/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "DocumentMetaConfigurationPage.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/BaseProperties.h" #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "base/Colour.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/Configuration.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/PropertyName.h" #include "base/BasicQuantizer.h" #include "base/RealTime.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "ConfigurationPage.h" #include "document/RosegardenGUIDoc.h" #include "gui/editors/notation/NotationStrings.h" #include "gui/configuration/HeadersConfigurationPage.h" #include "gui/general/GUIPalette.h" #include "TabbedConfigurationPage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { static TQString durationToString(Rosegarden::Composition &comp, Rosegarden::timeT absTime, Rosegarden::timeT duration, Rosegarden::RealTime rt) { return i18n("%1 minutes %2.%3%4 seconds (%5 units, %6 measures)") // TODO - PLURAL .tqarg(rt.sec / 60).tqarg(rt.sec % 60) .tqarg(rt.msec() / 100).tqarg((rt.msec() / 10) % 10) .tqarg(duration).tqarg(comp.getBarNumber(absTime + duration) - comp.getBarNumber(absTime)); } class SegmentDataItem : public TQTableItem { public: SegmentDataItem(TQTable *t, TQString s) : TQTableItem(t, TQTableItem::Never, s) { } virtual int tqalignment() const { return TQt::AlignCenter; } virtual TQString key() const { // It doesn't seem to be possible to specify a comparator so // as to get the right sorting for numeric items (what am I // missing here?), only to override this function to return a // string for comparison. So for integer items we'll return a // string that starts with a single digit corresponding to the // number of digits in the integer, which should ensure that // dictionary sorting works correctly. // // This relies on the assumption that any item whose text // starts with a digit will contain nothing other than a // single non-negative integer of no more than 9 digits. That // assumption should hold for all current uses of this class, // but may need checking for future uses... TQString s(text()); if (s[0].digitValue() >= 0) { return TQString("%1%2").tqarg(s.length()).tqarg(s); } else { return s; } } }; DocumentMetaConfigurationPage::DocumentMetaConfigurationPage(RosegardenGUIDoc *doc, TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name) : TabbedConfigurationPage(doc, tqparent, name) { m_headersPage = new HeadersConfigurationPage(this, doc); addTab(m_headersPage, i18n("Headers")); Composition &comp = doc->getComposition(); std::set usedTracks; int audioSegments = 0, internalSegments = 0; for (Composition::iterator ci = comp.begin(); ci != comp.end(); ++ci) { usedTracks.insert((*ci)->getTrack()); if ((*ci)->getType() == Segment::Audio) ++audioSegments; else ++internalSegments; } TQFrame *frame = new TQFrame(m_tabWidget); TQGridLayout *tqlayout = new TQGridLayout(frame, 6, 2, 10, 5); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Filename:"), frame), 0, 0); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(doc->getTitle(), frame), 0, 1); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Formal duration (to end marker):"), frame), 1, 0); timeT d = comp.getEndMarker(); RealTime rtd = comp.getElapsedRealTime(d); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(durationToString(comp, 0, d, rtd), frame), 1, 1); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Playing duration:"), frame), 2, 0); d = comp.getDuration(); rtd = comp.getElapsedRealTime(d); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(durationToString(comp, 0, d, rtd), frame), 2, 1); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Tracks:"), frame), 3, 0); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("%1 used, %2 total") .tqarg(usedTracks.size()) .tqarg(comp.getNbTracks()), frame), 3, 1); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Segments:"), frame), 4, 0); tqlayout->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("%1 MIDI, %2 audio, %3 total") .tqarg(internalSegments) .tqarg(audioSegments) .tqarg(internalSegments + audioSegments), frame), 4, 1); tqlayout->setRowStretch(5, 2); addTab(frame, i18n("Statistics")); frame = new TQFrame(m_tabWidget); tqlayout = new TQGridLayout(frame, 1, 1, 10, 5); TQTable *table = new TQTable(1, 11, frame, "Segment Table"); table->setSelectionMode(TQTable::NoSelection); table->setSorting(true); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(0, i18n("Type")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(1, i18n("Track")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(2, i18n("Label")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(3, i18n("Time")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(4, i18n("Duration")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(5, i18n("Events")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(6, i18n("Polyphony")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(7, i18n("Repeat")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(8, i18n("Quantize")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(9, i18n("Transpose")); table->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(10, i18n("Delay")); table->setNumRows(audioSegments + internalSegments); table->setColumnWidth(0, 50); table->setColumnWidth(1, 50); table->setColumnWidth(2, 150); table->setColumnWidth(3, 80); table->setColumnWidth(4, 80); table->setColumnWidth(5, 80); table->setColumnWidth(6, 80); table->setColumnWidth(7, 80); table->setColumnWidth(8, 80); table->setColumnWidth(9, 80); table->setColumnWidth(10, 80); int i = 0; for (Composition::iterator ci = comp.begin(); ci != comp.end(); ++ci) { Segment *s = *ci; table->setItem(i, 0, new SegmentDataItem (table, s->getType() == Segment::Audio ? i18n("Audio") : i18n("MIDI"))); table->setItem(i, 1, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1").tqarg(s->getTrack() + 1))); TQPixmap colourPixmap(16, 16); Colour colour = comp.getSegmentColourMap().getColourByIndex(s->getColourIndex()); colourPixmap.fill(GUIPalette::convertColour(colour)); table->setItem(i, 2, new TQTableItem(table, TQTableItem::Never, strtoqstr(s->getLabel()), colourPixmap)); table->setItem(i, 3, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1").tqarg(s->getStartTime()))); table->setItem(i, 4, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1").tqarg(s->getEndMarkerTime() - s->getStartTime()))); std::set notesOn; std::multimap noteOffs; int events = 0, notes = 0, poly = 0, maxPoly = 0; for (Segment::iterator si = s->begin(); s->isBeforeEndMarker(si); ++si) { ++events; if ((*si)->isa(Note::EventType)) { ++notes; timeT startTime = (*si)->getAbsoluteTime(); timeT endTime = startTime + (*si)->getDuration(); if (endTime == startTime) continue; while (!noteOffs.empty() && (startTime >= noteOffs.begin()->first)) { notesOn.erase(noteOffs.begin()->second); noteOffs.erase(noteOffs.begin()); } long pitch = 0; (*si)->get(BaseProperties::PITCH, pitch); notesOn.insert(pitch); noteOffs.insert(std::multimap::value_type(endTime, pitch)); poly = notesOn.size(); if (poly > maxPoly) maxPoly = poly; } } table->setItem(i, 5, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1").tqarg(events))); table->setItem(i, 6, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1").tqarg(maxPoly))); table->setItem(i, 7, new SegmentDataItem (table, s->isRepeating() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No"))); timeT discard; if (s->getQuantizer() && s->hasQuantization()) { timeT unit = s->getQuantizer()->getUnit(); table->setItem(i, 8, new SegmentDataItem (table, NotationStrings::makeNoteMenuLabel (unit, true, discard, false))); } else { table->setItem(i, 8, new SegmentDataItem (table, i18n("Off"))); } table->setItem(i, 9, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1").tqarg(s->getTranspose()))); if (s->getDelay() != 0) { if (s->getRealTimeDelay() != RealTime::zeroTime) { table->setItem(i, 10, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%1 + %2 ms") .tqarg(NotationStrings::makeNoteMenuLabel (s->getDelay(), true, discard, false)) .tqarg(s->getRealTimeDelay().sec * 1000 + s->getRealTimeDelay().msec()))); } else { table->setItem(i, 10, new SegmentDataItem (table, NotationStrings::makeNoteMenuLabel (s->getDelay(), true, discard, false))); } } else if (s->getRealTimeDelay() != RealTime::zeroTime) { table->setItem(i, 10, new SegmentDataItem (table, TQString("%2 ms") .tqarg(s->getRealTimeDelay().sec * 1000 + s->getRealTimeDelay().msec()))); } else { table->setItem(i, 10, new SegmentDataItem (table, i18n("None"))); } ++i; } tqlayout->addWidget(table, 0, 0); addTab(frame, i18n("Segment Summary")); } void DocumentMetaConfigurationPage::apply() { m_headersPage->apply(); m_doc->slotDocumentModified(); } /* hjj: WHAT TO DO WITH THIS ? void DocumentMetaConfigurationPage::selectMetadata(TQString name) { std::vector fixedKeys = CompositionMetadataKeys::getFixedKeys(); std::vector::iterator i = fixedKeys.begin(); for (TQListViewItem *item = m_fixed->firstChild(); item != 0; item = item->nextSibling()) { if (i == fixedKeys.end()) break; if (name == strtoqstr(i->getName())) { m_fixed->setSelected(item, true); m_fixed->setCurrentItem(item); return ; } ++i; } for (TQListViewItem *item = m_metadata->firstChild(); item != 0; item = item->nextSibling()) { if (item->text(0).lower() != name) continue; m_metadata->setSelected(item, true); m_metadata->setCurrentItem(item); return ; } } */ } #include "DocumentMetaConfigurationPage.moc"