** Implementation of QLocalFs class
** Created : 950429
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#include "qlocalfs.h"
#include "qfileinfo.h"
#include "qfile.h"
#include "qurlinfo.h"
#include "qapplication.h"
#include "qurloperator.h"
#include "qguardedptr.h"
\class QLocalFs qlocalfs.h
\brief The QLocalFs class is an implementation of a
QNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system.
\if defined(commercial)
It is part of the Qt Enterprise Edition.
\module network
\ingroup io
This class is derived from QNetworkProtocol. QLocalFs is not
normally used directly, but rather through a QUrlOperator, for
QUrlOperator op( "file:///tmp" );
op.listChildren(); // Asks the server to provide a directory listing
This code will only work if the QLocalFs class is registered; to
register the class, you must call tqInitNetworkProtocols() before
using a QUrlOperator with QLocalFs.
If you really need to use QLocalFs directly, don't forget
to set its QUrlOperator with setUrl().
\sa \link network.html Qt Network Documentation \endlink QNetworkProtocol, QUrlOperator
: QNetworkProtocol()
static int convertPermissions(QFileInfo *fi)
int p = 0;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::ReadOwner ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::ReadOwner;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::WriteOwner ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::WriteOwner;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::ExeOwner ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::ExeOwner;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::ReadGroup ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::ReadGroup;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::WriteGroup ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::WriteGroup;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::ExeGroup ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::ExeGroup;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::ReadOther ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::ReadOther;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::WriteOther ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::WriteOther;
if ( fi->permission( QFileInfo::ExeOther ) )
p |= QUrlInfo::ExeOther;
return p;
void QLocalFs::operationListChildren( QNetworkOperation *op )
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: operationListChildren" );
op->setState( StInProgress );
dir = QDir( url()->path() );
dir.setNameFilter( url()->nameFilter() );
dir.setMatchAllDirs( TRUE );
if ( !dir.isReadable() ) {
QString msg = tr( "Could not read directory\n%1" ).arg( url()->path() );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrListChildren );
emit finished( op );
const QFileInfoList *filist = dir.entryInfoList( QDir::All | QDir::Hidden | QDir::System );
if ( !filist ) {
QString msg = tr( "Could not read directory\n%1" ).arg( url()->path() );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrListChildren );
emit finished( op );
emit start( op );
QFileInfoListIterator it( *filist );
QFileInfo *fi;
QValueList infos;
while ( ( fi = it.current() ) != 0 ) {
infos << QUrlInfo( fi->fileName(), convertPermissions(fi), fi->owner(), fi->group(),
fi->size(), fi->lastModified(), fi->lastRead(), fi->isDir(), fi->isFile(),
fi->isSymLink(), fi->isWritable(), fi->isReadable(), fi->isExecutable() );
emit newChildren( infos, op );
op->setState( StDone );
emit finished( op );
void QLocalFs::operationMkDir( QNetworkOperation *op )
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: operationMkDir" );
op->setState( StInProgress );
QString dirname = op->arg( 0 );
dir = QDir( url()->path() );
if ( dir.mkdir( dirname ) ) {
QFileInfo fi( dir, dirname );
QUrlInfo inf( fi.fileName(), convertPermissions(&fi), fi.owner(), fi.group(),
fi.size(), fi.lastModified(), fi.lastRead(), fi.isDir(), fi.isFile(),
fi.isSymLink(), fi.isWritable(), fi.isReadable(), fi.isExecutable() );
emit newChild( inf, op );
op->setState( StDone );
emit createdDirectory( inf, op );
emit finished( op );
} else {
QString msg = tr( "Could not create directory\n%1" ).arg( dirname );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrMkDir );
emit finished( op );
void QLocalFs::operationRemove( QNetworkOperation *op )
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: operationRemove" );
op->setState( StInProgress );
QString name = QUrl( op->arg( 0 ) ).path();
bool deleted = FALSE;
dir = QDir( url()->path() );
QFileInfo fi( dir, name );
if ( fi.isDir() ) {
if ( dir.rmdir( name ) )
deleted = TRUE;
if ( deleted || dir.remove( name ) ) {
op->setState( StDone );
emit removed( op );
emit finished( op );
} else {
QString msg = tr( "Could not remove file or directory\n%1" ).arg( name );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrRemove );
emit finished( op );
void QLocalFs::operationRename( QNetworkOperation *op )
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: operationRename" );
op->setState( StInProgress );
QString oldname = op->arg( 0 );
QString newname = op->arg( 1 );
dir = QDir( url()->path() );
if ( dir.rename( oldname, newname ) ) {
op->setState( StDone );
emit itemChanged( op );
emit finished( op );
} else {
QString msg = tr( "Could not rename\n%1\nto\n%2" ).arg( oldname ).arg( newname );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrRename );
emit finished( op );
void QLocalFs::operationGet( QNetworkOperation *op )
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: operationGet" );
op->setState( StInProgress );
QString from = QUrl( op->arg( 0 ) ).path();
QFile f( from );
if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: could not open %s", from.latin1() );
QString msg = tr( "Could not open\n%1" ).arg( from );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrGet );
emit finished( op );
QByteArray s;
emit dataTransferProgress( 0, f.size(), op );
if ( f.size() != 0 ) {
int blockSize = calcBlockSize( f.size() );
if ( (int)f.size() < blockSize ) {
s.resize( f.size() );
f.readBlock( s.data(), f.size() );
emit data( s, op );
emit dataTransferProgress( f.size(), f.size(), op );
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: got all %d bytes at once", f.size() );
} else {
s.resize( blockSize );
int remaining = f.size();
QGuardedPtr that = this;
while ( that && remaining > 0 ) {
if ( operationInProgress() != op )
if ( remaining >= blockSize ) {
f.readBlock( s.data(), blockSize );
emit data( s, op );
emit dataTransferProgress( f.size() - remaining, f.size(), op );
remaining -= blockSize;
} else {
s.resize( remaining );
f.readBlock( s.data(), remaining );
emit data( s, op );
emit dataTransferProgress( f.size() - remaining, f.size(), op );
remaining -= remaining;
if (!that)
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: got all %d bytes step by step", f.size() );
emit dataTransferProgress( f.size(), f.size(), op );
op->setState( StDone );
emit finished( op );
void QLocalFs::operationPut( QNetworkOperation *op )
tqDebug( "QLocalFs: operationPut" );
op->setState( StInProgress );
QString to = QUrl( op->arg( 0 ) ).path();
QFile f( to );
if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
QString msg = tr( "Could not write\n%1" ).arg( to );
op->setState( StFailed );
op->setProtocolDetail( msg );
op->setErrorCode( (int)ErrPut );
emit finished( op );
QByteArray ba( op->rawArg( 1 ) );
emit dataTransferProgress( 0, ba.size(), op );
int blockSize = calcBlockSize( ba.size() );
if ( (int)ba.size() < blockSize ) {
f.writeBlock( ba.data(), ba.size() );
emit dataTransferProgress( ba.size(), ba.size(), op );
} else {
int i = 0;
while ( i + blockSize < (int)ba.size() - 1 ) {
if ( operationInProgress() != op )
f.writeBlock( &ba.data()[ i ], blockSize );
emit dataTransferProgress( i + blockSize, ba.size(), op );
i += blockSize;
QGuardedPtr that = this;
if (!that)
if ( i < (int)ba.size() - 1 )
f.writeBlock( &ba.data()[ i ], ba.size() - i );
emit dataTransferProgress( ba.size(), ba.size(), op );
op->setState( StDone );
emit finished( op );
int QLocalFs::supportedOperations() const
return OpListChildren | OpMkDir | OpRemove | OpRename | OpGet | OpPut;
int QLocalFs::calcBlockSize( int totalSize ) const
if ( totalSize == 0 )
return 1024;
int s = totalSize / 100;
// we want a block size between 1KB and 1MB
if ( s < 1024 )
s = 1024;
if ( s > 1048576 )
s = 1048576;
return s;