/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. This file is Copyright 2002 Hans Kieserman with heavy lifting from csoundio as it was on 13/5/2002. Numerous additions and bug fixes by Michael McIntyre Some restructuring by Chris Cannam. Massive brain surgery, fixes, improvements, and additions by Heikki Junes Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "LilyPondExporter.h" #include #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "document/ConfigGroups.h" #include "base/BaseProperties.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/Configuration.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/Exception.h" #include "base/Instrument.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/PropertyName.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/SegmentNotationHelper.h" #include "base/Sets.h" #include "base/Staff.h" #include "base/Studio.h" #include "base/Track.h" #include "base/NotationQuantizer.h" #include "base/Marker.h" #include "base/StaffExportTypes.h" #include "document/RosegardenGUIDoc.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenApplication.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenGUIView.h" #include "gui/editors/notation/NotationProperties.h" #include "gui/editors/notation/NotationView.h" #include "gui/editors/guitar/Chord.h" #include "gui/general/ProgressReporter.h" #include "gui/widgets/CurrentProgressDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { using namespace BaseProperties; const PropertyName LilyPondExporter::SKIP_PROPERTY = "LilyPondExportSkipThisEvent"; LilyPondExporter::LilyPondExporter(RosegardenGUIApp *parent, RosegardenGUIDoc *doc, std::string fileName) : ProgressReporter((QObject *)parent, "lilypondExporter"), m_doc(doc), m_fileName(fileName), m_lastClefFound(Clef::Treble) { m_composition = &m_doc->getComposition(); m_studio = &m_doc->getStudio(); m_view = ((RosegardenGUIApp *)parent)->getView(); m_notationView = NULL; readConfigVariables(); } LilyPondExporter::LilyPondExporter(NotationView *parent, RosegardenGUIDoc *doc, std::string fileName) : ProgressReporter((QObject *)parent, "lilypondExporter"), m_doc(doc), m_fileName(fileName), m_lastClefFound(Clef::Treble) { m_composition = &m_doc->getComposition(); m_studio = &m_doc->getStudio(); m_view = NULL; m_notationView = ((NotationView *)parent); readConfigVariables(); } void LilyPondExporter::readConfigVariables(void) { // grab config info KConfig *cfg = kapp->config(); cfg->setGroup(NotationViewConfigGroup); m_paperSize = cfg->readUnsignedNumEntry("lilypapersize", PAPER_A4); m_paperLandscape = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilypaperlandscape", false); m_fontSize = cfg->readUnsignedNumEntry("lilyfontsize", FONT_20); m_raggedBottom = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyraggedbottom", false); m_exportSelection = cfg->readUnsignedNumEntry("lilyexportselection", EXPORT_NONMUTED_TRACKS); m_exportLyrics = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyexportlyrics", true); m_exportMidi = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyexportmidi", false); m_exportTempoMarks = cfg->readUnsignedNumEntry("lilyexporttempomarks", EXPORT_NONE_TEMPO_MARKS); m_exportPointAndClick = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyexportpointandclick", false); m_exportBeams = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyexportbeamings", false); m_exportStaffMerge = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyexportstaffmerge", false); m_exportStaffGroup = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilyexportstaffbrackets", true); m_lyricsHAlignment = cfg->readBoolEntry("lilylyricshalignment", LEFT_ALIGN); m_languageLevel = cfg->readUnsignedNumEntry("lilylanguage", LILYPOND_VERSION_2_6); m_exportMarkerMode = cfg->readUnsignedNumEntry("lilyexportmarkermode", EXPORT_NO_MARKERS ); } LilyPondExporter::~LilyPondExporter() { // nothing } void LilyPondExporter::handleStartingEvents(eventstartlist &eventsToStart, std::ofstream &str) { eventstartlist::iterator m = eventsToStart.begin(); while (m != eventsToStart.end()) { try { Indication i(**m); if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Slur) { if ((*m)->get (NotationProperties::SLUR_ABOVE)) str << "^( "; else str << "_( "; } else if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::PhrasingSlur) { if ((*m)->get (NotationProperties::SLUR_ABOVE)) str << "^\\( "; else str << "_\\( "; } else if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Crescendo) { str << "\\< "; } else if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Decrescendo) { str << "\\> "; } } catch (Event::BadType) { // Not an indication } catch (Event::NoData e) { std::cerr << "Bad indication: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl; } eventstartlist::iterator n(m); ++n; eventsToStart.erase(m); m = n; } } void LilyPondExporter::handleEndingEvents(eventendlist &eventsInProgress, const Segment::iterator &j, std::ofstream &str) { eventendlist::iterator k = eventsInProgress.begin(); while (k != eventsInProgress.end()) { eventendlist::iterator l(k); ++l; // Handle and remove all the relevant events in progress // This assumes all deferred events are indications try { Indication i(**k); timeT indicationEnd = (*k)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() + i.getIndicationDuration(); timeT eventEnd = (*j)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() + (*j)->getNotationDuration(); if (indicationEnd < eventEnd || ((i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Slur || i.getIndicationType() == Indication::PhrasingSlur) && indicationEnd == eventEnd)) { if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Slur) { str << ") "; } else if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::PhrasingSlur) { str << "\\) "; } else if (i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Crescendo || i.getIndicationType() == Indication::Decrescendo) { str << "\\! "; } eventsInProgress.erase(k); } } catch (Event::BadType) { // not an indication } catch (Event::NoData e) { std::cerr << "Bad indication: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl; } k = l; } } std::string LilyPondExporter::convertPitchToLilyNote(int pitch, Accidental accidental, const Rosegarden::Key &key) { Pitch p(pitch, accidental); std::string lilyNote = ""; lilyNote += (char)tolower(p.getNoteName(key)); // std::cout << "lilyNote: " << lilyNote << std::endl; Accidental acc = p.getAccidental(key); if (acc == Accidentals::DoubleFlat) lilyNote += "eses"; else if (acc == Accidentals::Flat) lilyNote += "es"; else if (acc == Accidentals::Sharp) lilyNote += "is"; else if (acc == Accidentals::DoubleSharp) lilyNote += "isis"; return lilyNote; } std::string LilyPondExporter::composeLilyMark(std::string eventMark, bool stemUp) { std::string inStr = "", outStr = ""; std::string prefix = (stemUp) ? "_" : "^"; // shoot text mark straight through unless it's sf or rf if (Marks::isTextMark(eventMark)) { inStr = protectIllegalChars(Marks::getTextFromMark(eventMark)); if (inStr == "sf") { inStr = "\\sf"; } else if (inStr == "rf") { inStr = "\\rfz"; } else { inStr = "\\markup { \\italic " + inStr + " } "; } outStr = prefix + inStr; } else if (Marks::isFingeringMark(eventMark)) { // fingering marks: use markup syntax only for non-trivial fingerings inStr = protectIllegalChars(Marks::getFingeringFromMark(eventMark)); if (inStr != "0" && inStr != "1" && inStr != "2" && inStr != "3" && inStr != "4" && inStr != "5" && inStr != "+" ) { inStr = "\\markup { \\finger \"" + inStr + "\" } "; } outStr = prefix + inStr; } else { outStr = "-"; // use full \accent format for everything, even though some shortcuts // exist, for the sake of consistency if (eventMark == Marks::Accent) { outStr += "\\accent"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Tenuto) { outStr += "\\tenuto"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Staccato) { outStr += "\\staccato"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Staccatissimo) { outStr += "\\staccatissimo"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Marcato) { outStr += "\\marcato"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Trill) { outStr += "\\trill"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::LongTrill) { // span trill up to the next note: // tweak the beginning of the next note using an invisible rest having zero length outStr += "\\startTrillSpan s4*0 \\stopTrillSpan"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Turn) { outStr += "\\turn"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::Pause) { outStr += "\\fermata"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::UpBow) { outStr += "\\upbow"; } else if (eventMark == Marks::DownBow) { outStr += "\\downbow"; } else { outStr = ""; std::cerr << "LilyPondExporter::composeLilyMark() - unhandled mark: " << eventMark << std::endl; } } return outStr; } std::string LilyPondExporter::indent(const int &column) { std::string outStr = ""; for (int c = 1; c <= column; c++) { outStr += " "; } return outStr; } std::string LilyPondExporter::protectIllegalChars(std::string inStr) { QString tmpStr = strtoqstr(inStr); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("&"), "\\&"); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("\\^"), "\\^"); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("%"), "\\%"); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("<"), "\\<"); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp(">"), "\\>"); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("\\["), ""); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("\\]"), ""); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("\\{"), ""); tmpStr.replace(QRegExp("\\}"), ""); // // LilyPond uses utf8 encoding. // return tmpStr.utf8().data(); } struct MarkerComp { // Sort Markers by time // Perhaps this should be made generic with a template? bool operator()( Marker *a, Marker *b ) { return a->getTime() < b->getTime(); } }; bool LilyPondExporter::write() { QString tmpName = strtoqstr(m_fileName); // dmm - modified to act upon the filename itself, rather than the whole // path; fixes bug #855349 // split name into parts: QFileInfo nfo(tmpName); QString dirName = nfo.dirPath(); QString baseName = nfo.fileName(); // sed LilyPond-choking chars out of the filename proper bool illegalFilename = (baseName.contains(' ') || baseName.contains("\\")); baseName.replace(QRegExp(" "), ""); baseName.replace(QRegExp("\\\\"), ""); baseName.replace(QRegExp("'"), ""); baseName.replace(QRegExp("\""), ""); // cat back together tmpName = dirName + '/' + baseName; if (illegalFilename) { CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); int reply = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, i18n("LilyPond does not allow spaces or backslashes in filenames.\n\n" "Would you like to use\n\n %1\n\n instead?").arg(baseName)); if (reply != KMessageBox::Continue) return false; } std::ofstream str(qstrtostr(tmpName).c_str(), std::ios::out); if (!str) { std::cerr << "LilyPondExporter::write() - can't write file " << tmpName << std::endl; return false; } str << "% This LilyPond file was generated by Rosegarden " << protectIllegalChars(VERSION) << std::endl; switch (m_languageLevel) { case LILYPOND_VERSION_2_6: str << "\\version \"2.6.0\"" << std::endl; break; case LILYPOND_VERSION_2_8: str << "\\version \"2.8.0\"" << std::endl; break; case LILYPOND_VERSION_2_10: str << "\\version \"2.10.0\"" << std::endl; break; case LILYPOND_VERSION_2_12: str << "\\version \"2.12.0\"" << std::endl; break; default: // force the default version if there was an error std::cerr << "ERROR: Unknown language level " << m_languageLevel << ", using \\version \"2.6.0\" instead" << std::endl; str << "\\version \"2.6.0\"" << std::endl; m_languageLevel = LILYPOND_VERSION_2_6; } // enable "point and click" debugging via pdf to make finding the // unfortunately inevitable errors easier if (m_exportPointAndClick) { str << "% point and click debugging is enabled" << std::endl; } else { str << "% point and click debugging is disabled" << std::endl; str << "#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)" << std::endl; } // LilyPond \header block // set indention level to make future changes to horizontal layout less // tedious, ++col to indent a new level, --col to de-indent int col = 0; // grab user headers from metadata Configuration metadata = m_composition->getMetadata(); std::vector propertyNames = metadata.getPropertyNames(); // open \header section if there's metadata to grab, and if the user // wishes it if (!propertyNames.empty()) { str << "\\header {" << std::endl; col++; // indent+ bool userTagline = false; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < propertyNames.size(); ++index) { std::string property = propertyNames [index]; if (property == headerDedication || property == headerTitle || property == headerSubtitle || property == headerSubsubtitle || property == headerPoet || property == headerComposer || property == headerMeter || property == headerOpus || property == headerArranger || property == headerInstrument || property == headerPiece || property == headerCopyright || property == headerTagline) { std::string header = protectIllegalChars(metadata.get(property)); if (header != "") { str << indent(col) << property << " = \"" << header << "\"" << std::endl; // let users override defaults, but allow for providing // defaults if they don't: if (property == headerTagline) userTagline = true; } } } // default tagline if (!userTagline) { str << indent(col) << "tagline = \"" << "Created using Rosegarden " << protectIllegalChars(VERSION) << " and LilyPond" << "\"" << std::endl; } // close \header str << indent(--col) << "}" << std::endl; } // LilyPond \paper block (optional) if (m_raggedBottom) { str << indent(col) << "\\paper {" << std::endl; str << indent(++col) << "ragged-bottom=##t" << std::endl; str << indent(--col) << "}" << std::endl; } // LilyPond music data! Mapping: // LilyPond Voice = Rosegarden Segment // LilyPond Staff = Rosegarden Track // (not the cleanest output but maybe the most reliable) // paper/font sizes int font; switch (m_fontSize) { case 0 : font = 11; break; case 1 : font = 13; break; case 2 : font = 16; break; case 3 : font = 19; break; case 4 : font = 20; break; case 5 : font = 23; break; case 6 : font = 26; break; default : font = 20; // if config problem } str << indent(col) << "#(set-global-staff-size " << font << ")" << std::endl; // write user-specified paper type as default paper size std::string paper = ""; switch (m_paperSize) { case PAPER_A3 : paper += "a3"; break; case PAPER_A4 : paper += "a4"; break; case PAPER_A5 : paper += "a5"; break; case PAPER_A6 : paper += "a6"; break; case PAPER_LEGAL : paper += "legal"; break; case PAPER_LETTER : paper += "letter"; break; case PAPER_TABLOID : paper += "tabloid"; break; case PAPER_NONE : paper = ""; break; // "do not specify" } if (paper != "") { str << indent(col) << "#(set-default-paper-size \"" << paper << "\"" << (m_paperLandscape ? " 'landscape" : "") << ")" << std::endl; } // Find out the printed length of the composition Composition::iterator i = m_composition->begin(); if ((*i) == NULL) { str << indent(col) << "\\score {" << std::endl; str << indent(++col) << "% no segments found" << std::endl; // bind staffs with or without staff group bracket str << indent(col) // indent << "<<" << " s4 " << ">>" << std::endl; str << indent(col) << "\\layout { }" << std::endl; str << indent(--col) << "}" << std::endl; return true; } timeT compositionStartTime = (*i)->getStartTime(); timeT compositionEndTime = (*i)->getEndMarkerTime(); for (; i != m_composition->end(); ++i) { if (compositionStartTime > (*i)->getStartTime() && (*i)->getTrack() >= 0) { compositionStartTime = (*i)->getStartTime(); } if (compositionEndTime < (*i)->getEndMarkerTime()) { compositionEndTime = (*i)->getEndMarkerTime(); } } // define global context which is common for all staffs str << indent(col++) << "global = { " << std::endl; TimeSignature timeSignature = m_composition-> getTimeSignatureAt(m_composition->getStartMarker()); if (m_composition->getBarStart(m_composition->getBarNumber(compositionStartTime)) < compositionStartTime) { str << indent(col) << "\\partial "; // Arbitrary partial durations are handled by the following way: // split the partial duration to 64th notes: instead of "4" write "64*16". (hjj) Note partialNote = Note::getNearestNote(1, MAX_DOTS); int partialDuration = m_composition->getBarStart(m_composition->getBarNumber(compositionStartTime) + 1) - compositionStartTime; writeDuration(1, str); str << "*" << ((int)(partialDuration / partialNote.getDuration())) << std::endl; } int leftBar = 0; int rightBar = leftBar; do { bool isNew = false; m_composition->getTimeSignatureInBar(rightBar + 1, isNew); if (isNew || (m_composition->getBarStart(rightBar + 1) >= compositionEndTime)) { // - set initial time signature; further time signature changes // are defined within the segments, because they may be hidden str << indent(col) << (leftBar == 0 ? "" : "% ") << "\\time " << timeSignature.getNumerator() << "/" << timeSignature.getDenominator() << std::endl; // - place skips upto the end of the composition; // this justifies the printed staffs str << indent(col); timeT leftTime = m_composition->getBarStart(leftBar); timeT rightTime = m_composition->getBarStart(rightBar + 1); if (leftTime < compositionStartTime) { leftTime = compositionStartTime; } writeSkip(timeSignature, leftTime, rightTime - leftTime, false, str); str << " %% " << (leftBar + 1) << "-" << (rightBar + 1) << std::endl; timeSignature = m_composition->getTimeSignatureInBar(rightBar + 1, isNew); leftBar = rightBar + 1; } } while (m_composition->getBarStart(++rightBar) < compositionEndTime); str << indent(--col) << "}" << std::endl; // time signatures changes are in segments, reset initial value timeSignature = m_composition-> getTimeSignatureAt(m_composition->getStartMarker()); // All the tempo changes are included in "globalTempo" context. // This context contains only skip notes between the tempo changes. // First tempo marking should still be include in \midi{ } block. // If tempo marks are printed in future, they should probably be // included in this context and the note duration in the tempo // mark should be according to the time signature. (hjj) int tempoCount = m_composition->getTempoChangeCount(); if (tempoCount > 0) { timeT prevTempoChangeTime = m_composition->getStartMarker(); int tempo = int(Composition::getTempoQpm(m_composition->getTempoAtTime(prevTempoChangeTime))); bool tempoMarksInvisible = false; str << indent(col++) << "globalTempo = {" << std::endl; if (m_exportTempoMarks == EXPORT_NONE_TEMPO_MARKS && tempoMarksInvisible == false) { str << indent(col) << "\\override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t" << std::endl; tempoMarksInvisible = true; } str << indent(col) << "\\tempo 4 = " << tempo << " "; int prevTempo = tempo; for (int i = 0; i < tempoCount; ++i) { std::pair tempoChange = m_composition->getTempoChange(i); timeT tempoChangeTime = tempoChange.first; tempo = int(Composition::getTempoQpm(tempoChange.second)); // First tempo change may be before the first segment. // Do not apply it before the first segment appears. if (tempoChangeTime < compositionStartTime) { tempoChangeTime = compositionStartTime; } else if (tempoChangeTime >= compositionEndTime) { tempoChangeTime = compositionEndTime; } if (prevTempoChangeTime < compositionStartTime) { prevTempoChangeTime = compositionStartTime; } else if (prevTempoChangeTime >= compositionEndTime) { prevTempoChangeTime = compositionEndTime; } writeSkip(m_composition->getTimeSignatureAt(tempoChangeTime), tempoChangeTime, tempoChangeTime - prevTempoChangeTime, false, str); // add new \tempo only if tempo was changed if (tempo != prevTempo) { if (m_exportTempoMarks == EXPORT_FIRST_TEMPO_MARK && tempoMarksInvisible == false) { str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t"; tempoMarksInvisible = true; } str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\tempo 4 = " << tempo << " "; } prevTempo = tempo; prevTempoChangeTime = tempoChangeTime; if (prevTempoChangeTime == compositionEndTime) break; } // First tempo change may be before the first segment. // Do not apply it before the first segment appears. if (prevTempoChangeTime < compositionStartTime) { prevTempoChangeTime = compositionStartTime; } writeSkip(m_composition->getTimeSignatureAt(prevTempoChangeTime), prevTempoChangeTime, compositionEndTime - prevTempoChangeTime, false, str); str << std::endl; str << indent(--col) << "}" << std::endl; } // Markers // Skip until marker, make sure there's only one marker per measure if ( m_exportMarkerMode != EXPORT_NO_MARKERS ) { str << indent(col++) << "markers = {" << std::endl; timeT prevMarkerTime = 0; // Need the markers sorted by time Composition::markercontainer markers( m_composition->getMarkers() ); // copy std::sort( markers.begin(), markers.end(), MarkerComp() ); Composition::markerconstiterator i_marker = markers.begin(); while ( i_marker != markers.end() ) { timeT markerTime = m_composition->getBarStartForTime((*i_marker)->getTime()); RG_DEBUG << "Marker: " << (*i_marker)->getTime() << " previous: " << prevMarkerTime << endl; // how to cope with time signature changes? if ( markerTime > prevMarkerTime ) { str << indent(col); writeSkip(m_composition->getTimeSignatureAt(markerTime), markerTime, markerTime - prevMarkerTime, false, str); str << "\\mark "; switch (m_exportMarkerMode) { case EXPORT_DEFAULT_MARKERS: // Use the marker name for text str << "\\default %% " << (*i_marker)->getName() << std::endl; break; case EXPORT_TEXT_MARKERS: // Raise the text above the staff as not to clash with the other stuff str << "\\markup { \\hspace #0 \\raise #1.5 \"" << (*i_marker)->getName() << "\" }" << std::endl; break; default: break; } prevMarkerTime = markerTime; } ++i_marker; } str << indent(--col) << "}" << std::endl; } // open \score section str << "\\score {" << std::endl; int lastTrackIndex = -1; int voiceCounter = 0; bool firstTrack = true; int staffGroupCounter = 0; int pianoStaffCounter = 0; int bracket = 0; int prevBracket = -1; // Write out all segments for each Track, in track order. // This involves a hell of a lot of loops through all tracks // and segments, but the time spent doing that should still // be relatively small in the greater scheme. Track *track = 0; for (int trackPos = 0; (track = m_composition->getTrackByPosition(trackPos)) != 0; ++trackPos) { for (Composition::iterator i = m_composition->begin(); i != m_composition->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getTrack() != track->getId()) continue; // handle the bracket(s) for the first track, and if no brackets // present, open with a << prevBracket = bracket; bracket = track->getStaffBracket(); //!!! how will all these indentions work out? Probably not well, // but maybe if users always provide sensible input, this will work // out sensibly. Maybe. If not, we'll need some tracking gizmos to // figure out the indention, or just skip the indention for these or // something. TBA. if (firstTrack) { // seems to be common to every case now str << indent(col++) << "<< % common" << std::endl; } if (firstTrack && m_exportStaffGroup) { if (bracket == Brackets::SquareOn) { str << indent(col++) << "\\context StaffGroup = \"" << staffGroupCounter++ << "\" << " << std::endl; //indent+ } else if (bracket == Brackets::CurlyOn) { str << indent(col++) << "\\context PianoStaff = \"" << pianoStaffCounter++ << "\" << " << std::endl; //indent+ } else if (bracket == Brackets::CurlySquareOn) { str << indent(col++) << "\\context StaffGroup = \"" << staffGroupCounter++ << "\" << " << std::endl; //indent+ str << indent(col++) << "\\context PianoStaff = \"" << pianoStaffCounter++ << "\" << " << std::endl; //indent+ } // Make chords offset colliding notes by default (only write for // first track) str << indent(++col) << "% force offset of colliding notes in chords:" << std::endl; str << indent(col) << "\\override Score.NoteColumn #\'force-hshift = #1.0" << std::endl; } emit setProgress(int(double(trackPos) / double(m_composition->getNbTracks()) * 100.0)); rgapp->refreshGUI(50); bool currentSegmentSelected = false; if ((m_exportSelection == EXPORT_SELECTED_SEGMENTS) && (m_view != NULL) && (m_view->haveSelection())) { // // Check whether the current segment is in the list of selected segments. // SegmentSelection selection = m_view->getSelection(); for (SegmentSelection::iterator it = selection.begin(); it != selection.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == (*i)) currentSegmentSelected = true; } } else if ((m_exportSelection == EXPORT_SELECTED_SEGMENTS) && (m_notationView != NULL)) { currentSegmentSelected = m_notationView->hasSegment(*i); } // Check whether the track is a non-midi track. InstrumentId instrumentId = track->getInstrument(); bool isMidiTrack = instrumentId >= MidiInstrumentBase; if (isMidiTrack && ( // Skip non-midi tracks. (m_exportSelection == EXPORT_ALL_TRACKS) || ((m_exportSelection == EXPORT_NONMUTED_TRACKS) && (!track->isMuted())) || ((m_exportSelection == EXPORT_SELECTED_TRACK) && (m_view != NULL) && (track->getId() == m_composition->getSelectedTrack())) || ((m_exportSelection == EXPORT_SELECTED_TRACK) && (m_notationView != NULL) && (track->getId() == m_notationView->getCurrentSegment()->getTrack())) || ((m_exportSelection == EXPORT_SELECTED_SEGMENTS) && (currentSegmentSelected)))) { if ((int) (*i)->getTrack() != lastTrackIndex) { if (lastTrackIndex != -1) { // close the old track (Staff context) str << indent(--col) << ">> % Staff ends" << std::endl; //indent- } lastTrackIndex = (*i)->getTrack(); // handle any necessary bracket closures with a rude // hack, because bracket closures need to be handled // right under staff closures, but at this point in the // loop we are one track too early for closing, so we use // the bracket setting for the previous track for closing // purposes (I'm not quite sure why this works, but it does) if (m_exportStaffGroup) { if (prevBracket == Brackets::SquareOff || prevBracket == Brackets::SquareOnOff) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % StaffGroup " << staffGroupCounter << std::endl; //indent- } else if (prevBracket == Brackets::CurlyOff) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % PianoStaff " << pianoStaffCounter << std::endl; //indent- } else if (prevBracket == Brackets::CurlySquareOff) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % PianoStaff " << pianoStaffCounter << std::endl; //indent- str << indent(--col) << ">> % StaffGroup " << staffGroupCounter << std::endl; //indent- } } // handle any bracket start events (unless track staff // brackets are being ignored, as when printing single parts // out of a bigger score one by one) if (!firstTrack && m_exportStaffGroup) { if (bracket == Brackets::SquareOn || bracket == Brackets::SquareOnOff) { str << indent(col++) << "\\context StaffGroup = \"" << ++staffGroupCounter << "\" <<" << std::endl; } else if (bracket == Brackets::CurlyOn) { str << indent(col++) << "\\context PianoStaff = \"" << ++pianoStaffCounter << "\" <<" << std::endl; } else if (bracket == Brackets::CurlySquareOn) { str << indent(col++) << "\\context StaffGroup = \"" << ++staffGroupCounter << "\" <<" << std::endl; str << indent(col++) << "\\context PianoStaff = \"" << ++pianoStaffCounter << "\" <<" << std::endl; } } // avoid problem with tracks yielding a // .ly file that jumbles all notes together on a // single staff... every Staff context has to // have a unique name, even if the // Staff.instrument property is the same for // multiple staffs... // Added an option to merge staffs with the same, non-empty // name. This option makes it possible to produce staffs // with polyphonic, and polyrhytmic, music. Polyrhytmic // music in a single staff is typical in piano, or // guitar music. (hjj) // In the case of colliding note heads, user may define // - DISPLACED_X -- for a note/chord // - INVISIBLE -- for a rest std::ostringstream staffName; staffName << protectIllegalChars(m_composition-> getTrackById(lastTrackIndex)->getLabel()); if (!m_exportStaffMerge || staffName.str() == "") { str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\context Staff = \"track " << (trackPos + 1) << "\" "; } else { str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\context Staff = \"" << staffName.str() << "\" "; } str << "<< " << std::endl; // The octavation is omitted in the instrument name. // HJJ: Should it be automatically added to the clef: G^8 ? // What if two segments have different transpose in a track? std::ostringstream staffNameWithTranspose; staffNameWithTranspose << "\\markup { \\column { \"" << staffName.str() << " \""; if (((*i)->getTranspose() % 12) != 0) { staffNameWithTranspose << " \\line { "; switch ((*i)->getTranspose() % 12) { case 1 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in D\" \\smaller \\flat"; break; case 2 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in D\""; break; case 3 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in E\" \\smaller \\flat"; break; case 4 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in E\""; break; case 5 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in F\""; break; case 6 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in G\" \\smaller \\flat"; break; case 7 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in G\""; break; case 8 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in A\" \\smaller \\flat"; break; case 9 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in A\""; break; case 10 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in B\" \\smaller \\flat"; break; case 11 : staffNameWithTranspose << "\"in B\""; break; } staffNameWithTranspose << " }"; } staffNameWithTranspose << " } }"; if (m_languageLevel < LILYPOND_VERSION_2_10) { str << indent(++col) << "\\set Staff.instrument = " << staffNameWithTranspose.str() << std::endl; } else { str << indent(++col) << "\\set Staff.instrumentName = " << staffNameWithTranspose.str() << std::endl; } if (m_exportMidi) { // Set midi instrument for the Staff std::ostringstream staffMidiName; Instrument *instr = m_studio->getInstrumentById( m_composition->getTrackById(lastTrackIndex)->getInstrument()); staffMidiName << instr->getProgramName(); str << indent(col) << "\\set Staff.midiInstrument = \"" << staffMidiName.str() << "\"" << std::endl; } // multi measure rests are used by default str << indent(col) << "\\set Score.skipBars = ##t" << std::endl; // turn off the stupid accidental cancelling business, // because we don't do that ourselves, and because my 11 // year old son pointed out to me that it "Looks really // stupid. Why is it cancelling out four flats and then // adding five flats back? That's brain damaged." str << indent(col) << "\\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f" << std::endl; str << indent(col) << "\\new Voice \\global" << std::endl; if (tempoCount > 0) { str << indent(col) << "\\new Voice \\globalTempo" << std::endl; } if ( m_exportMarkerMode != EXPORT_NO_MARKERS ) { str << indent(col) << "\\new Voice \\markers" << std::endl; } } // Temporary storage for non-atomic events (!BOOM) // ex. LilyPond expects signals when a decrescendo starts // as well as when it ends eventendlist eventsInProgress; eventstartlist eventsToStart; // If the segment doesn't start at 0, add a "skip" to the start // No worries about overlapping segments, because Voices can overlap // voiceCounter is a hack because LilyPond does not by default make // them unique std::ostringstream voiceNumber; voiceNumber << "voice " << ++voiceCounter; str << std::endl << indent(col++) << "\\context Voice = \"" << voiceNumber.str() << "\" {"; // indent+ str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.0"; str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1" << std::endl; // staff notation size int staffSize = track->getStaffSize(); if (staffSize == StaffTypes::Small) str << indent(col) << "\\small" << std::endl; else if (staffSize == StaffTypes::Tiny) str << indent(col) << "\\tiny" << std::endl; SegmentNotationHelper helper(**i); helper.setNotationProperties(); int firstBar = m_composition->getBarNumber((*i)->getStartTime()); if (firstBar > 0) { // Add a skip for the duration until the start of the first // bar in the segment. If the segment doesn't start on a bar // line, an additional skip will be written (in the form of // a series of rests) at the start of writeBar, below. //!!! This doesn't cope correctly yet with time signature changes // during this skipped section. str << std::endl << indent(col); writeSkip(timeSignature, compositionStartTime, m_composition->getBarStart(firstBar) - compositionStartTime, false, str); } std::string lilyText = ""; // text events std::string prevStyle = ""; // track note styles Rosegarden::Key key; bool haveRepeating = false; bool haveAlternates = false; bool nextBarIsAlt1 = false; bool nextBarIsAlt2 = false; bool prevBarWasAlt2 = false; int MultiMeasureRestCount = 0; bool nextBarIsDouble = false; bool nextBarIsEnd = false; bool nextBarIsDot = false; for (int barNo = m_composition->getBarNumber((*i)->getStartTime()); barNo <= m_composition->getBarNumber((*i)->getEndMarkerTime()); ++barNo) { timeT barStart = m_composition->getBarStart(barNo); timeT barEnd = m_composition->getBarEnd(barNo); if (barStart < compositionStartTime) { barStart = compositionStartTime; } // open \repeat section if this is the first bar in the // repeat if ((*i)->isRepeating() && !haveRepeating) { haveRepeating = true; //!!! calculate the number of times this segment //repeats and make the following variable meaningful int numRepeats = 2; str << std::endl << indent(col++) << "\\repeat volta " << numRepeats << " {"; } // open the \alternative section if this bar is alternative ending 1 // ending (because there was an "Alt1" flag in the // previous bar to the left of where we are right now) // // Alt1 remains in effect until we run into Alt2, which // runs to the end of the segment if (nextBarIsAlt1 && haveRepeating) { str << std::endl << indent(--col) << "} \% repeat close (before alternatives) "; str << std::endl << indent(col++) << "\\alternative {"; str << std::endl << indent(col++) << "{ \% open alternative 1 "; nextBarIsAlt1 = false; haveAlternates = true; } else if (nextBarIsAlt2 && haveRepeating) { if (!prevBarWasAlt2) { col--; // add an extra str to the following to shut up // compiler warning from --ing and ++ing it in the // same statement str << std::endl << indent(--col) << "} \% close alternative 1 "; str << std::endl << indent(col++) << "{ \% open alternative 2"; col++; } prevBarWasAlt2 = true; } // write out a bar's worth of events writeBar(*i, barNo, barStart, barEnd, col, key, lilyText, prevStyle, eventsInProgress, str, MultiMeasureRestCount, nextBarIsAlt1, nextBarIsAlt2, nextBarIsDouble, nextBarIsEnd, nextBarIsDot); } // close \repeat if (haveRepeating) { // close \alternative section if present if (haveAlternates) { str << std::endl << indent(--col) << " } \% close alternative 2 "; } // close \repeat section in either case str << std::endl << indent(--col) << " } \% close " << (haveAlternates ? "alternatives" : "repeat"); } // closing bar if (((*i)->getEndMarkerTime() == compositionEndTime) && !haveRepeating) { str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\bar \"|.\""; } // close Voice context str << std::endl << indent(--col) << "} % Voice" << std::endl; // indent- // // Write accumulated lyric events to the Lyric context, if desired. // // Sync the code below with LyricEditDialog::unparse() !! // if (m_exportLyrics) { for (long currentVerse = 0, lastVerse = 0; currentVerse <= lastVerse; currentVerse++) { bool haveLyric = false; bool firstNote = true; QString text = ""; timeT lastTime = (*i)->getStartTime(); for (Segment::iterator j = (*i)->begin(); (*i)->isBeforeEndMarker(j); ++j) { bool isNote = (*j)->isa(Note::EventType); bool isLyric = false; if (!isNote) { if ((*j)->isa(Text::EventType)) { std::string textType; if ((*j)->get (Text::TextTypePropertyName, textType) && textType == Text::Lyric) { isLyric = true; } } } if (!isNote && !isLyric) continue; timeT myTime = (*j)->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); if (isNote) { if ((myTime > lastTime) || firstNote) { if (!haveLyric) text += " _"; lastTime = myTime; haveLyric = false; firstNote = false; } } if (isLyric) { long verse; (*j)->get(Text::LyricVersePropertyName, verse); if (verse == currentVerse) { std::string ssyllable; (*j)->get(Text::TextPropertyName, ssyllable); text += " "; QString syllable(strtoqstr(ssyllable)); syllable.replace(QRegExp("\\s+"), ""); text += "\"" + syllable + "\""; haveLyric = true; } else if (verse > lastVerse) { lastVerse = verse; } } } text.replace( QRegExp(" _+([^ ])") , " \\1" ); text.replace( "\"_\"" , " " ); // Do not create empty context for lyrics. // Does this save some vertical space, as was written // in earlier comment? QRegExp rx( "\"" ); if ( rx.search( text ) != -1 ) { str << indent(col) << "\\lyricsto \"" << voiceNumber.str() << "\"" << " \\new Lyrics \\lyricmode {" << std::endl; if (m_lyricsHAlignment == RIGHT_ALIGN) { str << indent(++col) << "\\override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT" << std::endl; } else if (m_lyricsHAlignment == CENTER_ALIGN) { str << indent(++col) << "\\override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER" << std::endl; } else { str << indent(++col) << "\\override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT" << std::endl; } str << indent(col) << "\\set ignoreMelismata = ##t" << std::endl; str << indent(col) << text.utf8() << " " << std::endl; str << indent(col) << "\\unset ignoreMelismata" << std::endl; str << indent(--col) << "} % Lyrics " << (currentVerse+1) << std::endl; // close the Lyrics context } // if ( rx.search( text.... } // for (long currentVerse = 0.... } // if (m_exportLyrics.... } // if (isMidiTrack.... firstTrack = false; } // for (Composition::iterator i = m_composition->begin().... } // for (int trackPos = 0.... // close the last track (Staff context) if (voiceCounter > 0) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % Staff (final) ends" << std::endl; // indent- // handle any necessary final bracket closures (if brackets are being // exported) if (m_exportStaffGroup) { if (bracket == Brackets::SquareOff || bracket == Brackets::SquareOnOff) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % StaffGroup " << staffGroupCounter << std::endl; //indent- } else if (bracket == Brackets::CurlyOff) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % PianoStaff (final) " << pianoStaffCounter << std::endl; //indent- } else if (bracket == Brackets::CurlySquareOff) { str << indent(--col) << ">> % PianoStaff (final) " << pianoStaffCounter << std::endl; //indent- str << indent(--col) << ">> % StaffGroup (final) " << staffGroupCounter << std::endl; //indent- } } } else { str << indent(--col) << "% (All staffs were muted.)" << std::endl; } // close \notes section str << std::endl << indent(--col) << ">> % notes" << std::endl << std::endl; // indent- // str << std::endl << indent(col) << ">> % global wrapper" << std::endl; // write \layout block str << indent(col) << "\\layout { }" << std::endl; // write initial tempo in Midi block, if user wishes (added per user request... // makes debugging the .ly file easier because fewer "noisy" errors are // produced during the process of rendering MIDI...) if (m_exportMidi) { int tempo = int(Composition::getTempoQpm(m_composition->getTempoAtTime(m_composition->getStartMarker()))); // Incomplete? Can I get away without converting tempo relative to the time // signature for this purpose? we'll see... str << indent(col++) << "\\midi {" << std::endl; str << indent(col) << "\\tempo 4 = " << tempo << std::endl; str << indent(--col) << "} " << std::endl; } // close \score section and close out the file str << "} % score" << std::endl; str.close(); return true; } timeT LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration(Segment *s, const Segment::iterator &i, timeT barEnd, timeT &soundingDuration, const std::pair &tupletRatio, bool &overlong) { timeT duration = (*i)->getNotationDuration(); timeT absTime = (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); RG_DEBUG << "LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration: first duration, absTime: " << duration << ", " << absTime << endl; timeT durationCorrection = 0; if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventType) || (*i)->isa(Note::EventRestType)) { try { // tuplet compensation, etc Note::Type type = (*i)->get(NOTE_TYPE); int dots = (*i)->get(NOTE_DOTS); durationCorrection = Note(type, dots).getDuration() - duration; } catch (Exception e) { // no properties } } duration += durationCorrection; RG_DEBUG << "LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration: now duration is " << duration << " after correction of " << durationCorrection << endl; soundingDuration = duration * tupletRatio.first/ tupletRatio.second; timeT toNext = barEnd - absTime; if (soundingDuration > toNext) { soundingDuration = toNext; duration = soundingDuration * tupletRatio.second/ tupletRatio.first; overlong = true; } RG_DEBUG << "LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration: time to barEnd is " << toNext << endl; // Examine the following event, and truncate our duration // if we overlap it. Segment::iterator nextElt = s->end(); toNext = soundingDuration; if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventType)) { Chord chord(*s, i, m_composition->getNotationQuantizer()); Segment::iterator nextElt = chord.getFinalElement(); ++nextElt; if (s->isBeforeEndMarker(nextElt)) { // The quantizer sometimes sticks a rest at the same time // as this note -- don't use that one here, and mark it as // not to be exported -- it's just a heavy-handed way of // rendering counterpoint in RG if ((*nextElt)->isa(Note::EventRestType) && (*nextElt)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() == absTime) { (*nextElt)->set(SKIP_PROPERTY, true); ++nextElt; } } } else { nextElt = i; ++nextElt; while (s->isBeforeEndMarker(nextElt)) { if ((*nextElt)->isa(Controller::EventType) || (*nextElt)->isa(ProgramChange::EventType) || (*nextElt)->isa(SystemExclusive::EventType) || (*nextElt)->isa(ChannelPressure::EventType) || (*nextElt)->isa(KeyPressure::EventType) || (*nextElt)->isa(PitchBend::EventType)) ++nextElt; else break; } } if (s->isBeforeEndMarker(nextElt)) { RG_DEBUG << "LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration: inside conditional " << endl; toNext = (*nextElt)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() - absTime; // if the note was lengthened, assume it was lengthened to the left // when truncating to the beginning of the next note if (durationCorrection > 0) { toNext += durationCorrection; } if (soundingDuration > toNext) { soundingDuration = toNext; duration = soundingDuration * tupletRatio.second/ tupletRatio.first; } } RG_DEBUG << "LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration: second toNext is " << toNext << endl; RG_DEBUG << "LilyPondExporter::calculateDuration: final duration, soundingDuration: " << duration << ", " << soundingDuration << endl; return duration; } void LilyPondExporter::writeBar(Segment *s, int barNo, int barStart, int barEnd, int col, Rosegarden::Key &key, std::string &lilyText, std::string &prevStyle, eventendlist &eventsInProgress, std::ofstream &str, int &MultiMeasureRestCount, bool &nextBarIsAlt1, bool &nextBarIsAlt2, bool &nextBarIsDouble, bool &nextBarIsEnd, bool &nextBarIsDot) { int lastStem = 0; // 0 => unset, -1 => down, 1 => up int isGrace = 0; Segment::iterator i = s->findTime(barStart); if (!s->isBeforeEndMarker(i)) return ; if (MultiMeasureRestCount == 0) { str << std::endl; if ((barNo + 1) % 5 == 0) { str << "%% " << barNo + 1 << std::endl << indent(col); } else { str << indent(col); } } bool isNew = false; TimeSignature timeSignature = m_composition->getTimeSignatureInBar(barNo, isNew); if (isNew) { if (timeSignature.isHidden()) { str << "\\once \\override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #(vector #f #f #f) "; } str << "\\time " << timeSignature.getNumerator() << "/" << timeSignature.getDenominator() << std::endl << indent(col); } timeT absTime = (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); timeT writtenDuration = 0; std::pair barDurationRatio(timeSignature.getNumerator(),timeSignature.getDenominator()); std::pair durationRatioSum(0,1); static std::pair durationRatio(0,1); if (absTime > barStart) { Note note(Note::getNearestNote(absTime - barStart, MAX_DOTS)); writtenDuration += note.getDuration(); durationRatio = writeSkip(timeSignature, 0, note.getDuration(), true, str); durationRatioSum = fractionSum(durationRatioSum,durationRatio); // str << qstrtostr(QString(" %{ %1/%2 %} ").arg(durationRatio.first).arg(durationRatio.second)); // DEBUG } timeT prevDuration = -1; eventstartlist eventsToStart; long groupId = -1; std::string groupType = ""; std::pair tupletRatio(1, 1); bool overlong = false; bool newBeamedGroup = false; int notesInBeamedGroup = 0; while (s->isBeforeEndMarker(i)) { if ((*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() >= barEnd) break; // First test whether we're entering or leaving a group, // before we consider how to write the event itself (at least // for pre-2.0 LilyPond output) QString startGroupBeamingsStr = ""; QString endGroupBeamingsStr = ""; if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventType) || (*i)->isa(Note::EventRestType) || (*i)->isa(Clef::EventType) || (*i)->isa(Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { long newGroupId = -1; if ((*i)->get (BEAMED_GROUP_ID, newGroupId)) { if (newGroupId != groupId) { // entering a new beamed group if (groupId != -1) { // and leaving an old one if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) { if (m_exportBeams && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) endGroupBeamingsStr += "] "; endGroupBeamingsStr += "} "; } else if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_BEAMED) { if (m_exportBeams && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) endGroupBeamingsStr += "] "; } } groupId = newGroupId; groupType = ""; (void)(*i)->get (BEAMED_GROUP_TYPE, groupType); if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) { long numerator = 0; long denominator = 0; (*i)->get (BEAMED_GROUP_TUPLED_COUNT, numerator); (*i)->get (BEAMED_GROUP_UNTUPLED_COUNT, denominator); if (numerator == 0 || denominator == 0) { std::cerr << "WARNING: LilyPondExporter::writeBar: " << "tupled event without tupled/untupled counts" << std::endl; groupId = -1; groupType = ""; } else { startGroupBeamingsStr += QString("\\times %1/%2 { ").arg(numerator).arg(denominator); tupletRatio = std::pair(numerator, denominator); // Require explicit beamed groups, // fixes bug #1683205. // HJJ: Why line below was originally present? // newBeamedGroup = true; notesInBeamedGroup = 0; } } else if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_BEAMED) { newBeamedGroup = true; notesInBeamedGroup = 0; // there can currently be only on group type, reset tuplet ratio tupletRatio = std::pair(1,1); } } } else { if (groupId != -1) { // leaving a beamed group if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) { if (m_exportBeams && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) endGroupBeamingsStr += "] "; endGroupBeamingsStr += "} "; tupletRatio = std::pair(1, 1); } else if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_BEAMED) { if (m_exportBeams && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) endGroupBeamingsStr += "] "; } groupId = -1; groupType = ""; } } } // Test whether the next note is grace note or not. // The start or end of beamed grouping should be put in proper places. str << endGroupBeamingsStr.utf8(); if ((*i)->has(IS_GRACE_NOTE) && (*i)->get(IS_GRACE_NOTE)) { if (isGrace == 0) { isGrace = 1; str << "\\grace { "; // str << "%{ grace starts %} "; // DEBUG } } else if (isGrace == 1) { isGrace = 0; // str << "%{ grace ends %} "; // DEBUG str << "} "; } str << startGroupBeamingsStr.utf8(); timeT soundingDuration = -1; timeT duration = calculateDuration (s, i, barEnd, soundingDuration, tupletRatio, overlong); if (soundingDuration == -1) { soundingDuration = duration * tupletRatio.first / tupletRatio.second; } if ((*i)->has(SKIP_PROPERTY)) { (*i)->unset(SKIP_PROPERTY); ++i; continue; } bool needsSlashRest = false; if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventType)) { Chord chord(*s, i, m_composition->getNotationQuantizer()); Event *e = *chord.getInitialNote(); bool tiedForward = false; bool tiedUp = false; // Examine the following event, and truncate our duration // if we overlap it. if (e->has(DISPLACED_X)) { double xDisplacement = 1 + ((double) e->get (DISPLACED_X)) / 1000; str << "\\once \\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #" << xDisplacement << " "; } bool hiddenNote = false; if (e->has(INVISIBLE)) { if (e->get (INVISIBLE)) { hiddenNote = true; } } if ( hiddenNote ) { str << "\\hideNotes "; } if (e->has(NotationProperties::STEM_UP)) { if (e->get (NotationProperties::STEM_UP)) { if (lastStem != 1) { str << "\\stemUp "; lastStem = 1; } } else { if (lastStem != -1) { str << "\\stemDown "; lastStem = -1; } } } else { if (lastStem != 0) { str << "\\stemNeutral "; lastStem = 0; } } if (chord.size() > 1) str << "< "; Segment::iterator stylei = s->end(); for (i = chord.getInitialElement(); s->isBeforeEndMarker(i); ++i) { if ((*i)->isa(Text::EventType)) { if (!handleDirective(*i, lilyText, nextBarIsAlt1, nextBarIsAlt2, nextBarIsDouble, nextBarIsEnd, nextBarIsDot)) { handleText(*i, lilyText); } } else if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventType)) { if (m_languageLevel >= LILYPOND_VERSION_2_8) { // one \tweak per each chord note if (chord.size() > 1) writeStyle(*i, prevStyle, col, str, true); else writeStyle(*i, prevStyle, col, str, false); } else { // only one override per chord, and that outside the <> stylei = i; } writePitch(*i, key, str); bool noteHasCautionaryAccidental = false; (*i)->get (NotationProperties::USE_CAUTIONARY_ACCIDENTAL, noteHasCautionaryAccidental); if (noteHasCautionaryAccidental) str << "?"; // get TIED_FORWARD and TIE_IS_ABOVE for later (*i)->get(TIED_FORWARD, tiedForward); (*i)->get(TIE_IS_ABOVE, tiedUp); str << " "; } else if ((*i)->isa(Indication::EventType)) { eventsToStart.insert(*i); eventsInProgress.insert(*i); } if (i == chord.getFinalElement()) break; } if (chord.size() > 1) str << "> "; if (duration != prevDuration) { durationRatio = writeDuration(duration, str); str << " "; prevDuration = duration; } if (m_languageLevel == LILYPOND_VERSION_2_6) { // only one override per chord, and that outside the <> if (stylei != s->end()) { writeStyle(*stylei, prevStyle, col, str, false); stylei = s->end(); } } if (lilyText != "") { str << lilyText; lilyText = ""; } writeSlashes(*i, str); writtenDuration += soundingDuration; std::pair ratio = fractionProduct(durationRatio,tupletRatio); durationRatioSum = fractionSum(durationRatioSum, ratio); // str << qstrtostr(QString(" %{ %1/%2 * %3/%4 = %5/%6 %} ").arg(durationRatio.first).arg(durationRatio.second).arg(tupletRatio.first).arg(tupletRatio.second).arg(ratio.first).arg(ratio.second)); // DEBUG std::vector marks(chord.getMarksForChord()); // problem here: stem direction unavailable (it's a view-local property) bool stemUp = true; e->get (NotationProperties::STEM_UP, stemUp); for (std::vector::iterator j = marks.begin(); j != marks.end(); ++j) { str << composeLilyMark(*j, stemUp); } if (marks.size() > 0) str << " "; handleEndingEvents(eventsInProgress, i, str); handleStartingEvents(eventsToStart, str); if (tiedForward) if (tiedUp) str << "^~ "; else str << "_~ "; if ( hiddenNote ) { str << "\\unHideNotes "; } if (newBeamedGroup) { // This is a workaround for bug #1705430: // Beaming groups erroneous after merging notes // There will be fewer "e4. [ ]" errors in LilyPond-compiling. // HJJ: This should be fixed in notation engine, // after which the workaround below should be removed. Note note(Note::getNearestNote(duration, MAX_DOTS)); switch (note.getNoteType()) { case Note::SixtyFourthNote: case Note::ThirtySecondNote: case Note::SixteenthNote: case Note::EighthNote: notesInBeamedGroup++; break; } } // // Old version before the workaround for bug #1705430: // if (newBeamedGroup) // notesInBeamedGroup++; } else if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventRestType)) { bool hiddenRest = false; if ((*i)->has(INVISIBLE)) { if ((*i)->get (INVISIBLE)) { hiddenRest = true; } } bool offsetRest = false; int restOffset = 0; if ((*i)->has(DISPLACED_Y)) { restOffset = (*i)->get(DISPLACED_Y); offsetRest = true; } if (offsetRest) { std::cout << "REST OFFSET: " << restOffset << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "NO REST OFFSET" << std::endl; } if (MultiMeasureRestCount == 0) { if (hiddenRest) { str << "s"; } else if (duration == timeSignature.getBarDuration()) { // Look ahead the segment in order to detect // the number of measures in the multi measure rest. Segment::iterator mm_i = i; while (s->isBeforeEndMarker(++mm_i)) { if ((*mm_i)->isa(Note::EventRestType) && (*mm_i)->getNotationDuration() == (*i)->getNotationDuration() && timeSignature == m_composition->getTimeSignatureAt((*mm_i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime())) { MultiMeasureRestCount++; } else { break; } } str << "R"; } else { if (offsetRest) { // use offset height to get an approximate corresponding // height on staff restOffset = restOffset / 1000; restOffset -= restOffset * 2; // use height on staff to get a MIDI pitch // get clef from whatever the last clef event was Rosegarden::Key k; Accidental a; Pitch helper(restOffset, m_lastClefFound, k, a); // port some code from writePitch() here, rather than // rewriting writePitch() to do both jobs, which // somebody could conceivably clean up one day if anyone // is bored // use MIDI pitch to get a named note int p = helper.getPerformancePitch(); std::string n = convertPitchToLilyNote(p, a, k); // write named note str << n; // generate and write octave marks std::string m = ""; int o = (int)(p / 12); // mystery hack (it was always aiming too low) o++; if (o < 4) { for (; o < 4; o++) m += ","; } else { for (; o > 4; o--) m += "\'"; } str << m; // defer the \rest until after any duration, because it // can't come before a duration if a duration change is // necessary, which is all determined a bit further on needsSlashRest = true; std::cout << "using pitch letter:" << n << m << " for offset: " << restOffset << " for calculated octave: " << o << " in clef: " << m_lastClefFound.getClefType() << std::endl; } else { str << "r"; } } if (duration != prevDuration) { durationRatio = writeDuration(duration, str); if (MultiMeasureRestCount > 0) { str << "*" << (1 + MultiMeasureRestCount); } prevDuration = duration; } // have to add \rest to a fake rest note after any required // duration change if (needsSlashRest) { str << "\\rest"; needsSlashRest = false; } if (lilyText != "") { str << lilyText; lilyText = ""; } str << " "; handleEndingEvents(eventsInProgress, i, str); handleStartingEvents(eventsToStart, str); if (newBeamedGroup) notesInBeamedGroup++; } else { MultiMeasureRestCount--; } writtenDuration += soundingDuration; std::pair ratio = fractionProduct(durationRatio,tupletRatio); durationRatioSum = fractionSum(durationRatioSum, ratio); // str << qstrtostr(QString(" %{ %1/%2 * %3/%4 = %5/%6 %} ").arg(durationRatio.first).arg(durationRatio.second).arg(tupletRatio.first).arg(tupletRatio.second).arg(ratio.first).arg(ratio.second)); // DEBUG } else if ((*i)->isa(Clef::EventType)) { try { // Incomplete: Set which note the clef should center on (DMM - why?) // To allow octavation of the clef, enclose the clefname always with quotes. str << "\\clef \""; Clef clef(**i); if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Treble) { str << "treble"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::French) { str << "french"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Soprano) { str << "soprano"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Mezzosoprano) { str << "mezzosoprano"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Alto) { str << "alto"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Tenor) { str << "tenor"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Baritone) { str << "baritone"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Varbaritone) { str << "varbaritone"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Bass) { str << "bass"; } else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Subbass) { str << "subbass"; } // save clef for later use by rests that need repositioned m_lastClefFound = clef; std::cout << "getting clef" << std::endl << "clef: " << clef.getClefType() << " lastClefFound: " << m_lastClefFound.getClefType() << std::endl; // Transpose the clef one or two octaves up or down, if specified. int octaveOffset = clef.getOctaveOffset(); if (octaveOffset > 0) { str << "^" << 8*octaveOffset; } else if (octaveOffset < 0) { str << "_" << -8*octaveOffset; } str << "\"" << std::endl << indent(col); } catch (Exception e) { std::cerr << "Bad clef: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl; } } else if ((*i)->isa(Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) { // ignore hidden key signatures bool hiddenKey = false; if ((*i)->has(INVISIBLE)) { (*i)->get (INVISIBLE, hiddenKey); } if (!hiddenKey) { try { str << "\\key "; key = Rosegarden::Key(**i); Accidental accidental = Accidentals::NoAccidental; str << convertPitchToLilyNote(key.getTonicPitch(), accidental, key); if (key.isMinor()) { str << " \\minor"; } else { str << " \\major"; } str << std::endl << indent(col); } catch (Exception e) { std::cerr << "Bad key: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl; } } } else if ((*i)->isa(Text::EventType)) { if (!handleDirective(*i, lilyText, nextBarIsAlt1, nextBarIsAlt2, nextBarIsDouble, nextBarIsEnd, nextBarIsDot)) { handleText(*i, lilyText); } } else if ((*i)->isa(Guitar::Chord::EventType)) { try { Guitar::Chord chord = Guitar::Chord(**i); const Guitar::Fingering& fingering = chord.getFingering(); int barreStart = 0, barreEnd = 0, barreFret = 0; // // Check if there is a barre. // if (fingering.hasBarre()) { Guitar::Fingering::Barre barre = fingering.getBarre(); barreStart = barre.start; barreEnd = barre.end; barreFret = barre.fret; } if (barreStart == 0) { str << " s4*0^\\markup \\fret-diagram #\""; } else { str << " s4*0^\\markup \\override #'(barre-type . straight) \\fret-diagram #\""; } // // Check each string individually. // Note: LilyPond numbers strings differently. // for (int stringNum = 6; stringNum >= 1; --stringNum) { if (barreStart == stringNum) { str << "c:" << barreStart << "-" << barreEnd << "-" << barreFret << ";"; } if (fingering.getStringStatus( 6-stringNum ) == Guitar::Fingering::MUTED) { str << stringNum << "-x;"; } else if (fingering.getStringStatus( 6-stringNum ) == Guitar::Fingering::OPEN) { str << stringNum << "-o;"; } else { int stringStatus = fingering.getStringStatus(6-stringNum); if ((stringNum <= barreStart) && (stringNum >= barreEnd)) { str << stringNum << "-" << barreFret << ";"; } else { str << stringNum << "-" << stringStatus << ";"; } } } str << "\" "; } catch (Exception e) { // GuitarChord ctor failed RG_DEBUG << "Bad GuitarChord event in LilyPond export" << endl; } } // LilyPond 2.0 introduces required postfix syntax for beaming if (m_exportBeams && newBeamedGroup && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) { str << "[ "; newBeamedGroup = false; } if ((*i)->isa(Indication::EventType)) { eventsToStart.insert(*i); eventsInProgress.insert(*i); } ++i; } if (groupId != -1) { if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) { if (m_exportBeams && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) str << "] "; str << "} "; tupletRatio = std::pair(1, 1); } else if (groupType == GROUP_TYPE_BEAMED) { if (m_exportBeams && notesInBeamedGroup > 0) str << "] "; } } if (isGrace == 1) { isGrace = 0; // str << "%{ grace ends %} "; // DEBUG str << "} "; } if (lastStem != 0) { str << "\\stemNeutral "; } if (overlong) { str << std::endl << indent(col) << qstrtostr(QString("% %1"). arg(i18n("warning: overlong bar truncated here"))); } if (fractionSmaller(durationRatioSum, barDurationRatio)) { str << std::endl << indent(col) << qstrtostr(QString("% %1"). arg(i18n("warning: bar too short, padding with rests"))); str << std::endl << indent(col) << qstrtostr(QString("% %1/%2 < %3/%4"). arg(durationRatioSum.first). arg(durationRatioSum.second). arg(barDurationRatio.first). arg(barDurationRatio.second)) << std::endl << indent(col); durationRatio = writeSkip(timeSignature, writtenDuration, (barEnd - barStart) - writtenDuration, true, str); durationRatioSum = fractionSum(durationRatioSum,durationRatio); } // // Export bar and bar checks. // if (nextBarIsDouble) { str << "\\bar \"||\" "; nextBarIsDouble = false; } else if (nextBarIsEnd) { str << "\\bar \"|.\" "; nextBarIsEnd = false; } else if (nextBarIsDot) { str << "\\bar \":\" "; nextBarIsDot = false; } else if (MultiMeasureRestCount == 0) { str << " |"; } } std::pair LilyPondExporter::writeSkip(const TimeSignature &timeSig, timeT offset, timeT duration, bool useRests, std::ofstream &str) { DurationList dlist; timeSig.getDurationListForInterval(dlist, duration, offset); std::pair durationRatioSum(0,1); std::pair durationRatio(0,1); int t = 0, count = 0; for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin(); ; ++i) { if (i == dlist.end() || (*i) != t) { if (count > 0) { if (!useRests) str << "\\skip "; else if (t == timeSig.getBarDuration()) str << "R"; else str << "r"; durationRatio = writeDuration(t, str); if (count > 1) { str << "*" << count; durationRatio = fractionProduct(durationRatio,count); } str << " "; durationRatioSum = fractionSum(durationRatioSum,durationRatio); } if (i != dlist.end()) { t = *i; count = 1; } } else { ++count; } if (i == dlist.end()) break; } return durationRatioSum; } bool LilyPondExporter::handleDirective(const Event *textEvent, std::string &lilyText, bool &nextBarIsAlt1, bool &nextBarIsAlt2, bool &nextBarIsDouble, bool &nextBarIsEnd, bool &nextBarIsDot) { Text text(*textEvent); if (text.getTextType() == Text::LilyPondDirective) { std::string directive = text.getText(); if (directive == Text::Segno) { lilyText += "^\\markup { \\musicglyph #\"scripts.segno\" } "; } else if (directive == Text::Coda) { lilyText += "^\\markup { \\musicglyph #\"scripts.coda\" } "; } else if (directive == Text::Alternate1) { nextBarIsAlt1 = true; } else if (directive == Text::Alternate2) { nextBarIsAlt1 = false; nextBarIsAlt2 = true; } else if (directive == Text::BarDouble) { nextBarIsDouble = true; } else if (directive == Text::BarEnd) { nextBarIsEnd = true; } else if (directive == Text::BarDot) { nextBarIsDot = true; } else { // pass along less special directives for handling as plain text, // so they can be attached to chords and whatlike without // redundancy return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } void LilyPondExporter::handleText(const Event *textEvent, std::string &lilyText) { try { Text text(*textEvent); std::string s = text.getText(); // only protect illegal chars if this is Text, rather than // LilyPondDirective if ((*textEvent).isa(Text::EventType)) s = protectIllegalChars(s); if (text.getTextType() == Text::Tempo) { // print above staff, bold, large lilyText += "^\\markup { \\bold \\large \"" + s + "\" } "; } else if (text.getTextType() == Text::LocalTempo || text.getTextType() == Text::Chord) { // print above staff, bold, small lilyText += "^\\markup { \\bold \"" + s + "\" } "; } else if (text.getTextType() == Text::Dynamic) { // supported dynamics first if (s == "ppppp" || s == "pppp" || s == "ppp" || s == "pp" || s == "p" || s == "mp" || s == "mf" || s == "f" || s == "ff" || s == "fff" || s == "ffff" || s == "rfz" || s == "sf") { lilyText += "-\\" + s + " "; } else { // export as a plain markup: // print below staff, bold italics, small lilyText += "_\\markup { \\bold \\italic \"" + s + "\" } "; } } else if (text.getTextType() == Text::Direction) { // print above staff, large lilyText += "^\\markup { \\large \"" + s + "\" } "; } else if (text.getTextType() == Text::LocalDirection) { // print below staff, bold italics, small lilyText += "_\\markup { \\bold \\italic \"" + s + "\" } "; // LilyPond directives that don't require special handling across // barlines are handled here along with ordinary text types. These // can be injected wherever they happen to occur, and should get // attached to the right bits in due course without extra effort. // } else if (text.getText() == Text::Gliss) { lilyText += "\\glissando "; } else if (text.getText() == Text::Arpeggio) { lilyText += "\\arpeggio "; } else if (text.getText() == Text::Tiny) { lilyText += "\\tiny "; } else if (text.getText() == Text::Small) { lilyText += "\\small "; } else if (text.getText() == Text::NormalSize) { lilyText += "\\normalsize "; } else { textEvent->get (Text::TextTypePropertyName, s); std::cerr << "LilyPondExporter::write() - unhandled text type: " << s << std::endl; } } catch (Exception e) { std::cerr << "Bad text: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl; } } void LilyPondExporter::writePitch(const Event *note, const Rosegarden::Key &key, std::ofstream &str) { // Note pitch (need name as well as octave) // It is also possible to have "relative" pitches, // but for simplicity we always use absolute pitch // 60 is middle C, one unit is a half-step long pitch = 60; note->get (PITCH, pitch); Accidental accidental = Accidentals::NoAccidental; note->get (ACCIDENTAL, accidental); // format of LilyPond note is: // name + octave + (duration) + text markup // calculate note name and write note std::string lilyNote; lilyNote = convertPitchToLilyNote(pitch, accidental, key); str << lilyNote; // generate and write octave marks std::string octaveMarks = ""; int octave = (int)(pitch / 12); // tweak the octave break for B# / Cb if ((lilyNote == "bisis") || (lilyNote == "bis")) { octave--; } else if ((lilyNote == "ceses") || (lilyNote == "ces")) { octave++; } if (octave < 4) { for (; octave < 4; octave++) octaveMarks += ","; } else { for (; octave > 4; octave--) octaveMarks += "\'"; } str << octaveMarks; } void LilyPondExporter::writeStyle(const Event *note, std::string &prevStyle, int col, std::ofstream &str, bool isInChord) { // some hard-coded styles in order to provide rudimentary style export support // note that this is technically bad practice, as style names are not supposed // to be fixed but deduced from the style files actually present on the system const std::string styleMensural = "Mensural"; const std::string styleTriangle = "Triangle"; const std::string styleCross = "Cross"; const std::string styleClassical = "Classical"; // handle various note styles before opening any chord // brackets std::string style = ""; note->get (NotationProperties::NOTE_STYLE, style); if (style != prevStyle) { if (style == styleClassical && prevStyle == "") return ; if (!isInChord) prevStyle = style; if (style == styleMensural) { style = "mensural"; } else if (style == styleTriangle) { style = "triangle"; } else if (style == styleCross) { style = "cross"; } else { style = "default"; // failsafe default or explicit } if (!isInChord) { str << std::endl << indent(col) << "\\override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'" << style << std::endl << indent(col); } else { str << "\\tweak #'style #'" << style << " "; } } } std::pair LilyPondExporter::writeDuration(timeT duration, std::ofstream &str) { Note note(Note::getNearestNote(duration, MAX_DOTS)); std::pair durationRatio(0,1); switch (note.getNoteType()) { case Note::SixtyFourthNote: str << "64"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,64); break; case Note::ThirtySecondNote: str << "32"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,32); break; case Note::SixteenthNote: str << "16"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,16); break; case Note::EighthNote: str << "8"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,8); break; case Note::QuarterNote: str << "4"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,4); break; case Note::HalfNote: str << "2"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,2); break; case Note::WholeNote: str << "1"; durationRatio = std::pair(1,1); break; case Note::DoubleWholeNote: str << "\\breve"; durationRatio = std::pair(2,1); break; } for (int numDots = 0; numDots < note.getDots(); numDots++) { str << "."; } durationRatio = fractionProduct(durationRatio, std::pair((1<<(note.getDots()+1))-1,1<get (NotationProperties::SLASHES, slashes); if (slashes > 0) { str << ":"; int length = 4; for (int c = 1; c <= slashes; c++) { length *= 2; } str << length; } } }