/**************************************************************************** ** ** Implementation of the internal Qt classes dealing with rich text ** ** Created : 990101 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as ** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL ** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt ** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt ** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qrichtext_p.h" #ifndef QT_NO_RICHTEXT QTextCommand::~QTextCommand() {} QTextCommand::Commands QTextCommand::type() const { return Invalid; } #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCUSTOMITEM QTextCustomItem::~QTextCustomItem() {} void QTextCustomItem::adjustToPainter( QPainter* p){ if ( p ) width = 0; } QTextCustomItem::Placement QTextCustomItem::placement() const { return PlaceInline; } bool QTextCustomItem::ownLine() const { return FALSE; } void QTextCustomItem::resize( int nwidth ){ width = nwidth; } void QTextCustomItem::invalidate() {} bool QTextCustomItem::isNested() const { return FALSE; } int QTextCustomItem::minimumWidth() const { return 0; } QString QTextCustomItem::richText() const { return QString::null; } bool QTextCustomItem::enter( QTextCursor *, QTextDocument*&, QTextParagraph *&, int &, int &, int &, bool ) { return TRUE; } bool QTextCustomItem::enterAt( QTextCursor *, QTextDocument *&, QTextParagraph *&, int &, int &, int &, const QPoint & ) { return TRUE; } bool QTextCustomItem::next( QTextCursor *, QTextDocument *&, QTextParagraph *&, int &, int &, int & ) { return TRUE; } bool QTextCustomItem::prev( QTextCursor *, QTextDocument *&, QTextParagraph *&, int &, int &, int & ) { return TRUE; } bool QTextCustomItem::down( QTextCursor *, QTextDocument *&, QTextParagraph *&, int &, int &, int & ) { return TRUE; } bool QTextCustomItem::up( QTextCursor *, QTextDocument *&, QTextParagraph *&, int &, int &, int & ) { return TRUE; } #endif // QT_NO_TEXTCUSTOMITEM void QTextFlow::setPageSize( int ps ) { pagesize = ps; } #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCUSTOMITEM bool QTextFlow::isEmpty() { return leftItems.isEmpty() && rightItems.isEmpty(); } #else bool QTextFlow::isEmpty() { return TRUE; } #endif #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCUSTOMITEM void QTextTableCell::invalidate() { cached_width = -1; cached_sizehint = -1; } void QTextTable::invalidate() { cachewidth = -1; } #endif QTextParagraphData::~QTextParagraphData() {} void QTextParagraphData::join( QTextParagraphData * ) {} QTextFormatter::~QTextFormatter() {} void QTextFormatter::setWrapEnabled( bool b ) { wrapEnabled = b; } void QTextFormatter::setWrapAtColumn( int c ) { wrapColumn = c; } int QTextCursor::x() const { if ( idx >= para->length() ) return 0; QTextStringChar *c = para->at( idx ); int curx = c->x; if ( !c->rightToLeft && c->c.isSpace() && idx > 0 && para->at( idx - 1 )->c != '\t' && !c->lineStart && ( para->alignment() & Qt::AlignJustify ) == Qt::AlignJustify ) curx = para->at( idx - 1 )->x + para->string()->width( idx - 1 ); if ( c->rightToLeft ) curx += para->string()->width( idx ); return curx; } int QTextCursor::y() const { int dummy, line; para->lineStartOfChar( idx, &dummy, &line ); return para->lineY( line ); } int QTextCursor::globalX() const { return totalOffsetX() + para->rect().x() + x(); } int QTextCursor::globalY() const { return totalOffsetY() + para->rect().y() + y(); } QTextDocument *QTextCursor::document() const { return para ? para->document() : 0; } void QTextCursor::gotoPosition( QTextParagraph* p, int index ) { if ( para && p != para ) { while ( !indices.isEmpty() && para->document() != p->document() ) pop(); Q_ASSERT( indices.isEmpty() || para->document() == p->document() ); } para = p; if ( index < 0 || index >= para->length() ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE) tqWarning( "QTextCursor::gotoParagraph Index: %d out of range", index ); #endif if ( index < 0 || para->length() == 0 ) index = 0; else index = para->length() - 1; } tmpX = -1; idx = index; fixCursorPosition(); } bool QTextDocument::hasSelection( int id, bool visible ) const { return ( selections.find( id ) != selections.end() && ( !visible || ( (QTextDocument*)this )->selectionStartCursor( id ) != ( (QTextDocument*)this )->selectionEndCursor( id ) ) ); } void QTextDocument::setSelectionStart( int id, const QTextCursor &cursor ) { QTextDocumentSelection sel; sel.startCursor = cursor; sel.endCursor = cursor; sel.swapped = FALSE; selections[ id ] = sel; } QTextParagraph *QTextDocument::paragAt( int i ) const { QTextParagraph* p = curParag; if ( !p || p->paragId() > i ) p = fParag; while ( p && p->paragId() != i ) p = p->next(); ((QTextDocument*)this)->curParag = p; return p; } QTextFormat::~QTextFormat() { } QTextFormat::QTextFormat() : fm( QFontMetrics( fn ) ), linkColor( TRUE ), logicalFontSize( 3 ), stdSize( qApp->font().pointSize() ) { ref = 0; usePixelSizes = FALSE; if ( stdSize == -1 ) { stdSize = qApp->font().pixelSize(); usePixelSizes = TRUE; } missp = FALSE; ha = AlignNormal; collection = 0; } QTextFormat::QTextFormat( const QStyleSheetItem *style ) : fm( QFontMetrics( fn ) ), linkColor( TRUE ), logicalFontSize( 3 ), stdSize( qApp->font().pointSize() ) { ref = 0; usePixelSizes = FALSE; if ( stdSize == -1 ) { stdSize = qApp->font().pixelSize(); usePixelSizes = TRUE; } missp = FALSE; ha = AlignNormal; collection = 0; fn = QFont( style->fontFamily(), style->fontSize(), style->fontWeight(), style->fontItalic() ); fn.setUnderline( style->fontUnderline() ); fn.setStrikeOut( style->fontStrikeOut() ); col = style->color(); fm = QFontMetrics( fn ); leftBearing = fm.minLeftBearing(); rightBearing = fm.minRightBearing(); hei = fm.lineSpacing(); asc = fm.ascent() + (fm.leading()+1)/2; dsc = fm.descent(); missp = FALSE; ha = AlignNormal; memset( widths, 0, 256 ); generateKey(); addRef(); } QTextFormat::QTextFormat( const QFont &f, const QColor &c, QTextFormatCollection *parent ) : fn( f ), col( c ), fm( QFontMetrics( f ) ), linkColor( TRUE ), logicalFontSize( 3 ), stdSize( f.pointSize() ) { ref = 0; usePixelSizes = FALSE; if ( stdSize == -1 ) { stdSize = f.pixelSize(); usePixelSizes = TRUE; } collection = parent; leftBearing = fm.minLeftBearing(); rightBearing = fm.minRightBearing(); hei = fm.lineSpacing(); asc = fm.ascent() + (fm.leading()+1)/2; dsc = fm.descent(); missp = FALSE; ha = AlignNormal; memset( widths, 0, 256 ); generateKey(); addRef(); } QTextFormat::QTextFormat( const QTextFormat &f ) : fm( f.fm ) { ref = 0; collection = 0; fn = f.fn; col = f.col; leftBearing = f.leftBearing; rightBearing = f.rightBearing; memset( widths, 0, 256 ); hei = f.hei; asc = f.asc; dsc = f.dsc; stdSize = f.stdSize; usePixelSizes = f.usePixelSizes; logicalFontSize = f.logicalFontSize; missp = f.missp; ha = f.ha; k = f.k; linkColor = f.linkColor; addRef(); } QTextFormat& QTextFormat::operator=( const QTextFormat &f ) { ref = 0; collection = f.collection; fn = f.fn; col = f.col; fm = f.fm; leftBearing = f.leftBearing; rightBearing = f.rightBearing; memset( widths, 0, 256 ); hei = f.hei; asc = f.asc; dsc = f.dsc; stdSize = f.stdSize; usePixelSizes = f.usePixelSizes; logicalFontSize = f.logicalFontSize; missp = f.missp; ha = f.ha; k = f.k; linkColor = f.linkColor; addRef(); return *this; } void QTextFormat::update() { fm = QFontMetrics( fn ); leftBearing = fm.minLeftBearing(); rightBearing = fm.minRightBearing(); hei = fm.lineSpacing(); asc = fm.ascent() + (fm.leading()+1)/2; dsc = fm.descent(); memset( widths, 0, 256 ); generateKey(); } QPainter* QTextFormat::pntr = 0; QFontMetrics* QTextFormat::pntr_fm = 0; int QTextFormat::pntr_ldg=-1; int QTextFormat::pntr_asc=-1; int QTextFormat::pntr_hei=-1; int QTextFormat::pntr_dsc=-1; void QTextFormat::setPainter( QPainter *p ) { pntr = p; } QPainter* QTextFormat::painter() { return pntr; } void QTextFormat::applyFont( const QFont &f ) { QFontMetrics fm( pntr->fontMetrics() ); if ( !pntr_fm || pntr_fm->painter != pntr || pntr_fm->d != fm.d || !pntr->font().isCopyOf( f ) ) { pntr->setFont( f ); delete pntr_fm; pntr_fm = new QFontMetrics( pntr->fontMetrics() ); pntr_ldg = pntr_fm->leading(); pntr_asc = pntr_fm->ascent()+(pntr_ldg+1)/2; pntr_hei = pntr_fm->lineSpacing(); pntr_dsc = -1; } } int QTextFormat::minLeftBearing() const { if ( !pntr || !pntr->isActive() ) return leftBearing; applyFont( fn ); return pntr_fm->minLeftBearing(); } int QTextFormat::minRightBearing() const { if ( !pntr || !pntr->isActive() ) return rightBearing; applyFont( fn ); return pntr_fm->minRightBearing(); } int QTextFormat::height() const { if ( !pntr || !pntr->isActive() ) return hei; applyFont( fn ); return pntr_hei; } int QTextFormat::ascent() const { if ( !pntr || !pntr->isActive() ) return asc; applyFont( fn ); return pntr_asc; } int QTextFormat::descent() const { if ( !pntr || !pntr->isActive() ) return dsc; applyFont( fn ); if ( pntr_dsc < 0 ) pntr_dsc = pntr_fm->descent(); return pntr_dsc; } int QTextFormat::leading() const { if ( !pntr || !pntr->isActive() ) return fm.leading(); applyFont( fn ); return pntr_ldg; } void QTextFormat::generateKey() { k = getKey( fn, col, isMisspelled(), vAlign() ); } QString QTextFormat::getKey( const QFont &fn, const QColor &col, bool misspelled, VerticalAlignment a ) { QString k = fn.key(); k += '/'; k += QString::number( (uint)col.rgb() ); k += '/'; k += QString::number( (int)misspelled ); k += '/'; k += QString::number( (int)a ); return k; } QString QTextString::toString( const QMemArray &data ) { QString s; int l = data.size(); s.setUnicode( 0, l ); QTextStringChar *c = data.data(); QChar *uc = (QChar *)s.unicode(); while ( l-- ) *(uc++) = (c++)->c; return s; } void QTextParagraph::setSelection( int id, int start, int end ) { QMap::ConstIterator it = selections().find( id ); if ( it != mSelections->end() ) { if ( start == ( *it ).start && end == ( *it ).end ) return; } QTextParagraphSelection sel; sel.start = start; sel.end = end; (*mSelections)[ id ] = sel; setChanged( TRUE, TRUE ); } void QTextParagraph::removeSelection( int id ) { if ( !hasSelection( id ) ) return; if ( mSelections ) mSelections->remove( id ); setChanged( TRUE, TRUE ); } int QTextParagraph::selectionStart( int id ) const { if ( !mSelections ) return -1; QMap::ConstIterator it = mSelections->find( id ); if ( it == mSelections->end() ) return -1; return ( *it ).start; } int QTextParagraph::selectionEnd( int id ) const { if ( !mSelections ) return -1; QMap::ConstIterator it = mSelections->find( id ); if ( it == mSelections->end() ) return -1; return ( *it ).end; } bool QTextParagraph::hasSelection( int id ) const { return mSelections ? mSelections->contains( id ) : FALSE; } bool QTextParagraph::fullSelected( int id ) const { if ( !mSelections ) return FALSE; QMap::ConstIterator it = mSelections->find( id ); if ( it == mSelections->end() ) return FALSE; return ( *it ).start == 0 && ( *it ).end == str->length() - 1; } int QTextParagraph::lineY( int l ) const { if ( l > (int)lineStarts.count() - 1 ) { tqWarning( "QTextParagraph::lineY: line %d out of range!", l ); return 0; } if ( !isValid() ) ( (QTextParagraph*)this )->format(); QMap::ConstIterator it = lineStarts.begin(); while ( l-- > 0 ) ++it; return ( *it )->y; } int QTextParagraph::lineBaseLine( int l ) const { if ( l > (int)lineStarts.count() - 1 ) { tqWarning( "QTextParagraph::lineBaseLine: line %d out of range!", l ); return 10; } if ( !isValid() ) ( (QTextParagraph*)this )->format(); QMap::ConstIterator it = lineStarts.begin(); while ( l-- > 0 ) ++it; return ( *it )->baseLine; } int QTextParagraph::lineHeight( int l ) const { if ( l > (int)lineStarts.count() - 1 ) { tqWarning( "QTextParagraph::lineHeight: line %d out of range!", l ); return 15; } if ( !isValid() ) ( (QTextParagraph*)this )->format(); QMap::ConstIterator it = lineStarts.begin(); while ( l-- > 0 ) ++it; return ( *it )->h; } void QTextParagraph::lineInfo( int l, int &y, int &h, int &bl ) const { if ( l > (int)lineStarts.count() - 1 ) { tqWarning( "QTextParagraph::lineInfo: line %d out of range!", l ); tqDebug( "%d %d", (int)lineStarts.count() - 1, l ); y = 0; h = 15; bl = 10; return; } if ( !isValid() ) ( (QTextParagraph*)this )->format(); QMap::ConstIterator it = lineStarts.begin(); while ( l-- > 0 ) ++it; y = ( *it )->y; h = ( *it )->h; bl = ( *it )->baseLine; } void QTextParagraph::setAlignment( int a ) { if ( a == (int)align ) return; align = a; invalidate( 0 ); } QTextFormatter *QTextParagraph::formatter() const { if ( hasdoc ) return document()->formatter(); if ( pseudoDocument()->pFormatter ) return pseudoDocument()->pFormatter; return ( ( (QTextParagraph*)this )->pseudoDocument()->pFormatter = new QTextFormatterBreakWords ); } void QTextParagraph::setTabArray( int *a ) { delete [] tArray; tArray = a; } void QTextParagraph::setTabStops( int tw ) { if ( hasdoc ) document()->setTabStops( tw ); else tabStopWidth = tw; } QMap &QTextParagraph::selections() const { if ( !mSelections ) ((QTextParagraph *)this)->mSelections = new QMap; return *mSelections; } #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCUSTOMITEM QPtrList &QTextParagraph::floatingItems() const { if ( !mFloatingItems ) ((QTextParagraph *)this)->mFloatingItems = new QPtrList; return *mFloatingItems; } #endif QTextStringChar::~QTextStringChar() { if ( format() ) format()->removeRef(); if ( type ) // not Regular delete d.custom; } QTextParagraphPseudoDocument::QTextParagraphPseudoDocument():pFormatter(0),commandHistory(0), minw(0),wused(0),collection(){} QTextParagraphPseudoDocument::~QTextParagraphPseudoDocument(){ delete pFormatter; delete commandHistory; } #endif //QT_NO_RICHTEXT