path: root/qmake/book/qmake-tutorial.leaf
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+\chapter qmake Tutorial
+\section1 Introduction to the qmake tutorial
+This tutorial teaches you how to use \e qmake. We recommend that
+you read the \e qmake user guide after completing this tutorial.
+\section1 Starting off simple
+Let's assume that you have just finished a basic implementation of
+your application, and you have created the following files:
+\i hello.cpp
+\i hello.h
+\i main.cpp
+You will find these files in \e {qt/qmake/examples/tutorial}. The
+only other thing you know about the setup of the application is that
+it's written in Qt. First, using your favorite plain text editor,
+create a file called \e in \e {qt/qmake/tutorial}. The
+first thing you need to do is add the lines that tell \e qmake about
+the source and header files that are part of your development project.
+We'll add the source files to the project file first. To do this you
+need to use the SOURCES variable. Just start a new line with \e
+{SOURCES +=} and put hello.cpp after it. You should have something
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+We repeat this for each source file in the project, until we end up
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+If you prefer to use a Make-like syntax, with all the files listed in
+one go you can use the newline escaping like this:
+ SOURCES = hello.cpp \
+ main.cpp
+Now that the source files are listed in the project file, the header
+files must be added. These are added in exactly the same way as source
+files, except that the variable name is HEADERS:
+Once you have done this, your project file should look something like
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+The target name is set automatically; it is the same as the project
+file, but with the suffix appropriate to the platform. For example, if
+the project file is called '', the target will be 'hello.exe'
+on Windows and 'hello' on Unix. If you want to use a different name
+you can set it in the project file:
+ TARGET = helloworld
+The final step is to set the \e CONFIG variable. Since this is a Qt
+application, we need to put 'qt' on the CONFIG line so that \e qmake
+will add the relevant libraries to be linked against and ensure that
+build lines for \e moc and \e uic are included in the makefile.
+The finished project file should look like this:
+ CONFIG += qt
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+You can now use \e qmake to generate a makefile for your application.
+On the command line, in your application directory, type:
+ qmake -o Makefile
+Then type \e make or \e nmake depending on the compiler you use.
+\section1 Making an application debuggable
+The release version of an application doesn't contain any debugging
+symbols or other debuggin information. During development it is useful
+to produce a debugging version of the application that has the
+relevant information. This is easily achieved by adding 'debug' to the
+CONFIG variable in the project file.
+For example:
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+Use \e qmake as before to generate a makefile and you will be able to
+debug your application.
+\section1 Adding platform specific source files
+After a few hours of coding, you might have made a start on the
+platform specific part of your application, and decided to keep the
+platform dependent code separate. So you now have two new files to
+include into your project file - \e hellowin.cpp and \e
+hellounix.cpp. We can't just add these to the \e SOURCES
+variable since this will put both files in the makefile. So what we
+need to do here is to use a scope which will be processed depending on
+which platform \e qmake is run on.
+A simple scope which will add in the platform dependent file for
+Windows looks like this:
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+So if \e qmake is run on Windows, it will add \e hellowin.cpp to the
+list of source files. If \e qmake is run on any other platform, it
+will simply ignore it. Now all that is left to be done is to create a
+scope for the unix dependent file.
+When you have done that, your project file should now look
+something like this:
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+ unix {
+ SOURCES += hellounix.cpp
+ }
+Use \e qmake as before to generate a makefile.
+\section1 Stopping qmake if a file doesn't exist
+You may not want to create a makefile if a certain file doesn't exist.
+We can check if a file exists by using the exists() function. We can
+stop \e qmake from processing by using the error() function. This
+works in the same way as scopes. Simply replace the scope condition
+with the function. A check for a main.cpp file looks like this:
+ !exists( main.cpp ) {
+ error( "No main.cpp file found" )
+ }
+The "!" is used to negate the test, i.e. \c{exists( main.cpp )} is
+true if the file exists and \c{!exists( main.cpp )} is true if the
+file doesn't exist.
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+ unix {
+ SOURCES += hellounix.cpp
+ }
+ !exists( main.cpp ) {
+ error( "No main.cpp file found" )
+ }
+Use \e qmake as before to generate a makefile. If you rename \e
+main.cpp temporarily, you will see the message and \e qmake will stop
+\section1 Checking for more than one condition
+Suppose you use Windows and you want to be able to see the qDebug()
+statements when you run your application on the command line. Unless
+you build your application with the console setting, you won't see the
+output. We can easily put \e console on the CONFIG line so that on
+Windows the makefile will have this setting. But let's say that we
+only want to add the CONFIG line if we are running on Windows \e and when
+\e debug is already on the CONFIG line. This requires using two
+nested scopes; just create one scope, then create the other inside
+that one. Put the settings to be processed inside the last scope,
+like this:
+ win32 {
+ debug {
+ CONFIG += console
+ }
+ }
+Nested scopes can be joined together using colons, so the final
+project file looks like this:
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+ unix {
+ SOURCES += hellounix.cpp
+ }
+ !exists( main.cpp ) {
+ error( "No main.cpp file found" )
+ }
+ win32:debug {
+ CONFIG += console
+ }
+That's it! You have now completed the tutorial for \e qmake, and are
+ready to write project files for your development projects.