/* Rosegarden A sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent <glaurent@telegraph-road.org>, Chris Cannam <cannam@all-day-breakfast.com>, Richard Bown <bownie@bownie.com> The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work has been asserted. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "SequencerDataBlock.h" #include "MappedComposition.h" namespace Rosegarden { SequencerDataBlock::SequencerDataBlock(bool initialise) { if (initialise) clearTemporaries(); } bool SequencerDataBlock::getVisual(MappedEvent &ev) const { static int eventIndex = 0; if (!m_haveVisualEvent) { return false; } else { int thisEventIndex = m_visualEventIndex; if (thisEventIndex == eventIndex) return false; ev = *((MappedEvent *) & m_visualEvent); eventIndex = thisEventIndex; return true; } } void SequencerDataBlock::setVisual(const MappedEvent *ev) { m_haveVisualEvent = false; if (ev) { *((MappedEvent *)&m_visualEvent) = *ev; ++m_visualEventIndex; m_haveVisualEvent = true; } } int SequencerDataBlock::getRecordedEvents(MappedComposition &mC) const { static int readIndex = -1; if (readIndex == -1) { readIndex = m_recordEventIndex; return 0; } int currentIndex = m_recordEventIndex; int count = 0; MappedEvent *recordBuffer = (MappedEvent *)m_recordBuffer; while (readIndex != currentIndex) { mC.insert(new MappedEvent(recordBuffer[readIndex])); if (++readIndex == SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE) readIndex = 0; ++count; } return count; } void SequencerDataBlock::addRecordedEvents(MappedComposition *mC) { // ringbuffer int index = m_recordEventIndex; MappedEvent *recordBuffer = (MappedEvent *)m_recordBuffer; for (MappedComposition::iterator i = mC->begin(); i != mC->end(); ++i) { recordBuffer[index] = **i; if (++index == SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE) index = 0; } m_recordEventIndex = index; } int SequencerDataBlock::instrumentToIndex(InstrumentId id) const { int i; for (i = 0; i < m_knownInstrumentCount; ++i) { if (m_knownInstruments[i] == id) return i; } return -1; } int SequencerDataBlock::instrumentToIndexCreating(InstrumentId id) { int i; for (i = 0; i < m_knownInstrumentCount; ++i) { if (m_knownInstruments[i] == id) return i; } if (i == SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS) { std::cerr << "ERROR: SequencerDataBlock::instrumentToIndexCreating(" << id << "): out of instrument index space" << std::endl; return -1; } m_knownInstruments[i] = id; ++m_knownInstrumentCount; return i; } bool SequencerDataBlock::getInstrumentLevel(InstrumentId id, LevelInfo &info) const { static int lastUpdateIndex[SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS]; int index = instrumentToIndex(id); if (index < 0) { info.level = info.levelRight = 0; return false; } int currentUpdateIndex = m_levelUpdateIndices[index]; info = m_levels[index]; /* std::cout << "SequencerDataBlock::getInstrumentLevel - " << "id = " << id << ", level = " << info.level << std::endl; */ if (lastUpdateIndex[index] != currentUpdateIndex) { lastUpdateIndex[index] = currentUpdateIndex; return true; } else { return false; // no change } } bool SequencerDataBlock::getInstrumentLevelForMixer(InstrumentId id, LevelInfo &info) const { static int lastUpdateIndex[SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS]; int index = instrumentToIndex(id); if (index < 0) { info.level = info.levelRight = 0; return false; } int currentUpdateIndex = m_levelUpdateIndices[index]; info = m_levels[index]; if (lastUpdateIndex[index] != currentUpdateIndex) { lastUpdateIndex[index] = currentUpdateIndex; return true; } else { return false; // no change } } void SequencerDataBlock::setInstrumentLevel(InstrumentId id, const LevelInfo &info) { int index = instrumentToIndexCreating(id); if (index < 0) return ; m_levels[index] = info; ++m_levelUpdateIndices[index]; } bool SequencerDataBlock::getInstrumentRecordLevel(InstrumentId id, LevelInfo &info) const { static int lastUpdateIndex[SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS]; int index = instrumentToIndex(id); if (index < 0) { info.level = info.levelRight = 0; return false; } int currentUpdateIndex = m_recordLevelUpdateIndices[index]; info = m_recordLevels[index]; if (lastUpdateIndex[index] != currentUpdateIndex) { lastUpdateIndex[index] = currentUpdateIndex; return true; } else { return false; // no change } } bool SequencerDataBlock::getInstrumentRecordLevelForMixer(InstrumentId id, LevelInfo &info) const { static int lastUpdateIndex[SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS]; int index = instrumentToIndex(id); if (index < 0) { info.level = info.levelRight = 0; return false; } int currentUpdateIndex = m_recordLevelUpdateIndices[index]; info = m_recordLevels[index]; if (lastUpdateIndex[index] != currentUpdateIndex) { lastUpdateIndex[index] = currentUpdateIndex; return true; } else { return false; // no change } } void SequencerDataBlock::setInstrumentRecordLevel(InstrumentId id, const LevelInfo &info) { int index = instrumentToIndexCreating(id); if (index < 0) return ; m_recordLevels[index] = info; ++m_recordLevelUpdateIndices[index]; } void SequencerDataBlock::setTrackLevel(TrackId id, const LevelInfo &info) { if (m_controlBlock) { setInstrumentLevel(m_controlBlock->getInstrumentForTrack(id), info); } } bool SequencerDataBlock::getTrackLevel(TrackId id, LevelInfo &info) const { info.level = info.levelRight = 0; if (m_controlBlock) { return getInstrumentLevel(m_controlBlock->getInstrumentForTrack(id), info); } return false; } bool SequencerDataBlock::getSubmasterLevel(int submaster, LevelInfo &info) const { static int lastUpdateIndex[SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_SUBMASTERS]; if (submaster < 0 || submaster > SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_SUBMASTERS) { info.level = info.levelRight = 0; return false; } int currentUpdateIndex = m_submasterLevelUpdateIndices[submaster]; info = m_submasterLevels[submaster]; if (lastUpdateIndex[submaster] != currentUpdateIndex) { lastUpdateIndex[submaster] = currentUpdateIndex; return true; } else { return false; // no change } } void SequencerDataBlock::setSubmasterLevel(int submaster, const LevelInfo &info) { if (submaster < 0 || submaster > SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_SUBMASTERS) { return ; } m_submasterLevels[submaster] = info; ++m_submasterLevelUpdateIndices[submaster]; } bool SequencerDataBlock::getMasterLevel(LevelInfo &level) const { static int lastUpdateIndex = 0; int currentIndex = m_masterLevelUpdateIndex; level = m_masterLevel; if (lastUpdateIndex != currentIndex) { lastUpdateIndex = currentIndex; return true; } else { return false; } } void SequencerDataBlock::setMasterLevel(const LevelInfo &info) { m_masterLevel = info; ++m_masterLevelUpdateIndex; } void SequencerDataBlock::clearTemporaries() { m_controlBlock = 0; m_positionSec = 0; m_positionNsec = 0; m_visualEventIndex = 0; *((MappedEvent *)&m_visualEvent) = MappedEvent(); m_haveVisualEvent = false; m_recordEventIndex = 0; //!!! m_recordLevel.level = 0; //!!! m_recordLevel.levelRight = 0; memset(m_knownInstruments, 0, SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS * sizeof(InstrumentId)); m_knownInstrumentCount = 0; memset(m_levelUpdateIndices, 0, SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS * sizeof(int)); memset(m_levels, 0, SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_INSTRUMENTS * sizeof(LevelInfo)); memset(m_submasterLevelUpdateIndices, 0, SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_SUBMASTERS * sizeof(int)); memset(m_submasterLevels, 0, SEQUENCER_DATABLOCK_MAX_NB_SUBMASTERS * sizeof(LevelInfo)); m_masterLevelUpdateIndex = 0; m_masterLevel.level = 0; m_masterLevel.levelRight = 0; } }