// This is the SIP interface definition for the TQt v2+ TQt class. // // Copyright (c) 2007 // Riverbank Computing Limited // // This file is part of PyTQt. // // This copy of PyTQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later // version. // // PyTQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // PyTQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. %ExportedDoc TQt (TQt v2+) TQt is fully implemented. %End %If (TQt_2_00 -) class TQt { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: static const TQColor &color0; static const TQColor &color1; static const TQColor &black; static const TQColor &white; static const TQColor &darkGray; static const TQColor &gray; static const TQColor &lightGray; static const TQColor &red; static const TQColor &green; static const TQColor &blue; static const TQColor &cyan; static const TQColor &magenta; static const TQColor &yellow; static const TQColor &darkRed; static const TQColor &darkGreen; static const TQColor &darkBlue; static const TQColor &darkCyan; static const TQColor &darkMagenta; static const TQColor &darkYellow; enum ButtonState { NoButton, LeftButton, RightButton, MidButton, MouseButtonMask, ShiftButton, ControlButton, AltButton, %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) MetaButton, %End KeyButtonMask, %If (TQt_2_2_0 -) Keypad, %End }; enum Orientation { Horizontal, Vertical }; %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) enum SortOrder { Ascending, Descending }; %End %If (- TQt_3_0_0) enum AlignmentFlags { AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignHCenter, AlignTop, AlignBottom, AlignVCenter, AlignCenter, SingleLine, DontClip, ExpandTabs, ShowPrefix, WordBreak }; %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) enum AlignmentFlags { AlignAuto, AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignHCenter, AlignJustify, AlignHorizontal_Mask, AlignTop, AlignBottom, AlignVCenter, AlignVertical_Mask, AlignCenter }; enum TextFlags { SingleLine, DontClip, ExpandTabs, ShowPrefix, WordBreak, BreakAnywhere, DontPrint, // Internal NoAccel }; typedef uint WState; // WidgetState isn't part of the public API but is used in code // generated by uic/pyuic, so we implement the minimum retquired. enum WidgetState { WState_Polished }; %End typedef uint WFlags; enum WidgetFlags { WType_TopLevel, %If (- TQt_3_0_0) WType_Modal, %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WType_Dialog, %End WType_Popup, WType_Desktop, WType_Mask, WStyle_Customize, WStyle_NormalBorder, WStyle_DialogBorder, WStyle_NoBorder, WStyle_Title, WStyle_SysMenu, WStyle_Minimize, WStyle_Maximize, WStyle_MinMax, WStyle_Tool, WStyle_StaysOnTop, %If (- TQt_3_0_0) WStyle_Dialog, %End %If (- TQt_2_1_0) WStyle_Reserved2, WStyle_Reserved3, %End %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) WStyle_ContextHelp, %End %If (TQt_2_1_0 - TQt_3_0_0) WStyle_NoBorderEx, %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WStyle_Reserved, %End WStyle_Mask, WDestructiveClose, WPaintDesktop, WPaintUnclipped, WPaintClever, WResizeNoErase, // Obsolete WMouseNoMask, %If (- TQt_3_0_0) WNorthWestGravity, %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WStaticContents, %End %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) WRepaintNoErase, // Obsolete WX11BypassWM, %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WWinOwnDC, %End %If (TQt_2_2_0 -) WGroupLeader, %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WShowModal, WNoMousePropagation, WSubWindow, %End %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) WStyle_Splash, %End %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) WNoAutoErase, %End }; %If (TQt_3_3_0 -) enum WindowState { WindowNoState, WindowMinimized, WindowMaximized, WindowFullScreen, WindowActive }; %End enum ImageConversionFlags { ColorMode_Mask, AutoColor, ColorOnly, MonoOnly, AlphaDither_Mask, ThresholdAlphaDither, OrderedAlphaDither, DiffuseAlphaDither, Dither_Mask, DiffuseDither, OrderedDither, ThresholdDither, DitherMode_Mask, AutoDither, PreferDither, AvoidDither }; enum BGMode { TransparentMode, OpaqueMode }; %If (- TQt_3_0_0) enum PaintUnit { PixelUnit, LoMetricUnit, HiMetricUnit, LoEnglishUnit, HiEnglishUnit, TwipsUnit }; %End enum GUIStyle { %If (- TQt_3_0_0) MacStyle, %End WindowsStyle, %If (- TQt_3_0_0) Win3Style, PMStyle, %End MotifStyle }; %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) enum SequenceMatch { NoMatch, PartialMatch, Identical }; %End enum Modifier { %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) META, %End SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, MODIFIER_MASK, UNICODE_ACCEL, ASCII_ACCEL }; enum Key { Key_Escape, Key_Tab, Key_Backtab, Key_BackTab, Key_Backspace, Key_BackSpace, Key_Return, Key_Enter, Key_Insert, Key_Delete, Key_Pause, Key_Print, Key_SysReq, %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) Key_Clear, %End Key_Home, Key_End, Key_Left, Key_Up, Key_Right, Key_Down, Key_Prior, Key_PageUp, Key_Next, Key_PageDown, Key_Shift, Key_Control, Key_Meta, Key_Alt, Key_CapsLock, Key_NumLock, Key_ScrollLock, Key_F1, Key_F2, Key_F3, Key_F4, Key_F5, Key_F6, Key_F7, Key_F8, Key_F9, Key_F10, Key_F11, Key_F12, Key_F13, Key_F14, Key_F15, Key_F16, Key_F17, Key_F18, Key_F19, Key_F20, Key_F21, Key_F22, Key_F23, Key_F24, Key_F25, Key_F26, Key_F27, Key_F28, Key_F29, Key_F30, Key_F31, Key_F32, Key_F33, Key_F34, Key_F35, Key_Super_L, Key_Super_R, Key_Menu, Key_Hyper_L, Key_Hyper_R, %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) Key_Help, Key_Direction_L, Key_Direction_R, %End Key_Space, Key_Any, Key_Exclam, Key_QuoteDbl, Key_NumberSign, Key_Dollar, Key_Percent, Key_Ampersand, Key_Apostrophe, Key_ParenLeft, Key_ParenRight, Key_Asterisk, Key_Plus, Key_Comma, Key_Minus, Key_Period, Key_Slash, Key_0, Key_1, Key_2, Key_3, Key_4, Key_5, Key_6, Key_7, Key_8, Key_9, Key_Colon, Key_Semicolon, Key_Less, Key_Equal, Key_Greater, Key_Question, Key_At, Key_A, Key_B, Key_C, Key_D, Key_E, Key_F, Key_G, Key_H, Key_I, Key_J, Key_K, Key_L, Key_M, Key_N, Key_O, Key_P, Key_Q, Key_R, Key_S, Key_T, Key_U, Key_V, Key_W, Key_X, Key_Y, Key_Z, Key_BracketLeft, Key_Backslash, Key_BracketRight, Key_AsciiCircum, Key_Underscore, Key_QuoteLeft, Key_BraceLeft, Key_Bar, Key_BraceRight, Key_AsciiTilde, Key_nobreakspace, Key_exclamdown, Key_cent, Key_sterling, Key_currency, Key_yen, Key_brokenbar, Key_section, Key_diaeresis, Key_copyright, Key_ordfeminine, Key_guillemotleft, Key_notsign, Key_hyphen, Key_registered, Key_macron, Key_degree, Key_plusminus, Key_twosuperior, Key_threesuperior, Key_acute, Key_mu, Key_paragraph, Key_periodcentered, Key_cedilla, Key_onesuperior, Key_masculine, Key_guillemotright, Key_onequarter, Key_onehalf, Key_threequarters, Key_questiondown, Key_Agrave, Key_Aacute, Key_Acircumflex, Key_Atilde, Key_Adiaeresis, Key_Aring, Key_AE, Key_Ccedilla, Key_Egrave, Key_Eacute, Key_Ecircumflex, Key_Ediaeresis, Key_Igrave, Key_Iacute, Key_Icircumflex, Key_Idiaeresis, Key_ETH, Key_Ntilde, Key_Ograve, Key_Oacute, Key_Ocircumflex, Key_Otilde, Key_Odiaeresis, Key_multiply, Key_Ooblique, Key_Ugrave, Key_Uacute, Key_Ucircumflex, Key_Udiaeresis, Key_Yacute, Key_THORN, Key_ssharp, Key_agrave, Key_aacute, Key_acircumflex, Key_atilde, Key_adiaeresis, Key_aring, Key_ae, Key_ccedilla, Key_egrave, Key_eacute, Key_ecircumflex, Key_ediaeresis, Key_igrave, Key_iacute, Key_icircumflex, Key_idiaeresis, Key_eth, Key_ntilde, Key_ograve, Key_oacute, Key_ocircumflex, Key_otilde, Key_odiaeresis, Key_division, Key_oslash, Key_ugrave, Key_uacute, Key_ucircumflex, Key_udiaeresis, Key_yacute, Key_thorn, Key_ydiaeresis, %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) Key_Back, Key_Forward, Key_Stop, Key_Refresh, Key_VolumeDown, Key_VolumeMute, Key_VolumeUp, Key_BassBoost, Key_BassUp, Key_BassDown, Key_TrebleUp, Key_TrebleDown, Key_MediaPlay, Key_MediaStop, Key_MediaPrev, Key_MediaNext, Key_MediaRecord, Key_HomePage, Key_Favorites, Key_Search, Key_Standby, Key_OpenUrl, Key_LaunchMail, Key_LaunchMedia, Key_Launch0, Key_Launch1, Key_Launch2, Key_Launch3, Key_Launch4, Key_Launch5, Key_Launch6, Key_Launch7, Key_Launch8, Key_Launch9, Key_LaunchA, Key_LaunchB, Key_LaunchC, Key_LaunchD, Key_LaunchE, Key_LaunchF, Key_MediaLast, %End Key_unknown }; enum ArrowType { UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow }; enum RasterOp { CopyROP, OrROP, XorROP, NotAndROP, EraseROP, NotCopyROP, NotOrROP, NotXorROP, AndROP, NotEraseROP, NotROP, ClearROP, SetROP, NopROP, AndNotROP, OrNotROP, NandROP, NorROP, LastROP }; enum PenStyle { NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine, %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) MPenStyle %End }; %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) enum PenCapStyle { FlatCap, SquareCap, RoundCap, MPenCapStyle }; enum PenJoinStyle { MiterJoin, BevelJoin, RoundJoin, MPenJoinStyle }; %End enum BrushStyle { NoBrush, SolidPattern, Dense1Pattern, Dense2Pattern, Dense3Pattern, Dense4Pattern, Dense5Pattern, Dense6Pattern, Dense7Pattern, HorPattern, VerPattern, CrossPattern, BDiagPattern, FDiagPattern, DiagCrossPattern, CustomPattern }; %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) enum MacintoshVersion { MV_Unknown, MV_9, %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) MV_10_DOT_0, %End MV_10_DOT_1, MV_10_DOT_2, %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) MV_10_DOT_3, %End %If (TQt_3_3_5 -) MV_10_DOT_4, %End %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) MV_CHEETAH, MV_PUMA, %End MV_JAGUAR, %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) MV_PANTHER, %End %If (TQt_3_3_5 -) MV_TIGER, %End }; %End enum WindowsVersion { WV_32s, WV_95, WV_98, %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WV_Me, %End %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) WV_DOS_based, %End WV_NT, %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) WV_2000, %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) WV_XP, %End %If (TQt_3_3_0 -) WV_2003, %End %If (TQt_3_3_6 -) WV_VISTA, %End %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) WV_NT_based, %End %If (TQt_3_3_0 -) WV_CE, WV_CENET, WV_CE_based, %End }; %If (TQt_2_2_0 -) enum UIEffect { UI_General, UI_AnimateMenu, UI_FadeMenu, UI_AnimateCombo, UI_AnimateTooltip, UI_FadeTooltip, %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) UI_AnimateToolBox, %End }; %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) enum CursorShape { ArrowCursor, UpArrowCursor, CrossCursor, WaitCursor, IbeamCursor, SizeVerCursor, SizeHorCursor, SizeBDiagCursor, SizeFDiagCursor, SizeAllCursor, BlankCursor, SplitVCursor, SplitHCursor, PointingHandCursor, ForbiddenCursor, WhatsThisCursor, %If (TQt_3_3_0 -) BusyCursor, %End LastCursor, BitmapCursor }; %End static const TQCursor &arrowCursor; static const TQCursor &upArrowCursor; static const TQCursor &crossCursor; static const TQCursor &waitCursor; static const TQCursor &ibeamCursor; static const TQCursor &sizeVerCursor; static const TQCursor &sizeHorCursor; static const TQCursor &sizeBDiagCursor; static const TQCursor &sizeFDiagCursor; static const TQCursor &sizeAllCursor; static const TQCursor &blankCursor; static const TQCursor &splitVCursor; static const TQCursor &splitHCursor; static const TQCursor &pointingHandCursor; %If (TQt_2_1_0 -) static const TQCursor &forbiddenCursor; %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) static const TQCursor &whatsThisCursor; %End %If (TQt_3_3_0 -) static const TQCursor &busyCursor; %End enum TextFormat { PlainText, RichText, AutoText, %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) LogText, %End }; %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) enum AnchorAttribute { AnchorName, AnchorHref }; %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) enum Dock { DockUnmanaged, DockTornOff, DockTop, DockBottom, DockRight, DockLeft, DockMinimized }; enum DateFormat { TextDate, ISODate, LocalDate }; %If (TQt_3_1_0 -) enum TimeSpec { LocalTime, UTC }; %End enum BackgroundMode { FixedColor, FixedPixmap, NoBackground, PaletteForeground, PaletteButton, PaletteLight, PaletteMidlight, PaletteDark, PaletteMid, PaletteText, PaletteBrightText, PaletteBase, PaletteBackground, PaletteShadow, PaletteHighlight, PaletteHighlightedText, PaletteButtonText, PaletteLink, PaletteLinkVisited, X11ParentRelative }; typedef uint ComparisonFlags; enum StringComparisonMode { CaseSensitive, BeginsWith, EndsWith, Contains, ExactMatch }; %If (TQt_3_2_0 -) enum Corner { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight }; %End %If (WS_X11) typedef unsigned long HANDLE; %End %End }; %End