#include "optionseditor.h" #include "options.h" #include "tagengine.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "conversionoptions.h" #include "outputdirectory.h" #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> //#include <kmessagebox.h> #include <klineedit.h> #include <kcombobox.h> #include <knuminput.h> #include <ktextedit.h> // TODO add warning, when editing tags and converting to an unsupported file format OptionsEditor::OptionsEditor( TagEngine* _tagEngine, Config* _config, FileList* _fileList, TQWidget* parent, const char* name, Page startPage ) : KDialogBase( IconList, i18n("Options Editor"), /*User2 | User1 |*/ Ok, Ok, // default button parent, name, false, // modal true/*, // separator i18n("Next"), i18n("Previous")*/ ) { fileList = _fileList; config = _config; tagEngine = _tagEngine; // create an icon loader object for loading icons KIconLoader* iconLoader = new KIconLoader(); resize( 400, 350 ); // TODO move the dialog beside the main window setIcon( iconLoader->loadIcon("view_text",KIcon::Small) ); // setButtonGuiItem( User2, KGuiItem(i18n("Previous"),iconLoader->loadIconSet("previous",KIcon::Small,16,true/*KDE3.5,false*/)) ); // setButtonGuiItem( User1, KGuiItem(i18n("Next"),iconLoader->loadIconSet("next",KIcon::Small,16,true/*KDE3.5,false*/)) ); setButtonGuiItem( Ok, KGuiItem(i18n("Close"),iconLoader->loadIconSet("exit",KIcon::Small,16,true/*KDE3.5,false*/)) ); //// options page //// conversionOptions = addPage( i18n("Conversion"), i18n("Conversion options"), iconLoader->loadIcon("soundkonverter",KIcon::Desktop) ); // the grid for all widgets in the main window TQGridLayout* conversionOptionsGridLayout = new TQGridLayout( conversionOptions, 1, 1, 0, 6, "conversionOptionsGridLayout" ); // generate the options input area options = new Options( config, i18n("Choose your prefered output options and click on \"Close\"!"), conversionOptions, "options" ); conversionOptionsGridLayout->addWidget( options, 0, 0 ); connect( options, TQT_SIGNAL(optionsChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(optionsChanged()) ); conversionOptionsGridLayout->setRowStretch( 1, 1 ); lEditOptions = new TQLabel( "", conversionOptions, "lEditOptions" ); conversionOptionsGridLayout->addWidget( lEditOptions, 2, 0 ); lEditOptions->setAlignment( TQt::AlignHCenter ); lEditOptions->hide(); pEditOptions = new KPushButton( i18n("Edit conversion options"), conversionOptions, "pEditOptions" ); pEditOptions->setFixedWidth( pEditOptions->sizeHint().width() ); conversionOptionsGridLayout->addWidget( pEditOptions, 3, 0, TQt::AlignHCenter ); pEditOptions->hide(); connect( pEditOptions, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editOptionsClicked()) ); //// tags page //// tags = addPage( i18n("Tags"), i18n("Tags"), iconLoader->loadIcon("view_text",KIcon::Desktop) ); // the grid for all widgets in the main window TQGridLayout* tagsGridLayout = new TQGridLayout( tags, 1, 1, 0, 6, "tagsGridLayout" ); // add the inputs // add a horizontal box layout for the title and track number TQHBoxLayout *titleBox = new TQHBoxLayout( -1, "titleBox" ); tagsGridLayout->addLayout( titleBox, 0, 1 ); // and fill it up lTitleLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Title:"), tags, "lTitleLabel" ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( lTitleLabel, 0, 0 ); lTitle = new KLineEdit( tags, "lTitle" ); titleBox->addWidget( lTitle ); connect( lTitle, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(titleChanged(const TQString&)) ); pTitleEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pTitleEdit" ); pTitleEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pTitleEdit->setFixedSize( lTitle->sizeHint().height(), lTitle->sizeHint().height() ); pTitleEdit->hide(); titleBox->addWidget( pTitleEdit ); connect( pTitleEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editTitleClicked()) ); lNumberLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Track No.:"), tags, "lNumberLabel" ); titleBox->addWidget( lNumberLabel ); iNumber = new KIntSpinBox( 0, 999, 1, 1, 10, tags, "iNumber" ); titleBox->addWidget( iNumber ); connect( iNumber, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(numberChanged(int)) ); pNumberEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pNumberEdit" ); pNumberEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pNumberEdit->setFixedSize( iNumber->sizeHint().height(), iNumber->sizeHint().height() ); pNumberEdit->hide(); titleBox->addWidget( pNumberEdit ); connect( pNumberEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editNumberClicked()) ); // add a horizontal box layout for the artist and the composer TQHBoxLayout *artistBox = new TQHBoxLayout( -1, "artistBox" ); tagsGridLayout->addLayout( artistBox, 1, 1 ); // and fill it up lArtistLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Artist:"), tags, "lArtistLabel" ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( lArtistLabel, 1, 0 ); lArtist = new KLineEdit( tags, "lArtist" ); artistBox->addWidget( lArtist ); connect( lArtist, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(artistChanged(const TQString&)) ); pArtistEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pArtistEdit" ); pArtistEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pArtistEdit->setFixedSize( lArtist->sizeHint().height(), lArtist->sizeHint().height() ); pArtistEdit->hide(); artistBox->addWidget( pArtistEdit ); connect( pArtistEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editArtistClicked()) ); lComposerLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Composer:"), tags, "lComposerLabel" ); artistBox->addWidget( lComposerLabel ); lComposer = new KLineEdit( tags, "lComposer" ); artistBox->addWidget( lComposer ); connect( lComposer, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(composerChanged(const TQString&)) ); pComposerEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pComposerEdit" ); pComposerEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pComposerEdit->setFixedSize( lComposer->sizeHint().height(), lComposer->sizeHint().height() ); pComposerEdit->hide(); artistBox->addWidget( pComposerEdit ); connect( pComposerEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editComposerClicked()) ); // add a horizontal box layout for the album TQHBoxLayout *albumBox = new TQHBoxLayout( -1, "albumBox" ); tagsGridLayout->addLayout( albumBox, 2, 1 ); // and fill it up lAlbumLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Album:"), tags, "lAlbumLabel" ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( lAlbumLabel, 2, 0 ); lAlbum = new KLineEdit( tags, "lAlbum" ); albumBox->addWidget( lAlbum ); connect( lAlbum, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(albumChanged(const TQString&)) ); pAlbumEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pAlbumEdit" ); pAlbumEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pAlbumEdit->setFixedSize( lAlbum->sizeHint().height(), lAlbum->sizeHint().height() ); pAlbumEdit->hide(); albumBox->addWidget( pAlbumEdit ); connect( pAlbumEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editAlbumClicked()) ); // add a horizontal box layout for the disc number, year and genre TQHBoxLayout *albumdataBox = new TQHBoxLayout( -1, "albumdataBox" ); tagsGridLayout->addLayout( albumdataBox, 3, 1 ); // and fill it up lDiscLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Disc No.:"), tags, "lDiscLabel" ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( lDiscLabel, 3, 0 ); iDisc = new KIntSpinBox( 0, 99, 1, 1, 10, tags, "iDisc" ); albumdataBox->addWidget( iDisc ); connect( iDisc, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(discChanged(int)) ); pDiscEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pDiscEdit" ); pDiscEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pDiscEdit->setFixedSize( iDisc->sizeHint().height(), iDisc->sizeHint().height() ); pDiscEdit->hide(); albumdataBox->addWidget( pDiscEdit ); connect( pDiscEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editDiscClicked()) ); albumdataBox->addStretch(); lYearLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Year:"), tags, "lYearLabel" ); albumdataBox->addWidget( lYearLabel ); iYear = new KIntSpinBox( 0, 99999, 1, TQDate::currentDate().year(), 10, tags, "iYear" ); albumdataBox->addWidget( iYear ); connect( iYear, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(yearChanged(int)) ); pYearEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pYearEdit" ); pYearEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pYearEdit->setFixedSize( iYear->sizeHint().height(), iYear->sizeHint().height() ); pYearEdit->hide(); albumdataBox->addWidget( pYearEdit ); connect( pYearEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editYearClicked()) ); albumdataBox->addStretch(); lGenreLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Genre:"), tags, "lGenreLabel" ); albumdataBox->addWidget( lGenreLabel ); cGenre = new KComboBox( true, tags, "cGenre" ); cGenre->insertStringList( tagEngine->genreList ); cGenre->setCurrentText( "" ); KCompletion *cGenreCompletion = cGenre->completionObject(); cGenreCompletion->insertItems( tagEngine->genreList ); cGenreCompletion->setIgnoreCase( tags ); albumdataBox->addWidget( cGenre ); connect( cGenre, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(genreChanged(const TQString&)) ); pGenreEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pGenreEdit" ); pGenreEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pGenreEdit->setFixedSize( cGenre->sizeHint().height(), cGenre->sizeHint().height() ); pGenreEdit->hide(); albumdataBox->addWidget( pGenreEdit ); connect( pGenreEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editGenreClicked()) ); // add a horizontal box layout for the comment TQHBoxLayout *commentBox = new TQHBoxLayout( -1, "commentBox" ); tagsGridLayout->addLayout( commentBox, 4, 1 ); // and fill it up lCommentLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Comment:"), tags, "lCommentLabel" ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( lCommentLabel, 4, 0 ); tComment = new KTextEdit( tags, "tComment" ); commentBox->addWidget( tComment ); connect( tComment, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(commentChanged()) ); pCommentEdit = new KPushButton( " ", tags, "pCommentEdit" ); pCommentEdit->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon("kwrite",KIcon::Small) ); pCommentEdit->setFixedSize( lTitle->sizeHint().height(), lTitle->sizeHint().height() ); pCommentEdit->hide(); commentBox->addWidget( pCommentEdit ); connect( pCommentEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editCommentClicked()) ); tagsGridLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 1 ); lEditTags = new TQLabel( "", tags, "lEditTags" ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( lEditTags, 5, 1 ); lEditTags->setAlignment( TQt::AlignHCenter ); lEditTags->hide(); pEditTags = new KPushButton( i18n("Edit tags"), tags, "pEditTags" ); pEditTags->setFixedWidth( pEditTags->sizeHint().width() ); tagsGridLayout->addWidget( pEditTags, 6, 1, TQt::AlignHCenter ); pEditTags->hide(); connect( pEditTags, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(editTagsClicked()) ); // delete the icon loader object delete iconLoader; } OptionsEditor::~OptionsEditor() {} /*void OptionsEditor::moveWindow( int x, int y ) { move( x, y ); }*/ void OptionsEditor::setTagInputEnabled( bool enabled ) { lTitleLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); lTitle->setEnabled( enabled ); pTitleEdit->hide(); lNumberLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); iNumber->setEnabled( enabled ); pNumberEdit->hide(); lArtistLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); lArtist->setEnabled( enabled ); pArtistEdit->hide(); lComposerLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); lComposer->setEnabled( enabled ); pComposerEdit->hide(); lAlbumLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); lAlbum->setEnabled( enabled ); pAlbumEdit->hide(); lDiscLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); iDisc->setEnabled( enabled ); pDiscEdit->hide(); lYearLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); iYear->setEnabled( enabled ); pYearEdit->hide(); lGenreLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); cGenre->setEnabled( enabled ); pGenreEdit->hide(); lCommentLabel->setEnabled( enabled ); tComment->setEnabled( enabled ); tComment->setReadOnly( !enabled ); pCommentEdit->hide(); if( !enabled ) { lTitle->setText( "" ); iNumber->setValue( 0 ); lArtist->setText( "" ); lComposer->setText( "" ); lAlbum->setText( "" ); iDisc->setValue( 0 ); iYear->setValue( 0 ); cGenre->setCurrentText( "" ); tComment->setText( "" ); } } void OptionsEditor::itemsSelected( TQValueList<FileListItem*> items ) { for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ) { if( (*it)->converting || (*it) == 0 ) it = items.remove( it ); else it++; } selectedItems = items; if( items.count() == 0 ) { setCaption( i18n("No file selected") ); options->setEnabled( false ); lEditOptions->hide(); pEditOptions->hide(); setTagInputEnabled( false ); lEditTags->hide(); pEditTags->hide(); return; } options->setEnabled( true ); lEditOptions->hide(); pEditOptions->hide(); setTagInputEnabled( true ); lEditTags->hide(); pEditTags->hide(); if( items.count() == 1 ) { setCaption( KURL::decode_string(items.first()->fileName).replace("%2f","/").replace("%%","%") ); // HACK ...but seems to work... // FIXME directory does get set properly disconnect( options, TQT_SIGNAL(optionsChanged()), 0, 0 ); options->setCurrentOptions( items.first()->options ); connect( options, TQT_SIGNAL(optionsChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(optionsChanged()) ); if( items.first()->tags == 0 && !items.first()->local ) { setTagInputEnabled( false ); lEditTags->setText( i18n("The tags could not be read, because this file isn't a local one.\n" "soundKonverter will try to read the tags, when it is about to convert the file.\n" "If you want to edit the tags, you can hit the button below but then soundKonverter will not try\n" "to read the tags.") ); lEditTags->show(); pEditTags->show(); } else if( items.first()->tags == 0 ) { setTagInputEnabled( false ); lEditTags->setText( i18n("Reading the tags of this file failed.\n" "soundKonverter will try to read the tags a second time, when it is about to convert the file.\n" "If you want to edit the tags, you can hit the button below but then soundKonverter will not try\n" "to read the tags a second time.") ); lEditTags->show(); pEditTags->show(); } else { lTitle->setText( items.first()->tags->title ); iNumber->setValue( items.first()->tags->track ); lArtist->setText( items.first()->tags->artist ); lComposer->setText( items.first()->tags->composer ); lAlbum->setText( items.first()->tags->album ); iDisc->setValue( items.first()->tags->disc ); iYear->setValue( items.first()->tags->year ); cGenre->setCurrentText( items.first()->tags->genre ); tComment->setText( items.first()->tags->comment ); } } else { setCaption( i18n("%1 Files").arg(items.count()) ); TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = items.begin(); ConversionOptions cOptions = (*it)->options; TQString title = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? "" : (*it)->tags->title; int number = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? 0 : (*it)->tags->track; TQString artist = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? "" : (*it)->tags->artist; TQString composer = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? "" : (*it)->tags->composer; TQString album = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? "" : (*it)->tags->album; int disc = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? 0 : (*it)->tags->disc; int year = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? 0 : (*it)->tags->year; TQString genre = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? "" : (*it)->tags->genre; TQString comment = ( (*it)->tags == 0 ) ? "" : (*it)->tags->comment; while( it != items.end() ) { if( !cOptions.nearlyEqual((*it)->options) ) { options->setEnabled( false ); lEditOptions->setText( i18n("You have selected multiple files with different conversion options.\nYou can change the options of all files by hitting the button below.") ); lEditOptions->show(); pEditOptions->show(); } if( (*it)->tags == 0 ) { setTagInputEnabled( false ); lEditTags->setText( i18n("Reading the tags of one or more files failed.\n" "soundKonverter will try to read the tags a second time, when it is about to convert the files.\n" "If you want to edit the tags, you can hit the button below but then soundKonverter will not try\n" "to read the tags a second time.") ); lEditTags->show(); pEditTags->show(); it++; continue; } if( title != (*it)->tags->title && lTitle->isEnabled() ) { lTitle->setEnabled( false ); lTitle->setText( "" ); pTitleEdit->show(); } if( number != (*it)->tags->track && iNumber->isEnabled() ) { iNumber->setEnabled( false ); iNumber->setValue( 1 ); pNumberEdit->show(); } if( artist != (*it)->tags->artist && lArtist->isEnabled() ) { lArtist->setEnabled( false ); lArtist->setText( "" ); pArtistEdit->show(); } if( composer != (*it)->tags->composer && lComposer->isEnabled() ) { lComposer->setEnabled( false ); lComposer->setText( "" ); pComposerEdit->show(); } if( album != (*it)->tags->album && lAlbum->isEnabled() ) { lAlbum->setEnabled( false ); lAlbum->setText( "" ); pAlbumEdit->show(); } if( disc != (*it)->tags->disc && iDisc->isEnabled() ) { iDisc->setEnabled( false ); iDisc->setValue( 1 ); pDiscEdit->show(); } if( year != (*it)->tags->year && iYear->isEnabled() ) { iYear->setEnabled( false ); iYear->setValue( TQDate::currentDate().year() ); pYearEdit->show(); } if( genre != (*it)->tags->genre && cGenre->isEnabled() ) { cGenre->setEnabled( false ); cGenre->setCurrentText( "" ); pGenreEdit->show(); } if( comment != (*it)->tags->comment && tComment->isEnabled() ) { tComment->setEnabled( false ); tComment->setReadOnly( true ); tComment->setText( "" ); pCommentEdit->show(); } it++; } if( options->isEnabled() ) { // HACK ...but seems to work... // FIXME directory does get set properly disconnect( options, TQT_SIGNAL(optionsChanged()), 0, 0 ); options->setCurrentOptions( items.first()->options ); connect( options, TQT_SIGNAL(optionsChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(optionsChanged()) ); } if( lTitle->isEnabled() ) { lTitle->setText( title ); } if( iNumber->isEnabled() ) { iNumber->setValue( number ); } if( lArtist->isEnabled() ) { lArtist->setText( artist ); } if( lComposer->isEnabled() ) { lComposer->setText( composer ); } if( lAlbum->isEnabled() ) { lAlbum->setText( album ); } if( iDisc->isEnabled() ) { iDisc->setValue( disc ); } if( iYear->isEnabled() ) { iYear->setValue( year ); } if( cGenre->isEnabled() ) { cGenre->setCurrentText( genre ); } if( tComment->isEnabled() ) { tComment->setText( comment ); } } } void OptionsEditor::setPreviousEnabled( bool enabled ) { enableButton( User2, enabled ); } void OptionsEditor::setNextEnabled( bool enabled ) { enableButton( User1, enabled ); } void OptionsEditor::optionsChanged() { if( !options->isEnabled() ) return; TQString filePathName; // TQString outputFilePathName; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { filePathName = (*it)->options.filePathName; // outputFilePathName = (*it)->options.outputFilePathName; (*it)->options = options->getCurrentOptions(); (*it)->options.filePathName = filePathName; // (*it)->options.outputFilePathName = outputFilePathName; //(*it)->updateOptionsCell(); //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::titleChanged( const TQString& text ) { if( !lTitle->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->title = text; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::numberChanged( int value ) { if( !iNumber->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->track = value; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::artistChanged( const TQString& text ) { if( !lArtist->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->artist = text; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::composerChanged( const TQString& text ) { if( !lComposer->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->composer = text; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::albumChanged( const TQString& text ) { if( !lAlbum->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->album = text; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::discChanged( int value ) { if( !iDisc->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->disc = value; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::yearChanged( int value ) { if( !iYear->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->year = value; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::genreChanged( const TQString& text ) { if( !cGenre->isEnabled() ) return; for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->genre = text; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::commentChanged() { if( !tComment->isEnabled() ) return; TQString text = tComment->text(); for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags->comment = text; //(*it)->updateOutputCell(); fileList->updateItem( *it ); } } void OptionsEditor::editTitleClicked() { lTitle->setEnabled( true ); lTitle->setFocus(); pTitleEdit->hide(); titleChanged( lTitle->text() ); } void OptionsEditor::editNumberClicked() { iNumber->setEnabled( true ); iNumber->setFocus(); pNumberEdit->hide(); numberChanged( iNumber->value() ); } void OptionsEditor::editArtistClicked() { lArtist->setEnabled( true ); lArtist->setFocus(); pArtistEdit->hide(); artistChanged( lArtist->text() ); } void OptionsEditor::editComposerClicked() { lComposer->setEnabled( true ); lComposer->setFocus(); pComposerEdit->hide(); composerChanged( lComposer->text() ); } void OptionsEditor::editAlbumClicked() { lAlbum->setEnabled( true ); lAlbum->setFocus(); pAlbumEdit->hide(); albumChanged( lAlbum->text() ); } void OptionsEditor::editDiscClicked() { iDisc->setEnabled( true ); iDisc->setFocus(); pDiscEdit->hide(); discChanged( iDisc->value() ); } void OptionsEditor::editYearClicked() { iYear->setEnabled( true ); iYear->setFocus(); pYearEdit->hide(); yearChanged( iYear->value() ); } void OptionsEditor::editGenreClicked() { cGenre->setEnabled( true ); cGenre->setFocus(); pGenreEdit->hide(); genreChanged( cGenre->currentText() ); } void OptionsEditor::editCommentClicked() { tComment->setEnabled( true ); tComment->setReadOnly( false ); tComment->setFocus(); pCommentEdit->hide(); commentChanged(); } void OptionsEditor::editOptionsClicked() { // TODO set default / first profile (use config values) options->setProfile( i18n("Medium") ); options->setFormat( "ogg" ); options->setEnabled( true ); lEditOptions->hide(); pEditOptions->hide(); optionsChanged(); } void OptionsEditor::editTagsClicked() { for( TQValueList<FileListItem*>::Iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->tags = new TagData(); } itemsSelected( selectedItems ); }