/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "StartupTester.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "gui/dialogs/LilyPondOptionsDialog.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { StartupTester::StartupTester() : m_ready(false), m_haveProjectPackager(false), m_haveLilyPondView(false), m_haveAudioFileImporter(false) { TQHttp *http = new TQHttp(); connect(http, TQT_SIGNAL(responseHeaderReceived(const TQHttpResponseHeader &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotHttpResponseHeaderReceived(const TQHttpResponseHeader &))); connect(http, TQT_SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotHttpDone(bool))); m_versionHttpFailed = false; http->setHost("www.rosegardenmusic.com"); http->get("/latest-version.txt"); } StartupTester::~StartupTester() { } void StartupTester::run() { m_projectPackagerMutex.lock(); m_lilyPondViewMutex.lock(); m_audioFileImporterMutex.lock(); m_ready = true; KProcess *proc = new KProcess(); m_stdoutBuffer = ""; TQObject::connect(proc, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(stdoutReceived(KProcess *, char *, int))); *proc << "rosegarden-audiofile-importer"; *proc << "--conftest"; proc->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All); if (!proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus()) { RG_DEBUG << "StartupTester - No audio file importer available" << endl; m_haveAudioFileImporter = false; parseStdoutBuffer(m_audioFileImporterMissing); } else { RG_DEBUG << "StartupTester - Audio file importer OK" << endl; m_haveAudioFileImporter = true; } delete proc; m_audioFileImporterMutex.unlock(); proc = new KProcess; m_stdoutBuffer = ""; TQObject::connect(proc, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(stdoutReceived(KProcess *, char *, int))); *proc << "rosegarden-project-package"; *proc << "--conftest"; proc->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All); if (!proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus()) { m_haveProjectPackager = false; // rosegarden-project-package ran but exited with an error code RG_DEBUG << "StartupTester - No project packager available" << endl; m_haveProjectPackager = false; parseStdoutBuffer(m_projectPackagerMissing); } else { RG_DEBUG << "StartupTester - Project packager OK" << endl; m_haveProjectPackager = true; } delete proc; m_projectPackagerMutex.unlock(); proc = new KProcess(); m_stdoutBuffer = ""; TQObject::connect(proc, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(stdoutReceived(KProcess *, char *, int))); *proc << "rosegarden-lilypondview"; *proc << "--conftest"; proc->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All); if (!proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus()) { RG_DEBUG << "StartupTester - No lilypondview available" << endl; m_haveLilyPondView = false; parseStdoutBuffer(m_lilyPondViewMissing); } else { RG_DEBUG << "StartupTester - lilypondview OK" << endl; m_haveLilyPondView = true; TQRegExp re("LilyPond version: ([^\n]*)"); if (re.search(m_stdoutBuffer) != -1) { LilyPondOptionsDialog::setDefaultLilyPondVersion(re.cap(1)); } } delete proc; m_lilyPondViewMutex.unlock(); } bool StartupTester::isReady() { while (!m_ready) usleep(10000); if (m_projectPackagerMutex.tryLock()) { m_projectPackagerMutex.unlock(); } else { return false; } if (m_lilyPondViewMutex.tryLock()) { m_lilyPondViewMutex.unlock(); } else { return false; } return true; } void StartupTester::stdoutReceived(KProcess *, char *buffer, int len) { m_stdoutBuffer += TQString::fromLatin1(buffer, len); } void StartupTester::parseStdoutBuffer(TQStringList &target) { TQRegExp re("Required: ([^\n]*)"); if (re.search(m_stdoutBuffer) != -1) { target = TQStringList::split(", ", re.cap(1)); } } bool StartupTester::haveProjectPackager(TQStringList *missing) { while (!m_ready) usleep(10000); TQMutexLocker locker(&m_projectPackagerMutex); if (missing) *missing = m_projectPackagerMissing; return m_haveProjectPackager; } bool StartupTester::haveLilyPondView(TQStringList *missing) { while (!m_ready) usleep(10000); TQMutexLocker locker(&m_lilyPondViewMutex); if (missing) *missing = m_lilyPondViewMissing; return m_haveLilyPondView; } bool StartupTester::haveAudioFileImporter(TQStringList *missing) { while (!m_ready) usleep(10000); TQMutexLocker locker(&m_audioFileImporterMutex); if (missing) *missing = m_audioFileImporterMissing; return m_haveAudioFileImporter; } bool StartupTester::isVersionNewerThan(TQString a, TQString b) { TQRegExp re("[._-]"); TQStringList alist = TQStringList::split(re, a); TQStringList blist = TQStringList::split(re, b); int ae = alist.size(); int be = blist.size(); int e = std::max(ae, be); for (int i = 0; i < e; ++i) { int an = 0, bn = 0; if (i < ae) { an = alist[i].toInt(); if (an == 0) an = -1; // non-numeric field -> "-pre1" etc } if (i < be) { bn = blist[i].toInt(); if (bn == 0) bn = -1; } if (an < bn) return false; if (an > bn) return true; } return false; } void StartupTester::slotHttpResponseHeaderReceived(const TQHttpResponseHeader &h) { if (h.statusCode() / 100 != 2) m_versionHttpFailed = true; } void StartupTester::slotHttpDone(bool error) { TQHttp *http = const_cast(dynamic_cast(sender())); if (!http) return; http->deleteLater(); if (error) return; TQByteArray responseData = http->readAll(); TQString str = TQString::fromUtf8(responseData.data()); TQStringList lines = TQStringList::split('\n', str); if (lines.empty()) return; TQString latestVersion = lines[0]; std::cerr << "Comparing current version \"" << VERSION << "\" with latest version \"" << latestVersion << "\"" << std::endl; if (isVersionNewerThan(latestVersion, VERSION)) { emit newerVersionAvailable(latestVersion); } } } #include "StartupTester.moc"