.TH "msg2qm" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." "" .SH "NAME" .LP msg2qm \- Converts translated .po files to a Qt\-specific binary format. .SH "SYNTAX" .LP msg2qm myapp_de.po myapp_de.qm .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP Converts translated .po files to a Qt\-specific binary format (".qm" Qt message files). The Qt message files are platform and locale independent, containing translations in Unicode and various hash tables to provide fast look\-up. msg2qm myapp_de.po myapp_de.qm msg2qm myapp_fr.po myapp_fr.qm msg2qm myapp_ja.po myapp_ja.qm In your application, use QTranslator::load() to load translation files appropriate for the user's language. .SH "AUTHORS" .LP TrollTech <http://www.trolltech.com/>