/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "MatrixSelector.h" #include "base/BaseProperties.h" #include #include #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/Selection.h" #include "base/ViewElement.h" #include "commands/edit/EventEditCommand.h" #include "gui/dialogs/EventEditDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/SimpleEventEditDialog.h" #include "gui/general/EditTool.h" #include "gui/general/EditToolBox.h" #include "gui/general/GUIPalette.h" #include "gui/general/RosegardenCanvasView.h" #include "MatrixElement.h" #include "MatrixMover.h" #include "MatrixPainter.h" #include "MatrixResizer.h" #include "MatrixStaff.h" #include "MatrixTool.h" #include "MatrixView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "misc/Debug.h" namespace Rosegarden { MatrixSelector::MatrixSelector(MatrixView* view) : MatrixTool("MatrixSelector", view), m_selectionRect(0), m_updateRect(false), m_currentStaff(0), m_clickedElement(0), m_dispatchTool(0), m_justSelectedBar(false), m_matrixView(view), m_selectionToMerge(0) { connect(m_parentView, TQT_SIGNAL(usedSelection()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotHideSelection())); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Draw Tool"), "pencil", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotDrawSelected()), actionCollection(), "draw"); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Erase Tool"), "eraser", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotEraseSelected()), actionCollection(), "erase"); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Move Tool"), "move", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotMoveSelected()), actionCollection(), "move"); TQString pixmapDir = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("appdata", "pixmaps/"); TQCanvasPixmap pixmap(pixmapDir + "/toolbar/resize.xpm"); TQIconSet icon = TQIconSet(pixmap); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Resize Tool"), icon, 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotResizeSelected()), actionCollection(), "resize"); createMenu("matrixselector.rc"); } void MatrixSelector::handleEventRemoved(Event *event) { if (m_dispatchTool) m_dispatchTool->handleEventRemoved(event); if (m_clickedElement && m_clickedElement->event() == event) { m_clickedElement = 0; } } void MatrixSelector::slotClickTimeout() { m_justSelectedBar = false; } void MatrixSelector::handleLeftButtonPress(timeT time, int height, int staffNo, TQMouseEvent* e, ViewElement *element) { MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixSelector::handleMousePress" << endl; if (m_justSelectedBar) { handleMouseTripleClick(time, height, staffNo, e, element); m_justSelectedBar = false; return ; } TQPoint p = m_mParentView->inverseMapPoint(e->pos()); m_currentStaff = m_mParentView->getStaff(staffNo); // Do the merge selection thing // delete m_selectionToMerge; // you can safely delete 0, you know? const EventSelection *selectionToMerge = 0; if (e->state() & TQt::ShiftButton) selectionToMerge = m_mParentView->getCurrentSelection(); m_selectionToMerge = (selectionToMerge ? new EventSelection(*selectionToMerge) : 0); // Now the rest of the element stuff // m_clickedElement = dynamic_cast(element); if (m_clickedElement) { int x = int(m_clickedElement->getLayoutX()); int width = m_clickedElement->getWidth(); int resizeStart = int(double(width) * 0.85) + x; // max size of 10 if ((x + width ) - resizeStart > 10) resizeStart = x + width - 10; if (p.x() > resizeStart) { m_dispatchTool = m_parentView-> getToolBox()->getTool(MatrixResizer::ToolName); } else { m_dispatchTool = m_parentView-> getToolBox()->getTool(MatrixMover::ToolName); } m_dispatchTool->ready(); m_dispatchTool->handleLeftButtonPress(time, height, staffNo, e, element); return ; } else if (e->state() & TQt::ControlButton) { handleMidButtonPress(time, height, staffNo, e, element); return; } else { // Workaround for #930420 Positional error in sweep-selection box // boundary int zoomValue = (int)m_matrixView->m_hZoomSlider->getCurrentSize(); MatrixStaff *staff = m_mParentView->getStaff(staffNo); int pitch = m_currentStaff->getHeightAtCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y()); int pitchCentreHeight = staff->getTotalHeight() - pitch * staff->getLineSpacing() - 2; // 2 or ? int pitchLineHeight = pitchCentreHeight + staff->getLineSpacing() / 2; int drawHeight = p.y(); if (drawHeight <= pitchLineHeight + 1 && drawHeight >= pitchLineHeight - 1) { if (drawHeight == pitchLineHeight) drawHeight += 2; else drawHeight += 2 * (drawHeight - pitchLineHeight); } MATRIX_DEBUG << "#### MatrixSelector::handleLeftButtonPress() : zoom " << zoomValue << " pitch " << pitch << " pitchCentreHeight " << pitchCentreHeight << " pitchLineHeight " << pitchLineHeight << " lineSpacing " << staff->getLineSpacing() << " drawHeight " << drawHeight << endl; m_selectionRect->setX(int(p.x() / 4)*4); // more workaround for #930420 m_selectionRect->setY(drawHeight); m_selectionRect->setSize(0, 0); m_selectionRect->show(); m_updateRect = true; // Clear existing selection if we're not merging // if (!m_selectionToMerge) { m_mParentView->setCurrentSelection(0, false, true); m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); } } //m_parentView->setCursorPosition(p.x()); } void MatrixSelector::handleMidButtonPress(timeT time, int height, int staffNo, TQMouseEvent* e, ViewElement *element) { m_clickedElement = 0; // should be used for left-button clicks only // Don't allow overlapping elements on the same channel if (dynamic_cast(element)) return ; m_dispatchTool = m_parentView-> getToolBox()->getTool(MatrixPainter::ToolName); m_dispatchTool->ready(); m_dispatchTool->handleLeftButtonPress(time, height, staffNo, e, element); } void MatrixSelector::handleMouseDoubleClick(timeT , int , int staffNo, TQMouseEvent *ev, ViewElement *element) { /* if (m_dispatchTool) { m_dispatchTool->handleMouseDoubleClick(time, height, staffNo, e, element); } */ m_clickedElement = dynamic_cast(element); MatrixStaff *staff = m_mParentView->getStaff(staffNo); if (!staff) return ; if (m_clickedElement) { if (m_clickedElement->event()->isa(Note::EventType) && m_clickedElement->event()->has(BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ID)) { int id = m_clickedElement->event()->get (BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ID); emit editTriggerSegment(id); return ; } if (ev->state() & ShiftButton) { // advanced edit EventEditDialog dialog(m_mParentView, *m_clickedElement->event(), true); if (dialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted && dialog.isModified()) { EventEditCommand *command = new EventEditCommand (staff->getSegment(), m_clickedElement->event(), dialog.getEvent()); m_mParentView->addCommandToHistory(command); } } else { SimpleEventEditDialog dialog(m_mParentView, m_mParentView->getDocument(), *m_clickedElement->event(), false); if (dialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted && dialog.isModified()) { EventEditCommand *command = new EventEditCommand (staff->getSegment(), m_clickedElement->event(), dialog.getEvent()); m_mParentView->addCommandToHistory(command); } } } /* #988167: Matrix:Multiclick select methods don't work in matrix editor Postponing this, as it falls foul of world-matrix transformation etiquette and other such niceties else { TQRect rect = staff->getBarExtents(ev->x(), ev->y()); m_selectionRect->setX(rect.x() + 2); m_selectionRect->setY(rect.y()); m_selectionRect->setSize(rect.width() - 4, rect.height()); m_selectionRect->show(); m_updateRect = false; m_justSelectedBar = true; TQTimer::singleShot(TQApplication::doubleClickInterval(), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClickTimeout())); } */ } void MatrixSelector::handleMouseTripleClick(timeT t, int height, int staffNo, TQMouseEvent *ev, ViewElement *element) { if (!m_justSelectedBar) return ; m_justSelectedBar = false; MatrixStaff *staff = m_mParentView->getStaff(staffNo); if (!staff) return ; if (m_clickedElement) { // should be safe, as we've already set m_justSelectedBar false handleLeftButtonPress(t, height, staffNo, ev, element); return ; } else { m_selectionRect->setX(staff->getX()); m_selectionRect->setY(staff->getY()); m_selectionRect->setSize(int(staff->getTotalWidth()) - 1, staff->getTotalHeight() - 1); m_selectionRect->show(); m_updateRect = false; } } int MatrixSelector::handleMouseMove(timeT time, int height, TQMouseEvent *e) { TQPoint p = m_mParentView->inverseMapPoint(e->pos()); if (m_dispatchTool) { return m_dispatchTool->handleMouseMove(time, height, e); } if (!m_updateRect) { setContextHelpFor(e->pos(), getSnapGrid().getSnapSetting() == SnapGrid::NoSnap); return RosegardenCanvasView::NoFollow; } else { clearContextHelp(); } int w = int(p.x() - m_selectionRect->x()); int h = int(p.y() - m_selectionRect->y()); // TQt rectangle dimensions appear to be 1-based if (w > 0) ++w; else --w; if (h > 0) ++h; else --h; // Workaround for #930420 Positional error in sweep-selection box boundary int wFix = (w > 0) ? 3 : 0; int hFix = (h > 0) ? 3 : 0; int xFix = (w < 0) ? 3 : 0; m_selectionRect->setSize(w - wFix, h - hFix); m_selectionRect->setX(m_selectionRect->x() + xFix); setViewCurrentSelection(); m_selectionRect->setSize(w, h); m_selectionRect->setX(m_selectionRect->x() - xFix); m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); return RosegardenCanvasView::FollowHorizontal | RosegardenCanvasView::FollowVertical; } void MatrixSelector::handleMouseRelease(timeT time, int height, TQMouseEvent *e) { MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixSelector::handleMouseRelease" << endl; if (m_dispatchTool) { m_dispatchTool->handleMouseRelease(time, height, e); m_dispatchTool->stow(); ready(); // don't delete the tool as it's still part of the toolbox m_dispatchTool = 0; return ; } m_updateRect = false; if (m_clickedElement) { m_mParentView->setSingleSelectedEvent(m_currentStaff->getSegment(), m_clickedElement->event(), false, true); m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); m_clickedElement = 0; } else if (m_selectionRect) { setViewCurrentSelection(); m_selectionRect->hide(); m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); } // Tell anyone who's interested that the selection has changed emit gotSelection(); setContextHelpFor(e->pos()); } void MatrixSelector::ready() { if (m_mParentView) { m_selectionRect = new TQCanvasRectangle(m_mParentView->canvas()); m_selectionRect->hide(); m_selectionRect->setPen(TQPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::SelectionRectangle), 2)); m_mParentView->setCanvasCursor(TQt::arrowCursor); //m_mParentView->setPositionTracking(false); } connect(m_parentView->getCanvasView(), TQT_SIGNAL(contentsMoving (int, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMatrixScrolled(int, int))); setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to select; middle-click and drag to draw new note")); } void MatrixSelector::stow() { if (m_selectionRect) { delete m_selectionRect; m_selectionRect = 0; m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); } disconnect(m_parentView->getCanvasView(), TQT_SIGNAL(contentsMoving (int, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMatrixScrolled(int, int))); } void MatrixSelector::slotHideSelection() { if (!m_selectionRect) return ; m_selectionRect->hide(); m_selectionRect->setSize(0, 0); m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); } void MatrixSelector::slotMatrixScrolled(int newX, int newY) { if (m_updateRect) { int offsetX = newX - m_parentView->getCanvasView()->contentsX(); int offsetY = newY - m_parentView->getCanvasView()->contentsY(); int w = int(m_selectionRect->width() + offsetX); int h = int(m_selectionRect->height() + offsetY); // TQt rectangle dimensions appear to be 1-based if (w > 0) ++w; else --w; if (h > 0) ++h; else --h; m_selectionRect->setSize(w, h); setViewCurrentSelection(); m_mParentView->canvas()->update(); } } void MatrixSelector::setViewCurrentSelection() { EventSelection* selection = getSelection(); if (m_selectionToMerge && selection && m_selectionToMerge->getSegment() == selection->getSegment()) { selection->addFromSelection(m_selectionToMerge); m_mParentView->setCurrentSelection(selection, true, true); } else if (!m_selectionToMerge) { m_mParentView->setCurrentSelection(selection, true, true); } } EventSelection* MatrixSelector::getSelection() { if (!m_selectionRect->visible()) return 0; Segment& originalSegment = m_currentStaff->getSegment(); EventSelection* selection = new EventSelection(originalSegment); // get the selections // TQCanvasItemList l = m_selectionRect->collisions(true); if (l.count()) { for (TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { TQCanvasItem *item = *it; QCanvasMatrixRectangle *matrixRect = 0; if ((matrixRect = dynamic_cast(item))) { MatrixElement *mE = &matrixRect->getMatrixElement(); selection->addEvent(mE->event()); } } } if (selection->getAddedEvents() > 0) { return selection; } else { delete selection; return 0; } } void MatrixSelector::setContextHelpFor(TQPoint p, bool ctrlPressed) { kapp->config()->setGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); if (!kapp->config()->readBoolEntry("toolcontexthelp", true)) return; p = m_mParentView->inverseMapPoint(p); // same logic as in MatrixCanvasView::contentsMousePressEvent TQCanvasItemList itemList = m_mParentView->canvas()->collisions(p); TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it; MatrixElement* mel = 0; TQCanvasItem* activeItem = 0; for (it = itemList.begin(); it != itemList.end(); ++it) { TQCanvasItem *item = *it; QCanvasMatrixRectangle *mRect = 0; if (item->active()) { break; } if ((mRect = dynamic_cast(item))) { if (! mRect->rect().contains(p, true)) continue; mel = &(mRect->getMatrixElement()); break; } } if (!mel) { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to select; middle-click and drag to draw new note")); } else { // same logic as in handleMouseButtonPress int x = int(mel->getLayoutX()); int width = mel->getWidth(); int resizeStart = int(double(width) * 0.85) + x; // max size of 10 if ((x + width ) - resizeStart > 10) resizeStart = x + width - 10; EventSelection *s = m_mParentView->getCurrentSelection(); if (p.x() > resizeStart) { if (s && s->getAddedEvents() > 1) { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to resize selected notes")); } else { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to resize note")); } } else { if (s && s->getAddedEvents() > 1) { if (!ctrlPressed) { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to move selected notes; hold Ctrl as well to copy")); } else { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to copy selected notes")); } } else { if (!ctrlPressed) { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to move note; hold Ctrl as well to copy")); } else { setContextHelp(i18n("Click and drag to copy note")); } } } } } const TQString MatrixSelector::ToolName = "selector"; } #include "MatrixSelector.moc"