    A sequencer and musical notation editor.

    This program is Copyright 2000-2008
        Guillaume Laurent   <glaurent@telegraph-road.org>,
        Chris Cannam        <cannam@all-day-breakfast.com>,
        Richard Bown        <bownie@bownie.com>

    The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work
    has been asserted.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.


#include "SoundDriver.h"
#include "Instrument.h"
#include "RealTime.h"
#include "RingBuffer.h"
#include "RunnablePluginInstance.h"
#include "AudioPlayQueue.h"
#include "RecordableAudioFile.h"

namespace Rosegarden

class AudioThread
    typedef float sample_t;

    AudioThread(std::string name, // for diagnostics
                SoundDriver *driver,
                unsigned int sampleRate);

    virtual ~AudioThread();

    // This is to be called by the owning class after construction.
    void run();

    // This is to be called by the owning class to cause the thread to
    // exit and clean up, before destruction.
    void terminate();

    bool running() const { return m_running; }

    int getLock();
    int tryLock();
    int releaseLock();
    void signal();

    virtual void threadRun() = 0;
    virtual int getPriority() { return 0; }

    std::string       m_name;

    SoundDriver      *m_driver;
    unsigned int      m_sampleRate;

    pthread_t         m_thread;
    pthread_mutex_t   m_lock;
    pthread_cond_t    m_condition;
    bool              m_running;
    volatile bool     m_exiting;

    static void *staticThreadRun(void *arg);
    static void  staticThreadCleanup(void *arg);

class AudioInstrumentMixer;

class AudioBussMixer : public AudioThread
    AudioBussMixer(SoundDriver *driver,
                   AudioInstrumentMixer *instrumentMixer,
                   unsigned int sampleRate,
                   unsigned int blockSize);

    virtual ~AudioBussMixer();

    void kick(bool wantLock = true, bool signalInstrumentMixer = true);
     * Prebuffer.  This should be called only when the transport is
     * not running.  This also calls fillBuffers on the instrument
     * mixer.
    void fillBuffers(const RealTime &currentTime);

     * Empty and discard buffer contents.
    void emptyBuffers();

    int getBussCount() {
        return m_bussCount;

     * A buss is "dormant" if every readable sample on every one of
     * its buffers is zero.  It can therefore be safely skipped during
     * playback.
    bool isBussDormant(int buss) {
        return m_bufferMap[buss].dormant;

     * Busses are currently always stereo.
    RingBuffer<sample_t> *getRingBuffer(int buss, unsigned int channel) {
        if (channel < m_bufferMap[buss].buffers.size()) {
            return m_bufferMap[buss].buffers[channel];
        } else {
            return 0;

    /// For call from MappedStudio.  Pan is in range -100.0 -> 100.0
    void setBussLevels(int buss, float dB, float pan);

    /// For call regularly from anywhere in a non-RT thread
    void updateInstrumentConnections();

    virtual void threadRun();

    void processBlocks();
    void generateBuffers();

    AudioInstrumentMixer   *m_instrumentMixer;
    unsigned int            m_blockSize;
    int                     m_bussCount;

    std::vector<sample_t *> m_processBuffers;

    struct BufferRec
        BufferRec() : dormant(true), buffers(), instruments(),
                      gainLeft(0.0), gainRight(0.0) { }

        bool dormant;

        std::vector<RingBuffer<sample_t> *> buffers;
        std::vector<bool> instruments; // index is instrument id minus base

        float gainLeft;
        float gainRight;

    typedef std::map<int, BufferRec> BufferMap;
    BufferMap m_bufferMap;

class AudioFileReader;
class AudioFileWriter;

class AudioInstrumentMixer : public AudioThread
    typedef std::vector<RunnablePluginInstance *> PluginList;
    typedef std::map<InstrumentId, PluginList> PluginMap;
    typedef std::map<InstrumentId, RunnablePluginInstance *> SynthPluginMap;

    AudioInstrumentMixer(SoundDriver *driver,
                         AudioFileReader *fileReader,
                         unsigned int sampleRate,
                         unsigned int blockSize);

    virtual ~AudioInstrumentMixer();

    void kick(bool wantLock = true);

    void setBussMixer(AudioBussMixer *mixer) { m_bussMixer = mixer; }

    void setPlugin(InstrumentId id, int position, TQString identifier);
    void removePlugin(InstrumentId id, int position);
    void removeAllPlugins();

    void setPluginPortValue(InstrumentId id, int position,
                            unsigned int port, float value);
    float getPluginPortValue(InstrumentId id, int position,
                             unsigned int port);

    void setPluginBypass(InstrumentId, int position, bool bypass);

    TQStringList getPluginPrograms(InstrumentId, int);
    TQString getPluginProgram(InstrumentId, int);
    TQString getPluginProgram(InstrumentId, int, int, int);
    unsigned long getPluginProgram(InstrumentId, int, TQString);
    void setPluginProgram(InstrumentId, int, TQString);

    TQString configurePlugin(InstrumentId, int, TQString, TQString);

    void resetAllPlugins(bool discardEvents = false);
    void discardPluginEvents();
    void destroyAllPlugins();

    RunnablePluginInstance *getSynthPlugin(InstrumentId id) { return m_synths[id]; }

     * Return the plugins intended for a particular buss.  (By coincidence,
     * this will also work for instruments, but it's not to be relied on.)
     * It's purely by historical accident that the instrument mixer happens
     * to hold buss plugins as well -- this could do with being refactored.
    PluginList &getBussPlugins(unsigned int bussId) { return m_plugins[bussId]; }

     * Return the total of the plugin latencies for a given instrument
     * or buss id.
    size_t getPluginLatency(unsigned int id);

     * Prebuffer.  This should be called only when the transport is
     * not running. 
    void fillBuffers(const RealTime &currentTime);
     * Ensure plugins etc have enough buffers.  This is also done by
     * fillBuffers and only needs to be called here if the extra work
     * involved in fillBuffers is not desirable.
    void allocateBuffers();

     * Empty and discard buffer contents.
    void emptyBuffers(RealTime currentTime = RealTime::zeroTime);

     * An instrument is "empty" if it has no audio files, synths or
     * plugins assigned to it, and so cannot generate sound.  Empty
     * instruments can safely be ignored during playback.
    bool isInstrumentEmpty(InstrumentId id) {
        return m_bufferMap[id].empty;

     * An instrument is "dormant" if every readable sample on every
     * one of its buffers is zero.  Dormant instruments can safely be
     * skipped rather than mixed during playback, but they should not
     * be ignored (unless also empty).
    bool isInstrumentDormant(InstrumentId id) {
        return m_bufferMap[id].dormant;

     * We always have at least two channels (and hence buffers) by
     * this point, because even on a mono instrument we still have a
     * Pan setting which will have been applied by the time we get to
     * these buffers.
    RingBuffer<sample_t, 2> *getRingBuffer(InstrumentId id, unsigned int channel) {
        if (channel < m_bufferMap[id].buffers.size()) {
            return m_bufferMap[id].buffers[channel];
        } else {
            return 0;

    /// For call from MappedStudio.  Pan is in range -100.0 -> 100.0
    void setInstrumentLevels(InstrumentId instrument, float dB, float pan);

    /// For call regularly from anywhere in a non-RT thread
    void updateInstrumentMuteStates();

    virtual void threadRun();

    virtual int getPriority() { return 3; }

    void processBlocks(bool &readSomething);
    void processEmptyBlocks(InstrumentId id);
    bool processBlock(InstrumentId id, PlayableAudioFile **, size_t, bool &readSomething);
    void generateBuffers();

    AudioFileReader  *m_fileReader;
    AudioBussMixer   *m_bussMixer;
    unsigned int      m_blockSize;

    // The plugin data structures will all be pre-sized and so of
    // fixed size during normal run time; this will allow us to add
    // and edit plugins without locking.
    RunnablePluginInstance *getPluginInstance(InstrumentId, int);
    PluginMap m_plugins;
    SynthPluginMap m_synths;

    // maintain the same number of these as the maximum number of
    // channels on any audio instrument
    std::vector<sample_t *> m_processBuffers;

    struct BufferRec
        BufferRec() : empty(true), dormant(true), zeroFrames(0),
                      filledTo(RealTime::zeroTime), channels(2),
                      buffers(), gainLeft(0.0), gainRight(0.0), volume(0.0),
                      muted(false) { }

        bool empty;
        bool dormant;
        size_t zeroFrames;

        RealTime filledTo;
        size_t channels;
        std::vector<RingBuffer<sample_t, 2> *> buffers;

        float gainLeft;
        float gainRight;
        float volume;
        bool muted;

    typedef std::map<InstrumentId, BufferRec> BufferMap;
    BufferMap m_bufferMap;

class AudioFileReader : public AudioThread
    AudioFileReader(SoundDriver *driver,
                    unsigned int sampleRate);

    virtual ~AudioFileReader();

    bool kick(bool wantLock = true);

     * Prebuffer.  This should be called only when the transport is
     * not running. 
    void fillBuffers(const RealTime &currentTime);

    virtual void threadRun();

class AudioFileWriter : public AudioThread
    AudioFileWriter(SoundDriver *driver,
                    unsigned int sampleRate);

    virtual ~AudioFileWriter();

    void kick(bool wantLock = true);

    bool openRecordFile(InstrumentId id, const std::string &fileName);
    bool closeRecordFile(InstrumentId id, AudioFileId &returnedId);

    bool haveRecordFileOpen(InstrumentId id);
    bool haveRecordFilesOpen();
    void write(InstrumentId id, const sample_t *, int channel, size_t samples);

    virtual void threadRun();

    typedef std::pair<AudioFile *, RecordableAudioFile *> FilePair;
    typedef std::map<InstrumentId, FilePair> FileMap;
    FileMap m_files;

