void EditBookForm::init() { QSqlQuery query( "SELECT surname FROM author ORDER BY surname;" ); while ( query.next() ) ComboBoxAuthor->insertItem( query.value( 0 ).toString()); } void EditBookForm::beforeUpdateBook( QSqlRecord * buffer ) { QSqlQuery query( "SELECT id FROM author WHERE surname ='" + ComboBoxAuthor->currentText() + "';" ); if ( query.next() ) buffer->setValue( "authorid", query.value( 0 ) ); } void EditBookForm::primeInsertBook( QSqlRecord * buffer ) { QSqlQuery query; query.exec( "UPDATE sequence SET sequence = sequence + 1 WHERE tablename='book';" ); query.exec( "SELECT sequence FROM sequence WHERE tablename='book';" ); if ( query.next() ) { buffer->setValue( "id", query.value( 0 ) ); } } void EditBookForm::primeUpdateBook( QSqlRecord * buffer ) { // Who is this book's author? QSqlQuery query( "SELECT surname FROM author WHERE id='" + buffer->value( "authorid" ).toString() + "';" ); QString author = ""; if ( query.next() ) author = query.value( 0 ).toString(); // Set the ComboBox to the right author for ( int i = 0; i < ComboBoxAuthor->count(); i++ ) { if ( ComboBoxAuthor->text( i ) == author ) { ComboBoxAuthor->setCurrentItem( i ) ; break; } } }