** Implementation of QDomDocument and related classes.
** Created : 000518
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the xml module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/.
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview
** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com.
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
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** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.

#include "qdom.h"

#ifndef QT_NO_DOM

#include "qxml.h"
#include "qptrlist.h"
#include "qdict.h"
#include "qtextstream.h"
#include "qtextcodec.h"
#include "qiodevice.h"
#include "qregexp.h"
#include "qbuffer.h"

  ### old todo comments -- I don't know if they still apply...

  If the document dies, remove all pointers to it from children
  which can not be deleted at this time.

  If a node dies and has direct children which can not be deleted,
  then remove the pointer to the parent.

  createElement and friends create double reference counts.

  Reference counting:

  Some simple rules:
  1) If an intern object returns a pointer to another intern object
     then the reference count of the returned object is not increased.
  2) If an extern object is created and gets a pointer to some intern
     object, then the extern object increases the intern objects reference count.
  3) If an extern object is deleted, then it decreases the reference count
     on its associated intern object and deletes it if nobody else hold references
     on the intern object.

  Helper to split a qualified name in the prefix and local name.
static void qt_split_namespace( QString& prefix, QString& name, const QString& qName, bool hasURI )
    int i = qName.find( ':' );
    if ( i == -1 ) {
	if ( hasURI )
	    prefix = "";
	    prefix = QString::null;
	name = qName;
    } else {
	prefix = qName.left( i );
	name = qName.mid( i + 1 );

  Counter for the QDomNodeListPrivate timestamps.
static volatile long qt_nodeListTime = 0;

 * Private class declerations

class QDomImplementationPrivate : public QShared

    QDomImplementationPrivate* clone();


class QDomNodePrivate : public QShared
    QDomNodePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent = 0 );
    QDomNodePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep );
    virtual ~QDomNodePrivate();

    QString nodeName() const { return name; }
    QString nodeValue() const { return value; }
    virtual void setNodeValue( const QString& v ) { value = v; }

    QDomDocumentPrivate* ownerDocument();
    void setOwnerDocument( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc );

    virtual QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* attributes();
    virtual bool hasAttributes() { return FALSE; }
    virtual QDomNodePrivate* insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
    virtual QDomNodePrivate* insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
    virtual QDomNodePrivate* replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
    virtual QDomNodePrivate* removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
    virtual QDomNodePrivate* appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild );

    QDomNodePrivate* namedItem( const QString& name );

    virtual QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    virtual void normalize();
    virtual void clear();

    QDomNodePrivate* parent() { return hasParent ? ownerNode : 0; }
    void setParent( QDomNodePrivate *p ) { ownerNode = p; hasParent = TRUE; }
    void setNoParent() {
	ownerNode = hasParent ? (QDomNodePrivate*)ownerDocument() : 0;
	hasParent = FALSE;

    // Dynamic cast
    virtual bool isAttr() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isCDATASection() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isDocumentFragment() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isDocument() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isDocumentType() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isElement() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isEntityReference() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isText() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isEntity() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isNotation() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isProcessingInstruction() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isCharacterData() { return FALSE; }
    virtual bool isComment() { return FALSE; }
    virtual QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::BaseNode; }

    virtual void save( QTextStream&, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    QDomNodePrivate* prev;
    QDomNodePrivate* next;
    QDomNodePrivate* ownerNode; // either the node's parent or the node's owner document
    QDomNodePrivate* first;
    QDomNodePrivate* last;

    QString name; // this is the local name if prefix != null
    QString value;
    QString prefix; // set this only for ElementNode and AttributeNode
    QString namespaceURI; // set this only for ElementNode and AttributeNode
    bool createdWithDom1Interface;
    bool hasParent;

class QDomNodeListPrivate : public QShared
    QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* );
    QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate*, const QString&  );
    QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate*, const QString&, const QString&  );
    virtual ~QDomNodeListPrivate();

    virtual bool operator== ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& ) const;
    virtual bool operator!= ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& ) const;

    void createList();
    virtual QDomNodePrivate* item( int index );
    virtual uint length() const;

    QDomNodePrivate* node_impl;
    QString tagname;
    QString nsURI;
    QPtrList<QDomNodePrivate> list;
    long timestamp;

class QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate : public QShared
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* );

    QDomNodePrivate* namedItem( const QString& name ) const;
    QDomNodePrivate* namedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const;
    QDomNodePrivate* setNamedItem( QDomNodePrivate* arg );
    QDomNodePrivate* setNamedItemNS( QDomNodePrivate* arg );
    QDomNodePrivate* removeNamedItem( const QString& name );
    QDomNodePrivate* item( int index ) const;
    uint length() const;
    bool contains( const QString& name ) const;
    bool containsNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString & localName ) const;

     * Remove all children from the map.
    void clearMap();
    bool isReadOnly() { return readonly; }
    void setReadOnly( bool r ) { readonly = r; }
    bool isAppendToParent() { return appendToParent; }
     * If TRUE, then the node will redirect insert/remove calls
     * to its parent by calling QDomNodePrivate::appendChild or removeChild.
     * In addition the map wont increase or decrease the reference count
     * of the nodes it contains.
     * By default this value is FALSE and the map will handle reference counting
     * by itself.
    void setAppendToParent( bool b ) { appendToParent = b; }

     * Creates a copy of the map. It is a deep copy
     * that means that all children are cloned.
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* clone( QDomNodePrivate* parent );

    // Variables
    QDict<QDomNodePrivate> map;
    QDomNodePrivate* parent;
    bool readonly;
    bool appendToParent;

class QDomDocumentTypePrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent = 0 );
    QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* n, bool deep );
    void init();

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    QDomNodePrivate* insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
    QDomNodePrivate* insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
    QDomNodePrivate* replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
    QDomNodePrivate* removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
    QDomNodePrivate* appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild );

    bool isDocumentType() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::DocumentTypeNode; }

    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* entities;
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* notations;
    QString publicId;
    QString systemId;
    QString internalSubset;

class QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent = 0 );
    QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isDocumentFragment() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode; }

class QDomCharacterDataPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& data );
    QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomCharacterDataPrivate* n, bool deep );

    uint dataLength() const;
    QString substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count ) const;
    void appendData( const QString& arg );
    void insertData( unsigned long offset, const QString& arg );
    void deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count );
    void replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const QString& arg );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    bool isCharacterData() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::CharacterDataNode; }
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );


class QDomTextPrivate : public QDomCharacterDataPrivate
    QDomTextPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value );
    QDomTextPrivate( QDomTextPrivate* n, bool deep );

    QDomTextPrivate* splitText( int offset );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isText() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::TextNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;


class QDomAttrPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate*, const QString& name );
    QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate*, const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
    QDomAttrPrivate( QDomAttrPrivate* n, bool deep );

    bool specified() const;

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    void setNodeValue( const QString& v );
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isAttr() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::AttributeNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    bool m_specified;

class QDomElementPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name );
    QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
    QDomElementPrivate( QDomElementPrivate* n, bool deep );

    QString attribute( const QString& name,  const QString& defValue ) const;
    QString attributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& defValue ) const;
    void setAttribute( const QString& name, const QString& value );
    void setAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName, const QString& newValue );
    void removeAttribute( const QString& name );
    QDomAttrPrivate* attributeNode( const QString& name);
    QDomAttrPrivate* attributeNodeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName );
    QDomAttrPrivate* setAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr );
    QDomAttrPrivate* setAttributeNodeNS( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr );
    QDomAttrPrivate* removeAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* oldAttr );
    bool hasAttribute( const QString& name );
    bool hasAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName );

    QString text();

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* attributes() { return m_attr; }
    bool hasAttributes() { return ( m_attr->length() > 0 ); }
    bool isElement() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::ElementNode; }
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* m_attr;

class QDomCommentPrivate : public QDomCharacterDataPrivate
    QDomCommentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value );
    QDomCommentPrivate( QDomCommentPrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isComment() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::CommentNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;


class QDomCDATASectionPrivate : public QDomTextPrivate
    QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value );
    QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomCDATASectionPrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isCDATASection() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::CDATASectionNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;


class QDomNotationPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNotationPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name,
			  const QString& pub, const QString& sys );
    QDomNotationPrivate( QDomNotationPrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isNotation() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::NotationNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    QString m_sys;
    QString m_pub;

class QDomEntityPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomEntityPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name,
			const QString& pub, const QString& sys, const QString& notation );
    QDomEntityPrivate( QDomEntityPrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isEntity() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::EntityNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    QString m_sys;
    QString m_pub;
    QString m_notationName;

class QDomEntityReferencePrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name );
    QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isEntityReference() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

class QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& target,
				       const QString& data);
    QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* n, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isProcessingInstruction() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode; }
    void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;

class QDomDocumentPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
    QDomDocumentPrivate( const QString& name );
    QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* dt );
    QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* n, bool deep );

    bool setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn );
    bool setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, QXmlReader *reader, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn );

    // Attributes
    QDomDocumentTypePrivate* doctype() { return type; };
    QDomImplementationPrivate* implementation() { return impl; };
    QDomElementPrivate* documentElement();

    // Factories
    QDomElementPrivate* createElement( const QString& tagName );
    QDomElementPrivate*	createElementNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
    QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* createDocumentFragment();
    QDomTextPrivate* createTextNode( const QString& data );
    QDomCommentPrivate* createComment( const QString& data );
    QDomCDATASectionPrivate* createCDATASection( const QString& data );
    QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* createProcessingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data );
    QDomAttrPrivate* createAttribute( const QString& name );
    QDomAttrPrivate* createAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
    QDomEntityReferencePrivate* createEntityReference( const QString& name );

    QDomNodePrivate* importNode( const QDomNodePrivate* importedNode, bool deep );

    // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
    QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
    bool isDocument() { return TRUE; }
    QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::DocumentNode; }
    void clear();
    void save( QTextStream&, int, int ) const;

    // Variables
    QDomImplementationPrivate* impl;
    QDomDocumentTypePrivate* type;

 * QDomHandler

class QDomHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
    QDomHandler( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, bool namespaceProcessing );

    // content handler
    bool endDocument();
    bool startElement( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts );
    bool endElement( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName );
    bool characters( const QString& ch );
    bool processingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data );
    bool skippedEntity( const QString& name );

    // error handler
    bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception );

    // lexical handler
    bool startCDATA();
    bool endCDATA();
    bool startEntity( const QString & );
    bool endEntity( const QString & );
    bool startDTD( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId );
    bool comment( const QString& ch );

    // decl handler
    bool externalEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId ) ;

    // DTD handler
    bool notationDecl( const QString & name, const QString & publicId, const QString & systemId );
    bool unparsedEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId, const QString &notationName ) ;

    QString errorMsg;
    int errorLine;
    int errorColumn;

    QDomDocumentPrivate *doc;
    QDomNodePrivate *node;
    QString entityName;
    bool cdata;
    bool nsProcessing;

 * QDomImplementationPrivate



QDomImplementationPrivate* QDomImplementationPrivate::clone()
    QDomImplementationPrivate* p = new QDomImplementationPrivate;
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

 * QDomImplementation

    \class QDomImplementation qdom.h
    \brief The QDomImplementation class provides information about the
    features of the DOM implementation.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    This class describes the features that are supported by the DOM
    implementation. Currently the XML subset of DOM Level 1 and DOM
    Level 2 Core are supported.

    Normally you will use the function QDomDocument::implementation()
    to get the implementation object.

    You can create a new document type with createDocumentType() and a
    new document with createDocument().

    For further information about the Document Object Model see \link
    http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and \link
    http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink. For a more general
    introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument

    \sa hasFeature()

    Constructs a QDomImplementation object.
    impl = 0;

    Constructs a copy of \a x.
QDomImplementation::QDomImplementation( const QDomImplementation& x )
    impl = x.impl;
    if ( impl )

QDomImplementation::QDomImplementation( QDomImplementationPrivate* p )
    // We want to be co-owners, so increase the reference count
    impl = p;
    if (impl)

    Assigns \a x to this DOM implementation.
QDomImplementation& QDomImplementation::operator= ( const QDomImplementation& x )
    if ( x.impl )
	x.impl->ref(); // avoid x=x
    if ( impl && impl->deref() )
	delete impl;
    impl = x.impl;

    return *this;

    Returns TRUE if \a x and this DOM implementation object were
    created from the same QDomDocument; otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomImplementation::operator==( const QDomImplementation& x ) const
    return ( impl == x.impl );

    Returns TRUE if \a x and this DOM implementation object were
    created from different QDomDocuments; otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomImplementation::operator!=( const QDomImplementation& x ) const
    return ( impl != x.impl );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.
    if ( impl && impl->deref() )
	delete impl;

    The function returns TRUE if QDom implements the requested \a
    version of a \a feature; otherwise returns FALSE.

    The currently supported features and their versions:
    \header \i Feature \i Version
    \row \i XML \i 1.0
bool QDomImplementation::hasFeature( const QString& feature, const QString& version )
    if ( feature == "XML" ) {
	if ( version.isEmpty() || version == "1.0" ) {
	    return TRUE;
    // ### add DOM level 2 features
    return FALSE;

    Creates a document type node for the name \a qName.

    \a publicId specifies the public identifier of the external
    subset. If you specify QString::null as the \a publicId, this
    means that the document type has no public identifier.

    \a systemId specifies the system identifier of the external
    subset. If you specify QString::null as the \a systemId, this
    means that the document type has no system identifier.

    Since you cannot have a public identifier without a system
    identifier, the public identifier is set to QString::null if there
    is no system identifier.

    DOM level 2 does not support any other document type declaration

    The only way you can use a document type that was created this
    way, is in combination with the createDocument() function to
    create a QDomDocument with this document type.

    \sa createDocument();
QDomDocumentType QDomImplementation::createDocumentType( const QString& qName, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId )
    QDomDocumentTypePrivate *dt = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( 0 );
    dt->name = qName;
    if ( systemId.isNull() ) {
	dt->publicId = QString::null;
	dt->systemId = QString::null;
    } else {
	dt->publicId = publicId;
	dt->systemId = systemId;
    return QDomDocumentType( dt );

    Creates a DOM document with the document type \a doctype. This
    function also adds a root element node with the qualified name \a
    qName and the namespace URI \a nsURI.
QDomDocument QDomImplementation::createDocument( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName, const QDomDocumentType& doctype )
    QDomDocument doc( doctype );
    QDomElement root = doc.createElementNS( nsURI, qName );
    doc.appendChild( root );
    return doc;

    Returns FALSE if the object was created by
    QDomDocument::implementation(); otherwise returns TRUE.
bool QDomImplementation::isNull()
    return ( impl == 0 );

 * QDomNodeListPrivate

QDomNodeListPrivate::QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n_impl )
    node_impl = n_impl;
    if ( node_impl )
    timestamp = -1;

QDomNodeListPrivate::QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n_impl, const QString& name )
    node_impl = n_impl;
    if ( node_impl )
    tagname = name;
    timestamp = -1;

QDomNodeListPrivate::QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n_impl, const QString& _nsURI, const QString& localName )
    node_impl = n_impl;
    if ( node_impl )
    tagname = localName;
    nsURI = _nsURI;
    timestamp = -1;

    if ( node_impl && node_impl->deref() )
	delete node_impl;

bool QDomNodeListPrivate::operator== ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& other ) const
    return ( node_impl == other.node_impl ) && ( tagname == other.tagname ) ;

bool QDomNodeListPrivate::operator!= ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& other ) const
    return ( node_impl != other.node_impl ) || ( tagname != other.tagname ) ;

void QDomNodeListPrivate::createList()
    if ( !node_impl )
    timestamp = qt_nodeListTime;
    QDomNodePrivate* p = node_impl->first;

    if ( tagname.isNull() ) {
	while ( p ) {
	    list.append( p );
	    p = p->next;
    } else if ( nsURI.isNull() ) {
	while ( p && p != node_impl ) {
	    if ( p->isElement() && p->nodeName() == tagname ) {
		list.append( p );
	    if ( p->first )
		p = p->first;
	    else if ( p->next )
		p = p->next;
	    else {
		p = p->parent();
		while ( p && p != node_impl && !p->next )
		    p = p->parent();
		if ( p && p != node_impl )
		    p = p->next;
    } else {
	while ( p && p != node_impl ) {
	    if ( p->isElement() && p->name==tagname && p->namespaceURI==nsURI ) {
		list.append( p );
	    if ( p->first )
		p = p->first;
	    else if ( p->next )
		p = p->next;
	    else {
		p = p->parent();
		while ( p && p != node_impl && !p->next )
		    p = p->parent();
		if ( p && p != node_impl )
		    p = p->next;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodeListPrivate::item( int index )
    if ( !node_impl )
	return 0;
    if ( timestamp < qt_nodeListTime )
    return list.at( index );

uint QDomNodeListPrivate::length() const
    if ( !node_impl )
	return 0;
    if ( timestamp < qt_nodeListTime ) {
	QDomNodeListPrivate *that = (QDomNodeListPrivate*)this;
    return list.count();

 * QDomNodeList

    \class QDomNodeList qdom.h
    \brief The QDomNodeList class is a list of QDomNode objects.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    Lists can be obtained by QDomDocument::elementsByTagName() and
    QDomNode::childNodes(). The Document Object Model (DOM) requires
    these lists to be "live": whenever you change the underlying
    document, the contents of the list will get updated.

    You can get a particular node from the list with item(). The
    number of items in the list is returned by count() (and by

    For further information about the Document Object Model see \link
    http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and \link
    http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink. For a more general
    introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument

    \sa QDomNode::childNodes() QDomDocument::elementsByTagName()

    Creates an empty node list.
    impl = 0;

QDomNodeList::QDomNodeList( QDomNodeListPrivate* p )
    impl = p;

    Constructs a copy of \a n.
QDomNodeList::QDomNodeList( const QDomNodeList& n )
    impl = n.impl;
    if ( impl )

    Assigns \a n to this node list.
QDomNodeList& QDomNodeList::operator= ( const QDomNodeList& n )
    if ( n.impl )
    if ( impl && impl->deref() )
	delete impl;
    impl = n.impl;

    return *this;

    Returns TRUE if the node list \a n and this node list are equal;
    otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomNodeList::operator== ( const QDomNodeList& n ) const
    if ( impl == n.impl )
	return TRUE;
    if ( !impl || !n.impl )
	return FALSE;
    return (*impl == *n.impl);

    Returns TRUE the node list \a n and this node list are not equal;
    otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomNodeList::operator!= ( const QDomNodeList& n ) const
    return !operator==(n);

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.
    if ( impl && impl->deref() )
	delete impl;

    Returns the node at position \a index.

    If \a index is negative or if \a index >= length() then a null
    node is returned (i.e. a node for which QDomNode::isNull() returns

    \sa count()
QDomNode QDomNodeList::item( int index ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();

    return QDomNode( impl->item( index ) );

    Returns the number of nodes in the list.

    This function is the same as count().
uint QDomNodeList::length() const
    if ( !impl )
	return 0;
    return impl->length();

    \fn uint QDomNodeList::count() const

    Returns the number of nodes in the list.

    This function is the same as length().

 * QDomNodePrivate

inline void QDomNodePrivate::setOwnerDocument( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc )
    ownerNode = doc;
    hasParent = FALSE;

QDomNodePrivate::QDomNodePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc, QDomNodePrivate *par )
    if ( par )
	setParent( par );
	setOwnerDocument( doc );
    prev = 0;
    next = 0;
    first = 0;
    last = 0;
    createdWithDom1Interface = TRUE;

QDomNodePrivate::QDomNodePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep )
    setOwnerDocument( n->ownerDocument() );
    prev = 0;
    next = 0;
    first = 0;
    last = 0;

    name = n->name;
    value = n->value;
    prefix = n->prefix;
    namespaceURI = n->namespaceURI;
    createdWithDom1Interface = n->createdWithDom1Interface;

    if ( !deep )

    for ( QDomNodePrivate* x = n->first; x; x = x->next )
	appendChild( x->cloneNode( TRUE ) );

    QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
    QDomNodePrivate* n;

    while ( p ) {
	n = p->next;
	if ( p->deref() )
	    delete p;
	p = n;

    first = 0;
    last = 0;

void QDomNodePrivate::clear()
    QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
    QDomNodePrivate* n;

    while ( p ) {
	n = p->next;
	if ( p->deref() )
	    delete p;
	p = n;

    first = 0;
    last = 0;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::namedItem( const QString& n )
    QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
    while ( p ) {
	if ( p->nodeName() == n )
	    return p;
	p = p->next;

    return 0;

QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* QDomNodePrivate::attributes()
    return 0;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
    // Error check
    if ( !newChild )
	return 0;

    // Error check
    if ( newChild == refChild )
	return 0;

    // Error check
    if ( refChild && refChild->parent() != this )
	return 0;

    // "mark lists as dirty"

    // Special handling for inserting a fragment. We just insert
    // all elements of the fragment instead of the fragment itself.
    if ( newChild->isDocumentFragment() ) {
	// Fragment is empty ?
	if ( newChild->first == 0 )
	    return newChild;

	// New parent
	QDomNodePrivate* n = newChild->first;
	while ( n )  {
	    n->setParent( this );
	    n = n->next;

	// Insert at the beginning ?
	if ( !refChild || refChild->prev == 0 ) {
	    if ( first )
		first->prev = newChild->last;
	    newChild->last->next = first;
	    if ( !last )
		last = newChild->last;
	    first = newChild->first;
	} else {
	    // Insert in the middle
	    newChild->last->next = refChild;
	    newChild->first->prev = refChild->prev;
	    refChild->prev->next = newChild->first;
	    refChild->prev = newChild->last;

	// No need to increase the reference since QDomDocumentFragment
	// does not decrease the reference.

	// Remove the nodes from the fragment
	newChild->first = 0;
	newChild->last = 0;
	return newChild;

    // No more errors can occur now, so we take
    // ownership of the node.

    if ( newChild->parent() )
	newChild->parent()->removeChild( newChild );

    newChild->setParent( this );

    if ( !refChild ) {
	if ( first )
	    first->prev = newChild;
	newChild->next = first;
	if ( !last )
	    last = newChild;
	first = newChild;
	return newChild;

    if ( refChild->prev == 0 ) {
	if ( first )
	    first->prev = newChild;
	newChild->next = first;
	if ( !last )
	    last = newChild;
	first = newChild;
	return newChild;

    newChild->next = refChild;
    newChild->prev = refChild->prev;
    refChild->prev->next = newChild;
    refChild->prev = newChild;

    return newChild;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
    // Error check
    if ( !newChild )
	return 0;

    // Error check
    if ( newChild == refChild )
	return 0;

    // Error check
    if ( refChild && refChild->parent() != this )
	return 0;

    // "mark lists as dirty"

    // Special handling for inserting a fragment. We just insert
    // all elements of the fragment instead of the fragment itself.
    if ( newChild->isDocumentFragment() ) {
	// Fragment is empty ?
	if ( newChild->first == 0 )
	    return newChild;

	// New parent
	QDomNodePrivate* n = newChild->first;
	while ( n ) {
	    n->setParent( this );
	    n = n->next;

	// Insert at the end
	if ( !refChild || refChild->next == 0 ) {
	    if ( last )
		last->next = newChild->first;
	    newChild->first->prev = last;
	    if ( !first )
		first = newChild->first;
	    last = newChild->last;
	} else { // Insert in the middle
	    newChild->first->prev = refChild;
	    newChild->last->next = refChild->next;
	    refChild->next->prev = newChild->last;
	    refChild->next = newChild->first;

	// No need to increase the reference since QDomDocumentFragment
	// does not decrease the reference.

	// Remove the nodes from the fragment
	newChild->first = 0;
	newChild->last = 0;
	return newChild;

    // Release new node from its current parent
    if ( newChild->parent() )
	newChild->parent()->removeChild( newChild );

    // No more errors can occur now, so we take
    // ownership of the node

    newChild->setParent( this );

    // Insert at the end
    if ( !refChild ) {
	if ( last )
	    last->next = newChild;
	newChild->prev = last;
	if ( !first )
	    first = newChild;
	last = newChild;
	return newChild;

    if ( refChild->next == 0 ) {
	if ( last )
	    last->next = newChild;
	newChild->prev = last;
	if ( !first )
	    first = newChild;
	last = newChild;
	return newChild;

    newChild->prev = refChild;
    newChild->next = refChild->next;
    refChild->next->prev = newChild;
    refChild->next = newChild;

    return newChild;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
    if ( oldChild->parent() != this )
	return 0;
    if ( !newChild || !oldChild )
	return 0;
    if ( newChild == oldChild )
	return 0;

    // mark lists as dirty

    // Special handling for inserting a fragment. We just insert
    // all elements of the fragment instead of the fragment itself.
    if ( newChild->isDocumentFragment() ) {
	// Fragment is empty ?
	if ( newChild->first == 0 )
	    return newChild;

	// New parent
	QDomNodePrivate* n = newChild->first;
	while ( n ) {
	    n->setParent( this );
	    n = n->next;

	if ( oldChild->next )
	    oldChild->next->prev = newChild->last;
	if ( oldChild->prev )
	    oldChild->prev->next = newChild->first;

	newChild->last->next = oldChild->next;
	newChild->first->prev = oldChild->prev;

	if ( first == oldChild )
	    first = newChild->first;
	if ( last == oldChild )
	    last = newChild->last;

	oldChild->next = 0;
	oldChild->prev = 0;

	// No need to increase the reference since QDomDocumentFragment
	// does not decrease the reference.

	// Remove the nodes from the fragment
	newChild->first = 0;
	newChild->last = 0;

	// We are no longer interested in the old node
	if ( oldChild ) oldChild->deref();

	return oldChild;

    // No more errors can occur now, so we take
    // ownership of the node

    // Release new node from its current parent
    if ( newChild->parent() )
	newChild->parent()->removeChild( newChild );

    newChild->setParent( this );

    if ( oldChild->next )
	oldChild->next->prev = newChild;
    if ( oldChild->prev )
	oldChild->prev->next = newChild;

    newChild->next = oldChild->next;
    newChild->prev = oldChild->prev;

    if ( first == oldChild )
	first = newChild;
    if ( last == oldChild )
	last = newChild;

    oldChild->next = 0;
    oldChild->prev = 0;

    // We are no longer interested in the old node
    if ( oldChild ) oldChild->deref();

    return oldChild;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
    // Error check
    if ( oldChild->parent() != this )
	return 0;

    // "mark lists as dirty"

    // Perhaps oldChild was just created with "createElement" or that. In this case
    // its parent is QDomDocument but it is not part of the documents child list.
    if ( oldChild->next == 0 && oldChild->prev == 0 && first != oldChild )
	return 0;

    if ( oldChild->next )
	oldChild->next->prev = oldChild->prev;
    if ( oldChild->prev )
	oldChild->prev->next = oldChild->next;

    if ( last == oldChild )
	last = oldChild->prev;
    if ( first == oldChild )
	first = oldChild->next;

    oldChild->next = 0;
    oldChild->prev = 0;

    // We are no longer interested in the old node
    if ( oldChild ) oldChild->deref();

    return oldChild;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild )
    // No reference manipulation needed. Done in insertAfter.
    return insertAfter( newChild, 0 );

QDomDocumentPrivate* QDomNodePrivate::ownerDocument()
    QDomNodePrivate* p = this;
    while ( p && !p->isDocument() ) {
	if ( !p->hasParent )
	    return (QDomDocumentPrivate*)p->ownerNode;
	p = p->parent();

    return (QDomDocumentPrivate*)p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::cloneNode( bool deep )
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomNodePrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

static void qNormalizeNode( QDomNodePrivate* n )
    QDomNodePrivate* p = n->first;
    QDomTextPrivate* t = 0;

    while ( p ) {
	if ( p->isText() ) {
	    if ( t ) {
		QDomNodePrivate* tmp = p->next;
		t->appendData( p->nodeValue() );
		n->removeChild( p );
		p = tmp;
	    } else {
		t = (QDomTextPrivate*)p;
		p = p->next;
	} else {
	    p = p->next;
	    t = 0;
void QDomNodePrivate::normalize()
    // ### This one has moved from QDomElementPrivate to this position. It is
    // not tested.
    qNormalizeNode( this );

void QDomNodePrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int depth, int indent ) const
    const QDomNodePrivate* n = first;
    while ( n ) {
	n->save( s, depth, indent );
	n = n->next;

 * QDomNode

#define IMPL ((QDomNodePrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomNode qdom.h
    \brief The QDomNode class is the base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    Many functions in the DOM return a QDomNode.

    You can find out the type of a node using isAttr(),
    isCDATASection(), isDocumentFragment(), isDocument(),
    isDocumentType(), isElement(), isEntityReference(), isText(),
    isEntity(), isNotation(), isProcessingInstruction(),
    isCharacterData() and isComment().

    A QDomNode can be converted into one of its subclasses using
    toAttr(), toCDATASection(), toDocumentFragment(), toDocument(),
    toDocumentType(), toElement(), toEntityReference(), toText(),
    toEntity(), toNotation(), toProcessingInstruction(),
    toCharacterData() or toComment(). You can convert a node to a null
    node with clear().

    Copies of the QDomNode class share their data using explicit
    sharing. This means that modifying one node will change all
    copies. This is especially useful in combination with functions
    which return a QDomNode, e.g. firstChild(). You can make an
    independent (deep) copy of the node with cloneNode().

    Nodes are inserted with insertBefore(), insertAfter() or
    appendChild(). You can replace one node with another using
    replaceChild() and remove a node with removeChild().

    To traverse nodes use firstChild() to get a node's first child (if
    any), and nextSibling() to traverse. QDomNode also provides
    lastChild(), previousSibling() and parentNode(). To find the first
    child node with a particular node name use namedItem().

    To find out if a node has children use hasChildNodes() and to get
    a list of all of a node's children use childNodes().

    The node's name and value (the meaning of which varies depending
    on its type) is returned by nodeName() and nodeValue()
    respectively. The node's type is returned by nodeType(). The
    node's value can be set with setNodeValue().

    The document to which the node belongs is returned by

    Adjacent QDomText nodes can be merged into a single node with

    \l QDomElement nodes have attributes which can be retrieved with

    QDomElement and QDomAttr nodes can have namespaces which can be
    retrieved with namespaceURI(). Their local name is retrieved with
    localName(), and their prefix with prefix(). The prefix can be set
    with setPrefix().

    You can write the XML representation of the node to a text stream
    with save().

    The following example looks for the first element in an XML document and
    prints the names of all the elements that are its direct children.
    QDomDocument d;
    d.setContent( someXML );
    QDomNode n = d.firstChild();
    while ( !n.isNull() ) {
	if ( n.isElement() ) {
	    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
	    cout << "Element name: " << e.tagName() << endl;
	n = n.nextSibling();

    For further information about the Document Object Model see \link
    http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and \link
    http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink. For a more general
    introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument

    Constructs a \link isNull() null\endlink node.
    impl = 0;

    Constructs a copy of \a n.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomNode::QDomNode( const QDomNode& n )
    impl = n.impl;
    if ( impl ) impl->ref();

/*!  \internal
  Constructs a new node for the data \a n.
QDomNode::QDomNode( QDomNodePrivate* n )
    impl = n;
    if ( impl ) impl->ref();

    Assigns a copy of \a n to this DOM node.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomNode& QDomNode::operator= ( const QDomNode& n )
    if ( n.impl ) n.impl->ref();
    if ( impl && impl->deref() ) delete impl;
    impl = n.impl;

    return *this;

    Returns TRUE if \a n and this DOM node are equal; otherwise
    returns FALSE.
bool QDomNode::operator== ( const QDomNode& n ) const
    return ( impl == n.impl );

    Returns TRUE if \a n and this DOM node are not equal; otherwise
    returns FALSE.
bool QDomNode::operator!= ( const QDomNode& n ) const
    return ( impl != n.impl );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.
    if ( impl && impl->deref() ) delete impl;

    Returns the name of the node.

    The meaning of the name depends on the subclass:
    \header \i Name \i Meaning
    \row \i QDomAttr \i The name of the attribute
    \row \i QDomCDATASection \i The string "#cdata-section"
    \row \i QDomComment \i The string "#comment"
    \row \i QDomDocument \i The string "#document"
    \row \i QDomDocumentFragment \i The string "#document-fragment"
    \row \i QDomDocumentType \i The name of the document type
    \row \i QDomElement \i The tag name
    \row \i QDomEntity \i The name of the entity
    \row \i QDomEntityReference \i The name of the referenced entity
    \row \i QDomNotation \i The name of the notation
    \row \i QDomProcessingInstruction \i The target of the processing instruction
    \row \i QDomText \i The string "#text"

    \sa nodeValue()
QString QDomNode::nodeName() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;

    if ( !IMPL->prefix.isEmpty() )
	return IMPL->prefix + ":" + IMPL->name;
    return IMPL->name;

    Returns the value of the node.

    The meaning of the value depends on the subclass:
    \header \i Name \i Meaning
    \row \i QDomAttr \i The attribute value
    \row \i QDomCDATASection \i The content of the CDATA section
    \row \i QDomComment \i The comment
    \row \i QDomProcessingInstruction \i The data of the processing intruction
    \row \i QDomText \i The text

    All the other subclasses do not have a node value and will return

    \sa setNodeValue() nodeName()
QString QDomNode::nodeValue() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->value;

    Sets the node's value to \a v.

    \sa nodeValue()
void QDomNode::setNodeValue( const QString& v )
    if ( !impl )
    IMPL->setNodeValue( v );

    \enum QDomNode::NodeType

    This enum defines the type of the node:
    \value ElementNode
    \value AttributeNode
    \value TextNode
    \value CDATASectionNode
    \value EntityReferenceNode
    \value EntityNode
    \value ProcessingInstructionNode
    \value CommentNode
    \value DocumentNode
    \value DocumentTypeNode
    \value DocumentFragmentNode
    \value NotationNode
    \value BaseNode  A QDomNode object, i.e. not a QDomNode subclass.
    \value CharacterDataNode

    Returns the type of the node.

    \sa toAttr(), toCDATASection(), toDocumentFragment(),
    toDocument() toDocumentType(), toElement(), toEntityReference(),
    toText(), toEntity() toNotation(), toProcessingInstruction(),
    toCharacterData(), toComment()
QDomNode::NodeType QDomNode::nodeType() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode::BaseNode;
    return IMPL->nodeType();

    Returns the parent node. If this node has no parent, a null node
    is returned (i.e. a node for which isNull() returns TRUE).
QDomNode QDomNode::parentNode() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->parent() );

    Returns a list of all direct child nodes.

    Most often you will call this function on a QDomElement object.

    For example, if the XML document looks like this:
    <p>Hello <b>you</b></p>
    Then the list of child nodes for the "body"-element will contain
    the node created by the &lt;h1&gt; tag and the node created by the
    &lt;p&gt; tag.

    The nodes in the list are not copied; so changing the nodes in the
    list will also change the children of this node.

    \sa firstChild() lastChild()
QDomNodeList QDomNode::childNodes() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNodeList();
    return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl ) );

    Returns the first child of the node. If there is no child node, a
    \link isNull() null node\endlink is returned. Changing the
    returned node will also change the node in the document tree.

    \sa lastChild() childNodes()
QDomNode QDomNode::firstChild() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->first );

    Returns the last child of the node. If there is no child node, a
    \link isNull() null node\endlink is returned. Changing the
    returned node will also change the node in the document tree.

    \sa firstChild() childNodes()
QDomNode QDomNode::lastChild() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->last );

    Returns the previous sibling in the document tree. Changing the
    returned node will also change the node in the document tree.

    For example, if you have XML like this:
    <p>The text...</p>
    <h2>Next heading</h2>
    and this QDomNode represents the &lt;p&gt; tag, previousSibling()
    will return the node representing the &lt;h1&gt; tag.

    \sa nextSibling()
QDomNode QDomNode::previousSibling() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->prev );

    Returns the next sibling in the document tree. Changing the
    returned node will also change the node in the document tree.

    If you have XML like this:
    <p>The text...</p>
    <h2>Next heading</h2>
    and this QDomNode represents the &lt;p&gt; tag, nextSibling() will
    return the node representing the &lt;h2&gt; tag.

    \sa previousSibling()
QDomNode QDomNode::nextSibling() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->next );

    Returns a named node map of all attributes. Attributes are only
    provided for \l{QDomElement}s.

    Changing the attributes in the map will also change the attributes
    of this QDomNode.
QDomNamedNodeMap QDomNode::attributes() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNamedNodeMap();

    return QDomNamedNodeMap( impl->attributes() );

    Returns the document to which this node belongs.
QDomDocument QDomNode::ownerDocument() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomDocument();
    return QDomDocument( IMPL->ownerDocument() );

    Creates a deep (not shallow) copy of the QDomNode.

    If \a deep is TRUE, then the cloning is done recursively which
    means that all the node's children are deep copied too. If \a deep
    is FALSE only the node itself is copied and the copy will have no
    child nodes.
QDomNode QDomNode::cloneNode( bool deep ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->cloneNode( deep ) );

    Calling normalize() on an element converts all its children into a
    standard form. This means that adjacent QDomText objects will be
    merged into a single text object (QDomCDATASection nodes are not
void QDomNode::normalize()
    if ( !impl )

    Returns TRUE if the DOM implementation implements the feature \a
    feature and this feature is supported by this node in the version
    \a version; otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa QDomImplementation::hasFeature()
bool QDomNode::isSupported( const QString& feature, const QString& version ) const
    QDomImplementation i;
    return i.hasFeature( feature, version );

    Returns the namespace URI of this node or QString::null if the
    node has no namespace URI.

    Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
    \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
    namespaces. A namespace URI must be specified at creation time and
    cannot be changed later.

    \sa prefix() localName() QDomDocument::createElementNS()
QString QDomNode::namespaceURI() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->namespaceURI;

    Returns the namespace prefix of the node or QString::null if the
    node has no namespace prefix.

    Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
    \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
    namespaces. A namespace prefix must be specified at creation time.
    If a node was created with a namespace prefix, you can change it
    later with setPrefix().

    If you create an element or attribute with
    QDomDocument::createElement() or QDomDocument::createAttribute(),
    the prefix will be QString::null. If you use
    QDomDocument::createElementNS() or
    QDomDocument::createAttributeNS() instead, the prefix will not be
    QString::null; but it might be an empty string if the name does
    not have a prefix.

    \sa setPrefix() localName() namespaceURI()
    QDomDocument::createElementNS() QDomDocument::createAttributeNS()
QString QDomNode::prefix() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->prefix;

    If the node has a namespace prefix, this function changes the
    namespace prefix of the node to \a pre. Otherwise this function
    does nothing.

    Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
    \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
    namespaces. A namespace prefix must have be specified at creation
    time; it is not possible to add a namespace prefix afterwards.

    \sa prefix() localName() namespaceURI()
    QDomDocument::createElementNS() QDomDocument::createAttributeNS()
void QDomNode::setPrefix( const QString& pre )
    if ( !impl || IMPL->prefix.isNull() )
    if ( isAttr() || isElement() )
	IMPL->prefix = pre;

    If the node uses namespaces, this function returns the local name
    of the node; otherwise it returns QString::null.

    Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
    \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
    namespaces. A namespace must have been specified at creation time;
    it is not possible to add a namespace afterwards.

    \sa prefix() namespaceURI() QDomDocument::createElementNS()
QString QDomNode::localName() const
    if ( !impl || IMPL->createdWithDom1Interface )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->name;

    Returns TRUE if the node has attributes; otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa attributes()
bool QDomNode::hasAttributes() const
    if ( !impl )
	return FALSE;
    return IMPL->hasAttributes();

    Inserts the node \a newChild before the child node \a refChild.
    \a refChild must be a direct child of this node. If \a refChild is
    \link isNull() null\endlink then \a newChild is inserted as the
    node's first child.

    If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
    this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
    position in the list of children is changed.

    If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then the children of the
    fragment are removed from the fragment and inserted before \a

    Returns a new reference to \a newChild on success or a \link
    isNull() null node\endlink on failure.

    \sa insertAfter() replaceChild() removeChild() appendChild()
QDomNode QDomNode::insertBefore( const QDomNode& newChild, const QDomNode& refChild )
    if ( !impl ) {
        if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
            impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
            return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->insertBefore( newChild.impl, refChild.impl ) );

    Inserts the node \a newChild after the child node \a refChild. \a
    refChild must be a direct child of this node. If \a refChild is
    \link isNull() null\endlink then \a newChild is appended as this
    node's last child.

    If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
    this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
    position in the list of children is changed.

    If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then the children of the
    fragment are removed from the fragment and inserted after \a

    Returns a new reference to \a newChild on success or a \link
    isNull() null node\endlink on failure.

    \sa insertBefore() replaceChild() removeChild() appendChild()
QDomNode QDomNode::insertAfter( const QDomNode& newChild, const QDomNode& refChild )
    if ( !impl ) {
        if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
            impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
            return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->insertAfter( newChild.impl, refChild.impl ) );

    Replaces \a oldChild with \a newChild. \a oldChild must be a
    direct child of this node.

    If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
    this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
    position in the list of children is changed.

    If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then \a oldChild is
    replaced by all of the children of the fragment.

    Returns a new reference to \a oldChild on success or a \link
    isNull() null node\endlink an failure.

    \sa insertBefore() insertAfter() removeChild() appendChild()
QDomNode QDomNode::replaceChild( const QDomNode& newChild, const QDomNode& oldChild )
    if ( !impl ) {
        if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
            impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
            return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->replaceChild( newChild.impl, oldChild.impl ) );

    Removes \a oldChild from the list of children. \a oldChild must be
    a direct child of this node.

    Returns a new reference to \a oldChild on success or a \link
    isNull() null node\endlink on failure.

    \sa insertBefore() insertAfter() replaceChild() appendChild()
QDomNode QDomNode::removeChild( const QDomNode& oldChild )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();

    if ( oldChild.isNull() )
	return QDomNode();

    return QDomNode( IMPL->removeChild( oldChild.impl ) );

    Appends \a newChild as the node's last child.

    If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
    this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
    position in the list of children is changed.

    If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then the children of the
    fragment are removed from the fragment and appended.

    Returns a new reference to \a newChild.

    \sa insertBefore() insertAfter() replaceChild() removeChild()
QDomNode QDomNode::appendChild( const QDomNode& newChild )
    if ( !impl ) {
        if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
            impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
            return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->appendChild( newChild.impl ) );

    Returns TRUE if the node has one or more children; otherwise
    returns FALSE.
bool QDomNode::hasChildNodes() const
    if ( !impl )
	return FALSE;
    return IMPL->first != 0;

    Returns TRUE if this node is null (i.e. if it has no type or
    contents); otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomNode::isNull() const
    return ( impl == 0 );

    Converts the node into a null node; if it was not a null node
    before, its type and contents are deleted.

    \sa isNull()
void QDomNode::clear()
    if ( impl && impl->deref() ) delete impl;
    impl = 0;

    Returns the first direct child node for which nodeName() equals \a

    If no such direct child exists, a \link isNull() null node\endlink
    is returned.

    \sa nodeName()
QDomNode QDomNode::namedItem( const QString& name ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( impl->namedItem( name ) );

    Writes the XML representation of the node and all its children to
    the stream \a str. This function uses \a indent as the amount of
    space to indent the node.
void QDomNode::save( QTextStream& str, int indent ) const
    if ( impl )
	IMPL->save( str, 1, indent );

    \relates QDomNode

    Writes the XML representation of the node \a node and all its
    children to the stream \a str.
QTextStream& operator<<( QTextStream& str, const QDomNode& node )
    node.save( str, 1 );

    return str;

    Returns TRUE if the node is an attribute; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomAttribute; you can get the QDomAttribute with

    \sa toAttr()
bool QDomNode::isAttr() const
	return impl->isAttr();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a CDATA section; otherwise returns

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomCDATASection; you can get the QDomCDATASection with

    \sa toCDATASection()
bool QDomNode::isCDATASection() const
	return impl->isCDATASection();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a document fragment; otherwise returns

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomDocumentFragment; you can get the QDomDocumentFragment
    with toDocumentFragment().

    \sa toDocumentFragment()
bool QDomNode::isDocumentFragment() const
	return impl->isDocumentFragment();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a document; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomDocument; you can get the QDomDocument with toDocument().

    \sa toDocument()
bool QDomNode::isDocument() const
	return impl->isDocument();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a document type; otherwise returns

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomDocumentType; you can get the QDomDocumentType with

    \sa toDocumentType()
bool QDomNode::isDocumentType() const
	return impl->isDocumentType();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is an element; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomElement; you can get the QDomElement with toElement().

    \sa toElement()
bool QDomNode::isElement() const
	return impl->isElement();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is an entity reference; otherwise returns

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomEntityReference; you can get the QDomEntityReference with

    \sa toEntityReference()
bool QDomNode::isEntityReference() const
	return impl->isEntityReference();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a text node; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomText; you can get the QDomText with toText().

    \sa toText()
bool QDomNode::isText() const
	return impl->isText();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is an entity; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomEntity; you can get the QDomEntity with toEntity().

    \sa toEntity()
bool QDomNode::isEntity() const
	return impl->isEntity();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a notation; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomNotation; you can get the QDomNotation with toNotation().

    \sa toNotation()
bool QDomNode::isNotation() const
	return impl->isNotation();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a processing instruction; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomProcessingInstruction; you can get the
    QProcessingInstruction with toProcessingInstruction().

    \sa toProcessingInstruction()
bool QDomNode::isProcessingInstruction() const
	return impl->isProcessingInstruction();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a character data node; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomCharacterData; you can get the QDomCharacterData with

    \sa toCharacterData()
bool QDomNode::isCharacterData() const
	return impl->isCharacterData();
    return FALSE;

    Returns TRUE if the node is a comment; otherwise returns FALSE.

    If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
    is a QDomComment; you can get the QDomComment with toComment().

    \sa toComment()
bool QDomNode::isComment() const
	return impl->isComment();
    return FALSE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate

QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n )
    readonly = FALSE;
    parent = n;
    appendToParent = FALSE;


QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::clone( QDomNodePrivate* p )
    QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* m = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( p );
    m->readonly = readonly;
    m->appendToParent = appendToParent;

    QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it ( map );
    for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
	m->setNamedItem( it.current()->cloneNode() );

    // we are no longer interested in ownership
    return m;

void QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::clearMap()
    // Dereference all of our children if we took references
    if ( !appendToParent ) {
	QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( map );
	for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
	    if ( it.current()->deref() )
		delete it.current();


QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::namedItem( const QString& name ) const
    QDomNodePrivate* p = map[ name ];
    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::namedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
    QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( map );
    QDomNodePrivate *n = it.current();
    while ( n ) {
	if ( !n->prefix.isNull() ) {
	    // node has a namespace
	    if ( n->namespaceURI==nsURI && n->name==localName ) {
		return n;
	n = it.current();
    return 0;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::setNamedItem( QDomNodePrivate* arg )
    if ( readonly || !arg )
	return 0;

    if ( appendToParent )
	return parent->appendChild( arg );

    QDomNodePrivate *n = map[ arg->nodeName() ];
    // We take a reference
    map.insert( arg->nodeName(), arg );
    return n;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::setNamedItemNS( QDomNodePrivate* arg )
    if ( readonly || !arg )
	return 0;

    if ( appendToParent )
	return parent->appendChild( arg );

    if ( !arg->prefix.isNull() ) {
	// node has a namespace
	QDomNodePrivate *n = namedItemNS( arg->namespaceURI, arg->name );
	// We take a reference
	map.insert( arg->nodeName(), arg );
	return n;
    } else {
	// ### check the following code if it is ok
	return setNamedItem( arg );

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::removeNamedItem( const QString& name )
    if ( readonly )
	return 0;

    QDomNodePrivate* p = namedItem( name );
    if ( p == 0 )
	return 0;
    if ( appendToParent )
	return parent->removeChild( p );

    map.remove( p->nodeName() );
    // We took a reference, so we have to free one here
    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::item( int index ) const
    if ( (uint)index >= length() )
	return 0;

    QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( map );
    for ( int i = 0; i < index; ++i, ++it )
    return it.current();

uint QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::length() const
    return map.count();

bool QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::contains( const QString& name ) const
    return ( map[ name ] != 0 );

bool QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::containsNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString & localName ) const
    return ( namedItemNS( nsURI, localName ) != 0 );

 * QDomNamedNodeMap

#define IMPL ((QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomNamedNodeMap qdom.h
    \brief The QDomNamedNodeMap class contains a collection of nodes
    that can be accessed by name.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    Note that QDomNamedNodeMap does not inherit from QDomNodeList.
    QDomNamedNodeMaps do not provide any specific node ordering.
    Although nodes in a QDomNamedNodeMap may be accessed by an ordinal
    index, this is simply to allow a convenient enumeration of the
    contents of a QDomNamedNodeMap, and does not imply that the DOM
    specifies an ordering of the nodes.

    The QDomNamedNodeMap is used in three places:
    \list 1
    \i QDomDocumentType::entities() returns a map of all entities
	described in the DTD.
    \i QDomDocumentType::notations() returns a map of all notations
	described in the DTD.
    \i QDomNode::attributes() returns a map of all attributes of an

    Items in the map are identified by the name which QDomNode::name()
    returns. Nodes are retrieved using namedItem(), namedItemNS() or
    item(). New nodes are inserted with setNamedItem() or
    setNamedItemNS() and removed with removeNamedItem() or
    removeNamedItemNS(). Use contains() to see if an item with the
    given name is in the named node map. The number of items is
    returned by length().

    Terminology: in this class we use "item" and "node"

    Constructs an empty named node map.
    impl = 0;

    Constructs a copy of \a n.
QDomNamedNodeMap::QDomNamedNodeMap( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n )
    impl = n.impl;
    if ( impl )

QDomNamedNodeMap::QDomNamedNodeMap( QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* n )
    impl = n;
    if ( impl )

    Assigns \a n to this named node map.
QDomNamedNodeMap& QDomNamedNodeMap::operator= ( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n )
    if ( impl && impl->deref() )
	delete impl;
    impl = n.impl;
    if ( impl )

    return *this;

    Returns TRUE if \a n and this named node map are equal; otherwise
    returns FALSE.
bool QDomNamedNodeMap::operator== ( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n ) const
    return ( impl == n.impl );

    Returns TRUE if \a n and this named node map are not equal;
    otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomNamedNodeMap::operator!= ( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n ) const
    return ( impl != n.impl );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.
    if ( impl && impl->deref() )
	delete impl;

    Returns the node called \a name.

    If the named node map does not contain such a node, a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink is returned. A node's name is
    the name returned by QDomNode::nodeName().

    \sa setNamedItem() namedItemNS()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::namedItem( const QString& name ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->namedItem( name ) );

    Inserts the node \a newNode into the named node map. The name used
    by the map is the node name of \a newNode as returned by

    If the new node replaces an existing node, i.e. the map contains a
    node with the same name, the replaced node is returned.

    \sa namedItem() removeNamedItem() setNamedItemNS()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::setNamedItem( const QDomNode& newNode )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->setNamedItem( (QDomNodePrivate*)newNode.impl ) );

    Removes the node called \a name from the map.

    The function returns the removed node or a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink if the map did not contain a
    node called \a name.

    \sa setNamedItem() namedItem() removeNamedItemNS()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::removeNamedItem( const QString& name )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->removeNamedItem( name ) );

    Retrieves the node at position \a index.

    This can be used to iterate over the map. Note that the nodes in
    the map are ordered arbitrarily.

    \sa length()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::item( int index ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->item( index ) );

    Returns the node associated with the local name \a localName and
    the namespace URI \a nsURI.

    If the map does not contain such a node, a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink is returned.

    \sa setNamedItemNS() namedItem()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::namedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName ) );

    Inserts the node \a newNode in the map. If a node with the same
    namespace URI and the same local name already exists in the map,
    it is replaced by \a newNode. If the new node replaces an existing
    node, the replaced node is returned.

    \sa namedItemNS() removeNamedItemNS() setNamedItem()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::setNamedItemNS( const QDomNode& newNode )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->setNamedItemNS( (QDomNodePrivate*)newNode.impl ) );

    Removes the node with the local name \a localName and the
    namespace URI \a nsURI from the map.

    The function returns the removed node or a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink if the map did not contain a
    node with the local name \a localName and the namespace URI \a

    \sa setNamedItemNS() namedItemNS() removeNamedItem()
QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::removeNamedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNode();
    QDomNodePrivate *n = IMPL->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
    if ( !n )
	return QDomNode();
    return QDomNode( IMPL->removeNamedItem( n->name ) );

    Returns the number of nodes in the map.

    \sa item()
uint QDomNamedNodeMap::length() const
    if ( !impl )
	return 0;
    return IMPL->length();

    \fn uint QDomNamedNodeMap::count() const

    Returns the number of nodes in the map.

    This function is the same as length().

    Returns TRUE if the map contains a node called \a name; otherwise
    returns FALSE.
bool QDomNamedNodeMap::contains( const QString& name ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return FALSE;
    return IMPL->contains( name );

#undef IMPL

 * QDomDocumentTypePrivate

QDomDocumentTypePrivate::QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc, QDomNodePrivate* parent )
    : QDomNodePrivate( doc, parent )

QDomDocumentTypePrivate::QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
    // Refill the maps with our new children
    QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
    while ( p ) {
	if ( p->isEntity() )
	    // Dont use normal insert function since we would create infinite recursion
	    entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
	if ( p->isNotation() )
	    // Dont use normal insert function since we would create infinite recursion
	    notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );

    if ( entities->deref() )
	delete entities;
    if ( notations->deref() )
	delete notations;

void QDomDocumentTypePrivate::init()
    entities = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );
    notations = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );
    publicId = QString::null;
    systemId = QString::null;
    internalSubset = QString::null;

    entities->setAppendToParent( TRUE );
    notations->setAppendToParent( TRUE );

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
    // Call the origianl implementation
    QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::insertBefore( newChild, refChild );
    // Update the maps
    if ( p && p->isEntity() )
	entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
    else if ( p && p->isNotation() )
	notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );

    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
    // Call the origianl implementation
    QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::insertAfter( newChild, refChild );
    // Update the maps
    if ( p && p->isEntity() )
	entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
    else if ( p && p->isNotation() )
	notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );

    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
    // Call the origianl implementation
    QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::replaceChild( newChild, oldChild );
    // Update the maps
    if ( p ) {
	if ( oldChild && oldChild->isEntity() )
	    entities->map.remove( oldChild->nodeName() );
	else if ( oldChild && oldChild->isNotation() )
	    notations->map.remove( oldChild->nodeName() );

	if ( p->isEntity() )
	    entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
	else if ( p->isNotation() )
	    notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );

    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
    // Call the origianl implementation
    QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::removeChild(  oldChild );
    // Update the maps
    if ( p && p->isEntity() )
	entities->map.remove( p->nodeName() );
    else if ( p && p->isNotation() )
	notations->map.remove( p ->nodeName() );

    return p;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild )
    return insertAfter( newChild, 0 );

void QDomDocumentTypePrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int indent ) const
    if ( name.isEmpty() )

    s << "<!DOCTYPE " << name;

    if ( !publicId.isNull() ) {
	s << " PUBLIC \"" << publicId << "\"";
	if ( !systemId.isNull() )
	    s << " \"" << systemId << "\"";
    } else if ( !systemId.isNull() ) {
	s << " SYSTEM \"" << systemId << "\"";

    if ( entities->length()>0 || notations->length()>0 ) {
	s << " [ " << endl;

	QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it2( notations->map );
	for ( ; it2.current(); ++it2 )
	    it2.current()->save( s, 0, indent );

	QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( entities->map );
	for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
	    it.current()->save( s, 0, indent );

	s << " ]";

    s << ">" << endl;

 * QDomDocumentType

#define IMPL ((QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomDocumentType qdom.h
    \brief The QDomDocumentType class is the representation of the DTD
    in the document tree.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    The QDomDocumentType class allows read-only access to some of the
    data structures in the DTD: it can return a map of all entities()
    and notations(). In addition the function name() returns the name
    of the document type as specified in the &lt;!DOCTYPE name&gt;
    tag. This class also provides the publicId(), systemId() and
    internalSubset() functions.

    \sa QDomDocument

    Creates an empty QDomDocumentType object.
QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType() : QDomNode()

    Constructs a copy of \a n.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType( const QDomDocumentType& n )
    : QDomNode( n )

QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a n to this document type.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomDocumentType& QDomDocumentType::operator= ( const QDomDocumentType& n )
    return (QDomDocumentType&) QDomNode::operator=( n );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns the name of the document type as specified in the
    &lt;!DOCTYPE name&gt; tag.

    \sa nodeName()
QString QDomDocumentType::name() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;

    return IMPL->nodeName();

    Returns a map of all entities described in the DTD.
QDomNamedNodeMap QDomDocumentType::entities() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNamedNodeMap();
    return QDomNamedNodeMap( IMPL->entities );

    Returns a map of all notations described in the DTD.
QDomNamedNodeMap QDomDocumentType::notations() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNamedNodeMap();
    return QDomNamedNodeMap( IMPL->notations );

    Returns the public identifier of the external DTD subset or
    QString::null if there is no public identifier.

    \sa systemId() internalSubset() QDomImplementation::createDocumentType()
QString QDomDocumentType::publicId() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->publicId;

    Returns the system identifier of the external DTD subset or
    QString::null if there is no system identifier.

    \sa publicId() internalSubset() QDomImplementation::createDocumentType()
QString QDomDocumentType::systemId() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->systemId;

    Returns the internal subset of the document type or QString::null
    if there is no internal subset.

    \sa publicId() systemId()
QString QDomDocumentType::internalSubset() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->internalSubset;

    Returns \c DocumentTypeNode.

    \sa isDocumentType() QDomNode::toDocumentType()
QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocumentType::nodeType() const
    return DocumentTypeNode;

    This function overloads QDomNode::isDocumentType().

    \sa nodeType() QDomNode::toDocumentType()
bool QDomDocumentType::isDocumentType() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate

QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate::QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc, QDomNodePrivate* parent )
    : QDomNodePrivate( doc, parent )
    name = "#document-fragment";

QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate::QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

 * QDomDocumentFragment

#define IMPL ((QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomDocumentFragment qdom.h
    \brief The QDomDocumentFragment class is a tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    If you want to do complex tree operations it is useful to have a
    lightweight class to store nodes and their relations.
    QDomDocumentFragment stores a subtree of a document which does not
    necessarily represent a well-formed XML document.

    QDomDocumentFragment is also useful if you want to group several
    nodes in a list and insert them all together as children of some
    node. In these cases QDomDocumentFragment can be used as a
    temporary container for this list of children.

    The most important feature of QDomDocumentFragment is that it is
    treated in a special way by QDomNode::insertAfter(),
    QDomNode::insertBefore(), QDomNode::replaceChild() and
    QDomNode::appendChild(): instead of inserting the fragment itself, all
    the fragment's children are inserted.

    Constructs an empty document fragment.

QDomDocumentFragment::QDomDocumentFragment( QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomDocumentFragment::QDomDocumentFragment( const QDomDocumentFragment& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM document fragment.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomDocumentFragment& QDomDocumentFragment::operator= ( const QDomDocumentFragment& x )
    return (QDomDocumentFragment&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c DocumentFragment.

    \sa isDocumentFragment() QDomNode::toDocumentFragment()
QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocumentFragment::nodeType() const
    return QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode;

    This function reimplements QDomNode::isDocumentFragment().

    \sa nodeType() QDomNode::toDocumentFragment()
bool QDomDocumentFragment::isDocumentFragment() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomCharacterDataPrivate

QDomCharacterDataPrivate::QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p,
						      const QString& data )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
    value = data;

    name = "#character-data";

QDomCharacterDataPrivate::QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomCharacterDataPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomCharacterDataPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep )
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomCharacterDataPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

uint QDomCharacterDataPrivate::dataLength() const
    return value.length();

QString QDomCharacterDataPrivate::substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long n ) const
    return value.mid( offset, n );

void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::insertData( unsigned long offset, const QString& arg )
    value.insert( offset, arg );

void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long n )
    value.remove( offset, n );

void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long n, const QString& arg )
    value.replace( offset, n, arg );

void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::appendData( const QString& arg )
    value += arg;

 * QDomCharacterData

#define IMPL ((QDomCharacterDataPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomCharacterData qdom.h
    \brief The QDomCharacterData class represents a generic string in the DOM.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    Character data as used in XML specifies a generic data string.
    More specialized versions of this class are QDomText, QDomComment
    and QDomCDATASection.

    The data string is set with setData() and retrieved with data().
    You can retrieve a portion of the data string using
    substringData(). Extra data can be appended with appendData(), or
    inserted with insertData(). Portions of the data string can be
    deleted with deleteData() or replaced with replaceData(). The
    length of the data string is returned by length().

    The node type of the node containing this character data is
    returned by nodeType().

    \sa QDomText QDomComment QDomCDATASection

    Constructs an empty character data object.

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomCharacterData::QDomCharacterData( const QDomCharacterData& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomCharacterData::QDomCharacterData( QDomCharacterDataPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this character data.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomCharacterData& QDomCharacterData::operator= ( const QDomCharacterData& x )
    return (QDomCharacterData&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns the string stored in this object.

    If the node is a \link isNull() null node\endlink, it will return
QString QDomCharacterData::data() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return impl->nodeValue();

    Sets this object's string to \a v.
void QDomCharacterData::setData( const QString& v )
    if ( impl )
	impl->setNodeValue( v );

    Returns the length of the stored string.
uint QDomCharacterData::length() const
    if ( impl )
	return IMPL->dataLength();
    return 0;

    Returns the substring of length \a count from position \a offset.
QString QDomCharacterData::substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count )
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->substringData( offset, count );

    Appends the string \a arg to the stored string.
void QDomCharacterData::appendData( const QString& arg )
    if ( impl )
	IMPL->appendData( arg );

    Inserts the string \a arg into the stored string at position \a offset.
void QDomCharacterData::insertData( unsigned long offset, const QString& arg )
    if ( impl )
	IMPL->insertData( offset, arg );

    Deletes a substring of length \a count from position \a offset.
void QDomCharacterData::deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count )
    if ( impl )
	IMPL->deleteData( offset, count );

    Replaces the substring of length \a count starting at position \a
    offset with the string \a arg.
void QDomCharacterData::replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const QString& arg )
    if ( impl )
	IMPL->replaceData( offset, count, arg );

    Returns the type of node this object refers to (i.e. \c TextNode,
    \c CDATASectionNode, \c CommentNode or \c CharacterDataNode). For
    a \link isNull() null node\endlink \c CharacterDataNode is
QDomNode::NodeType QDomCharacterData::nodeType() const
    if( !impl )
	return CharacterDataNode;
    return QDomNode::nodeType();

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomCharacterData::isCharacterData() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomAttrPrivate

QDomAttrPrivate::QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name_ )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
    name = name_;
    m_specified = FALSE;

QDomAttrPrivate::QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p, const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
    qt_split_namespace( prefix, name, qName, !nsURI.isNull() );
    namespaceURI = nsURI;
    createdWithDom1Interface = FALSE;
    m_specified = FALSE;

QDomAttrPrivate::QDomAttrPrivate( QDomAttrPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
    m_specified = n->specified();


void QDomAttrPrivate::setNodeValue( const QString& v )
    value = v;
    QDomTextPrivate *t = new QDomTextPrivate( 0, this, v );
    // keep the refcount balanced: appendChild() does a ref() anyway.
    if ( first ) {
	delete removeChild( first );
    appendChild( t );

QDomNodePrivate* QDomAttrPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep )
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomAttrPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

bool QDomAttrPrivate::specified() const
    return m_specified;

static bool isXmlChar(const QChar &c)
    // Characters in this range must be accepted by XML parsers.
    // Consequently characters outside of this range need to be escaped.

    ushort uc = c.unicode();

    return uc == 0x9
            || uc == 0xA
            || uc == 0xD
            || ( 0x20 <= uc && uc <= 0xD7FF )
            || ( 0xE000 <= uc && uc <= 0xFFFD );

  Encode an attribute value upon saving.
static QString encodeAttr( const QString& str )
    QString tmp( str );
    uint len = tmp.length();
    uint i = 0;
    while ( i < len ) {
	if ( tmp[(int)i] == '<' ) {
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&lt;" );
	    len += 3;
	    i += 4;
	} else if ( tmp[(int)i] == '"' ) {
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&quot;" );
	    len += 5;
	    i += 6;
	} else if ( tmp[(int)i] == '&' ) {
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&amp;" );
	    len += 4;
	    i += 5;
	} else if ( tmp[(int)i] == '>' && i>=2 && tmp[(int)i-1]==']' && tmp[(int)i-2]==']' ) {
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&gt;" );
	    len += 3;
	    i += 4;
        } else if (!isXmlChar(tmp[(int)i])) {
            QString repl = "&#x" + QString::number(tmp[(int)i].unicode(), 16) + ';';
            qWarning("QDom: saving invalid character %s, the document will not be well-formed", repl.latin1());
            tmp.replace(i, 1, repl);
            len += repl.length() - 1;
            i += repl.length();
        } else {

    return tmp;

void QDomAttrPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    if ( namespaceURI.isNull() ) {
	s << name << "=\"" << encodeAttr( value ) << "\"";
    } else {
	// ### optimize this (see comment of QDomElementPrivate::save()
	s << prefix << ":" << name << "=\"" << encodeAttr( value ) << "\""
	    << " xmlns:" << prefix << "=\"" << encodeAttr( namespaceURI ) << "\"";

 * QDomAttr

#define IMPL ((QDomAttrPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomAttr qdom.h
    \brief The QDomAttr class represents one attribute of a QDomElement.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    For example, the following piece of XML produces an element with
    no children, but two attributes:

    <link href="http://www.trolltech.com" color="red" />

    You can access the attributes of an element with code like this:

    QDomElement e = //...
    QDomAttr a = e.attributeNode( "href" );
    cout << a.value() << endl;                // prints "http://www.trolltech.com"
    a.setValue( "http://doc.trolltech.com" ); // change the node's attribute
    QDomAttr a2 = e.attributeNode( "href" );
    cout << a2.value() << endl;               // prints "http://doc.trolltech.com"

    This example also shows that changing an attribute received from
    an element changes the attribute of the element. If you do not
    want to change the value of the element's attribute you must
    use cloneNode() to get an independent copy of the attribute.

    QDomAttr can return the name() and value() of an attribute. An
    attribute's value is set with setValue(). If specified() returns
    TRUE the value was either set in the document or set with
    setValue(); otherwise the value hasn't been set. The node this
    attribute is attached to (if any) is returned by ownerElement().

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty attribute.

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomAttr::QDomAttr( const QDomAttr& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomAttr::QDomAttr( QDomAttrPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM attribute.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomAttr& QDomAttr::operator= ( const QDomAttr& x )
    return (QDomAttr&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns the attribute's name.
QString QDomAttr::name() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return impl->nodeName();

    Returns TRUE if the attribute has either been expicitly specified
    in the XML document or was set by the user with setValue().
    Returns FALSE if the value hasn't been specified or set.

    \sa setValue()
bool QDomAttr::specified() const
    if ( !impl )
	return FALSE;
    return IMPL->specified();

    Returns the element node this attribute is attached to or a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink if this attribute is not
    attached to any element.
QDomElement QDomAttr::ownerElement() const
    if ( !impl && !impl->parent()->isElement() )
	return QDomElement();
    return QDomElement( (QDomElementPrivate*)(impl->parent()) );

    Returns the value of the attribute or QString::null if the
    attribute has not been specified.

    \sa specified() setValue()
QString QDomAttr::value() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return impl->nodeValue();

    Sets the attribute's value to \a v.

    \sa value()
void QDomAttr::setValue( const QString& v )
    if ( !impl )
    impl->setNodeValue( v );
    IMPL->m_specified = TRUE;

    Returns \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomAttr::nodeType() const
    return AttributeNode;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomAttr::isAttr() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomElementPrivate

QDomElementPrivate::QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p,
					  const QString& tagname )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
    name = tagname;
    m_attr = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );

QDomElementPrivate::QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p,
	const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
    qt_split_namespace( prefix, name, qName, !nsURI.isNull() );
    namespaceURI = nsURI;
    createdWithDom1Interface = FALSE;
    m_attr = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );

QDomElementPrivate::QDomElementPrivate( QDomElementPrivate* n, bool deep ) :
    QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
    m_attr = n->m_attr->clone( this );
    // Reference is down to 0, so we set it to 1 here.

    if ( m_attr->deref() )
	delete m_attr;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomElementPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomElementPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

QString QDomElementPrivate::attribute( const QString& name_, const QString& defValue ) const
    QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItem( name_ );
    if ( !n )
	return defValue;

    return n->nodeValue();

QString QDomElementPrivate::attributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& defValue ) const
    QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
    if ( !n )
	return defValue;

    return n->nodeValue();

void QDomElementPrivate::setAttribute( const QString& aname, const QString& newValue )
    QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItem( aname );
    if ( !n ) {
	n = new QDomAttrPrivate( ownerDocument(), this, aname );
	n->setNodeValue( newValue );

	// Referencing is done by the map, so we set the reference counter back
	// to 0 here. This is ok since we created the QDomAttrPrivate.
	m_attr->setNamedItem( n );
    } else {
	n->setNodeValue( newValue );

void QDomElementPrivate::setAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName, const QString& newValue )
    QString prefix, localName;
    qt_split_namespace( prefix, localName, qName, TRUE );
    QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
    if ( !n ) {
	n = new QDomAttrPrivate( ownerDocument(), this, nsURI, qName );
	n->setNodeValue( newValue );

	// Referencing is done by the map, so we set the reference counter back
	// to 0 here. This is ok since we created the QDomAttrPrivate.
	m_attr->setNamedItem( n );
    } else {
	n->setNodeValue( newValue );
	n->prefix = prefix;

void QDomElementPrivate::removeAttribute( const QString& aname )
    QDomNodePrivate* p = m_attr->removeNamedItem( aname );
    if ( p && p->count == 0 )
	delete p;

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::attributeNode( const QString& aname )
    return (QDomAttrPrivate*)m_attr->namedItem( aname );

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::attributeNodeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
    return (QDomAttrPrivate*)m_attr->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::setAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr )
    QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItem( newAttr->nodeName() );

    // Referencing is done by the maps
    m_attr->setNamedItem( newAttr );

    return (QDomAttrPrivate*)n;

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::setAttributeNodeNS( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr )
    QDomNodePrivate* n = 0;
    if ( !newAttr->prefix.isNull() )
	n = m_attr->namedItemNS( newAttr->namespaceURI, newAttr->name );

    // Referencing is done by the maps
    m_attr->setNamedItem( newAttr );

    return (QDomAttrPrivate*)n;

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::removeAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* oldAttr )
    return (QDomAttrPrivate*)m_attr->removeNamedItem( oldAttr->nodeName() );

bool QDomElementPrivate::hasAttribute( const QString& aname )
    return m_attr->contains( aname );

bool QDomElementPrivate::hasAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
    return m_attr->containsNS( nsURI, localName );

QString QDomElementPrivate::text()
    QString t( "" );

    QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
    while ( p ) {
	if ( p->isText() || p->isCDATASection() )
	    t += p->nodeValue();
	else if ( p->isElement() )
	    t += ((QDomElementPrivate*)p)->text();
	p = p->next;

    return t;

void QDomElementPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int depth, int indent ) const
    if ( !( prev && prev->isText() ) )
	for ( int i = 0; i < depth*indent; ++i )
	    s << " ";

    QString qName( name );
    QString nsDecl( "" );
    if ( !namespaceURI.isNull() ) {
	// ### optimize this, so that you only declare namespaces that are not
	// yet declared -- we loose default namespace mappings, so maybe we
	// should rather store the information that we get from
	// startPrefixMapping()/endPrefixMapping() and use them (you have to
	// take care if the DOM tree is modified, though)
	if ( prefix.isEmpty() ) {
	    nsDecl = " xmlns";
	} else {
	    qName = prefix + ":" + name;
	    nsDecl = " xmlns:" + prefix;
	nsDecl += "=\"" + encodeAttr( namespaceURI ) + "\"";
    s << "<" << qName << nsDecl;

    if ( !m_attr->map.isEmpty() ) {
	s << " ";
	QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( m_attr->map );
	for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
	    it.current()->save( s, 0, indent );
	    s << " ";

    if ( last ) {
	// has child nodes
	if ( first->isText() )
	    s << ">";
	    s << ">" << endl;
	QDomNodePrivate::save( s, depth + 1, indent);
	if ( !last->isText() )
	    for( int i = 0; i < depth*indent; ++i )
		s << " ";

	s << "</" << qName << ">";
    } else {
	s << "/>";
    if ( !( next && next->isText() ) )
	s << endl;

 * QDomElement

#define IMPL ((QDomElementPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomElement qdom.h
    \brief The QDomElement class represents one element in the DOM tree.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    Elements have a tagName() and zero or more attributes associated
    with them. The tag name can be changed with setTagName().

    Element attributes are represented by QDomAttr objects that can
    be queried using the attribute() and attributeNode() functions.
    You can set attributes with the setAttribute() and
    setAttributeNode() functions. Attributes can be removed with
    removeAttribute(). There are namespace-aware equivalents to these
    functions, i.e. setAttributeNS(), setAttributeNodeNS() and

    If you want to access the text of a node use text(), e.g.
    QDomElement e = //...
    QString s = e.text()
    The text() function operates recursively to find the text (since
    not all elements contain text). If you want to find all the text
    in all of a node's children, iterate over the children looking for
    QDomText nodes, e.g.
    QString text;
    QDomElement element = doc.documentElement();
    for( QDomNode n = element.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
	QDomText t = n.toText();
	if ( !t.isNull() )
	    text += t.data();
    Note that we attempt to convert each node to a text node and use
    text() rather than using firstChild().toText().data() or
    n.toText().data() directly on the node, because the node may not
    be a text element.

    You can get a list of all the decendents of an element which have
    a specified tag name with elementsByTagName() or

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty element. Use the QDomDocument::createElement()
    function to construct elements with content.
    : QDomNode()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomElement::QDomElement( const QDomElement& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomElement::QDomElement( QDomElementPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM element.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomElement& QDomElement::operator= ( const QDomElement& x )
    return (QDomElement&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c ElementNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomElement::nodeType() const
    return ElementNode;

    Sets this element's tag name to \a name.

    \sa tagName()
void QDomElement::setTagName( const QString& name )
    if ( impl )
	impl->name = name;

    Returns the tag name of this element. For an XML element like this:
    <img src="myimg.png">
    the tagname would return "img".

    \sa setTagName()
QString QDomElement::tagName() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return impl->nodeName();

    Returns the attribute called \a name. If the attribute does not
    exist \a defValue is returned.

    \sa setAttribute() attributeNode() setAttributeNode() attributeNS()
QString QDomElement::attribute( const QString& name,  const QString& defValue ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return defValue;
    return IMPL->attribute( name, defValue );

    Adds an attribute called \a name with value \a value. If an
    attribute with the same name exists, its value is replaced by \a

    \sa attribute() setAttributeNode() setAttributeNS()
void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, const QString& value )
    if ( !impl )
    IMPL->setAttribute( name, value );

void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, int value )
    // ### 4.0: inline
    setAttribute( name, long(value) );

void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, uint value )
    // ### 4.0: inline
    setAttribute( name, ulong(value) );

void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, long value )
    if ( !impl )
    QString x;
    x.setNum( value );
    IMPL->setAttribute( name, x );

void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, ulong value )
    if ( !impl )
    QString x;
    x.setNum( value );
    IMPL->setAttribute( name, x );

void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, double value )
    if ( !impl )
    QString x;
    x.setNum( value );
    IMPL->setAttribute( name, x );

    Removes the attribute called name \a name from this element.

    \sa setAttribute() attribute() removeAttributeNS()
void QDomElement::removeAttribute( const QString& name )
    if ( !impl )
    IMPL->removeAttribute( name );

    Returns the QDomAttr object that corresponds to the attribute
    called \a name. If no such attribute exists a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null attribute\endlink is returned.

    \sa setAttributeNode() attribute() setAttribute() attributeNodeNS()
QDomAttr QDomElement::attributeNode( const QString& name)
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomAttr();
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->attributeNode( name ) );

    Adds the attribute \a newAttr to this element.

    If the element has another attribute that has the same name as \a
    newAttr, this function replaces that attribute and returns it;
    otherwise the function returns a \link QDomNode::isNull() null

    \sa attributeNode() setAttribute() setAttributeNodeNS()
QDomAttr QDomElement::setAttributeNode( const QDomAttr& newAttr )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomAttr();
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->setAttributeNode( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)newAttr.impl) ) );

    Removes the attribute \a oldAttr from the element and returns it.

    \sa attributeNode() setAttributeNode()
QDomAttr QDomElement::removeAttributeNode( const QDomAttr& oldAttr )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomAttr(); // ### should this return oldAttr?
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->removeAttributeNode( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)oldAttr.impl) ) );

    Returns a QDomNodeList containing all descendent elements of this
    element that are called \a tagname. The order they are in the node
    list is the order they are encountered in a preorder traversal of
    the element tree.

    \sa elementsByTagNameNS() QDomDocument::elementsByTagName()
QDomNodeList QDomElement::elementsByTagName( const QString& tagname ) const
    return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, tagname ) );

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomElement::isElement() const
    return TRUE;

    Returns a QDomNamedNodeMap containing all this element's attributes.

    \sa attribute() setAttribute() attributeNode() setAttributeNode()
QDomNamedNodeMap QDomElement::attributes() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomNamedNodeMap();
    return QDomNamedNodeMap( IMPL->attributes() );

    Returns TRUE if this element has an attribute called \a name;
    otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QDomElement::hasAttribute( const QString& name ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return FALSE;
    return IMPL->hasAttribute( name );

    Returns the attribute with the local name \a localName and the
    namespace URI \a nsURI. If the attribute does not exist \a
    defValue is returned.

    \sa setAttributeNS() attributeNodeNS() setAttributeNodeNS() attribute()
QString QDomElement::attributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& defValue ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return defValue;
    return IMPL->attributeNS( nsURI, localName, defValue );

    Adds an attribute with the qualified name \a qName and the
    namespace URI \a nsURI with the value \a value. If an attribute
    with the same local name and namespace URI exists, its prefix is
    replaced by the prefix of \a qName and its value is repaced by \a

    Although \a qName is the qualified name, the local name is used to
    decide if an existing attribute's value should be replaced.

    \sa attributeNS() setAttributeNodeNS() setAttribute()
void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, const QString& value )
    if ( !impl )
    IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, value );

void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, int value )
    // ### 4.0: inline
    setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, long(value) );

void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, uint value )
    // ### 4.0: inline
    setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, ulong(value) );

void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, long value )
    if ( !impl )
    QString x;
    x.setNum( value );
    IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, x );

void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, ulong value )
    if ( !impl )
    QString x;
    x.setNum( value );
    IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, x );

void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, double value )
    if ( !impl )
    QString x;
    x.setNum( value );
    IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, x );

    Removes the attribute with the local name \a localName and the
    namespace URI \a nsURI from this element.

    \sa setAttributeNS() attributeNS() removeAttribute()
void QDomElement::removeAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
    if ( !impl )
    QDomNodePrivate *n = IMPL->attributeNodeNS( nsURI, localName );
    if ( !n )
    IMPL->removeAttribute( n->nodeName() );

    Returns the QDomAttr object that corresponds to the attribute with
    the local name \a localName and the namespace URI \a nsURI. If no
    such attribute exists a \link QDomNode::isNull() null
    attribute\endlink is returned.

    \sa setAttributeNode() attribute() setAttribute() attributeNodeNS()
QDomAttr QDomElement::attributeNodeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomAttr();
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->attributeNodeNS( nsURI, localName ) );

    Adds the attribute \a newAttr to this element.

    If the element has another attribute that has the same local name
    and namespace URI as \a newAttr, this function replaces that
    attribute and returns it; otherwise the function returns a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null attribute\endlink.

    \sa attributeNodeNS() setAttributeNS() setAttributeNode()
QDomAttr QDomElement::setAttributeNodeNS( const QDomAttr& newAttr )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomAttr();
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->setAttributeNodeNS( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)newAttr.impl) ) );

    Returns a QDomNodeList containing all the descendent elements of
    this element with the local name \a localName and the namespace
    URI \a nsURI. The order they are in the node list is the order
    they are encountered in a preorder traversal of the element tree.

    \sa elementsByTagName() QDomDocument::elementsByTagNameNS()
QDomNodeList QDomElement::elementsByTagNameNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
    return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, nsURI, localName ) );

    Returns TRUE if this element has an attribute with the local name
    \a localName and the namespace URI \a nsURI; otherwise returns
bool QDomElement::hasAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
    if ( !impl )
	return FALSE;
    return IMPL->hasAttributeNS( nsURI, localName );

    Returns the element's text or QString::null.

    <h1>Hello <b>Qt</b> <![CDATA[<xml is cool>]]></h1>

    The function text() of the QDomElement for the &lt;h1&gt; tag,
    will return "Hello Qt &lt;xml is cool&gt;".

    Comments are ignored by this function. It only evaluates QDomText
    and QDomCDATASection objects.
QString QDomElement::text() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->text();

#undef IMPL

 * QDomTextPrivate

QDomTextPrivate::QDomTextPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value )
    : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( d, parent, value )
    name = "#text";

QDomTextPrivate::QDomTextPrivate( QDomTextPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomTextPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomTextPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

QDomTextPrivate* QDomTextPrivate::splitText( int offset )
    if ( !parent() ) {
	qWarning( "QDomText::splitText  The node has no parent. So I can not split" );
	return 0;

    QDomTextPrivate* t = new QDomTextPrivate( ownerDocument(), 0, value.mid( offset ) );
    value.truncate( offset );

    parent()->insertAfter( t, this );

    return t;

void QDomTextPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    s << encodeAttr( value );

 * QDomText

#define IMPL ((QDomTextPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomText qdom.h
    \brief The QDomText class represents text data in the parsed XML document.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    You can split the text in a QDomText object over two QDomText
    objecs with splitText().

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty QDomText object.

    To construct a QDomText with content, use QDomDocument::createTextNode().
    : QDomCharacterData()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomText::QDomText( const QDomText& x )
    : QDomCharacterData( x )

QDomText::QDomText( QDomTextPrivate* n )
    : QDomCharacterData( n )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM text.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomText& QDomText::operator= ( const QDomText& x )
    return (QDomText&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c TextNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomText::nodeType() const
    return TextNode;

    Splits this DOM text object into two QDomText objects. This object
    keeps its first \a offset characters and the second (newly
    created) object is inserted into the document tree after this
    object with the remaining characters.

    The function returns the newly created object.

    \sa QDomNode::normalize()
QDomText QDomText::splitText( int offset )
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomText();
    return QDomText( IMPL->splitText( offset ) );

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomText::isText() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomCommentPrivate

QDomCommentPrivate::QDomCommentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value )
    : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( d, parent, value )
    name = "#comment";

QDomCommentPrivate::QDomCommentPrivate( QDomCommentPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomCommentPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomCommentPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

void QDomCommentPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    s << "<!--" << value << "-->";

 * QDomComment

#define IMPL ((QDomCommentPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomComment qdom.h
    \brief The QDomComment class represents an XML comment.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    A comment in the parsed XML such as this:
    <!-- this is a comment -->
    is represented by QDomComment objects in the parsed Dom tree.

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty comment. To construct a comment with content,
    use the QDomDocument::createComment() function.
    : QDomCharacterData()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomComment::QDomComment( const QDomComment& x )
    : QDomCharacterData( x )

QDomComment::QDomComment( QDomCommentPrivate* n )
    : QDomCharacterData( n )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM comment.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomComment& QDomComment::operator= ( const QDomComment& x )
    return (QDomComment&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c CommentNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomComment::nodeType() const
    return CommentNode;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomComment::isComment() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomCDATASectionPrivate

QDomCDATASectionPrivate::QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent,
						    const QString& value )
    : QDomTextPrivate( d, parent, value )
    name = "#cdata-section";

QDomCDATASectionPrivate::QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomCDATASectionPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomTextPrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomCDATASectionPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomCDATASectionPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

void QDomCDATASectionPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    // ### How do we escape "]]>" ?
    // "]]>" is not allowed; so there should be none in value anyway
    s << "<![CDATA[" << value << "]]>";

 * QDomCDATASection

#define IMPL ((QDomCDATASectionPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomCDATASection qdom.h
    \brief The QDomCDATASection class represents an XML CDATA section.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing
    characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup. The only
    delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is the "]]&gt;"
    string that terminates the CDATA section. CDATA sections cannot be
    nested. Their primary purpose is for including material such as
    XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters.

    Adjacent QDomCDATASection nodes are not merged by the
    QDomNode::normalize() function.

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty CDATA section. To create a CDATA section with
    content, use the QDomDocument::createCDATASection() function.
    : QDomText()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomCDATASection::QDomCDATASection( const QDomCDATASection& x )
    : QDomText( x )

QDomCDATASection::QDomCDATASection( QDomCDATASectionPrivate* n )
    : QDomText( n )

    Assigns \a x to this CDATA section.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomCDATASection& QDomCDATASection::operator= ( const QDomCDATASection& x )
    return (QDomCDATASection&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c CDATASection.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomCDATASection::nodeType() const
    return CDATASectionNode;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomCDATASection::isCDATASection() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomNotationPrivate

QDomNotationPrivate::QDomNotationPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent,
					    const QString& aname,
					    const QString& pub, const QString& sys )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
    name = aname;
    m_pub = pub;
    m_sys = sys;

QDomNotationPrivate::QDomNotationPrivate( QDomNotationPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
    m_sys = n->m_sys;
    m_pub = n->m_pub;


QDomNodePrivate* QDomNotationPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomNotationPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

void QDomNotationPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    s << "<!NOTATION " << name << " ";
    if ( !m_pub.isNull() )  {
	s << "PUBLIC \"" << m_pub << "\"";
	if ( !m_sys.isNull() )
	    s << " \"" << m_sys << "\"";
    }  else {
	s << "SYSTEM \"" << m_sys << "\"";
    s << ">" << endl;

 * QDomNotation

#define IMPL ((QDomNotationPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomNotation qdom.h
    \brief The QDomNotation class represents an XML notation.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    A notation either declares, by name, the format of an unparsed
    entity (see section 4.7 of the XML 1.0 specification), or is used
    for formal declaration of processing instruction targets (see
    section 2.6 of the XML 1.0 specification).

    DOM does not support editing notation nodes; they are therefore

    A notation node does not have any parent.

    You can retrieve the publicId() and systemId() from a notation

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    : QDomNode()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomNotation::QDomNotation( const QDomNotation& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomNotation::QDomNotation( QDomNotationPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM notation.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomNotation& QDomNotation::operator= ( const QDomNotation& x )
    return (QDomNotation&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c NotationNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomNotation::nodeType() const
    return NotationNode;

    Returns the public identifier of this notation.
QString QDomNotation::publicId() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->m_pub;

    Returns the system identifier of this notation.
QString QDomNotation::systemId() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->m_sys;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomNotation::isNotation() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomEntityPrivate

QDomEntityPrivate::QDomEntityPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent,
					const QString& aname,
					const QString& pub, const QString& sys, const QString& notation )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
    name = aname;
    m_pub = pub;
    m_sys = sys;
    m_notationName = notation;

QDomEntityPrivate::QDomEntityPrivate( QDomEntityPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
    m_sys = n->m_sys;
    m_pub = n->m_pub;
    m_notationName = n->m_notationName;


QDomNodePrivate* QDomEntityPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomEntityPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

  Encode an entity value upon saving.
static QCString encodeEntity( const QCString& str )
    QCString tmp( str );
    uint len = tmp.length();
    uint i = 0;
    const char* d = tmp.data();
    while ( i < len ) {
	if ( d[i] == '%' ){
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&#60;" );
	    d = tmp.data();
	    len += 4;
	    i += 5;
	else if ( d[i] == '"' ) {
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&#34;" );
	    d = tmp.data();
	    len += 4;
	    i += 5;
	} else if ( d[i] == '&' && i + 1 < len && d[i+1] == '#' ) {
	    // Dont encode &lt; or &quot; or &custom;.
	    // Only encode character references
	    tmp.replace( i, 1, "&#38;" );
	    d = tmp.data();
	    len += 4;
	    i += 5;
	} else {

    return tmp;

void QDomEntityPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    if ( m_sys.isNull() && m_pub.isNull() ) {
	s << "<!ENTITY " << name << " \"" << encodeEntity( value.utf8() ) << "\">" << endl;
    } else {
	s << "<!ENTITY " << name << " ";
	if ( m_pub.isNull() ) {
	    s << "SYSTEM \"" << m_sys << "\"";
	} else {
	    s << "PUBLIC \"" << m_pub << "\" \"" << m_sys << "\"";
	if (! m_notationName.isNull() ) {
	    s << " NDATA " << m_notationName;
	s << ">" << endl;

 * QDomEntity

#define IMPL ((QDomEntityPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomEntity qdom.h
    \brief The QDomEntity class represents an XML entity.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    This class represents an entity in an XML document, either parsed
    or unparsed. Note that this models the entity itself not the
    entity declaration.

    DOM does not support editing entity nodes; if a user wants to make
    changes to the contents of an entity, every related
    QDomEntityReference node must be replaced in the DOM tree by a
    clone of the entity's contents, and then the desired changes must
    be made to each of the clones instead. All the descendents of an
    entity node are read-only.

    An entity node does not have any parent.

    You can access the entity's publicId(), systemId() and
    notationName() when available.

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty entity.
    : QDomNode()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomEntity::QDomEntity( const QDomEntity& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomEntity::QDomEntity( QDomEntityPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM entity.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomEntity& QDomEntity::operator= ( const QDomEntity& x )
    return (QDomEntity&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c EntityNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomEntity::nodeType() const
    return EntityNode;

    Returns the public identifier associated with this entity. If the
    public identifier was not specified QString::null is returned.
QString QDomEntity::publicId() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->m_pub;

    Returns the system identifier associated with this entity. If the
    system identifier was not specified QString::null is returned.
QString QDomEntity::systemId() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->m_sys;

    For unparsed entities this function returns the name of the
    notation for the entity. For parsed entities this function returns
QString QDomEntity::notationName() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return IMPL->m_notationName;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomEntity::isEntity() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomEntityReferencePrivate

QDomEntityReferencePrivate::QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& aname )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
    name = aname;

QDomEntityReferencePrivate::QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomEntityReferencePrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomEntityReferencePrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

void QDomEntityReferencePrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    s << "&" << name << ";";

 * QDomEntityReference

#define IMPL ((QDomEntityReferencePrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomEntityReference qdom.h
    \brief The QDomEntityReference class represents an XML entity reference.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    A QDomEntityReference object may be inserted into the DOM tree
    when an entity reference is in the source document, or when the
    user wishes to insert an entity reference.

    Note that character references and references to predefined
    entities are expanded by the XML processor so that characters are
    represented by their Unicode equivalent rather than by an entity

    Moreover, the XML processor may completely expand references to
    entities while building the DOM tree, instead of providing
    QDomEntityReference objects.

    If it does provide such objects, then for a given entity reference
    node, it may be that there is no entity node representing the
    referenced entity; but if such an entity exists, then the child
    list of the entity reference node is the same as that of the
    entity  node. As with the entity node, all descendents of the
    entity reference are read-only.

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty entity reference. Use
    QDomDocument::createEntityReference() to create a entity reference
    with content.
    : QDomNode()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomEntityReference::QDomEntityReference( const QDomEntityReference& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomEntityReference::QDomEntityReference( QDomEntityReferencePrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this entity reference.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomEntityReference& QDomEntityReference::operator= ( const QDomEntityReference& x )
    return (QDomEntityReference&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c EntityReference.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomEntityReference::nodeType() const
    return EntityReferenceNode;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomEntityReference::isEntityReference() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate

QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d,
	QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& target, const QString& data )
    : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
    name = target;
    value = data;

QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )


QDomNodePrivate* QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

void QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
    s << "<?" << name << " " << value << "?>" << endl;

 * QDomProcessingInstruction

#define IMPL ((QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomProcessingInstruction qdom.h
    \brief The QDomProcessingInstruction class represents an XML processing
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    Processing instructions are used in XML to keep processor-specific
    information in the text of the document.

    The content of the processing instruction is retrieved with data()
    and set with setData(). The processing instruction's target is
    retrieved with target().

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty processing instruction. Use
    QDomDocument::createProcessingInstruction() to create a processing
    instruction with content.
    : QDomNode()

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomProcessingInstruction::QDomProcessingInstruction( const QDomProcessingInstruction& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomProcessingInstruction::QDomProcessingInstruction( QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* n )
    : QDomNode( n )

    Assigns \a x to this processing instruction.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomProcessingInstruction& QDomProcessingInstruction::operator= ( const QDomProcessingInstruction& x )
    return (QDomProcessingInstruction&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.

    Returns \c ProcessingInstructionNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomProcessingInstruction::nodeType() const
    return ProcessingInstructionNode;

    Returns the target of this processing instruction.

    \sa data()
QString QDomProcessingInstruction::target() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return impl->nodeName();

    Returns the content of this processing instruction.

    \sa setData() target()
QString QDomProcessingInstruction::data() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QString::null;
    return impl->nodeValue();

    Sets the data contained in the processing instruction to \a d.

    \sa data()
void QDomProcessingInstruction::setData( const QString& d )
    if ( !impl )
    impl->setNodeValue( d );

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomProcessingInstruction::isProcessingInstruction() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * QDomDocumentPrivate

    : QDomNodePrivate( 0 )
    impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate();
    type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );

    name = "#document";

QDomDocumentPrivate::QDomDocumentPrivate( const QString& aname )
    : QDomNodePrivate( 0 )
    impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate();
    type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );
    type->name = aname;

    name = "#document";

QDomDocumentPrivate::QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* dt )
    : QDomNodePrivate( 0 )
    impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate();
    if ( dt != 0 ) {
	type = dt;
    } else {
	type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );

    name = "#document";

QDomDocumentPrivate::QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* n, bool deep )
    : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
    impl = n->impl->clone();
    // Reference count is down to 0, so we set it to 1 here.
    type = (QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)n->type->cloneNode();
    type->setParent( this );
    // Reference count is down to 0, so we set it to 1 here.

    if ( impl->deref() ) delete impl;
    if ( type->deref() ) delete type;

void QDomDocumentPrivate::clear()
    if ( impl->deref() ) delete impl;
    if ( type->deref() ) delete type;
    impl = 0;
    type = 0;

bool QDomDocumentPrivate::setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    QXmlSimpleReader reader;
    if ( namespaceProcessing ) {
	reader.setFeature( "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", TRUE );
	reader.setFeature( "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes", FALSE );
    } else {
	reader.setFeature( "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", FALSE );
	reader.setFeature( "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes", TRUE );
    reader.setFeature( "http://trolltech.com/xml/features/report-whitespace-only-CharData", FALSE );
    reader.setUndefEntityInAttrHack( TRUE );

    return setContent( source, &reader, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );

bool QDomDocumentPrivate::setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, QXmlReader *reader, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate;
    type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );

    bool namespaceProcessing = reader->feature( "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces" )
	&& !reader->feature( "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes" );

    QDomHandler hnd( this, namespaceProcessing );
    reader->setContentHandler( &hnd );
    reader->setErrorHandler( &hnd );
    reader->setLexicalHandler( &hnd );
    reader->setDeclHandler( &hnd );
    reader->setDTDHandler( &hnd );

    if ( !reader->parse( source ) ) {
	if ( errorMsg )
	    *errorMsg = hnd.errorMsg;
	if ( errorLine )
	    *errorLine = hnd.errorLine;
	if ( errorColumn )
	    *errorColumn = hnd.errorColumn;
	return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
    QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomDocumentPrivate( this, deep );
    // We are not interested in this node
    return p;

QDomElementPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::documentElement()
    QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
    while ( p && !p->isElement() )
	p = p->next;

    return (QDomElementPrivate*)p;

QDomElementPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createElement( const QString& tagName )
    QDomElementPrivate* e = new QDomElementPrivate( this, 0, tagName );
    return e;

QDomElementPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createElementNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
    QDomElementPrivate* e = new QDomElementPrivate( this, 0, nsURI, qName );
    return e;

QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createDocumentFragment()
    QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* f = new QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( this, (QDomNodePrivate*)0 );
    return f;

QDomTextPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createTextNode( const QString& data )
    QDomTextPrivate* t = new QDomTextPrivate( this, 0, data );
    return t;

QDomCommentPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createComment( const QString& data )
    QDomCommentPrivate* c = new QDomCommentPrivate( this, 0, data );
    return c;

QDomCDATASectionPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createCDATASection( const QString& data )
    QDomCDATASectionPrivate* c = new QDomCDATASectionPrivate( this, 0, data );
    return c;

QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createProcessingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data )
    QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* p = new QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( this, 0, target, data );
    return p;

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createAttribute( const QString& aname )
    QDomAttrPrivate* a = new QDomAttrPrivate( this, 0, aname );
    return a;

QDomAttrPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
    QDomAttrPrivate* a = new QDomAttrPrivate( this, 0, nsURI, qName );
    return a;

QDomEntityReferencePrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createEntityReference( const QString& aname )
    QDomEntityReferencePrivate* e = new QDomEntityReferencePrivate( this, 0, aname );
    return e;

QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::importNode( const QDomNodePrivate* importedNode, bool deep )
    QDomNodePrivate *node = 0;
    switch ( importedNode->nodeType() ) {
	case QDomNode::AttributeNode:
	    node = new QDomAttrPrivate( (QDomAttrPrivate*)importedNode, TRUE );
	case QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode:
	    node = new QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( (QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::ElementNode:
	    node = new QDomElementPrivate( (QDomElementPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::EntityNode:
	    node = new QDomEntityPrivate( (QDomEntityPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode:
	    node = new QDomEntityReferencePrivate( (QDomEntityReferencePrivate*)importedNode, FALSE );
	case QDomNode::NotationNode:
	    node = new QDomNotationPrivate( (QDomNotationPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode:
	    node = new QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( (QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::TextNode:
	    node = new QDomTextPrivate( (QDomTextPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::CDATASectionNode:
	    node = new QDomCDATASectionPrivate( (QDomCDATASectionPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
	case QDomNode::CommentNode:
	    node = new QDomCommentPrivate( (QDomCommentPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
    if ( node ) {
	node->setOwnerDocument( this );
	// The QDomNode constructor increases the refcount, so deref() first to
	// keep refcount balanced.
    return node;

void QDomDocumentPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int indent ) const
    bool doc = FALSE;

    QDomNodePrivate* n = first;
    if ( n && n->isProcessingInstruction() && n->nodeName()=="xml" ) {
	// we have an XML declaration
	QString data = n->nodeValue();
	QRegExp encoding( QString::fromLatin1("encoding\\s*=\\s*((\"([^\"]*)\")|('([^']*)'))") );
	encoding.search( data );
	QString enc = encoding.cap(3);
	if ( enc.isEmpty() ) {
	    enc = encoding.cap(5);
	if ( enc.isEmpty() ) {
	    s.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
	} else {
	    s.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( enc ) );
    } else {
	s.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
    while ( n ) {
	if ( !doc && !(n->isProcessingInstruction()&&n->nodeName()=="xml") ) {
	    // save doctype after XML declaration
	    type->save( s, 0, indent );
	    doc = TRUE;
	n->save( s, 0, indent );
	n = n->next;

 * QDomDocument

#define IMPL ((QDomDocumentPrivate*)impl)

    \class QDomDocument qdom.h
    \brief The QDomDocument class represents an XML document.
\if defined(commercial)
    It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.

    \module XML
    \ingroup xml-tools

    The QDomDocument class represents the entire XML document.
    Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides
    the primary access to the document's data.

    Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions,
    etc., cannot exist outside the context of a document, the document
    class also contains the factory functions needed to create these
    objects. The node objects created have an ownerDocument() function
    which associates them with the document within whose context they
    were created. The DOM classes that will be used most often are
    QDomNode, QDomDocument, QDomElement and QDomText.

    The parsed XML is represented internally by a tree of objects that
    can be accessed using the various QDom classes. All QDom classes
    only \e reference objects in the internal tree. The internal
    objects in the DOM tree will get deleted once the last QDom
    object referencing them and the QDomDocument itself are deleted.

    Creation of elements, text nodes, etc. is done using the various
    factory functions provided in this class. Using the default
    constructors of the QDom classes will only result in empty
    objects that cannot be manipulated or inserted into the Document.

    The QDomDocument class has several functions for creating document
    data, for example, createElement(), createTextNode(),
    createComment(), createCDATASection(),
    createProcessingInstruction(), createAttribute() and
    createEntityReference(). Some of these functions have versions
    that support namespaces, i.e. createElementNS() and
    createAttributeNS(). The createDocumentFragment() function is used
    to hold parts of the document; this is useful for manipulating for
    complex documents.

    The entire content of the document is set with setContent(). This
    function parses the string it is passed as an XML document and
    creates the DOM tree that represents the document. The root
    element is available using documentElement(). The textual
    representation of the document can be obtained using toString().

    It is possible to insert a node from another document into the
    document using importNode().

    You can obtain a list of all the elements that have a particular
    tag with elementsByTagName() or with elementsByTagNameNS().

    The QDom classes are typically used as follows:
    QDomDocument doc( "mydocument" );
    QFile file( "mydocument.xml" );
    if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
    if ( !doc.setContent( &file ) ) {

    // print out the element names of all elements that are direct children
    // of the outermost element.
    QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();

    QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild();
    while( !n.isNull() ) {
	QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
	if( !e.isNull() ) {
	    cout << e.tagName() << endl; // the node really is an element.
	n = n.nextSibling();

    // Here we append a new element to the end of the document
    QDomElement elem = doc.createElement( "img" );
    elem.setAttribute( "src", "myimage.png" );
    docElem.appendChild( elem );

    Once \c doc and \c elem go out of scope, the whole internal tree
    representing the XML document is deleted.

    To create a document using DOM use code like this:
    QDomDocument doc( "MyML" );
    QDomElement root = doc.createElement( "MyML" );
    doc.appendChild( root );

    QDomElement tag = doc.createElement( "Greeting" );
    root.appendChild( tag );

    QDomText t = doc.createTextNode( "Hello World" );
    tag.appendChild( t );

    QString xml = doc.toString();

    For further information about the Document Object Model see
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/\endlink and
    \link http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/\endlink.
    For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
    QDomDocument documentation.

    Constructs an empty document.
    impl = 0;

    Creates a document and sets the name of the document type to \a
QDomDocument::QDomDocument( const QString& name )
    // We take over ownership
    impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate( name );

    Creates a document with the document type \a doctype.

    \sa QDomImplementation::createDocumentType()
QDomDocument::QDomDocument( const QDomDocumentType& doctype )
    impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate( (QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)(doctype.impl) );

    Constructs a copy of \a x.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomDocument::QDomDocument( const QDomDocument& x )
    : QDomNode( x )

QDomDocument::QDomDocument( QDomDocumentPrivate* x )
    : QDomNode( x )

    Assigns \a x to this DOM document.

    The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
    will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
QDomDocument& QDomDocument::operator= ( const QDomDocument& x )
    return (QDomDocument&) QDomNode::operator=( x );

    Destroys the object and frees its resources.


    This function reads the XML document from the string \a text.
    Since \a text is already a Unicode string, no encoding detection
    is done.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QString& text, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    if ( !impl )
	impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    QXmlInputSource source;
    source.setData( text );
    return IMPL->setContent( &source, namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );

    This function parses the XML document from the byte array \a
    buffer and sets it as the content of the document. It tries to
    detect the encoding of the document as required by the XML

    If \a namespaceProcessing is TRUE, the parser recognizes
    namespaces in the XML file and sets the prefix name, local name
    and namespace URI to appropriate values. If \a namespaceProcessing
    is FALSE, the parser does no namespace processing when it reads
    the XML file.

    If a parse error occurs, the function returns FALSE; otherwise it
    returns TRUE. If a parse error occurs and \a errorMsg, \a
    errorLine and \a errorColumn are not 0, the error message is
    placed in \a *errorMsg, the line number \a *errorLine and the
    column number in \a *errorColumn.

    If \a namespaceProcessing is TRUE, the function QDomNode::prefix()
    returns a string for all elements and attributes. It returns an
    empty string if the element or attribute has no prefix.

    If \a namespaceProcessing is FALSE, the functions
    QDomNode::prefix(), QDomNode::localName() and
    QDomNode::namespaceURI() return QString::null.

    \sa QDomNode::namespaceURI() QDomNode::localName()
    QDomNode::prefix() QString::isNull() QString::isEmpty()
bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QByteArray& buffer, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    if ( !impl )
	impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    QBuffer buf( buffer );
    QXmlInputSource source( &buf );
    return IMPL->setContent( &source, namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the C string \a buffer.

    \warning This function does not try to detect the encoding:
    instead it assumes that the C string is UTF-8 encoded.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QCString& buffer, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    return setContent( QString::fromUtf8( buffer, buffer.length() ), namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the IO device \a dev.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( QIODevice* dev, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    if ( !impl )
	impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    QXmlInputSource source( dev );
    return IMPL->setContent( &source, namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the string \a text.
    Since \a text is already a Unicode string, no encoding detection
    is performed.

    No namespace processing is performed either.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QString& text, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
    return setContent( text, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the byte array \a

    No namespace processing is performed.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QByteArray& buffer, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn  )
    return setContent( buffer, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the C string \a buffer.

    No namespace processing is performed.

    \warning This function does not try to detect the encoding:
    instead it assumes that the C string is UTF-8 encoded.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QCString& buffer, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn  )
    return setContent( buffer, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the IO device \a dev.

    No namespace processing is performed.
bool QDomDocument::setContent( QIODevice* dev, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn  )
    return setContent( dev, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );


    This function reads the XML document from the QXmlInputSource \a source and
    parses it with the QXmlReader \a reader.

    This function doesn't change the features of the \a reader. If you want to
    use certain features for parsing you can use this function to set up the
    reader appropriate.

    \sa QXmlSimpleReader
bool QDomDocument::setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, QXmlReader *reader, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn  )
    if ( !impl )
	impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return IMPL->setContent( source, reader, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );

    Converts the parsed document back to its textual representation.

    \sa toCString()
QString QDomDocument::toString() const
    QString str;
    QTextStream s( str, IO_WriteOnly );
    save( s, 1 );

    return str;


    This function uses \a indent as the amount of space to indent
QString QDomDocument::toString( int indent ) const
    QString str;
    QTextStream s( str, IO_WriteOnly );
    save( s, indent );

    return str;

    Converts the parsed document back to its textual representation
    and returns a QCString for that is encoded in UTF-8.

    \sa toString()
QCString QDomDocument::toCString() const
    // ### if there is an encoding specified in the xml declaration, this
    // encoding declaration should be changed to utf8
    return toString().utf8();


    This function uses \a indent as the amount of space to indent
QCString QDomDocument::toCString( int indent ) const
    // ### if there is an encoding specified in the xml declaration, this
    // encoding declaration should be changed to utf8
    return toString( indent ).utf8();

    Returns the document type of this document.
QDomDocumentType QDomDocument::doctype() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomDocumentType();
    return QDomDocumentType( IMPL->doctype() );

    Returns a QDomImplementation object.
QDomImplementation QDomDocument::implementation() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomImplementation();
    return QDomImplementation( IMPL->implementation() );

    Returns the root element of the document.
QDomElement QDomDocument::documentElement() const
    if ( !impl )
	return QDomElement();
    return QDomElement( IMPL->documentElement() );

    Creates a new element called \a tagName that can be inserted into
    the DOM tree, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().

    \sa createElementNS() QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore()
QDomElement QDomDocument::createElement( const QString& tagName )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomElement( IMPL->createElement( tagName ) );

    Creates a new document fragment, that can be used to hold parts of
    the document, e.g. when doing complex manipulations of the
    document tree.
QDomDocumentFragment QDomDocument::createDocumentFragment()
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomDocumentFragment( IMPL->createDocumentFragment() );

    Creates a text node for the string \a value that can be inserted
    into the document tree, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().

    \warning All characters within an XML document must be in the range:

    #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]

    This rule also applies to characters encoded as character entities and
    characters in CDATA sections. If you use this function to insert
    characters outside of this range, the document will not be well-formed.

    If you want to store binary data in an XML document you must either use
    your own scheme to escape illegal characters, or you must store it in
    an external unparsed entity.

    \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
QDomText QDomDocument::createTextNode( const QString& value )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomText( IMPL->createTextNode( value ) );

    Creates a new comment for the string \a value that can be inserted
    into the document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().

    \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
QDomComment QDomDocument::createComment( const QString& value )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomComment( IMPL->createComment( value ) );

    Creates a new CDATA section for the string \a value that can be
    inserted into the document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().

    \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
QDomCDATASection QDomDocument::createCDATASection( const QString& value )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomCDATASection( IMPL->createCDATASection( value ) );

    Creates a new processing instruction that can be inserted into the
    document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild(). This function sets
    the target for the processing instruction to \a target and the
    data to \a data.

    \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
QDomProcessingInstruction QDomDocument::createProcessingInstruction( const QString& target,
								     const QString& data )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomProcessingInstruction( IMPL->createProcessingInstruction( target, data ) );

    Creates a new attribute called \a name that can be inserted into
    an element, e.g. using QDomElement::setAttributeNode().

    \sa createAttributeNS()
QDomAttr QDomDocument::createAttribute( const QString& name )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->createAttribute( name ) );

    Creates a new entity reference called \a name that can be inserted
    into the document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().

    \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
QDomEntityReference QDomDocument::createEntityReference( const QString& name )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomEntityReference( IMPL->createEntityReference( name ) );

    Returns a QDomNodeList, that contains all the elements in the
    document with the name \a tagname. The order of the node list is
    the order they are encountered in a preorder traversal of the
    element tree.

    \sa elementsByTagNameNS() QDomElement::elementsByTagName()
QDomNodeList QDomDocument::elementsByTagName( const QString& tagname ) const
    return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, tagname ) );

    Imports the node \a importedNode from another document to this
    document. \a importedNode remains in the original document; this
    function creates a copy that can be used within this document.

    This function returns the imported node that belongs to this
    document. The returned node has no parent. It is not possible to
    import QDomDocument and QDomDocumentType nodes. In those cases
    this function returns a \link QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink.

    If \a deep is TRUE, this function imports not only the node \a
    importedNode but its whole subtree; if it is FALSE, only the \a
    importedNode is imported. The argument \a deep has no effect on
    QDomAttr and QDomEntityReference nodes, since the descendents of
    QDomAttr nodes are always imported and those of
    QDomEntityReference nodes are never imported.

    The behavior of this function is slightly different depending on
    the node types:
    \header \i Node Type \i Behaviour
    \row \i QDomAttr
	 \i The owner element is set to 0 and the specified flag is
	    set to TRUE in the generated attribute. The whole subtree
	    of \a importedNode is always imported for attribute nodes:
	    \a deep has no effect.
    \row \i QDomDocument
	 \i Document nodes cannot be imported.
    \row \i QDomDocumentFragment
	 \i If \a deep is TRUE, this function imports the whole
	    document fragment; otherwise it only generates an empty
	    document fragment.
    \row \i QDomDocumentType
	 \i Document type nodes cannot be imported.
    \row \i QDomElement
	 \i Attributes for which QDomAttr::specified() is TRUE are
	    also imported, other attributes are not imported. If \a
	    deep is TRUE, this function also imports the subtree of \a
	    importedNode; otherwise it imports only the element node
	    (and some attributes, see above).
    \row \i QDomEntity
	 \i Entity nodes can be imported, but at the moment there is
	    no way to use them since the document type is read-only in
	    DOM level 2.
    \row \i QDomEntityReference
	 \i Descendents of entity reference nodes are never imported:
	    \a deep has no effect.
    \row \i QDomNotation
	 \i Notation nodes can be imported, but at the moment there is
	    no way to use them since the document type is read-only in
	    DOM level 2.
    \row \i QDomProcessingInstruction
	 \i The target and value of the processing instruction is
	    copied to the new node.
    \row \i QDomText
	 \i The text is copied to the new node.
    \row \i QDomCDATASection
	 \i The text is copied to the new node.
    \row \i QDomComment
	 \i The text is copied to the new node.

    \sa QDomElement::setAttribute() QDomNode::insertBefore()
	QDomNode::insertAfter() QDomNode::replaceChild() QDomNode::removeChild()
QDomNode QDomDocument::importNode( const QDomNode& importedNode, bool deep )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomNode( IMPL->importNode( importedNode.impl, deep ) );

    Creates a new element with namespace support that can be inserted
    into the DOM tree. The name of the element is \a qName and the
    namespace URI is \a nsURI. This function also sets
    QDomNode::prefix() and QDomNode::localName() to appropriate values
    (depending on \a qName).

    \sa createElement()
QDomElement QDomDocument::createElementNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomElement( IMPL->createElementNS( nsURI, qName ) );

    Creates a new attribute with namespace support that can be
    inserted into an element. The name of the attribute is \a qName
    and the namespace URI is \a nsURI. This function also sets
    QDomNode::prefix() and QDomNode::localName() to appropriate values
    (depending on \a qName).

    \sa createAttribute()
QDomAttr QDomDocument::createAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
    if ( !impl )
        impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
    return QDomAttr( IMPL->createAttributeNS( nsURI, qName ) );

    Returns a QDomNodeList that contains all the elements in the
    document with the local name \a localName and a namespace URI of
    \a nsURI. The order of the node list is the order they are
    encountered in a preorder traversal of the element tree.

    \sa elementsByTagName() QDomElement::elementsByTagNameNS()
QDomNodeList QDomDocument::elementsByTagNameNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
    return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, nsURI, localName ) );

    Returns the element whose ID is equal to \a elementId. If no
    element with the ID was found, this function returns a \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null element\endlink.

    Since the QDomClasses do not know which attributes are element
    IDs, this function returns always a \link QDomNode::isNull() null
    element\endlink. This may change in a future version.
QDomElement QDomDocument::elementById( const QString& /*elementId*/ )
    return QDomElement();

    Returns \c DocumentNode.
QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocument::nodeType() const
    return DocumentNode;

    Returns TRUE.
bool QDomDocument::isDocument() const
    return TRUE;

#undef IMPL

 * Node casting functions

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomAttr. If the node is not an
    attribute, the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isAttr()
QDomAttr QDomNode::toAttr()
    if ( impl && impl->isAttr() )
	return QDomAttr( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomAttr();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomCDATASection. If the node is not a
    CDATA section, the returned object will be \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.

    \sa isCDATASection()
QDomCDATASection QDomNode::toCDATASection()
    if ( impl && impl->isCDATASection() )
	return QDomCDATASection( ((QDomCDATASectionPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomCDATASection();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomDocumentFragment. If the node is
    not a document fragment the returned object will be \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.

    \sa isDocumentFragment()
QDomDocumentFragment QDomNode::toDocumentFragment()
    if ( impl && impl->isDocumentFragment() )
	return QDomDocumentFragment( ((QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomDocumentFragment();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomDocument. If the node is not a
    document the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isDocument()
QDomDocument QDomNode::toDocument()
    if ( impl && impl->isDocument() )
	return QDomDocument( ((QDomDocumentPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomDocument();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomDocumentType. If the node is not a
    document type the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isDocumentType()
QDomDocumentType QDomNode::toDocumentType()
    if ( impl && impl->isDocumentType() )
	return QDomDocumentType( ((QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomDocumentType();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomElement. If the node is not an
    element the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isElement()
QDomElement QDomNode::toElement()
    if ( impl && impl->isElement() )
	return QDomElement( ((QDomElementPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomElement();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomEntityReference. If the node is not
    an entity reference, the returned object will be \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.

    \sa isEntityReference()
QDomEntityReference QDomNode::toEntityReference()
    if ( impl && impl->isEntityReference() )
	return QDomEntityReference( ((QDomEntityReferencePrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomEntityReference();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomText. If the node is not a text,
    the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.

    \sa isText()
QDomText QDomNode::toText()
    if ( impl && impl->isText() )
	return QDomText( ((QDomTextPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomText();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomEntity. If the node is not an
    entity the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isEntity()
QDomEntity QDomNode::toEntity()
    if ( impl && impl->isEntity() )
	return QDomEntity( ((QDomEntityPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomEntity();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomNotation. If the node is not a
    notation the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isNotation()
QDomNotation QDomNode::toNotation()
    if ( impl && impl->isNotation() )
	return QDomNotation( ((QDomNotationPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomNotation();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomProcessingInstruction. If the node
    is not a processing instruction the returned object will be \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.

    \sa isProcessingInstruction()
QDomProcessingInstruction QDomNode::toProcessingInstruction()
    if ( impl && impl->isProcessingInstruction() )
	return QDomProcessingInstruction( ((QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomProcessingInstruction();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomCharacterData. If the node is not a
    character data node the returned object will be \link
    QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.

    \sa isCharacterData()
QDomCharacterData QDomNode::toCharacterData()
    if ( impl && impl->isCharacterData() )
	return QDomCharacterData( ((QDomCharacterDataPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomCharacterData();

    Converts a QDomNode into a QDomComment. If the node is not a
    comment the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()

    \sa isComment()
QDomComment QDomNode::toComment()
    if ( impl && impl->isComment() )
	return QDomComment( ((QDomCommentPrivate*)impl) );
    return QDomComment();

 * QDomHandler

QDomHandler::QDomHandler( QDomDocumentPrivate* adoc, bool namespaceProcessing )
    doc = adoc;
    node = doc;
    cdata = FALSE;
    nsProcessing = namespaceProcessing;


bool QDomHandler::endDocument()
    // ### is this really necessary? (rms)
    if ( node != doc )
	return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::startDTD( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId )
    doc->doctype()->name = name;
    doc->doctype()->publicId = publicId;
    doc->doctype()->systemId = systemId;
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::startElement( const QString& nsURI, const QString&, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts )
    // tag name
    QDomNodePrivate* n;
    if ( nsProcessing ) {
	n = doc->createElementNS( nsURI, qName );
    } else {
	n = doc->createElement( qName );
    node->appendChild( n );
    node = n;

    // attributes
    for ( int i=0; i<atts.length(); i++ )
	if ( nsProcessing ) {
	    ((QDomElementPrivate*)node)->setAttributeNS( atts.uri(i), atts.qName(i), atts.value(i) );
	} else {
	    ((QDomElementPrivate*)node)->setAttribute( atts.qName(i), atts.value(i) );

    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )
    if ( node == doc )
	return FALSE;
    node = node->parent();

    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::characters( const QString&  ch )
    // No text as child of some document
    if ( node == doc )
	return FALSE;

    if ( cdata ) {
	node->appendChild( doc->createCDATASection( ch ) );
    } else if ( !entityName.isEmpty() ) {
	QDomEntityPrivate* e = new QDomEntityPrivate( doc, 0, entityName,
		QString::null, QString::null, QString::null );
	e->value = ch;
	doc->doctype()->appendChild( e );
	node->appendChild( doc->createEntityReference( entityName ) );
    } else {
	node->appendChild( doc->createTextNode( ch ) );

    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::processingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data )
    node->appendChild( doc->createProcessingInstruction( target, data ) );
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::skippedEntity( const QString& name )
    node->appendChild( doc->createEntityReference( name ) );
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception )
    errorMsg = exception.message();
    errorLine =  exception.lineNumber();
    errorColumn =  exception.columnNumber();
    return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError( exception );

bool QDomHandler::startCDATA()
    cdata = TRUE;
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::endCDATA()
    cdata = FALSE;
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::startEntity( const QString &name )
    entityName = name;
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::endEntity( const QString & )
    entityName = QString::null;
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::comment( const QString& ch )
    node->appendChild( doc->createComment( ch ) );
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::unparsedEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId, const QString &notationName )
    QDomEntityPrivate* e = new QDomEntityPrivate( doc, 0, name,
	    publicId, systemId, notationName );
    doc->doctype()->appendChild( e );
    return TRUE;

bool QDomHandler::externalEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId )
    return unparsedEntityDecl( name, publicId, systemId, QString::null );

bool QDomHandler::notationDecl( const QString & name, const QString & publicId, const QString & systemId )
    QDomNotationPrivate* n = new QDomNotationPrivate( doc, 0, name, publicId, systemId );
    doc->doctype()->appendChild( n );
    return TRUE;

#endif //QT_NO_DOM