path: root/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp
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1 files changed, 1041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp b/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp
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index 0000000..f11b613
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+++ b/src/widgets/qtoolbutton.cpp
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+** Implementation of QToolButton class
+** Created : 980320
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#undef QT_NO_COMPAT
+#include "qtoolbutton.h"
+#include "qdrawutil.h"
+#include "qpainter.h"
+#include "qpixmap.h"
+#include "qwmatrix.h"
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qstyle.h"
+#include "qmainwindow.h"
+#include "qtooltip.h"
+#include "qtoolbar.h"
+#include "qimage.h"
+#include "qiconset.h"
+#include "qtimer.h"
+#include "qpopupmenu.h"
+#include "qguardedptr.h"
+class QToolButtonPrivate
+ // ### add tool tip magic here
+ QGuardedPtr<QPopupMenu> popup;
+ QTimer* popupTimer;
+ int delay;
+ Qt::ArrowType arrow;
+ uint instantPopup : 1;
+ uint autoraise : 1;
+ uint repeat : 1;
+ uint discardNextMouseEvent : 1;
+ QToolButton::TextPosition textPos;
+ \class QToolButton qtoolbutton.h
+ \brief The QToolButton class provides a quick-access button to
+ commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar.
+ \ingroup basic
+ \mainclass
+ A tool button is a special button that provides quick-access to
+ specific commands or options. As opposed to a normal command
+ button, a tool button usually doesn't show a text label, but shows
+ an icon instead. Its classic usage is to select tools, for example
+ the "pen" tool in a drawing program. This would be implemented
+ with a QToolButton as toggle button (see setToggleButton() ).
+ QToolButton supports auto-raising. In auto-raise mode, the button
+ draws a 3D frame only when the mouse points at it. The feature is
+ automatically turned on when a button is used inside a QToolBar.
+ Change it with setAutoRaise().
+ A tool button's icon is set as QIconSet. This makes it possible to
+ specify different pixmaps for the disabled and active state. The
+ disabled pixmap is used when the button's functionality is not
+ available. The active pixmap is displayed when the button is
+ auto-raised because the mouse pointer is hovering over it.
+ The button's look and dimension is adjustable with
+ setUsesBigPixmap() and setUsesTextLabel(). When used inside a
+ QToolBar in a QMainWindow, the button automatically adjusts to
+ QMainWindow's settings (see QMainWindow::setUsesTextLabel() and
+ QMainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps()). The pixmap set on a QToolButton
+ will be set to 22x22 if it is bigger than this size. If
+ usesBigPixmap() is TRUE, then the pixmap will be set to 32x32.
+ A tool button can offer additional choices in a popup menu. The
+ feature is sometimes used with the "Back" button in a web browser.
+ After pressing and holding the button down for a while, a menu
+ pops up showing a list of possible pages to jump to. With
+ QToolButton you can set a popup menu using setPopup(). The default
+ delay is 600ms; you can adjust it with setPopupDelay().
+ \img qdockwindow.png Toolbar with Toolbuttons \caption A floating
+ QToolbar with QToolbuttons
+ \sa QPushButton QToolBar QMainWindow \link guibooks.html#fowler
+ GUI Design Handbook: Push Button\endlink
+ \enum QToolButton::TextPosition
+ The position of the tool button's textLabel in relation to the
+ tool button's icon.
+ \value BesideIcon The text appears beside the icon.
+ \value BelowIcon The text appears below the icon.
+ Constructs an empty tool button called \a name, with parent \a
+ parent.
+QToolButton::QToolButton( QWidget * parent, const char *name )
+ : QButton( parent, name )
+ init();
+#ifndef QT_NO_TOOLBAR
+ QToolBar* tb = ::qt_cast<QToolBar*>(parent);
+ if ( tb ) {
+ setAutoRaise( TRUE );
+ if ( tb->mainWindow() ) {
+ connect( tb->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(pixmapSizeChanged(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setUsesBigPixmap(bool)) );
+ setUsesBigPixmap( tb->mainWindow()->usesBigPixmaps() );
+ connect( tb->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(usesTextLabelChanged(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setUsesTextLabel(bool)) );
+ setUsesTextLabel( tb->mainWindow()->usesTextLabel() );
+ } else {
+ setUsesBigPixmap( FALSE );
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ setUsesBigPixmap( FALSE );
+ }
+ Constructs a tool button as an arrow button. The \c ArrowType \a
+ type defines the arrow direction. Possible values are \c
+ LeftArrow, \c RightArrow, \c UpArrow and \c DownArrow.
+ An arrow button has auto-repeat turned on by default.
+ The \a parent and \a name arguments are sent to the QWidget
+ constructor.
+QToolButton::QToolButton( ArrowType type, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : QButton( parent, name )
+ init();
+ setUsesBigPixmap( FALSE );
+ setAutoRepeat( TRUE );
+ d->arrow = type;
+ hasArrow = TRUE;
+/* Set-up code common to all the constructors */
+void QToolButton::init()
+ d = new QToolButtonPrivate;
+ d->textPos = Under;
+ d->delay = 600;
+ d->popup = 0;
+ d->popupTimer = 0;
+ d->autoraise = FALSE;
+ d->arrow = LeftArrow;
+ d->instantPopup = FALSE;
+ d->discardNextMouseEvent = FALSE;
+ bpID = bp.serialNumber();
+ spID = sp.serialNumber();
+ utl = FALSE;
+ ubp = TRUE;
+ hasArrow = FALSE;
+ s = 0;
+ setFocusPolicy( NoFocus );
+ setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton);
+ setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
+#ifndef QT_NO_TOOLBAR
+ Constructs a tool button called \a name, that is a child of \a
+ parent (which must be a QToolBar).
+ The tool button will display \a iconSet, with its text label and
+ tool tip set to \a textLabel and its status bar message set to \a
+ grouptext. It will be connected to the \a slot in object \a
+ receiver.
+QToolButton::QToolButton( const QIconSet& iconSet, const QString &textLabel,
+ const QString& grouptext,
+ QObject * receiver, const char *slot,
+ QToolBar * parent, const char *name )
+ : QButton( parent, name )
+ init();
+ setAutoRaise( TRUE );
+ setIconSet( iconSet );
+ setTextLabel( textLabel );
+ if ( receiver && slot )
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(clicked()), receiver, slot );
+ if ( parent->mainWindow() ) {
+ connect( parent->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(pixmapSizeChanged(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setUsesBigPixmap(bool)) );
+ setUsesBigPixmap( parent->mainWindow()->usesBigPixmaps() );
+ connect( parent->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(usesTextLabelChanged(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setUsesTextLabel(bool)) );
+ setUsesTextLabel( parent->mainWindow()->usesTextLabel() );
+ } else {
+ setUsesBigPixmap( FALSE );
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_TOOLTIP
+ if ( !textLabel.isEmpty() ) {
+ if ( !grouptext.isEmpty() && parent->mainWindow() )
+ QToolTip::add( this, textLabel,
+ parent->mainWindow()->toolTipGroup(), grouptext );
+ else
+ QToolTip::add( this, textLabel );
+ } else if ( !grouptext.isEmpty() && parent->mainWindow() )
+ QToolTip::add( this, QString::null,
+ parent->mainWindow()->toolTipGroup(), grouptext );
+ Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
+ d->popupTimer = 0;
+ d->popup = 0;
+ delete d;
+ delete s;
+ \property QToolButton::backgroundMode
+ \brief the toolbutton's background mode
+ Get this property with backgroundMode().
+ \sa QWidget::setBackgroundMode()
+ \property QToolButton::toggleButton
+ \brief whether this tool button is a toggle button.
+ Toggle buttons have an on/off state similar to \link QCheckBox
+ check boxes. \endlink A tool button is not a toggle button by
+ default.
+ \sa setOn(), toggle()
+void QToolButton::setToggleButton( bool enable )
+ QButton::setToggleButton( enable );
+ \reimp
+QSize QToolButton::sizeHint() const
+ constPolish();
+ int w = 0, h = 0;
+ if ( iconSet().isNull() && !text().isNull() && !usesTextLabel() ) {
+ w = fontMetrics().width( text() );
+ h = fontMetrics().height(); // boundingRect()?
+ } else if ( usesBigPixmap() ) {
+ QPixmap pm = iconSet().pixmap( QIconSet::Large, QIconSet::Normal );
+ w = pm.width();
+ h = pm.height();
+ QSize iconSize = QIconSet::iconSize( QIconSet::Large );
+ if ( w < iconSize.width() )
+ w = iconSize.width();
+ if ( h < iconSize.height() )
+ h = iconSize.height();
+ } else if ( !iconSet().isNull() ) {
+ // ### in 3.1, use QIconSet::iconSize( QIconSet::Small );
+ QPixmap pm = iconSet().pixmap( QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal );
+ w = pm.width();
+ h = pm.height();
+ if ( w < 16 )
+ w = 16;
+ if ( h < 16 )
+ h = 16;
+ }
+ if ( usesTextLabel() ) {
+ QSize textSize = fontMetrics().size( Qt::ShowPrefix, textLabel() );
+ textSize.setWidth( textSize.width() + fontMetrics().width(' ')*2 );
+ if ( d->textPos == Under ) {
+ h += 4 + textSize.height();
+ if ( textSize.width() > w )
+ w = textSize.width();
+ } else { // Right
+ w += 4 + textSize.width();
+ if ( textSize.height() > h )
+ h = textSize.height();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( popup() && ! popupDelay() )
+ w += style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuButtonIndicator, this);
+ return (style().sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_ToolButton, this, QSize(w, h)).
+ expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()));
+ \reimp
+ */
+QSize QToolButton::minimumSizeHint() const
+ return sizeHint();
+ \property QToolButton::usesBigPixmap
+ \brief whether this toolbutton uses big pixmaps.
+ QToolButton automatically connects this property to the relevant
+ signal in the QMainWindow in which it resides. We strongly
+ recommend that you use QMainWindow::setUsesBigPixmaps() instead.
+ This property's default is TRUE.
+ \warning If you set some buttons (in a QMainWindow) to have big
+ pixmaps and others to have small pixmaps, QMainWindow may not get
+ the geometry right.
+void QToolButton::setUsesBigPixmap( bool enable )
+ if ( (bool)ubp == enable )
+ return;
+ ubp = enable;
+ if ( isVisible() ) {
+ update();
+ updateGeometry();
+ }
+ \property QToolButton::usesTextLabel
+ \brief whether the toolbutton displays a text label below the button pixmap.
+ The default is FALSE.
+ QToolButton automatically connects this slot to the relevant
+ signal in the QMainWindow in which is resides.
+void QToolButton::setUsesTextLabel( bool enable )
+ if ( (bool)utl == enable )
+ return;
+ utl = enable;
+ if ( isVisible() ) {
+ update();
+ updateGeometry();
+ }
+ \property QToolButton::on
+ \brief whether this tool button is on.
+ This property has no effect on \link isToggleButton() non-toggling
+ buttons. \endlink The default is FALSE (i.e. off).
+ \sa isToggleButton() toggle()
+void QToolButton::setOn( bool enable )
+ if ( !isToggleButton() )
+ return;
+ QButton::setOn( enable );
+ Toggles the state of this tool button.
+ This function has no effect on \link isToggleButton() non-toggling
+ buttons. \endlink
+ \sa isToggleButton() toggled()
+void QToolButton::toggle()
+ if ( !isToggleButton() )
+ return;
+ QButton::setOn( !isOn() );
+ \reimp
+void QToolButton::drawButton( QPainter * p )
+ QStyle::SCFlags controls = QStyle::SC_ToolButton;
+ QStyle::SCFlags active = QStyle::SC_None;
+ Qt::ArrowType arrowtype = d->arrow;
+ if (isDown())
+ active |= QStyle::SC_ToolButton;
+ if (d->popup && !d->delay) {
+ controls |= QStyle::SC_ToolButtonMenu;
+ if (d->instantPopup || isDown())
+ active |= QStyle::SC_ToolButtonMenu;
+ }
+ QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
+ if (isEnabled())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ if (hasFocus())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus;
+ if (isDown())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Down;
+ if (isOn())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_On;
+ if (autoRaise()) {
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_AutoRaise;
+ if (uses3D()) {
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver;
+ if (! isOn() && ! isDown())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised;
+ }
+ } else if (! isOn() && ! isDown())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised;
+ style().drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_ToolButton, p, this, rect(), colorGroup(),
+ flags, controls, active,
+ hasArrow ? QStyleOption(arrowtype) :
+ QStyleOption());
+ drawButtonLabel(p);
+ \reimp
+void QToolButton::drawButtonLabel(QPainter *p)
+ QRect r =
+ QStyle::visualRect(style().subRect(QStyle::SR_ToolButtonContents, this), this);
+ Qt::ArrowType arrowtype = d->arrow;
+ QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
+ if (isEnabled())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ if (hasFocus())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus;
+ if (isDown())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Down;
+ if (isOn())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_On;
+ if (autoRaise()) {
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_AutoRaise;
+ if (uses3D()) {
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver;
+ if (! isOn() && ! isDown())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised;
+ }
+ } else if (! isOn() && ! isDown())
+ flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised;
+ style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_ToolButtonLabel, p, this, r,
+ colorGroup(), flags,
+ hasArrow ? QStyleOption(arrowtype) :
+ QStyleOption());
+ \reimp
+ */
+void QToolButton::enterEvent( QEvent * e )
+ if ( autoRaise() && isEnabled() )
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ QButton::enterEvent( e );
+ \reimp
+ */
+void QToolButton::leaveEvent( QEvent * e )
+ if ( autoRaise() && isEnabled() )
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ QButton::leaveEvent( e );
+ \reimp
+ */
+void QToolButton::moveEvent( QMoveEvent * )
+ // Reimplemented to handle pseudo transparency in case the toolbars
+ // has a fancy pixmap background.
+ if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap() &&
+ autoRaise() && !uses3D() )
+ repaint( FALSE );
+ \reimp
+void QToolButton::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ QRect popupr =
+ QStyle::visualRect( style().querySubControlMetrics(QStyle::CC_ToolButton, this,
+ QStyle::SC_ToolButtonMenu), this );
+ d->instantPopup = (popupr.isValid() && popupr.contains(e->pos()));
+ if ( d->discardNextMouseEvent ) {
+ d->discardNextMouseEvent = FALSE;
+ d->instantPopup = FALSE;
+ d->popup->removeEventFilter( this );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( e->button() == LeftButton && d->delay <= 0 && d->popup && d->instantPopup && !d->popup->isVisible() ) {
+ openPopup();
+ return;
+ }
+ d->instantPopup = FALSE;
+ QButton::mousePressEvent( e );
+ \reimp
+bool QToolButton::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e )
+ if ( o != d->popup )
+ return QButton::eventFilter( o, e );
+ switch ( e->type() ) {
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
+ {
+ QMouseEvent *me = (QMouseEvent*)e;
+ QPoint p = me->globalPos();
+ if ( QApplication::widgetAt( p, TRUE ) == this )
+ d->discardNextMouseEvent = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return QButton::eventFilter( o, e );
+ Returns TRUE if this button should be drawn using raised edges;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa drawButton()
+bool QToolButton::uses3D() const
+ return style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_ToolButton_Uses3D)
+ && (!autoRaise() || ( hasMouse() && isEnabled() )
+ || ( d->popup && d->popup->isVisible() && d->delay <= 0 ) || d->instantPopup
+ );
+ \property QToolButton::textLabel
+ \brief the label of this button.
+ Setting this property automatically sets the text as a tool tip
+ too. There is no default text.
+void QToolButton::setTextLabel( const QString &newLabel )
+ setTextLabel( newLabel, TRUE );
+ \overload
+ Sets the label of this button to \a newLabel and automatically
+ sets it as a tool tip if \a tipToo is TRUE.
+void QToolButton::setTextLabel( const QString &newLabel , bool tipToo )
+ if ( tl == newLabel )
+ return;
+#ifndef QT_NO_TOOLTIP
+ if ( tipToo ) {
+ QToolTip::remove( this );
+ QToolTip::add( this, newLabel );
+ }
+ tl = newLabel;
+ if ( usesTextLabel() && isVisible() ) {
+ update();
+ updateGeometry();
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT
+QIconSet QToolButton::onIconSet() const
+ return iconSet();
+QIconSet QToolButton::offIconSet( ) const
+ return iconSet();
+ \property QToolButton::onIconSet
+ \brief the icon set that is used when the button is in an "on" state
+ \obsolete
+ Since Qt 3.0, QIconSet contains both the On and Off icons. There is
+ now an \l QToolButton::iconSet property that replaces both \l
+ QToolButton::onIconSet and \l QToolButton::offIconSet.
+ For ease of porting, this property is a synonym for \l
+ QToolButton::iconSet. You probably want to go over your application
+ code and use the QIconSet On/Off mechanism.
+ \sa iconSet QIconSet::State
+void QToolButton::setOnIconSet( const QIconSet& set )
+ setIconSet( set );
+ /*
+ ### Get rid of all qWarning in this file in 4.0.
+ Also consider inlining the obsolete functions then.
+ */
+ qWarning( "QToolButton::setOnIconSet(): This function is not supported"
+ " anymore" );
+ \property QToolButton::offIconSet
+ \brief the icon set that is used when the button is in an "off" state
+ \obsolete
+ Since Qt 3.0, QIconSet contains both the On and Off icons. There is
+ now an \l QToolButton::iconSet property that replaces both \l
+ QToolButton::onIconSet and \l QToolButton::offIconSet.
+ For ease of porting, this property is a synonym for \l
+ QToolButton::iconSet. You probably want to go over your application
+ code and use the QIconSet On/Off mechanism.
+ \sa iconSet QIconSet::State
+void QToolButton::setOffIconSet( const QIconSet& set )
+ setIconSet( set );
+/*! \property QToolButton::pixmap
+ \brief the pixmap of the button
+ The pixmap property has no meaning for tool buttons. Use the
+ iconSet property instead.
+ \property QToolButton::iconSet
+ \brief the icon set providing the icon shown on the button
+ Setting this property sets \l QToolButton::pixmap to a null
+ pixmap. There is no default iconset.
+ \sa pixmap(), setToggleButton(), isOn()
+void QToolButton::setIconSet( const QIconSet & set )
+ if ( s )
+ delete s;
+ setPixmap( QPixmap() );
+ s = new QIconSet( set );
+ if ( isVisible() )
+ update();
+/*! \overload
+ \obsolete
+ Since Qt 3.0, QIconSet contains both the On and Off icons.
+ For ease of porting, this function ignores the \a on parameter and
+ sets the \l iconSet property. If you relied on the \a on parameter,
+ you probably want to update your code to use the QIconSet On/Off
+ mechanism.
+ \sa iconSet QIconSet::State
+#ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT
+void QToolButton::setIconSet( const QIconSet & set, bool /* on */ )
+ setIconSet( set );
+ qWarning( "QToolButton::setIconSet(): 'on' parameter ignored" );
+QIconSet QToolButton::iconSet() const
+ QToolButton *that = (QToolButton *) this;
+ if ( pixmap() && !pixmap()->isNull() &&
+ (!that->s || (that->s->pixmap().serialNumber() !=
+ pixmap()->serialNumber())) ) {
+ if ( that->s )
+ delete that->s;
+ that->s = new QIconSet( *pixmap() );
+ }
+ if ( that->s )
+ return *that->s;
+ /*
+ In 2.x, we used to return a temporary nonnull QIconSet. If you
+ revert to the old behavior, you will break calls to
+ QIconSet::isNull() in this file.
+ */
+ return QIconSet();
+#ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT
+/*! \overload
+ \obsolete
+ Since Qt 3.0, QIconSet contains both the On and Off icons.
+ For ease of porting, this function ignores the \a on parameter and
+ returns the \l iconSet property. If you relied on the \a on
+ parameter, you probably want to update your code to use the QIconSet
+ On/Off mechanism.
+QIconSet QToolButton::iconSet( bool /* on */ ) const
+ return iconSet();
+ Associates the popup menu \a popup with this tool button.
+ The popup will be shown each time the tool button has been pressed
+ down for a certain amount of time. A typical application example
+ is the "back" button in some web browsers's tool bars. If the user
+ clicks it, the browser simply browses back to the previous page.
+ If the user presses and holds the button down for a while, the
+ tool button shows a menu containing the current history list.
+ Ownership of the popup menu is not transferred to the tool button.
+ \sa popup()
+void QToolButton::setPopup( QPopupMenu* popup )
+ if ( popup && !d->popupTimer ) {
+ connect( this, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( popupPressed() ) );
+ d->popupTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect( d->popupTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( popupTimerDone() ) );
+ }
+ d->popup = popup;
+ update();
+ Returns the associated popup menu, or 0 if no popup menu has been
+ defined.
+ \sa setPopup()
+QPopupMenu* QToolButton::popup() const
+ return d->popup;
+ Opens (pops up) the associated popup menu. If there is no such
+ menu, this function does nothing. This function does not return
+ until the popup menu has been closed by the user.
+void QToolButton::openPopup()
+ if ( !d->popup )
+ return;
+ d->instantPopup = TRUE;
+ repaint( FALSE );
+ if ( d->popupTimer )
+ d->popupTimer->stop();
+ QGuardedPtr<QToolButton> that = this;
+ popupTimerDone();
+ if ( !that )
+ return;
+ d->instantPopup = FALSE;
+ repaint( FALSE );
+void QToolButton::popupPressed()
+ if ( d->popupTimer && d->delay > 0 )
+ d->popupTimer->start( d->delay, TRUE );
+void QToolButton::popupTimerDone()
+ if ( (!isDown() && d->delay > 0 ) || !d->popup )
+ return;
+ d->popup->installEventFilter( this );
+ d->repeat = autoRepeat();
+ setAutoRepeat( FALSE );
+ bool horizontal = TRUE;
+#ifndef QT_NO_TOOLBAR
+ QToolBar *tb = ::qt_cast<QToolBar*>(parentWidget());
+ if ( tb && tb->orientation() == Vertical )
+ horizontal = FALSE;
+ QPoint p;
+ QRect screen = qApp->desktop()->availableGeometry( this );
+ if ( horizontal ) {
+ if ( QApplication::reverseLayout() ) {
+ if ( mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, rect().bottom() ) ).y() + d->popup->sizeHint().height() <= screen.height() ) {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().bottomRight() );
+ } else {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().topRight() - QPoint( 0, d->popup->sizeHint().height() ) );
+ }
+ p.rx() -= d->popup->sizeHint().width();
+ } else {
+ if ( mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, rect().bottom() ) ).y() + d->popup->sizeHint().height() <= screen.height() ) {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().bottomLeft() );
+ } else {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().topLeft() - QPoint( 0, d->popup->sizeHint().height() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( QApplication::reverseLayout() ) {
+ if ( mapToGlobal( QPoint( rect().left(), 0 ) ).x() - d->popup->sizeHint().width() <= screen.x() ) {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().topRight() );
+ } else {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().topLeft() );
+ p.rx() -= d->popup->sizeHint().width();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( mapToGlobal( QPoint( rect().right(), 0 ) ).x() + d->popup->sizeHint().width() <= screen.width() ) {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().topRight() );
+ } else {
+ p = mapToGlobal( rect().topLeft() - QPoint( d->popup->sizeHint().width(), 0 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QGuardedPtr<QToolButton> that = this;
+ d->popup->exec( p, -1 );
+ if ( !that )
+ return;
+ setDown( FALSE );
+ if ( d->repeat )
+ setAutoRepeat( TRUE );
+ \property QToolButton::popupDelay
+ \brief the time delay between pressing the button and the appearance of the associated popup menu in milliseconds.
+ Usually this is around half a second. A value of 0 draws the down
+ arrow button to the side of the button which can be used to open
+ up the popup menu.
+ \sa setPopup()
+void QToolButton::setPopupDelay( int delay )
+ d->delay = delay;
+ update();
+int QToolButton::popupDelay() const
+ return d->delay;
+ \property QToolButton::autoRaise
+ \brief whether auto-raising is enabled or not.
+ The default is disabled (i.e. FALSE).
+void QToolButton::setAutoRaise( bool enable )
+ d->autoraise = enable;
+ update();
+bool QToolButton::autoRaise() const
+ return d->autoraise;
+ \property QToolButton::textPosition
+ \brief the position of the text label of this button.
+QToolButton::TextPosition QToolButton::textPosition() const
+ return d->textPos;
+void QToolButton::setTextPosition( TextPosition pos )
+ d->textPos = pos;
+ updateGeometry();
+ update();
+/*! \reimp */
+void QToolButton::setText( const QString &txt )
+ QButton::setText( txt );
+ if ( !text().isEmpty() ) {
+ delete s;
+ s = 0;
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_PALETTE
+ \reimp
+void QToolButton::paletteChange( const QPalette & )
+ if ( s )
+ s->clearGenerated();