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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>QMotifDialog Class Reference</h1>

<p>The QMotifDialog class provides the QDialog API for Motif-based dialogs.
<a href="#details">More...</a>
<p>This class is part of the <b>Qt Motif Extension</b>.
<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qmotifdialog-h.html">qmotifdialog.h</a>&gt;</tt>
<p>Inherits <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>.
<p><a href="qmotifdialog-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
<h2>Public Members</h2>
<li class=fn>enum DialogType { Prompt, Selection, Command, FileSelection, Template, Error, Information, Message, Question, Warning, Working } &nbsp;<em>(obsolete)</em></li>
<li class=fn>QMotifDialog ( DialogType&nbsp;dialogtype, Widget&nbsp;parent, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 ) &nbsp;<em>(obsolete)</em></li>
<li class=fn>QMotifDialog ( Widget&nbsp;parent, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 ) &nbsp;<em>(obsolete)</em></li>
<li class=fn><a href="#QMotifDialog-3"><b>QMotifDialog</b></a> ( Widget&nbsp;parent, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#QMotifDialog-4"><b>QMotifDialog</b></a> ( QWidget&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )</li>
<li class=fn>virtual <a href="#~QMotifDialog"><b>~QMotifDialog</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>Widget <a href="#shell"><b>shell</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>Widget <a href="#dialog"><b>dialog</b></a> () const</li>
<h2>Static Public Members</h2>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#acceptCallback"><b>acceptCallback</b></a> ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#rejectCallback"><b>rejectCallback</b></a> ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )</li>
<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
<p> This class is defined in the <b>Qt <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> Extension</b>, which can be found in the <tt>qt/extensions</tt> directory. It is not included in the main Qt API.

The QMotifDialog class provides the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a> API for Motif-based dialogs.

<p> QMotifDialog provides two separate modes of operation. The
application programmer can use QMotifDialog with an existing
Motif-based dialog and a <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> parent, or the application
programmer can use QMotifDialog with a custom Qt-based dialog and
a Motif-based parent. Modality continues to work as expected.
<p> Motif-based dialogs must have a <tt>Shell</tt> widget parent with a
single child, due to requirements of the Motif toolkit. The <tt>Shell</tt> widget, which is a special subclass of <tt>XmDialogShell</tt>, is
created during construction. It can be accessed using the <a href="#shell">shell</a>()
member function.
<p> The single child of the <tt>Shell</tt> can be accessed using the
<a href="#dialog">dialog</a>() member function <em>after</em> it has been created.
<p> The <a href="#acceptCallback">acceptCallback</a>() and <a href="#rejectCallback">rejectCallback</a>() functions provide a
convenient way to call <a href="qdialog.html#accept">QDialog::accept</a>() and <a href="qdialog.html#reject">QDialog::reject</a>()
through callbacks. A pointer to the QMotifDialog should be passed
as the <tt>client_data</tt> argument to the callback.
<p> The API and behavior QMotifDialog is identical to that of <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>
when using a custom Qt-based dialog with a Motif-based parent.
The only difference is that a Motif-based <em>parent</em> argument is
passed to the constructor, instead of a <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> parent.

<hr><h2>Member Type Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="DialogType-enum"></a>QMotifDialog::DialogType</h3> <b>This function is obsolete.</b> It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
<p> This enum lists the predefined <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> dialog types.
<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="QMotifDialog"></a>QMotifDialog::QMotifDialog ( <a href="qmotifdialog.html#DialogType-enum">DialogType</a>&nbsp;dialogtype, Widget&nbsp;parent, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )
</h3> <b>This function is obsolete.</b> It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
<p> Creates a QMotifDialog using one of the predefined <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> dialog
types. The <em>name</em>, <em>modal</em> and <em>flags</em> arguments are passed to
the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a> constructor.
<p> This constructor creates a Shell widget, which is a special
subclass of XmDialogShell. The <em>parent</em>, <em>args</em> and <em>argcount</em>
arguments are passed to XtCreatePopupShell() when creating the
subclass. You can access the Shell widget with the <a href="#shell">shell</a>() member
<p> This constructor also creates the dialog widget with the Shell
widget as its parent. The type of the dialog created is specified
by the <em>dialogtype</em> argument. See the DialogType enum for a list
of available dialog types. You can access the dialog widget with
the <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>() member function.
<p> <b>Warning:</b> QMotifDialog takes ownership of the child widget and
destroys it during destruction. You should not destroy the dialog
widget yourself.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#DialogType-enum">DialogType</a>, <a href="#shell">shell</a>(), and <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>().

<h3 class=fn><a name="QMotifDialog-2"></a>QMotifDialog::QMotifDialog ( Widget&nbsp;parent, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )
</h3> <b>This function is obsolete.</b> It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
<p> Creates a QMotifDialog which allows the application programmer to
use the <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a>-based <em>parent</em> for a custom <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>. The <em>name</em>,
<em>modal</em> and <em>flags</em> arguments are passed to the QDialog
<p> This constructor creates a Shell widget, which is a special
subclass of XmDialogShell. The <em>args</em> and <em>argcount</em> arguments
are passed to XtCreatePopupShell() when creating the subclass.
You can access the Shell widget with the <a href="#shell">shell</a>() member function.
<p> The dialog widget is not created by the constructor. You must
create the dialog widget as a child of the the widget returned by
shell(). You can access the child widget with the <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>() member
<p> A dialog widget is not created by this constructor. Instead, you
should create the dialog widget as a child of this
dialog. QMotifDialog will take ownership of your custom dialog,
and you can access it with the dialog() member function.
<p> <b>Warning:</b> QMotifDialog takes ownership of the child widget and
destroys it during destruction. You should not destroy the dialog
widget yourself.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#shell">shell</a>() and <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>().

<h3 class=fn><a name="QMotifDialog-3"></a>QMotifDialog::QMotifDialog ( Widget&nbsp;parent, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )
Creates a QMotifDialog which allows the application programmer to
use the <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a>-based <em>parent</em> for a custom <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>. The <em>name</em>,
<em>modal</em> and <em>flags</em> arguments are passed to the QDialog
<p> This constructor creates a <tt>Shell</tt> widget, which is a special
subclass of <tt>XmDialogShell</tt>. You can access the <tt>Shell</tt> widget
with the <a href="#shell">shell</a>() member function.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#shell">shell</a>().

<h3 class=fn><a name="QMotifDialog-4"></a>QMotifDialog::QMotifDialog ( <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )
Creates a QMotifDialog which allows the application programmer to
use a <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> parent for an existing <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a>-based dialog. The <em>parent</em>, <em>name</em>, <em>modal</em> and <em>flags</em> arguments are passed to the
<a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a> constructor.
<p> This constructor creates a <tt>Shell</tt> widget, which is a special
subclass of <tt>XmDialogShell</tt>. You can access the <tt>Shell</tt> widget
with the <a href="#shell">shell</a>() member functon.
<p> A dialog widget is not created by this constructor. Instead, you
should create the dialog widget as a child of this
dialog. QMotifDialog will take ownership of your custom dialog,
and you can access it with the <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>() member function.
<p> <b>Warning:</b> QMotifDialog takes ownership of the child widget and
destroys it during destruction. You should not destroy the dialog
widget yourself.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#shell">shell</a>() and <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>().

<h3 class=fn><a name="~QMotifDialog"></a>QMotifDialog::~QMotifDialog ()<tt> [virtual]</tt>
Destroys the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>, dialog widget and <tt>Shell</tt> widget.

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="acceptCallback"></a>QMotifDialog::acceptCallback ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )<tt> [static]</tt>
Convenient Xt/Motif callback to accept the QMotifDialog.
<p> The data is passed in <em>client_data</em>.

<h3 class=fn>Widget <a name="dialog"></a>QMotifDialog::dialog () const
Returns the <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> widget embedded in this dialog.

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="rejectCallback"></a>QMotifDialog::rejectCallback ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )<tt> [static]</tt>
Convenient Xt/Motif callback to reject the QMotifDialog.
<p> The data is passed in <em>client_data</em>.

<h3 class=fn>Widget <a name="shell"></a>QMotifDialog::shell () const
Returns the <tt>Shell</tt> widget embedded in this dialog.

<p>Example: <a href="motif-dialog-example.html#x2707">dialog/mainwindow.cpp</a>.
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