** Miscellaneous index pages
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
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** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
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\page index.html
\if defined(commercial)
\title Qt Reference Documentation (Commercial Edition)
\if defined(noncommercial)
\title Qt Reference Documentation (Non-Commercial Edition)
\if !defined(commercial) && !defined(noncommercial)
\title Qt Reference Documentation (Open Source Edition)
<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 border=0 width="100%" bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
\if !defined(commercial) && !defined(noncommercial)
<tr bgcolor="white"><td colspan=3 align="center"><b>Notice</b>: This edition is
for the development of \link opensourceedition.html Free and Open
Source\endlink software only; see \link commercialeditions.html
Commercial Editions\endlink.</td></tr>
\if defined(noncommercial)
<tr bgcolor="white"><td colspan=3 align="center"><b>Notice</b>: This
edition is for the development of non-commercial software in
accordance with the license you agreed to when you installed the
software from the CD; see also \link
commercialeditions.html Commercial Editions\endlink.</td></tr>
<th bgcolor="#a2c511" width="33%">
Qt Community
<th bgcolor="#a2c511" width="33%">
Getting Started
<th bgcolor="#a2c511" width="33%">
<td valign="top">
\i \link http://lists.trolltech.com Mailing lists\endlink
\i \link http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/index.html <i>Qt Quarterly</i> newsletter\endlink
\i \link http://www.trolltech.com/products/solutions/index.html Qt
\i \link http://www.trolltech.com/freesoftware/index.html User contributed Qt additions\endlink
\i \link bughowto.html How to report a bug\endlink
<td valign="top">
\i \link how-to-learn-qt.html How to Learn Qt\endlink
\i \link http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/readyforqt4.html Getting Ready for Qt 4\endlink
\i \link tutorial.html Tutorial #1\endlink, 
\link tutorial2.html Tutorial #2\endlink
\i \link examples.html Examples\endlink
\i \link http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/whitepaper.html Whitepaper\endlink
<td valign="top">
\i \link aboutqt.html About Qt\endlink
\i \link commercialeditions.html Commercial Editions\endlink
\i \link opensourceedition.html Open Source Edition\endlink
\i \link troll.html About Trolltech\endlink
<th bgcolor="#a2c511">
API Reference
<th bgcolor="#a2c511">
<th bgcolor="#a2c511">
<td valign="top">
\i \link classes.html All Classes\endlink
\i \link mainclasses.html Main Classes\endlink
\i \link groups.html Grouped Classes\endlink
\i \link annotated.html Annotated Classes\endlink
\i \link hierarchy.html Inheritance Hierarchy\endlink
\i \link classchart.html Class Chart (clickable image)\endlink
\i \link functions.html All Functions (long)\endlink
\i \link headers.html Header File Index\endlink
\i \link faq.html FAQs\endlink
\i \link http://www.trolltech.com/developer/changes/ Change History\endlink
<td valign="top">
\i \link modules.html All Modules\endlink
\i \link canvas.html Canvas\endlink
\i \link iconview.html Iconview\endlink
\i \link network.html Network\endlink
\i \link opengl.html OpenGL\endlink
\i \link sql.html SQL\endlink
\i \link table.html Table\endlink
\i \link workspace.html Workspace\endlink
\i \link xml.html XML\endlink
<td valign="top">
\i \link overviews-list.html All Overviews and HOWTOs\endlink
\i \link object.html Qt Object Model\endlink
\i \link signalsandslots.html Signals and Slots\endlink
\i \link geometry.html Window Geometry\endlink
\i \link eventsandfilters.html Events and Event Filters\endlink
\i \link i18n.html Internationalization (i18n)\endlink
\i \link debug.html Debugging Techniques\endlink
\i \link threads.html Thread Support in Qt\endlink
\i \link plugins-howto.html Qt Plugins\endlink
\i \link accelerators.html Standard Accelerators\endlink
<th bgcolor="#a2c511">
Porting &amp; Platforms
<th bgcolor="#a2c511">
<th bgcolor="#a2c511">
Licenses &amp; Credits
<td valign="top">
\i \link winsystem.html Window system specific notes\endlink
\i \link activeqt.html ActiveQt Framework\endlink
\i \link motif-extension.html Motif Extension\endlink
\i \link mac-differences.html Mac OS X development\endlink
\i \link porting.html Porting from Qt 2.x to Qt 3.x\endlink
<td valign="top">
\i \link tools-list.html All Tools\endlink
\i \link designer-manual.book Qt Designer\endlink
\i \link linguist-manual.book Qt Linguist\endlink
\i \link assistant.book Qt Assistant\endlink
\i \link qmake-manual.book qmake\endlink
<td valign="top">
\i \link license.html Q Public License\endlink
\i \link gpl.html GNU General Public License\endlink
\i \link 3rdparty.html Third Party Licenses used in Qt\endlink
\i \link licenses.html Other Licenses used in Qt\endlink
\i \link credits.html Credits\endlink

/*! \page groups.html

\title Grouped Classes

This page provides a way of navigating Qt's classes by grouping
related classes together. Some classes may appear in more than one group.

\i Group
\i Description

\i \link abstractwidgets.html   Abstract Widgets \endlink
\i Abstract widget classes usable through subclassing.

\i \link advanced.html   Advanced Widgets \endlink
\i Advanced GUI widgets such as listviews and progress bars.

\i \link basic.html   Basic Widgets \endlink
\i Basic GUI widgets such as buttons, comboboxes and scrollbars.

\i \link componentmodel.html   Component Model \endlink
\i Interfaces and helper classes for the Qt Component Model.

\i \link database.html Database\endlink
\i Database related classes, e.g. for SQL databases.

\i \link time.html   Date and Time \endlink
\i Classes for handling date and time.

\i \link draganddrop.html   Drag and Drop \endlink
\i Classes dealing with drag and drop and mime type
   encoding and decoding.

\i \link environment.html   Environment \endlink
\i Classes providing various global services such as
   event handling, access to system settings and internationalization.

\i \link events.html Events\endlink
\i Classes used to create and handle events.

\i \link tools.html  Utility Classes \endlink
\i Collection classes such as list, queue, stack and string, along
with other classes that can be used without needing QApplication.

\i \link graphics.html   Graphics and Printing \endlink
\i Classes providing drawing (and printing) primitives, including
OpenGL. (See also \link images.html Image Processing\endlink and \link
multimedia.html Multimedia\endlink)

\i \link helpsystem.html   Help System \endlink
\i Classes used to provide online-help for applications.

\i \link images.html   Image Processing \endlink
\i Digital image encoding, decoding and manipulation.
(See also \link graphics.html Graphics and Printing\endlink and \link
multimedia.html Multimedia\endlink)

\i \link geomanagement.html   Layout Management \endlink
\i Classes handling automatic resizing and moving of widgets, for
        composing complex dialogs.

\i \link shared.html	Implicitly and Explicitly Shared
\i Classes that use reference counting for fast copying.

\i \link io.html   Input/Output and Networking \endlink
\i Classes providing file input and output along with directory and
network handling.

\i \link application.html   MainWindow and Related Classes \endlink
\i Everything you need for a typical modern main application window,
including menus, toolbars, workspace, etc.

\i \link misc.html   Miscellaneous \endlink
\i Various other useful classes

\i \link multimedia.html Multimedia\endlink
\i Classes that provide support for graphics, sound, animation, etc.
(See also \link graphics.html Graphics and Printing\endlink and \link
images.html Image Processing\endlink)

\i \link objectmodel.html   Object Model \endlink
\i The Qt GUI toolkit's underlying object model.

\i \link organizers.html   Organizers \endlink
\i User interface organizers such as splitters, tab bars, button groups, etc.

\i \link plugins.html Plugin Classes\endlink
\i Plugin related classes.

\i \link dialogs.html   Standard Dialogs \endlink
\i Ready-made dialogs for file, font, color selection and more.

\i \link qtl.html Template Library\endlink
\i Qt's template library container classes.

\i \link text.html Text Related Classes\endlink 
\i Classes for text
processing. (See also \link xml-tools.html XML Classes\endlink.)

\i \link thread.html Threading Classes\endlink
\i Classes that provide threading support.

\i \link appearance.html   Widget Appearance \endlink
\i Appearance customization with styles, fonts, colors etc.

\i \link xml-tools.html XML Classes\endlink
\i Classes that support XML, via, for example DOM and SAX.



/*! \defgroup examples

\title Examples

Qt ships with lots of small and some medium-sized example programs
that teach you how to implement various tasks with Qt. Most of them will show how to
use a certain class or module, others aim at programming techniques
and Qt basics, and some of them simply want to show you what's possible.

Note that most of the examples assume that you have some experience with C++ 
and Qt and therefore are not commented extensively. If you are interested
in a line-by-line coverage please refer to the tutorials 
\link tutorial.html Tutorial #1\endlink, and 
\link tutorial2.html Tutorial #2\endlink, and also the
\link step-by-step-examples.html step-by-step examples \endlink.

\section1 Qt Base Classes: Assorted Examples

\i \link qaction-examples.html QAction and QActionGroup \endlink
\i \link qfont-examples.html QFont, QFontMetrics, QFontInfo and QFontDatabase \endlink
\i \link qprocess-examples.html QProcess \endlink

\section1 Qt Modules: Assorted Examples

\i \link xml-examples.html XML examples \endlink
\i \link network-examples.html Network examples \endlink
\i \link opengl-examples.html OpenGL examples \endlink
\i \link table-examples.html Table examples \endlink
\i \link sql-examples.html SQL examples \endlink

\section1 Qt Extensions: Assorted Examples

\i \link activeqt-examples.html ActiveX support extension \endlink
\i \link motif-examples.html QMotif support extension \endlink
\omit \i \link xt-motif-examples.html Xt/Motif support extension \endlink \endomit
\i \link nsplugin-examples.html Qt-based plugins for web browsers \endlink

\section1 Miscellaneous Examples


/*! \defgroup qaction-examples 

\title QAction Examples 

The following example programs show how to use the 
QAction and QActionGroup classes.


/*! \defgroup qfont-examples 

\title QFont Examples 

The following example programs show how to use the 
classes QFont, QFontMetrics, QFontInfo, and QFontDatabase. 


/*! \defgroup qprocess-examples 

\title QProcess Examples 

The following example programs show how to use the 
QProcess class.


/*! \defgroup network-examples 

\title Network Examples 

The following example programs demonstrate the use
of the Qt network module.


/*! \defgroup opengl-examples 

\title OpenGL Examples 

The following example programs demonstrate the use
of the Qt OpenGL module.


/*! \defgroup table-examples 

\title Table Examples 

The following example programs demonstrate the use
of the Qt table module.


/*! \defgroup sql-examples 

\title Qt SQL Examples 

The following example programs show how to use the 
Qt SQL classes.


/*! \defgroup xml-examples 

\title Qt XML Examples 

The following example programs show how to use the 
Qt XML classes.


/*! \defgroup nsplugin-examples 

\title Netscape Plugin Examples

The following example programs show how to write plugins 
that can be used with web browsers supporting the LiveConnect

For more information see the \link netscape-plugin.html Plugin Howto \endlink.

/*! \defgroup motif-examples 

\title QMotif Support Extension

The following example programs illustrate the use of the QMotif Extension
assisting in the migration process of old Xt and Motif based code
to the more comfortable Qt toolkit.

For more information see the \link motif-extension.html QMotif
Support Extension documentation. \endlink

\defgroup xt-motif-examples 

\title Qt Xt/Motif Support Extension

The following example programs illustrate the use of the Qt Xt/Motif Extension
assisting in the migration process of old Xt and Motif based code
to the more comfortable Qt toolkit.

For more information see the \link xt.html Qt Xt/Motif Support
Extension documentation. \endlink

/*! \defgroup step-by-step-examples

\title Step-by-step Examples

Step-by-step examples provide a careful explanation of
example code.

The covered example programs usually show how to use certain classes
or deal with programming techniques and Qt basics.

These examples are especially aimed at Qt novices and less experienced
programmers and try to make learning Qt as painless as possible.


/*! \defgroup tools

\title Non-GUI Classes

The non-GUI classes are general-purpose collection and string classes
that may be used independently of the GUI classes.

In particular, these classes do not depend on QApplication at all,
and so can be used in non-GUI programs.

See also the \link collection.html introduction to the Qt collection
classes. \endlink 


/*! \defgroup io

\title Input/Output and Networking 

These classes are used to handle input and output to and from external
devices, processes, files etc. as well as manipulating files and directories.


/*! \defgroup basic

\title Basic Widgets

These basic controls (widgets) are designed for direct use.  There are
also some \link abstractwidgets.html abstract widget classes, \endlink
designed for subclassing, and some \link advanced.html more complex
widgets. \endlink


/*! \defgroup advanced

\title Advanced Widgets

These classes provide more complex user interface controls (widgets).


/*! \defgroup abstractwidgets

\title Abstract Widget Classes

These classes are abstract widgets; they are generally not usable in
themselves, but provide functionality that can be used by inheriting
these classes.


/*! \defgroup objectmodel

\title Object Model

These classes form the basis of the \link object.html Qt Object Model \endlink.


/* \defgroup componentmodel

\title Component Model

These classes and interfaces form the basis of the \link component.html Qt Component Model \endlink.


/*! \defgroup plugins

\title Plugins

These classes deal with shared libraries, (e.g. .so and DLL files),
and with Qt plugins. 

See the \link plugins-howto.html plugins documentation\endlink.

See also the \link activeqt.html ActiveQt framework\endlink for


/*! \defgroup organizers

\title Organizers

These classes are used to organize and group GUI primitives into more
complex applications or dialogs.


/*! \defgroup dialogs

\title Dialog Classes

These classes are complex widgets, composed of simpler widgets; dialog
boxes, generally.


/*! \defgroup images

\title Image Processing Classes

These classes are used for manipulating images.


/*! \defgroup graphics

\title Graphics Classes

These classes provide powerful graphics drawing primitives for both 2D
and (with OpenGL) 3D.

<p>See also this introduction to the \link coordsys.html Qt
coordinate system. \endlink


/*! \defgroup draganddrop

\title Drag And Drop Classes

These classes deal with drag and drop and the necessary mime type
encoding and decoding. See also \link dnd.html Drag and Drop with
Qt. \endlink


/*! \defgroup appearance

\title Widget Appearance and Style

These classes are used to customize an application's appearance and


/*! \defgroup shared

\title Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes

These classes are normally-heavy classes which in Qt have been
optimized by the use of reference counter and common data so they can
be passed around.

The only important effect is that the classes listed here \e can
be passed around as arguments efficiently, even though they may
seem heavyweight.


/*! \defgroup time

\title Time and Date

These classes provide system-independent date and time abstractions.

<p>Also available: \link y2k.html Qt Year 2000 Compliance Statement \endlink.

/*! \defgroup application

\title Main Window and Related Classes

These classes provide everything you need for a typical modern main
application window, like the main window itself, menu and tool bars,
a statusbar, etc.


/*! \defgroup geomanagement

\title Layout Management

These classes provide automatic geometry (layout) management of widgets.


/*! \defgroup helpsystem

\title Help System

\keyword help system

These classes provide for all forms of online-help in your application,
with three levels of detail:

\list 1
    \i Tool Tips and Status Bar message - flyweight help, extremely brief,
	entirely integrated in the user interface, requiring little
	or no user interaction to invoke.
    \i What's This? - lightweight, but can be
	a three-paragraph explanation.
    \i Online Help - can encompass any amount of information,
	but is typically slower to call up, somewhat separated
	from the user's work, and often users feel that using online
	help is a digression from their real task.


/*! \defgroup environment

\title Environment Classes

These classes providing various global services to your application such as
event handling, access to system settings, internationalization, etc.


/*! \defgroup misc

\title Miscellaneous Classes

These classes are useful classes not fitting into any other category.


/*! \defgroup events

\title Event Classes

These classes are used to create and handle events.

For more information see the \link object.html Object model\endlink
and \link signalsandslots.html Signals and Slots\endlink.

/*! \defgroup multimedia

\title Multimedia Classes

These classes provide support for graphics, sound, animation etc.

/*! \defgroup qtl

\title Qt Template Library Classes

The Qt Template Library (QTL) is a set of templates that provide
object containers. See the \link qt-template-lib.html Qt Template


/*! \defgroup database

\title Database Classes

These classes provide access to SQL databases.

/*! \defgroup thread

\title Threading

These classes are relevant to threaded applications.

/*! \defgroup xml-tools

\title XML

These classes are relevant to XML users.

/*! \defgroup qws

\title Qt/Embedded

These classes are relevant to Qt/Embedded users.

/*! \defgroup text

\title Text Related Classes

These classes are relevant to text processing. See also the
\link xml.html XML classes \endlink.