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+<title>QImageIO Class</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>QImageIO Class Reference</h1>
+<p>The QImageIO class contains parameters for loading and
+saving images.
+<a href="#details">More...</a>
+<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qimage-h.html">qimage.h</a>&gt;</tt>
+<p><a href="qimageio-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
+<h2>Public Members</h2>
+<li class=fn><a href="#QImageIO"><b>QImageIO</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn><a href="#QImageIO-2"><b>QImageIO</b></a> ( QIODevice&nbsp;*&nbsp;ioDevice, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format )</li>
+<li class=fn><a href="#QImageIO-3"><b>QImageIO</b></a> ( const&nbsp;QString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;fileName, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format )</li>
+<li class=fn><a href="#~QImageIO"><b>~QImageIO</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>const QImage &amp; <a href="#image"><b>image</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>int <a href="#status"><b>status</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>const char * <a href="#format"><b>format</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>QIODevice * <a href="#ioDevice"><b>ioDevice</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>QString <a href="#fileName"><b>fileName</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>int <a href="#quality"><b>quality</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>QString <a href="#description"><b>description</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>const char * <a href="#parameters"><b>parameters</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>float <a href="#gamma"><b>gamma</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setImage"><b>setImage</b></a> ( const&nbsp;QImage&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;image )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setStatus"><b>setStatus</b></a> ( int&nbsp;status )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setFormat"><b>setFormat</b></a> ( const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setIODevice"><b>setIODevice</b></a> ( QIODevice&nbsp;*&nbsp;ioDevice )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setFileName"><b>setFileName</b></a> ( const&nbsp;QString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;fileName )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setQuality"><b>setQuality</b></a> ( int&nbsp;q )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setDescription"><b>setDescription</b></a> ( const&nbsp;QString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;description )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setParameters"><b>setParameters</b></a> ( const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;parameters )</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#setGamma"><b>setGamma</b></a> ( float&nbsp;gamma )</li>
+<li class=fn>bool <a href="#read"><b>read</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>bool <a href="#write"><b>write</b></a> ()</li>
+<h2>Static Public Members</h2>
+<li class=fn>const char * <a href="#imageFormat"><b>imageFormat</b></a> ( const&nbsp;QString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;fileName )</li>
+<li class=fn>const char * <a href="#imageFormat-2"><b>imageFormat</b></a> ( QIODevice&nbsp;*&nbsp;d )</li>
+<li class=fn>QStrList <a href="#inputFormats"><b>inputFormats</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>QStrList <a href="#outputFormats"><b>outputFormats</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>void <a href="#defineIOHandler"><b>defineIOHandler</b></a> ( const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;header, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;flags, image_io_handler&nbsp;readImage, image_io_handler&nbsp;writeImage )</li>
+<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
+<p> The QImageIO class contains parameters for loading and
+saving images.
+<p> QImageIO contains a <a href="qiodevice.html">QIODevice</a> object that is used for image data
+I/O. The programmer can install new image file formats in addition
+to those that Qt provides.
+<p> Qt currently supports the following image file formats: PNG, BMP,
+XBM, XPM and PNM. It may also support JPEG, MNG and GIF, if
+specially configured during compilation. The different PNM formats
+are: PBM (P1 or P4), PGM (P2 or P5), and PPM (P3 or P6).
+<p> You don't normally need to use this class; <a href="qpixmap.html#load">QPixmap::load</a>(),
+<a href="qpixmap.html#save">QPixmap::save</a>(), and <a href="qimage.html">QImage</a> contain sufficient functionality.
+<p> For image files that contain sequences of images, only the first
+is read. See <a href="qmovie.html">QMovie</a> for loading multiple images.
+<p> PBM, PGM, and PPM format <em>output</em> is always in the more condensed
+raw format. PPM and PGM files with more than 256 levels of
+intensity are scaled down when reading.
+<p> <b>Warning:</b> If you are in a country which recognizes software patents
+and in which Unisys holds a patent on LZW compression and/or
+decompression and you want to use GIF, Unisys may require you to
+license the technology. Such countries include Canada, Japan, the
+USA, France, Germany, Italy and the UK.
+<p> GIF support may be removed completely in a future version of Qt.
+We recommend using the PNG format.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="qimage.html">QImage</a>, <a href="qpixmap.html">QPixmap</a>, <a href="qfile.html">QFile</a>, <a href="qmovie.html">QMovie</a>, <a href="graphics.html">Graphics Classes</a>, <a href="images.html">Image Processing Classes</a>, and <a href="io.html">Input/Output and Networking</a>.
+<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
+<h3 class=fn><a name="QImageIO"></a>QImageIO::QImageIO ()
+Constructs a QImageIO object with all parameters set to zero.
+<h3 class=fn><a name="QImageIO-2"></a>QImageIO::QImageIO ( <a href="qiodevice.html">QIODevice</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;ioDevice, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format )
+Constructs a QImageIO object with the I/O device <em>ioDevice</em> and a
+<em>format</em> tag.
+<h3 class=fn><a name="QImageIO-3"></a>QImageIO::QImageIO ( const&nbsp;<a href="qstring.html">QString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;fileName, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format )
+Constructs a QImageIO object with the file name <em>fileName</em> and a
+<em>format</em> tag.
+<h3 class=fn><a name="~QImageIO"></a>QImageIO::~QImageIO ()
+Destroys the object and all related data.
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="defineIOHandler"></a>QImageIO::defineIOHandler ( const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;header, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;flags, image_io_handler&nbsp;readImage, image_io_handler&nbsp;writeImage )<tt> [static]</tt>
+Defines an image I/O handler for the image format called <em>format</em>, which is recognized using the <a href="qregexp.html#details">regular expression</a> <em>header</em>, read using <em>readImage</em> and
+written using <em>writeImage</em>.
+<p> <em>flags</em> is a string of single-character flags for this format.
+The only flag defined currently is T (upper case), so the only
+legal value for <em>flags</em> are "T" and the empty string. The "T"
+flag means that the image file is a text file, and Qt should treat
+all newline conventions as equivalent. (XPM files and some PPM
+files are text files for example.)
+<p> <em>format</em> is used to select a handler to write a <a href="qimage.html">QImage</a>; <em>header</em>
+is used to select a handler to read an image file.
+<p> If <em>readImage</em> is a null pointer, the QImageIO will not be able
+to read images in <em>format</em>. If <em>writeImage</em> is a null pointer,
+the QImageIO will not be able to write images in <em>format</em>. If
+both are null, the QImageIO object is valid but useless.
+<p> Example:
+ void readGIF( QImageIO *image )
+ {
+ // read the image using the image-&gt;<a href="#ioDevice">ioDevice</a>()
+ }
+ void writeGIF( QImageIO *image )
+ {
+ // write the image using the image-&gt;<a href="#ioDevice">ioDevice</a>()
+ }
+ // add the GIF image handler
+ QImageIO::<a href="#defineIOHandler">defineIOHandler</a>( "GIF",
+ "^GIF[0-9][0-9][a-z]",
+ 0,
+ readGIF,
+ writeGIF );
+ </pre>
+<p> Before the regex test, all the 0 bytes in the file header are
+converted to 1 bytes. This is done because when Qt was
+ASCII-based, <a href="qregexp.html">QRegExp</a> could not handle 0 bytes in strings.
+<p> The regexp is only applied on the first 14 bytes of the file.
+<p> Note that Qt assumes that there is only one handler per format; if
+two handlers support the same format, Qt will choose one
+arbitrarily. It is not possible to have one handler support
+reading, and another support writing.
+<h3 class=fn><a href="qstring.html">QString</a> <a name="description"></a>QImageIO::description () const
+<p> Returns the image description string.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setDescription">setDescription</a>().
+<h3 class=fn><a href="qstring.html">QString</a> <a name="fileName"></a>QImageIO::fileName () const
+<p> Returns the file name currently set.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setFileName">setFileName</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>const char * <a name="format"></a>QImageIO::format () const
+<p> Returns the image format string or 0 if no format has been
+explicitly set.
+<h3 class=fn>float <a name="gamma"></a>QImageIO::gamma () const
+Returns the gamma value at which the image will be viewed.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setGamma">setGamma</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>const&nbsp;<a href="qimage.html">QImage</a>&nbsp;&amp; <a name="image"></a>QImageIO::image () const
+<p> Returns the image currently set.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setImage">setImage</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>const char * <a name="imageFormat"></a>QImageIO::imageFormat ( const&nbsp;<a href="qstring.html">QString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;fileName )<tt> [static]</tt>
+Returns a string that specifies the image format of the file <em>fileName</em>, or null if the file cannot be read or if the format is
+not recognized.
+<h3 class=fn>const char * <a name="imageFormat-2"></a>QImageIO::imageFormat ( <a href="qiodevice.html">QIODevice</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;d )<tt> [static]</tt>
+This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
+<p> Returns a string that specifies the image format of the image read
+from IO device <em>d</em>, or 0 if the device cannot be read or if the
+format is not recognized.
+<p> Make sure that <em>d</em> is at the right position in the device (for
+example, at the beginning of the file).
+<p> <p>See also <a href="qiodevice.html#at">QIODevice::at</a>().
+<h3 class=fn><a href="qstrlist.html">QStrList</a> <a name="inputFormats"></a>QImageIO::inputFormats ()<tt> [static]</tt>
+Returns a sorted list of image formats that are supported for
+image input.
+<h3 class=fn><a href="qiodevice.html">QIODevice</a>&nbsp;* <a name="ioDevice"></a>QImageIO::ioDevice () const
+<p> Returns the IO device currently set.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setIODevice">setIODevice</a>().
+<h3 class=fn><a href="qstrlist.html">QStrList</a> <a name="outputFormats"></a>QImageIO::outputFormats ()<tt> [static]</tt>
+Returns a sorted list of image formats that are supported for
+image output.
+<p>Example: <a href="scribble-example.html#x911">scribble/scribble.cpp</a>.
+<h3 class=fn>const char * <a name="parameters"></a>QImageIO::parameters () const
+Returns the image's parameters string.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setParameters">setParameters</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>int <a name="quality"></a>QImageIO::quality () const
+Returns the quality of the written image, related to the
+compression ratio.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setQuality">setQuality</a>() and <a href="qimage.html#save">QImage::save</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="read"></a>QImageIO::read ()
+Reads an image into memory and returns TRUE if the image was
+successfully read; otherwise returns FALSE.
+<p> Before reading an image you must set an IO device or a file name.
+If both an IO device and a file name have been set, the IO device
+will be used.
+<p> Setting the image file format string is optional.
+<p> Note that this function does <em>not</em> set the <a href="#format">format</a> used to read the image. If you need that
+information, use the <a href="#imageFormat">imageFormat</a>() static functions.
+<p> Example:
+<p> <pre>
+ QImageIO iio;
+ <a href="qpixmap.html">QPixmap</a> pixmap;
+ iio.<a href="#setFileName">setFileName</a>( "vegeburger.bmp" );
+ if ( ) // ok
+ pixmap = iio.<a href="#image">image</a>(); // convert to pixmap
+ </pre>
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setIODevice">setIODevice</a>(), <a href="#setFileName">setFileName</a>(), <a href="#setFormat">setFormat</a>(), <a href="#write">write</a>(), and <a href="qpixmap.html#load">QPixmap::load</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setDescription"></a>QImageIO::setDescription ( const&nbsp;<a href="qstring.html">QString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;description )
+Sets the image description string for image handlers that support
+image descriptions to <em>description</em>.
+<p> Currently, no image format supported by Qt uses the description
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setFileName"></a>QImageIO::setFileName ( const&nbsp;<a href="qstring.html">QString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;fileName )
+Sets the name of the file to read or write an image from to <em>fileName</em>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setIODevice">setIODevice</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setFormat"></a>QImageIO::setFormat ( const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;format )
+Sets the image format to <em>format</em> for the image to be read or
+<p> It is necessary to specify a format before writing an image, but
+it is not necessary to specify a format before reading an image.
+<p> If no format has been set, Qt guesses the image format before
+reading it. If a format is set the image will only be read if it
+has that format.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#read">read</a>(), <a href="#write">write</a>(), and <a href="#format">format</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setGamma"></a>QImageIO::setGamma ( float&nbsp;gamma )
+Sets the gamma value at which the image will be viewed to <em>gamma</em>. If the image format stores a gamma value for which the
+image is intended to be used, then this setting will be used to
+modify the image. Setting to 0.0 will disable gamma correction
+(i.e. any specification in the file will be ignored).
+<p> The default value is 0.0.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#gamma">gamma</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setIODevice"></a>QImageIO::setIODevice ( <a href="qiodevice.html">QIODevice</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;ioDevice )
+Sets the IO device to be used for reading or writing an image.
+<p> Setting the IO device allows images to be read/written to any
+block-oriented <a href="qiodevice.html">QIODevice</a>.
+<p> If <em>ioDevice</em> is not null, this IO device will override file name
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setFileName">setFileName</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setImage"></a>QImageIO::setImage ( const&nbsp;<a href="qimage.html">QImage</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;image )
+Sets the image to <em>image</em>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#image">image</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setParameters"></a>QImageIO::setParameters ( const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;parameters )
+Sets the image's parameter string to <em>parameters</em>. This is for
+image handlers that require special parameters.
+<p> Although the current image formats supported by Qt ignore the
+parameters string, it may be used in future extensions or by
+contributions (for example, JPEG).
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#parameters">parameters</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setQuality"></a>QImageIO::setQuality ( int&nbsp;q )
+Sets the quality of the written image to <em>q</em>, related to the
+compression ratio.
+<p> <em>q</em> must be in the range -1..100. Specify 0 to obtain small
+compressed files, 100 for large uncompressed files. (-1 signifies
+the default compression.)
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#quality">quality</a>() and <a href="qimage.html#save">QImage::save</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setStatus"></a>QImageIO::setStatus ( int&nbsp;status )
+Sets the image IO status to <em>status</em>. A non-zero value indicates
+an error, whereas 0 means that the IO operation was successful.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#status">status</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>int <a name="status"></a>QImageIO::status () const
+<p> Returns the image's IO status. A non-zero value indicates an
+error, whereas 0 means that the IO operation was successful.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setStatus">setStatus</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="write"></a>QImageIO::write ()
+Writes an image to an IO device and returns TRUE if the image was
+successfully written; otherwise returns FALSE.
+<p> Before writing an image you must set an IO device or a file name.
+If both an IO device and a file name have been set, the IO device
+will be used.
+<p> The image will be written using the specified image format.
+<p> Example:
+ QImageIO iio;
+ <a href="qimage.html">QImage</a> im;
+ im = pixmap; // convert to image
+ iio.<a href="#setImage">setImage</a>( im );
+ iio.<a href="#setFileName">setFileName</a>( "vegeburger.bmp" );
+ iio.<a href="#setFormat">setFormat</a>( "BMP" );
+ if ( iio.<a href="#write">write</a>() )
+ // returned TRUE if written successfully
+ </pre>
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#setIODevice">setIODevice</a>(), <a href="#setFileName">setFileName</a>(), <a href="#setFormat">setFormat</a>(), <a href="#read">read</a>(), and <a href="qpixmap.html#save">QPixmap::save</a>().
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