path: root/src/kernel/qiconset.cpp
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1 files changed, 949 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kernel/qiconset.cpp b/src/kernel/qiconset.cpp
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+++ b/src/kernel/qiconset.cpp
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+** Implementation of QIconSet class
+** Created : 980318
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "qiconset.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_ICONSET
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qbitmap.h"
+#include "qcleanuphandler.h"
+#include "qimage.h"
+#include "qpainter.h"
+enum { NumSizes = 2, NumModes = 3, NumStates = 2 };
+static QIconFactory *defaultFac = 0;
+static QSingleCleanupHandler<QIconFactory> q_cleanup_icon_factory;
+static short widths[2] = { 22, 32 };
+static short heights[2] = { 22, 32 };
+enum QIconSetIconOrigin {
+ SuppliedFileName, // 'fileName' contains the name of the file
+ SuppliedPixmap, // 'pixmap' is a pointer to the user-supplied pixmap
+ Manufactured, // 'pixmap' is a factory-generated pixmap (or 0)
+ Generated // 'pixmap' is a QIconSet-generated pixmap (or 0)
+struct QIconSetIcon
+ QIconSetIconOrigin origin;
+ union {
+ QString *fileName;
+ QPixmap *pixmap;
+ };
+ QIconSetIcon() : origin( Generated ) { pixmap = 0; }
+ QIconSetIcon( const QIconSetIcon& other )
+ : origin( Generated ) {
+ pixmap = 0;
+ operator=( other );
+ }
+ ~QIconSetIcon() {
+ if ( origin == SuppliedFileName ) {
+ delete fileName;
+ } else {
+ delete pixmap;
+ }
+ }
+ QIconSetIcon& operator=( const QIconSetIcon& other );
+ void clearCached() {
+ if ( pixmap && (origin == Manufactured || origin == Generated) ) {
+ origin = Generated;
+ delete pixmap;
+ pixmap = 0;
+ }
+ }
+QIconSetIcon& QIconSetIcon::operator=( const QIconSetIcon& other )
+ QPixmap *oldPixmap = 0;
+ QString *oldFileName = 0;
+ if ( origin == SuppliedFileName ) {
+ oldFileName = fileName;
+ } else {
+ oldPixmap = pixmap;
+ }
+ origin = other.origin;
+ if ( other.origin == SuppliedFileName ) {
+ fileName = new QString( *other.fileName );
+ } else {
+ if ( other.pixmap ) {
+ pixmap = new QPixmap( *other.pixmap );
+ } else {
+ pixmap = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ delete oldPixmap;
+ delete oldFileName;
+ return *this;
+class QIconSetPrivate : public QShared
+ QIconSetIcon icons[NumSizes][NumModes][NumStates];
+ QPixmap defaultPix;
+ QIconFactory *factory;
+ QIconSetPrivate() : factory( 0 ) { }
+ QIconSetPrivate( const QIconSetPrivate& other ) : QShared() {
+ count = 1;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < NumSizes; i++ ) {
+ for ( int j = 0; j < NumModes; j++ ) {
+ for ( int k = 0; k < NumStates; k++ ) {
+ icons[i][j][k] = other.icons[i][j][k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ defaultPix = other.defaultPix;
+ factory = other.factory;
+ if ( factory )
+ factory->ref();
+ }
+ ~QIconSetPrivate() {
+ setFactory( 0 );
+ }
+ QIconSetIcon *icon( const QIconSet *iconSet, QIconSet::Size size,
+ QIconSet::Mode mode, QIconSet::State state );
+ void setFactory( QIconFactory *newFactory ) {
+ if ( newFactory )
+ newFactory->ref();
+ if ( factory && factory->deref() && factory->autoDelete() )
+ delete factory;
+ factory = newFactory;
+ }
+QIconSetIcon *QIconSetPrivate::icon( const QIconSet *iconSet,
+ QIconSet::Size size, QIconSet::Mode mode,
+ QIconSet::State state )
+ QIconSetIcon *ik = &icons[(int) size - 1][(int) mode][(int) state];
+ if ( iconSet ) {
+ if ( ik->origin == SuppliedFileName ) {
+ QPixmap *newPixmap = new QPixmap( *ik->fileName );
+ delete ik->fileName;
+ if ( newPixmap->isNull() ) {
+ delete newPixmap;
+ ik->origin = Generated;
+ ik->pixmap = 0;
+ } else {
+ ik->origin = SuppliedPixmap;
+ ik->pixmap = newPixmap;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !ik->pixmap && ik->origin == Generated ) {
+ QIconFactory *f = factory;
+ if ( !f )
+ f = defaultFac;
+ if ( f ) {
+ /*
+ We set 'origin' to Manufactured half a second too
+ early to prevent recursive calls to this function.
+ (This can happen if createPixmap() calls
+ QIconSet::pixmap(), which in turn calls this
+ function.)
+ */
+ ik->origin = Manufactured;
+ ik->pixmap = f->createPixmap( *iconSet, size, mode, state );
+ if ( !ik->pixmap )
+ ik->origin = Generated;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ik;
+/*! \class QIconSet
+ \brief The QIconSet class provides a set of icons with different
+ styles and sizes.
+ \ingroup graphics
+ \ingroup images
+ \ingroup shared
+ \mainclass
+ A QIconSet can generate smaller, larger, active, and disabled pixmaps
+ from the set of icons it is given. Such pixmaps are used by
+ QToolButton, QHeader, QPopupMenu, etc. to show an icon representing a
+ particular action.
+ The simplest use of QIconSet is to create one from a QPixmap and then
+ use it, allowing Qt to work out all the required icon styles and
+ sizes. For example:
+ \code
+ QToolButton *but = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap("open.xpm") ), ... );
+ \endcode
+ Using whichever pixmaps you specify as a base, QIconSet provides a
+ set of six icons, each with a \l Size and a \l Mode: Small Normal,
+ Small Disabled, Small Active, Large Normal, Large Disabled, and
+ Large Active.
+ An additional set of six icons can be provided for widgets that have
+ an "On" or "Off" state, like checkable menu items or toggleable
+ toolbuttons. If you provide pixmaps for the "On" state, but not for
+ the "Off" state, the QIconSet will provide the "Off" pixmaps. You may
+ specify icons for both states in you wish.
+ You can set any of the icons using setPixmap().
+ When you retrieve a pixmap using pixmap(Size, Mode, State),
+ QIconSet will return the icon that has been set or previously
+ generated for that size, mode and state combination. If none is
+ available, QIconSet will ask the icon factory. If the icon factory
+ cannot provide any (the default), QIconSet generates a pixmap based
+ on the pixmaps it has been given and returns it.
+ The \c Disabled appearance is computed using an algorithm that
+ produces results very similar to those used in Microsoft Windows
+ 95. The \c Active appearance is identical to the \c Normal
+ appearance unless you use setPixmap() to set it to something
+ special.
+ When scaling icons, QIconSet uses \link QImage::smoothScale()
+ smooth scaling\endlink, which can partially blend the color component
+ of pixmaps. If the results look poor, the best solution
+ is to supply pixmaps in both large and small sizes.
+ You can use the static function setIconSize() to set the preferred
+ size of the generated large/small icons. The default small size is
+ 22 x 22, while the default large size is 32 x 32. These sizes only
+ affect generated icons.
+ The isGenerated() function returns TRUE if an icon was generated by
+ QIconSet or by a factory; clearGenerated() clears all cached
+ pixmaps.
+ \section1 Making Classes that Use QIconSet
+ If you write your own widgets that have an option to set a small
+ pixmap, consider allowing a QIconSet to be set for that pixmap. The
+ Qt class QToolButton is an example of such a widget.
+ Provide a method to set a QIconSet, and when you draw the icon, choose
+ whichever icon is appropriate for the current state of your widget.
+ For example:
+ \code
+ void MyWidget::drawIcon( QPainter* p, QPoint pos )
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap( pos, icons->pixmap(
+ QIconSet::Small,
+ isEnabled() ? QIconSet::Normal :
+ QIconSet::Disabled,
+ isEnabled() ? QIconSet::On :
+ QIconSet::Off));
+ }
+ \endcode
+ You might also make use of the \c Active mode, perhaps making your
+ widget \c Active when the mouse is over the widget (see \l
+ QWidget::enterEvent()), while the mouse is pressed pending the
+ release that will activate the function, or when it is the currently
+ selected item. If the widget can be toggled, the "On" mode might be
+ used to draw a different icon.
+ \img iconset.png QIconSet
+ \sa QIconFactory QPixmap QMainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps()
+ \link guibooks.html#fowler GUI Design Handbook: Iconic Label \endlink
+ \enum QIconSet::Size
+ This enum type describes the size at which a pixmap is intended to be
+ used.
+ The currently defined sizes are:
+ \value Automatic The size of the pixmap is determined from its
+ pixel size. This is a useful default.
+ \value Small The pixmap is the smaller of two.
+ \value Large The pixmap is the larger of two.
+ If a Small pixmap is not set by QIconSet::setPixmap(), the Large
+ pixmap will be automatically scaled down to the size of a small pixmap
+ to generate the Small pixmap when required. Similarly, a Small pixmap
+ will be automatically scaled up to generate a Large pixmap. The
+ preferred sizes for large/small generated icons can be set using
+ setIconSize().
+ \sa setIconSize() iconSize() setPixmap() pixmap() QMainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps()
+ \enum QIconSet::Mode
+ This enum type describes the mode for which a pixmap is intended to be
+ used.
+ The currently defined modes are:
+ \value Normal
+ Display the pixmap when the user is
+ not interacting with the icon, but the
+ functionality represented by the icon is available.
+ \value Disabled
+ Display the pixmap when the
+ functionality represented by the icon is not available.
+ \value Active
+ Display the pixmap when the
+ functionality represented by the icon is available and
+ the user is interacting with the icon, for example, moving the
+ mouse over it or clicking it.
+ \enum QIconSet::State
+ This enum describes the state for which a pixmap is intended to be
+ used. The \e state can be:
+ \value Off Display the pixmap when the widget is in an "off" state
+ \value On Display the pixmap when the widget is in an "on" state
+ \sa setPixmap() pixmap()
+ Constructs a null icon set.
+ \sa setPixmap(), reset()
+ : d( 0 )
+ Constructs an icon set for which the Normal pixmap is \a pixmap,
+ which is assumed to be of size \a size.
+ The default for \a size is \c Automatic, which means that QIconSet
+ will determine whether the pixmap is Small or Large from its pixel
+ size. Pixmaps less than the width of a small generated icon are
+ considered to be Small. You can use setIconSize() to set the
+ preferred size of a generated icon.
+ \sa setIconSize() reset()
+QIconSet::QIconSet( const QPixmap& pixmap, Size size )
+ : d( 0 )
+ reset( pixmap, size );
+/*! Creates an iconset which uses the pixmap \a smallPix for for
+ displaying a small icon, and the pixmap \a largePix for displaying a
+ large icon.
+QIconSet::QIconSet( const QPixmap& smallPix, const QPixmap& largePix )
+ : d( 0 )
+ reset( smallPix, Small );
+ reset( largePix, Large );
+ Constructs a copy of \a other. This is very fast.
+QIconSet::QIconSet( const QIconSet& other )
+ : d( other.d )
+ if ( d )
+ d->ref();
+ Destroys the icon set and frees any allocated resources.
+ if ( d && d->deref() )
+ delete d;
+ Sets this icon set to use pixmap \a pixmap for the Normal pixmap,
+ assuming it to be of size \a size.
+ This is equivalent to assigning QIconSet(\a pixmap, \a size) to this
+ icon set.
+ This function does nothing if \a pixmap is a null pixmap.
+void QIconSet::reset( const QPixmap& pixmap, Size size )
+ if ( pixmap.isNull() )
+ return;
+ detach();
+ normalize( size, pixmap.size() );
+ setPixmap( pixmap, size, Normal );
+ d->defaultPix = pixmap;
+ d->setFactory( 0 );
+ Sets this icon set to provide pixmap \a pixmap for size \a size, mode \a
+ mode and state \a state. The icon set may also use \a pixmap for
+ generating other pixmaps if they are not explicitly set.
+ The \a size can be one of Automatic, Large or Small. If Automatic is
+ used, QIconSet will determine if the pixmap is Small or Large from its
+ pixel size.
+ Pixmaps less than the width of a small generated icon are
+ considered to be Small. You can use setIconSize() to set the preferred
+ size of a generated icon.
+ This function does nothing if \a pixmap is a null pixmap.
+ \sa reset()
+void QIconSet::setPixmap( const QPixmap& pixmap, Size size, Mode mode,
+ State state )
+ if ( pixmap.isNull() )
+ return;
+ normalize( size, pixmap.size() );
+ detach();
+ clearGenerated();
+ QIconSetIcon *icon = d->icon( 0, size, mode, state );
+ if ( icon->origin == SuppliedFileName ) {
+ delete icon->fileName;
+ icon->pixmap = 0;
+ }
+ icon->origin = SuppliedPixmap;
+ if ( icon->pixmap == 0 ) {
+ icon->pixmap = new QPixmap( pixmap );
+ } else {
+ *icon->pixmap = pixmap;
+ }
+ \overload
+ The pixmap is loaded from \a fileName when it becomes necessary.
+void QIconSet::setPixmap( const QString& fileName, Size size, Mode mode,
+ State state )
+ if ( size == Automatic ) {
+ setPixmap( QPixmap(fileName), size, mode, state );
+ } else {
+ detach();
+ clearGenerated();
+ QIconSetIcon *icon = d->icon( 0, size, mode, state );
+ if ( icon->origin == SuppliedFileName ) {
+ *icon->fileName = fileName;
+ } else {
+ delete icon->pixmap;
+ icon->fileName = new QString( fileName );
+ icon->origin = SuppliedFileName;
+ }
+ }
+ Returns a pixmap with size \a size, mode \a mode and state \a
+ state, generating one if necessary. Generated pixmaps are cached.
+QPixmap QIconSet::pixmap( Size size, Mode mode, State state ) const
+ if ( !d ) {
+ if ( defaultFac ) {
+ QIconSet *that = (QIconSet *) this;
+ that->detach();
+ } else {
+ return QPixmap();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( size == Automatic )
+ size = Small;
+ QIconSetIcon *icon = d->icon( this, size, mode, state );
+ if ( icon->pixmap )
+ return *icon->pixmap;
+ if ( icon->origin == Manufactured ) {
+ /*
+ This can only occur during the half a second's time when
+ the icon is being manufactured. If QIconFactory somehow
+ tries to access the pixmap it's supposed to be creating, it
+ will get a null pixmap.
+ */
+ return QPixmap();
+ }
+ if ( mode == Active )
+ return pixmap( size, Normal, state );
+ Size otherSize = ( size == Large ) ? Small : Large;
+ QIconSetIcon *otherSizeIcon = d->icon( this, otherSize, mode, state );
+ if ( state == Off ) {
+ if ( mode == Disabled &&
+ d->icon(this, size, Normal, Off)->origin != Generated ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createDisabled( size, Off );
+ } else if ( otherSizeIcon->origin != Generated ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createScaled( size, otherSizeIcon->pixmap );
+ } else if ( mode == Disabled ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createDisabled( size, Off );
+ } else if ( !d->defaultPix.isNull() ) {
+ icon->pixmap = new QPixmap( d->defaultPix );
+ } else {
+ /*
+ No icons are available for { TRUE, Normal, Off } and
+ { FALSE, Normal, Off }. Try the other 10 combinaisons,
+ best ones first.
+ */
+ const int N = 10;
+ static const struct {
+ bool sameSize;
+ Mode mode;
+ State state;
+ } tryList[N] = {
+ { TRUE, Active, Off },
+ { TRUE, Normal, On },
+ { TRUE, Active, On },
+ { FALSE, Active, Off },
+ { FALSE, Normal, On },
+ { FALSE, Active, On },
+ { TRUE, Disabled, Off },
+ { TRUE, Disabled, On },
+ { FALSE, Disabled, Off },
+ { FALSE, Disabled, On }
+ };
+ for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
+ bool sameSize = tryList[i].sameSize;
+ QIconSetIcon *tryIcon =
+ d->icon( this, sameSize ? size : otherSize,
+ tryList[i].mode, tryList[i].state );
+ if ( tryIcon->origin != Generated ) {
+ if ( sameSize ) {
+ if ( tryIcon->pixmap )
+ icon->pixmap = new QPixmap( *tryIcon->pixmap );
+ } else {
+ icon->pixmap = createScaled( size, tryIcon->pixmap );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* ( state == On ) */
+ if ( mode == Normal ) {
+ if ( otherSizeIcon->origin != Generated ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createScaled( size, otherSizeIcon->pixmap );
+ } else {
+ icon->pixmap = new QPixmap( pixmap(size, mode, Off) );
+ }
+ } else { /* ( mode == Disabled ) */
+ QIconSetIcon *offIcon = d->icon( this, size, mode, Off );
+ QIconSetIcon *otherSizeOffIcon = d->icon( this, otherSize, mode,
+ Off );
+ if ( offIcon->origin != Generated ) {
+ if ( offIcon->pixmap )
+ icon->pixmap = new QPixmap( *offIcon->pixmap );
+ } else if ( d->icon(this, size, Normal, On)->origin != Generated ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createDisabled( size, On );
+ } else if ( otherSizeIcon->origin != Generated ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createScaled( size, otherSizeIcon->pixmap );
+ } else if ( otherSizeOffIcon->origin != Generated ) {
+ icon->pixmap = createScaled( size, otherSizeOffIcon->pixmap );
+ } else {
+ icon->pixmap = createDisabled( size, On );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( icon->pixmap ) {
+ return *icon->pixmap;
+ } else {
+ return QPixmap();
+ }
+/*! \overload
+ \obsolete
+ This is the same as pixmap(\a size, \a enabled, \a state).
+QPixmap QIconSet::pixmap( Size size, bool enabled, State state ) const
+ return pixmap( size, enabled ? Normal : Disabled, state );
+ \overload
+ Returns the pixmap originally provided to the constructor or to
+ reset(). This is the Normal pixmap of unspecified Size.
+ \sa reset()
+QPixmap QIconSet::pixmap() const
+ if ( !d )
+ return QPixmap();
+ return d->defaultPix;
+ Returns TRUE if the pixmap with size \a size, mode \a mode and
+ state \a state is generated from other pixmaps; otherwise returns
+ A pixmap obtained from a QIconFactory is considered non-generated.
+bool QIconSet::isGenerated( Size size, Mode mode, State state ) const
+ if ( !d )
+ return TRUE;
+ return d->icon( this, size, mode, state )->origin == Generated;
+ Clears all cached pixmaps, including those obtained from an
+ eventual QIconFactory.
+void QIconSet::clearGenerated()
+ if ( !d )
+ return;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < NumSizes; i++ ) {
+ for ( int j = 0; j < NumModes; j++ ) {
+ for ( int k = 0; k < NumStates; k++ ) {
+ d->icons[i][j][k].clearCached();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Installs \a factory as the icon factory for this iconset. The
+ icon factory is used to generates pixmaps not set by the user.
+ If no icon factory is installed, QIconFactory::defaultFactory()
+ is used.
+void QIconSet::installIconFactory( QIconFactory *factory )
+ detach();
+ d->setFactory( factory );
+ Returns TRUE if the icon set is empty; otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QIconSet::isNull() const
+ return !d;
+ Detaches this icon set from others with which it may share data.
+ You will never need to call this function; other QIconSet functions
+ call it as necessary.
+void QIconSet::detach()
+ if ( !d ) {
+ d = new QIconSetPrivate;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( d->count != 1 ) {
+ d->deref();
+ d = new QIconSetPrivate( *d );
+ }
+ Assigns \a other to this icon set and returns a reference to this
+ icon set.
+ \sa detach()
+QIconSet& QIconSet::operator=( const QIconSet& other )
+ if ( other.d )
+ other.d->ref();
+ if ( d && d->deref() )
+ delete d;
+ d = other.d;
+ return *this;
+ Set the preferred size for all small or large icons that are
+ generated after this call. If \a which is Small, sets the preferred
+ size of small generated icons to \a size. Similarly, if \a which is
+ Large, sets the preferred size of large generated icons to \a size.
+ Note that cached icons will not be regenerated, so it is recommended
+ that you set the preferred icon sizes before generating any icon sets.
+ Also note that the preferred icon sizes will be ignored for icon sets
+ that have been created using both small and large pixmaps.
+ \sa iconSize()
+void QIconSet::setIconSize( Size which, const QSize& size )
+ widths[(int) which - 1] = size.width();
+ heights[(int) which - 1] = size.height();
+ If \a which is Small, returns the preferred size of a small
+ generated icon; if \a which is Large, returns the preferred size
+ of a large generated icon.
+ \sa setIconSize()
+const QSize& QIconSet::iconSize( Size which )
+ // ### replace 'const QSize&' with QSize in Qt 4 and simply this code
+ static QSize size;
+ size = QSize( widths[(int) which - 1], heights[(int) which - 1] );
+ return size;
+void QIconSet::normalize( Size& which, const QSize& pixSize )
+ if ( which == Automatic )
+ which = pixSize.width() > iconSize( Small ).width() ? Large : Small;
+ Returns a new pixmap that is a copy of \a suppliedPix, scaled to
+ the icon size \a size.
+QPixmap *QIconSet::createScaled( Size size, const QPixmap *suppliedPix ) const
+ if ( !suppliedPix || suppliedPix->isNull() )
+ return 0;
+ QImage img = suppliedPix->convertToImage();
+ QSize imgSize = iconSize( size );
+ if ( size == Small ) {
+ imgSize = imgSize.boundedTo( img.size() );
+ } else {
+ imgSize = imgSize.expandedTo( img.size() );
+ }
+ img = img.smoothScale( imgSize );
+ QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap( img );
+ if ( !pixmap->mask() ) {
+ QBitmap mask;
+ mask.convertFromImage( img.createHeuristicMask(),
+ Qt::MonoOnly | Qt::ThresholdDither );
+ pixmap->setMask( mask );
+ }
+ return pixmap;
+ Returns a new pixmap that has a 'disabled' look, taking as its
+ base the iconset's icon with size \a size and state \a state.
+QPixmap *QIconSet::createDisabled( Size size, State state ) const
+ QPixmap normalPix = pixmap( size, Normal, state );
+ if ( normalPix.isNull() )
+ return 0;
+ QImage img;
+ QPixmap *pixmap = 0;
+ QBitmap normalMask;
+ if ( normalPix.mask() ) {
+ normalMask = *normalPix.mask();
+ } else {
+ img = normalPix.convertToImage();
+ normalMask.convertFromImage( img.createHeuristicMask(),
+ Qt::MonoOnly | Qt::ThresholdDither );
+ }
+ pixmap = new QPixmap( normalPix.width() + 1,
+ normalPix.height() + 1 );
+ const QColorGroup &dis = QApplication::palette().disabled();
+ pixmap->fill( dis.background() );
+ QPainter painter;
+ painter.begin( pixmap );
+ painter.setPen( dis.base() );
+ painter.drawPixmap( 1, 1, normalMask );
+ painter.setPen( dis.foreground() );
+ painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, normalMask );
+ painter.end();
+ if ( !normalMask.mask() )
+ normalMask.setMask( normalMask );
+ QBitmap mask( pixmap->size() );
+ mask.fill( Qt::color0 );
+ painter.begin( &mask );
+ painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, normalMask );
+ painter.drawPixmap( 1, 1, normalMask );
+ painter.end();
+ pixmap->setMask( mask );
+ return pixmap;
+/*! \class QIconFactory
+ \ingroup advanced
+ \brief The QIconFactory class is used to create pixmaps for a QIconSet.
+ By reimplementing createPixmap(), you can override QIconSet's
+ default algorithm for computing pixmaps not supplied by the user.
+ Call setAutoDelete(TRUE) if you want the factory to automatically
+ delete itself when it is no longer needed by QIconSet.
+ \sa QIconSet
+ Constructs an icon factory.
+ : autoDel( 0 )
+ count = 0;
+ Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
+ Ceates a pixmap for \a iconSet with a certain \a size, \a mode, and
+ \a state. Returns 0 if the default QIconSet algorithm should be
+ used to create a pixmap that wasn't supplied by the user.
+ It is the caller's responsibility to delete the returned pixmap.
+ The default implementation always returns 0.
+QPixmap *QIconFactory::createPixmap( const QIconSet& /* iconSet */,
+ QIconSet::Size /* size */,
+ QIconSet::Mode /* mode */,
+ QIconSet::State /* state */ )
+ return 0;
+ \fn void QIconFactory::setAutoDelete( bool autoDelete )
+ If \a autoDelete is TRUE, sets the icon factory to automatically
+ delete itself when it is no longer referenced by any QIconSet and
+ isn't the default factory. If \a autoDelete is FALSE (the default)
+ auto-deletion is disabled.
+ \sa autoDelete(), defaultFactory()
+ \fn bool QIconFactory::autoDelete() const
+ Returns TRUE if auto-deletion is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa setAutoDelete()
+ Returns the default icon factory.
+ \sa installDefaultFactory()
+QIconFactory *QIconFactory::defaultFactory()
+ if ( !defaultFac ) {
+ defaultFac = new QIconFactory;
+ defaultFac->setAutoDelete( TRUE );
+ defaultFac->ref();
+ q_cleanup_icon_factory.set( &defaultFac );
+ }
+ return defaultFac;
+ Replaces the default icon factory with \a factory.
+void QIconFactory::installDefaultFactory( QIconFactory *factory )
+ if ( !factory )
+ return;
+ factory->ref();
+ if ( defaultFac && defaultFac->deref() && defaultFac->autoDelete() )
+ delete defaultFac;
+ defaultFac = factory;
+ q_cleanup_icon_factory.set( &defaultFac );
+#endif // QT_NO_ICONSET