation!\n")
- self.step = 0
- self.nqix = 10
- self.stepoff = 2
- self.stepmax = 7
- self.lwidth = 2
- self.tdelay = 100
- self.ox, self.oy = [], []
- for i in range(self.nqix):
- self.ox.append((0, 0))
- self.oy.append((0, 0))
- self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1 = 0, 0, 0, 0
- self.dx0 = randint(0, self.stepmax) + self.stepoff
- self.dy0 = randint(0, self.stepmax) + self.stepoff
- self.dx1 = randint(0, self.stepmax) + self.stepoff
- self.dy1 = randint(0, self.stepmax) + self.stepoff
- def show(self):
- if not self.isVisible():
- self.startTimer(self.tdelay)
- def hide(self):
- TQWidget.hide(self)
- self.killTimers()
- def sizeHint(self):
- return TQSize(120, 100)
- def timerEvent(self, e):
- p, pn = self._painter()
- pn.setColor(self.eraseColor())
- p.setPen(pn)
- self.step = step = (self.step + 1) % self.nqix
- # erase line
- p.drawLine(self.ox[step][0], self.oy[step][0],
- self.ox[step][1], self.oy[step][1])
- # calc new line coordinates
- ww, wh = self.width(), self.height()
- self.x0, self.dx0 = self._inc(self.x0, self.dx0, ww)
- self.y0, self.dy0 = self._inc(self.y0, self.dy0, wh)
- self.x1, self.dx1 = self._inc(self.x1, self.dx1, ww)
- self.y1, self.dy1 = self._inc(self.y1, self.dy1, wh)
- self.ox[step] = (self.x0, self.x1)
- self.oy[step] = (self.y0, self.y1)
- self._drawqix(p, pn, step)
- self._drawtxt(p)
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- p, pn = self._painter()
- p.setClipRect(event.rect())
- for i in range(self.nqix):
- self._drawqix(p, pn, i)
- self._drawtxt(p)
- def _painter(self):
- p = TQPainter(self)
- # we need to create a new pen from p.pen() with TQPen() in order
- # to make it fully functional (changes are discarded otherwise)
- pn = TQPen(p.pen())
- pn.setWidth(self.lwidth)
- p.setPen(pn)
- return p, pn
- def _drawqix(self, p, pn, step):
- # rainbow effect
- pn.setColor(TQColor(int((step * 255)/self.nqix), 255, 255, TQColor.Hsv))
- p.setPen(pn)
- p.drawLine(self.ox[step][0], self.oy[step][0],
- self.ox[step][1], self.oy[step][1])
- def _drawtxt(self, p):
- p.setPen(self.colorGroup().text())
- p.drawText(self.rect(), TQt.AlignCenter, self.label)
- def _inc(self, x, dx, b):
- x += dx
- if x < 0:
- x = 0
- dx = randint(0, self.stepmax) + self.stepoff;
- elif x >= b:
- x = b - 1
- dx = -(randint(0, self.stepmax) + self.stepoff)
- return x, dx
-class CPUWaster(TQWidget):
- def __init__(self):
- TQWidget.__init__(self)
- self.first_draw_item = 1000
- self.last_draw_item = 1006
- self.rects = 0
- self.timer_driven = 0
- self.default_label = 0
- self.got_stop = False
- self.pb = None # non modal progress dialog
- self.menubar = menubar = TQMenuBar(self, "menu")
- self.file_ = file_ = TQPopupMenu()
- menubar.insertItem("&File", file_)
- for i in range(self.first_draw_item, self.last_draw_item + 1):
- file_.insertItem(self.drawItemText(i), i)
- file_.setAccel(TQKeySequence(
- "Ctrl+%s" % (i - self.first_draw_item)), i)
- self.connect(menubar, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.doMenuItem)
- file_.insertSeparator()
- file_.insertItem("Quit", tqApp, SLOT("quit()"), TQKeySequence("Ctrl+Q"))
- self.options = options = TQPopupMenu()
- menubar.insertItem("&Options", options)
- self.ld_id = options.insertItem("Loop driven", self.loopDriven,
- TQKeySequence("Alt+L"))
- self.td_id = options.insertItem("Timer driven", self.timerDriven,
- TQKeySequence("Alt+T"))
- options.insertSeparator()
- self.dl_id = options.insertItem("Default label", self.defaultLabel,
- TQKeySequence("Alt+D"))
- self.cl_id = options.insertItem("Custom label", self.customLabel,
- TQKeySequence("Alt+C"))
- options.insertSeparator()
- self.md_id = options.insertItem("No minimum duration",
- self.toggleMinimumDuration,
- TQKeySequence("Alt+M"))
- options.setCheckable(True)
- # default option settings
- self.timerDriven()
- self.customLabel()
- self.toggleMinimumDuration()
- self.resize(400, 300)
- self.setEraseColor(
- def drawItemRects(self, id_):
- r = 100
- for n in range(id_ - self.first_draw_item):
- if not n % 3:
- r *= 4
- else:
- r *= 5
- return r
- def drawItemText(self, id_):
- return TQString("%d Rectangles" % self.drawItemRects(id_))
- def enableDrawingItems(self, yes):
- for i in range(self.first_draw_item, self.last_draw_item + 1):
- self.menubar.setItemEnabled(i, yes)
- # slots
- def doMenuItem(self, id_):
- if id_ >= self.first_draw_item and id_ <= self.last_draw_item:
- self.draw(self.drawItemRects(id_))
- def timerDriven(self):
- self.timer_driven = True
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.td_id, True)
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.ld_id, False)
- def loopDriven(self):
- self.timer_driven = False
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.ld_id, True)
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.td_id, False)
- def defaultLabel(self):
- self.default_label = True
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.dl_id, True)
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.cl_id, False)
- def customLabel(self):
- self.default_label = False
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.dl_id, False)
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.cl_id, True)
- def toggleMinimumDuration(self):
- self.options.setItemChecked(self.md_id,
- not self.options.isItemChecked(self.md_id))
- def stopDrawing(self):
- self.got_stop = True
- def newProgressDialog(self, label, steps, modal):
- d = TQProgressDialog(label, "Cancel", steps, self, "progress", modal)
- if self.options.isItemChecked(self.md_id):
- d.setMinimumDuration(0)
- if not self.default_label:
- d.setLabel(AnimatedThingy(d, label))
- d.setCaption("Please Wait")
- return d
- def draw(self, n):
- if self.timer_driven:
- if self.pb:
- tqWarning("This cannot happen!")
- return
- self.rects = n
- self.pb = self.newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\n"
- "Using timer event.", n, False)
- self.connect(self.pb, SIGNAL("cancelled()"), self.stopDrawing)
- self.enableDrawingItems(False)
- self.startTimer(0)
- self.got_stop = False
- else: # loop driven with modal progress dialog
- lpb = self.newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\n"
- "Using loop.", n, True)
- p = TQPainter(self)
- for i in range(n):
- lpb.setProgress(i)
- if lpb.wasCancelled():
- break
- self._draw(p)
- self._clear(p)
- lpb.cancel()
- del lpb
- def timerEvent(self, e):
- if not self.got_stop:
- self.pb.setProgress(self.pb.totalSteps() - self.rects)
- self.rects -= 1
- p = TQPainter(self)
- self._draw(p)
- if not self.rects or self.got_stop:
- if not self.got_stop:
- self.pb.setProgress(self.pb.totalSteps())
- self._clear(p)
- self.enableDrawingItems(True)
- self.killTimers()
- self.pb.cancel()
- del self.pb
- self.pb = None
- def _draw(self, p):
- ww = self.width()
- wh = self.height()
- if ww > 8 and wh > 8:
- c = TQColor(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))
- x = randint(0, ww - 8)
- y = randint(0, wh - 8)
- w = randint(0, ww - x)
- h = randint(0, wh - y)
- p.fillRect(x, y, w, h, TQBrush(c))
- def _clear(self, p):
- p.fillRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), TQBrush(self.eraseColor()))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = TQApplication(sys.argv)
- try:
- n = int(sys.argv[1])
- except:
- n = 1
- wlst = [] # keep a ref around
- for i in range(n):
- cpuw = CPUWaster()
- if i == 0:
- app.setMainWidget(cpuw)
- wlst.append(cpuw)
- app.exec_loop()