** Implementation of Drag and Drop support
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#include "qdropsite.h"


#include "qwidget.h"

  \class QDropSite qdropsite.h
  \brief The QDropSite class provides nothing and does nothing.


  If your code uses it, you can safely delete it.

  It was used in Qt 1.x to do some drag and drop; that has since been
  folded into QWidget.

  For detailed information about drag-and-drop, see the QDragObject class.

  \sa QDragObject, QTextDrag, QImageDrag

  Constructs a QDropSite to handle events for the widget \a self.

  Pass \c this as the \a self parameter.
  This enables dropping by calling QWidget::setAcceptDrops(TRUE).
QDropSite::QDropSite( QWidget* self )
    self->setAcceptDrops( TRUE );

  Destroys the drop site.