path: root/tools/designer/plugins/glade/glade2ui.cpp
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
commitbd0f3345a938b35ce6a12f6150373b0955b8dd12 (patch)
tree7a520322212d48ebcb9fbe1087e7fca28b76185c /tools/designer/plugins/glade/glade2ui.cpp
Add Qt3 development HEAD version
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/designer/plugins/glade/glade2ui.cpp')
1 files changed, 2203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/designer/plugins/glade/glade2ui.cpp b/tools/designer/plugins/glade/glade2ui.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ff5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/designer/plugins/glade/glade2ui.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2203 @@
+** Converts a Glade .glade file into a .ui file.
+** Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of Qt Designer.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with
+** the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "glade2ui.h"
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include <qprogressdialog.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qsizepolicy.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+static const struct {
+ const char *gtkName;
+ const char *qtName;
+} classNames[] = {
+ { "Custom", "Custom" },
+ { "GnomeAbout", "QDialog" },
+ { "GnomeApp", "QMainWindow" },
+ { "GnomeCanvas", "QLabel" },
+ { "GnomeColorPicker", "QComboBox" },
+ { "GnomeDateEdit", "QDateTimeEdit" },
+ { "GnomeDialog", "QDialog" },
+ { "GnomeFontPicker", "QComboBox" },
+ { "GnomeIconSelection", "QIconView" },
+ { "GnomePixmap", "QLabel" },
+ { "GnomePropertyBox", "QDialog" },
+ { "GtkAccelLabel", "QLabel" },
+ { "GtkAspectFrame", "QFrame" },
+ { "GtkButton", "QPushButton" },
+ { "GtkCList", "QListView" },
+ { "GtkCTree", "QListView" },
+ { "GtkCheckButton", "QCheckBox" },
+ { "GtkCombo", "QComboBox" },
+ { "GtkDial", "QDial" },
+ { "GtkDialog", "QDialog" },
+ { "GtkEntry", "QLineEdit" },
+ { "GtkFixed", "QLayoutWidget" },
+ { "GtkFrame", "QFrame" },
+ { "GtkHPaned", "QSplitter" },
+ { "GtkHScale", "QSlider" },
+ { "GtkHScrollbar", "QScrollBar" },
+ { "GtkHSeparator", "Line" },
+ { "GtkHandleBox", "QFrame" },
+ { "GtkImage", "QLabel" },
+ { "GtkLabel", "QLabel" },
+ { "GtkList", "QListBox" },
+ { "GtkNotebook", "QTabWidget" },
+ { "GtkOptionMenu", "QComboBox" },
+ { "GtkPixmap", "QLabel" },
+ { "GtkPreview", "QLabel" },
+ { "GtkProgressBar", "QProgressBar" },
+ { "GtkRadioButton", "QRadioButton" },
+ { "GtkSpinButton", "QSpinBox" },
+ { "GtkStatusbar", "QStatusBar" },
+ { "GtkText", "QTextEdit" },
+ { "GtkToggleButton", "QPushButton" },
+ { "GtkTree", "QListView" },
+ { "GtkVPaned", "QSplitter" },
+ { "GtkVScale", "QSlider" },
+ { "GtkVScrollbar", "QScrollBar" },
+ { "GtkVSeparator", "Line" },
+ { "Placeholder", "QLabel" },
+ { 0, 0 }
+static const struct {
+ const char *name;
+ const char *menuText;
+} stockMenuItems[] = {
+ { "ABOUT", "&About" },
+ { "CLEAR", "C&lear" },
+ { "CLOSE", "&Close" },
+ { "CLOSE_WINDOW", "&Close This Window" },
+ { "COPY", "&Copy" },
+ { "CUT", "C&ut" },
+ { "END_GAME", "&End Game" },
+ { "EXIT", "E&xit" },
+ { "FIND", "&Find..." },
+ { "FIND_AGAIN", "Find &Again" },
+ { "HINT", "&Hint" },
+ { "NEW", "&New" },
+ { "NEW_GAME", "&New Game" },
+ { "NEW_WINDOW", "Create New &Window" },
+ { "OPEN", "&Open..." },
+ { "PASTE", "&Paste" },
+ { "PAUSE_GAME", "&Pause Game" },
+ { "PREFERENCES", "&Preferences..." },
+ { "PRINT", "&Print" },
+ { "PRINT_SETUP", "Print S&etup..." },
+ { "PROPERTIES", "&Properties..." },
+ { "REDO", "&Redo" },
+ { "REDO_MOVE", "&Redo Move" },
+ { "REPLACE", "&Replace..." },
+ { "RESTART_GAME", "&Restart Game" },
+ { "REVERT", "&Revert" },
+ { "SAVE", "&Save" },
+ { "SAVE_AS", "Save &As..." },
+ { "SCORES", "&Scores..." },
+ { "SELECT_ALL", "&Select All" },
+ { "UNDO", "&Undo" },
+ { "UNDO_MOVE", "&Undo Move" },
+ { 0, 0 }
+static const struct {
+ const char *gtkName;
+ int qtValue;
+} keys[] = {
+ { "BackSpace", Qt::Key_BackSpace },
+ { "Delete", Qt::Key_Delete },
+ { "Down", Qt::Key_Down },
+ { "End", Qt::Key_End },
+ { "Escape", Qt::Key_Escape },
+ { "F1", Qt::Key_F1 },
+ { "F10", Qt::Key_F10 },
+ { "F11", Qt::Key_F11 },
+ { "F12", Qt::Key_F12 },
+ { "F2", Qt::Key_F2 },
+ { "F3", Qt::Key_F3 },
+ { "F4", Qt::Key_F4 },
+ { "F5", Qt::Key_F5 },
+ { "F6", Qt::Key_F6 },
+ { "F7", Qt::Key_F7 },
+ { "F8", Qt::Key_F8 },
+ { "F9", Qt::Key_F9 },
+ { "Home", Qt::Key_Home },
+ { "Insert", Qt::Key_Insert },
+ { "KP_Enter", Qt::Key_Enter },
+ { "Left", Qt::Key_Left },
+ { "Page_Down", Qt::Key_PageDown },
+ { "Page_Up", Qt::Key_PageUp },
+ { "Return", Qt::Key_Return },
+ { "Right", Qt::Key_Right },
+ { "Tab", Qt::Key_Tab },
+ { "Up", Qt::Key_Up },
+ { "space", Qt::Key_Space },
+ { 0, 0 }
+static QString nonMenuText( const QString& menuText )
+ QString t;
+ int len = (int) menuText.length();
+ if ( menuText.endsWith(QString("...")) )
+ len -= 3;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+ if ( menuText[i] != QChar('&') )
+ t += menuText[i];
+ }
+ return t;
+ Some GTK dialog use hyphens in variable names. Let's take no chance.
+static QString fixedName( const QString& name )
+ const char *latin1 = name.latin1();
+ QString fixed;
+ int i = 0;
+ while ( latin1 != 0 && latin1[i] != '\0' ) {
+ if ( isalnum(latin1[i]) )
+ fixed += name[i];
+ else
+ fixed += QChar( '_' );
+ i++;
+ }
+ return fixed;
+ Returns an hexadecimal rendering of a block of memory.
+static QString hexed( const char *data, int length )
+ QString t;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+ QString x;
+ x.sprintf( "%.2x", (uchar) data[i] );
+ t += x;
+ }
+ return t;
+static bool isTrue( const QString& val )
+ return val.lower() == QString( "true" );
+static AttributeMap attribute( const QString& name, const QString& val )
+ AttributeMap attr;
+ attr.insert( name, val );
+ return attr;
+static QString entitize( const QString& str )
+ QString t = str;
+ t.replace( '&', QString("&amp;") );
+ t.replace( '>', QString("&gt;") );
+ t.replace( '<', QString("&lt;") );
+ t.replace( '"', QString("&quot;") );
+ t.replace( '\'', QString("&apos;") );
+ return t;
+ int i = 0;
+ while ( classNames[i].gtkName != 0 ) {
+ yyClassNameMap.insert( QString(classNames[i].gtkName),
+ QString(classNames[i].qtName) );
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while ( stockMenuItems[i].name != 0 ) {
+ yyStockMap.insert( QString(stockMenuItems[i].name),
+ QString(stockMenuItems[i].menuText) );
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while ( keys[i].gtkName != 0 ) {
+ yyKeyMap.insert( QString(keys[i].gtkName), keys[i].qtValue );
+ i++;
+ }
+QString Glade2Ui::imageName( const QString& fileName )
+ return *yyImages.insert( fileName, QString("image%1").arg(yyImages.count()),
+ FALSE );
+QString Glade2Ui::opening( const QString& tag, const AttributeMap& attr )
+ QString t = QChar( '<' ) + tag;
+ AttributeMap::ConstIterator a = attr.begin();
+ while ( a != attr.end() ) {
+ t += QChar( ' ' ) + a.key() + QString( "=\"" ) + entitize( *a ) +
+ QChar( '"' );
+ ++a;
+ }
+ t += QChar( '>' );
+ return t;
+QString Glade2Ui::closing( const QString& tag )
+ return opening( QChar('/') + tag );
+QString Glade2Ui::atom( const QString& tag, const AttributeMap& attr )
+ QString t = opening( tag, attr );
+ t.insert( t.length() - 1, QChar('/') );
+ return t;
+void Glade2Ui::error( const QString& message )
+ if ( numErrors++ == 0 )
+ QMessageBox::warning( 0, yyFileName, message );
+void Glade2Ui::syntaxError()
+ error( QString("Sorry, I met a random syntax error. I did what I could, but"
+ " that was not enough."
+ "<p>You might want to write to"
+ " <tt>[email protected]</tt> about this incident.") );
+QString Glade2Ui::getTextValue( const QDomNode& node )
+ if ( node.childNodes().count() > 1 ) {
+ syntaxError();
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ if ( node.childNodes().count() == 0 )
+ return QString::null;
+ QDomText t = node.firstChild().toText();
+ if ( t.isNull() ) {
+ syntaxError();
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ return;
+void Glade2Ui::emitHeader()
+ yyOut += QString( "<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version=\"3.0\" stdsetdef=\"1\">\n" );
+void Glade2Ui::emitFooter()
+ yyOut += QString( "</UI>\n" );
+void Glade2Ui::emitSimpleValue( const QString& tag, const QString& value,
+ const AttributeMap& attr )
+ yyOut += yyIndentStr + opening( tag, attr ) + entitize( value ) +
+ closing( tag ) + QChar( '\n' );
+void Glade2Ui::emitOpening( const QString& tag, const AttributeMap& attr )
+ yyOut += yyIndentStr + opening( tag, attr ) + QChar( '\n' );
+ yyIndentStr += QString( " " );
+void Glade2Ui::emitClosing( const QString& tag )
+ yyIndentStr.truncate( yyIndentStr.length() - 4 );
+ yyOut += yyIndentStr + closing( tag ) + QChar( '\n' );
+void Glade2Ui::emitAtom( const QString& tag, const AttributeMap& attr )
+ yyOut += yyIndentStr + atom( tag, attr ) + QChar( '\n' );
+void Glade2Ui::emitVariant( const QVariant& val, const QString& stringType )
+ if ( val.isValid() ) {
+ switch ( val.type() ) {
+ case QVariant::String:
+ emitSimpleValue( stringType, val.toString() );
+ break;
+ case QVariant::CString:
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("cstring"), val.toString() );
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Bool:
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("bool"),
+ QString(val.toBool() ? "true" : "false") );
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Int:
+ case QVariant::UInt:
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("number"), val.toString() );
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Rect:
+ emitOpening( QString("rect") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("x"), QString::number(val.toRect().x()) );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("y"), QString::number(val.toRect().y()) );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("width"),
+ QString::number(val.toRect().width()) );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("height"),
+ QString::number(val.toRect().height()) );
+ emitClosing( QString("rect") );
+ break;
+ case QVariant::Size:
+ emitOpening( QString("size") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("width"),
+ QString::number(val.toSize().width()) );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("height"),
+ QString::number(val.toSize().height()) );
+ emitClosing( QString("size") );
+ break;
+ case QVariant::SizePolicy:
+ emitOpening( QString("sizepolicy") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("hsizetype"),
+ QString::number((int) val.toSizePolicy()
+ .horData()) );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("vsizetype"),
+ QString::number((int) val.toSizePolicy()
+ .verData()) );
+ emitClosing( QString("sizepolicy") );
+ break;
+ default:
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("fnord"), QString::null );
+ }
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitProperty( const QString& prop, const QVariant& val,
+ const QString& stringType )
+ emitOpening( QString("property"), attribute(QString("name"), prop) );
+ emitVariant( val, stringType );
+ emitClosing( QString("property") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitFontProperty( const QString& prop, int pointSize, bool bold )
+ emitOpening( QString("property"), attribute(QString("name"), prop) );
+ emitOpening( QString("font") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("pointsize"), QString::number(pointSize) );
+ if ( bold )
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("bold"), QString("1") );
+ emitClosing( QString("font") );
+ emitClosing( QString("property") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitAttribute( const QString& prop, const QVariant& val,
+ const QString& stringType )
+ emitOpening( QString("attribute"), attribute(QString("name"), prop) );
+ emitVariant( val, stringType );
+ emitClosing( QString("attribute") );
+static QString accelerate( const QString& gtkLabel )
+ QString qtLabel = gtkLabel;
+ qtLabel.replace( '&', QString("&&") );
+ // close but not quite right
+ qtLabel.replace( QChar('_'), QChar('&') );
+ return qtLabel;
+static QString decelerate( const QString& gtkLabel )
+ QString qtLabel = gtkLabel;
+ // ditto
+ qtLabel.replace( '_', QString::null );
+ return qtLabel;
+ Converting a GTK widget to a corresponding Qt widget is sometimes
+ hard. For example, a GtkScrolledWindow should sometimes be converted
+ into a QTextView, a QTextEdit, a QListView or whatever. What we do
+ is pretty hackish, but it mostly works.
+QString Glade2Ui::gtk2qtClass( const QString& gtkClass,
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QRegExp gnomeXEntry( QString("Gnome(File|Number|Pixmap)?Entry") );
+ QString qtClass;
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkScrolledWindow") ) {
+ if ( childWidgets.count() == 1 ) {
+ QString g;
+ bool editable = FALSE;
+ bool showTitles = TRUE;
+ QDomNode n = childWidgets.first().firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ g = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("editable") ) {
+ editable = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ } else if ( tagName.startsWith(QString("show_tit")) ) {
+ showTitles = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( g == QString("GnomeCanvas") ||
+ g == QString("GtkDrawingArea") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QLabel" );
+ } else if ( g == QString("GnomeIconList") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QIconView" );
+ } else if ( g == QString("GtkCList") ) {
+ if ( showTitles )
+ qtClass = QString( "QListView" );
+ else
+ qtClass = QString( "QListBox" );
+ } else if ( g == QString("GtkCTree") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QListView" );
+ } else if ( g == QString("GtkList") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QListBox" );
+ } else if ( g == QString("GtkText") ) {
+ if ( editable )
+ qtClass = QString( "QTextEdit" );
+ else
+ qtClass = QString( "QTextView" );
+ } else if ( g == QString("GtkTree") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QListView" );
+ }
+ // else too bad (qtClass is empty)
+ }
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkWindow") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QDialog" );
+ if ( childWidgets.count() == 1 ) {
+ QString g;
+ QDomNode n = childWidgets.first().firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("class") )
+ g = getTextValue( n );
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( g == QString("GnomeDruid") )
+ qtClass = QString( "QWizard" );
+ }
+ /*
+ GnomeEntry and friends are a wrapper around a GtkEntry. We only
+ want the GtkEntry child.
+ */
+ } else if ( !gnomeXEntry.exactMatch(gtkClass) &&
+ gtkClass != QString("GtkAlignment") &&
+ gtkClass != QString("GtkEventBox") ) {
+ qtClass = yyClassNameMap[gtkClass];
+ if ( qtClass.isEmpty() )
+ qtClass = QString( "Unknown" );
+ }
+ return qtClass;
+static QString gtk2qtScrollBarMode( const QString& scrollbarPolicy )
+ if ( scrollbarPolicy.endsWith(QString("_NEVER")) ) {
+ return QString( "AlwaysOff" );
+ } else if ( scrollbarPolicy.endsWith(QString("_ALWAYS")) ) {
+ return QString( "AlwaysOn" );
+ } else {
+ return QString( "Auto" );
+ }
+static QString gtk2qtSelectionMode( const QString& selectionMode )
+ if ( selectionMode.endsWith(QString("_MULTIPLE")) )
+ return QString( "Multi" );
+ else if ( selectionMode.endsWith(QString("_EXTENDED")) )
+ return QString( "Extended" );
+ else
+ return QString( "Single" );
+int Glade2Ui::matchAccelOnActivate( const QDomElement& accel )
+ QString key;
+ QString modifiers;
+ QDomNode n = accel.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("key") ) {
+ key = getTextValue( n );
+ if ( !key.startsWith(QString("GDK_")) )
+ return 0;
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("modifiers") ) {
+ modifiers = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("signal") ) {
+ if ( getTextValue(n) != QString("activate") )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ int flags = 0;
+ if ( key.length() == 5 ) {
+ flags = key[4].upper().latin1();
+ } else if ( yyKeyMap.contains(key.mid(4)) ) {
+ flags = yyKeyMap[key.mid(4)];
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( modifiers.contains(QString("_CONTROL_")) )
+ flags |= Qt::CTRL;
+ if ( modifiers.contains(QString("_SHIFT_")) )
+ flags |= Qt::SHIFT;
+ if ( modifiers.contains(QString("_MOD1_")) )
+ flags |= Qt::ALT;
+ return flags;
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkMenu( const QDomElement& menu )
+ QRegExp gnomeuiinfoMenuXItem( QString("GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_(.+)_ITEM") );
+ QDomNode n = menu.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ QString activateHandler;
+ QString gtkClass;
+ QString icon;
+ QString label;
+ QString name;
+ QString stockItem;
+ QString tooltip;
+ int qtAccel = 0;
+ QDomNode child = n.firstChild();
+ while ( !child.isNull() ) {
+ QString childTagName = child.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( childTagName == QString("accelerator") ) {
+ qtAccel = matchAccelOnActivate( child.toElement() );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("class") ) {
+ gtkClass = getTextValue( child );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("icon") ) {
+ icon = getTextValue( child );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("label") ) {
+ label = getTextValue( child );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("name") ) {
+ name = getTextValue( child );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("signal") ) {
+ QString signalName;
+ QString signalHandler;
+ QDomNode grandchild = child.firstChild();
+ while ( !grandchild.isNull() ) {
+ QString grandchildTagName =
+ grandchild.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( grandchildTagName == QString("handler") ) {
+ signalHandler = getTextValue( grandchild );
+ } else if ( grandchildTagName == QString("name") ) {
+ signalName = getTextValue( grandchild );
+ }
+ grandchild = grandchild.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( signalName == QString("activate") )
+ activateHandler = signalHandler;
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("stock_item") ) {
+ stockItem = getTextValue( child );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("tooltip") ) {
+ tooltip = getTextValue( child );
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( label.length() + stockItem.length() == 0 ) {
+ emitAtom( QString("separator") );
+ } else {
+ if ( name.isEmpty() )
+ name = QString( "action%1" ).arg( uniqueAction++ );
+ emitAtom( QString("action"), attribute(QString("name"), name) );
+ if ( !activateHandler.isEmpty() ) {
+ QString slot = activateHandler + QString( "()" );
+ GladeConnection c;
+ c.sender = name;
+ c.signal = QString( "activated()" );
+ c.slot = slot;
+ yyConnections.push_back( c );
+ yySlots.insert( slot, QString("public") );
+ }
+ QString x;
+ GladeAction a;
+ if ( gnomeuiinfoMenuXItem.exactMatch(stockItem) ) {
+ x = gnomeuiinfoMenuXItem.cap( 1 );
+ a.menuText = yyStockMap[x];
+ if ( x == QString("EXIT") && qtAccel == 0 )
+ qtAccel = Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q;
+ } else {
+ a.menuText = accelerate( label );
+ }
+ a.text = nonMenuText( a.menuText );
+ a.toolTip = tooltip;
+ a.accel = qtAccel;
+ a.iconSet = icon;
+ yyActions.insert( name, a );
+ if ( !x.isEmpty() )
+ yyStockItemActions.insert( x, name );
+ }
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkMenuBarChildWidgets(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QRegExp gnomeuiinfoMenuXTree( QString("GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_(.+)_TREE") );
+ emitOpening( QString("menubar") );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"),
+ QString("MenuBar%1").arg(uniqueMenuBar++).latin1() );
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QValueList<QDomElement> grandchildWidgets;
+ QString gtkClass;
+ QString label;
+ QString name;
+ QString stockItem;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ gtkClass = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("label") ) {
+ label = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("name") ) {
+ name = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("stock_item") ) {
+ stockItem = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ grandchildWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkMenuItem") &&
+ grandchildWidgets.count() == 1 ) {
+ QString text;
+ if ( gnomeuiinfoMenuXTree.exactMatch(stockItem) ) {
+ text = gnomeuiinfoMenuXTree.cap( 1 );
+ if ( text == QString("Files") )
+ text = QString( "Fi&les" );
+ else
+ text = QChar( '&' ) + text.left( 1 ) +
+ text.mid( 1 ).lower();
+ } else {
+ text = accelerate( label );
+ }
+ AttributeMap attr;
+ attr.insert( QString("name"), name );
+ attr.insert( QString("text"), text );
+ emitOpening( QString("item"), attr );
+ emitGtkMenu( grandchildWidgets.first() );
+ emitClosing( QString("item") );
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("menubar") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkToolbarChildWidgets(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QRegExp gnomeStockPixmapX( QString("GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_(.+)") );
+ emitOpening( QString("toolbar"), attribute(QString("dock"), QString("2")) );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"),
+ QString("ToolBar%1").arg(uniqueToolBar++).latin1() );
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QString childName;
+ QString icon;
+ QString label;
+ QString name;
+ QString stockPixmap;
+ QString tooltip;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("child_name") ) {
+ childName = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("icon") ) {
+ icon = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("label") ) {
+ label = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("name") ) {
+ name = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("stock_pixmap") ) {
+ stockPixmap = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("tooltip") ) {
+ tooltip = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( childName == QString("Toolbar:button") ) {
+ QString actionName;
+ GladeAction a;
+ a.menuText = label;
+ a.text = label;
+ a.accel = 0;
+ a.iconSet = icon;
+ if ( gnomeStockPixmapX.exactMatch(stockPixmap) ) {
+ QString x = gnomeStockPixmapX.cap( 1 );
+ actionName = yyStockItemActions[x];
+ }
+ if ( actionName.isEmpty() ) {
+ if ( name.isEmpty() )
+ actionName = QString( "action%1" ).arg( uniqueAction++ );
+ else
+ actionName = QString( "action_%1" ).arg( name );
+ yyActions.insert( actionName, a );
+ }
+ if ( !tooltip.isEmpty() )
+ yyActions[actionName].toolTip = tooltip;
+ emitAtom( QString("action"), attribute(QString("name"),
+ actionName) );
+ } else {
+ emitAtom( QString("separator") );
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("toolbar") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitPushButton( const QString& text, const QString& name )
+ emitOpening( QString("widget"),
+ attribute(QString("class"), QString("QPushButton")) );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"), name.latin1() );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), text );
+ if ( name.contains(QString("ok")) > 0 ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("default"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ } else if ( name.contains(QString("help")) > 0 ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("accel"), (int) Qt::Key_F1 );
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+void Glade2Ui::attach( AttributeMap *attr, int leftAttach, int rightAttach,
+ int topAttach, int bottomAttach )
+ if ( leftAttach >= 0 ) {
+ attr->insert( QString("row"), QString::number(topAttach) );
+ attr->insert( QString("column"), QString::number(leftAttach) );
+ if ( bottomAttach - topAttach != 1 )
+ attr->insert( QString("rowspan"),
+ QString::number(bottomAttach - topAttach) );
+ if ( rightAttach - leftAttach != 1 )
+ attr->insert( QString("colspan"),
+ QString::number(rightAttach - leftAttach) );
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitSpacer( const QString& orientation, int leftAttach,
+ int rightAttach, int topAttach, int bottomAttach )
+ AttributeMap attr;
+ attach( &attr, leftAttach, rightAttach, topAttach, bottomAttach );
+ emitOpening( QString("spacer"), attr );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"),
+ QString("Spacer%1").arg(uniqueSpacer++).latin1() );
+ emitProperty( QString("orientation"), orientation, QString("enum") );
+ emitProperty( QString("sizeType"), QString("Expanding"),
+ QString("enum") );
+ emitClosing( QString("spacer") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitPixmap( const QString& imageName, int leftAttach,
+ int rightAttach, int topAttach, int bottomAttach )
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel"), leftAttach, rightAttach, topAttach,
+ bottomAttach );
+ emitProperty( QString("sizePolicy"),
+ QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed) );
+ emitProperty( QString("pixmap"), imageName, QString("pixmap") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitGnomeAbout( QString copyright, QString authors,
+ QString comments )
+ QString prog = yyProgramName;
+ if ( prog.isEmpty() )
+ prog = QString( "Gnomovision 1.69" );
+ if ( copyright.isEmpty() )
+ copyright = QString( "(C) 2001 Jasmin Blanchette" );
+ if ( authors.isEmpty() )
+ authors = QString( "Jasmin Blanchette <[email protected]>" );
+ if ( comments.isEmpty() )
+ comments = QString( "Gnomovision is the official GNU application." );
+ emitOpening( QString("hbox") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLayoutWidget") );
+ emitOpening( QString("vbox") );
+ emitProperty( QString("spacing"), 17 );
+ /*
+ Emit the application name.
+ */
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel") );
+ emitFontProperty( QString("font"), 24, TRUE );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), prog );
+ emitProperty( QString("alignment"), QString("AlignAuto|AlignCenter"),
+ QString("set") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ /*
+ Emit the copyright notice.
+ */
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel") );
+ emitFontProperty( QString("font"), 12, TRUE );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), copyright );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ /*
+ Emit the authors' names.
+ */
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLayoutWidget") );
+ emitOpening( QString("hbox") );
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel") );
+ emitFontProperty( QString("font"), 12, TRUE );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), QString("Authors:") );
+ emitProperty( QString("alignment"), QString("AlignAuto|AlignTop"),
+ QString("set") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel") );
+ emitFontProperty( QString("font"), 12, FALSE );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), authors );
+ emitProperty( QString("alignment"), QString("AlignAuto|AlignTop"),
+ QString("set") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitClosing( QString("hbox") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ /*
+ Emit the comments.
+ */
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel") );
+ emitFontProperty( QString("font"), 10, FALSE );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), comments );
+ emitProperty( QString("alignment"), QString("AlignAuto|AlignTop"),
+ QString("set") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ /*
+ Emit the spacer and the OK button.
+ */
+ emitSpacer( QString("Vertical") );
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLayoutWidget") );
+ emitOpening( QString("hbox") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitPushButton( QString("&OK"), QString("okButton") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitClosing( QString("hbox") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ emitClosing( QString("vbox") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitClosing( QString("hbox") );
+ GnomeApps are emitted in two passes, because some information goes
+ into the <widget> section, whereas other information goes into the
+ <toolbars> section.
+void Glade2Ui::emitGnomeAppChildWidgetsPass1(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QValueList<QDomElement> grandchildWidgets;
+ QString childName;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("child_name") ) {
+ childName = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ grandchildWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( childName == QString("GnomeDock:contents") ) {
+ emitWidget( *c, FALSE );
+ } else {
+ emitGnomeAppChildWidgetsPass1( grandchildWidgets );
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::doPass2( const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets,
+ QValueList<QDomElement> *menuBar,
+ QValueList<QValueList<QDomElement> > *toolBars )
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QValueList<QDomElement> grandchildWidgets;
+ QString childName;
+ QString gtkClass;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("child_name") ) {
+ childName = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ gtkClass = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ grandchildWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkMenuBar") ) {
+ *menuBar = grandchildWidgets;
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkToolbar") ) {
+ toolBars->push_back( grandchildWidgets );
+ } else if ( childName != QString("GnomeDock:contents") ) {
+ doPass2( grandchildWidgets, menuBar, toolBars );
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGnomeAppChildWidgetsPass2(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QValueList<QDomElement> menuBar;
+ QValueList<QValueList<QDomElement> > toolBars;
+ doPass2( childWidgets, &menuBar, &toolBars );
+ emitGtkMenuBarChildWidgets( menuBar );
+ if ( !toolBars.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("toolbars") );
+ while ( !toolBars.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitGtkToolbarChildWidgets( toolBars.first() );
+ toolBars.remove( toolBars.begin() );
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("toolbars") );
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkButtonChildWidgets( QValueList<QDomElement> childWidgets )
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QString label;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("label") ) {
+ label = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ childWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( !label.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), accelerate(label) );
+ break;
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkComboChildWidgets(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets, const QStringList& items )
+ QString text;
+ // there should be exactly one child, of type GtkEntry
+ if ( childWidgets.count() == 1 ) {
+ QDomNode n = childWidgets.first().firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("name") ) {
+ // grep 'elsewhere'
+ emitProperty( QString("name"),
+ fixedName(getTextValue(n).latin1()) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("text") ) {
+ text = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ int n = 0;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator s = items.begin();
+ while ( s != items.end() ) {
+ if ( !text.isEmpty() && *s == text )
+ emitProperty( QString("currentItem"), n );
+ n++;
+ ++s;
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkNotebookChildWidgets(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QStringList tabNames;
+ QStringList tabLabels;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < (int) childWidgets.count(); i++ ) {
+ tabNames.push_back( QString("tab%1").arg(i + 1) );
+ tabLabels.push_back( QString("Tab %1").arg(i + 1) );
+ }
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c;
+ c = childWidgets.begin();
+ QStringList::Iterator nam = tabNames.begin();
+ QStringList::Iterator lab = tabLabels.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QString childName;
+ QString name;
+ QString label;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("child_name") ) {
+ childName = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("name") ) {
+ name = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("label") ) {
+ label = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( childName == QString("Notebook:tab") ) {
+ if ( !name.isEmpty() )
+ *nam = name;
+ if ( !label.isEmpty() )
+ *lab = label;
+ ++nam;
+ ++lab;
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+ c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QString childName;
+ QString name;
+ QString label;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("child_name") )
+ childName = getTextValue( n );
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( childName != QString("Notebook:tab") ) {
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QWidget") );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"), tabNames.first().latin1() );
+ tabNames.remove( tabNames.begin() );
+ emitAttribute( QString("title"), accelerate(tabLabels.first()) );
+ tabLabels.remove( tabLabels.begin() );
+ emitWidget( *c, FALSE );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ }
+ ++c;
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitQListViewColumns( const QDomElement& qlistview )
+ QDomNode n = qlistview.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ QDomNode child = n.firstChild();
+ while ( !child.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = child.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("label") ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("column") );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"),
+ decelerate(getTextValue(child)) );
+ emitClosing( QString("column") );
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling();
+ }
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ QString gtkClass = getTextValue( n );
+ if ( gtkClass.endsWith(QString("Tree")) )
+ emitProperty( QString("rootIsDecorated"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("selection_mode") ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("selectionMode"),
+ gtk2qtSelectionMode(getTextValue(n)) );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkScrolledWindowChildWidgets(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets, const QString& qtClass )
+ if ( childWidgets.count() == 1 ) {
+ if ( qtClass == QString("QIconView") ||
+ qtClass == QString("QListBox") ||
+ qtClass == QString("QListView") ) {
+ QDomNode n = childWidgets.first().firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("selection_mode") ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("selectionMode"),
+ gtk2qtSelectionMode(getTextValue(n)) );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( qtClass == QString("QListView") ) {
+ emitQListViewColumns( childWidgets.first() );
+ } else if ( qtClass == QString("QTextEdit") ||
+ qtClass == QString("QTextView") ) {
+ QDomNode n = childWidgets.first().firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("text") )
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), getTextValue(n) );
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitGnomeDruidPage( const QDomElement& druidPage )
+ QValueList<QDomElement> childWidgets;
+ QString gtkClass;
+ QString logoImage;
+ QString name;
+ QString text;
+ QString title;
+ QString watermarkImage;
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QWidget") );
+ QDomNode n = druidPage.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ gtkClass = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("logo_image") ) {
+ logoImage = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("name") ) {
+ name = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("text") ) {
+ text = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("title") ) {
+ title = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("watermark_image") ) {
+ watermarkImage = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ childWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( !name.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("name"), fixedName(name).latin1() );
+ if ( title.isEmpty() )
+ title = QString( "Page" );
+ emitAttribute( QString("title"), title );
+ /*
+ We're striving to get the logoImage and/or the watermarkImage at
+ the right places with a grid layout.
+ */
+ int leftAttach = 0;
+ int rightAttach = 0;
+ int topAttach = 0;
+ int bottomAttach = 0;
+ int numImages = 0;
+ if ( !logoImage.isEmpty() ) {
+ topAttach = 1;
+ numImages++;
+ }
+ if ( !watermarkImage.isEmpty() ) {
+ leftAttach = 1;
+ numImages++;
+ }
+ rightAttach = leftAttach + numImages;
+ bottomAttach = topAttach + numImages;
+ bool layouted = ( numImages > 0 );
+ if ( layouted ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("grid") );
+ if ( !logoImage.isEmpty() )
+ emitPixmap( imageName(logoImage), numImages, numImages + 1, 0, 1 );
+ if ( !watermarkImage.isEmpty() )
+ emitPixmap( imageName(watermarkImage), 0, 1, numImages,
+ numImages + 1 );
+ } else {
+ leftAttach = -1;
+ rightAttach = -1;
+ topAttach = -1;
+ bottomAttach = -1;
+ }
+ if ( gtkClass.endsWith(QString("Standard")) ) {
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, layouted, leftAttach, rightAttach,
+ topAttach, bottomAttach );
+ } else if ( !text.isEmpty() ) {
+ if ( layouted )
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLayoutWidget"), leftAttach,
+ rightAttach, topAttach, bottomAttach );
+ emitOpening( QString("hbox") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLabel") );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), text );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitClosing( QString("hbox") );
+ if ( layouted )
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ }
+ if ( layouted )
+ emitClosing( QString("grid") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+void Glade2Ui::emitGtkWindowChildWidgets(
+ const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets, const QString& qtClass )
+ if ( childWidgets.count() == 1 && qtClass == QString("QWizard") ) {
+ emitFontProperty( QString("titleFont"), 18, FALSE );
+ QDomNode n = childWidgets.first().firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ if ( n.toElement().tagName() == QString("widget") )
+ emitGnomeDruidPage( n.toElement() );
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ } else {
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, FALSE );
+ }
+bool Glade2Ui::packEnd( const QDomElement& widget )
+ QDomNode n = widget.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ if ( n.toElement().tagName() == QString("child") ) {
+ QDomNode child = n.firstChild();
+ while ( !child.isNull() ) {
+ if ( child.toElement().tagName() == QString("pack") ) {
+ QString pack = getTextValue( child );
+ return pack.endsWith( QString("_END") );
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void Glade2Ui::emitChildWidgets( const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets,
+ bool layouted, int leftAttach, int rightAttach,
+ int topAttach, int bottomAttach )
+ QValueList<QDomElement> start;
+ QValueList<QDomElement> end;
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator e;
+ if ( layouted ) {
+ e = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( e != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ if ( packEnd(*e) )
+ end.push_front( *e );
+ else
+ start.push_back( *e );
+ ++e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ start = childWidgets;
+ }
+ e = start.begin();
+ while ( e != start.end() ) {
+ emitWidget( *e, layouted, leftAttach, rightAttach, topAttach,
+ bottomAttach );
+ ++e;
+ }
+ e = end.begin();
+ while ( e != end.end() ) {
+ emitWidget( *e, layouted, leftAttach, rightAttach, topAttach,
+ bottomAttach );
+ ++e;
+ }
+void Glade2Ui::emitOpeningWidget( const QString& qtClass, int leftAttach,
+ int rightAttach, int topAttach,
+ int bottomAttach )
+ AttributeMap attr = attribute( QString("class"), qtClass );
+ attach( &attr, leftAttach, rightAttach, topAttach, bottomAttach );
+ emitOpening( QString("widget"), attr );
+ Returns TRUE if the vbox containing childWidgets should have a
+ spacer at the end to prevent it from looking bad, otherwise returns
+ The algorithm is very experimental.
+bool Glade2Ui::shouldPullup( const QValueList<QDomElement>& childWidgets )
+ QRegExp gtkSmallWidget( QString(
+ "G.*(?:Button|Combo|Dial|Entry|Label|OptionMenu|Picker|ProgressBar"
+ "|Separator|Statusbar|Toolbar|VBox)") );
+ QValueList<QDomElement>::ConstIterator c = childWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != childWidgets.end() ) {
+ QValueList<QDomElement> grandchildWidgets;
+ QString gtkClass;
+ QDomNode n = (*c).firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ gtkClass = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ grandchildWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( !gtkSmallWidget.exactMatch(gtkClass) ||
+ !shouldPullup(grandchildWidgets) )
+ return FALSE;
+ ++c;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+QString Glade2Ui::emitWidget( const QDomElement& widget, bool layouted,
+ int leftAttach, int rightAttach, int topAttach,
+ int bottomAttach )
+ QRegExp gtkLayoutWidget( QString(
+ "Gtk(?:Packer|Table|Toolbar|[HV](?:(?:Button)?Box))") );
+ QRegExp gtkOrientedWidget( QString(
+ "Gtk([HV])(?:Paned|Scale|Scrollbar|Separator)") );
+ QValueList<QDomElement> childWidgets;
+ QString gtkClass;
+ QString name;
+ QString title;
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ int width = 0;
+ int height = 0;
+ int numRows = 0;
+ int numColumns = 0;
+ bool active = FALSE;
+ QString authors;
+ QString childName;
+ QString comments;
+ QString copyright;
+ QString creationFunction;
+ bool editable = TRUE;
+ QString filename;
+ QString focusTarget;
+ QString hscrollbarPolicy;
+ QString icon;
+ int initialChoice = 0;
+ QStringList items;
+ QString justify;
+ QString label;
+ QString logoImage;
+ int lower = -123456789;
+ int page = 10;
+ int pageSize = 10;
+ QString selectionMode;
+ QString shadowType( "GTK_SHADOW_NONE" );
+ bool showText = TRUE;
+ bool showTitles = TRUE;
+ int step = 1;
+ QString tabPos;
+ QString text;
+ int textMaxLength = 0;
+ bool textVisible = TRUE;
+ QString tooltip;
+ QString type;
+ int upper = 123456789;
+ int value = 123456789;
+ bool valueInList = TRUE;
+ QString vscrollbarPolicy;
+ QString watermarkImage;
+ bool wrap = FALSE;
+ bool topLevel = yyFormName.isEmpty();
+ if ( topLevel )
+ name = QString( "Form%1" ).arg( uniqueForm++ );
+ QDomNode n = widget.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( !tagName.isEmpty() ) {
+ /*
+ Recognize the properties and stores them in variables.
+ This step is a bit silly, and if this function were to
+ be rewritten, almost everything would just be stored, as
+ strings, in a giant map, and looked up for when emitting
+ the properties.
+ */
+ switch ( (uchar) tagName[0].cell() ) {
+ case 'a':
+ if ( tagName == QString("active") ) {
+ active = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("authors") ) {
+ authors = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ if ( tagName == QString("child") ) {
+ QDomNode child = n.firstChild();
+ while ( !child.isNull() ) {
+ QString childTagName = child.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( childTagName == QString("left_attach") ) {
+ leftAttach = getTextValue( child ).toInt();
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("right_attach") ) {
+ rightAttach = getTextValue( child ).toInt();
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("top_attach") ) {
+ topAttach = getTextValue( child ).toInt();
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("bottom_attach") ) {
+ bottomAttach = getTextValue( child ).toInt();
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling();
+ }
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("child_name") ) {
+ childName = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("class") ) {
+ gtkClass = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("climb_rate") ) {
+ step = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("columns") ) {
+ numColumns = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("comments") ) {
+ comments = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("copyright") ) {
+ copyright = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("creation_function") ) {
+ creationFunction = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if ( tagName == QString("default_focus_target") ) {
+ if ( focusTarget.isEmpty() )
+ focusTarget = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if ( tagName == QString("editable") )
+ editable = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if ( tagName == QString("filename") ) {
+ filename = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("focus_target") ) {
+ focusTarget = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ if ( tagName == QString("height") ) {
+ height = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("hscrollbar_policy") ) {
+ hscrollbarPolicy = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if ( tagName == QString("icon") ) {
+ icon = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("initial_choice") ) {
+ initialChoice = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("items") ) {
+ items = QStringList::split( QChar('\n'), getTextValue(n) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'j':
+ if ( tagName == QString("justify") )
+ justify = getTextValue( n );
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ if ( tagName == QString("label") ) {
+ label = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("logo_image") ) {
+ logoImage = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("lower") ) {
+ lower = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if ( tagName == QString("name") )
+ name = getTextValue( n );
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if ( tagName == QString("page") ) {
+ page = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("page_size") ) {
+ pageSize = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if ( tagName == QString("rows") )
+ numRows = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if ( tagName == QString("selection_mode") ) {
+ selectionMode = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("shadow_type") ) {
+ shadowType = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("show_text") ) {
+ showText = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString(QString("show_titles")) ) {
+ showTitles = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("step") ) {
+ step = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("stock_button") ) {
+ /*
+ Let's cheat: We convert the symbolic name into a
+ button label.
+ */
+ label = getTextValue( n );
+ int k = label.findRev( QChar('_') );
+ if ( k != -1 )
+ label = label.mid( k + 1 );
+ if ( !label.isEmpty() && label != QString("OK") )
+ label = label.left( 1 ) + label.mid( 1 ).lower();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if ( tagName == QString("tab_pos") ) {
+ tabPos = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("text") ) {
+ text = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("textMaxLength") ) {
+ textMaxLength = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("textVisible") ) {
+ textVisible = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("title") ) {
+ title = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("tooltip") ) {
+ tooltip = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("type") ) {
+ type = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if ( tagName == QString("upper") )
+ upper = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if ( tagName == QString("value") ) {
+ value = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("value_in_list") ) {
+ valueInList = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("vscrollbar_policy") ) {
+ vscrollbarPolicy = getTextValue( n );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ if ( tagName == QString("watermark_image") ) {
+ watermarkImage = getTextValue( n );
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") )
+ childWidgets.push_back( n.toElement() );
+ else if ( tagName == QString("width") )
+ width = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ else if ( tagName == QString("wrap") )
+ wrap = isTrue( getTextValue(n) );
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ if ( tagName == QString("x") )
+ x = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ if ( tagName == QString("y") )
+ y = getTextValue( n ).toInt();
+ }
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( topLevel ) {
+ yyFormName = name;
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("class"), yyFormName );
+ }
+ if ( gtkLayoutWidget.exactMatch(gtkClass) ) {
+ QString boxKind;
+ QString orientation;
+ if ( gtkClass.startsWith(QString("GtkH")) ||
+ gtkClass == QString(QString("GtkToolbar")) ) {
+ /*
+ GtkToolbar, right. Toolbars may appear anywhere in a
+ widget, but then they really are just a row of buttons.
+ */
+ boxKind = QString( "hbox" );
+ orientation = QString( "Horizontal" );
+ } else if ( gtkClass.startsWith(QString("GtkV")) ||
+ gtkClass == QString("GtkPacker") ) {
+ /*
+ We don't support the GtkPacker, whose trails lead to
+ destruction.
+ */
+ boxKind = QString( "vbox" );
+ orientation = QString( "Vertical" );
+ } else {
+ boxKind = QString( "grid" );
+ }
+ if ( layouted )
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLayoutWidget"), leftAttach,
+ rightAttach, topAttach, bottomAttach );
+ emitOpening( boxKind );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"), fixedName(name).latin1() );
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkHButtonBox") ||
+ childName == QString("Dialog:action_area") )
+ emitSpacer( orientation );
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, TRUE );
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkVButtonBox") ||
+ childName == QString("Dialog:action_area") ||
+ (boxKind == QString("vbox") && shouldPullup(childWidgets)) ) {
+ emitSpacer( orientation );
+ } else if ( boxKind == QString("grid") && shouldPullup(childWidgets) ) {
+ emitSpacer( QString("Vertical"), 0, numColumns, numRows,
+ numRows + 1 );
+ }
+ emitClosing( boxKind );
+ if ( layouted )
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkFixed") && !layouted ) {
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, FALSE );
+ /*
+ Placeholders in a grid are typically needless.
+ */
+ } else if ( !(leftAttach >= 0 && gtkClass == QString("Placeholder")) ) {
+ bool needFakeLayout = ( !layouted && !topLevel && x == 0 && y == 0 &&
+ width == 0 && height == 0 );
+ QString qtClass = gtk2qtClass( gtkClass, childWidgets );
+ bool unknown = FALSE;
+ if ( qtClass == QString("QFrame") && !label.isEmpty() ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QButtonGroup" );
+ } else if ( qtClass == QString("QListView") && !showTitles &&
+ gtkClass.endsWith(QString("List")) ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QListBox" );
+ } else if ( qtClass == QString("Custom") ) {
+ qtClass = creationFunction;
+ yyCustomWidgets.insert( qtClass, QString::null );
+ } else if ( qtClass == QString("Unknown") ) {
+ qtClass = QString( "QLabel" );
+ unknown = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( qtClass.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, layouted, leftAttach, rightAttach,
+ topAttach, bottomAttach );
+ } else {
+ if ( needFakeLayout ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("vbox") );
+ emitProperty( QString("margin"), 11 );
+ }
+ emitOpeningWidget( qtClass, leftAttach, rightAttach, topAttach,
+ bottomAttach );
+ // grep 'elsewhere'
+ if ( gtkClass != QString("GtkCombo") )
+ emitProperty( QString("name"), fixedName(name).latin1() );
+ if ( !title.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("caption"), title );
+ if ( !layouted && (x != 0 || y != 0 || width != 0 || height != 0) )
+ emitProperty( QString("geometry"), QRect(x, y, width, height) );
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkToggleButton") ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("toggleButton"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ if ( active )
+ emitProperty( QString("on"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ } else {
+ if ( active )
+ emitProperty( QString("checked"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ }
+ if ( !editable )
+ emitProperty( QString("readOnly"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ if ( !focusTarget.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("buddy"),
+ fixedName(focusTarget).latin1() );
+ if ( !hscrollbarPolicy.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("hScrollBarMode"),
+ gtk2qtScrollBarMode(hscrollbarPolicy),
+ QString("enum") );
+ if ( !vscrollbarPolicy.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("vScrollBarMode"),
+ gtk2qtScrollBarMode(vscrollbarPolicy),
+ QString("enum") );
+ if ( !justify.isEmpty() ||
+ (wrap && gtkClass != QString("GtkSpinButton")) ) {
+ QStringList flags;
+ if ( wrap )
+ flags.push_back( QString("WordBreak") );
+ if ( justify.endsWith(QString("_CENTER")) ) {
+ flags.push_back( QString("AlignCenter") );
+ } else {
+ if ( justify.endsWith(QString("_RIGHT")) )
+ flags.push_back( QString("AlignRight") );
+ flags.push_back( QString("AlignVCenter") );
+ }
+ if ( !flags.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("alignment"), flags.join(QChar('|')),
+ QString("set") );
+ }
+ if ( !label.isEmpty() ) {
+ if ( gtkClass.endsWith(QString("Frame")) ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("title"), label );
+ } else {
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), accelerate(label) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( lower != -123456789 )
+ emitProperty( QString("minValue"), lower );
+ if ( upper != 123456789 )
+ emitProperty( QString("maxValue"), upper );
+ if ( value != 123456789 ) {
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkProgressBar") ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("progress"), value );
+ } else {
+ emitProperty( QString("value"), value );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( QMAX(page, pageSize) != 10 &&
+ gtkClass.endsWith(QString("Scrollbar")) )
+ emitProperty( QString("pageStep"), QMAX(page, pageSize) );
+ if ( !selectionMode.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("selectionMode"),
+ gtk2qtSelectionMode(selectionMode),
+ QString("enum") );
+ if ( !shadowType.endsWith(QString("_NONE")) ) {
+ QString shape = shadowType.contains( QString("_ETCHED_") ) > 0 ?
+ QString( "Box" ) : QString( "WinPanel" );
+ QString shadow = shadowType.endsWith( QString("_IN") ) ?
+ QString( "Sunken" ) : QString( "Raised" );
+ emitProperty( QString("frameShape"), shape, QString("enum") );
+ emitProperty( QString("frameShadow"), shadow, QString("enum") );
+ }
+ if ( !showText )
+ emitProperty( QString("percentageVisible"),
+ QVariant(FALSE, 0) );
+ if ( step != 1 )
+ emitProperty( QString("lineStep"), step );
+ if ( tabPos.endsWith(QString("_BOTTOM")) ||
+ tabPos.endsWith(QString("_RIGHT")) )
+ emitProperty( QString("tabPosition"), QString("Bottom") );
+ if ( !text.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), text );
+ if ( textMaxLength != 0 )
+ emitProperty( QString("maxLength"), textMaxLength );
+ if ( !textVisible )
+ emitProperty( QString("echoMode"), QString("Password"),
+ QString("enum") );
+ if ( !tooltip.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("toolTip"), tooltip );
+ if ( !valueInList )
+ emitProperty( QString("editable"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ if ( wrap && gtkClass == QString("GtkSpinButton") )
+ emitProperty( QString("wrapping"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ if ( gtkClass.endsWith(QString("Tree")) ) {
+ emitProperty( QString("rootIsDecorated"), QVariant(TRUE, 0) );
+ } else if ( gtkOrientedWidget.exactMatch(gtkClass) ) {
+ QString s = ( gtkOrientedWidget.cap(1) == QChar('H') ) ?
+ QString( "Horizontal" ) : QString( "Vertical" );
+ emitProperty( QString("orientation"), s, QString("enum") );
+ }
+ if ( qtClass == QString("QListView") )
+ emitProperty( QString("resizeMode"), QString("AllColumns"),
+ QString("enum") );
+ while ( !items.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("item") );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), items.first() );
+ emitClosing( QString("item") );
+ items.remove( items.begin() );
+ }
+ if ( initialChoice != 0 )
+ emitProperty( QString("currentItem"), initialChoice );
+ if ( !icon.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("pixmap"), imageName(icon),
+ QString("pixmap") );
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GnomeAbout") ) {
+ emitGnomeAbout( copyright, authors, comments );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GnomeApp") ) {
+ emitGnomeAppChildWidgetsPass1( childWidgets );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GnomePropertyBox") ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("vbox") );
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, TRUE );
+ emitOpeningWidget( QString("QLayoutWidget") );
+ emitOpening( QString("hbox") );
+ emitPushButton( QString("&Help"), QString("helpButton") );
+ emitSpacer( QString("Horizontal") );
+ emitPushButton( QString("&OK"), QString("okButton") );
+ emitPushButton( QString("&Apply"), QString("applyButton") );
+ emitPushButton( QString("&Close"), QString("closeButton") );
+ emitClosing( QString("hbox") );
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ emitClosing( QString("vbox") );
+ } else if ( gtkClass.endsWith(QString("Button")) ) {
+ if ( label.isEmpty() )
+ emitGtkButtonChildWidgets( childWidgets );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkCombo") ) {
+ emitGtkComboChildWidgets( childWidgets, items );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkNotebook") ) {
+ emitGtkNotebookChildWidgets( childWidgets );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkWindow") ) {
+ emitGtkWindowChildWidgets( childWidgets, qtClass );
+ } else if ( gtkClass == QString("GtkScrolledWindow") ) {
+ emitGtkScrolledWindowChildWidgets( childWidgets, qtClass );
+ } else if ( qtClass == QString("QListView") ) {
+ emitQListViewColumns( widget );
+ } else if ( unknown || gtkClass == QString("Placeholder") ) {
+ QString prefix;
+ if ( unknown )
+ prefix = gtkClass;
+ emitProperty( QString("text"),
+ QString("<font color=\"red\">%1<b>?</b></font>")
+ .arg(prefix) );
+ emitProperty( QString("alignment"),
+ QString("AlignAuto|AlignCenter"),
+ QString("set") );
+ } else if ( qtClass != QString("QListBox") ) {
+ emitChildWidgets( childWidgets, FALSE );
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("widget") );
+ if ( needFakeLayout )
+ emitClosing( QString("vbox") );
+ if ( gtkClass == QString("GnomeApp") )
+ emitGnomeAppChildWidgetsPass2( childWidgets );
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+QStringList Glade2Ui::convertGladeFile( const QString& fileName )
+ QStringList outFileNames;
+ yyFileName = fileName;
+ QDomDocument doc( QString("GTK-Interface") );
+ QFile f( fileName );
+ if ( ! ) {
+ error( QString("Cannot open file for reading.") );
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ if ( !doc.setContent(&f) ) {
+ error( QString("File is not an XML file.") );
+ f.close();
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ f.close();
+ QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
+ if ( root.tagName() != QString("GTK-Interface") ) {
+ error( QString("File is not a Glade XML file.") );
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ int widgetNo = 0;
+ int numWidgets = 0;
+ QDomNode n = root.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ if ( n.toElement().tagName() == QString("widget") )
+ numWidgets++;
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ QProgressDialog fremskritt( QString("Converting Glade files..."),
+ QString("Abort Conversion"), numWidgets, 0,
+ "fremskritt", TRUE );
+ n = root.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QString tagName = n.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( tagName == QString("project") ) {
+ QDomNode child = n.firstChild();
+ while ( !child.isNull() ) {
+ QString childTagName = child.toElement().tagName();
+ if ( childTagName == QString("pixmaps_directory") ) {
+ yyPixmapDirectory = getTextValue( child );
+ } else if ( childTagName == QString("program_name") ) {
+ yyProgramName = getTextValue( child );
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling();
+ }
+ } else if ( tagName == QString("widget") ) {
+ yyOut = QString::null;
+ yyCustomWidgets.clear();
+ yyStockItemActions.clear();
+ yyActions.clear();
+ yyConnections.clear();
+ yySlots.clear();
+ yyFormName = QString::null;
+ yyImages.clear();
+ uniqueAction = 1;
+ uniqueForm = 1;
+ uniqueMenuBar = 1;
+ uniqueSpacer = 1;
+ uniqueToolBar = 1;
+ emitHeader();
+ QString name = emitWidget( n.toElement(), FALSE );
+ if ( !yyCustomWidgets.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("customwidgets") );
+ QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator c = yyCustomWidgets.begin();
+ while ( c != yyCustomWidgets.end() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("customwidget") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("class"), c.key() );
+ if ( !(*c).isEmpty() )
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("header"), *c,
+ attribute(QString("location"),
+ QString("local")) );
+ emitClosing( QString("customwidget") );
+ ++c;
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("customwidgets") );
+ }
+ if ( !yyActions.isEmpty() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("actions") );
+ QMap<QString, GladeAction>::Iterator a = yyActions.begin();
+ while ( a != yyActions.end() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("action") );
+ emitProperty( QString("name"),
+ fixedName(a.key()).latin1() );
+ emitProperty( QString("text"), (*a).text );
+ emitProperty( QString("menuText"), (*a).menuText );
+ if ( (*a).toolTip )
+ emitProperty( QString("toolTip"), (*a).toolTip );
+ if ( (*a).accel != 0 )
+ emitProperty( QString("accel"), (*a).accel );
+ if ( !(*a).iconSet.isEmpty() )
+ emitProperty( QString("iconSet"),
+ imageName((*a).iconSet),
+ QString("iconset") );
+ emitClosing( QString("action") );
+ ++a;
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("actions") );
+ }
+ if ( !yyImages.isEmpty() ) {
+ uint maxLength = 524288;
+ char *data = new char[maxLength];
+ QString dir = yyFileName;
+ dir.truncate( dir.findRev(QChar('/')) + 1 );
+ dir += yyPixmapDirectory;
+ emitOpening( QString("images") );
+ QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator im = yyImages.begin();
+ while ( im != yyImages.end() ) {
+ uint length = 0;
+ const char *format = 0;
+ QString fn = dir + QChar( '/' ) + im.key();
+ QFile f( fn );
+ if ( ! ) {
+ error( QString("Cannot open image '%1' for reading.")
+ .arg(fn) );
+ } else {
+ length = f.readBlock( data, maxLength );
+ 0 );
+ format = QImageIO::imageFormat( &f );
+ f.close();
+ }
+ if ( format == 0 )
+ format = "XPM";
+ AttributeMap attr;
+ attr.insert( QString("format"), QString(format) );
+ attr.insert( QString("length"), QString::number(length) );
+ emitOpening( QString("image"),
+ attribute(QString("name"), *im) );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("data"), hexed(data, length),
+ attr );
+ emitClosing( QString("image") );
+ ++im;
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("images") );
+ delete[] data;
+ }
+ if ( yyConnections.count() + yySlots.count() > 0 ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("connections") );
+ QValueList<GladeConnection>::Iterator c = yyConnections.begin();
+ while ( c != yyConnections.end() ) {
+ emitOpening( QString("connection") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("sender"), (*c).sender );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("signal"), (*c).signal );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("receiver"), yyFormName );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("slot"), (*c).slot );
+ emitClosing( QString("connection") );
+ ++c;
+ }
+ QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator s = yySlots.begin();
+ while ( s != yySlots.end() ) {
+ AttributeMap attr;
+ attr.insert( QString("access"), *s );
+ attr.insert( QString("language"), QString("C++") );
+ attr.insert( QString("returntype"), QString("void") );
+ emitSimpleValue( QString("slot"), s.key(), attr );
+ ++s;
+ }
+ emitClosing( QString("connections") );
+ }
+ emitFooter();
+ QString outFileName = fileName;
+ int k = outFileName.findRev( "." );
+ if ( k != -1 )
+ outFileName.truncate( k );
+ if ( widgetNo != 0 )
+ outFileName += QString::number( widgetNo + 1 );
+ outFileName += QString( ".ui" );
+ FILE *out = fopen( outFileName.latin1(), "w" );
+ if ( out == 0 ) {
+ qWarning( "glade2ui: Could not open file '%s'",
+ outFileName.latin1() );
+ } else {
+ if ( !yyOut.isEmpty() )
+ fprintf( out, "%s", yyOut.latin1() );
+ fclose( out );
+ outFileNames.push_back( outFileName );
+ }
+ yyOut = QString::null;
+ widgetNo++;
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ if ( fremskritt.wasCancelled() )
+ break;
+ fremskritt.setProgress( widgetNo );
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ return outFileNames;