path: root/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionModelImpl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionModelImpl.h')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionModelImpl.h b/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionModelImpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e1c9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionModelImpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "base/Selection.h"
+#include "base/SnapGrid.h"
+#include "CompositionModel.h"
+#include "CompositionRect.h"
+#include <map>
+#include "SegmentOrderer.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qptrdict.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/Event.h"
+class RectRanges;
+class CompositionItem;
+class AudioPreviewDrawData;
+class AudioPreviewData;
+namespace Rosegarden
+class Studio;
+class Segment;
+class RulerScale;
+class Event;
+class Composition;
+class AudioPreviewUpdater;
+class AudioPreviewThread;
+class CompositionModelImpl : public CompositionModel
+ CompositionModelImpl(Composition& compo,
+ Studio& studio,
+ RulerScale *rulerScale,
+ int vStep);
+ virtual ~CompositionModelImpl();
+ virtual unsigned int getNbRows();
+ virtual const rectcontainer& getRectanglesIn(const QRect& rect,
+ RectRanges* notationRects, AudioPreviewDrawData* audioRects);
+ virtual heightlist getTrackDividersIn(const QRect& rect);
+ virtual itemcontainer getItemsAt (const QPoint&);
+ virtual timeT getRepeatTimeAt (const QPoint&, const CompositionItem&);
+ virtual SnapGrid& grid() { return m_grid; }
+ virtual void setPointerPos(int xPos);
+ virtual void setSelected(const CompositionItem&, bool selected = true);
+ virtual bool isSelected(const CompositionItem&) const;
+ virtual void setSelected(const itemcontainer&);
+ virtual void clearSelected();
+ virtual bool haveSelection() const { return !m_selectedSegments.empty(); }
+ virtual bool haveMultipleSelection() const { return m_selectedSegments.size() > 1; }
+ virtual void signalSelection();
+ virtual void setSelectionRect(const QRect&);
+ virtual void finalizeSelectionRect();
+ virtual QRect getSelectionContentsRect();
+ virtual void signalContentChange();
+ virtual void addRecordingItem(const CompositionItem&);
+ virtual void removeRecordingItem(const CompositionItem &);
+ virtual void clearRecordingItems();
+ virtual bool haveRecordingItems() { return m_recordingSegments.size() > 0; }
+ virtual void startChange(const CompositionItem&, ChangeType change);
+ virtual void startChangeSelection(ChangeType change);
+ virtual itemcontainer& getChangingItems() { return m_changingItems; }
+ virtual void endChange();
+ virtual ChangeType getChangeType() { return m_changeType; }
+ virtual void setLength(int width);
+ virtual int getLength();
+ void setAudioPreviewThread(AudioPreviewThread *thread);
+ AudioPreviewThread* getAudioPreviewThread() { return m_audioPreviewThread; }
+ void clearPreviewCache();
+ void clearSegmentRectsCache(bool clearPreviews = false) { clearInCache(0, clearPreviews); }
+ rectlist* makeNotationPreviewDataCache(const Segment *s);
+ AudioPreviewData* makeAudioPreviewDataCache(const Segment *s);
+ CompositionRect computeSegmentRect(const Segment&, bool computeZ = false);
+ QColor computeSegmentPreviewColor(const Segment*);
+ QPoint computeSegmentOrigin(const Segment&);
+ void computeRepeatMarks(CompositionItem&);
+ SegmentSelection getSelectedSegments() { return m_selectedSegments; }
+ Composition& getComposition() { return m_composition; }
+ Studio& getStudio() { return m_studio; }
+ // CompositionObserver
+ virtual void segmentAdded(const Composition *, Segment *);
+ virtual void segmentRemoved(const Composition *, Segment *);
+ virtual void segmentRepeatChanged(const Composition *, Segment *, bool);
+ virtual void segmentStartChanged(const Composition *, Segment *, timeT);
+ virtual void segmentEndMarkerChanged(const Composition *, Segment *, bool);
+ virtual void segmentTrackChanged(const Composition *, Segment *, TrackId);
+ virtual void endMarkerTimeChanged(const Composition *, bool /*shorten*/);
+ // SegmentObserver
+ virtual void eventAdded(const Segment *, Event *);
+ virtual void eventRemoved(const Segment *, Event *);
+ virtual void appearanceChanged(const Segment *);
+ virtual void endMarkerTimeChanged(const Segment *, bool /*shorten*/);
+ virtual void segmentDeleted(const Segment*) { /* nothing to do - handled by CompositionObserver::segmentRemoved() */ };
+ void selectedSegments(const SegmentSelection &);
+ void needSizeUpdate();
+public slots:
+ void slotAudioFileFinalized(Segment*);
+ void slotInstrumentParametersChanged(InstrumentId);
+protected slots:
+ void slotAudioPreviewComplete(AudioPreviewUpdater*);
+ bool setTrackHeights(Segment *changed = 0); // true if something changed
+ void setSelected(const Segment*, bool selected = true);
+ bool isSelected(const Segment*) const;
+ bool isTmpSelected(const Segment*) const;
+ bool wasTmpSelected(const Segment*) const;
+ bool isMoving(const Segment*) const;
+ bool isRecording(const Segment*) const;
+ void computeRepeatMarks(CompositionRect& sr, const Segment* s);
+ unsigned int computeZForSegment(const Segment* s);
+ // segment preview stuff
+ void updatePreviewCacheForNotationSegment(const Segment* s, rectlist*);
+ void updatePreviewCacheForAudioSegment(const Segment* s, AudioPreviewData*);
+ rectlist* getNotationPreviewData(const Segment* s);
+ AudioPreviewData* getAudioPreviewData(const Segment* s);
+ PixmapArray getAudioPreviewPixmap(const Segment* s);
+ QRect postProcessAudioPreview(AudioPreviewData*, const Segment*);
+ void makePreviewCache(const Segment* s);
+ void removePreviewCache(const Segment* s);
+ void makeNotationPreviewRects(RectRanges* npData, QPoint basePoint, const Segment*, const QRect&);
+ void makeNotationPreviewRectsMovingSegment(RectRanges* npData, QPoint basePoint, const Segment*,
+ const QRect&);
+ void makeAudioPreviewRects(AudioPreviewDrawData* apRects, const Segment*,
+ const CompositionRect& segRect, const QRect& clipRect);
+ void clearInCache(const Segment*, bool clearPreviewCache = false);
+ void putInCache(const Segment*, const CompositionRect&);
+ const CompositionRect& getFromCache(const Segment*, timeT& endTime);
+ bool isCachedRectCurrent(const Segment& s, const CompositionRect& r,
+ QPoint segmentOrigin, timeT segmentEndTime);
+ //--------------- Data members ---------------------------------
+ Composition& m_composition;
+ Studio& m_studio;
+ SnapGrid m_grid;
+ SegmentSelection m_selectedSegments;
+ SegmentSelection m_tmpSelectedSegments;
+ SegmentSelection m_previousTmpSelectedSegments;
+ timeT m_pointerTimePos;
+ typedef std::set<Segment *> recordingsegmentset;
+ recordingsegmentset m_recordingSegments;
+ typedef std::vector<CompositionItem> itemgc;
+ AudioPreviewThread* m_audioPreviewThread;
+ typedef QPtrDict<rectlist> NotationPreviewDataCache;
+ typedef QPtrDict<AudioPreviewData> AudioPreviewDataCache;
+ NotationPreviewDataCache m_notationPreviewDataCache;
+ AudioPreviewDataCache m_audioPreviewDataCache;
+ rectcontainer m_res;
+ itemcontainer m_changingItems;
+ ChangeType m_changeType;
+ itemgc m_itemGC;
+ QRect m_selectionRect;
+ QRect m_previousSelectionUpdateRect;
+ std::map<const Segment*, CompositionRect> m_segmentRectMap;
+ std::map<const Segment*, timeT> m_segmentEndTimeMap;
+ std::map<const Segment*, PixmapArray> m_audioSegmentPreviewMap;
+ std::map<TrackId, int> m_trackHeights;
+ typedef std::map<const Segment*, AudioPreviewUpdater *>
+ AudioPreviewUpdaterMap;
+ AudioPreviewUpdaterMap m_audioPreviewUpdaterMap;
+ SegmentOrderer m_segmentOrderer;