#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from qt import * from qtsql import * from sqlex import SqlEx from connect import ConnectDialog from dbpar import * TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 def showError(err, parent): errStr = TQString("The database reported an error:\n\n") if not err.databaseText().isEmpty(): errStr.append(err.databaseText()) errStr.append("\n") if not err.driverText().isEmpty(): errStr.append(err.driverText()) errStr.append("\n") TQMessageBox.warning(parent, "Error", errStr) class CustomSqlCursor(TQSqlCursor): def __init__(self, query = None, autopopulate = TRUE, db = None): TQSqlCursor.__init__(self, None, autopopulate, db) self.execQuery(query) if self.isSelect() and autopopulate: fields = self.driver().recordInfo(self) for f in fields: self.append(f) self.setMode(TQSqlCursor.ReadOnly) def select(self, filter, sort = TQSqlIndex()): return self.execQuery(self.lastQuery()) def primaryIndex(self, prime = TRUE): return TQSqlIndex() def insert(self, invalidate = TRUE): return FALSE def update(self, invalidate = TRUE): return FALSE def delRecords(self, invalidate = TRUE): return FALSE def setName(self, name, autopopulate = TRUE): return class MainWindow(SqlEx): def __init__(self,parent = None,name = None,fl = 0): SqlEx.__init__(self,parent,name,fl) self.conDiag = ConnectDialog(self, "Connection Dialog", TRUE) self.firstconn = TRUE def dbConnect(self): if self.firstconn: self.firstconn = FALSE self.conDiag.editUsername.setText(DB_USERNAME) self.conDiag.editPassword.setText(DB_PASSWORD) self.conDiag.editHostname.setText(DB_HOSTNAMES[0]) self.conDiag.editDatabase.setText(DB_DATABASES[0]) for i in range(self.conDiag.comboDriver.count()): if str(self.conDiag.comboDriver.text(i)) == DB_DRIVER: self.conDiag.comboDriver.setCurrentItem(i) break if self.conDiag.exec_loop() != TQDialog.Accepted: return if self.dt.sqlCursor(): self.dt.setSqlCursor() # close old connection (if any) if TQSqlDatabase.contains("SqlEx"): oldDb = TQSqlDatabase.database("SqlEx") oldDb.close() TQSqlDatabase.removeDatabase("SqlEx") # open the new connection db = TQSqlDatabase.addDatabase(self.conDiag.comboDriver.currentText(), "SqlEx") if not db: TQMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Could not open database") return db.setHostName(self.conDiag.editHostname.text()) db.setDatabaseName(self.conDiag.editDatabase.text()) db.setPort(self.conDiag.portSpinBox.value()) if not db.open(self.conDiag.editUsername.text(), self.conDiag.editPassword.text()): showError(db.lastError(), self) return self.lbl.setText("Double-Click on a table-name to view the contents") self.lv.clear() tables = db.tables() for t in tables: lvi = TQListViewItem(self.lv, t) fields = db.recordInfo(t) for f in fields: req = "?" if f.isRetquired() > 0: req = "Yes" elif f.isRetquired() == 0: req = "No" fi = TQListViewItem(lvi, f.name(), TQVariant.typeToName(f.type()), req) lvi.insertItem(fi) self.lv.insertItem(lvi) self.submitBtn.setEnabled(TRUE) def execQuery(self): cursor = CustomSqlCursor(self.te.text(), TRUE, TQSqlDatabase.database("SqlEx", TRUE)) if cursor.isSelect(): self.dt.setSqlCursor(cursor, TRUE, TRUE) self.dt.refresh() txt = TQString("Query OK") if cursor.size() >= 0: txt.append(", returned rows: %s" % cursor.size()) self.lbl.setText(txt) else: if not cursor.isActive(): # an error occured showError(cursor.lastError(), self) else: self.lbl.setText("Query OK, affected rows: %s" % cursor.numRowsAffected()) def showTable(self, item): i = item.parent() if not i: i = item cursor = TQSqlCursor(i.text(0), TRUE, TQSqlDatabase.database("SqlEx", TRUE)) self.dt.setSqlCursor(cursor, TRUE, TRUE) self.dt.setSort(cursor.primaryIndex()) self.dt.refresh(TQDataTable.RefreshAll) self.lbl.setText("Displaying table %s" % i.text(0)) if __name__ == "__main__": a = TQApplication(sys.argv) TQObject.connect(a,SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"),a,SLOT("quit()")) w = MainWindow() a.setMainWidget(w) w.show() a.exec_loop()