/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.

    This program is Copyright 2000-2008
        Guillaume Laurent   <glaurent@telegraph-road.org>,
        Chris Cannam        <cannam@all-day-breakfast.com>,
        Richard Bown        <richard.bown@ferventsoftware.com>

    The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
    Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.

    Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work.  Please
    see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.


#include "base/Device.h"
#include "base/MidiProgram.h"
#include "gui/general/ProgressReporter.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "base/Event.h"
#include <tqxml.h>

class TQXmlParseException;
class TQXmlAttributes;

namespace Rosegarden

class XmlStorableEvent;
class XmlSubHandler;
class Studio;
class Segment;
class RosegardenGUIDoc;
class Instrument;
class Device;
class Composition;
class ColourMap;
class Buss;
class AudioPluginManager;
class AudioPluginInstance;
class AudioFileManager;

 * Handler for the Rosegarden XML format
class RoseXmlHandler : public ProgressReporter, public TQXmlDefaultHandler

    typedef enum
    } RosegardenFileSection;

     * Construct a new RoseXmlHandler which will put the data extracted
     * from the XML file into the specified composition
    RoseXmlHandler(RosegardenGUIDoc *doc,
                   unsigned int elementCount,
                   bool createNewDevicesWhenNeeded);

    virtual ~RoseXmlHandler();

    /// overloaded handler functions
    virtual bool startDocument();
    virtual bool startElement(const TQString& namespaceURI,
                              const TQString& localName,
                              const TQString& qName,
                              const TQXmlAttributes& atts);

    virtual bool endElement(const TQString& namespaceURI,
                            const TQString& localName,
                            const TQString& qName);

    virtual bool characters(const TQString& ch);

    virtual bool endDocument (); // [rwb] - for tempo element catch

    bool isDeprecated() { return m_deprecation; }

    bool isCancelled() { return m_cancelled; }

    /// Return the error string set during the parsing (if any)
    TQString errorString();

    bool hasActiveAudio() const { return m_hasActiveAudio; }
    std::set<TQString> &pluginsNotFound() { return m_pluginsNotFound; }

    bool error(const TQXmlParseException& exception);
    bool fatalError(const TQXmlParseException& exception);


    // just for convenience -- just call to the document
    Composition& getComposition();
    Studio& getStudio();
    AudioFileManager& getAudioFileManager();
    AudioPluginManager* getAudioPluginManager();

    void setSubHandler(XmlSubHandler* sh);
    XmlSubHandler* getSubHandler() { return m_subHandler; }

    void addMIDIDevice(TQString name, bool createAtSequencer);
    void setMIDIDeviceConnection(TQString connection);
    void setMIDIDeviceName(TQString name);
    void skipToNextPlayDevice();

    //--------------- Data members ---------------------------------

    RosegardenGUIDoc    *m_doc;
    Segment *m_currentSegment;
    XmlStorableEvent    *m_currentEvent;

    timeT m_currentTime;
    timeT m_chordDuration;
    timeT *m_segmentEndMarkerTime;

    bool m_inChord;
    bool m_inGroup;
    bool m_inComposition;
    bool m_inColourMap;
    std::string m_groupType;
    int m_groupId;
    int m_groupTupletBase;
    int m_groupTupledCount;
    int m_groupUntupledCount;
    std::map<long, long> m_groupIdMap;

    bool m_foundTempo;

    TQString m_errorString;
    std::set<TQString> m_pluginsNotFound;

    RosegardenFileSection             m_section;
    Device                           *m_device;
    DeviceId                          m_deviceRunningId;
    bool                              m_percussion;
    MidiByte                          m_msb;
    MidiByte                          m_lsb;
    Instrument                       *m_instrument;
    Buss                             *m_buss;
    AudioPluginInstance              *m_plugin;
    bool                              m_pluginInBuss;
    ColourMap                        *m_colourMap;
    MidiKeyMapping                   *m_keyMapping;
    MidiKeyMapping::KeyNameMap        m_keyNameMap;
    unsigned int                      m_pluginId;
    unsigned int                      m_totalElements;
    unsigned int                      m_elementsSoFar;

    XmlSubHandler                    *m_subHandler;
    bool                              m_deprecation;
    bool                              m_createDevices;
    bool                              m_haveControls;
    bool                              m_cancelled;
    bool                              m_skipAllAudio;
    bool                              m_hasActiveAudio;

