** Definition of QSqlSelectCursor class
** Created : 2002-11-13
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the sql module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
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** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
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#include "qsqlselectcursor.h"
#include "qsqldriver.h"

#ifndef QT_NO_SQL

class QSqlSelectCursorPrivate
    QSqlSelectCursorPrivate() : populated( FALSE ) {}
    QString query;
    bool populated : 1;

    \class QSqlSelectCursor qsqlselectcursor.h
    \brief The QSqlSelectCursor class provides browsing of general SQL
    SELECT statements.

    \ingroup database
    \module sql

    QSqlSelectCursor is a convenience class that makes it possible to
    display result sets from general SQL \c SELECT statements in
    data-aware Qt widgets. QSqlSelectCursor is read-only and does not
    support \c INSERT, \c UPDATE or \c DELETE operations.

    Pass the query in at construction time, or use the
    QSqlSelectCursor::exec() function.

    QSqlSelectCursor* cur = new QSqlSelectCursor( "SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM author" );
    QDataTable* table = new QDataTable( this );
    table->setSqlCursor( cur, TRUE, TRUE );
    cur->exec( "SELECT * FROM books" );

    Constructs a read only cursor on database \a db using the query \a query.
QSqlSelectCursor::QSqlSelectCursor( const QString& query, QSqlDatabase* db )
    : QSqlCursor( QString::null, FALSE, db )
    d = new QSqlSelectCursorPrivate;
    d->query = query;
    QSqlCursor::setMode( ReadOnly );
    if ( !query.isNull() )
	exec( query );

/*! Constructs a copy of \a other */
QSqlSelectCursor::QSqlSelectCursor( const QSqlSelectCursor& other )
    : QSqlCursor( other )
    d = new QSqlSelectCursorPrivate;
    d->query = other.d->query;
    d->populated = other.d->populated;

/*! Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */
    delete d;

/*! \reimp */
bool QSqlSelectCursor::exec( const QString& query )
    d->query = query;
    bool ret = QSqlCursor::exec( query );
    if ( ret ) {
    return ret;

/*! \fn bool QSqlSelectCursor::select()

/*! \reimp */
bool QSqlSelectCursor::select( const QString&, const QSqlIndex& )
    bool ret = QSqlCursor::exec( d->query );
    if ( ret && !d->populated )
    return ret;

/*! \internal */
void QSqlSelectCursor::populateCursor()
    QSqlRecordInfo inf = driver()->recordInfo( *(QSqlQuery*)this );
    for ( QSqlRecordInfo::const_iterator it = inf.begin(); it != inf.end(); ++it )
	QSqlCursor::append( *it );
    d->populated = TRUE;

/*! \fn QSqlIndex QSqlSelectCursor::primaryIndex( bool ) const

/*! \fn QSqlIndex QSqlSelectCursor::index( const QStringList& ) const

/*! \fn QSqlIndex QSqlSelectCursor::index( const QString& ) const

/*! \fn QSqlIndex QSqlSelectCursor::index( const char* ) const

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setPrimaryIndex( const QSqlIndex& )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::append( const QSqlFieldInfo& )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::insert( int, const QSqlFieldInfo& )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::remove( int )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::clear()

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setGenerated( const QString&, bool )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setGenerated( int, bool )

/*! \fn QSqlRecord* QSqlSelectCursor::editBuffer( bool )

/*! \fn QSqlRecord* QSqlSelectCursor::primeInsert()

/*! \fn QSqlRecord* QSqlSelectCursor::primeUpdate()

/*! \fn QSqlRecord* QSqlSelectCursor::primeDelete()

/*! \fn int QSqlSelectCursor::insert( bool )

/*! \fn int QSqlSelectCursor::update( bool )

/*! \fn int QSqlSelectCursor::del( bool )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setMode( int )

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setSort( const QSqlIndex& )

/*! \fn QSqlIndex QSqlSelectCursor::sort() const

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setFilter( const QString& )

/*! \fn QString QSqlSelectCursor::filter() const

/*! \fn void QSqlSelectCursor::setName( const QString&, bool )

/*! \fn QString QSqlSelectCursor::name() const

/*! \fn QString QSqlSelectCursor::toString( const QString&, const QString& ) const
#endif // QT_NO_SQL