/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "NoteStyle.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/PropertyName.h" #include "NoteCharacterNames.h" #include "NoteStyleFactory.h" namespace Rosegarden { NoteStyle::~NoteStyle() { // nothing } const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::AngledOval = "angled oval"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::LevelOval = "level oval"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::Breve = "breve"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::Cross = "cross"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::TriangleUp = "triangle up"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::TriangleDown = "triangle down"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::Diamond = "diamond"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::Rectangle = "rectangle"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::Number = "number"; const NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::CustomCharName = "custom character"; NoteStyle::NoteHeadShape NoteStyle::getShape(Note::Type type) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) return m_baseStyle->getShape(type); std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getShape: No shape defined for note type " << type << ", defaulting to AngledOval" << std::endl; return AngledOval; } return i->second.shape; } bool NoteStyle::isFilled(Note::Type type) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) return m_baseStyle->isFilled(type); std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::isFilled: No definition for note type " << type << ", defaulting to true" << std::endl; return true; } return i->second.filled; } bool NoteStyle::hasStem(Note::Type type) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) return m_baseStyle->hasStem(type); std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::hasStem: No definition for note type " << type << ", defaulting to true" << std::endl; return true; } return i->second.stem; } int NoteStyle::getFlagCount(Note::Type type) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) return m_baseStyle->getFlagCount(type); std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getFlagCount: No definition for note type " << type << ", defaulting to 0" << std::endl; return 0; } return i->second.flags; } int NoteStyle::getSlashCount(Note::Type type) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) return m_baseStyle->getSlashCount(type); std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getSlashCount: No definition for note type " << type << ", defaulting to 0" << std::endl; return 0; } return i->second.slashes; } void NoteStyle::getStemFixPoints(Note::Type type, HFixPoint &hfix, VFixPoint &vfix) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) { m_baseStyle->getStemFixPoints(type, hfix, vfix); return ; } std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getStemFixPoints: " << "No definition for note type " << type << ", defaulting to (Normal,Middle)" << std::endl; hfix = Normal; vfix = Middle; return ; } hfix = i->second.hfix; vfix = i->second.vfix; } NoteStyle::CharNameRec NoteStyle::getNoteHeadCharName(Note::Type type) { NoteDescriptionMap::iterator i = m_notes.find(type); if (i == m_notes.end()) { if (m_baseStyle) return m_baseStyle->getNoteHeadCharName(type); std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getNoteHeadCharName: No definition for note type " << type << ", defaulting to NOTEHEAD_BLACK" << std::endl; return CharNameRec(NoteCharacterNames::NOTEHEAD_BLACK, false); } const NoteDescription &desc(i->second); CharName name = NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; bool inverted = false; if (desc.shape == AngledOval) { name = desc.filled ? NoteCharacterNames::NOTEHEAD_BLACK : NoteCharacterNames::VOID_NOTEHEAD; } else if (desc.shape == LevelOval) { if (desc.filled) { std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getNoteHeadCharName: No filled level oval head" << std::endl; } name = NoteCharacterNames::WHOLE_NOTE; } else if (desc.shape == Breve) { if (desc.filled) { std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getNoteHeadCharName: No filled breve head" << std::endl; } name = NoteCharacterNames::BREVE; } else if (desc.shape == Cross) { name = desc.filled ? NoteCharacterNames::X_NOTEHEAD : NoteCharacterNames::CIRCLE_X_NOTEHEAD; } else if (desc.shape == TriangleUp) { name = desc.filled ? NoteCharacterNames::TRIANGLE_NOTEHEAD_UP_BLACK : NoteCharacterNames::TRIANGLE_NOTEHEAD_UP_WHITE; } else if (desc.shape == TriangleDown) { name = desc.filled ? NoteCharacterNames::TRIANGLE_NOTEHEAD_UP_BLACK : NoteCharacterNames::TRIANGLE_NOTEHEAD_UP_WHITE; inverted = true; } else if (desc.shape == Diamond) { name = desc.filled ? NoteCharacterNames::SEMIBREVIS_BLACK : NoteCharacterNames::SEMIBREVIS_WHITE; } else if (desc.shape == Rectangle) { name = desc.filled ? NoteCharacterNames::STQUARE_NOTEHEAD_BLACK : NoteCharacterNames::STQUARE_NOTEHEAD_WHITE; } else if (desc.shape == Number) { std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteStyle::getNoteHeadCharName: Number not yet implemented" << std::endl; name = NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; //!!! } else if (desc.shape == CustomCharName) { name = desc.charName; } else { name = NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; } return CharNameRec(name, inverted); } CharName NoteStyle::getAccidentalCharName(const Accidental &a) { if (a == Accidentals::Sharp) return NoteCharacterNames::SHARP; else if (a == Accidentals::Flat) return NoteCharacterNames::FLAT; else if (a == Accidentals::Natural) return NoteCharacterNames::NATURAL; else if (a == Accidentals::DoubleSharp) return NoteCharacterNames::DOUBLE_SHARP; else if (a == Accidentals::DoubleFlat) return NoteCharacterNames::DOUBLE_FLAT; return NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; } CharName NoteStyle::getMarkCharName(const Mark &mark) { if (mark == Marks::Accent) return NoteCharacterNames::ACCENT; else if (mark == Marks::Tenuto) return NoteCharacterNames::TENUTO; else if (mark == Marks::Staccato) return NoteCharacterNames::STACCATO; else if (mark == Marks::Staccatissimo) return NoteCharacterNames::STACCATISSIMO; else if (mark == Marks::Marcato) return NoteCharacterNames::MARCATO; else if (mark == Marks::Trill) return NoteCharacterNames::TRILL; else if (mark == Marks::LongTrill) return NoteCharacterNames::TRILL; else if (mark == Marks::TrillLine) return NoteCharacterNames::TRILL_LINE; else if (mark == Marks::Turn) return NoteCharacterNames::TURN; else if (mark == Marks::Pause) return NoteCharacterNames::FERMATA; else if (mark == Marks::UpBow) return NoteCharacterNames::UP_BOW; else if (mark == Marks::DownBow) return NoteCharacterNames::DOWN_BOW; else if (mark == Marks::Mordent) return NoteCharacterNames::MORDENT; else if (mark == Marks::MordentInverted) return NoteCharacterNames::MORDENT_INVERTED; else if (mark == Marks::MordentLong) return NoteCharacterNames::MORDENT_LONG; else if (mark == Marks::MordentLongInverted) return NoteCharacterNames::MORDENT_LONG_INVERTED; // Things like "sf" and "rf" are generated from text fonts return NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; } CharName NoteStyle::getClefCharName(const Clef &clef) { std::string clefType(clef.getClefType()); if (clefType == Clef::Bass || clefType == Clef::Varbaritone || clefType == Clef::Subbass) { return NoteCharacterNames::F_CLEF; } else if (clefType == Clef::Treble || clefType == Clef::French) { return NoteCharacterNames::G_CLEF; } else { return NoteCharacterNames::C_CLEF; } } CharName NoteStyle::getRestCharName(Note::Type type, bool restOutsideStave) { switch (type) { case Note::Hemidemisemiquaver: return NoteCharacterNames::SIXTY_FOURTH_REST; case Note::Demisemiquaver: return NoteCharacterNames::THIRTY_SECOND_REST; case Note::Semiquaver: return NoteCharacterNames::SIXTEENTH_REST; case Note::Quaver: return NoteCharacterNames::EIGHTH_REST; case Note::Crotchet: return NoteCharacterNames::TQUARTER_REST; case Note::Minim: return restOutsideStave ? NoteCharacterNames::HALF_REST : NoteCharacterNames::HALF_REST_ON_STAFF; case Note::Semibreve: return restOutsideStave ? NoteCharacterNames::WHOLE_REST : NoteCharacterNames::WHOLE_REST_ON_STAFF; case Note::Breve: return restOutsideStave ? NoteCharacterNames::MULTI_REST : NoteCharacterNames::MULTI_REST_ON_STAFF; default: return NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; } } CharName NoteStyle::getPartialFlagCharName(bool final) { if (final) return NoteCharacterNames::FLAG_PARTIAL_FINAL; else return NoteCharacterNames::FLAG_PARTIAL; } CharName NoteStyle::getFlagCharName(int flagCount) { switch (flagCount) { case 1: return NoteCharacterNames::FLAG_1; case 2: return NoteCharacterNames::FLAG_2; case 3: return NoteCharacterNames::FLAG_3; case 4: return NoteCharacterNames::FLAG_4; default: return NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; } } CharName NoteStyle::getTimeSignatureDigitName(int digit) { switch (digit) { case 0: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_ZERO; case 1: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_ONE; case 2: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_TWO; case 3: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_THREE; case 4: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_FOUR; case 5: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_FIVE; case 6: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_SIX; case 7: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_SEVEN; case 8: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_EIGHT; case 9: return NoteCharacterNames::DIGIT_NINE; default: return NoteCharacterNames::UNKNOWN; } } void NoteStyle::setBaseStyle(NoteStyleName name) { try { m_baseStyle = NoteStyleFactory::getStyle(name); if (m_baseStyle == this) m_baseStyle = 0; } catch (NoteStyleFactory::StyleUnavailable u) { if (name != NoteStyleFactory::DefaultStyle) { std::cerr << "NoteStyle::setBaseStyle: Base style " << name << " not available, defaulting to " << NoteStyleFactory::DefaultStyle << std::endl; setBaseStyle(NoteStyleFactory::DefaultStyle); } else { std::cerr << "NoteStyle::setBaseStyle: Base style " << name << " not available" << std::endl; m_baseStyle = 0; } } } void NoteStyle::checkDescription(Note::Type note) { if (m_baseStyle && (m_notes.find(note) == m_notes.end())) { m_baseStyle->checkDescription(note); m_notes[note] = m_baseStyle->m_notes[note]; } } void NoteStyle::setShape(Note::Type note, NoteHeadShape shape) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].shape = shape; } void NoteStyle::setCharName(Note::Type note, CharName charName) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].charName = charName; } void NoteStyle::setFilled(Note::Type note, bool filled) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].filled = filled; } void NoteStyle::setStem(Note::Type note, bool stem) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].stem = stem; } void NoteStyle::setFlagCount(Note::Type note, int flags) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].flags = flags; } void NoteStyle::setSlashCount(Note::Type note, int slashes) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].slashes = slashes; } void NoteStyle::setStemFixPoints(Note::Type note, HFixPoint hfix, VFixPoint vfix) { checkDescription(note); m_notes[note].hfix = hfix; m_notes[note].vfix = vfix; } }