/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Niklas Knutsson * * nq@altern.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "qalculateinsertfunctiondialog.h" #include "qalculate_tde_utils.h" #include <tqvbox.h> #include <kactivelabel.h> #include <klineedit.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqgrid.h> #include <tqhbox.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tqspinbox.h> #include <kcombobox.h> #include <tqhbuttongroup.h> #include <tqradiobutton.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <kdatepicker.h> #include <tdefiledialog.h> #include <tdeversion.h> #include <kstdguiitem.h> #include "buttonwithindexsignal.h" #include "qalculateinsertmatrixvectordialog.h" extern TQWidget *expressionWidget; extern PrintOptions printops; extern EvaluationOptions evalops; QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::QalculateInsertFunctionDialog(MathFunction *f, TQWidget *parent, const TQString &selected_text, const char *name) : KDialogBase(parent, name, true, f->title(true).c_str(), Ok|Apply|Cancel, Ok) { #if TDE_VERSION_MAJOR < 4 && TDE_VERSION_MINOR < 2 setButtonOKText(i18n("Insert")); setButtonApplyText(i18n("Execute")); #else #if TDE_VERSION_MAJOR < 4 && TDE_VERSION_MINOR < 3 setButtonOK(KGuiItem(i18n("Insert"))); #else setButtonOK(KStdGuiItem::insert()); #endif setButtonApply(KGuiItem(i18n("Execute"))); #endif mathFunction = f; TQVBox *box = makeVBoxMainWidget(); box->setSpacing(12); TQString titlestr = "<font size=\"5\">"; titlestr += mathFunction->title(true).c_str(); titlestr += "</font>"; new TQLabel(titlestr, box); int args = 0; bool has_vector = false; if(mathFunction->args() > 0) { args = mathFunction->args(); } else if(mathFunction->minargs() > 0) { args = mathFunction->minargs() + 1; has_vector = true; } else { args = 1; has_vector = true; } TQGrid *table = new TQGrid(3, box); table->setSpacing(6); table->setMargin(12); table->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Sunken | TQFrame::GroupBoxPanel); label.resize(args); entry.resize(args); type_label.resize(args); TQString argstr, typestr, defstr, argtype; //create argument entries Argument *arg; for(int i = 0; i < args; i++) { arg = mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1); if(!arg || arg->name().empty()) { if(args == 1) { argstr = i18n("Value:"); } else { argstr = i18n("Argument"); argstr += " "; argstr += TQString::number(i + 1); argstr += ":"; } } else { argstr = arg->name().c_str(); argstr += ":"; } typestr = ""; argtype = ""; defstr = mathFunction->getDefaultValue(i + 1).c_str(); if(arg && (arg->suggestsQuotes() || arg->type() == ARGUMENT_TYPE_TEXT) && defstr.length() >= 2 && defstr[0] == '\"' && defstr[defstr.length() - 1] == '\"') { defstr.remove(0, 1); defstr.truncate(defstr.length() - 1); } label[i] = new TQLabel(argstr, table); if(arg) { switch(arg->type()) { case ARGUMENT_TYPE_INTEGER: { IntegerArgument *iarg = (IntegerArgument*) arg; int min = -1000000, max = 1000000; if(iarg->min()) { min = iarg->min()->intValue(); } if(iarg->max()) { max = iarg->max()->intValue(); } TQSpinBox *qsp = new TQSpinBox(min, max, 1, table); entry[i] = qsp; qsp->setButtonSymbols(TQSpinBox::PlusMinus); int selected_value = 0; bool convok = false; if(i == 0 && !selected_text.isEmpty()) { selected_value = selected_text.toInt(&convok); } if(convok && selected_value >= min && selected_value <= max) { qsp->setValue(selected_value); } else if(!mathFunction->getDefaultValue(i + 1).empty()) { qsp->setValue(TQString(mathFunction->getDefaultValue(i + 1).c_str()).toInt()); } else if(!arg->zeroForbidden() && min <= 0 && max >= 0) { qsp->setValue(0); } else { if(max < 0) { qsp->setValue(max); } else if(min <= 1) { qsp->setValue(1); } else { qsp->setValue(min); } } break; } case ARGUMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { TQHButtonGroup *bg = new TQHButtonGroup(table); entry[i] = bg; bg->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Plain | TQFrame::NoFrame); bg->setMargin(0); bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->insert(new TQRadioButton(i18n("True"), bg), 1); bg->insert(new TQRadioButton(i18n("False"), bg), 0); TQString str = selected_text.stripWhiteSpace(); if(i == 0 && str == "1") { bg->setButton(1); } else if(i == 0 && str == "0") { bg->setButton(0); } else if(defstr == "1") { bg->setButton(1); } else { bg->setButton(0); } break; } case ARGUMENT_TYPE_DATA_PROPERTY: { if(mathFunction->subtype() == SUBTYPE_DATA_SET) { KComboBox *cb = new KComboBox(table); entry[i] = cb; DataPropertyIter it; DataSet *ds = (DataSet*) mathFunction; DataProperty *dp = ds->getFirstProperty(&it); bool active_set = false; while(dp) { if(!dp->isHidden()) { cb->insertItem(dp->title().c_str()); if(!active_set && defstr == dp->getName().c_str()) { cb->setCurrentItem(cb->count() - 1); active_set = true; } } dp = ds->getNextProperty(&it); } cb->insertItem(i18n("Info")); if(!active_set) { cb->setCurrentItem(cb->count() - 1); } break; } } default: { if(i >= mathFunction->minargs() && !has_vector) { typestr = "("; typestr += i18n("optional"); } argtype = arg->print().c_str(); if(typestr.isEmpty()) { typestr = "("; } else if(!argtype.isEmpty()) { typestr += " "; } if(!argtype.isEmpty()) { typestr += argtype; } typestr += ")"; if(typestr.length() == 2) { typestr = ""; } entry[i] = new KLineEdit(table); if(i == 0 && !selected_text.isEmpty()) { ((KLineEdit*) entry[i])->setText(selected_text); } else { ((KLineEdit*) entry[i])->setText(defstr); } } } } else { entry[i] = new KLineEdit(table); if(i == 0 && !selected_text.isEmpty()) { ((KLineEdit*) entry[i])->setText(selected_text); } else { ((KLineEdit*) entry[i])->setText(defstr); } } if(typestr.isEmpty() && i >= mathFunction->minargs() && !has_vector) { typestr = "("; typestr += i18n("optional"); typestr += ")"; } if(arg) { switch(arg->type()) { case ARGUMENT_TYPE_DATE: { typestr.remove(0, 1); typestr.remove(typestr.length() - 1, 1); type_label[i] = new ButtonWithIndexSignal(typestr, i, table); TQObject::connect(type_label[i], TQ_SIGNAL(clickedWithIndex(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(selectDate(int))); break; } case ARGUMENT_TYPE_MATRIX: { typestr.remove(0, 1); typestr.remove(typestr.length() - 1, 1); type_label[i] = new ButtonWithIndexSignal(typestr, i, table); TQObject::connect(type_label[i], TQ_SIGNAL(clickedWithIndex(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(insertMatrix(int))); break; } case ARGUMENT_TYPE_VECTOR: { typestr.remove(0, 1); typestr.remove(typestr.length() - 1, 1); type_label[i] = new ButtonWithIndexSignal(typestr, i, table); TQObject::connect(type_label[i], TQ_SIGNAL(clickedWithIndex(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(insertVector(int))); break; } case ARGUMENT_TYPE_FILE: { typestr.remove(0, 1); typestr.remove(typestr.length() - 1, 1); type_label[i] = new ButtonWithIndexSignal(typestr, i, table); TQObject::connect(type_label[i], TQ_SIGNAL(clickedWithIndex(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(selectFile(int))); break; } default: { type_label[i] = new TQLabel(typestr, table); } } } else { type_label[i] = new TQLabel(typestr, table); } if(i == 0) entry[0]->setFocus(); } //display function description if(!mathFunction->description().empty()) { TQString str = mathFunction->description().c_str(); str.replace("<", "<"); str.replace(">", ">"); str.replace("\n", "<br>"); KActiveLabel *descrLabel = new KActiveLabel(str, box); descrLabel->setAlignment(TQt::AlignJustify); enableButtonSeparator(true); } } QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::~QalculateInsertFunctionDialog() { } TQString QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::functionExpression() { TQString str = mathFunction->preferredInputName(printops.abbreviate_names, printops.use_unicode_signs, false, false, &can_display_unicode_string_function, (void*) expressionWidget).name.c_str(), str2; str += "("; int args = 0; if(mathFunction->args() > 0) { args = mathFunction->args(); } else if(mathFunction->minargs() > 0) { args = mathFunction->minargs() + 1; } else { args = 1; } for(int i = 0; i < args; i++) { if(mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1) && mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1)->type() == ARGUMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { if(((TQButtonGroup*) entry[i])->id(((TQButtonGroup*) entry[i])->selected()) == 1) { str2 = "1"; } else { str2 = "0"; } } else if(mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1) && mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1)->type() == ARGUMENT_TYPE_INTEGER) { str2 = ((TQSpinBox*) entry[i])->text(); } else if(mathFunction->subtype() == SUBTYPE_DATA_SET && mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1) && mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1)->type() == ARGUMENT_TYPE_DATA_PROPERTY) { int index = ((KComboBox*) entry[i])->currentItem(); DataPropertyIter it; DataSet *ds = (DataSet*) mathFunction; DataProperty *dp = ds->getFirstProperty(&it); while(dp) { if(!dp->isHidden()) { if(index <= 0) break; index--; } dp = ds->getNextProperty(&it); } if(dp) { str2 = dp->getName().c_str(); } else { str2 = "info"; } } else { str2 = ((KLineEdit*) entry[i])->text(); } //if the minimum number of function arguments have been filled, do not add anymore if entry is empty if(i >= mathFunction->minargs()) { str2 = str2.stripWhiteSpace(); } if((i < mathFunction->minargs() || !str2.isEmpty()) && mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1) && (mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1)->suggestsQuotes() || (mathFunction->getArgumentDefinition(i + 1)->type() == ARGUMENT_TYPE_TEXT && str2.find(CALCULATOR->getComma().c_str()) >= 0))) { if(str2.length() < 1 || (str2[0] != '\"' && str[0] != '\'')) { str2.insert(0, "\""); str2 += "\""; } } if(i > 0) { str += CALCULATOR->getComma().c_str(); str += " "; } str += str2; } str += ")"; return str; } void QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::slotOk() { accept(); } void QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::slotApply() { done(100); } void QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::selectDate(int index) { KDialogBase *dialog = new KDialogBase(this, 0, true, i18n("Date"), Ok|Cancel); KDatePicker *datePicker; TQDate date(TQDate::fromString(((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->text(), TQt::ISODate)); if(date.isValid()) datePicker = new KDatePicker(dialog->makeVBoxMainWidget(), date); else datePicker = new KDatePicker(dialog->makeVBoxMainWidget()); if(dialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { ((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->setText(datePicker->date().toString(TQt::ISODate)); } dialog->deleteLater(); } void QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::selectFile(int index) { TQString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->text(), TQString::null, this, i18n("File")); if(!filename.isEmpty()) { ((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->setText(filename); } } void QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::insertMatrix(int index) { QalculateInsertMatrixVectorDialog *d = new QalculateInsertMatrixVectorDialog(this); TQString str = ((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->text(); MathStructure mstruct; if(!str.isEmpty()) { CALCULATOR->parse(&mstruct, CALCULATOR->unlocalizeExpression(str.ascii(), evalops.parse_options)); } if(mstruct.isVector()) { str = d->editMatrixVector(&mstruct, false); } else { str = d->editMatrixVector(NULL, false); } if(!str.isEmpty()) { ((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->setText(str); } d->deleteLater(); } void QalculateInsertFunctionDialog::insertVector(int index) { QalculateInsertMatrixVectorDialog *d = new QalculateInsertMatrixVectorDialog(this); TQString str = ((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->text(); MathStructure mstruct; if(!str.isEmpty()) { CALCULATOR->parse(&mstruct, CALCULATOR->unlocalizeExpression(str.ascii(), evalops.parse_options)); } if(mstruct.isVector()) { str = d->editMatrixVector(&mstruct, true); } else { str = d->editMatrixVector(NULL, true); } if(!str.isEmpty()) { ((KLineEdit*) entry[index])->setText(str); } d->deleteLater(); } #include "qalculateinsertfunctiondialog.moc"