// This is the SIP interface definition for a variety of constant definitions. // // Copyright (c) 2007 // Riverbank Computing Limited <info@riverbankcomputing.co.uk> // // This file is part of PyTQt. // // This copy of PyTQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later // version. // // PyTQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // PyTQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. %ExportedDoc <Sect2><Title>TQt Constants</Title> <Para> All constant values defined by TQt have equivalent constants defined to Python. </Para> </Sect2> %End %ModuleHeaderCode #include <qwindowdefs.h> %End %OptionalInclude qwindowdefs_mac.sip %OptionalInclude qwindowdefs_qws.sip %OptionalInclude qwindowdefs_win.sip %OptionalInclude qwindowdefs_x11.sip %If (- TQt_2_00) typedef short TQCOORD; const int TQCOORD_MIN; const int TQCOORD_MAX; %End %If (TQt_2_00 -) typedef Q_INT32 TQCOORD; const TQCOORD TQCOORD_MIN; const TQCOORD TQCOORD_MAX; %End typedef unsigned TQRgb; %If (- TQt_3_0_0) char *qAppName(); %End %If (TQt_3_0_0 -) const char *qAppName(); %End %If (- TQt_2_00) enum GUIStyle { MacStyle, WindowsStyle, Win3Style, PMStyle, MotifStyle }; // Widget state flags. typedef uint WFlags; const uint WState_Created; const uint WState_Disabled; const uint WState_Visible; const uint WState_DoHide; const uint WState_ClickToFocus; const uint WState_TrackMouse; const uint WState_BlockUpdates; const uint WState_PaintEvent; // Widget type flags. const uint WType_TopLevel; const uint WType_Modal; const uint WType_Popup; const uint WType_Desktop; // Window style flags. const uint WStyle_Customize; const uint WStyle_NormalBorder; const uint WStyle_DialogBorder; const uint WStyle_NoBorder; const uint WStyle_Title; const uint WStyle_SysMenu; const uint WStyle_Minimize; const uint WStyle_Maximize; const uint WStyle_MinMax; const uint WStyle_Tool; const uint WStyle_Mask; // Miscellaneous widget flags. const uint WCursorSet; const uint WDestructiveClose; const uint WPaintDesktop; const uint WPaintUnclipped; const uint WPaintClever; const uint WConfigPending; const uint WResizeNoErase; const uint WRecreated; const uint WExportFontMetrics; const uint WExportFontInfo; const uint WFocusSet; const uint WState_TabToFocus; enum RasterOp { CopyROP, OrROP, XorROP, EraseROP, NotCopyROP, NotOrROP, NotXorROP, NotEraseROP, NotROP }; // Text alignment flags. const int AlignLeft; const int AlignRight; const int AlignHCenter; const int AlignTop; const int AlignBottom; const int AlignVCenter; const int AlignCenter; // Miscellaneous text flags. const int SingleLine; const int DontClip; const int ExpandTabs; const int ShowPrefix; const int WordBreak; const int GrayText; // Image conversion flags. const int ColorMode_Mask; const int AutoColor; const int ColorOnly; const int MonoOnly; const int AlphaDither_Mask; const int ThresholdAlphaDither; const int OrderedAlphaDither; const int DiffuseAlphaDither; const int Dither_Mask; const int DiffuseDither; const int OrderedDither; const int ThresholdDither; const int DitherMode_Mask; const int AutoDither; const int PreferDither; const int AvoidDither; %End