/* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "SequenceManager.h" #include "sound/Midi.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "document/ConfigGroups.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/Device.h" #include "base/Exception.h" #include "base/Instrument.h" #include "base/MidiProgram.h" #include "base/RealTime.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/Studio.h" #include "base/Track.h" #include "base/TriggerSegment.h" #include "CompositionMmapper.h" #include "document/RosegardenGUIDoc.h" #include "document/MultiViewCommandHistory.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenApplication.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenGUIApp.h" #include "gui/application/RosegardenGUIView.h" #include "gui/dialogs/AudioManagerDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/CountdownDialog.h" #include "gui/dialogs/TransportDialog.h" #include "gui/kdeext/TDEStartupLogo.h" #include "gui/studio/StudioControl.h" #include "gui/widgets/CurrentProgressDialog.h" #include "MetronomeMmapper.h" #include "SegmentMmapperFactory.h" #include "SequencerMapper.h" #include "ControlBlockMmapper.h" #include "sound/AudioFile.h" #include "sound/MappedComposition.h" #include "sound/MappedEvent.h" #include "sound/MappedInstrument.h" #include "sound/SoundDriver.h" #include "TempoSegmentMmapper.h" #include "TimeSigSegmentMmapper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { SequenceManager::SequenceManager(RosegardenGUIDoc *doc, TransportDialog *transport): m_doc(doc), m_compositionMmapper(new CompositionMmapper(m_doc)), m_controlBlockMmapper(new ControlBlockMmapper(m_doc)), m_metronomeMmapper(SegmentMmapperFactory::makeMetronome(m_doc)), m_tempoSegmentMmapper(SegmentMmapperFactory::makeTempo(m_doc)), m_timeSigSegmentMmapper(SegmentMmapperFactory::makeTimeSig(m_doc)), m_transportStatus(STOPPED), m_soundDriverStatus(NO_DRIVER), m_transport(transport), m_lastRewoundAt(clock()), m_countdownDialog(0), m_countdownTimer(new TQTimer(m_doc)), m_shownOverrunWarning(false), m_recordTime(new TQTime()), m_compositionRefreshStatusId(m_doc->getComposition().getNewRefreshStatusId()), m_updateRequested(true), m_compositionMmapperResetTimer(new TQTimer(m_doc)), m_sequencerMapper(0), m_reportTimer(new TQTimer(m_doc)), m_canReport(true), m_lastLowLatencySwitchSent(false), m_lastTransportStartPosition(0), m_sampleRate(0) { // Replaced this with a call to cleanup() from composition mmapper ctor: // if done here, this removes the mmapped versions of any segments stored // in the autoload (that have only just been mapped by the ctor!) // m_compositionMmapper->cleanup(); m_countdownDialog = new CountdownDialog(dynamic_cast (m_doc->parent())->parentWidget()); // Connect these for use later // connect(m_countdownTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotCountdownTimerTimeout())); connect(m_reportTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotAllowReport())); connect(m_compositionMmapperResetTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotScheduledCompositionMmapperReset())); connect(doc->getCommandHistory(), TQ_SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), this, TQ_SLOT(update())); m_doc->getComposition().addObserver(this); // The owner of this sequence manager will need to call // checkSoundDriverStatus on it to set up its status appropriately // immediately after construction; we used to do it from here but // we're not well placed to handle reporting to the user if it // throws an exception (and we don't want to leave the object half // constructed). // Try to map the sequencer file // mapSequencer(); } SequenceManager::~SequenceManager() { m_doc->getComposition().removeObserver(this); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::~SequenceManager()\n"; delete m_compositionMmapper; delete m_controlBlockMmapper; delete m_metronomeMmapper; delete m_tempoSegmentMmapper; delete m_timeSigSegmentMmapper; delete m_sequencerMapper; } void SequenceManager::setDocument(RosegardenGUIDoc* doc) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::setDocument(" << doc << ")\n"; DataBlockRepository::clear(); m_doc->getComposition().removeObserver(this); disconnect(m_doc->getCommandHistory(), TQ_SIGNAL(commandExecuted())); m_segments.clear(); m_triggerSegments.clear(); m_doc = doc; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // Must recreate and reconnect the countdown timer and dialog // (bug 729039) // delete m_countdownDialog; delete m_countdownTimer; delete m_compositionMmapperResetTimer; m_countdownDialog = new CountdownDialog(dynamic_cast (m_doc->parent())->parentWidget()); // Bug 933041: no longer connect the CountdownDialog from // SequenceManager; instead let the RosegardenGUIApp connect it to // its own slotStop to ensure the right housekeeping is done m_countdownTimer = new TQTimer(m_doc); // Connect this for use later // connect(m_countdownTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotCountdownTimerTimeout())); m_compositionRefreshStatusId = comp.getNewRefreshStatusId(); comp.addObserver(this); connect(m_doc->getCommandHistory(), TQ_SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), this, TQ_SLOT(update())); for (Composition::iterator i = comp.begin(); i != comp.end(); ++i) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "Adding segment with rid " << (*i)->getRuntimeId() << endl; m_segments.insert(SegmentRefreshMap::value_type (*i, (*i)->getNewRefreshStatusId())); } for (Composition::triggersegmentcontaineriterator i = comp.getTriggerSegments().begin(); i != comp.getTriggerSegments().end(); ++i) { m_triggerSegments.insert(SegmentRefreshMap::value_type ((*i)->getSegment(), (*i)->getSegment()->getNewRefreshStatusId())); } m_compositionMmapperResetTimer = new TQTimer(m_doc); connect(m_compositionMmapperResetTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotScheduledCompositionMmapperReset())); resetCompositionMmapper(); // Try to map the sequencer file // mapSequencer(); } void SequenceManager::setTransportStatus(const TransportStatus &status) { m_transportStatus = status; } void SequenceManager::mapSequencer() { if (m_sequencerMapper) return ; try { m_sequencerMapper = new SequencerMapper( TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("tmp").last() + "/rosegarden_sequencer_timing_block"); } catch (Exception) { m_sequencerMapper = 0; } } bool SequenceManager::play() { mapSequencer(); Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); // If already playing or recording then stop // if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING || m_transportStatus == RECORDING ) { stopping(); return true; } // This check may throw an exception checkSoundDriverStatus(false); // Align Instrument lists and send initial program changes // preparePlayback(); m_lastTransportStartPosition = comp.getPosition(); // Update play metronome status // m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeData (m_metronomeMmapper->getMetronomeInstrument()); m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeForPlayback(); // make sure we toggle the play button // m_transport->PlayButton()->setOn(true); //!!! disable the record button, because recording while playing is horribly // broken, and disabling it is less complicated than fixing it // see #1223025 - DMM // SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::play() - disabling record button, as we are playing\n"; // m_transport->RecordButton()->setEnabled(false); if (comp.getCurrentTempo() == 0) { comp.setCompositionDefaultTempo(comp.getTempoForQpm(120.0)); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::play() - setting Tempo to Default value of 120.000\n"; } else { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::play() - starting to play\n"; } // Send initial tempo // double qnD = 60.0 / comp.getTempoQpm(comp.getCurrentTempo()); RealTime qnTime = RealTime(long(qnD), long((qnD - double(long(qnD))) * 1000000000.0)); StudioControl::sendQuarterNoteLength(qnTime); // set the tempo in the transport m_transport->setTempo(comp.getCurrentTempo()); // The arguments for the Sequencer RealTime startPos = comp.getElapsedRealTime(comp.getPosition()); // If we're looping then jump to loop start if (comp.isLooping()) startPos = comp.getElapsedRealTime(comp.getLoopStart()); TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); bool lowLat = config->readBoolEntry("audiolowlatencymonitoring", true); if (lowLat != m_lastLowLatencySwitchSent) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << lowLat; rgapp->sequencerSend("setLowLatencyMode(bool)", data); m_lastLowLatencySwitchSent = lowLat; } TQByteArray data; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); // playback start position streamOut << (long)startPos.sec; streamOut << (long)startPos.nsec; // Apart from perhaps the small file size, I think with hindsight // that these options are more easily set to reasonable defaults // here than left to the user. Mostly. //!!! need some cleverness somewhere to ensure the read-ahead //is larger than the JACK period size if (lowLat) { streamOut << 0L; // read-ahead sec streamOut << 160000000L; // read-ahead nsec streamOut << 0L; // audio mix sec streamOut << 60000000L; // audio mix nsec: ignored in lowlat mode streamOut << 2L; // audio read sec streamOut << 500000000L; // audio read nsec streamOut << 4L; // audio write sec streamOut << 0L; // audio write nsec streamOut << 256L; // cacheable small file size in K } else { streamOut << 0L; // read-ahead sec streamOut << 500000000L; // read-ahead nsec streamOut << 0L; // audio mix sec streamOut << 400000000L; // audio mix nsec streamOut << 2L; // audio read sec streamOut << 500000000L; // audio read nsec streamOut << 4L; // audio write sec streamOut << 0L; // audio write nsec streamOut << 256L; // cacheable small file size in K } // Send Play to the Sequencer if (!rgapp->sequencerCall("play(long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int)", replyType, replyData, data)) { m_transportStatus = STOPPED; return false; } // ensure the return type is ok TQDataStream streamIn(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); int result; streamIn >> result; if (result) { // completed successfully m_transportStatus = STARTING_TO_PLAY; } else { m_transportStatus = STOPPED; std::cerr << "ERROR: SequenceManager::play(): Failed to start playback!" << std::endl; } return false; } void SequenceManager::stopping() { if (m_countdownTimer) m_countdownTimer->stop(); if (m_countdownDialog) m_countdownDialog->hide(); // Do this here rather than in stop() to avoid any potential // race condition (we use setPointerPosition() during stop()). // if (m_transportStatus == STOPPED) { /*!!! if (m_doc->getComposition().isLooping()) m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(m_doc->getComposition().getLoopStart()); else m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(m_doc->getComposition().getStartMarker()); */ m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(m_lastTransportStartPosition); return ; } // Disarm recording and drop back to STOPPED // if (m_transportStatus == RECORDING_ARMED) { m_transportStatus = STOPPED; m_transport->RecordButton()->setOn(false); m_transport->MetronomeButton()-> setOn(m_doc->getComposition().usePlayMetronome()); return ; } SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::stopping() - preparing to stop\n"; // SEQMAN_DEBUG << kdBacktrace() << endl; stop(); m_shownOverrunWarning = false; } void SequenceManager::stop() { // Toggle off the buttons - first record // if (m_transportStatus == RECORDING) { m_transport->RecordButton()->setOn(false); m_transport->MetronomeButton()-> setOn(m_doc->getComposition().usePlayMetronome()); // Remove the countdown dialog and stop the timer // m_countdownDialog->hide(); m_countdownTimer->stop(); } // Now playback m_transport->PlayButton()->setOn(false); // re-enable the record button if it was previously disabled when // going into play mode - DMM // SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::stop() - re-enabling record button\n"; // m_transport->RecordButton()->setEnabled(true); // "call" the sequencer with a stop so we get a synchronous // response - then we can fiddle about with the audio file // without worrying about the sequencer causing problems // with access to the same audio files. // // wait cursor // TQApplication::setOverrideCursor(TQCursor(TQt::waitCursor)); TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; bool failed = false; if (!rgapp->sequencerCall("stop()", replyType, replyData)) { failed = true; } // restore TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); TransportStatus status = m_transportStatus; // set new transport status first, so that if we're stopping // recording we don't risk the record segment being restored by a // timer while the document is busy trying to do away with it m_transportStatus = STOPPED; // if we're recording MIDI or Audio then tidy up the recording Segment if (status == RECORDING) { m_doc->stopRecordingMidi(); m_doc->stopRecordingAudio(); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::stop() - stopped recording\n"; } // always untoggle the play button at this stage // m_transport->PlayButton()->setOn(false); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::stop() - stopped playing\n"; // We don't reset controllers at this point - what happens with static // controllers the next time we play otherwise? [rwb] //resetControllers(); if (failed) { throw(Exception("Failed to contact Rosegarden sequencer with stop command. Please save your composition and restart Rosegarden to continue.")); } } void SequenceManager::rewind() { Composition &composition = m_doc->getComposition(); timeT position = composition.getPosition(); std::pair barRange = composition.getBarRangeForTime(position - 1); if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { // if we're playing and we had a rewind request less than 200ms // ago and we're some way into the bar but less than half way // through it, rewind two barlines instead of one clock_t now = clock(); int elapsed = (now - m_lastRewoundAt) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; SEQMAN_DEBUG << "That was " << m_lastRewoundAt << ", this is " << now << ", elapsed is " << elapsed << endl; if (elapsed >= 0 && elapsed <= 200) { if (position > barRange.first && position < barRange.second && position <= (barRange.first + (barRange.second - barRange.first) / 2)) { barRange = composition.getBarRangeForTime(barRange.first - 1); } } m_lastRewoundAt = now; } if (barRange.first < composition.getStartMarker()) { m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(composition.getStartMarker()); } else { m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(barRange.first); } } void SequenceManager::fastforward() { Composition &composition = m_doc->getComposition(); timeT position = composition.getPosition() + 1; timeT newPosition = composition.getBarRangeForTime(position).second; // Don't skip past end marker // if (newPosition > composition.getEndMarker()) newPosition = composition.getEndMarker(); m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(newPosition); } void SequenceManager::notifySequencerStatus(TransportStatus status) { // for the moment we don't do anything fancy m_transportStatus = status; } void SequenceManager::sendSequencerJump(const RealTime &time) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << (long)time.sec; streamOut << (long)time.nsec; rgapp->sequencerSend("jumpTo(long int, long int)", data); } void SequenceManager::record(bool toggled) { mapSequencer(); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record(" << toggled << ")" << endl; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); Studio &studio = m_doc->getStudio(); TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); bool punchIn = false; // are we punching in? // If we have any audio tracks armed, then we need to check for // a valid audio record path and a working audio subsystem before // we go any further const Composition::recordtrackcontainer &recordTracks = comp.getRecordTracks(); for (Composition::recordtrackcontainer::const_iterator i = recordTracks.begin(); i != recordTracks.end(); ++i) { Track *track = comp.getTrackById(*i); InstrumentId instrId = track->getInstrument(); Instrument *instr = studio.getInstrumentById(instrId); if (instr && instr->getType() == Instrument::Audio) { if (!m_doc || !(m_soundDriverStatus & AUDIO_OK)) { m_transport->RecordButton()->setOn(false); throw(Exception("Audio subsystem is not available - can't record audio")); } // throws BadAudioPathException if path is not valid: m_doc->getAudioFileManager().testAudioPath(); break; } } if (toggled) { // preparing record or punch-in record if (m_transportStatus == RECORDING_ARMED) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record - unarming record\n"; m_transportStatus = STOPPED; // Toggle the buttons m_transport->MetronomeButton()->setOn(comp.usePlayMetronome()); m_transport->RecordButton()->setOn(false); return ; } if (m_transportStatus == STOPPED) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record - armed record\n"; m_transportStatus = RECORDING_ARMED; // Toggle the buttons m_transport->MetronomeButton()->setOn(comp.useRecordMetronome()); m_transport->RecordButton()->setOn(true); return ; } if (m_transportStatus == RECORDING) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record - stop recording and keep playing\n"; TQByteArray data; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; // Send Record to the Sequencer to signal it to drop out of record mode if (!rgapp->sequencerCall("punchOut()", replyType, replyData, data)) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record - the \"not very plausible\" code executed\n"; // #1797873 - set new transport status first, so that // if we're stopping recording we don't risk the // record segment being restored by a timer while the // document is busy trying to do away with it m_transportStatus = STOPPED; m_doc->stopRecordingMidi(); m_doc->stopRecordingAudio(); return ; } // #1797873 - as above m_transportStatus = PLAYING; m_doc->stopRecordingMidi(); m_doc->stopRecordingAudio(); return ; } if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record - punch in recording\n"; punchIn = true; goto punchin; } } else { m_lastTransportStartPosition = comp.getPosition(); punchin: // Get the record tracks and check we have a record instrument bool haveInstrument = false; bool haveAudioInstrument = false; bool haveMIDIInstrument = false; //TrackId recordMIDITrack = 0; for (Composition::recordtrackcontainer::const_iterator i = comp.getRecordTracks().begin(); i != comp.getRecordTracks().end(); ++i) { InstrumentId iid = comp.getTrackById(*i)->getInstrument(); Instrument *inst = studio.getInstrumentById(iid); if (inst) { haveInstrument = true; if (inst->getType() == Instrument::Audio) { haveAudioInstrument = true; break; } else { // soft synths count as MIDI for our purposes here haveMIDIInstrument = true; //recordMIDITrack = *i; } } } if (!haveInstrument) { m_transport->RecordButton()->setDown(false); throw(Exception("No Record instrument selected")); } // may throw an exception checkSoundDriverStatus(false); // toggle the Metronome button if it's in use m_transport->MetronomeButton()->setOn(comp.useRecordMetronome()); // Update record metronome status // m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeData (m_metronomeMmapper->getMetronomeInstrument()); m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeForRecord(); // If we are looping then jump to start of loop and start recording, // if we're not take off the number of count-in bars and start // recording. // if (comp.isLooping()) m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(comp.getLoopStart()); else { if (m_transportStatus != RECORDING_ARMED && punchIn == false) { int startBar = comp.getBarNumber(comp.getPosition()); startBar -= config->readUnsignedNumEntry("countinbars", 0); m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(comp.getBarRange(startBar).first); } } m_doc->setRecordStartTime(m_doc->getComposition().getPosition()); if (haveAudioInstrument) { // Ask the document to update its record latencies so as to // do latency compensation when we stop m_doc->updateAudioRecordLatency(); } if (haveMIDIInstrument) { // Create the record MIDI segment now, so that the // composition view has a real segment to display. It // won't actually be added to the composition until the // first recorded event arrives. We don't have to do this // from here for audio, because for audio the sequencer // calls back on createRecordAudioFiles so as to find out // what files it needs to write to. /*m_doc->addRecordMIDISegment(recordMIDITrack);*/ for (Composition::recordtrackcontainer::const_iterator i = comp.getRecordTracks().begin(); i != comp.getRecordTracks().end(); ++i) { InstrumentId iid = comp.getTrackById(*i)->getInstrument(); Instrument *inst = studio.getInstrumentById(iid); if (inst && (inst->getType() != Instrument::Audio)) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager: mdoc->addRecordMIDISegment(" << *i << ")" << endl; m_doc->addRecordMIDISegment(*i); } } } // set the buttons m_transport->RecordButton()->setOn(true); m_transport->PlayButton()->setOn(true); if (comp.getCurrentTempo() == 0) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::play() - setting Tempo to Default value of 120.000\n"; comp.setCompositionDefaultTempo(comp.getTempoForQpm(120.0)); } else { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::record() - starting to record\n"; } // set the tempo in the transport // m_transport->setTempo(comp.getCurrentTempo()); // The arguments for the Sequencer - record is similar to playback, // we must being playing to record. // RealTime startPos = comp.getElapsedRealTime(comp.getPosition()); bool lowLat = config->readBoolEntry("audiolowlatencymonitoring", true); if (lowLat != m_lastLowLatencySwitchSent) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << lowLat; rgapp->sequencerSend("setLowLatencyMode(bool)", data); m_lastLowLatencySwitchSent = lowLat; } TQByteArray data; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); // playback start position streamOut << (long)startPos.sec; streamOut << (long)startPos.nsec; // Apart from perhaps the small file size, I think with hindsight // that these options are more easily set to reasonable defaults // here than left to the user. Mostly. //!!! Duplicates code in play() //!!! need some cleverness somewhere to ensure the read-ahead //is larger than the JACK period size if (lowLat) { streamOut << 0L; // read-ahead sec streamOut << 160000000L; // read-ahead nsec streamOut << 0L; // audio mix sec streamOut << 60000000L; // audio mix nsec: ignored in lowlat mode streamOut << 2L; // audio read sec streamOut << 500000000L; // audio read nsec streamOut << 4L; // audio write sec streamOut << 0L; // audio write nsec streamOut << 256L; // cacheable small file size in K } else { streamOut << 0L; // read-ahead sec streamOut << 500000000L; // read-ahead nsec streamOut << 0L; // audio mix sec streamOut << 400000000L; // audio mix nsec streamOut << 2L; // audio read sec streamOut << 500000000L; // audio read nsec streamOut << 4L; // audio write sec streamOut << 0L; // audio write nsec streamOut << 256L; // cacheable small file size in K } // record type streamOut << (long)STARTING_TO_RECORD; // Send Play to the Sequencer if (!rgapp->sequencerCall("record(long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int, long int)", replyType, replyData, data)) { // failed m_transportStatus = STOPPED; return ; } // ensure the return type is ok TQDataStream streamIn(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); int result; streamIn >> result; if (result) { // completed successfully m_transportStatus = STARTING_TO_RECORD; // Create the countdown timer dialog to show recording time // remaining. (Note (dmm) this has changed, and it now reports // the time remaining during both MIDI and audio recording.) // timeT p = comp.getPosition(); timeT d = comp.getEndMarker(); // end marker less current position == available duration d -= p; // set seconds to total possible time, initially RealTime rtd = comp.getElapsedRealTime(d); int seconds = rtd.sec; // re-initialise m_countdownDialog->setTotalTime(seconds); // Create the timer // m_recordTime->start(); // Start an elapse timer for updating the dialog - // it will fire every second. // m_countdownTimer->start(1000); // Pop-up the dialog (don't use exec()) // // bug #1505805, abolish recording countdown dialog //m_countdownDialog->show(); } else { // Stop immediately - turn off buttons in parent // m_transportStatus = STOPPED; if (haveAudioInstrument) { throw(Exception("Couldn't start recording audio.\nPlease set a valid file path in the Document Properties\n(Composition menu -> Edit Document Properties -> Audio).")); } } } } void SequenceManager::processAsynchronousMidi(const MappedComposition &mC, AudioManagerDialog *audioManagerDialog) { static bool boolShowingWarning = false; static bool boolShowingALSAWarning = false; static long warningShownAt = 0; if (m_doc == 0 || mC.size() == 0) return ; MappedComposition::const_iterator i; // Thru filtering is done at the sequencer for the actual sound // output, but here we need both filtered (for OUT display) and // unfiltered (for insertable note callbacks) compositions, so // we've received the unfiltered copy and will filter here MappedComposition tempMC = applyFiltering(mC, MappedEvent::MappedEventType( m_doc->getStudio().getMIDIThruFilter())); // send to the MIDI labels (which can only hold one event at a time) i = mC.begin(); if (i != mC.end()) { m_transport->setMidiInLabel(*i); } i = tempMC.begin(); while (i != tempMC.end()) { if ((*i)->getRecordedDevice() != Device::CONTROL_DEVICE) { m_transport->setMidiOutLabel(*i); break; } ++i; } for (i = mC.begin(); i != mC.end(); ++i ) { if ((*i)->getType() >= MappedEvent::Audio) { if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::AudioStopped) { /* SEQMAN_DEBUG << "AUDIO FILE ID = " << int((*i)->getData1()) << " - FILE STOPPED - " << "INSTRUMENT = " << (*i)->getInstrument() << endl; */ if (audioManagerDialog && (*i)->getInstrument() == m_doc->getStudio().getAudioPreviewInstrument()) { audioManagerDialog-> closePlayingDialog( AudioFileId((*i)->getData1())); } } if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::AudioLevel) sendAudioLevel(*i); if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::AudioGeneratePreview) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "Received AudioGeneratePreview: data1 is " << int((*i)->getData1()) << ", data2 " << int((*i)->getData2()) << ", instrument is " << (*i)->getInstrument() << endl; m_doc->finalizeAudioFile((int)(*i)->getData1() + (int)(*i)->getData2() * 256); } if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::SystemUpdateInstruments) { // resync Devices and Instruments // m_doc->syncDevices(); /*TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); TQString recordDeviceStr = config->readEntry("midirecorddevice"); sendMIDIRecordingDevice(recordDeviceStr);*/ restoreRecordSubscriptions(); } if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING || m_transportStatus == RECORDING) { if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::SystemFailure) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "Failure of some sort..." << endl; bool handling = true; /* These are the ones that we always report or handle. */ if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureJackDied) { // Something horrible has happened to JACK or we got // bumped out of the graph. Either way stop playback. // stopping(); } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureJackRestartFailed) { KMessageBox::error( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent())->parentWidget(), i18n("The JACK Audio subsystem has failed or it has stopped Rosegarden from processing audio.\nPlease restart Rosegarden to continue working with audio.\nQuitting other running applications may improve Rosegarden's performance.")); } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureJackRestart) { KMessageBox::error( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent())->parentWidget(), i18n("The JACK Audio subsystem has stopped Rosegarden from processing audio, probably because of a processing overload.\nAn attempt to restart the audio service has been made, but some problems may remain.\nQuitting other running applications may improve Rosegarden's performance.")); } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureCPUOverload) { #define REPORT_CPU_OVERLOAD 1 #ifdef REPORT_CPU_OVERLOAD stopping(); KMessageBox::error( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent())->parentWidget(), i18n("Run out of processor power for real-time audio processing. Cannot continue.")); #endif } else { handling = false; } if (handling) continue; if (!m_canReport) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "Not reporting it to user just yet" << endl; continue; } if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureALSACallFailed) { struct timeval tv; (void)gettimeofday(&tv, 0); if (tv.tv_sec - warningShownAt >= 5 && !boolShowingALSAWarning) { TQString message = i18n("A serious error has occurred in the ALSA MIDI subsystem. It may not be possible to continue sequencing. Please check console output for more information."); boolShowingALSAWarning = true; KMessageBox::information(0, message); boolShowingALSAWarning = false; (void)gettimeofday(&tv, 0); warningShownAt = tv.tv_sec; } } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureXRuns) { //#define REPORT_XRUNS 1 #ifdef REPORT_XRUNS struct timeval tv; (void)gettimeofday(&tv, 0); if (tv.tv_sec - warningShownAt >= 5 && !boolShowingWarning) { TQString message = i18n("JACK Audio subsystem is losing sample frames."); boolShowingWarning = true; KMessageBox::information(0, message); boolShowingWarning = false; (void)gettimeofday(&tv, 0); warningShownAt = tv.tv_sec; } #endif } else if (!m_shownOverrunWarning) { TQString message; switch ((*i)->getData1()) { case MappedEvent::FailureDiscUnderrun: message = i18n("Failed to read audio data from disc in time to service the audio subsystem."); break; case MappedEvent::FailureDiscOverrun: message = i18n("Failed to write audio data to disc fast enough to service the audio subsystem."); break; case MappedEvent::FailureBussMixUnderrun: message = i18n("The audio mixing subsystem is failing to keep up."); break; case MappedEvent::FailureMixUnderrun: message = i18n("The audio subsystem is failing to keep up."); break; default: message = i18n("Unknown sequencer failure mode!"); break; } m_shownOverrunWarning = true; #ifdef REPORT_XRUNS KMessageBox::information(0, message); #else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureDiscOverrun) { // the error you can't hear KMessageBox::information(0, message); } else { std::cerr << message.ascii() << std::endl; } #endif } // Turn off the report flag and set off a one-shot // timer for 5 seconds. // if (!m_reportTimer->isActive()) { m_canReport = false; m_reportTimer->start(5000, true); } } } else { TDEStartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::SystemFailure) { if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureJackRestartFailed) { KMessageBox::error( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent()), i18n("The JACK Audio subsystem has failed or it has stopped Rosegarden from processing audio.\nPlease restart Rosegarden to continue working with audio.\nQuitting other running applications may improve Rosegarden's performance.")); } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::FailureJackRestart) { KMessageBox::error( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent()), i18n("The JACK Audio subsystem has stopped Rosegarden from processing audio, probably because of a processing overload.\nAn attempt to restart the audio service has been made, but some problems may remain.\nQuitting other running applications may improve Rosegarden's performance.")); } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::WarningImpreciseTimer && shouldWarnForImpreciseTimer()) { std::cerr << "Rosegarden: WARNING: No accurate sequencer timer available" << std::endl; TDEStartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); RosegardenGUIApp::self()->awaitDialogClearance(); KMessageBox::information( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent()), i18n("

System timer resolution is too low

Rosegarden was unable to find a high-resolution timing source for MIDI performance.

This may mean you are using a Linux system with the kernel timer resolution set too low. Please contact your Linux distributor for more information.

Some Linux distributors already provide low latency kernels, see http://rosegarden.wiki.sourceforge.net/Low+latency+kernels for instructions.

"), NULL, NULL, KMessageBox::Notify + KMessageBox::AllowLink); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); } else if ((*i)->getData1() == MappedEvent::WarningImpreciseTimerTryRTC && shouldWarnForImpreciseTimer()) { std::cerr << "Rosegarden: WARNING: No accurate sequencer timer available" << std::endl; TDEStartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); RosegardenGUIApp::self()->awaitDialogClearance(); KMessageBox::information( dynamic_cast(m_doc->parent()), i18n("

System timer resolution is too low

Rosegarden was unable to find a high-resolution timing source for MIDI performance.

You may be able to solve this problem by loading the RTC timer kernel module. To do this, try running sudo modprobe snd-rtctimer in a terminal window and then restarting Rosegarden.

Alternatively, check whether your Linux distributor provides a multimedia-optimized kernel. See http://rosegarden.wiki.sourceforge.net/Low+latency+kernels for notes about this.

"), NULL, NULL, KMessageBox::Notify + KMessageBox::AllowLink); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); } } } } } // if we aren't playing or recording, consider invoking any // step-by-step clients (using unfiltered composition). send // out any incoming external controller events for (i = mC.begin(); i != mC.end(); ++i ) { if (m_transportStatus == STOPPED || m_transportStatus == RECORDING_ARMED) { if ((*i)->getType() == MappedEvent::MidiNote) { if ((*i)->getVelocity() == 0) { emit insertableNoteOffReceived((*i)->getPitch(), (*i)->getVelocity()); } else { emit insertableNoteOnReceived((*i)->getPitch(), (*i)->getVelocity()); } } } if ((*i)->getRecordedDevice() == Device::CONTROL_DEVICE) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "controllerDeviceEventReceived" << endl; emit controllerDeviceEventReceived(*i); } } } void SequenceManager::rewindToBeginning() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::rewindToBeginning()\n"; m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(m_doc->getComposition().getStartMarker()); } void SequenceManager::fastForwardToEnd() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::fastForwardToEnd()\n"; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(comp.getDuration()); } void SequenceManager::setLoop(const timeT &lhs, const timeT &rhs) { // do not set a loop if JACK transport sync is enabled, because this is // completely broken, and apparently broken due to a limitation of JACK // transport itself. #1240039 - DMM // TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); // config->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); // if (config->readBoolEntry("jacktransport", false)) // { // //!!! message box should go here to inform user of why the loop was // // not set, but I can't add it at the moment due to to the pre-release // // freeze - DMM // return; // } // Let the sequencer know about the loop markers // TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); RealTime loopStart = m_doc->getComposition().getElapsedRealTime(lhs); RealTime loopEnd = m_doc->getComposition().getElapsedRealTime(rhs); streamOut << (long)loopStart.sec; streamOut << (long)loopStart.nsec; streamOut << (long)loopEnd.sec; streamOut << (long)loopEnd.nsec; rgapp->sequencerSend("setLoop(long int, long int, long int, long int)", data); } void SequenceManager::checkSoundDriverStatus(bool warnUser) { TQByteArray data; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << TQString(VERSION); if (! rgapp->sequencerCall("getSoundDriverStatus(TQString)", replyType, replyData, data)) { m_soundDriverStatus = NO_DRIVER; } else { TQDataStream streamIn(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); unsigned int result; streamIn >> result; m_soundDriverStatus = result; } SEQMAN_DEBUG << "Sound driver status is: " << m_soundDriverStatus << endl; if (!warnUser) return; #ifdef HAVE_LIBJACK if ((m_soundDriverStatus & (AUDIO_OK | MIDI_OK | VERSION_OK)) == (AUDIO_OK | MIDI_OK | VERSION_OK)) return; #else if ((m_soundDriverStatus & (MIDI_OK | VERSION_OK)) == (MIDI_OK | VERSION_OK)) return; #endif TDEStartupLogo::hideIfStillThere(); CurrentProgressDialog::freeze(); TQString text = ""; if (m_soundDriverStatus == NO_DRIVER) { text = i18n("

Both MIDI and Audio subsystems have failed to initialize.

You may continue without the sequencer, but we suggest closing Rosegarden, running \"alsaconf\" as root, and starting Rosegarden again. If you wish to run with no sequencer by design, then use \"rosegarden --nosequencer\" to avoid seeing this error in the future.

"); } else if (!(m_soundDriverStatus & MIDI_OK)) { text = i18n("

The MIDI subsystem has failed to initialize.

You may continue without the sequencer, but we suggest closing Rosegarden, running \"modprobe snd-seq-midi\" as root, and starting Rosegarden again. If you wish to run with no sequencer by design, then use \"rosegarden --nosequencer\" to avoid seeing this error in the future.

"); } else if (!(m_soundDriverStatus & VERSION_OK)) { text = i18n("

The Rosegarden sequencer module version does not match the GUI module version.

You have probably mixed up files from two different versions of Rosegarden. Please check your installation.

"); } if (text != "") { RosegardenGUIApp::self()->awaitDialogClearance(); KMessageBox::error(RosegardenGUIApp::self(), i18n("

Sequencer startup failed

%1").arg(text)); CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); return; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBJACK if (!(m_soundDriverStatus & AUDIO_OK)) { RosegardenGUIApp::self()->awaitDialogClearance(); KMessageBox::information(RosegardenGUIApp::self(), i18n("

Failed to connect to JACK audio server.

Rosegarden could not connect to the JACK audio server. This probably means the JACK server is not running.

If you want to be able to play or record audio files or use plugins, you should exit Rosegarden and start the JACK server before running Rosegarden again.

"), i18n("Failed to connect to JACK"), "startup-jack-failed"); } #endif CurrentProgressDialog::thaw(); } void SequenceManager::preparePlayback(bool forceProgramChanges) { Studio &studio = m_doc->getStudio(); InstrumentList list = studio.getAllInstruments(); MappedComposition mC; MappedEvent *mE; std::set activeInstruments; Composition &composition = m_doc->getComposition(); for (Composition::trackcontainer::const_iterator i = composition.getTracks().begin(); i != composition.getTracks().end(); ++i) { Track *track = i->second; if (track) activeInstruments.insert(track->getInstrument()); } // Send the MappedInstruments (minimal Instrument information // required for Performance) to the Sequencer // InstrumentList::iterator it = list.begin(); for (; it != list.end(); it++) { StudioControl::sendMappedInstrument(MappedInstrument(*it)); // Send program changes for MIDI Instruments // if ((*it)->getType() == Instrument::Midi) { if (activeInstruments.find((*it)->getId()) == activeInstruments.end()) { // std::cerr << "SequenceManager::preparePlayback: instrument " // << (*it)->getId() << " is not in use" << std::endl; continue; } // send bank select always before program change // if ((*it)->sendsBankSelect()) { mE = new MappedEvent((*it)->getId(), MappedEvent::MidiController, MIDI_CONTROLLER_BANK_MSB, (*it)->getMSB()); mC.insert(mE); mE = new MappedEvent((*it)->getId(), MappedEvent::MidiController, MIDI_CONTROLLER_BANK_LSB, (*it)->getLSB()); mC.insert(mE); } // send program change // if ((*it)->sendsProgramChange() || forceProgramChanges) { RG_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::preparePlayback() : sending prg change for " << (*it)->getPresentationName().c_str() << endl; mE = new MappedEvent((*it)->getId(), MappedEvent::MidiProgramChange, (*it)->getProgramChange()); mC.insert(mE); } } else if ((*it)->getType() == Instrument::Audio || (*it)->getType() == Instrument::SoftSynth) { } else { RG_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::preparePlayback - " << "unrecognised instrument type" << endl; } } // Send the MappedComposition if it's got anything in it showVisuals(mC); StudioControl::sendMappedComposition(mC); } void SequenceManager::sendAudioLevel(MappedEvent *mE) { RosegardenGUIView *v; TQPtrList& viewList = m_doc->getViewList(); for (v = viewList.first(); v != 0; v = viewList.next()) { v->showVisuals(mE); } } void SequenceManager::resetControllers() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetControllers - resetting\n"; // Should do all Midi Instrument - not just guess like this is doing // currently. InstrumentList list = m_doc->getStudio().getPresentationInstruments(); InstrumentList::iterator it; MappedComposition mC; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getType() == Instrument::Midi) { MappedEvent *mE = new MappedEvent((*it)->getId(), MappedEvent::MidiController, MIDI_CONTROLLER_RESET, 0); mC.insert(mE); } } StudioControl::sendMappedComposition(mC); //showVisuals(mC); } void SequenceManager::resetMidiNetwork() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetMidiNetwork - resetting\n"; MappedComposition mC; // Should do all Midi Instrument - not just guess like this is doing // currently. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { MappedEvent *mE = new MappedEvent(MidiInstrumentBase + i, MappedEvent::MidiController, MIDI_SYSTEM_RESET, 0); mC.insert(mE); } showVisuals(mC); StudioControl::sendMappedComposition(mC); } void SequenceManager::sendMIDIRecordingDevice(const TQString recordDeviceStr) { if (!recordDeviceStr.isNull()) { int recordDevice = recordDeviceStr.toInt(); if (recordDevice >= 0) { MappedEvent mE(MidiInstrumentBase, // InstrumentId MappedEvent::SystemRecordDevice, MidiByte(recordDevice), MidiByte(true)); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mE); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "set MIDI record device to " << recordDevice << endl; } } } void SequenceManager::restoreRecordSubscriptions() { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); //TQString recordDeviceStr = config->readEntry("midirecorddevice"); TQStringList devList = config->readListEntry("midirecorddevice"); for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = devList.begin(); it != devList.end(); ++it) { sendMIDIRecordingDevice(*it); } } void SequenceManager::reinitialiseSequencerStudio() { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); //TQString recordDeviceStr = config->readEntry("midirecorddevice"); //sendMIDIRecordingDevice(recordDeviceStr); restoreRecordSubscriptions(); // Toggle JACK audio ports appropriately // bool submasterOuts = config->readBoolEntry("audiosubmasterouts", false); bool faderOuts = config->readBoolEntry("audiofaderouts", false); unsigned int audioFileFormat = config->readUnsignedNumEntry("audiorecordfileformat", 1); MidiByte ports = 0; if (faderOuts) { ports |= MappedEvent::FaderOuts; } if (submasterOuts) { ports |= MappedEvent::SubmasterOuts; } MappedEvent mEports (MidiInstrumentBase, MappedEvent::SystemAudioPorts, ports); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEports); MappedEvent mEff (MidiInstrumentBase, MappedEvent::SystemAudioFileFormat, audioFileFormat); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEff); // Set the studio from the current document // m_doc->initialiseStudio(); } void SequenceManager::panic() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "panic button\n"; stopping(); MappedEvent mE(MidiInstrumentBase, MappedEvent::Panic, 0, 0); emit setProgress(40); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mE); emit setProgress(100); // Studio &studio = m_doc->getStudio(); // // InstrumentList list = studio.getPresentationInstruments(); // InstrumentList::iterator it; // // int maxDevices = 0, device = 0; // for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) // if ((*it)->getType() == Instrument::Midi) // maxDevices++; // // emit setProgress(40); // // for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) // { // if ((*it)->getType() == Instrument::Midi) // { // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 128; i++) // { // MappedEvent // mE((*it)->getId(), // MappedEvent::MidiNote, // i, // 0); // // StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mE); // } // // device++; // } // // emit setProgress(int(90.0 * (double(device) / double(maxDevices)))); // } // // resetControllers(); } void SequenceManager::showVisuals(const MappedComposition &mC) { MappedComposition::const_iterator it = mC.begin(); if (it != mC.end()) m_transport->setMidiOutLabel(*it); } MappedComposition SequenceManager::applyFiltering(const MappedComposition &mC, MappedEvent::MappedEventType filter) { MappedComposition retMc; MappedComposition::const_iterator it = mC.begin(); for (; it != mC.end(); it++) { if (!((*it)->getType() & filter)) retMc.insert(new MappedEvent(*it)); } return retMc; } void SequenceManager::resetCompositionMmapper() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetCompositionMmapper()\n"; delete m_compositionMmapper; m_compositionMmapper = new CompositionMmapper(m_doc); resetMetronomeMmapper(); resetTempoSegmentMmapper(); resetTimeSigSegmentMmapper(); resetControlBlockMmapper(); } void SequenceManager::resetMetronomeMmapper() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetMetronomeMmapper()\n"; delete m_metronomeMmapper; m_metronomeMmapper = SegmentMmapperFactory::makeMetronome(m_doc); } void SequenceManager::resetTempoSegmentMmapper() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetTempoSegmentMmapper()\n"; delete m_tempoSegmentMmapper; m_tempoSegmentMmapper = SegmentMmapperFactory::makeTempo(m_doc); } void SequenceManager::resetTimeSigSegmentMmapper() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetTimeSigSegmentMmapper()\n"; delete m_timeSigSegmentMmapper; m_timeSigSegmentMmapper = SegmentMmapperFactory::makeTimeSig(m_doc); } void SequenceManager::resetControlBlockMmapper() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::resetControlBlockMmapper()\n"; m_controlBlockMmapper->setDocument(m_doc); } bool SequenceManager::event(TQEvent *e) { if (e->type() == TQEvent::User) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::event() with user event\n"; if (m_updateRequested) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::event(): update requested\n"; checkRefreshStatus(); m_updateRequested = false; } return true; } else { return TQObject::event(e); } } void SequenceManager::update() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::update()\n"; // schedule a refresh-status check for the next event loop TQEvent *e = new TQEvent(TQEvent::User); m_updateRequested = true; TQApplication::postEvent(this, e); } void SequenceManager::checkRefreshStatus() { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::checkRefreshStatus()\n"; // Look at trigger segments first: if one of those has changed, we'll // need to be aware of it when scanning segments subsequently TriggerSegmentRec::SegmentRuntimeIdSet ridset; Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition(); SegmentRefreshMap newTriggerMap; for (Composition::triggersegmentcontaineriterator i = comp.getTriggerSegments().begin(); i != comp.getTriggerSegments().end(); ++i) { Segment *s = (*i)->getSegment(); if (m_triggerSegments.find(s) == m_triggerSegments.end()) { newTriggerMap[s] = s->getNewRefreshStatusId(); } else { newTriggerMap[s] = m_triggerSegments[s]; } if (s->getRefreshStatus(newTriggerMap[s]).needsRefresh()) { TriggerSegmentRec::SegmentRuntimeIdSet &thisSet = (*i)->getReferences(); ridset.insert(thisSet.begin(), thisSet.end()); s->getRefreshStatus(newTriggerMap[s]).setNeedsRefresh(false); } } m_triggerSegments = newTriggerMap; SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::checkRefreshStatus: segments modified by changes to trigger segments are:" << endl; int x = 0; for (TriggerSegmentRec::SegmentRuntimeIdSet::iterator i = ridset.begin(); i != ridset.end(); ++i) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << x << ": " << *i << endl; ++x; } std::vector::iterator i; // Check removed segments first for (i = m_removedSegments.begin(); i != m_removedSegments.end(); ++i) { processRemovedSegment(*i); } m_removedSegments.clear(); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::checkRefreshStatus: we have " << m_segments.size() << " segments" << endl; // then the ones which are still there for (SegmentRefreshMap::iterator i = m_segments.begin(); i != m_segments.end(); ++i) { if (i->first->getRefreshStatus(i->second).needsRefresh() || ridset.find(i->first->getRuntimeId()) != ridset.end()) { segmentModified(i->first); i->first->getRefreshStatus(i->second).setNeedsRefresh(false); } } // then added ones for (i = m_addedSegments.begin(); i != m_addedSegments.end(); ++i) { processAddedSegment(*i); } m_addedSegments.clear(); } void SequenceManager::segmentModified(Segment* s) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentModified(" << s << ")\n"; bool sizeChanged = m_compositionMmapper->segmentModified(s); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentModified() : size changed = " << sizeChanged << endl; if ((m_transportStatus == PLAYING) && sizeChanged) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << (TQString)m_compositionMmapper->getSegmentFileName(s); streamOut << (size_t)m_compositionMmapper->getSegmentFileSize(s); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentModified() : DCOP-call sequencer remapSegment" << m_compositionMmapper->getSegmentFileName(s) << endl; rgapp->sequencerSend("remapSegment(TQString, size_t)", data); } } void SequenceManager::segmentAdded(const Composition*, Segment* s) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentAdded(" << s << ")\n"; m_addedSegments.push_back(s); } void SequenceManager::segmentRemoved(const Composition*, Segment* s) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentRemoved(" << s << ")\n"; m_removedSegments.push_back(s); std::vector::iterator i = find(m_addedSegments.begin(), m_addedSegments.end(), s); if (i != m_addedSegments.end()) m_addedSegments.erase(i); } void SequenceManager::segmentRepeatChanged(const Composition*, Segment* s, bool repeat) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentRepeatChanged(" << s << ", " << repeat << ")\n"; segmentModified(s); } void SequenceManager::segmentRepeatEndChanged(const Composition*, Segment* s, timeT newEndTime) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentRepeatEndChanged(" << s << ", " << newEndTime << ")\n"; segmentModified(s); } void SequenceManager::segmentEventsTimingChanged(const Composition*, Segment * s, timeT t, RealTime) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentEventsTimingChanged(" << s << ", " << t << ")\n"; segmentModified(s); if (s && s->getType() == Segment::Audio && m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { TQByteArray data; rgapp->sequencerSend("remapTracks()", data); } } void SequenceManager::segmentTransposeChanged(const Composition*, Segment *s, int transpose) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentTransposeChanged(" << s << ", " << transpose << ")\n"; segmentModified(s); } void SequenceManager::segmentTrackChanged(const Composition*, Segment *s, TrackId id) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentTrackChanged(" << s << ", " << id << ")\n"; segmentModified(s); if (s && s->getType() == Segment::Audio && m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { TQByteArray data; rgapp->sequencerSend("remapTracks()", data); } } void SequenceManager::segmentEndMarkerChanged(const Composition*, Segment *s, bool) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::segmentEndMarkerChanged(" << s << ")\n"; segmentModified(s); } void SequenceManager::processAddedSegment(Segment* s) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::processAddedSegment(" << s << ")\n"; m_compositionMmapper->segmentAdded(s); if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << m_compositionMmapper->getSegmentFileName(s); if (!rgapp->sequencerSend("addSegment(TQString)", data)) { m_transportStatus = STOPPED; } } // Add to segments map int id = s->getNewRefreshStatusId(); m_segments.insert(SegmentRefreshMap::value_type(s, id)); } void SequenceManager::processRemovedSegment(Segment* s) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::processRemovedSegment(" << s << ")\n"; TQString filename = m_compositionMmapper->getSegmentFileName(s); m_compositionMmapper->segmentDeleted(s); if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream streamOut(data, IO_WriteOnly); streamOut << filename; if (!rgapp->sequencerSend("deleteSegment(TQString)", data)) { // failed m_transportStatus = STOPPED; } } // Remove from segments map m_segments.erase(s); } void SequenceManager::endMarkerTimeChanged(const Composition *, bool /*shorten*/) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::endMarkerTimeChanged()\n"; m_compositionMmapperResetTimer->start(500, true); // schedule a composition mmapper reset in 0.5s } void SequenceManager::timeSignatureChanged(const Composition *) { resetMetronomeMmapper(); } void SequenceManager::trackChanged(const Composition *, Track* t) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::trackChanged(" << t << ", " << (t ? t->getPosition() : -1) << ")\n"; m_controlBlockMmapper->updateTrackData(t); if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { TQByteArray data; rgapp->sequencerSend("remapTracks()", data); } } void SequenceManager::trackDeleted(const Composition *, TrackId t) { m_controlBlockMmapper->setTrackDeleted(t); } void SequenceManager::metronomeChanged(InstrumentId id, bool regenerateTicks) { // This method is called when the user has changed the // metronome instrument, pitch etc SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::metronomeChanged (simple)" << ", instrument = " << id << endl; if (regenerateTicks) resetMetronomeMmapper(); m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeData(id); if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeForPlayback(); } else { m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeForRecord(); } m_metronomeMmapper->refresh(); m_timeSigSegmentMmapper->refresh(); m_tempoSegmentMmapper->refresh(); } void SequenceManager::metronomeChanged(const Composition *) { // This method is called when the muting status in the composition // has changed -- the metronome itself has not actually changed SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::metronomeChanged " << ", instrument = " << m_metronomeMmapper->getMetronomeInstrument() << endl; m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeData (m_metronomeMmapper->getMetronomeInstrument()); if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeForPlayback(); } else { m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMetronomeForRecord(); } } void SequenceManager::filtersChanged(MidiFilter thruFilter, MidiFilter recordFilter) { m_controlBlockMmapper->updateMidiFilters(thruFilter, recordFilter); } void SequenceManager::soloChanged(const Composition *, bool solo, TrackId selectedTrack) { if (m_controlBlockMmapper->updateSoloData(solo, selectedTrack)) { if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { TQByteArray data; rgapp->sequencerSend("remapTracks()", data); } } } void SequenceManager::tempoChanged(const Composition *c) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "SequenceManager::tempoChanged()\n"; // Refresh all segments // for (SegmentRefreshMap::iterator i = m_segments.begin(); i != m_segments.end(); ++i) { segmentModified(i->first); } // and metronome, time sig and tempo // m_metronomeMmapper->refresh(); m_timeSigSegmentMmapper->refresh(); m_tempoSegmentMmapper->refresh(); if (c->isLooping()) setLoop(c->getLoopStart(), c->getLoopEnd()); else if (m_transportStatus == PLAYING) { // If the tempo changes during playback, reset the pointer // position because the sequencer keeps track of position in // real time and we want to maintain the same position in // musical time. Turn off play tracking while this happens, // so that we don't jump about in the main window while the // user's trying to drag the tempo in it. (That doesn't help // for matrix or notation though, sadly) bool tracking = RosegardenGUIApp::self()->isTrackEditorPlayTracking(); if (tracking) RosegardenGUIApp::self()->slotToggleTracking(); m_doc->slotSetPointerPosition(c->getPosition()); if (tracking) RosegardenGUIApp::self()->slotToggleTracking(); } } void SequenceManager::sendTransportControlStatuses() { TDEConfig* config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); // Get the config values // bool jackTransport = config->readBoolEntry("jacktransport", false); bool jackMaster = config->readBoolEntry("jackmaster", false); int mmcMode = config->readNumEntry("mmcmode", 0); int mtcMode = config->readNumEntry("mtcmode", 0); int midiClock = config->readNumEntry("midiclock", 0); bool midiSyncAuto = config->readBoolEntry("midisyncautoconnect", false); // Send JACK transport // int jackValue = 0; if (jackTransport && jackMaster) jackValue = 2; else { if (jackTransport) jackValue = 1; else jackValue = 0; } MappedEvent mEjackValue(MidiInstrumentBase, // InstrumentId MappedEvent::SystemJackTransport, MidiByte(jackValue)); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEjackValue); // Send MMC transport // MappedEvent mEmmcValue(MidiInstrumentBase, // InstrumentId MappedEvent::SystemMMCTransport, MidiByte(mmcMode)); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEmmcValue); // Send MTC transport // MappedEvent mEmtcValue(MidiInstrumentBase, // InstrumentId MappedEvent::SystemMTCTransport, MidiByte(mtcMode)); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEmtcValue); // Send MIDI Clock // MappedEvent mEmidiClock(MidiInstrumentBase, // InstrumentId MappedEvent::SystemMIDIClock, MidiByte(midiClock)); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEmidiClock); // Send MIDI Sync Auto-Connect // MappedEvent mEmidiSyncAuto(MidiInstrumentBase, // InstrumentId MappedEvent::SystemMIDISyncAuto, MidiByte(midiSyncAuto ? 1 : 0)); StudioControl::sendMappedEvent(mEmidiSyncAuto); } void SequenceManager::slotCountdownTimerTimeout() { // Set the elapsed time in seconds // m_countdownDialog->setElapsedTime(m_recordTime->elapsed() / 1000); } void SequenceManager::slotFoundMountPoint(const TQString&, unsigned long kBSize, unsigned long /*kBUsed*/, unsigned long kBAvail) { m_gotDiskSpaceResult = true; m_diskSpaceKBAvail = kBAvail; } void SequenceManager::enableMIDIThruRouting(bool state) { m_controlBlockMmapper->enableMIDIThruRouting(state); } int SequenceManager::getSampleRate() { if (m_sampleRate != 0) return m_sampleRate; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; if (rgapp->sequencerCall("getSampleRate()", replyType, replyData)) { TQDataStream streamIn(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); unsigned int result; streamIn >> m_sampleRate; } return m_sampleRate; } bool SequenceManager::shouldWarnForImpreciseTimer() { tdeApp->config()->setGroup(SequencerOptionsConfigGroup); TQString timer = tdeApp->config()->readEntry("timer"); if (timer == "(auto)" || timer == "") return true; else return false; // if the user has chosen the timer, leave them alone } } #include "SequenceManager.moc"