/*! \page aboutqt.html \title About Qt Qt is a multiplatform C++ GUI toolkit created and maintained by\link troll.html Trolltech\endlink. It provides application developers with all the functionality needed to build applications with state-of-the-art graphical user interfaces. Qt is fully object-oriented, easily extensible, and allows true component programming. Read the \link http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/whitepaper.html Whitepaper\endlink for a comprehensive technical overview. Since its commercial introduction in early 1996, Qt has formed the basis of many thousands of successful applications worldwide. Qt is also the basis of the popular \link http://www.kde.org/ KDE \endlink Linux desktop environment, a standard component of all major Linux distributions. See our \link http://www.trolltech.com/success/ Customer Success Stories\endlink for some examples of commercial Qt development. Qt is supported on the following platforms: \list \i <b>MS/Windows</b> -- 95, 98, NT 4.0, ME, 2000, and XP \i <b>Unix/X11</b> -- Linux, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, IBM AIX, SGI IRIX and a wide range of others \i <b>Macintosh</b> -- Mac OS X \i <b>Embedded</b> -- Linux platforms with framebuffer support. \endlist Qt is released in different editions: \list \i The \link commercialeditions.html <b>Qt Enterprise Edition\endlink</b> and the \link commercialeditions.html <b>Qt Professional Edition\endlink</b> provide for commercial software development. They permit traditional commercial software distribution and include free upgrades and Technical Support. For the latest prices, see the Trolltech web site, \link http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html Pricing and Availability\endlink page, or contact \link mailto:sales@trolltech.com sales@trolltech.com\endlink. The Enterprise Edition offers additional \link modules.html modules \endlink compared to the Professional Edition. \endlist \list \i The \link opensourceedition.html <b>Qt Open Source Edition\endlink</b> is available for Unix/X11, Macintosh and Embedded Linux. The Open Source Edition is for the development of \e {Free and Open Source software} only. It is provided free of charge under the terms of both the \link license.html Q Public License\endlink and the \link gpl.html GNU General Public License\endlink. \endlist */