// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-

    A sequencer and musical notation editor.

    This program is Copyright 2000-2008
        Guillaume Laurent   <glaurent@telegraph-road.org>,
        Chris Cannam        <cannam@all-day-breakfast.com>,
        Richard Bown        <bownie@bownie.com>

    The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work
    has been asserted.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#ifndef _SEGMENT_H_
#define _SEGMENT_H_

#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <string>

#include "Track.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "NotationTypes.h"
#include "RefreshStatus.h"
#include "RealTime.h"
#include "MidiProgram.h"

namespace Rosegarden 

class SegmentRefreshStatus : public RefreshStatus
    SegmentRefreshStatus() : m_from(0), m_to(0) {}

    void push(timeT from, timeT to);

    timeT from() const { return m_from; }
    timeT to()   const { return m_to; }

    timeT m_from;
    timeT m_to;

 * Segment is the container for a set of Events that are all played on
 * the same track.  Each event has an absolute starting time,
 * which is used as the index within the segment.  Multiple events may
 * have the same absolute time.
 * (For example, chords are represented simply as a sequence of notes
 * that share a starting time.  The Segment can contain counterpoint --
 * notes that overlap, rather than starting and ending together -- but
 * in practice it's probably too hard to display so we should make
 * more than one Segment if we want to represent true counterpoint.)
 * If you want to carry out notation-related editing operations on
 * a Segment, take a look at SegmentNotationHelper.  If you want to play a
 * Segment, try SegmentPerformanceHelper for duration calculations.
 * The Segment owns the Events its items are pointing at.

class SegmentObserver;
class Quantizer;
class BasicQuantizer;
class Composition;

class Segment : public std::multiset<Event*, Event::EventCmp>
    /// A Segment contains either Internal representation or Audio
    typedef enum {
    } SegmentType;

     * Construct a Segment of a given type with a given formal starting time.
    Segment(SegmentType segmentType = Internal,
            timeT startTime = 0);
     * Copy constructor
    Segment(const Segment&);

    virtual ~Segment();


     * Get the Segment type (Internal or Audio)
    SegmentType getType() const { return m_type; }

     * Note that a Segment does not have to be in a Composition;
     * if it isn't, this will return zero
    Composition *getComposition() const {
        return m_composition;

     * Get the track number this Segment is associated with.
    TrackId getTrack() const { return m_track; }

     * Set the track number this Segment is associated with.
    void setTrack(TrackId i);

    // label
    void setLabel(const std::string &label);
    std::string getLabel() const { return m_label; }

    // Colour information
    void setColourIndex(const unsigned int input);
    unsigned int getColourIndex() const { return m_colourIndex; }

     * Returns a numeric id of some sort
     * The id is guaranteed to be unique within the segment, but not to
     * have any other interesting properties
    int getNextId() const;

     * Returns a MIDI pitch representing the highest suggested playable note for
     * notation contained in this segment, as a convenience reminder to composers.
     * This property, and its corresponding lowest note counterpart, initialize by
     * default such that no limitation is imposed.  (lowest = 0, highest = 127)
    int getHighestPlayable() { return m_highestPlayable; }

     * Set the highest suggested playable note for this segment
    void setHighestPlayable(int pitch) { m_highestPlayable = pitch; }

     * Returns a MIDI pitch representing the lowest suggested playable note for
     * notation contained in this segment, as a convenience reminder to composers
    int getLowestPlayable() { return m_lowestPlayable; }

     * Set the highest suggested playable note for this segment
    void setLowestPlayable(int pitch) { m_lowestPlayable = pitch; }


     * Return the start time of the Segment.  For a non-audio
     * Segment, this is the start time of the first event in it.
    timeT getStartTime() const;

     * Return the nominal end time of the Segment.  This must
     * be the same as or earlier than the getEndTime() value.
     * The return value will not necessarily be that last set
     * with setEndMarkerTime, as if there is a Composition its
     * end marker will also be used for clipping.
    timeT getEndMarkerTime() const;

     * Return the time of the end of the last event stored in the
     * Segment.  This time may be outside the audible/editable
     * range of the Segment, depending on the location of the end
     * marker.
    timeT getEndTime() const;

     * Shift the start time of the Segment by moving the start
     * times of all the events in the Segment.
    void setStartTime(timeT);

     * Simple accessor for the m_startTime member. Used by
     * Composition#setSegmentStartTime
    void setStartTimeDataMember(timeT t) { m_startTime = t; }
     * Set the end marker (nominal end time) of this Segment.
     * If the given time is later than the current end of the
     * Segment's storage, extend the Segment by filling it with
     * rests; if earlier, simply move the end marker.  The end
     * marker time may not precede the start time.
    void setEndMarkerTime(timeT);

     * Set the end time of the Segment.
     * If the given time is later than the current end of the
     * Segment's storage, extend the Segment by filling it with
     * rests; if earlier, shorten it by throwing away events as
     * necessary (though do not truncate any events) and also move
     * the end marker to the given time.  The end time may not
     * precede the start time.
     * Note that simply inserting an event beyond the end of the
     * Segment will also change the end time, although it does
     * not fill with rests in the desirable way.
     * Consider using setEndMarkerTime in preference to this.
    void setEndTime(timeT);

     * Return an iterator pointing to the nominal end of the
     * Segment.  This may be earlier than the end() iterator.
    iterator getEndMarker();

     * Return true if the given iterator points earlier in the
     * Segment than the nominal end marker.  You can use this
     * as an extent test in code such as
     *  while (segment.isBeforeEndMarker(my_iterator)) {
     *      // ...
     *      ++my_iterator;
     *  }
     * It is not generally safe to write
     *  while (my_iterator != segment.getEndMarker()) {
     *      // ...
     *      ++my_iterator;
     *  }
     * as the loop will not terminate if my_iterator's initial
     * value is already beyond the end marker.  (Also takes the
     * Composition's end marker into account.)
    bool isBeforeEndMarker(const_iterator) const;

     * Remove the end marker, thus making the Segment end
     * at its storage end time (unless the Composition's
     * end marker is earlier).
    void clearEndMarker();

     * Return the end marker in raw form, that is, a pointer to
     * its value or null if none is set.  Does not take the
     * composition's end marker into account.
    const timeT *getRawEndMarkerTime() const;


     * Switch quantization on or off.
    void setQuantization(bool quantize);

     * Find out whether quantization is on or off.
    bool hasQuantization() const;

     * Set the quantization level.
     * (This does not switch quantization on, if it's currently off,
     * it only changes the level that will be used when it's next
     * switched on.)
    void setQuantizeLevel(timeT unit);

     * Get the quantizer currently in (or not in) use.
    const BasicQuantizer *getQuantizer() const;


     * Inserts a single Event
    iterator insert(Event *e);

     * Erases a single Event
    void erase(iterator pos);

     * Erases a set of Events
    void erase(iterator from, iterator to);

     * Clear the segment.
    void clear() { erase(begin(), end()); }

     * Looks up an Event and if it finds it, erases it.
     * @return true if the event was found and erased, false otherwise.
    bool eraseSingle(Event*);

     * Returns an iterator pointing to that specific element,
     * end() otherwise
    iterator findSingle(Event*);

    const_iterator findSingle(Event *e) const {
        return const_iterator(((Segment *)this)->findSingle(e));

     * Returns an iterator pointing to the first element starting at
     * or beyond the given absolute time
    iterator findTime(timeT time);

    const_iterator findTime(timeT time) const {
        return const_iterator(((Segment *)this)->findTime(time));

     * Returns an iterator pointing to the first element starting at
     * or before the given absolute time (so returns end() if the
     * time precedes the first event, not if it follows the last one)
    iterator findNearestTime(timeT time);

    const_iterator findNearestTime(timeT time) const {
        return const_iterator(((Segment *)this)->findNearestTime(time));


     * Returns the range [start, end[ of events which are at absoluteTime
    void getTimeSlice(timeT absoluteTime, iterator &start, iterator &end);

     * Returns the range [start, end[ of events which are at absoluteTime
    void getTimeSlice(timeT absoluteTime, const_iterator &start, const_iterator &end) const;
     * Return the starting time of the bar that contains time t.  This
     * differs from Composition's bar methods in that it will truncate
     * to the start and end times of this Segment, and is guaranteed
     * to return the start time of a bar that is at least partially
     * within this Segment.
     * (See Composition for most of the generally useful bar methods.)
    timeT getBarStartForTime(timeT t) const;

     * Return the ending time of the bar that contains time t.  This
     * differs from Composition's bar methods in that it will truncate
     * to the start and end times of this Segment, and is guaranteed
     * to return the end time of a bar that is at least partially
     * within this Segment.
     * (See Composition for most of the generally useful bar methods.)
    timeT getBarEndForTime(timeT t) const;

     * Fill up the segment with rests, from the end of the last event
     * currently on the segment to the endTime given.  Actually, this
     * does much the same as setEndTime does when it extends a segment.
    void fillWithRests(timeT endTime);

     * Fill up a section within a segment with rests, from the
     * startTime given to the endTime given.  This may be useful if
     * you have a pathological segment that contains notes already but
     * not rests, but it is is likely to be dangerous unless you're
     * quite careful about making sure the given range doesn't overlap
     * any notes.
    void fillWithRests(timeT startTime, timeT endTime);

     * For each series of contiguous rests found between the start and
     * end time, replace the series of rests with another series of
     * the same duration but composed of the theoretically "correct"
     * rest durations to fill the gap, in the current time signature.
     * The start and end time should be the raw absolute times of the
     * events, not the notation-quantized versions, although the code
     * will use the notation quantizations if it finds them.
    void normalizeRests(timeT startTime, timeT endTime);

     * Return the clef in effect at the given time.  This is a
     * reasonably quick call.
    Clef getClefAtTime(timeT time) const;

     * Return the clef in effect at the given time, and set ctime to
     * the time of the clef change.  This is a reasonably quick call.
    Clef getClefAtTime(timeT time, timeT &ctime) const;

     * Return the key signature in effect at the given time.  This is
     * a reasonably quick call.
    Key getKeyAtTime(timeT time) const;

     * Return the key signature in effect at the given time, and set
     * ktime to the time of the key change.  This is a reasonably
     * quick call.
    Key getKeyAtTime(timeT time, timeT &ktime) const;

     * Return the clef and key signature in effect at the beginning of the
     * segment using the following rules :
     *    - Return the default clef if no clef change is preceding the first
     *      note or rest event,
     *    - else return the first clef event in the segment,
     *    - else return the default clef if the segment has no note event nor
     *      clef change in it.
     *    - Use the same rules with the key signature.
    void getFirstClefAndKey(Clef &clef, Key &key);


    // Is this Segment repeating?
    bool isRepeating() const { return m_repeating; }
    void setRepeating(bool value);

     * If this Segment is repeating, calculate and return the time at
     * which the repeating stops.  This is the start time of the
     * following Segment on the same Track, if any, or else the end
     * time of the Composition.  If this Segment does not repeat, or
     * the time calculated would precede the end time of the Segment,
     * instead return the end time of the Segment.
    timeT getRepeatEndTime() const;

    timeT getDelay() const { return m_delay; }
    void setDelay(timeT delay);

    RealTime getRealTimeDelay() const { return m_realTimeDelay; }
    void setRealTimeDelay(RealTime delay);

    int getTranspose() const { return m_transpose; }
    void setTranspose(int transpose);

    // AUDIO

    // Get and set Audio file Id (see the AudioFileManager)
    unsigned int getAudioFileId() const { return m_audioFileId; }
    void setAudioFileId(unsigned int id);

    unsigned int getUnstretchedFileId() const { return m_unstretchedFileId; }
    void setUnstretchedFileId(unsigned int id);

    float getStretchRatio() const { return m_stretchRatio; }
    void setStretchRatio(float ratio);

    // The audio start and end times tell us how far into
    // audio file "m_audioFileId" this Segment starts and
    // how far into the sample the Segment finishes.
    RealTime getAudioStartTime() const { return m_audioStartTime; }
    RealTime getAudioEndTime() const { return m_audioEndTime; }
    void setAudioStartTime(const RealTime &time);
    void setAudioEndTime(const RealTime &time);

    bool isAutoFading() const { return m_autoFade; }
    void setAutoFade(bool value);

    RealTime getFadeInTime() const { return m_fadeInTime; }
    void setFadeInTime(const RealTime &time);

    RealTime getFadeOutTime() const { return m_fadeOutTime; }
    void setFadeOutTime(const RealTime &time);


    /// Should only be called by Composition
    void setComposition(Composition *composition) {
        m_composition = composition;

    // The runtime id for this segment
    int getRuntimeId() const { return m_runtimeSegmentId; }
    // Grid size for matrix view (and others probably)
    void setSnapGridSize(int size) { m_snapGridSize = size; }
    int getSnapGridSize() const { return m_snapGridSize; }

    // Other view features we might want to set on this Segment
    void setViewFeatures(int features) { m_viewFeatures = features; }
    int getViewFeatures() const { return m_viewFeatures; }

     * The compare class used by Composition
    struct SegmentCmp
        bool operator()(const Segment* a, const Segment* b) const 
            if (a->getTrack() == b->getTrack())
                return a->getStartTime() < b->getStartTime();

            return a->getTrack() < b->getTrack();

    /// For use by SegmentObserver objects like Composition & Staff
    void    addObserver(SegmentObserver *obs) { m_observers.push_back(obs); }

    /// For use by SegmentObserver objects like Composition & Staff
    void removeObserver(SegmentObserver *obs) { m_observers.remove(obs); }

    // List of visible EventRulers attached to this segment
    class EventRuler
        EventRuler(const std::string &type, int controllerValue, bool active):
            m_type(type), m_controllerValue(controllerValue), m_active(active) {;}

        std::string m_type;            // Event Type
        int         m_controllerValue; // if controller event, then which value
        bool        m_active;          // is this Ruler active?

    typedef std::vector<EventRuler*> EventRulerList;
    typedef std::vector<EventRuler*>::iterator EventRulerListIterator;
    typedef std::vector<EventRuler*>::const_iterator EventRulerListConstIterator;

    EventRulerList& getEventRulerList() { return m_eventRulerList; }
    EventRuler* getEventRuler(const std::string &type, int controllerValue = -1);

    void addEventRuler(const std::string &type, int controllerValue = -1, bool active = 0);
    bool deleteEventRuler(const std::string &type, int controllerValue = -1);


    // delegate part of the RefreshStatusArray API

    unsigned int getNewRefreshStatusId() {
        return m_refreshStatusArray.getNewRefreshStatusId();

    SegmentRefreshStatus &getRefreshStatus(unsigned int id) {
        return m_refreshStatusArray.getRefreshStatus(id);

    void updateRefreshStatuses(timeT startTime, timeT endTime);

    Composition *m_composition; // owns me, if it exists

    timeT  m_startTime;
    timeT *m_endMarkerTime;     // points to end time, or null if none
    timeT  m_endTime;

    void updateEndTime();       // called after erase of item at end

    TrackId m_track;
    SegmentType m_type;         // identifies Segment type
    std::string m_label;        // segment label

    unsigned int m_colourIndex; // identifies Colour Index (default == 0)

    mutable int m_id; // not id of Segment, but a value for return by getNextId

    unsigned int m_audioFileId; // audio file ID (see AudioFileManager)
    unsigned int m_unstretchedFileId;
    float m_stretchRatio;
    RealTime m_audioStartTime;   // start time relative to start of audio file
    RealTime m_audioEndTime;     // end time relative to start of audio file

    bool m_repeating;           // is this segment repeating?

    BasicQuantizer *const m_quantizer;
    bool m_quantize;

    int m_transpose;            // all Events tranpose
    timeT m_delay;              // all Events delay
    RealTime m_realTimeDelay;   // all Events delay (the delays are cumulative)

    int m_highestPlayable;      // suggestion for highest playable note (notation)
    int m_lowestPlayable;       // suggestion for lowest playable note (notation)

    RefreshStatusArray<SegmentRefreshStatus> m_refreshStatusArray;

    struct ClefKeyCmp {
        bool operator()(const Event *e1, const Event *e2) const;
    typedef std::multiset<Event*, ClefKeyCmp> ClefKeyList;
    mutable ClefKeyList *m_clefKeyList;

    // EventRulers currently selected as visible on this segment
    EventRulerList                m_eventRulerList;

private: // stuff to support SegmentObservers

    typedef std::list<SegmentObserver *> ObserverSet;
    ObserverSet m_observers;

    void notifyAdd(Event *) const;
    void notifyRemove(Event *) const;
    void notifyAppearanceChange() const;
    void notifyStartChanged(timeT);
    void notifyEndMarkerChange(bool shorten);
    void notifySourceDeletion() const;

private: // assignment operator not provided

    Segment &operator=(const Segment &);

    // Used for mapping the segment to runtime things like PlayableAudioFiles at
    // the sequencer.
    int     m_runtimeSegmentId;

    // Remember the last used snap grid size for this segment
    int     m_snapGridSize;

    // Switch for other view-specific features we want to remember in the segment
    int     m_viewFeatures;

    // Audio autofading
    bool                  m_autoFade;
    RealTime  m_fadeInTime;
    RealTime  m_fadeOutTime;


class SegmentObserver
    virtual ~SegmentObserver() {}

     * Called after the event has been added to the segment
    virtual void eventAdded(const Segment *, Event *) { }

     * Called after the event has been removed from the segment,
     * and just before it is deleted
    virtual void eventRemoved(const Segment *, Event *) { }

     * Called after a change in the segment that will change the way its displays,
     * like a label change for instance
    virtual void appearanceChanged(const Segment *) { }

     * Called after a change that affects the start time of the segment
    virtual void startChanged(const Segment *, timeT) { }

     * Called after the segment's end marker time has been
     * changed
     * @param shorten true if the marker change shortens the segment's duration
    virtual void endMarkerTimeChanged(const Segment *, bool /*shorten*/) { }

     * Called from the segment dtor
    virtual void segmentDeleted(const Segment *) = 0;

// an abstract base

class SegmentHelper
    SegmentHelper(Segment &t) : m_segment(t) { }
    virtual ~SegmentHelper();

    typedef Segment::iterator iterator;

    Segment &segment() { return m_segment; }

    Segment::iterator begin() { return segment().begin(); }
    Segment::iterator end()   { return segment().end();   }

    bool isBeforeEndMarker(Segment::const_iterator i) {
        return segment().isBeforeEndMarker(i);

    Segment::iterator insert(Event *e) { return segment().insert(e); }
    void erase(Segment::iterator i)    { segment().erase(i); }

    Segment &m_segment;

