path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdeedu/kstars/geocoords.docbook
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authorDarrell Anderson <[email protected]>2014-01-21 22:06:48 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2014-01-21 22:06:48 -0600
commit0b8ca6637be94f7814cafa7d01ad4699672ff336 (patch)
treed2b55b28893be8b047b4e60514f4a7f0713e0d70 /tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdeedu/kstars/geocoords.docbook
parenta1670b07bc16b0decb3e85ee17ae64109cb182c1 (diff)
Beautify docbook files
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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdeedu/kstars/geocoords.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdeedu/kstars/geocoords.docbook
index 5f8d87bf8a7..96330b24325 100644
--- a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdeedu/kstars/geocoords.docbook
+++ b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdeedu/kstars/geocoords.docbook
@@ -1,66 +1,15 @@
<sect1 id="ai-geocoords">
-> <surname
-> </author>
+<author><firstname>Jason</firstname> <surname>Harris</surname> </author>
->Geographic Coordinates</title>
->Geographic Coordinate System</primary
->Geographic Coordinate System</see
->Geographic Coordinate System</see
->Locations on Earth can be specified using a spherical coordinate system. The geographic (<quote
->) coordinate system is aligned with the spin axis of the Earth. It defines two angles measured from the centre of the Earth. One angle, called the <firstterm
->, measures the angle between any point and the Equator. The other angle, called the <firstterm
->, measures the angle <emphasis
-> the Equator from an arbitrary point on the Earth (Greenwich, England is the accepted zero-longitude point in most modern societies). </para
->By combining these two angles, any location on Earth can be specified. For example, Baltimore, Maryland (USA) has a latitude of 39.3 degrees North, and a longitude of 76.6 degrees West. So, a vector drawn from the centre of the Earth to a point 39.3 degrees above the Equator and 76.6 degrees west of Greenwich, England will pass through Baltimore. </para
->The Equator is obviously an important part of this coordinate system; it represents the <emphasis
-> of the latitude angle, and the halfway point between the poles. The Equator is the <firstterm
->Fundamental Plane</firstterm
-> of the geographic coordinate system. <link linkend="ai-skycoords"
->All Spherical Coordinate Systems</link
-> define such a Fundamental Plane. </para
->Lines of constant Latitude are called <firstterm
->. They trace circles on the surface of the Earth, but the only parallel that is a <link linkend="ai-greatcircle"
->Great Circle</link
-> is the Equator (Latitude=0 degrees). Lines of constant Longitude are called <firstterm
->. The Meridian passing through Greenwich is the <firstterm
->Prime Meridian</firstterm
-> (longitude=0 degrees). Unlike Parallels, all Meridians are great circles, and Meridians are not parallel: they intersect at the north and south poles. </para>
+<title>Geographic Coordinates</title>
+<indexterm><primary>Geographic Coordinate System</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Longitude</primary><see>Geographic Coordinate System</see></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Latitude</primary><see>Geographic Coordinate System</see></indexterm>
+<para>Locations on Earth can be specified using a spherical coordinate system. The geographic (<quote>earth-mapping</quote>) coordinate system is aligned with the spin axis of the Earth. It defines two angles measured from the centre of the Earth. One angle, called the <firstterm>Latitude</firstterm>, measures the angle between any point and the Equator. The other angle, called the <firstterm>Longitude</firstterm>, measures the angle <emphasis>along</emphasis> the Equator from an arbitrary point on the Earth (Greenwich, England is the accepted zero-longitude point in most modern societies). </para><para>By combining these two angles, any location on Earth can be specified. For example, Baltimore, Maryland (USA) has a latitude of 39.3 degrees North, and a longitude of 76.6 degrees West. So, a vector drawn from the centre of the Earth to a point 39.3 degrees above the Equator and 76.6 degrees west of Greenwich, England will pass through Baltimore. </para><para>The Equator is obviously an important part of this coordinate system; it represents the <emphasis>zeropoint</emphasis> of the latitude angle, and the halfway point between the poles. The Equator is the <firstterm>Fundamental Plane</firstterm> of the geographic coordinate system. <link linkend="ai-skycoords">All Spherical Coordinate Systems</link> define such a Fundamental Plane. </para><para>Lines of constant Latitude are called <firstterm>Parallels</firstterm>. They trace circles on the surface of the Earth, but the only parallel that is a <link linkend="ai-greatcircle">Great Circle</link> is the Equator (Latitude=0 degrees). Lines of constant Longitude are called <firstterm>Meridians</firstterm>. The Meridian passing through Greenwich is the <firstterm>Prime Meridian</firstterm> (longitude=0 degrees). Unlike Parallels, all Meridians are great circles, and Meridians are not parallel: they intersect at the north and south poles. </para>
->What is the longitude of the North Pole? Its latitude is 90 degrees North. </para>
->This is a trick question. The Longitude is meaningless at the north pole (and the south pole too). It has all longitudes at the same time. </para>
+<para>What is the longitude of the North Pole? Its latitude is 90 degrees North. </para>
+<para>This is a trick question. The Longitude is meaningless at the north pole (and the south pole too). It has all longitudes at the same time. </para>