// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*- /* Rosegarden A sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work has been asserted. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include // needed for sprintf() #include "NotationRules.h" #include "NotationTypes.h" #include "BaseProperties.h" #include #include // for atoi #include // for SHRT_MIN #include #include //dmm This will make everything excruciatingly slow if defined: //#define DEBUG_PITCH namespace Rosegarden { using std::string; using std::vector; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; // This is the fundamental definition of the resolution used throughout. // It must be a multiple of 16, and should ideally be a multiple of 96. static const timeT basePPQ = 960; const int MIN_SUBORDERING = SHRT_MIN; namespace Accidentals { /** * NoAccidental means the accidental will be inferred * based on the performance pitch and current key at the * location of the note. */ const Accidental NoAccidental = "no-accidental"; const Accidental Sharp = "sharp"; const Accidental Flat = "flat"; const Accidental Natural = "natural"; const Accidental DoubleSharp = "double-sharp"; const Accidental DoubleFlat = "double-flat"; AccidentalList getStandardAccidentals() { static Accidental a[] = { NoAccidental, Sharp, Flat, Natural, DoubleSharp, DoubleFlat }; static AccidentalList v; if (v.size() == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); ++i) v.push_back(a[i]); } return v; } int getPitchOffset(const Accidental &acc) { if (acc == DoubleSharp) return 2; else if (acc == Sharp) return 1; else if (acc == Flat) return -1; else if (acc == DoubleFlat) return -2; else return 0; } Accidental getAccidental(int pitchChange) { if (pitchChange == -2) return DoubleFlat; if (pitchChange == -1) return Flat; // Yielding 'Natural' will add a natural-sign even if not needed, so for now // just return NoAccidental if (pitchChange == 0) return NoAccidental; if (pitchChange == 1) return Sharp; if (pitchChange == 2) return DoubleSharp; // if we're getting into triple flats/sharps, we're probably atonal // and don't case if the accidental is simplified return NoAccidental; } } using namespace Accidentals; namespace Marks { const Mark NoMark = "no-mark"; const Mark Accent = "accent"; const Mark Tenuto = "tenuto"; const Mark Staccato = "staccato"; const Mark Staccatissimo = "staccatissimo"; const Mark Marcato = "marcato"; const Mark Sforzando = getTextMark("sf"); const Mark Rinforzando = getTextMark("rf"); const Mark Trill = "trill"; const Mark LongTrill = "long-trill"; const Mark TrillLine = "trill-line"; const Mark Turn = "turn"; const Mark Pause = "pause"; const Mark UpBow = "up-bow"; const Mark DownBow = "down-bow"; const Mark Mordent = "mordent"; const Mark MordentInverted = "mordent-inverted"; const Mark MordentLong = "mordent-long"; const Mark MordentLongInverted = "mordent-long-inverted"; string getTextMark(string text) { return string("text_") + text; } bool isTextMark(Mark mark) { return string(mark).substr(0, 5) == "text_"; } string getTextFromMark(Mark mark) { if (!isTextMark(mark)) return string(); else return string(mark).substr(5); } string getFingeringMark(string fingering) { return string("finger_") + fingering; } bool isFingeringMark(Mark mark) { return string(mark).substr(0, 7) == "finger_"; } string getFingeringFromMark(Mark mark) { if (!isFingeringMark(mark)) return string(); else return string(mark).substr(7); } int getMarkCount(const Event &e) { long markCount = 0; e.get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount); return markCount; } std::vector getMarks(const Event &e) { std::vector marks; long markCount = 0; e.get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount); if (markCount == 0) return marks; for (long j = 0; j < markCount; ++j) { Mark mark(Marks::NoMark); (void)e.get(BaseProperties::getMarkPropertyName(j), mark); marks.push_back(mark); } return marks; } Mark getFingeringMark(const Event &e) { long markCount = 0; e.get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount); if (markCount == 0) return NoMark; for (long j = 0; j < markCount; ++j) { Mark mark(Marks::NoMark); (void)e.get(BaseProperties::getMarkPropertyName(j), mark); if (isFingeringMark(mark)) return mark; } return NoMark; } void addMark(Event &e, const Mark &mark, bool unique) { if (unique && hasMark(e, mark)) return; long markCount = 0; e.get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount); e.set(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount + 1); PropertyName markProperty = BaseProperties::getMarkPropertyName(markCount); e.set(markProperty, mark); } bool removeMark(Event &e, const Mark &mark) { long markCount = 0; e.get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount); for (long j = 0; j < markCount; ++j) { PropertyName pn(BaseProperties::getMarkPropertyName(j)); std::string m; if (e.get(pn, m) && m == mark) { e.unset(pn); while (j < markCount - 1) { PropertyName npn(BaseProperties::getMarkPropertyName(j+1)); if (e.get(npn, m)) { e.set( pn, m); } pn = npn; ++j; } e.set(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount - 1); return true; } } return false; } bool hasMark(const Event &e, const Mark &mark) { long markCount = 0; e.get(BaseProperties::MARK_COUNT, markCount); for (long j = 0; j < markCount; ++j) { std::string m; if (e.get(BaseProperties::getMarkPropertyName(j), m) && m == mark) { return true; } } return false; } std::vector getStandardMarks() { static Mark a[] = { NoMark, Accent, Tenuto, Staccato, Staccatissimo, Marcato, Sforzando, Rinforzando, Trill, LongTrill, TrillLine, Turn, Pause, UpBow, DownBow, Mordent, MordentInverted, MordentLong, MordentLongInverted }; static std::vector v; if (v.size() == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); ++i) v.push_back(a[i]); } return v; } } using namespace Marks; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clef ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const string Clef::EventType = "clefchange"; const int Clef::EventSubOrdering = -250; const PropertyName Clef::ClefPropertyName = "clef"; const PropertyName Clef::OctaveOffsetPropertyName = "octaveoffset"; const string Clef::Treble = "treble"; const string Clef::French = "french"; const string Clef::Soprano = "soprano"; const string Clef::Mezzosoprano = "mezzosoprano"; const string Clef::Alto = "alto"; const string Clef::Tenor = "tenor"; const string Clef::Baritone = "baritone"; const string Clef::Varbaritone = "varbaritone"; const string Clef::Bass = "bass"; const string Clef::Subbass = "subbass"; const Clef Clef::DefaultClef = Clef("treble"); Clef::Clef(const Event &e) : m_clef(DefaultClef.m_clef), m_octaveOffset(0) { if (e.getType() != EventType) { std::cerr << Event::BadType ("Clef model event", EventType, e.getType()).getMessage() << std::endl; return; } std::string s; e.get(ClefPropertyName, s); if (s != Treble && s != Soprano && s != French && s != Mezzosoprano && s != Alto && s != Tenor && s != Baritone && s != Bass && s != Varbaritone && s != Subbass) { std::cerr << BadClefName("No such clef as \"" + s + "\"").getMessage() << std::endl; return; } long octaveOffset = 0; (void)e.get(OctaveOffsetPropertyName, octaveOffset); m_clef = s; m_octaveOffset = octaveOffset; } Clef::Clef(const std::string &s, int octaveOffset) // throw (BadClefName) { if (s != Treble && s != Soprano && s != French && s != Mezzosoprano && s != Alto && s != Tenor && s != Baritone && s != Bass && s != Varbaritone && s != Subbass) { throw BadClefName("No such clef as \"" + s + "\""); } m_clef = s; m_octaveOffset = octaveOffset; } Clef &Clef::operator=(const Clef &c) { if (this != &c) { m_clef = c.m_clef; m_octaveOffset = c.m_octaveOffset; } return *this; } bool Clef::isValid(const Event &e) { if (e.getType() != EventType) return false; std::string s; e.get(ClefPropertyName, s); if (s != Treble && s != Soprano && s != French && s != Mezzosoprano && s != Alto && s != Tenor && s != Baritone && s != Bass && s != Varbaritone && s != Subbass) return false; return true; } int Clef::getTranspose() const { //!!! plus or minus? return getOctave() * 12 - getPitchOffset(); } int Clef::getOctave() const { if (m_clef == Treble || m_clef == French) return 0 + m_octaveOffset; else if (m_clef == Bass || m_clef == Varbaritone || m_clef == Subbass) return -2 + m_octaveOffset; else return -1 + m_octaveOffset; } int Clef::getPitchOffset() const { if (m_clef == Treble) return 0; else if (m_clef == French) return -2; else if (m_clef == Soprano) return -5; else if (m_clef == Mezzosoprano) return -3; else if (m_clef == Alto) return -1; else if (m_clef == Tenor) return 1; else if (m_clef == Baritone) return 3; else if (m_clef == Varbaritone) return -4; else if (m_clef == Bass) return -2; else if (m_clef == Subbass) return 0; else return -2; } int Clef::getAxisHeight() const { if (m_clef == Treble) return 2; else if (m_clef == French) return 0; else if (m_clef == Soprano) return 0; else if (m_clef == Mezzosoprano) return 2; else if (m_clef == Alto) return 4; else if (m_clef == Tenor) return 6; else if (m_clef == Baritone) return 8; else if (m_clef == Varbaritone) return 4; else if (m_clef == Bass) return 6; else if (m_clef == Subbass) return 8; else return 6; } Clef::ClefList Clef::getClefs() { ClefList clefs; clefs.push_back(Clef(Bass)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Varbaritone)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Subbass)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Baritone)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Tenor)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Alto)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Mezzosoprano)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Soprano)); clefs.push_back(Clef(French)); clefs.push_back(Clef(Treble)); return clefs; } Event *Clef::getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const { Event *e = new Event(EventType, absoluteTime, 0, EventSubOrdering); e->set(ClefPropertyName, m_clef); e->set(OctaveOffsetPropertyName, m_octaveOffset); return e; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Key ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Key::KeyDetailMap Key::m_keyDetailMap = Key::KeyDetailMap(); const string Key::EventType = "keychange"; const int Key::EventSubOrdering = -200; const PropertyName Key::KeyPropertyName = "key"; const Key Key::DefaultKey = Key("C major"); Key::Key() : m_name(DefaultKey.m_name), m_accidentalHeights(0) { checkMap(); } Key::Key(const Event &e) : m_name(""), m_accidentalHeights(0) { checkMap(); if (e.getType() != EventType) { std::cerr << Event::BadType ("Key model event", EventType, e.getType()).getMessage() << std::endl; return; } e.get(KeyPropertyName, m_name); if (m_keyDetailMap.find(m_name) == m_keyDetailMap.end()) { std::cerr << BadKeyName ("No such key as \"" + m_name + "\"").getMessage() << std::endl; return; } } Key::Key(const std::string &name) : m_name(name), m_accidentalHeights(0) { checkMap(); if (m_keyDetailMap.find(m_name) == m_keyDetailMap.end()) { throw BadKeyName("No such key as \"" + m_name + "\""); } } Key::Key(int accidentalCount, bool isSharp, bool isMinor) : m_accidentalHeights(0) { checkMap(); for (KeyDetailMap::const_iterator i = m_keyDetailMap.begin(); i != m_keyDetailMap.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).second.m_sharpCount == accidentalCount && (*i).second.m_minor == isMinor && ((*i).second.m_sharps == isSharp || (*i).second.m_sharpCount == 0)) { m_name = (*i).first; return; } } #if (__GNUC__ < 3) std::ostrstream os; #else std::ostringstream os; #endif os << "No " << (isMinor ? "minor" : "major") << " key with " << accidentalCount << (isSharp ? " sharp(s)" : " flat(s)"); #if (__GNUC__ < 3) os << std::ends; #endif throw BadKeySpec(os.str()); } // Unfortunately this is ambiguous -- e.g. B major / Cb major. // We need an isSharp argument, but we already have a constructor // with that signature. Not quite sure what's the best solution. Key::Key(int tonicPitch, bool isMinor) : m_accidentalHeights(0) { checkMap(); for (KeyDetailMap::const_iterator i = m_keyDetailMap.begin(); i != m_keyDetailMap.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).second.m_tonicPitch == tonicPitch && (*i).second.m_minor == isMinor) { m_name = (*i).first; return; } } #if (__GNUC__ < 3) std::ostrstream os; #else std::ostringstream os; #endif os << "No " << (isMinor ? "minor" : "major") << " key with tonic pitch " << tonicPitch; #if (__GNUC__ < 3) os << std::ends; #endif throw BadKeySpec(os.str()); } Key::Key(const Key &kc) : m_name(kc.m_name), m_accidentalHeights(0) { } Key& Key::operator=(const Key &kc) { m_name = kc.m_name; m_accidentalHeights = 0; return *this; } bool Key::isValid(const Event &e) { if (e.getType() != EventType) return false; std::string name; e.get(KeyPropertyName, name); if (m_keyDetailMap.find(name) == m_keyDetailMap.end()) return false; return true; } Key::KeyList Key::getKeys(bool minor) { checkMap(); KeyList result; for (KeyDetailMap::const_iterator i = m_keyDetailMap.begin(); i != m_keyDetailMap.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).second.m_minor == minor) { result.push_back(Key((*i).first)); } } return result; } Key Key::transpose(int pitchDelta, int heightDelta) { Pitch tonic(getTonicPitch()); Pitch newTonic = tonic.transpose(*this, pitchDelta, heightDelta); int newTonicPitch = (newTonic.getPerformancePitch() % 12 + 12) % 12; return Key (newTonicPitch, isMinor()); } Accidental Key::getAccidentalAtHeight(int height, const Clef &clef) const { checkAccidentalHeights(); height = canonicalHeight(height); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_accidentalHeights->size(); ++i) { if (height ==static_cast(canonicalHeight((*m_accidentalHeights)[i] + clef.getPitchOffset()))) { return isSharp() ? Sharp : Flat; } } return NoAccidental; } Accidental Key::getAccidentalForStep(int step) const { if (isMinor()) { step = (step + 5) % 7; } int accidentalCount = getAccidentalCount(); if (accidentalCount == 0) { return NoAccidental; } bool sharp = isSharp(); int currentAccidentalPosition = sharp ? 6 : 3; for (int i = 1; i <= accidentalCount; i++) { if (step == currentAccidentalPosition) { return sharp ? Sharp : Flat; } currentAccidentalPosition = (currentAccidentalPosition + (sharp ? 3 : 4)) % 7; } return NoAccidental; } vector Key::getAccidentalHeights(const Clef &clef) const { // staff positions of accidentals checkAccidentalHeights(); vector v(*m_accidentalHeights); int offset = clef.getPitchOffset(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] += offset; if (offset > 0) if (v[i] > 8) v[i] -= 7; } return v; } void Key::checkAccidentalHeights() const { if (m_accidentalHeights) return; m_accidentalHeights = new vector; bool sharp = isSharp(); int accidentals = getAccidentalCount(); int height = sharp ? 8 : 4; for (int i = 0; i < accidentals; ++i) { m_accidentalHeights->push_back(height); if (sharp) { height -= 3; if (height < 3) height += 7; } else { height += 3; if (height > 7) height -= 7; } } } int Key::convertFrom(int p, const Key &previousKey, const Accidental &explicitAccidental) const { Pitch pitch(p, explicitAccidental); int height = pitch.getHeightOnStaff(Clef(), previousKey); Pitch newPitch(height, Clef(), *this, explicitAccidental); return newPitch.getPerformancePitch(); } int Key::transposeFrom(int pitch, const Key &previousKey) const { int delta = getTonicPitch() - previousKey.getTonicPitch(); if (delta > 6) delta -= 12; if (delta < -6) delta += 12; return pitch + delta; } Event *Key::getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const { Event *e = new Event(EventType, absoluteTime, 0, EventSubOrdering); e->set(KeyPropertyName, m_name); return e; } void Key::checkMap() { if (!m_keyDetailMap.empty()) return; m_keyDetailMap["A major" ] = KeyDetails(true, false, 3, "F# minor", "A maj / F# min", 9); m_keyDetailMap["F# minor"] = KeyDetails(true, true, 3, "A major", "A maj / F# min", 6); m_keyDetailMap["Ab major"] = KeyDetails(false, false, 4, "F minor", "Ab maj / F min", 8); m_keyDetailMap["F minor" ] = KeyDetails(false, true, 4, "Ab major", "Ab maj / F min", 5); m_keyDetailMap["B major" ] = KeyDetails(true, false, 5, "G# minor", "B maj / G# min", 11); m_keyDetailMap["G# minor"] = KeyDetails(true, true, 5, "B major", "B maj / G# min", 8); m_keyDetailMap["Bb major"] = KeyDetails(false, false, 2, "G minor", "Bb maj / G min", 10); m_keyDetailMap["G minor" ] = KeyDetails(false, true, 2, "Bb major", "Bb maj / G min", 7); m_keyDetailMap["C major" ] = KeyDetails(true, false, 0, "A minor", "C maj / A min", 0); m_keyDetailMap["A minor" ] = KeyDetails(false, true, 0, "C major", "C maj / A min", 9); m_keyDetailMap["Cb major"] = KeyDetails(false, false, 7, "Ab minor", "Cb maj / Ab min", 11); m_keyDetailMap["Ab minor"] = KeyDetails(false, true, 7, "Cb major", "Cb maj / Ab min", 8); m_keyDetailMap["C# major"] = KeyDetails(true, false, 7, "A# minor", "C# maj / A# min", 1); m_keyDetailMap["A# minor"] = KeyDetails(true, true, 7, "C# major", "C# maj / A# min", 10); m_keyDetailMap["D major" ] = KeyDetails(true, false, 2, "B minor", "D maj / B min", 2); m_keyDetailMap["B minor" ] = KeyDetails(true, true, 2, "D major", "D maj / B min", 11); m_keyDetailMap["Db major"] = KeyDetails(false, false, 5, "Bb minor", "Db maj / Bb min", 1); m_keyDetailMap["Bb minor"] = KeyDetails(false, true, 5, "Db major", "Db maj / Bb min", 10); m_keyDetailMap["E major" ] = KeyDetails(true, false, 4, "C# minor", "E maj / C# min", 4); m_keyDetailMap["C# minor"] = KeyDetails(true, true, 4, "E major", "E maj / C# min", 1); m_keyDetailMap["Eb major"] = KeyDetails(false, false, 3, "C minor", "Eb maj / C min", 3); m_keyDetailMap["C minor" ] = KeyDetails(false, true, 3, "Eb major", "Eb maj / C min", 0); m_keyDetailMap["F major" ] = KeyDetails(false, false, 1, "D minor", "F maj / D min", 5); m_keyDetailMap["D minor" ] = KeyDetails(false, true, 1, "F major", "F maj / D min", 2); m_keyDetailMap["F# major"] = KeyDetails(true, false, 6, "D# minor", "F# maj / D# min", 6); m_keyDetailMap["D# minor"] = KeyDetails(true, true, 6, "F# major", "F# maj / D# min", 3); m_keyDetailMap["G major" ] = KeyDetails(true, false, 1, "E minor", "G maj / E min", 7); m_keyDetailMap["E minor" ] = KeyDetails(true, true, 1, "G major", "G maj / E min", 4); m_keyDetailMap["Gb major"] = KeyDetails(false, false, 6, "Eb minor", "Gb maj / Eb min", 6); m_keyDetailMap["Eb minor"] = KeyDetails(false, true, 6, "Gb major", "Gb maj / Eb min", 3); } Key::KeyDetails::KeyDetails() : m_sharps(false), m_minor(false), m_sharpCount(0), m_equivalence(""), m_rg2name(""), m_tonicPitch(0) { } Key::KeyDetails::KeyDetails(bool sharps, bool minor, int sharpCount, std::string equivalence, std::string rg2name, int tonicPitch) : m_sharps(sharps), m_minor(minor), m_sharpCount(sharpCount), m_equivalence(equivalence), m_rg2name(rg2name), m_tonicPitch(tonicPitch) { } Key::KeyDetails::KeyDetails(const Key::KeyDetails &d) : m_sharps(d.m_sharps), m_minor(d.m_minor), m_sharpCount(d.m_sharpCount), m_equivalence(d.m_equivalence), m_rg2name(d.m_rg2name), m_tonicPitch(d.m_tonicPitch) { } Key::KeyDetails& Key::KeyDetails::operator=(const Key::KeyDetails &d) { if (&d == this) return *this; m_sharps = d.m_sharps; m_minor = d.m_minor; m_sharpCount = d.m_sharpCount; m_equivalence = d.m_equivalence; m_rg2name = d.m_rg2name; m_tonicPitch = d.m_tonicPitch; return *this; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Indication ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const std::string Indication::EventType = "indication"; const int Indication::EventSubOrdering = -50; const PropertyName Indication::IndicationTypePropertyName = "indicationtype"; //const PropertyName Indication::IndicationDurationPropertyName = "indicationduration"; static const PropertyName IndicationDurationPropertyName = "indicationduration";//!!! const std::string Indication::Slur = "slur"; const std::string Indication::PhrasingSlur = "phrasingslur"; const std::string Indication::Crescendo = "crescendo"; const std::string Indication::Decrescendo = "decrescendo"; const std::string Indication::Glissando = "glissando"; const std::string Indication::QuindicesimaUp = "ottava2up"; const std::string Indication::OttavaUp = "ottavaup"; const std::string Indication::OttavaDown = "ottavadown"; const std::string Indication::QuindicesimaDown = "ottava2down"; Indication::Indication(const Event &e) { if (e.getType() != EventType) { throw Event::BadType("Indication model event", EventType, e.getType()); } std::string s; e.get(IndicationTypePropertyName, s); if (!isValid(s)) { throw BadIndicationName("No such indication as \"" + s + "\""); } m_indicationType = s; m_duration = e.getDuration(); if (m_duration == 0) { e.get(IndicationDurationPropertyName, m_duration); // obsolete property } } Indication::Indication(const std::string &s, timeT indicationDuration) { if (!isValid(s)) { throw BadIndicationName("No such indication as \"" + s + "\""); } m_indicationType = s; m_duration = indicationDuration; } Indication & Indication::operator=(const Indication &m) { if (&m != this) { m_indicationType = m.m_indicationType; m_duration = m.m_duration; } return *this; } Event * Indication::getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const { Event *e = new Event(EventType, absoluteTime, m_duration, EventSubOrdering); e->set(IndicationTypePropertyName, m_indicationType); // Set this obsolete property as well, as otherwise we could actually // crash earlier versions of RG by loading files exported from this one! e->set(IndicationDurationPropertyName, m_duration); return e; } bool Indication::isValid(const std::string &s) const { return (s == Slur || s == PhrasingSlur || s == Crescendo || s == Decrescendo || s == Glissando || s == QuindicesimaUp || s == OttavaUp || s == OttavaDown || s == QuindicesimaDown); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Text ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const std::string Text::EventType = "text"; const int Text::EventSubOrdering = -70; const PropertyName Text::TextPropertyName = "text"; const PropertyName Text::TextTypePropertyName = "type"; const PropertyName Text::LyricVersePropertyName = "verse"; // text styles const std::string Text::UnspecifiedType = "unspecified"; const std::string Text::StaffName = "staffname"; const std::string Text::ChordName = "chordname"; const std::string Text::KeyName = "keyname"; const std::string Text::Dynamic = "dynamic"; const std::string Text::Lyric = "lyric"; const std::string Text::Chord = "chord"; const std::string Text::Direction = "direction"; const std::string Text::LocalDirection = "local_direction"; const std::string Text::Tempo = "tempo"; const std::string Text::LocalTempo = "local_tempo"; const std::string Text::Annotation = "annotation"; const std::string Text::LilyPondDirective = "lilypond_directive"; // special LilyPond directives const std::string Text::Segno = "Segno"; const std::string Text::Coda = "Coda"; const std::string Text::Alternate1 = "Alt1 ->"; const std::string Text::Alternate2 = "Alt2 ->"; const std::string Text::BarDouble = "|| ->"; const std::string Text::BarEnd = "|. ->"; const std::string Text::BarDot = ": ->"; const std::string Text::Gliss = "Gliss."; const std::string Text::Arpeggio = "Arp."; //const std::string Text::ArpeggioUp = "Arp.^"; //const std::string Text::ArpeggioDn = "Arp._"; const std::string Text::Tiny = "tiny ->"; const std::string Text::Small = "small ->"; const std::string Text::NormalSize = "norm. ->"; Text::Text(const Event &e) : m_verse(0) { if (e.getType() != EventType) { throw Event::BadType("Text model event", EventType, e.getType()); } m_text = ""; m_type = Text::UnspecifiedType; e.get(TextPropertyName, m_text); e.get(TextTypePropertyName, m_type); e.get(LyricVersePropertyName, m_verse); } Text::Text(const std::string &s, const std::string &type) : m_text(s), m_type(type), m_verse(0) { // nothing else } Text::Text(const Text &t) : m_text(t.m_text), m_type(t.m_type), m_verse(t.m_verse) { // nothing else } Text & Text::operator=(const Text &t) { if (&t != this) { m_text = t.m_text; m_type = t.m_type; m_verse = t.m_verse; } return *this; } Text::~Text() { // nothing } bool Text::isTextOfType(Event *e, std::string type) { return (e->isa(EventType) && e->has(TextTypePropertyName) && e->get(TextTypePropertyName) == type); } std::vector Text::getUserStyles() { std::vector v; v.push_back(Dynamic); v.push_back(Direction); v.push_back(LocalDirection); v.push_back(Tempo); v.push_back(LocalTempo); v.push_back(Chord); v.push_back(Lyric); v.push_back(Annotation); v.push_back(LilyPondDirective); return v; } std::vector Text::getLilyPondDirectives() { std::vector v; v.push_back(Alternate1); v.push_back(Alternate2); v.push_back(Segno); v.push_back(Coda); v.push_back(BarDouble); v.push_back(BarEnd); v.push_back(BarDot); v.push_back(Gliss); v.push_back(Arpeggio); // v.push_back(ArpeggioUp); // v.push_back(ArpeggioDn); v.push_back(Tiny); v.push_back(Small); v.push_back(NormalSize); return v; } Event * Text::getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const { Event *e = new Event(EventType, absoluteTime, 0, EventSubOrdering); e->set(TextPropertyName, m_text); e->set(TextTypePropertyName, m_type); if (m_type == Lyric) e->set(LyricVersePropertyName, m_verse); return e; } bool pitchInKey(int pitch, const Key& key) { int pitchOffset = (pitch - key.getTonicPitch() + 12) % 12; static int pitchInMajor[] = { true, false, true, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, true }; static int pitchInMinor[] = { true, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, false, true, false }; if (key.isMinor()) { return pitchInMinor[pitchOffset]; } else { return pitchInMajor[pitchOffset]; } } /** * @param pitch in the range 0..11 (C..B) * * @author Arnout Engelen */ Accidental resolveNoAccidental(int pitch, const Key &key, NoAccidentalStrategy noAccidentalStrategy) { Accidental outputAccidental = ""; // Find out the accidental to use, based on the strategy specified switch (noAccidentalStrategy) { case UseKeySharpness: noAccidentalStrategy = key.isSharp() ? UseSharps : UseFlats; // fall though case UseFlats: // shares code with UseSharps case UseSharps: if (pitchInKey(pitch, key)) { outputAccidental = NoAccidental; } else { if (noAccidentalStrategy == UseSharps) { outputAccidental = Sharp; } else { outputAccidental = Flat; } } break; case UseKey: // the distance of the pitch from the tonic of the current // key int pitchOffset = (pitch - key.getTonicPitch() + 12) % 12; // 0: major, 1: minor int minor = key.isMinor(); static int pitchToHeight[2][12] = { { 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 }, // a ., b, c, ., d, ., e, f, ., g, . { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 } }; // map pitchOffset to the extra correction, on top of any // accidentals in the key. Example: in F major, with a pitchOffset // of 6, the resulting height would be 3 (Bb) and the correction // would be +1, so the resulting note would be B-natural static int pitchToCorrection[2][12] = { { 0, +1, 0, -1, 0, 0, +1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0 }, { 0, -1, 0, 0, +1, 0, -1, 0, 0, +1, 0, +1 } }; int correction = pitchToCorrection[minor][pitchOffset]; // Get the accidental normally associated with this height in this // key. Accidental normalAccidental = key.getAccidentalForStep(pitchToHeight[minor][pitchOffset]); // Apply the pitchCorrection and get the outputAccidental outputAccidental = Accidentals::getAccidental( getPitchOffset(normalAccidental) + correction); } return outputAccidental; } /** * @param pitch in the range 0..11 (C..B) * * @author Michael McIntyre */ void resolveSpecifiedAccidental(int pitch, const Clef &clef, const Key &key, int &height, int &octave, Accidental &inputAccidental, Accidental &outputAccidental) { // 4. Get info from the Key long accidentalCount = key.getAccidentalCount(); bool keyIsSharp = key.isSharp(), keyIsFlat = !keyIsSharp; // Calculate the flags needed for resolving accidentals against the key. // First we initialize them false... bool keyHasSharpC = false, keyHasSharpD = false, keyHasSharpE = false, keyHasSharpF = false, keyHasSharpG = false, keyHasSharpA = false, keyHasSharpB = false, keyHasFlatC = false, keyHasFlatD = false, keyHasFlatE = false, keyHasFlatF = false, keyHasFlatG = false, keyHasFlatA = false, keyHasFlatB = false; // Then we use "trip points" based on the flat/sharp state of the key and // its number of accidentals to set the flags: if (keyIsSharp) { switch (accidentalCount) { case 7: keyHasSharpB = true; case 6: keyHasSharpE = true; case 5: keyHasSharpA = true; case 4: keyHasSharpD = true; case 3: keyHasSharpG = true; case 2: keyHasSharpC = true; case 1: keyHasSharpF = true; } } else { switch (accidentalCount) { case 7: keyHasFlatF = true; case 6: keyHasFlatC = true; case 5: keyHasFlatG = true; case 4: keyHasFlatD = true; case 3: keyHasFlatA = true; case 2: keyHasFlatE = true; case 1: keyHasFlatB = true; } } // 5. Determine height on staff and accidental note should display with for key... // // Every position on the staff is one of six accidental states: // // Natural, Sharp, Flat, DoubleSharp, DoubleFlat, NoAccidental // // DoubleSharp and DoubleFlat are always user-specified accidentals, so // they are always used to decide how to draw the note, and they are // always passed along unchanged. // // The Natural state indicates that a note is or might be going against // the key. Since the Natural state will always be attached to a plain // pitch that can never resolve to a "black key" note, it is not necessary // to handle this case differently unless the key has "white key" notes // that are supposed to take accidentals for the key. (eg. Cb Gb B C# major) // For most keys we treat it the same as a NoAccidental, and use the key // to decide where to draw the note, and what accidental to return. // // The Sharp and Flat states indicate that a user has specified an // accidental for the note, and it might be "out of key." We check to see // if that's the case. If the note is "in key" then the extra accidental // property is removed, and we return NoAccidental. If the note is "out of // key" then the Sharp or Flat is used to decide where to draw the note, and // the accidental is passed along unchanged. (Incomplete? Will a failure // to always pass along the accidental cause strange behavior if a user // specifies an explicit Bb in key of F and then transposes to G, wishing // the Bb to remain an explicit Bb? If someone complains, I'll know where // to look.) // // The NoAccidental state is a default state. We have nothing else upon // which to base a decision in this case, so we make the best decisions // possible using only the pitch and key. Notes that are "in key" pass on // with NoAccidental preserved, otherwise we return an appropriate // accidental for the key. // We calculate height on a virtual staff, and then make necessary adjustments to // translate them onto a particular Clef later on... // // ---------F--------- Staff Height Note(semitone) for each of five states: // E // ---------D--------- Natural| Sharp | Flat |DblSharp| DblFlat // C | | | | // ---------B--------- height 4 B(11) | B#( 0) | Bb(10) | Bx( 1) | Bbb( 9) // A height 3 A( 9) | A#(10) | Ab( 8) | Ax(11) | Abb( 7) // ---------G--------- height 2 G( 7) | G#( 8) | Gb( 6) | Gx( 9) | Gbb( 5) // F height 1 F( 5) | F#( 6) | Fb( 4) | Fx( 7) | Fbb( 3) // ---------E--------- height 0 E( 4) | E#( 5) | Eb( 3) | Ex( 6) | Ebb( 2) // D height -1 D( 2) | D#( 3) | Db( 1) | Dx( 4) | Dbb( 0) // ---C---- height -2 C( 0) | C#( 1) | Cb(11) | Cx( 2) | Cbb(10) // use these constants instead of numeric literals in order to reduce the // chance of making incorrect height assignments... const int C = -2, D = -1, E = 0, F = 1, G = 2, A = 3, B = 4; // Here we do the actual work of making all the decisions explained above. switch (pitch) { case 0 : if (inputAccidental == Sharp || // B# (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyHasSharpB)) { height = B; octave--; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpB) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Dbb height = D; outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } else { height = C; // C or C-Natural outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatC || keyHasSharpC || (keyHasSharpB && inputAccidental == Natural)) ? Natural : NoAccidental; } break; case 1 : if (inputAccidental == Sharp || // C# (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsSharp)) { height = C; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpC) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Db (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsFlat)) { height = D; outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatD) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Bx height = B; octave--; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } break; case 2 : if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Cx height = C; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Ebb height = E; outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } else { // D or D-Natural height = D; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpD || keyHasFlatD) ? Natural : NoAccidental; } break; case 3 : if (inputAccidental == Sharp || // D# (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsSharp)) { height = D; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpD) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Eb (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsFlat)) { height = E; outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatE) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Fbb height = F; outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } break; case 4 : if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Fb (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyHasFlatF)) { height = F; outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatF) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Dx height = D; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } else { // E or E-Natural height = E; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpE || keyHasFlatE || (keyHasFlatF && inputAccidental==Natural)) ? Natural : NoAccidental; } break; case 5 : if (inputAccidental == Sharp || // E# (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyHasSharpE)) { height = E; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpE) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Gbb height = G; outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } else { // F or F-Natural height = F; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpF || keyHasFlatF || (keyHasSharpE && inputAccidental==Natural))? Natural : NoAccidental; } break; case 6 : if (inputAccidental == Sharp || (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsSharp)) { // F# height = F; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpF) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Gb (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsFlat)) { height = G; outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatG) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Ex height = E; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } break; case 7 : if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Fx height = F; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Abb height = A; outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } else { // G or G-Natural height = G; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpG || keyHasFlatG) ? Natural : NoAccidental; } break; case 8 : if (inputAccidental == Sharp || (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsSharp)) { // G# height = G; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpG) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Ab (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsFlat)) { height = A; outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatA) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } break; case 9 : if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Gx height = G; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } else if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Bbb height = B; outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } else { // A or A-Natural height = A; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpA || keyHasFlatA) ? Natural : NoAccidental; } break; case 10: if (inputAccidental == DoubleFlat) { // Cbb height = C; octave++; // tweak B/C divide outputAccidental = DoubleFlat; } else if (inputAccidental == Sharp || // A# (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsSharp)) { height = A; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpA) ? NoAccidental : Sharp; } else if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Bb (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyIsFlat)) { height = B; outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatB) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } break; case 11: if (inputAccidental == DoubleSharp) { // Ax height = A; outputAccidental = DoubleSharp; } else if (inputAccidental == Flat || // Cb (inputAccidental == NoAccidental && keyHasFlatC)) { height = C; octave++; // tweak B/C divide outputAccidental = (keyHasFlatC) ? NoAccidental : Flat; } else { // B or B-Natural height = B; outputAccidental = (keyHasSharpB || keyHasFlatB || (keyHasFlatC && inputAccidental==Natural)) ? Natural : NoAccidental; } } if (outputAccidental == NoAccidental && inputAccidental == Natural) { outputAccidental = Natural; } } bool Pitch::validAccidental() const { // std::cout << "Checking whether accidental is valid " << std::endl; if (m_accidental == NoAccidental) { return true; } int naturalPitch = (m_pitch - Accidentals::getPitchOffset(m_accidental) + 12) % 12; switch(naturalPitch) { case 0: //C return true; case 1: return false; case 2: //D return true; case 3: return false; case 4: //E return true; case 5: //F return true; case 6: return false; case 7: //G return true; case 8: return false; case 9: //A return true; case 10: return false; case 11: //B return true; }; std::cout << "Internal error in validAccidental" << std::endl; return false; } Event * Pitch::getAsNoteEvent(timeT absoluteTime, timeT duration) const { Event *e = new Event(Note::EventType, absoluteTime, duration); e->set(BaseProperties::PITCH, m_pitch); e->set(BaseProperties::ACCIDENTAL, m_accidental); return e; } /** * Converts performance pitch to height on staff + correct accidentals * for current key. * * This method takes a Clef, Key, Accidental and raw performance pitch, then * applies this information to return a height on staff value and an * accidental state. The pitch itself contains a lot of information, but we * need to use the Key and user-specified Accidental to make an accurate * decision just where to put it on the staff, and what accidental it should * display for (or against) the key. * * This function originally written by Chris Cannam for Rosegarden 2.1 * Entirely rewritten by Chris Cannam for Rosegarden 4 * Entirely rewritten by Hans Kieserman * Entirely rewritten by Michael McIntyre * This version by Michael McIntyre * Resolving the accidental was refactored out by Arnout Engelen */ void Pitch::rawPitchToDisplayPitch(int rawpitch, const Clef &clef, const Key &key, int &height, Accidental &accidental, NoAccidentalStrategy noAccidentalStrategy) { // 1. Calculate the octave (for later): int octave = rawpitch / 12; // 2. Set initial height to 0 height = 0; // 3. Calculate raw semitone number, yielding a value between 0 (C) and // 11 (B) int pitch = rawpitch % 12; // clear the in-coming accidental so we can trap any failure to re-set // it on the way out: Accidental userAccidental = accidental; accidental = ""; if (userAccidental == NoAccidental || !Pitch(rawpitch, userAccidental).validAccidental()) { userAccidental = resolveNoAccidental(pitch, key, noAccidentalStrategy); //std::cout << "Chose accidental " << userAccidental << " for pitch " << pitch << // " in key " << key.getName() << std::endl; } //else //{ // std::cout << "Accidental was specified, as " << userAccidental << std::endl; //} resolveSpecifiedAccidental(pitch, clef, key, height, octave, userAccidental, accidental); // Failsafe... If this ever executes, there's trouble to fix... // WIP - DMM - munged up to explore #937389, which is temporarily deferred, // owing to its non-critical nature, having been hacked around in the LilyPond // code #ifndef DEBUG_PITCH if (accidental == "") { std::cerr << "Pitch::rawPitchToDisplayPitch(): error! returning null accidental for:" #else std::cerr << "Pitch::rawPitchToDisplayPitch(): calculating: " #endif << std::endl << "pitch: " << rawpitch << " (" << pitch << " in oct " << octave << ") userAcc: " << userAccidental << " clef: " << clef.getClefType() << " key: " << key.getName() << std::endl; #ifndef DEBUG_PITCH } #endif // 6. "Recenter" height in case it's been changed: height = ((height + 2) % 7) - 2; height += (octave - 5) * 7; height += clef.getPitchOffset(); // 7. Transpose up or down for the clef: height -= 7 * clef.getOctave(); } void Pitch::displayPitchToRawPitch(int height, Accidental accidental, const Clef &clef, const Key &key, int &pitch, bool ignoreOffset) { int octave = 5; // 1. Ask Key for accidental if necessary if (accidental == NoAccidental) { accidental = key.getAccidentalAtHeight(height, clef); } // 2. Get pitch and correct octave if (!ignoreOffset) height -= clef.getPitchOffset(); while (height < 0) { octave -= 1; height += 7; } while (height >= 7) { octave += 1; height -= 7; } if (height > 4) ++octave; // Height is now relative to treble clef lines switch (height) { case 0: pitch = 4; break; /* bottom line, treble clef: E */ case 1: pitch = 5; break; /* F */ case 2: pitch = 7; break; /* G */ case 3: pitch = 9; break; /* A, in next octave */ case 4: pitch = 11; break; /* B, likewise*/ case 5: pitch = 0; break; /* C, moved up an octave (see above) */ case 6: pitch = 2; break; /* D, likewise */ } // Pitch is now "natural"-ized note at given height // 3. Adjust pitch for accidental if (accidental != NoAccidental && accidental != Natural) { if (accidental == Sharp) { pitch++; } else if (accidental == Flat) { pitch--; } else if (accidental == DoubleSharp) { pitch += 2; } else if (accidental == DoubleFlat) { pitch -= 2; } } // 4. Adjust for clef octave += clef.getOctave(); pitch += 12 * octave; } Pitch::Pitch(const Event &e) : // throw (Event::NoData) m_accidental(NoAccidental) { m_pitch = e.get(BaseProperties::PITCH); e.get(BaseProperties::ACCIDENTAL, m_accidental); } Pitch::Pitch(int performancePitch, const Accidental &explicitAccidental) : m_pitch(performancePitch), m_accidental(explicitAccidental) { // nothing } Pitch::Pitch(int pitchInOctave, int octave, const Accidental &explicitAccidental, int octaveBase) : m_pitch((octave - octaveBase) * 12 + pitchInOctave), m_accidental(explicitAccidental) { // nothing else } Pitch::Pitch(int noteInScale, int octave, const Key &key, const Accidental &explicitAccidental, int octaveBase) : m_pitch(0), m_accidental(explicitAccidental) { m_pitch = (key.getTonicPitch()); m_pitch = (octave - octaveBase) * 12 + m_pitch % 12; if (key.isMinor()) m_pitch += scale_Cminor_harmonic[noteInScale]; else m_pitch += scale_Cmajor[noteInScale]; m_pitch += Accidentals::getPitchOffset(m_accidental); } Pitch::Pitch(int noteInCMajor, int octave, int pitch, int octaveBase) : m_pitch(pitch) { int natural = (octave - octaveBase) * 12 + scale_Cmajor[noteInCMajor]; m_accidental = Accidentals::getAccidental(pitch - natural); } Pitch::Pitch(char noteName, int octave, const Key &key, const Accidental &explicitAccidental, int octaveBase) : m_pitch(0), m_accidental(explicitAccidental) { int height = getIndexForNote(noteName) - 2; displayPitchToRawPitch(height, explicitAccidental, Clef(), key, m_pitch); // we now have the pitch within octave 5 (C == 60) -- though it // might have spilled over at either end if (m_pitch < 60) --octave; if (m_pitch > 71) ++octave; m_pitch = (octave - octaveBase) * 12 + m_pitch % 12; } Pitch::Pitch(int heightOnStaff, const Clef &clef, const Key &key, const Accidental &explicitAccidental) : m_pitch(0), m_accidental(explicitAccidental) { displayPitchToRawPitch (heightOnStaff, explicitAccidental, clef, key, m_pitch); } Pitch::Pitch(const Pitch &p) : m_pitch(p.m_pitch), m_accidental(p.m_accidental) { // nothing else } Pitch & Pitch::operator=(const Pitch &p) { if (&p != this) { m_pitch = p.m_pitch; m_accidental = p.m_accidental; } return *this; } int Pitch::getPerformancePitch() const { return m_pitch; } Accidental Pitch::getAccidental(bool useSharps) const { return getDisplayAccidental(Key("C major"), useSharps ? UseSharps : UseFlats); } Accidental Pitch::getAccidental(const Key &key) const { if (m_accidental == NoAccidental || !validAccidental()) { Accidental retval = resolveNoAccidental(m_pitch, key, UseKey); //std::cout << "Resolved No/invalid accidental: chose " << retval << std::endl; return retval; } else { //std::cout << "Returning specified accidental" << std::endl; return m_accidental; } } Accidental Pitch::getDisplayAccidental(const Key &key) const { return getDisplayAccidental(key, UseKey); } Accidental Pitch::getDisplayAccidental(const Key &key, NoAccidentalStrategy noAccidentalStrategy) const { int heightOnStaff; Accidental accidental(m_accidental); rawPitchToDisplayPitch(m_pitch, Clef(), key, heightOnStaff, accidental, noAccidentalStrategy); return accidental; } int Pitch::getNoteInScale(const Key &key) const { int p = m_pitch; p -= key.getTonicPitch(); p -= Accidentals::getPitchOffset(getDisplayAccidental(key)); p += 24; // in case these calculations made it -ve p %= 12; if (key.isMinor()) return steps_Cminor_harmonic[p]; else return steps_Cmajor[p]; } char Pitch::getNoteName(const Key &key) const { int index = (getHeightOnStaff(Clef(Clef::Treble), key) + 72) % 7; return getNoteForIndex(index); } int Pitch::getHeightOnStaff(const Clef &clef, const Key &key) const { int heightOnStaff; Accidental accidental(m_accidental); rawPitchToDisplayPitch(m_pitch, clef, key, heightOnStaff, accidental, UseKey); return heightOnStaff; } int Pitch::getHeightOnStaff(const Clef &clef, bool useSharps) const { int heightOnStaff; Accidental accidental(m_accidental); rawPitchToDisplayPitch(m_pitch, clef, Key("C major"), heightOnStaff, accidental, useSharps ? UseSharps : UseFlats); return heightOnStaff; } int Pitch::getOctave(int octaveBase) const { return m_pitch / 12 + octaveBase; } int Pitch::getPitchInOctave() const { return m_pitch % 12; } bool Pitch::isDiatonicInKey(const Key &key) const { if (getDisplayAccidental(key) == Accidentals::NoAccidental) return true; // ### as used in the chord identifiers, this calls chords built on // the raised sixth step diatonic -- may be correct, but it's // misleading, as we're really looking for whether chords are // often built on given tone if (key.isMinor()) { int stepsFromTonic = ((m_pitch - key.getTonicPitch() + 12) % 12); if (stepsFromTonic == 9 || stepsFromTonic == 11) return true; } return false; } std::string Pitch::getAsString(bool useSharps, bool inclOctave, int octaveBase) const { Accidental acc = getAccidental(useSharps); std::string s; s += getNoteName(useSharps ? Key("C major") : Key("A minor")); if (acc == Accidentals::Sharp) s += "#"; else if (acc == Accidentals::Flat) s += "b"; if (!inclOctave) return s; char tmp[10]; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", s.c_str(), getOctave(octaveBase)); return std::string(tmp); } int Pitch::getIndexForNote(char noteName) { if (islower(noteName)) noteName = toupper(noteName); if (noteName < 'C') { if (noteName < 'A') return 0; // error, really else return noteName - 'A' + 5; } else { if (noteName > 'G') return 0; // error, really else return noteName - 'C'; } } char Pitch::getNoteForIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > 6) return 'C'; // error, really return "CDEFGAB"[index]; } int Pitch::getPerformancePitchFromRG21Pitch(int heightOnStaff, const Accidental &accidental, const Clef &clef, const Key &) { // Rosegarden 2.1 pitches are a bit weird; see // docs/data_struct/units.txt // We pass the accidental and clef, a faked key of C major, and a // flag telling displayPitchToRawPitch to ignore the clef offset // and take only its octave into account int p = 0; displayPitchToRawPitch(heightOnStaff, accidental, clef, Key(), p, true); return p; } Pitch Pitch::transpose(const Key &key, int pitchDelta, int heightDelta) { // get old accidental Accidental oldAccidental = getAccidental(key); // get old step // TODO: maybe we should write an oldPitchObj.getOctave(0, key) that takes into account accidentals // properly (e.g. yielding '0' instead of '1' for B#0). For now workaround here. Pitch oldPitchWithoutAccidental(getPerformancePitch() - Accidentals::getPitchOffset(oldAccidental), Natural); Key cmaj = Key(); int oldStep = oldPitchWithoutAccidental.getNoteInScale(cmaj) + oldPitchWithoutAccidental.getOctave(0) * 7; // calculate new pitch and step int newPitch = getPerformancePitch() + pitchDelta; int newStep = oldStep + heightDelta; // could happen for example when transposing the tonic of a key downwards if (newStep < 0 || newPitch < 0) { newStep += 7; newPitch += 12; } // should not happen if (newStep < 0 || newPitch < 0) { std::cerr << "Internal error in NotationTypes, Pitch::transpose()" << std::endl; } // calculate new accidental for step int pitchWithoutAccidental = ((newStep / 7) * 12 + scale_Cmajor[newStep % 7]); int newAccidentalOffset = newPitch - pitchWithoutAccidental; // construct pitch-object to return Pitch newPitchObj(newPitch, Accidentals::getAccidental(newAccidentalOffset)); return newPitchObj; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const string Note::EventType = "note"; const string Note::EventRestType = "rest"; const int Note::EventRestSubOrdering = 10; const timeT Note::m_shortestTime = basePPQ / 16; Note& Note::operator=(const Note &n) { if (&n == this) return *this; m_type = n.m_type; m_dots = n.m_dots; return *this; } timeT Note::getDurationAux() const { int duration = m_shortestTime * (1 << m_type); int extra = duration / 2; for (int dots = m_dots; dots > 0; --dots) { duration += extra; extra /= 2; } return duration; } Note Note::getNearestNote(timeT duration, int maxDots) { int tag = Shortest - 1; timeT d(duration / m_shortestTime); while (d > 0) { ++tag; d /= 2; } // cout << "Note::getNearestNote: duration " << duration << // " leading to tag " << tag << endl; if (tag < Shortest) return Note(Shortest); if (tag > Longest) return Note(Longest, maxDots); timeT prospective = Note(tag, 0).getDuration(); int dots = 0; timeT extra = prospective / 2; while (dots <= maxDots && dots <= tag) { // avoid TooManyDots exception from Note ctor prospective += extra; if (prospective > duration) return Note(tag, dots); extra /= 2; ++dots; // cout << "added another dot okay" << endl; } if (tag < Longest) return Note(tag + 1, 0); else return Note(tag, std::max(maxDots, tag)); } Event *Note::getAsNoteEvent(timeT absoluteTime, int pitch) const { Event *e = new Event(EventType, absoluteTime, getDuration()); e->set(BaseProperties::PITCH, pitch); return e; } Event *Note::getAsRestEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const { Event *e = new Event(EventRestType, absoluteTime, getDuration()); return e; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TimeSignature ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const string TimeSignature::EventType = "timesignature"; const int TimeSignature::EventSubOrdering = -150; const PropertyName TimeSignature::NumeratorPropertyName = "numerator"; const PropertyName TimeSignature::DenominatorPropertyName = "denominator"; const PropertyName TimeSignature::ShowAsCommonTimePropertyName = "common"; const PropertyName TimeSignature::IsHiddenPropertyName = "hidden"; const PropertyName TimeSignature::HasHiddenBarsPropertyName = "hiddenbars"; const TimeSignature TimeSignature::DefaultTimeSignature = TimeSignature(4, 4); TimeSignature::TimeSignature(int numerator, int denominator, bool preferCommon, bool hidden, bool hiddenBars) // throw (BadTimeSignature) : m_numerator(numerator), m_denominator(denominator), m_common(preferCommon && (m_denominator == m_numerator && (m_numerator == 2 || m_numerator == 4))), m_hidden(hidden), m_hiddenBars(hiddenBars) { if (numerator < 1 || denominator < 1) { throw BadTimeSignature("Numerator and denominator must be positive"); } } TimeSignature::TimeSignature(const Event &e) // throw (Event::NoData, Event::BadType, BadTimeSignature) { if (e.getType() != EventType) { throw Event::BadType("TimeSignature model event", EventType, e.getType()); } m_numerator = 4; m_denominator = 4; if (e.has(NumeratorPropertyName)) { m_numerator = e.get(NumeratorPropertyName); } if (e.has(DenominatorPropertyName)) { m_denominator = e.get(DenominatorPropertyName); } m_common = false; e.get(ShowAsCommonTimePropertyName, m_common); m_hidden = false; e.get(IsHiddenPropertyName, m_hidden); m_hiddenBars = false; e.get(HasHiddenBarsPropertyName, m_hiddenBars); if (m_numerator < 1 || m_denominator < 1) { throw BadTimeSignature("Numerator and denominator must be positive"); } } TimeSignature& TimeSignature::operator=(const TimeSignature &ts) { if (&ts == this) return *this; m_numerator = ts.m_numerator; m_denominator = ts.m_denominator; m_common = ts.m_common; m_hidden = ts.m_hidden; m_hiddenBars = ts.m_hiddenBars; return *this; } timeT TimeSignature::getBarDuration() const { setInternalDurations(); return m_barDuration; } timeT TimeSignature::getBeatDuration() const { setInternalDurations(); return m_beatDuration; } timeT TimeSignature::getUnitDuration() const { return m_crotchetTime * 4 / m_denominator; } Note::Type TimeSignature::getUnit() const { int c, d; for (c = 0, d = m_denominator; d > 1; d /= 2) ++c; return Note::Semibreve - c; } bool TimeSignature::isDotted() const { setInternalDurations(); return m_dotted; } Event *TimeSignature::getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const { Event *e = new Event(EventType, absoluteTime, 0, EventSubOrdering); e->set(NumeratorPropertyName, m_numerator); e->set(DenominatorPropertyName, m_denominator); e->set(ShowAsCommonTimePropertyName, m_common); e->set(IsHiddenPropertyName, m_hidden); e->set(HasHiddenBarsPropertyName, m_hiddenBars); return e; } // This doesn't consider subdivisions of the bar larger than a beat in // any time other than 4/4, but it should handle the usual time signatures // correctly (compound time included). void TimeSignature::getDurationListForInterval(DurationList &dlist, timeT duration, timeT startOffset) const { setInternalDurations(); timeT offset = startOffset; timeT durationRemaining = duration; while (durationRemaining > 0) { // Everything in this loop is of the form, "if we're on a // [unit] boundary and there's a [unit] of space left to fill, // insert a [unit] of time." // See if we can insert a bar of time. if (offset % m_barDuration == 0 && durationRemaining >= m_barDuration) { getDurationListForBar(dlist); durationRemaining -= m_barDuration, offset += m_barDuration; } // If that fails and we're in 4/4 time, see if we can insert a // half-bar of time. //_else_ if! else if (m_numerator == 4 && m_denominator == 4 && offset % (m_barDuration/2) == 0 && durationRemaining >= m_barDuration/2) { dlist.push_back(m_barDuration/2); durationRemaining -= m_barDuration/2; offset += m_barDuration; } // If that fails, see if we can insert a beat of time. else if (offset % m_beatDuration == 0 && durationRemaining >= m_beatDuration) { dlist.push_back(m_beatDuration); durationRemaining -= m_beatDuration; offset += m_beatDuration; } // If that fails, see if we can insert a beat-division of time // (half the beat in simple time, a third of the beat in compound // time) else if (offset % m_beatDivisionDuration == 0 && durationRemaining >= m_beatDivisionDuration) { dlist.push_back(m_beatDivisionDuration); durationRemaining -= m_beatDivisionDuration; offset += m_beatDivisionDuration; } // cc: In practice, if the time we have remaining is shorter // than our shortest note then we should just insert a single // unit of the correct time; we won't be able to do anything // useful with any shorter units anyway. else if (durationRemaining <= Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration()) { dlist.push_back(durationRemaining); offset += durationRemaining; durationRemaining = 0; } // If that fails, keep halving the beat division until we // find something to insert. (This could be part of the beat-division // case; it's only in its own place for clarity.) else { timeT currentDuration = m_beatDivisionDuration; while ( !(offset % currentDuration == 0 && durationRemaining >= currentDuration) ) { if (currentDuration <= Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration()) { // okay, this isn't working. If our duration takes // us past the next beat boundary, fill with an exact // rest duration to there and then continue --cc timeT toNextBeat = m_beatDuration - (offset % m_beatDuration); if (durationRemaining > toNextBeat) { currentDuration = toNextBeat; } else { currentDuration = durationRemaining; } break; } currentDuration /= 2; } dlist.push_back(currentDuration); durationRemaining -= currentDuration; offset += currentDuration; } } } void TimeSignature::getDurationListForBar(DurationList &dlist) const { // If the bar's length can be represented with one long symbol, do it. // Otherwise, represent it as individual beats. if (m_barDuration == m_crotchetTime || m_barDuration == m_crotchetTime * 2 || m_barDuration == m_crotchetTime * 4 || m_barDuration == m_crotchetTime * 8 || m_barDuration == m_dottedCrotchetTime || m_barDuration == m_dottedCrotchetTime * 2 || m_barDuration == m_dottedCrotchetTime * 4 || m_barDuration == m_dottedCrotchetTime * 8) { dlist.push_back(getBarDuration()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < getBeatsPerBar(); ++i) { dlist.push_back(getBeatDuration()); } } } int TimeSignature::getEmphasisForTime(timeT offset) { setInternalDurations(); if (offset % m_barDuration == 0) return 4; else if (m_numerator == 4 && m_denominator == 4 && offset % (m_barDuration/2) == 0) return 3; else if (offset % m_beatDuration == 0) return 2; else if (offset % m_beatDivisionDuration == 0) return 1; else return 0; } void TimeSignature::getDivisions(int depth, std::vector &divisions) const { divisions.clear(); if (depth <= 0) return; timeT base = getBarDuration(); // calls setInternalDurations /* if (m_numerator == 4 && m_denominator == 4) { divisions.push_back(2); base /= 2; --depth; } */ if (depth <= 0) return; divisions.push_back(base / m_beatDuration); base = m_beatDuration; --depth; if (depth <= 0) return; if (m_dotted) divisions.push_back(3); else divisions.push_back(2); --depth; while (depth > 0) { divisions.push_back(2); --depth; } return; } void TimeSignature::setInternalDurations() const { int unitLength = m_crotchetTime * 4 / m_denominator; m_barDuration = m_numerator * unitLength; // Is 3/8 dotted time? This will report that it isn't, because of // the check for m_numerator > 3 -- but otherwise we'd get a false // positive with 3/4 // [rf] That's an acceptable answer, according to my theory book. In // practice, you can say it's dotted time iff it has 6, 9, or 12 on top. m_dotted = (m_numerator % 3 == 0 && m_numerator > 3 && m_barDuration >= m_dottedCrotchetTime); if (m_dotted) { m_beatDuration = unitLength * 3; m_beatDivisionDuration = unitLength; } else { m_beatDuration = unitLength; m_beatDivisionDuration = unitLength / 2; } } const timeT TimeSignature::m_crotchetTime = basePPQ; const timeT TimeSignature::m_dottedCrotchetTime = basePPQ + basePPQ/2; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AccidentalTable ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AccidentalTable::AccidentalTable(const Key &key, const Clef &clef, OctaveType octaves, BarResetType barReset) : m_key(key), m_clef(clef), m_octaves(octaves), m_barReset(barReset) { // nothing else } AccidentalTable::AccidentalTable(const AccidentalTable &t) : m_key(t.m_key), m_clef(t.m_clef), m_octaves(t.m_octaves), m_barReset(t.m_barReset), m_accidentals(t.m_accidentals), m_canonicalAccidentals(t.m_canonicalAccidentals), m_newAccidentals(t.m_newAccidentals), m_newCanonicalAccidentals(t.m_newCanonicalAccidentals) { // nothing else } AccidentalTable & AccidentalTable::operator=(const AccidentalTable &t) { if (&t != this) { m_key = t.m_key; m_clef = t.m_clef; m_octaves = t.m_octaves; m_barReset = t.m_barReset; m_accidentals = t.m_accidentals; m_canonicalAccidentals = t.m_canonicalAccidentals; m_newAccidentals = t.m_newAccidentals; m_newCanonicalAccidentals = t.m_newCanonicalAccidentals; } return *this; } Accidental AccidentalTable::processDisplayAccidental(const Accidental &acc0, int height, bool &cautionary) { Accidental acc = acc0; int canonicalHeight = Key::canonicalHeight(height); Accidental keyAcc = m_key.getAccidentalAtHeight(canonicalHeight, m_clef); Accidental normalAcc = NoAccidental; Accidental canonicalAcc = NoAccidental; Accidental prevBarAcc = NoAccidental; if (m_octaves == OctavesEquivalent || m_octaves == OctavesCautionary) { AccidentalMap::iterator i = m_canonicalAccidentals.find(canonicalHeight); if (i != m_canonicalAccidentals.end() && !i->second.previousBar) { canonicalAcc = i->second.accidental; } } if (m_octaves == OctavesEquivalent) { normalAcc = canonicalAcc; } else { AccidentalMap::iterator i = m_accidentals.find(height); if (i != m_accidentals.end() && !i->second.previousBar) { normalAcc = i->second.accidental; } } if (m_barReset != BarResetNone) { AccidentalMap::iterator i = m_accidentals.find(height); if (i != m_accidentals.end() && i->second.previousBar) { prevBarAcc = i->second.accidental; } } // std::cerr << "AccidentalTable::processDisplayAccidental: acc " << acc0 << ", h " << height << ", caut " << cautionary << ", ch " << canonicalHeight << ", keyacc " << keyAcc << " canacc " << canonicalAcc << " noracc " << normalAcc << " oct " << m_octaves << " barReset = " << m_barReset << " pbacc " << prevBarAcc << std::endl; if (acc == NoAccidental) acc = keyAcc; if (m_octaves == OctavesIndependent || m_octaves == OctavesEquivalent) { if (normalAcc == NoAccidental) { normalAcc = keyAcc; } if (acc == normalAcc) { if (!cautionary) acc = NoAccidental; } else if (acc == NoAccidental) { if (normalAcc != Natural) { acc = Natural; } } } else { if (normalAcc != NoAccidental) { if (acc != normalAcc) { if (acc == NoAccidental) { if (normalAcc != Natural) { acc = Natural; } } } else { // normalAcc != NoAccidental, acc == normalAcc if (canonicalAcc != NoAccidental && canonicalAcc != normalAcc) { cautionary = true; } else { // canonicalAcc == NoAccidental || canonicalAcc == normalAcc if (!cautionary) { acc = NoAccidental; } } } } else { // normalAcc == NoAccidental if (acc != keyAcc && keyAcc != Natural) { if (acc == NoAccidental) { acc = Natural; } } else { // normalAcc == NoAccidental, acc == keyAcc if (canonicalAcc != NoAccidental && canonicalAcc != keyAcc) { cautionary = true; if (acc == NoAccidental) { acc = Natural; } } else { // canonicalAcc == NoAccidental || canonicalAcc == keyAcc if (!cautionary) { acc = NoAccidental; } } } } } if (m_barReset != BarResetNone) { if (acc == NoAccidental) { if (prevBarAcc != NoAccidental && prevBarAcc != keyAcc && !(prevBarAcc == Natural && keyAcc == NoAccidental)) { cautionary = (m_barReset == BarResetCautionary); if (keyAcc == NoAccidental) { acc = Natural; } else { acc = keyAcc; } } } } if (acc != NoAccidental) { m_newAccidentals[height] = AccidentalRec(acc, false); m_newCanonicalAccidentals[canonicalHeight] = AccidentalRec(acc, false); } return acc; } void AccidentalTable::update() { m_accidentals = m_newAccidentals; m_canonicalAccidentals = m_newCanonicalAccidentals; } void AccidentalTable::newBar() { for (AccidentalMap::iterator i = m_accidentals.begin(); i != m_accidentals.end(); ) { if (i->second.previousBar) { AccidentalMap::iterator j = i; ++j; m_accidentals.erase(i); i = j; } else { i->second.previousBar = true; ++i; } } m_canonicalAccidentals.clear(); m_newAccidentals = m_accidentals; m_newCanonicalAccidentals.clear(); } void AccidentalTable::newClef(const Clef &clef) { m_clef = clef; } } // close namespace