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These classes are used to create and handle events.
For more information see the Object model and Signals and Slots.
QChildEvent | Event parameters for child object events |
QCloseEvent | Parameters that describe a close event |
QContextMenuEvent | Parameters that describe a context menu event |
QCustomEvent | Support for custom events |
QDragEnterEvent | Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget |
QDragLeaveEvent | Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget |
QDragMoveEvent | Event which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress |
QDropEvent | Event which is sent when a drag and drop is completed |
QEvent | The base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters |
QEventLoop | Manages the event queue |
QFocusEvent | Event parameters for widget focus events |
QHideEvent | Event which is sent after a widget is hidden |
QIconDragEvent | Signals that a main icon drag has begun |
QIMEvent | Parameters for input method events |
QKeyEvent | Describes a key event |
QMouseEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
QMoveEvent | Event parameters for move events |
QPaintEvent | Event parameters for paint events |
QResizeEvent | Event parameters for resize events |
QShowEvent | Event which is sent when a widget is shown |
QTabletEvent | Parameters that describe a Tablet event |
QTimer | Timer signals and single-shot timers |
QTimerEvent | Parameters that describe a timer event |
QWheelEvent | Parameters that describe a wheel event |
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