path: root/src/widgets/qpopupmenu.cpp
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
commitbd0f3345a938b35ce6a12f6150373b0955b8dd12 (patch)
tree7a520322212d48ebcb9fbe1087e7fca28b76185c /src/widgets/qpopupmenu.cpp
Add Qt3 development HEAD version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/widgets/qpopupmenu.cpp')
1 files changed, 2886 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/widgets/qpopupmenu.cpp b/src/widgets/qpopupmenu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e1e01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widgets/qpopupmenu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2886 @@
+** Implementation of QPopupMenu class
+** Created : 941128
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "qpopupmenu.h"
+#include "qmenubar.h"
+#include "qaccel.h"
+#include "qpainter.h"
+#include "qdrawutil.h"
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qpixmap.h"
+#include "qpixmapcache.h"
+#include "qtimer.h"
+#include "qwhatsthis.h"
+#include "qobjectlist.h"
+#include "qguardedptr.h"
+#include "qeffects_p.h"
+#include "qcursor.h"
+#include "qstyle.h"
+#include "qtimer.h"
+#include "qdatetime.h"
+#include "qaccessible.h"
+//#define BLEND_POPUP
+// Motif style parameters
+static const int motifArrowHMargin = 6; // arrow horizontal margin
+static const int motifArrowVMargin = 2; // arrow vertical margin
+static const int gtkArrowHMargin = 0; // arrow horizontal margin
+static const int gtkArrowVMargin = 0; // arrow vertical margin
+| PopupFrame
+| +-------------------------
+| | ItemFrame
+| | +---------------------
+| | |
+| | | \
+| | | ^ T E X T ^ | ItemVMargin
+| | | | | /
+| | ItemHMargin
+#if 0
+// used for internal communication
+static QPopupMenu * syncMenu = 0;
+static int syncMenuId = 0;
+// Used to detect motion prior to mouse-release
+static int motion;
+// used to provide ONE single-shot timer
+static QTimer * singleSingleShot = 0;
+static bool supressAboutToShow = FALSE;
+static void cleanup()
+ delete singleSingleShot;
+ singleSingleShot = 0;
+static void popupSubMenuLater( int msec, QPopupMenu * receiver ) {
+ if ( !singleSingleShot ) {
+ singleSingleShot = new QTimer( qApp, "popup submenu timer" );
+ qAddPostRoutine( cleanup );
+ }
+ singleSingleShot->disconnect( SIGNAL(timeout()) );
+ QObject::connect( singleSingleShot, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ receiver, SLOT(subMenuTimer()) );
+ singleSingleShot->start( msec, TRUE );
+static bool preventAnimation = FALSE;
+extern void qWhatsThisBDH();
+static QMenuItem* whatsThisItem = 0;
+ \class QPopupMenu qpopupmenu.h
+ \brief The QPopupMenu class provides a popup menu widget.
+ \ingroup application
+ \ingroup basic
+ \mainclass
+ A popup menu widget is a selection menu. It can be either a
+ pull-down menu in a menu bar or a standalone context (popup) menu.
+ Pull-down menus are shown by the menu bar when the user clicks on
+ the respective item or presses the specified shortcut key. Use
+ QMenuBar::insertItem() to insert a popup menu into a menu bar.
+ Show a context menu either asynchronously with popup() or
+ synchronously with exec().
+ Technically, a popup menu consists of a list of menu items. You
+ add items with insertItem(). An item is either a string, a pixmap
+ or a custom item that provides its own drawing function (see
+ QCustomMenuItem). In addition, items can have an optional icon
+ drawn on the very left side and an accelerator key such as
+ "Ctrl+X".
+ There are three kinds of menu items: separators, menu items that
+ perform an action and menu items that show a submenu. Separators
+ are inserted with insertSeparator(). For submenus, you pass a
+ pointer to a QPopupMenu in your call to insertItem(). All other
+ items are considered action items.
+ When inserting action items you usually specify a receiver and a
+ slot. The receiver will be notifed whenever the item is selected.
+ In addition, QPopupMenu provides two signals, activated() and
+ highlighted(), which signal the identifier of the respective menu
+ item. It is sometimes practical to connect several items to one
+ slot. To distinguish between them, specify a slot that takes an
+ integer argument and use setItemParameter() to associate a unique
+ value with each item.
+ You clear a popup menu with clear() and remove single items with
+ removeItem() or removeItemAt().
+ A popup menu can display check marks for certain items when
+ enabled with setCheckable(TRUE). You check or uncheck items with
+ setItemChecked().
+ Items are either enabled or disabled. You toggle their state with
+ setItemEnabled(). Just before a popup menu becomes visible, it
+ emits the aboutToShow() signal. You can use this signal to set the
+ correct enabled/disabled states of all menu items before the user
+ sees it. The corresponding aboutToHide() signal is emitted when
+ the menu hides again.
+ You can provide What's This? help for single menu items with
+ setWhatsThis(). See QWhatsThis for general information about this
+ kind of lightweight online help.
+ For ultimate flexibility, you can also add entire widgets as items
+ into a popup menu (for example, a color selector).
+ A QPopupMenu can also provide a tear-off menu. A tear-off menu is
+ a top-level window that contains a copy of the menu. This makes it
+ possible for the user to "tear off" frequently used menus and
+ position them in a convenient place on the screen. If you want
+ that functionality for a certain menu, insert a tear-off handle
+ with insertTearOffHandle(). When using tear-off menus, bear in
+ mind that the concept isn't typically used on Microsoft Windows so
+ users may not be familiar with it. Consider using a QToolBar
+ instead. Tear-off menus cannot contain custom widgets; if the
+ original menu contains a custom widget item, this item is omitted.
+ \link menu-example.html menu/menu.cpp\endlink is an example of
+ QMenuBar and QPopupMenu use.
+ \important insertItem removeItem removeItemAt clear text pixmap iconSet insertSeparator changeItem whatsThis setWhatsThis accel setAccel setItemEnabled isItemEnabled setItemVisible isItemVisible setItemChecked isItemChecked connectItem disconnectItem setItemParameter itemParameter
+ <img src=qpopmenu-m.png> <img src=qpopmenu-w.png>
+ \sa QMenuBar
+ \link guibooks.html#fowler GUI Design Handbook: Menu, Drop-Down and
+ Pop-Up\endlink
+ \fn void QPopupMenu::aboutToShow()
+ This signal is emitted just before the popup menu is displayed.
+ You can connect it to any slot that sets up the menu contents
+ (e.g. to ensure that the right items are enabled).
+ \sa aboutToHide(), setItemEnabled(), setItemChecked(), insertItem(), removeItem()
+ \fn void QPopupMenu::aboutToHide()
+ This signal is emitted just before the popup menu is hidden after
+ it has been displayed.
+ \warning Do not open a widget in a slot connected to this signal.
+ \sa aboutToShow(), setItemEnabled(), setItemChecked(), insertItem(), removeItem()
+ QPopupMenu member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+class QMenuDataData {
+ // attention: also defined in qmenudata.cpp
+ QMenuDataData();
+ QGuardedPtr<QWidget> aWidget;
+ int aInt;
+class QPopupMenuPrivate {
+ struct Scroll {
+ enum { ScrollNone=0, ScrollUp=0x01, ScrollDown=0x02 };
+ uint scrollable : 2;
+ uint direction : 1;
+ int topScrollableIndex, scrollableSize;
+ QTime lastScroll;
+ QTimer *scrolltimer;
+ } scroll;
+ QSize calcSize;
+ QRegion mouseMoveBuffer;
+ uint hasmouse : 1;
+ QPoint ignoremousepos;
+static QPopupMenu* active_popup_menu = 0;
+ Constructs a popup menu called \a name with parent \a parent.
+ Although a popup menu is always a top-level widget, if a parent is
+ passed the popup menu will be deleted when that parent is
+ destroyed (as with any other QObject).
+QPopupMenu::QPopupMenu( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : QFrame( parent, name, WType_Popup | WNoAutoErase )
+ d = new QPopupMenuPrivate;
+ d->scroll.scrollableSize = d->scroll.topScrollableIndex = 0;
+ d->scroll.scrollable = QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollNone;
+ d->scroll.scrolltimer = 0;
+ d->hasmouse = 0;
+ isPopupMenu = TRUE;
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ autoaccel = 0;
+ accelDisabled = FALSE;
+ popupActive = -1;
+ snapToMouse = TRUE;
+ tab = 0;
+ checkable = 0;
+ tornOff = 0;
+ pendingDelayedContentsChanges = 0;
+ pendingDelayedStateChanges = 0;
+ maxPMWidth = 0;
+ tab = 0;
+ ncols = 1;
+ setFrameStyle( QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Raised );
+ setMouseTracking(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking, this));
+ style().polishPopupMenu( this );
+ setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
+ connectModalRecursionSafety = 0;
+ setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus );
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ x11SetWindowType( X11WindowTypePopup );
+ Destroys the popup menu.
+ if ( syncMenu == this && qApp ) {
+ qApp->exit_loop();
+ syncMenu = 0;
+ }
+ if(d->scroll.scrolltimer)
+ delete d->scroll.scrolltimer;
+ if ( isVisible() ) {
+ parentMenu = 0;
+ hidePopups();
+ }
+ delete (QWidget*) QMenuData::d->aWidget; // tear-off menu
+ preventAnimation = FALSE;
+ delete d;
+ Updates the item with identity \a id.
+void QPopupMenu::updateItem( int id ) // update popup menu item
+ updateRow( indexOf(id) );
+void QPopupMenu::setCheckable( bool enable )
+ if ( isCheckable() != enable ) {
+ checkable = enable;
+ badSize = TRUE;
+ if ( QMenuData::d->aWidget )
+ ( (QPopupMenu*)(QWidget*)QMenuData::d->aWidget)->setCheckable( enable );
+ }
+ \property QPopupMenu::checkable
+ \brief whether the display of check marks on menu items is enabled
+ When TRUE, the display of check marks on menu items is enabled.
+ Checking is always enabled when in Windows-style.
+ \sa QMenuData::setItemChecked()
+bool QPopupMenu::isCheckable() const
+ return checkable;
+void QPopupMenu::menuContentsChanged()
+ // here the part that can't be delayed
+ QMenuData::menuContentsChanged();
+ badSize = TRUE; // might change the size
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) && !defined(QMAC_QMENUBAR_NO_NATIVE)
+ mac_dirty_popup = 1;
+ if( pendingDelayedContentsChanges )
+ return;
+ pendingDelayedContentsChanges = 1;
+ if( !pendingDelayedStateChanges ) // if the timer hasn't been started yet
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(performDelayedChanges()));
+void QPopupMenu::performDelayedContentsChanged()
+ pendingDelayedContentsChanges = 0;
+ // here the part the can be delayed
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ // if performDelayedStateChanged() will be called too,
+ // it will call updateAccel() too, no need to do it twice
+ if( !pendingDelayedStateChanges )
+ updateAccel( 0 );
+ if ( isVisible() ) {
+ if ( tornOff )
+ return;
+ updateSize(TRUE);
+ update();
+ }
+ QPopupMenu* p = (QPopupMenu*)(QWidget*)QMenuData::d->aWidget;
+ if ( p && p->isVisible() ) {
+ p->updateSize(TRUE);
+ p->update();
+ }
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) && !defined(QMAC_QMENUBAR_NO_NATIVE)
+ mac_dirty_popup = 1;
+void QPopupMenu::menuStateChanged()
+ // here the part that can't be delayed
+ if( pendingDelayedStateChanges )
+ return;
+ pendingDelayedStateChanges = 1;
+ if( !pendingDelayedContentsChanges ) // if the timer hasn't been started yet
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(performDelayedChanges()));
+void QPopupMenu::performDelayedStateChanged()
+ pendingDelayedStateChanges = 0;
+ // here the part that can be delayed
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ updateAccel( 0 ); // ### when we have a good solution for the accel vs. focus widget problem, remove that. That is only a workaround
+ // if you remove this, see performDelayedContentsChanged()
+ update();
+ if ( QMenuData::d->aWidget )
+ QMenuData::d->aWidget->update();
+void QPopupMenu::performDelayedChanges()
+ if( pendingDelayedContentsChanges )
+ performDelayedContentsChanged();
+ if( pendingDelayedStateChanges )
+ performDelayedStateChanged();
+void QPopupMenu::menuInsPopup( QPopupMenu *popup )
+ connect( popup, SIGNAL(activatedRedirect(int)),
+ SLOT(subActivated(int)) );
+ connect( popup, SIGNAL(highlightedRedirect(int)),
+ SLOT(subHighlighted(int)) );
+ connect( popup, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)),
+ this, SLOT(popupDestroyed(QObject*)) );
+void QPopupMenu::menuDelPopup( QPopupMenu *popup )
+ popup->disconnect( SIGNAL(activatedRedirect(int)) );
+ popup->disconnect( SIGNAL(highlightedRedirect(int)) );
+ disconnect( popup, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)),
+ this, SLOT(popupDestroyed(QObject*)) );
+void QPopupMenu::frameChanged()
+ menuContentsChanged();
+QRect QPopupMenu::screenRect( const QPoint& pos )
+ int screen_num = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( pos );
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+ return QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry( screen_num );
+ return QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( screen_num );
+ Displays the popup menu so that the item number \a indexAtPoint
+ will be at the specified \e global position \a pos. To translate a
+ widget's local coordinates into global coordinates, use
+ QWidget::mapToGlobal().
+ When positioning a popup with exec() or popup(), bear in mind that
+ you cannot rely on the popup menu's current size(). For
+ performance reasons, the popup adapts its size only when
+ necessary, so in many cases, the size before and after the show is
+ different. Instead, use sizeHint(). It calculates the proper size
+ depending on the menu's current contents.
+void QPopupMenu::popup( const QPoint &pos, int indexAtPoint )
+ if ( !isPopup() && isVisible() )
+ hide();
+ //avoid circularity
+ if ( isVisible() || !isEnabled() )
+ return;
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) && !defined(QMAC_QMENUBAR_NO_NATIVE)
+ if( macPopupMenu(pos, indexAtPoint ))
+ return;
+#if (QT_VERSION-0 >= 0x040000)
+#error "Fix this now"
+ // #### should move to QWidget - anything might need this functionality,
+ // #### since anything can have WType_Popup window flag.
+ // #### This includes stuff in QPushButton and some stuff for setting
+ // #### the geometry of QDialog.
+ // QPopupMenu
+ // ::exec()
+ // ::popup()
+ // QPushButton (shouldn't require QMenuPopup)
+ // ::popupPressed
+ // Some stuff in qwidget.cpp for dialogs... can't remember exactly.
+ // Also the code here indicatets the parameter should be a rect, not a
+ // point.
+ QRect screen = screenRect( geometry().center());
+ QRect screen2 = screenRect( QApplication::reverseLayout()
+ ? pos+QPoint(width(),0) : pos );
+ // if the widget is not in the screen given by the position, move it
+ // there, so that updateSize() uses the right size of the screen
+ if( screen != screen2 ) {
+ screen = screen2;
+ move( screen.x(), screen.y());
+ }
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable) {
+ d->scroll.scrollable = QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollNone;
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex = d->scroll.scrollableSize = 0;
+ badSize = TRUE;
+ }
+ updateSize();
+ QPoint mouse = QCursor::pos();
+ snapToMouse = pos == mouse;
+ // have to emit here as a menu might be setup in a slot connected
+ // to aboutToShow which will change the size of the menu
+ bool s = supressAboutToShow;
+ supressAboutToShow = TRUE;
+ if ( !s) {
+ emit aboutToShow();
+ updateSize(TRUE);
+ }
+ int sw = screen.width(); // screen width
+ int sh = screen.height(); // screen height
+ int sx = screen.x(); // screen pos
+ int sy = screen.y();
+ int x = pos.x();
+ int y = pos.y();
+ if ( indexAtPoint >= 0 ) // don't subtract when < 0
+ y -= itemGeometry( indexAtPoint ).y(); // (would subtract 2 pixels!)
+ int w = width();
+ int h = height();
+ if ( snapToMouse ) {
+ if ( qApp->reverseLayout() )
+ x -= w;
+ if ( x+w > sx+sw )
+ x = mouse.x()-w;
+ if ( y+h > sy+sh )
+ y = mouse.y()-h;
+ if ( x < sx )
+ x = mouse.x();
+ if ( y < sy )
+ y = sy;
+ }
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ QMenuData *top = this; // find top level
+ while ( top->parentMenu )
+ top = top->parentMenu;
+ if( top->isMenuBar )
+ x11SetWindowType( X11WindowTypeDropdown );
+ if( parentMenu && parentMenu->isMenuBar )
+ x11SetWindowTransient( static_cast< QMenuBar* >( parentMenu )->topLevelWidget());
+ if( parentMenu && !parentMenu->isMenuBar )
+ x11SetWindowTransient( static_cast< QPopupMenu* >( parentMenu ));
+ if( !parentMenu ) {
+ // hackish ... try to find the main window related to this popup
+ QWidget* parent = parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->topLevelWidget() : NULL;
+ if( parent == NULL )
+ parent = QApplication::widgetAt( pos );
+ if( parent == NULL )
+ parent = qApp->activeWindow();
+ if( parent != NULL )
+ x11SetWindowTransient( parent );
+ }
+ if ( x+w > sx+sw ) // the complete widget must
+ x = sx+sw - w; // be visible
+ if ( y+h > sy+sh )
+ y = sy+sh - h;
+ if ( x < sx )
+ x = sx;
+ if ( y < sy )
+ y = sy;
+ if(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable, this)) {
+ int off_top = 0, off_bottom = 0;
+ if(y+h > sy+sh)
+ off_bottom = (y+h) - (sy+sh);
+ if(y < sy)
+ off_top = sy - y;
+ if(off_bottom || off_top) {
+ int ch = updateSize().height(); //store the old height, before setting scrollable --Sam
+ const int vextra = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuFrameVerticalExtra, this);
+ d->scroll.scrollableSize = h - off_top - off_bottom - 2*vextra;
+ if(off_top) {
+ move( x, y = sy );
+ d->scroll.scrollable = d->scroll.scrollable | QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp;
+ }
+ if( off_bottom )
+ d->scroll.scrollable = d->scroll.scrollable | QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown;
+ if( off_top != off_bottom && indexAtPoint >= 0 ) {
+ ch -= (vextra * 2);
+ if(ch > sh) //no bigger than the screen!
+ ch = sh;
+ if( ch > d->scroll.scrollableSize )
+ d->scroll.scrollableSize = ch;
+ }
+ updateSize(TRUE); //now set the size using the scrollable/scrollableSize as above
+ w = width();
+ h = height();
+ if(indexAtPoint >= 0) {
+ if(off_top) { //scroll to it
+ register QMenuItem *mi = NULL;
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ for(int tmp_y = 0; tmp_y < off_top && (mi=it.current()); ) {
+ QSize sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemHeight( mi )),
+ QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth,0));
+ tmp_y += sz.height();
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ move( x, y );
+ motion=0;
+ actItem = -1;
+#ifndef QT_NO_EFFECTS
+ int hGuess = qApp->reverseLayout() ? QEffects::LeftScroll : QEffects::RightScroll;
+ int vGuess = QEffects::DownScroll;
+ if ( qApp->reverseLayout() ) {
+ if ( snapToMouse && ( x + w/2 > mouse.x() ) ||
+ ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isPopupMenu &&
+ ( x + w/2 > ((QPopupMenu*)parentMenu)->x() ) ) )
+ hGuess = QEffects::RightScroll;
+ } else {
+ if ( snapToMouse && ( x + w/2 < mouse.x() ) ||
+ ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isPopupMenu &&
+ ( x + w/2 < ((QPopupMenu*)parentMenu)->x() ) ) )
+ hGuess = QEffects::LeftScroll;
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ if ( snapToMouse && ( y + h/2 < mouse.y() ) ||
+ ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isMenuBar &&
+ ( y + h/2 < ((QMenuBar*)parentMenu)->mapToGlobal( ((QMenuBar*)parentMenu)->pos() ).y() ) ) )
+ vGuess = QEffects::UpScroll;
+ if ( QApplication::isEffectEnabled( UI_AnimateMenu ) &&
+ preventAnimation == FALSE ) {
+ if ( QApplication::isEffectEnabled( UI_FadeMenu ) )
+ qFadeEffect( this );
+ else if ( parentMenu )
+ qScrollEffect( this, parentMenu->isPopupMenu ? hGuess : vGuess );
+ else
+ qScrollEffect( this, hGuess | vGuess );
+ } else
+ {
+ show();
+ }
+ QAccessible::updateAccessibility( this, 0, QAccessible::PopupMenuStart );
+ \fn void QPopupMenu::activated( int id )
+ This signal is emitted when a menu item is selected; \a id is the
+ id of the selected item.
+ Normally, you connect each menu item to a single slot using
+ QMenuData::insertItem(), but sometimes you will want to connect
+ several items to a single slot (most often if the user selects
+ from an array). This signal is useful in such cases.
+ \sa highlighted(), QMenuData::insertItem()
+ \fn void QPopupMenu::highlighted( int id )
+ This signal is emitted when a menu item is highlighted; \a id is
+ the id of the highlighted item.
+ \sa activated(), QMenuData::insertItem()
+/*! \fn void QPopupMenu::highlightedRedirect( int id )
+ \internal
+ Used internally to connect submenus to their parents.
+/*! \fn void QPopupMenu::activatedRedirect( int id )
+ \internal
+ Used internally to connect submenus to their parents.
+void QPopupMenu::subActivated( int id )
+ emit activatedRedirect( id );
+void QPopupMenu::subHighlighted( int id )
+ emit highlightedRedirect( id );
+static bool fromAccel = FALSE;
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+void QPopupMenu::accelActivated( int id )
+ QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
+ if ( mi && mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) {
+ QGuardedPtr<QSignal> signal = mi->signal();
+ fromAccel = TRUE;
+ actSig( mi->id() );
+ fromAccel = FALSE;
+ if ( signal )
+ signal->activate();
+ }
+void QPopupMenu::accelDestroyed() // accel about to be deleted
+ autoaccel = 0; // don't delete it twice!
+#endif //QT_NO_ACCEL
+void QPopupMenu::popupDestroyed( QObject *o )
+ removePopup( (QPopupMenu*)o );
+void QPopupMenu::actSig( int id, bool inwhatsthis )
+ if ( !inwhatsthis ) {
+ emit activated( id );
+ if ( !fromAccel )
+ QAccessible::updateAccessibility( this, indexOf(id)+1, QAccessible::MenuCommand );
+ } else {
+ QRect r( itemGeometry( indexOf( id ) ) );
+ QPoint p(, r.bottom() );
+ QString whatsThis = findItem( id )->whatsThis();
+ if ( whatsThis.isNull() )
+ whatsThis = QWhatsThis::textFor( this, p );
+ QWhatsThis::leaveWhatsThisMode( whatsThis, mapToGlobal( p ), this );
+ }
+ emit activatedRedirect( id );
+void QPopupMenu::hilitSig( int id )
+ emit highlighted( id );
+ emit highlightedRedirect( id );
+ QAccessible::updateAccessibility( this, indexOf(id)+1, QAccessible::Focus );
+ QAccessible::updateAccessibility( this, indexOf(id)+1, QAccessible::Selection );
+void QPopupMenu::setFirstItemActive()
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ int ai = 0;
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable)
+ ai = d->scroll.topScrollableIndex;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ ++it;
+ if ( !mi->isSeparator() && mi->id() != QMenuData::d->aInt &&
+ ( style().styleHint( QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, this ) || mi->isEnabledAndVisible() )) {
+ setActiveItem( ai );
+ return;
+ }
+ ai++;
+ }
+ actItem = -1;
+ \internal
+ Hides all popup menus (in this menu tree) that are currently open.
+void QPopupMenu::hideAllPopups()
+ register QMenuData *top = this; // find top level popup
+ if ( !preventAnimation )
+ QTimer::singleShot( 10, this, SLOT(allowAnimation()) );
+ preventAnimation = TRUE;
+ if ( !isPopup() )
+ return; // nothing to do
+ while ( top->parentMenu && top->parentMenu->isPopupMenu
+ && ((QPopupMenu*)top->parentMenu)->isPopup() )
+ top = top->parentMenu;
+ ((QPopupMenu*)top)->hide(); // cascade from top level
+ if (whatsThisItem) {
+ qWhatsThisBDH();
+ whatsThisItem = 0;
+ }
+ \internal
+ Hides all popup sub-menus.
+void QPopupMenu::hidePopups()
+ if ( !preventAnimation )
+ QTimer::singleShot( 10, this, SLOT(allowAnimation()) );
+ preventAnimation = TRUE;
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ ++it;
+ if ( mi->popup() && mi->popup()->parentMenu == this ) //avoid circularity
+ mi->popup()->hide();
+ }
+ popupActive = -1; // no active sub menu
+ if(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay, this))
+ d->mouseMoveBuffer = QRegion();
+ QRect mfrect = itemGeometry( actItem );
+ setMicroFocusHint( mfrect.x(), mfrect.y(), mfrect.width(), mfrect.height(), FALSE );
+ \internal
+ Sends the event to the menu bar.
+bool QPopupMenu::tryMenuBar( QMouseEvent *e )
+ register QMenuData *top = this; // find top level
+ while ( top->parentMenu )
+ top = top->parentMenu;
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ return top->isMenuBar ?
+ ((QMenuBar *)top)->tryMouseEvent( this, e ) :
+ ((QPopupMenu*)top)->tryMouseEvent(this, e );
+ return ((QPopupMenu*)top)->tryMouseEvent(this, e );
+ \internal
+bool QPopupMenu::tryMouseEvent( QPopupMenu *p, QMouseEvent * e)
+ if ( p == this )
+ return FALSE;
+ QPoint pos = mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() );
+ if ( !rect().contains( pos ) ) // outside
+ return FALSE;
+ QMouseEvent ee( e->type(), pos, e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state() );
+ event( &ee );
+ return TRUE;
+ \internal
+ Tells the menu bar to go back to idle state.
+void QPopupMenu::byeMenuBar()
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ register QMenuData *top = this; // find top level
+ while ( top->parentMenu )
+ top = top->parentMenu;
+ hideAllPopups();
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ if ( top->isMenuBar )
+ ((QMenuBar *)top)->goodbye();
+ \internal
+ Return the item at \a pos, or -1 if there is no item there or if
+ it is a separator item.
+int QPopupMenu::itemAtPos( const QPoint &pos, bool ignoreSeparator ) const
+ if ( !contentsRect().contains(pos) )
+ return -1;
+ int row = 0;
+ int x = contentsRect().x();
+ int y = contentsRect().y();
+ QMenuItem *mi;
+ QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable) {
+ if(d->scroll.topScrollableIndex) {
+ for( ; (mi = it.current()) && row < d->scroll.topScrollableIndex; row++)
+ ++it;
+ if(!mi) {
+ row = 0;
+ it.toFirst();
+ }
+ y += style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ }
+ }
+ int itemw = contentsRect().width() / ncols;
+ QSize sz;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ y >= contentsRect().height() - style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this))
+ return -1;
+ ++it;
+ if ( !mi->isVisible() ) {
+ ++row;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int itemh = itemHeight( mi );
+ sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemh),
+ QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth));
+ sz = sz.expandedTo(QSize(itemw, sz.height()));
+ itemw = sz.width();
+ itemh = sz.height();
+ if ( ncols > 1 && y + itemh > contentsRect().bottom() ) {
+ y = contentsRect().y();
+ x +=itemw;
+ }
+ if ( QRect( x, y, itemw, itemh ).contains( pos ) )
+ break;
+ y += itemh;
+ ++row;
+ }
+ if ( mi && ( !ignoreSeparator || !mi->isSeparator() ) )
+ return row;
+ return -1;
+ \internal
+ Returns the geometry of item number \a index.
+QRect QPopupMenu::itemGeometry( int index )
+ QMenuItem *mi;
+ QSize sz;
+ int row = 0, scrollh = 0;
+ int x = contentsRect().x();
+ int y = contentsRect().y();
+ QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp) {
+ scrollh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ y += scrollh;
+ if(d->scroll.topScrollableIndex) {
+ for( ; (mi = it.current()) && row < d->scroll.topScrollableIndex; row++)
+ ++it;
+ if(!mi) {
+ row = 0;
+ it.toFirst();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int itemw = contentsRect().width() / ncols;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ y >= contentsRect().height() - scrollh)
+ break;
+ ++it;
+ if ( !mi->isVisible() ) {
+ ++row;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int itemh = itemHeight( mi );
+ sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemh),
+ QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth));
+ sz = sz.expandedTo(QSize(itemw, sz.height()));
+ itemw = sz.width();
+ itemh = sz.height();
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ (y + itemh > contentsRect().height() - scrollh))
+ itemh -= (y + itemh) - (contentsRect().height() - scrollh);
+ if ( ncols > 1 && y + itemh > contentsRect().bottom() ) {
+ y = contentsRect().y();
+ x +=itemw;
+ }
+ if ( row == index )
+ return QRect( x,y,itemw,itemh );
+ y += itemh;
+ ++row;
+ }
+ return QRect(0,0,0,0);
+ \internal
+ Calculates and sets the size of the popup menu, based on the size
+ of the items.
+QSize QPopupMenu::updateSize(bool force_update, bool do_resize)
+ polish();
+ if ( count() == 0 ) {
+ QSize ret = QSize( 50, 8 );
+ if(do_resize)
+ setFixedSize( ret );
+ badSize = TRUE;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int scrheight = 0;
+ if(d->scroll.scrollableSize) {
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp)
+ scrheight += style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown)
+ scrheight += style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ }
+ if(badSize || force_update) {
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ updateAccel( 0 );
+ int height = 0;
+ int max_width = 0, max_height = 0;
+ QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ maxPMWidth = 0;
+ int maxWidgetWidth = 0;
+ tab = 0;
+ for ( QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems ); it.current(); ++it ) {
+ mi = it.current();
+ QWidget *miw = mi->widget();
+ if (miw) {
+ if ( miw->parentWidget() != this )
+ miw->reparent( this, QPoint(0,0), TRUE );
+ // widget items musn't propgate mouse events
+ ((QPopupMenu*)miw)->setWFlags(WNoMousePropagation);
+ }
+ if ( mi->custom() )
+ mi->custom()->setFont( font() );
+ if ( mi->iconSet() != 0)
+ maxPMWidth = QMAX( maxPMWidth,
+ mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal ).width() + 4 );
+ }
+ int dh = screenRect( geometry().center()).height();
+ ncols = 1;
+ for ( QMenuItemListIt it2( *mitems ); it2.current(); ++it2 ) {
+ mi = it2.current();
+ if ( !mi->isVisible() )
+ continue;
+ int w = 0;
+ int itemHeight = QPopupMenu::itemHeight( mi );
+ if ( mi->widget() ) {
+ QSize s( mi->widget()->sizeHint() );
+ s = s.expandedTo( mi->widget()->minimumSize() );
+ mi->widget()->resize( s );
+ if ( s.width() > maxWidgetWidth )
+ maxWidgetWidth = s.width();
+ itemHeight = s.height();
+ } else {
+ if( ! mi->isSeparator() ) {
+ if ( mi->custom() ) {
+ if ( mi->custom()->fullSpan() ) {
+ maxWidgetWidth = QMAX( maxWidgetWidth,
+ mi->custom()->sizeHint().width() );
+ } else {
+ QSize s ( mi->custom()->sizeHint() );
+ w += s.width();
+ }
+ }
+ w += maxPMWidth;
+ if (! mi->text().isNull()) {
+ QString s = mi->text();
+ int t;
+ if ( (t = s.find('\t')) >= 0 ) { // string contains tab
+ w += fm.width( s, t );
+ w -= s.contains('&') * fm.width('&');
+ w += s.contains("&&") * fm.width('&');
+ int tw = fm.width( s.mid(t + 1) );
+ if ( tw > tab)
+ tab = tw;
+ } else {
+ w += fm.width( s );
+ w -= s.contains('&') * fm.width('&');
+ w += s.contains("&&") * fm.width('&');
+ }
+ } else if (mi->pixmap())
+ w += mi->pixmap()->width();
+ } else {
+ if ( mi->custom() ) {
+ QSize s ( mi->custom()->sizeHint() );
+ w += s.width();
+ } else {
+ w = itemHeight = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ QSize sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(w, itemHeight),
+ QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth));
+ w = sz.width();
+ itemHeight = sz.height();
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+ if ( mi->text().isNull() && !mi->pixmap() && !mi->iconSet() &&
+ !mi->isSeparator() && !mi->widget() && !mi->custom() )
+ qWarning( "QPopupMenu: (%s) Popup has invalid menu item",
+ name( "unnamed" ) );
+ }
+ height += itemHeight;
+ if(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable, this)) {
+ if(scrheight && height >= d->scroll.scrollableSize - scrheight) {
+ height = d->scroll.scrollableSize - scrheight;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if( height + 2*frameWidth() >= dh ) {
+ ncols++;
+ max_height = QMAX(max_height, height - itemHeight);
+ height = itemHeight;
+ }
+ if ( w > max_width )
+ max_width = w;
+ }
+ if( ncols == 1 && !max_height )
+ max_height = height;
+ if(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable, this)) {
+ height += scrheight;
+ setMouseTracking(TRUE);
+ }
+ if ( tab )
+ tab -= fontMetrics().minRightBearing();
+ else
+ max_width -= fontMetrics().minRightBearing();
+ if ( max_width + tab < maxWidgetWidth )
+ max_width = maxWidgetWidth - tab;
+ const int fw = frameWidth();
+ int extra_width = (fw+style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuFrameHorizontalExtra, this)) * 2,
+ extra_height = (fw+style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuFrameVerticalExtra, this)) * 2;
+ if ( ncols == 1 )
+ d->calcSize = QSize( QMAX( minimumWidth(), max_width + tab + extra_width ),
+ QMAX( minimumHeight() , height + extra_height ) );
+ else
+ d->calcSize = QSize( QMAX( minimumWidth(), (ncols*(max_width + tab)) + extra_width ),
+ QMAX( minimumHeight(), QMIN( max_height + extra_height + 1, dh ) ) );
+ badSize = FALSE;
+ }
+ {
+ // Position the widget items. It could be done in drawContents
+ // but this way we get less flicker.
+ QSize sz;
+ int x = contentsRect().x();
+ int y = contentsRect().y();
+ int itemw = contentsRect().width() / ncols;
+ for(QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems); it.current(); ++it) {
+ QMenuItem *mi = it.current();
+ if ( !mi->isVisible() )
+ continue;
+ int itemh = itemHeight( mi );
+ sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemh), QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth));
+ sz = sz.expandedTo(QSize(itemw, sz.height()));
+ itemw = sz.width();
+ itemh = sz.height();
+ if ( ncols > 1 && y + itemh > contentsRect().bottom() ) {
+ y = contentsRect().y();
+ x +=itemw;
+ }
+ if ( mi->widget() )
+ mi->widget()->setGeometry( x, y, itemw, mi->widget()->height() );
+ y += itemh;
+ }
+ }
+ if( do_resize && size() != d->calcSize ) {
+ setMaximumSize( d->calcSize );
+ d->calcSize = maximumSize(); //let the max size adjust it (virtual)
+ resize( d->calcSize );
+ }
+ return d->calcSize;
+#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ \internal
+ The \a parent is 0 when it is updated when a menu item has
+ changed a state, or it is something else if called from the menu bar.
+void QPopupMenu::updateAccel( QWidget *parent )
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ if ( parent ) {
+ delete autoaccel;
+ autoaccel = 0;
+ } else if ( !autoaccel ) {
+ // we have no parent. Rather than ignoring any accelerators we try to find this popup's main window
+ if ( tornOff ) {
+ parent = this;
+ } else {
+ QWidget *w = (QWidget *) this;
+ parent = w->parentWidget();
+ while ( (!w->testWFlags(WType_TopLevel) || !w->testWFlags(WType_Popup)) && parent ) {
+ w = parent;
+ parent = parent->parentWidget();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parent == 0 && autoaccel == 0 )
+ return;
+ if ( autoaccel ) // build it from scratch
+ autoaccel->clear();
+ else {
+ // create an autoaccel in any case, even if we might not use
+ // it immediately. Maybe the user needs it later.
+ autoaccel = new QAccel( parent, this );
+ connect( autoaccel, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ SLOT(accelActivated(int)) );
+ connect( autoaccel, SIGNAL(activatedAmbiguously(int)),
+ SLOT(accelActivated(int)) );
+ connect( autoaccel, SIGNAL(destroyed()),
+ SLOT(accelDestroyed()) );
+ if ( accelDisabled )
+ autoaccel->setEnabled( FALSE );
+ }
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ ++it;
+ QKeySequence k = mi->key();
+ if ( (int)k ) {
+ int id = autoaccel->insertItem( k, mi->id() );
+ autoaccel->setWhatsThis( id, mi->whatsThis() );
+ }
+ if ( !mi->text().isNull() || mi->custom() ) {
+ QString s = mi->text();
+ int i = s.find('\t');
+ // Note: Only looking at the first key in the sequence!
+ if ( (int)k && (int)k != Key_unknown ) {
+ QString t = (QString)mi->key();
+ if ( i >= 0 )
+ s.replace( i+1, s.length()-i, t );
+ else {
+ s += '\t';
+ s += t;
+ }
+ } else if ( !k ) {
+ if ( i >= 0 )
+ s.truncate( i );
+ }
+ if ( s != mi->text() ) {
+ mi->setText( s );
+ badSize = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( mi->popup() && parent ) { // call recursively
+ // reuse
+ QPopupMenu* popup = mi->popup();
+ if (!popup->avoid_circularity) {
+ popup->avoid_circularity = 1;
+ popup->updateAccel( parent );
+ popup->avoid_circularity = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \internal
+ It would be better to check in the slot.
+void QPopupMenu::enableAccel( bool enable )
+ if ( autoaccel )
+ autoaccel->setEnabled( enable );
+ accelDisabled = !enable; // rememeber when updateAccel
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) { // do the same for sub popups
+ ++it;
+ if ( mi->popup() ) // call recursively
+ mi->popup()->enableAccel( enable );
+ }
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::setFont( const QFont &font )
+ QWidget::setFont( font );
+ badSize = TRUE;
+ if ( isVisible() ) {
+ updateSize();
+ update();
+ }
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::show()
+ if ( !isPopup() && isVisible() )
+ hide();
+ if ( isVisible() ) {
+ supressAboutToShow = FALSE;
+ QWidget::show();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!supressAboutToShow)
+ emit aboutToShow();
+ else
+ supressAboutToShow = FALSE;
+ performDelayedChanges();
+ updateSize(TRUE);
+ QWidget::show();
+ popupActive = -1;
+ if(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay, this))
+ d->mouseMoveBuffer = QRegion();
+ d->ignoremousepos = QCursor::pos();
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::hide()
+ if ( syncMenu == this && qApp ) {
+ qApp->exit_loop();
+ syncMenu = 0;
+ }
+ if ( !isVisible() ) {
+ QWidget::hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ emit aboutToHide();
+ actItem = popupActive = -1;
+ if(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay, this))
+ d->mouseMoveBuffer = QRegion();
+ mouseBtDn = FALSE; // mouse button up
+ QAccessible::updateAccessibility( this, 0, QAccessible::PopupMenuEnd );
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ QMenuData *top = this; // find top level
+ while ( top->parentMenu )
+ top = top->parentMenu;
+ if( top->isMenuBar )
+ x11SetWindowType( X11WindowTypePopup ); // reset
+ parentMenu = 0;
+ hidePopups();
+ QWidget::hide();
+ Calculates the height in pixels of the item in row \a row.
+int QPopupMenu::itemHeight( int row ) const
+ return itemHeight( mitems->at( row ) );
+ \overload
+ Calculates the height in pixels of the menu item \a mi.
+int QPopupMenu::itemHeight( QMenuItem *mi ) const
+ if ( mi->widget() )
+ return mi->widget()->height();
+ if ( mi->custom() && mi->custom()->fullSpan() )
+ return mi->custom()->sizeHint().height();
+ QFontMetrics fm(fontMetrics());
+ int h = 0;
+ if ( mi->isSeparator() ) // separator height
+ h = 2;
+ else if ( mi->pixmap() ) // pixmap height
+ h = mi->pixmap()->height();
+ else // text height
+ h = fm.height();
+ if ( !mi->isSeparator() && mi->iconSet() != 0 )
+ h = QMAX(h, mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small,
+ QIconSet::Normal ).height());
+ if ( mi->custom() )
+ h = QMAX(h, mi->custom()->sizeHint().height());
+ return h;
+ Draws menu item \a mi in the area \a x, \a y, \a w, \a h, using
+ painter \a p. The item is drawn active if \a act is TRUE or drawn
+ inactive if \a act is FALSE. The rightmost \a tab_ pixels are used
+ for accelerator text.
+ \sa QStyle::drawControl()
+void QPopupMenu::drawItem( QPainter* p, int tab_, QMenuItem* mi,
+ bool act, int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
+ if (isEnabled() && mi->isEnabledAndVisible() && (!mi->popup() || mi->popup()->isEnabled()) )
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ if (act)
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Active;
+ if (mouseBtDn)
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Down;
+ const QColorGroup &cg = ((flags&QStyle::Style_Enabled) ? colorGroup() : palette().disabled() );
+ if ( mi->custom() && mi->custom()->fullSpan() ) {
+ QMenuItem dummy;
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuItem, p, this, QRect(x, y, w, h), cg,
+ flags, QStyleOption(&dummy,maxPMWidth,tab_));
+ mi->custom()->paint( p, cg, act, flags&QStyle::Style_Enabled, x, y, w, h );
+ } else
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuItem, p, this, QRect(x, y, w, h), cg,
+ flags, QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth,tab_));
+ Draws all menu items using painter \a p.
+void QPopupMenu::drawContents( QPainter* p )
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ QMenuItem *mi = 0;
+ int row = 0;
+ int x = contentsRect().x();
+ int y = contentsRect().y();
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable) {
+ if(d->scroll.topScrollableIndex) {
+ for( ; (mi = it.current()) && row < d->scroll.topScrollableIndex; row++)
+ ++it;
+ if(!mi)
+ it.toFirst();
+ }
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp) {
+ QRect rect(x, y, contentsRect().width(),
+ style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this));
+ if(!p->hasClipping() || p->clipRegion().contains(rect)) {
+ QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Up;
+ if (isEnabled())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuScroller, p, this, rect,
+ colorGroup(), flags, QStyleOption(maxPMWidth));
+ }
+ y += rect.height();
+ }
+ }
+ int itemw = contentsRect().width() / ncols;
+ QSize sz;
+ QStyle::SFlags flags;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ y >= contentsRect().height() - style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this))
+ break;
+ ++it;
+ if ( !mi->isVisible() ) {
+ ++row;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int itemh = itemHeight( mi );
+ sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemh),
+ QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth,0)
+ );
+ sz = sz.expandedTo(QSize(itemw, sz.height()));
+ itemw = sz.width();
+ itemh = sz.height();
+ if ( ncols > 1 && y + itemh > contentsRect().bottom() ) {
+ if ( y < contentsRect().bottom() ) {
+ QRect rect(x, y, itemw, contentsRect().bottom() - y);
+ if(!p->hasClipping() || p->clipRegion().contains(rect)) {
+ flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
+ if (isEnabled() && mi->isEnabledAndVisible())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuItem, p, this, rect,
+ colorGroup(), flags, QStyleOption((QMenuItem*)0,maxPMWidth));
+ }
+ }
+ y = contentsRect().y();
+ x +=itemw;
+ }
+ if (!mi->widget() && (!p->hasClipping() || p->clipRegion().contains(QRect(x, y, itemw, itemh))))
+ drawItem( p, tab, mi, row == actItem, x, y, itemw, itemh );
+ y += itemh;
+ ++row;
+ }
+ if ( y < contentsRect().bottom() ) {
+ QRect rect(x, y, itemw, contentsRect().bottom() - y);
+ if(!p->hasClipping() || p->clipRegion().contains(rect)) {
+ flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
+ if ( isEnabled() )
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuItem, p, this, rect,
+ colorGroup(), flags, QStyleOption((QMenuItem*)0,maxPMWidth));
+ }
+ }
+ if( d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown ) {
+ int sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ QRect rect(x, contentsRect().height() - sh, contentsRect().width(), sh);
+ if(!p->hasClipping() || p->clipRegion().contains(rect)) {
+ QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Down;
+ if (isEnabled())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuScroller, p, this, rect,
+ colorGroup(), flags, QStyleOption(maxPMWidth));
+ }
+ }
+#if defined( DEBUG_SLOPPY_SUBMENU )
+ if ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus, this )) {
+ p->setClipRegion( d->mouseMoveBuffer );
+ p->fillRect( d->mouseMoveBuffer.boundingRect(), colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
+ }
+ Event handlers
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e )
+ QFrame::paintEvent( e );
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * e) {
+ e->accept();
+ byeMenuBar();
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ int sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ if (rect().contains(e->pos()) &&
+ ((d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp && e->pos().y() <= sh) || //up
+ (d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ e->pos().y() >= contentsRect().height() - sh))) //down
+ return;
+ mouseBtDn = TRUE; // mouse button down
+ int item = itemAtPos( e->pos() );
+ if ( item == -1 ) {
+ if ( !rect().contains(e->pos()) && !tryMenuBar(e) ) {
+ byeMenuBar();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ register QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at(item);
+ if ( item != actItem ) // new item activated
+ setActiveItem( item );
+ QPopupMenu *popup = mi->popup();
+ if ( popup ) {
+ if ( popup->isVisible() ) { // sub menu already open
+ int pactItem = popup->actItem;
+ popup->actItem = -1;
+ popup->hidePopups();
+ popup->updateRow( pactItem );
+ } else { // open sub menu
+ hidePopups();
+ popupSubMenuLater( 20, this );
+ }
+ } else {
+ hidePopups();
+ }
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ // do not hide a standalone context menu on press-release, unless
+ // the user moved the mouse significantly
+ if ( !parentMenu && !mouseBtDn && actItem < 0 && motion < 6 )
+ return;
+ mouseBtDn = FALSE;
+ // if the user released the mouse outside the menu, pass control
+ // to the menubar or our parent menu
+ int sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ if ( !rect().contains( e->pos() ) && tryMenuBar(e) )
+ return;
+ else if((d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp && e->pos().y() <= sh) || //up
+ (d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ e->pos().y() >= contentsRect().height() - sh)) //down
+ return;
+ if ( actItem < 0 ) { // we do not have an active item
+ // if the release is inside without motion (happens with
+ // oversized popup menus on small screens), ignore it
+ if ( rect().contains( e->pos() ) && motion < 6 )
+ return;
+ else
+ byeMenuBar();
+ } else { // selected menu item!
+ register QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at(actItem);
+ if ( mi ->widget() ) {
+ QWidget* widgetAt = QApplication::widgetAt( e->globalPos(), TRUE );
+ if ( widgetAt && widgetAt != this ) {
+ QMouseEvent me( e->type(), widgetAt->mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ),
+ e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state() );
+ QApplication::sendEvent( widgetAt, &me );
+ }
+ }
+ QPopupMenu *popup = mi->popup();
+ bool b = QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode();
+ const bool b = FALSE;
+ if ( !mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) {
+ if ( b ) {
+ actItem = -1;
+ updateItem( mi->id() );
+ byeMenuBar();
+ actSig( mi->id(), b);
+ }
+ } else if ( popup ) {
+ popup->setFirstItemActive();
+ } else { // normal menu item
+ byeMenuBar(); // deactivate menu bar
+ if ( mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) {
+ actItem = -1;
+ updateItem( mi->id() );
+ active_popup_menu = this;
+ QGuardedPtr<QSignal> signal = mi->signal();
+ actSig( mi->id(), b );
+ if ( signal && !b )
+ signal->activate();
+ active_popup_menu = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ if( e->globalPos() == d->ignoremousepos ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ d->ignoremousepos = QPoint();
+ motion++;
+ if ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isPopupMenu ) {
+ QPopupMenu* p = (QPopupMenu*)parentMenu;
+ int myIndex;
+ p->findPopup( this, &myIndex );
+ QPoint pPos = p->mapFromParent( e->globalPos() );
+ if ( p->actItem != myIndex && !p->rect().contains( pPos ) )
+ p->setActiveItem( myIndex );
+ if ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus, this )) {
+ p->d->mouseMoveBuffer = QRegion();
+ p->repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (e->state() & Qt::MouseButtonMask) == 0 &&
+ !hasMouseTracking() )
+ return;
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable && e->pos().x() >= rect().x() && e->pos().x() <= rect().width()) {
+ int sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ if((d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp && e->pos().y() <= sh) ||
+ (d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown && e->pos().y() >= height()-sh)) {
+ if(!d->scroll.scrolltimer) {
+ d->scroll.scrolltimer = new QTimer(this, "popup scroll timer");
+ QObject::connect( d->scroll.scrolltimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, SLOT(subScrollTimer()) );
+ }
+ if(!d->scroll.scrolltimer->isActive())
+ d->scroll.scrolltimer->start(40);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ int item = itemAtPos( e->pos() );
+ if ( item == -1 ) { // no valid item
+ if( !d->hasmouse ) {
+ tryMenuBar( e );
+ return;
+ }
+ d->hasmouse = 0;
+ int lastActItem = actItem;
+ actItem = -1;
+ if ( lastActItem >= 0 )
+ updateRow( lastActItem );
+ if ( lastActItem > 0 ||
+ ( !rect().contains( e->pos() ) && !tryMenuBar( e ) ) ) {
+ popupSubMenuLater(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay,
+ this), this);
+ }
+ } else { // mouse on valid item
+ // but did not register mouse press
+ d->hasmouse = 1;
+ if ( (e->state() & Qt::MouseButtonMask) && !mouseBtDn )
+ mouseBtDn = TRUE; // so mouseReleaseEvent will pop down
+ register QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at( item );
+ if ( mi->widget() ) {
+ QWidget* widgetAt = QApplication::widgetAt( e->globalPos(), TRUE );
+ if ( widgetAt && widgetAt != this ) {
+ QMouseEvent me( e->type(), widgetAt->mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ),
+ e->globalPos(), e->button(), e->state() );
+ QApplication::sendEvent( widgetAt, &me );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( actItem == item )
+ return;
+ if ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus, this) &&
+ d->mouseMoveBuffer.contains( e->pos() ) ) {
+ actItem = item;
+ popupSubMenuLater( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay, this) * 6,
+ this );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( mi->popup() || ( popupActive >= 0 && popupActive != item ))
+ popupSubMenuLater( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay, this),
+ this );
+ else if ( singleSingleShot )
+ singleSingleShot->stop();
+ if ( item != actItem )
+ setActiveItem( item );
+ }
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
+ /*
+ I get nothing but complaints about this. -Brad
+ - if (mouseBtDn && actItem >= 0) {
+ - if (e->key() == Key_Shift ||
+ - e->key() == Key_Control ||
+ - e->key() == Key_Alt)
+ - return;
+ -
+ - QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at(actItem);
+ - int modifier = (((e->state() & ShiftButton) ? SHIFT : 0) |
+ - ((e->state() & ControlButton) ? CTRL : 0) |
+ - ((e->state() & AltButton) ? ALT : 0));
+ -
+ - #ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
+ - if (mi)
+ - setAccel(modifier + e->key(), mi->id());
+ - #endif
+ - return;
+ - }
+ */
+ QMenuItem *mi = 0;
+ QPopupMenu *popup;
+ int dy = 0;
+ bool ok_key = TRUE;
+ int key = e->key();
+ if ( QApplication::reverseLayout() ) {
+ // in reverse mode opening and closing keys for submenues are reversed
+ if ( key == Key_Left )
+ key = Key_Right;
+ else if ( key == Key_Right )
+ key = Key_Left;
+ }
+ switch ( key ) {
+ case Key_Tab:
+ // ignore tab, otherwise it will be passed to the menubar
+ break;
+ case Key_Up:
+ dy = -1;
+ break;
+ case Key_Down:
+ dy = 1;
+ break;
+ case Key_Alt:
+ if ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation, this) )
+ byeMenuBar();
+ break;
+ case Key_Escape:
+ if ( tornOff ) {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // just hide one
+ {
+ QMenuData* p = parentMenu;
+ hide();
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ if ( p && p->isMenuBar )
+ ((QMenuBar*) p)->goodbye( TRUE );
+ }
+ break;
+ case Key_Left:
+ if ( ncols > 1 && actItem >= 0 ) {
+ QRect r( itemGeometry( actItem ) );
+ int newActItem = itemAtPos( QPoint( r.left() - 1, ) );
+ if ( newActItem >= 0 ) {
+ setActiveItem( newActItem );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isPopupMenu ) {
+ ((QPopupMenu *)parentMenu)->hidePopups();
+ if ( singleSingleShot )
+ singleSingleShot->stop();
+ break;
+ }
+ ok_key = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case Key_Right:
+ if ( actItem >= 0 && ( mi=mitems->at(actItem) )->isEnabledAndVisible() && (popup=mi->popup()) ) {
+ hidePopups();
+ if ( singleSingleShot )
+ singleSingleShot->stop();
+ // ### The next two lines were switched to fix the problem with the first item of the
+ // submenu not being highlighted...any reason why they should have been the other way??
+ subMenuTimer();
+ popup->setFirstItemActive();
+ break;
+ } else if ( actItem == -1 && ( parentMenu && !parentMenu->isMenuBar )) {
+ dy = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( ncols > 1 && actItem >= 0 ) {
+ QRect r( itemGeometry( actItem ) );
+ int newActItem = itemAtPos( QPoint( r.right() + 1, ) );
+ if ( newActItem >= 0 ) {
+ setActiveItem( newActItem );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ok_key = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case Key_Space:
+ if (! style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SpaceActivatesItem, this))
+ break;
+ // for motif, fall through
+ case Key_Return:
+ case Key_Enter:
+ {
+ if ( actItem < 0 )
+ break;
+ bool b = QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode();
+ const bool b = FALSE;
+ mi = mitems->at( actItem );
+ if ( !mi->isEnabled() && !b )
+ break;
+ popup = mi->popup();
+ if ( popup ) {
+ hidePopups();
+ popupSubMenuLater( 20, this );
+ popup->setFirstItemActive();
+ } else {
+ actItem = -1;
+ updateItem( mi->id() );
+ byeMenuBar();
+ if ( mi->isEnabledAndVisible() || b ) {
+ active_popup_menu = this;
+ QGuardedPtr<QSignal> signal = mi->signal();
+ actSig( mi->id(), b );
+ if ( signal && !b )
+ signal->activate();
+ active_popup_menu = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Key_F1:
+ if ( actItem < 0 || e->state() != ShiftButton)
+ break;
+ mi = mitems->at( actItem );
+ if ( !mi->whatsThis().isNull() ){
+ if ( !QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode() )
+ QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode();
+ QRect r( itemGeometry( actItem) );
+ QWhatsThis::leaveWhatsThisMode( mi->whatsThis(), mapToGlobal( r.bottomLeft()) );
+ }
+ //fall-through!
+ default:
+ ok_key = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( !ok_key &&
+ ( !e->state() || e->state() == AltButton || e->state() == ShiftButton ) &&
+ e->text().length()==1 ) {
+ QChar c = e->text()[0].upper();
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ QMenuItem* first = 0;
+ QMenuItem* currentSelected = 0;
+ QMenuItem* firstAfterCurrent = 0;
+ register QMenuItem *m;
+ mi = 0;
+ int indx = 0;
+ int clashCount = 0;
+ while ( (m=it.current()) ) {
+ ++it;
+ QString s = m->text();
+ if ( !s.isEmpty() ) {
+ int i = s.find( '&' );
+ while ( i >= 0 && i < (int)s.length() - 1 ) {
+ if ( s[i+1].upper() == c ) {
+ ok_key = TRUE;
+ clashCount++;
+ if ( !first )
+ first = m;
+ if ( indx == actItem )
+ currentSelected = m;
+ else if ( !firstAfterCurrent && currentSelected )
+ firstAfterCurrent = m;
+ break;
+ } else if ( s[i+1] == '&' ) {
+ i = s.find( '&', i+2 );
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( mi )
+ break;
+ indx++;
+ }
+ if ( 1 == clashCount ) { // No clashes, continue with selection
+ mi = first;
+ popup = mi->popup();
+ if ( popup ) {
+ setActiveItem( indexOf(mi->id()) );
+ hidePopups();
+ popupSubMenuLater( 20, this );
+ popup->setFirstItemActive();
+ } else {
+ byeMenuBar();
+ bool b = QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode();
+ const bool b = FALSE;
+ if ( mi->isEnabledAndVisible() || b ) {
+ active_popup_menu = this;
+ QGuardedPtr<QSignal> signal = mi->signal();
+ actSig( mi->id(), b );
+ if ( signal && !b )
+ signal->activate();
+ active_popup_menu = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( clashCount > 1 ) { // Clashes, highlight next...
+ // If there's clashes and no one is selected, use first one
+ // or if there is no clashes _after_ current, use first one
+ if ( !currentSelected || (currentSelected && !firstAfterCurrent))
+ dy = indexOf( first->id() ) - actItem;
+ else
+ dy = indexOf( firstAfterCurrent->id() ) - actItem;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ if ( !ok_key ) { // send to menu bar
+ register QMenuData *top = this; // find top level
+ while ( top->parentMenu )
+ top = top->parentMenu;
+ if ( top->isMenuBar ) {
+ int beforeId = top->actItem;
+ ((QMenuBar*)top)->tryKeyEvent( this, e );
+ if ( beforeId != top->actItem )
+ ok_key = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( actItem < 0 ) {
+ if ( dy > 0 ) {
+ setFirstItemActive();
+ } else if ( dy < 0 ) {
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ it.toLast();
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ int ai = count() - 1;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ --it;
+ if ( !mi->isSeparator() && mi->id() != QMenuData::d->aInt ) {
+ setActiveItem( ai );
+ return;
+ }
+ ai--;
+ }
+ actItem = -1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( dy ) { // highlight next/prev
+ register int i = actItem;
+ int c = mitems->count();
+ for(int n = c; n; n--) {
+ i = i + dy;
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable) {
+ if(d->scroll.scrolltimer)
+ d->scroll.scrolltimer->stop();
+ if(i < 0)
+ i = 0;
+ else if(i >= c)
+ i = c - 1;
+ } else {
+ if ( i == c )
+ i = 0;
+ else if ( i < 0 )
+ i = c - 1;
+ }
+ mi = mitems->at( i );
+ if ( !mi || !mi->isVisible() )
+ continue;
+ if ( !mi->isSeparator() &&
+ ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, this)
+ || mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( i != actItem )
+ setActiveItem( i );
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable) { //need to scroll to make it visible?
+ QRect r = itemGeometry(actItem);
+ if(r.isNull() || r.height() < itemHeight(mitems->at(actItem))) {
+ bool refresh = FALSE;
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp && dy == -1) { //up
+ if(d->scroll.topScrollableIndex >= 0) {
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex--;
+ refresh = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown) { //down
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ int sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ for(int i = 0, y = ((d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp) ? sh : 0); it.current(); i++, ++it) {
+ if(i >= d->scroll.topScrollableIndex) {
+ int itemh = itemHeight(it.current());
+ QSize sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemh),
+ QStyleOption(it.current(),maxPMWidth,0));
+ y += sz.height();
+ if(y > (contentsRect().height()-sh)) {
+ if(sz.height() > sh || !it.atLast())
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex++;
+ refresh = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(refresh) {
+ updateScrollerState();
+ update();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
+ if ( !ok_key &&
+ !( e->key() == Key_Control || e->key() == Key_Shift || e->key() == Key_Meta ) )
+ qApp->beep();
+#endif // Q_OS_WIN32
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *e )
+ QFrame::timerEvent( e );
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::leaveEvent( QEvent * )
+ d->hasmouse = 0;
+ if ( testWFlags( WStyle_Tool ) && style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking, this) ) {
+ int lastActItem = actItem;
+ actItem = -1;
+ if ( lastActItem >= 0 )
+ updateRow( lastActItem );
+ }
+ \reimp
+void QPopupMenu::styleChange( QStyle& old )
+ QFrame::styleChange( old );
+ setMouseTracking(style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking, this));
+ style().polishPopupMenu( this );
+ updateSize(TRUE);
+ */
+void QPopupMenu::enabledChange( bool )
+ if ( QMenuData::d->aWidget ) // torn-off menu
+ QMenuData::d->aWidget->setEnabled( isEnabled() );
+ If a popup menu does not fit on the screen it lays itself out so
+ that it does fit. It is style dependent what layout means (for
+ example, on Windows it will use multiple columns).
+ This functions returns the number of columns necessary.
+ \sa sizeHint()
+int QPopupMenu::columns() const
+ return ncols;
+/* This private slot handles the scrolling popupmenu */
+void QPopupMenu::subScrollTimer() {
+ QPoint pos = QCursor::pos();
+ if(!d->scroll.scrollable || !isVisible()) {
+ if(d->scroll.scrolltimer)
+ d->scroll.scrolltimer->stop();
+ return;
+ } else if(pos.x() > x() + width() || pos.x() < x()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ if(!d->scroll.lastScroll.isValid()) {
+ d->scroll.lastScroll = QTime::currentTime();
+ } else {
+ int factor=0;
+ if(pos.y() < y())
+ factor = y() - pos.y();
+ else if(pos.y() > y() + height())
+ factor = pos.y() - (y() + height());
+ int msecs = 250 - ((factor / 10) * 40);
+ if(d->scroll.lastScroll.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) < QMAX(0, msecs))
+ return;
+ d->scroll.lastScroll = QTime::currentTime();
+ }
+ if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp && pos.y() <= y() + sh) { //up
+ if(d->scroll.topScrollableIndex > 0) {
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex--;
+ updateScrollerState();
+ update(contentsRect());
+ }
+ } else if(d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown &&
+ pos.y() >= (y() + contentsRect().height()) - sh) { //down
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ for(int i = 0, y = contentsRect().y() + sh; it.current(); i++, ++it) {
+ if(i >= d->scroll.topScrollableIndex) {
+ int itemh = itemHeight(it.current());
+ QSize sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this, QSize(0, itemh),
+ QStyleOption(it.current(),maxPMWidth,0));
+ y += sz.height();
+ if(y > contentsRect().height() - sh) {
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex++;
+ updateScrollerState();
+ update(contentsRect());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* This private slot handles the delayed submenu effects */
+void QPopupMenu::subMenuTimer() {
+ if ( !isVisible() || (actItem < 0 && popupActive < 0) || actItem == popupActive )
+ return;
+ if ( popupActive >= 0 ) {
+ hidePopups();
+ popupActive = -1;
+ }
+ // hidePopups() may change actItem etc.
+ if ( !isVisible() || actItem < 0 || actItem == popupActive )
+ return;
+ QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at(actItem);
+ if ( !mi || !mi->isEnabledAndVisible() )
+ return;
+ QPopupMenu *popup = mi->popup();
+ if ( !popup || !popup->isEnabled() )
+ return;
+ //avoid circularity
+ if ( popup->isVisible() )
+ return;
+ Q_ASSERT( popup->parentMenu == 0 );
+ popup->parentMenu = this; // set parent menu
+ emit popup->aboutToShow();
+ supressAboutToShow = TRUE;
+ QRect r( itemGeometry( actItem ) );
+ QPoint p;
+ QSize ps = popup->sizeHint();
+ // GUI Style
+ int gs = style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_GUIStyle);
+ int arrowHMargin, arrowVMargin;
+ if (gs == GtkStyle) {
+ arrowHMargin = gtkArrowHMargin;
+ arrowVMargin = gtkArrowVMargin;
+ } else {
+ arrowHMargin = motifArrowHMargin;
+ arrowVMargin = motifArrowVMargin;
+ }
+ if( QApplication::reverseLayout() ) {
+ p = QPoint( r.left() + arrowHMargin - ps.width(), + arrowVMargin );
+ p = mapToGlobal( p );
+ bool right = FALSE;
+ if ( ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isPopupMenu &&
+ ((QPopupMenu*)parentMenu)->geometry().x() < geometry().x() ) ||
+ p.x() < screenRect( p ).left())
+ right = TRUE;
+ if ( right && (ps.width() > screenRect( p ).right() - mapToGlobal( r.topRight() ).x() ) )
+ right = FALSE;
+ if ( right )
+ p.setX( mapToGlobal( r.topRight() ).x() );
+ } else {
+ p = QPoint( r.right() - arrowHMargin, + arrowVMargin );
+ p = mapToGlobal( p );
+ bool left = FALSE;
+ if ( ( parentMenu && parentMenu->isPopupMenu &&
+ ((QPopupMenu*)parentMenu)->geometry().x() > geometry().x() ) ||
+ p.x() + ps.width() > screenRect( p ).right() )
+ left = TRUE;
+ if ( left && (ps.width() > mapToGlobal( r.topLeft() ).x() ) )
+ left = FALSE;
+ if ( left )
+ p.setX( mapToGlobal( r.topLeft() ).x() - ps.width() );
+ }
+ QRect pr = popup->itemGeometry(popup->count() - 1);
+ if (p.y() + ps.height() > screenRect( p ).bottom() &&
+ p.y() - ps.height() + (QCOORD) pr.height() >= screenRect( p ).top())
+ p.setY( p.y() - ps.height() + (QCOORD) pr.height());
+ if ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus, this )) {
+ QPoint cur = QCursor::pos();
+ if ( r.contains( mapFromGlobal( cur ) ) ) {
+ QPoint pts[4];
+ pts[0] = QPoint( cur.x(), cur.y() - 2 );
+ pts[3] = QPoint( cur.x(), cur.y() + 2 );
+ if ( p.x() >= cur.x() ) {
+ pts[1] = QPoint( geometry().right(), p.y() );
+ pts[2] = QPoint( geometry().right(), p.y() + ps.height() );
+ } else {
+ pts[1] = QPoint( p.x() + ps.width(), p.y() );
+ pts[2] = QPoint( p.x() + ps.width(), p.y() + ps.height() );
+ }
+ QPointArray points( 4 );
+ for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ points.setPoint( i, mapFromGlobal( pts[i] ) );
+ d->mouseMoveBuffer = QRegion( points );
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ popupActive = actItem;
+ popup->popup( p );
+void QPopupMenu::allowAnimation()
+ preventAnimation = FALSE;
+void QPopupMenu::updateRow( int row )
+ if ( !isVisible() )
+ return;
+ if ( badSize ) {
+ updateSize();
+ update();
+ return;
+ }
+ updateSize();
+ QRect r = itemGeometry( row );
+ if ( !r.isNull() ) // can happen via the scroller
+ repaint( r );
+ \overload
+ Executes this popup synchronously.
+ Opens the popup menu so that the item number \a indexAtPoint will
+ be at the specified \e global position \a pos. To translate a
+ widget's local coordinates into global coordinates, use
+ QWidget::mapToGlobal().
+ The return code is the id of the selected item in either the popup
+ menu or one of its submenus, or -1 if no item is selected
+ (normally because the user pressed Esc).
+ Note that all signals are emitted as usual. If you connect a menu
+ item to a slot and call the menu's exec(), you get the result both
+ via the signal-slot connection and in the return value of exec().
+ Common usage is to position the popup at the current mouse
+ position:
+ \code
+ exec( QCursor::pos() );
+ \endcode
+ or aligned to a widget:
+ \code
+ exec( somewidget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) );
+ \endcode
+ When positioning a popup with exec() or popup(), bear in mind that
+ you cannot rely on the popup menu's current size(). For
+ performance reasons, the popup adapts its size only when
+ necessary. So in many cases, the size before and after the show is
+ different. Instead, use sizeHint(). It calculates the proper size
+ depending on the menu's current contents.
+ \sa popup(), sizeHint()
+int QPopupMenu::exec( const QPoint & pos, int indexAtPoint )
+ snapToMouse = TRUE;
+ if ( !qApp )
+ return -1;
+ QPopupMenu* priorSyncMenu = syncMenu;
+ syncMenu = this;
+ syncMenuId = -1;
+ QGuardedPtr<QPopupMenu> that = this;
+ connectModal( that, TRUE );
+ popup( pos, indexAtPoint );
+ qApp->enter_loop();
+ connectModal( that, FALSE );
+ syncMenu = priorSyncMenu;
+ return syncMenuId;
+ Connect the popup and all its submenus to modalActivation() if
+ \a doConnect is true, otherwise disconnect.
+ */
+void QPopupMenu::connectModal( QPopupMenu* receiver, bool doConnect )
+ if ( !receiver )
+ return;
+ connectModalRecursionSafety = doConnect;
+ if ( doConnect )
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ receiver, SLOT(modalActivation(int)) );
+ else
+ disconnect( this, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ receiver, SLOT(modalActivation(int)) );
+ QMenuItemListIt it(*mitems);
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ ++it;
+ if ( mi->popup() && mi->popup() != receiver
+ && (bool)(mi->popup()->connectModalRecursionSafety) != doConnect )
+ mi->popup()->connectModal( receiver, doConnect ); //avoid circular
+ }
+ Executes this popup synchronously.
+ This is equivalent to \c{exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)))}. In most
+ situations you'll want to specify the position yourself, for
+ example at the current mouse position:
+ \code
+ exec(QCursor::pos());
+ \endcode
+ or aligned to a widget:
+ \code
+ exec(somewidget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)));
+ \endcode
+int QPopupMenu::exec()
+ return exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)));
+/* Internal slot used for exec(). */
+void QPopupMenu::modalActivation( int id )
+ syncMenuId = id;
+ Sets the currently active item to index \a i and repaints as necessary.
+void QPopupMenu::setActiveItem( int i )
+ int lastActItem = actItem;
+ actItem = i;
+ if ( lastActItem >= 0 )
+ updateRow( lastActItem );
+ if ( i >= 0 && i != lastActItem )
+ updateRow( i );
+ QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at( actItem );
+ if ( !mi )
+ return;
+ if ( mi->widget() && mi->widget()->isFocusEnabled() ) {
+ mi->widget()->setFocus();
+ } else {
+ setFocus();
+ QRect mfrect = itemGeometry( actItem );
+ setMicroFocusHint( mfrect.x(), mfrect.y(), mfrect.width(), mfrect.height(), FALSE );
+ }
+ if ( mi->id() != -1 )
+ hilitSig( mi->id() );
+ if (whatsThisItem && whatsThisItem != mi) {
+ qWhatsThisBDH();
+ }
+ whatsThisItem = mi;
+ \reimp
+QSize QPopupMenu::sizeHint() const
+ constPolish();
+ QPopupMenu* that = (QPopupMenu*) this;
+ //We do not need a resize here, just the sizeHint..
+ return that->updateSize(FALSE).expandedTo( QApplication::globalStrut() );
+ \overload
+ Returns the id of the item at \a pos, or -1 if there is no item
+ there or if it is a separator.
+int QPopupMenu::idAt( const QPoint& pos ) const
+ return idAt( itemAtPos( pos ) );
+ \fn int QPopupMenu::idAt( int index ) const
+ Returns the identifier of the menu item at position \a index in
+ the internal list, or -1 if \a index is out of range.
+ \sa QMenuData::setId(), QMenuData::indexOf()
+ \reimp
+ */
+bool QPopupMenu::customWhatsThis() const
+ return TRUE;
+ \reimp
+ */
+bool QPopupMenu::focusNextPrevChild( bool next )
+ register QMenuItem *mi;
+ int dy = next? 1 : -1;
+ if ( dy && actItem < 0 ) {
+ setFirstItemActive();
+ } else if ( dy ) { // highlight next/prev
+ register int i = actItem;
+ int c = mitems->count();
+ int n = c;
+ while ( n-- ) {
+ i = i + dy;
+ if ( i == c )
+ i = 0;
+ else if ( i < 0 )
+ i = c - 1;
+ mi = mitems->at( i );
+ if ( mi && !mi->isSeparator() &&
+ ( ( style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled, this)
+ && mi->isVisible() )
+ || mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( i != actItem )
+ setActiveItem( i );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ \reimp
+ */
+void QPopupMenu::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * )
+ \reimp
+ */
+void QPopupMenu::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * )
+class QTearOffMenuItem : public QCustomMenuItem
+ QTearOffMenuItem()
+ {
+ }
+ ~QTearOffMenuItem()
+ {
+ }
+ void paint( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, bool /* act*/,
+ bool /*enabled*/, int x, int y, int w, int h )
+ {
+ p->setPen( QPen( cg.dark(), 1, DashLine ) );
+ p->drawLine( x+2, y+h/2-1, x+w-4, y+h/2-1 );
+ p->setPen( QPen( cg.light(), 1, DashLine ) );
+ p->drawLine( x+2, y+h/2, x+w-4, y+h/2 );
+ }
+ bool fullSpan() const
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ QSize sizeHint()
+ {
+ return QSize( 20, 6 );
+ }
+ Inserts a tear-off handle into the menu. A tear-off handle is a
+ special menu item that creates a copy of the menu when the menu is
+ selected. This "torn-off" copy lives in a separate window. It
+ contains the same menu items as the original menu, with the
+ exception of the tear-off handle.
+ The handle item is assigned the identifier \a id or an
+ automatically generated identifier if \a id is < 0. The generated
+ identifiers (negative integers) are guaranteed to be unique within
+ the entire application.
+ The \a index specifies the position in the menu. The tear-off
+ handle is appended at the end of the list if \a index is negative.
+int QPopupMenu::insertTearOffHandle( int id, int index )
+ int myid = insertItem( new QTearOffMenuItem, id, index );
+ connectItem( myid, this, SLOT( toggleTearOff() ) );
+ QMenuData::d->aInt = myid;
+ return myid;
+ implements tear-off menus
+ */
+void QPopupMenu::toggleTearOff()
+ if ( active_popup_menu && active_popup_menu->tornOff ) {
+ active_popup_menu->close();
+ } else if (QMenuData::d->aWidget ) {
+ delete (QWidget*) QMenuData::d->aWidget; // delete the old one
+ } else {
+ // create a tear off menu
+ QPopupMenu* p = new QPopupMenu( parentWidget(), "tear off menu" );
+ connect( p, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SIGNAL( activated(int) ) );
+ connect( p, SIGNAL( highlighted(int) ), this, SIGNAL( highlighted(int) ) );
+ p->setCaption( caption() );
+ p->setCheckable( isCheckable() );
+ p->reparent( parentWidget(), WType_TopLevel | WStyle_Tool |
+ WNoAutoErase | WDestructiveClose,
+ geometry().topLeft(), FALSE );
+ p->mitems->setAutoDelete( FALSE );
+ p->tornOff = TRUE;
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ p->x11SetWindowType( X11WindowTypeMenu );
+ for ( QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems ); it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->id() != QMenuData::d->aInt && !it.current()->widget() )
+ p->mitems->append( it.current() );
+ }
+ p->show();
+ QMenuData::d->aWidget = p;
+ }
+ \reimp
+ */
+void QPopupMenu::activateItemAt( int index )
+ if ( index >= 0 && index < (int) mitems->count() ) {
+ QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at( index );
+ if ( index != actItem ) // new item activated
+ setActiveItem( index );
+ QPopupMenu *popup = mi->popup();
+ if ( popup ) {
+ if ( popup->isVisible() ) { // sub menu already open
+ int pactItem = popup->actItem;
+ popup->actItem = -1;
+ popup->hidePopups();
+ popup->updateRow( pactItem );
+ } else { // open sub menu
+ hidePopups();
+ actItem = index;
+ subMenuTimer();
+ popup->setFirstItemActive();
+ }
+ } else {
+ byeMenuBar(); // deactivate menu bar
+ bool b = QWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode();
+ const bool b = FALSE;
+ if ( !mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) {
+ if ( b ) {
+ actItem = -1;
+ updateItem( mi->id() );
+ byeMenuBar();
+ actSig( mi->id(), b);
+ }
+ } else {
+ byeMenuBar(); // deactivate menu bar
+ if ( mi->isEnabledAndVisible() ) {
+ actItem = -1;
+ updateItem( mi->id() );
+ active_popup_menu = this;
+ QGuardedPtr<QSignal> signal = mi->signal();
+ actSig( mi->id(), b );
+ if ( signal && !b )
+ signal->activate();
+ active_popup_menu = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( tornOff ) {
+ close();
+ } else {
+ QMenuData* p = parentMenu;
+ hide();
+#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
+ if ( p && p->isMenuBar )
+ ((QMenuBar*) p)->goodbye( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+/*! \internal
+ This private function is to update the scroll states in styles that support scrolling. */
+ uint old_scrollable = d->scroll.scrollable;
+ d->scroll.scrollable = QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollNone;
+ if(!style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable, this))
+ return;
+ QMenuItem *mi;
+ QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
+ if(d->scroll.topScrollableIndex) {
+ for(int row = 0; (mi = it.current()) && row < d->scroll.topScrollableIndex; row++)
+ ++it;
+ if(!mi)
+ it.toFirst();
+ }
+ int y = 0, sh = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight, this);
+ if(!it.atFirst()) {
+ // can't use |= because of a bug/feature in IBM xlC 5.0.2
+ d->scroll.scrollable = d->scroll.scrollable | QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp;
+ y += sh;
+ }
+ while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
+ ++it;
+ int myheight = contentsRect().height();
+ QSize sz = style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PopupMenuItem, this,
+ QSize(0, itemHeight( mi )),
+ QStyleOption(mi,maxPMWidth));
+ if(y + sz.height() >= myheight) {
+ d->scroll.scrollable = d->scroll.scrollable | QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollDown;
+ break;
+ }
+ y += sz.height();
+ }
+ if((d->scroll.scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp) &&
+ !(old_scrollable & QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll::ScrollUp))
+ d->scroll.topScrollableIndex++;
+#endif // QT_NO_POPUPMENU