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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>QCanvasEllipse Class Reference<br><small>[<a href="canvas.html">canvas module</a>]</small></h1>

<p>The QCanvasEllipse class provides an ellipse or ellipse segment on a QCanvas.
<a href="#details">More...</a>
<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qcanvas-h.html">qcanvas.h</a>&gt;</tt>
<p>Inherits <a href="qcanvaspolygonalitem.html">QCanvasPolygonalItem</a>.
<p><a href="qcanvasellipse-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
<h2>Public Members</h2>
<li class=fn><a href="#QCanvasEllipse"><b>QCanvasEllipse</b></a> ( QCanvas&nbsp;*&nbsp;canvas )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#QCanvasEllipse-2"><b>QCanvasEllipse</b></a> ( int&nbsp;width, int&nbsp;height, QCanvas&nbsp;*&nbsp;canvas )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#QCanvasEllipse-3"><b>QCanvasEllipse</b></a> ( int&nbsp;width, int&nbsp;height, int&nbsp;startangle, int&nbsp;angle, QCanvas&nbsp;*&nbsp;canvas )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#~QCanvasEllipse"><b>~QCanvasEllipse</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#width"><b>width</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#height"><b>height</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#setSize"><b>setSize</b></a> ( int&nbsp;width, int&nbsp;height )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#setAngles"><b>setAngles</b></a> ( int&nbsp;start, int&nbsp;length )</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#angleStart"><b>angleStart</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#angleLength"><b>angleLength</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>virtual int <a href="#rtti"><b>rtti</b></a> () const</li>
<h2>Protected Members</h2>
<li class=fn>virtual void <a href="#drawShape"><b>drawShape</b></a> ( QPainter&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;p )</li>
<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>

The QCanvasEllipse class provides an ellipse or ellipse segment on a <a href="qcanvas.html">QCanvas</a>.


<p> A canvas item that paints an ellipse or ellipse segment with a <a href="qbrush.html">QBrush</a>.
The ellipse's height, width, start angle and angle length can be set
at construction time. The size can be changed at runtime with
<a href="#setSize">setSize</a>(), and the angles can be changed (if you're displaying an
ellipse segment rather than a whole ellipse) with <a href="#setAngles">setAngles</a>().
<p> Note that angles are specified in 16ths of a degree.
<p> <a name="anglediagram"></a>
<center><img src="qcanvasellipse.png" alt="Ellipse"></center> 
<p> If a start angle and length angle are set then an ellipse segment
will be drawn. The start angle is the angle that goes from zero in a
counter-clockwise direction (shown in green in the diagram). The
length angle is the angle from the start angle in a
counter-clockwise direction (shown in blue in the diagram). The blue
segment is the segment of the ellipse that would be drawn. If no
start angle and length angle are specified the entire ellipse is
<p> The ellipse can be drawn on a painter with <a href="#drawShape">drawShape</a>().
<p> Like any other canvas item ellipses can be moved with <a href="qcanvasitem.html#move">move</a>() and
<a href="qcanvasitem.html#moveBy">moveBy</a>(), or by setting coordinates with <a href="qcanvasitem.html#setX">setX</a>(), <a href="qcanvasitem.html#setY">setY</a>() and <a href="qcanvasitem.html#setZ">setZ</a>().
<p> Note: QCanvasEllipse does not use the pen.
<p>See also <a href="graphics.html">Graphics Classes</a> and <a href="images.html">Image Processing Classes</a>.

<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="QCanvasEllipse"></a>QCanvasEllipse::QCanvasEllipse ( <a href="qcanvas.html">QCanvas</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;canvas )
Constructs a 32x32 ellipse, centered at (0, 0) on <em>canvas</em>.

<h3 class=fn><a name="QCanvasEllipse-2"></a>QCanvasEllipse::QCanvasEllipse ( int&nbsp;width, int&nbsp;height, <a href="qcanvas.html">QCanvas</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;canvas )
Constructs a <em>width</em> by <em>height</em> pixel ellipse, centered at
(0, 0) on <em>canvas</em>.

<h3 class=fn><a name="QCanvasEllipse-3"></a>QCanvasEllipse::QCanvasEllipse ( int&nbsp;width, int&nbsp;height, int&nbsp;startangle, int&nbsp;angle, <a href="qcanvas.html">QCanvas</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;canvas )
Constructs a <em>width</em> by <em>height</em> pixel ellipse, centered at
(0, 0) on <em>canvas</em>. Only a segment of the ellipse is drawn,
starting at angle <em>startangle</em>, and extending for angle <em>angle</em>
(the angle length).
<p> Note that angles are specified in
<small><sup>1</sup>/<sub>16</sub></small>ths of a degree.

<h3 class=fn><a name="~QCanvasEllipse"></a>QCanvasEllipse::~QCanvasEllipse ()
Destroys the ellipse.

<h3 class=fn>int <a name="angleLength"></a>QCanvasEllipse::angleLength () const

<p> Returns the length angle (the extent of the ellipse segment) in
16ths of a degree. Initially this will be 360 * 16 (a complete
<p> <p>See also <a href="#setAngles">setAngles</a>() and <a href="#angleStart">angleStart</a>().

<h3 class=fn>int <a name="angleStart"></a>QCanvasEllipse::angleStart () const

<p> Returns the start angle in 16ths of a degree. Initially
this will be 0.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#setAngles">setAngles</a>() and <a href="#angleLength">angleLength</a>().

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="drawShape"></a>QCanvasEllipse::drawShape ( <a href="qpainter.html">QPainter</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;p )<tt> [virtual protected]</tt>
Draws the ellipse, centered at <a href="qcanvasitem.html#x">x</a>(), <a href="qcanvasitem.html#y">y</a>() using the painter <em>p</em>.
<p> Note that QCanvasEllipse does not support an outline (the pen is
always NoPen).

<p>Reimplemented from <a href="qcanvaspolygonalitem.html#drawShape">QCanvasPolygonalItem</a>.
<h3 class=fn>int <a name="height"></a>QCanvasEllipse::height () const
Returns the height of the ellipse.

<h3 class=fn>int <a name="rtti"></a>QCanvasEllipse::rtti () const<tt> [virtual]</tt>
Returns 6 (QCanvasItem::Rtti_Ellipse).
<p> <p>See also <a href="qcanvasitem.html#rtti">QCanvasItem::rtti</a>().

<p>Reimplemented from <a href="qcanvaspolygonalitem.html#rtti">QCanvasPolygonalItem</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setAngles"></a>QCanvasEllipse::setAngles ( int&nbsp;start, int&nbsp;length )
Sets the angles for the ellipse. The start angle is <em>start</em> and
the extent of the segment is <em>length</em> (the angle length) from the
<em>start</em>. The angles are specified in 16ths of a degree. By
default the ellipse will start at 0 and have an angle length of
360 * 16 (a complete ellipse).
<p> <p>See also <a href="#angleStart">angleStart</a>() and <a href="#angleLength">angleLength</a>().

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setSize"></a>QCanvasEllipse::setSize ( int&nbsp;width, int&nbsp;height )
Sets the <em>width</em> and <em>height</em> of the ellipse.

<h3 class=fn>int <a name="width"></a>QCanvasEllipse::width () const
Returns the width of the ellipse.

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