path: root/src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 18:37:05 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 18:37:05 +0000
commit145364a8af6a1fec06556221e66d4b724a62fc9a (patch)
tree53bd71a544008c518034f208d64c932dc2883f50 /src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of the RoseGarden MIDI tool
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp b/src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c92b4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "MatrixCanvasView.h"
+#include "base/SnapGrid.h"
+#include "gui/general/MidiPitchLabel.h"
+#include "gui/general/RosegardenCanvasView.h"
+#include "MatrixElement.h"
+#include "MatrixStaff.h"
+#include "QCanvasMatrixRectangle.h"
+#include "QCanvasMatrixDiamond.h"
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include "misc/Debug.h"
+namespace Rosegarden
+MatrixCanvasView::MatrixCanvasView(MatrixStaff& staff,
+ SnapGrid *snapGrid,
+ bool drumMode,
+ QCanvas *viewing, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *name, WFlags f)
+ : RosegardenCanvasView(viewing, parent, name, f),
+ m_staff(staff),
+ m_snapGrid(snapGrid),
+ m_drumMode(drumMode),
+ m_previousEvTime(0),
+ m_previousEvPitch(0),
+ m_mouseWasPressed(false),
+ m_ignoreClick(false),
+ m_smoothModifier(Qt::ShiftButton),
+ m_lastSnap(SnapGrid::SnapToBeat),
+ m_isSnapTemporary(false)
+ viewport()->setMouseTracking(true);
+void MatrixCanvasView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
+ QPoint p = inverseMapPoint(e->pos());
+ updateGridSnap(e);
+ MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixCanvasView::contentsMousePressEvent: snap time is " << m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(double(p.x())) << endl;
+ timeT evTime;
+ if (m_drumMode) {
+ evTime = m_snapGrid->snapX(p.x(), SnapGrid::SnapEither);
+ MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixCanvasView: drum mode: snapEither " << p.x() << " -> " << evTime << endl;
+ } else {
+ evTime = m_snapGrid->snapX(p.x(), SnapGrid::SnapLeft);
+ MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixCanvasView: normal mode: snapLeft " << p.x() << " -> " << evTime << endl;
+ }
+ int evPitch = m_staff.getHeightAtCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y());
+ timeT emTime = m_staff.getSegment().getEndMarkerTime();
+ if (evTime > emTime)
+ evTime = emTime;
+ timeT esTime = m_staff.getSegment().getStartTime();
+ if (evTime < esTime)
+ evTime = esTime;
+// std::cerr << "MatrixCanvasView::contentsMousePressEvent() at pitch "
+// << evPitch << ", time " << evTime << std::endl;
+ QCanvasItemList itemList = canvas()->collisions(p);
+ QCanvasItemList::Iterator it;
+ MatrixElement* mel = 0;
+ QCanvasItem* activeItem = 0;
+ for (it = itemList.begin(); it != itemList.end(); ++it) {
+ QCanvasItem *item = *it;
+ QCanvasMatrixRectangle *mRect = 0;
+ if (item->active()) {
+ activeItem = item;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((mRect = dynamic_cast<QCanvasMatrixRectangle*>(item))) {
+// std::cerr << "MatrixCanvasView: looking at element with rect " << mRect->rect().x() << "," << mRect->rect().y() << " (" << mRect->rect().width() << "x" << mRect->rect().height() << ")" << std::endl;
+// std::cerr << "MatrixCanvasView: point is " << p.x() << "," << p.y()<< std::endl;
+ QRect rect = mRect->rect();
+ if (dynamic_cast<QCanvasMatrixDiamond*>(mRect)) {
+ rect = QRect(rect.x() - rect.height()/2,
+ rect.y(),
+ rect.width(),
+ rect.height());
+ }
+// std::cerr << "MatrixCanvasView: adjusted rect " << rect.x() << "," << rect.y() << " (" << rect.width() << "x" << rect.height() << ")" << std::endl;
+ // QCanvas::collisions() can be a bit optimistic and report
+ // items which are close to the point but not actually under it.
+ // So a little sanity check helps.
+ if (!rect.contains(p, true)) continue;
+ mel = &(mRect->getMatrixElement());
+// std::cerr << "MatrixCanvasView::contentsMousePressEvent: collision with an existing matrix element" << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (activeItem) { // active item takes precedence over notation elements
+ emit activeItemPressed(e, activeItem);
+ m_mouseWasPressed = true;
+ return ;
+ }
+ emit mousePressed(evTime, evPitch, e, mel);
+ m_mouseWasPressed = true;
+ // Ignore click if it was above the staff and not
+ // on an active item
+ //
+ if (!m_staff.containsCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y()) && !activeItem)
+ m_ignoreClick = true;
+void MatrixCanvasView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
+ QPoint p = inverseMapPoint(e->pos());
+ /*
+ if (m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(double(p.x())))
+ m_lastSnap = m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(double(p.x()));
+ */
+ updateGridSnap(e);
+ if (m_ignoreClick)
+ return ;
+ timeT evTime;
+ if (m_drumMode) {
+ evTime = m_snapGrid->snapX(p.x(), SnapGrid::SnapEither);
+ } else {
+ evTime = m_snapGrid->snapX(p.x(), SnapGrid::SnapLeft);
+ }
+ int evPitch = m_staff.getHeightAtCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y());
+ timeT emTime = m_staff.getSegment().getEndMarkerTime();
+ if (evTime > emTime)
+ evTime = emTime;
+ timeT stTime = m_staff.getSegment().getStartTime();
+ if (evTime < stTime)
+ evTime = stTime;
+ if (evTime != m_previousEvTime) {
+ emit hoveredOverAbsoluteTimeChanged(evTime);
+ m_previousEvTime = evTime;
+ }
+ QCanvasItemList itemList = canvas()->collisions(p);
+ MatrixElement* mel = 0;
+ for (QCanvasItemList::iterator it = itemList.begin();
+ it != itemList.end(); ++it) {
+ QCanvasItem *item = *it;
+ QCanvasMatrixRectangle *mRect = 0;
+ if ((mRect = dynamic_cast<QCanvasMatrixRectangle*>(item))) {
+ if (!mRect->rect().contains(p, true))
+ continue;
+ mel = &(mRect->getMatrixElement());
+ MATRIX_DEBUG << "have element" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_mouseWasPressed && // if mouse pressed, leave this to the tool
+ (evPitch != m_previousEvPitch || mel)) {
+ MidiPitchLabel label(evPitch);
+ if (mel) {
+ emit hoveredOverNoteChanged(evPitch, true,
+ mel->event()->getAbsoluteTime());
+ } else {
+ emit hoveredOverNoteChanged(evPitch, false, 0);
+ }
+ m_previousEvPitch = evPitch;
+ }
+// if (m_mouseWasPressed)
+ emit mouseMoved(evTime, evPitch, e);
+void MatrixCanvasView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
+ QPoint p = inverseMapPoint(e->pos());
+ if (!m_staff.containsCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y())) {
+ m_ignoreClick = true;
+ return ;
+ }
+ contentsMousePressEvent(e);
+void MatrixCanvasView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
+ QPoint p = inverseMapPoint(e->pos());
+ if (m_ignoreClick) {
+ m_ignoreClick = false;
+ return ;
+ }
+ timeT evTime;
+ if (m_drumMode) {
+ evTime = m_snapGrid->snapX(p.x(), SnapGrid::SnapEither);
+ } else {
+ evTime = m_snapGrid->snapX(p.x(), SnapGrid::SnapLeft);
+ }
+ int evPitch = m_staff.getHeightAtCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y());
+ timeT emTime = m_staff.getSegment().getEndMarkerTime();
+ if (evTime > emTime)
+ evTime = emTime;
+ emit mouseReleased(evTime, evPitch, e);
+ m_mouseWasPressed = false;
+void MatrixCanvasView::slotExternalWheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e)
+ wheelEvent(e);
+void MatrixCanvasView::updateGridSnap(QMouseEvent *e)
+ Qt::ButtonState bs = e->state();
+ // MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixCanvasView::updateGridSnap : bs = "
+ // << bs << " - sm = " << getSmoothModifier() << ", is temporary " << m_isSnapTemporary << ", saved is " << m_lastSnap << endl;
+ if (bs & getSmoothModifier()) {
+ if (!m_isSnapTemporary) {
+ m_lastSnap = m_snapGrid->getSnapSetting();
+ }
+ m_snapGrid->setSnapTime(SnapGrid::NoSnap);
+ m_isSnapTemporary = true;
+ } else if (m_isSnapTemporary) {
+ m_snapGrid->setSnapTime(m_lastSnap);
+ m_isSnapTemporary = false;
+ }
+void MatrixCanvasView::enterEvent(QEvent *e)
+ emit mouseEntered();
+void MatrixCanvasView::leaveEvent(QEvent *e)
+ emit mouseLeft();
+#include "MatrixCanvasView.moc"