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diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/index.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/index.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b599c16d500 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kcontrol/index.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,932 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" +"dtd/kdex.dtd" [ +<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE" +> <!-- change language only here --> +]> + +<book lang="&language;"> +<bookinfo> +<title +>The &kcontrolcenter;</title> + +<authorgroup> +<author +><firstname +>Michael</firstname +> <surname +>McBride</surname +> <affiliation +><address +><email +>[email protected]</email +></address +></affiliation> +</author> +</authorgroup> + +<legalnotice +>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> + +<date +>2002-02-02</date> +<releaseinfo +>3.00.00</releaseinfo> + +<abstract> +<para +>This documentation describes &kde;'s control centre.</para> +</abstract> + +<keywordset> +<keyword +>KDE</keyword> +<keyword +>kcontrol</keyword> +<keyword +>configuration</keyword> +<keyword +>settings</keyword> +<keyword +>module</keyword> +</keywordset> + +</bookinfo> + +<chapter id="introduction"> +<title +>The &kcontrolcenter;</title> + +<para +>The &kcontrolcenter; (from now on referred to simply as <quote +>the control centre</quote +>) provides you with a centralised and convenient way to configure all of your &kde; settings. </para> + +<para +>The control centre is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the control centre organises all of these programs into a convenient location. </para> + +<tip> +<para +>Each control centre module can be executed individually </para> + +<para +>See section entitled <link linkend="control-center-run-indiv" +>Running individual control centre modules</link +> for more information. </para> +</tip> + +<para +>The control centre groups the configuration modules into categories, so they are easy to locate. Within each category, the control centre shows all the modules in a list, so it is easier to find the right configuration module. </para> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="control-center"> +<title +>Using The &kcontrolcenter;</title> + +<para +>This next section details the use of the control centre itself. For information on individual modules, please see <link linkend="module" +>Control Centre Modules</link +> </para> + +<sect1 id="control-center-starting"> +<title +>Starting the &kcontrol;</title> + +<para +>The &kcontrolcenter; can be started 3 ways: </para> + +<orderedlist +> +<listitem> +<para +>By selecting <menuchoice +><guimenu +>K Button</guimenu +><guimenuitem +>Control Centre</guimenuitem +></menuchoice +> from the &kde; Panel. </para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para +>By pressing <keycombo action="simul" +>&Alt;<keycap +>F2</keycap +></keycombo +>. </para> + +<para +>This will bring up a dialogue box. Type <userinput +><command +>kcontrol</command +></userinput +>, and click <guibutton +>Run</guibutton +>. </para> +</listitem> + +<listitem> +<para +>You can type <command +>kcontrol &</command +> at any command prompt. </para> +</listitem +> +</orderedlist +> + +<para +>All three of these methods are equivalent, and produce the same result. </para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="control-center-screen" +> +<title +>The &kcontrolcenter; Screen</title> + +<para +>When you start the control centre, you are presented with a window, which can be divided into 3 functional parts. </para> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo +>Screenshot</screeninfo> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject +> <imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/> +</imageobject> +<textobject +> <phrase +>Screenshot</phrase +> </textobject> +<caption> +<para +>The &kde; Control Centre Screen</para> +</caption> +</mediaobject> +</screenshot +> + +<para +>Across the top is a menubar. The menubar will provide you with quick access to most of &kcontrolcenter;'s features. The menus are detailed in <link linkend="control-center-menus" +>The &kde; Control Centre Menus</link +>. </para> + +<para +>Along the left hand side, is a column. This is a where you choose which module to configure. You can learn how to navigate through the modules in the section called <link linkend="module-intro" +>Navigating Modules</link +>. </para> + +<para +>The main panel shows you some system information. </para> + +<para +>In this example, we are running &kde; 2.99, we started &kcontrolcenter; as user <systemitem class="username" +>adridg</systemitem +>, the computer is named <systemitem class="systemname" +>aramis</systemitem +>, it is a FreeBSD system, Version 4.4-RELEASE, on a Pentium. </para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="control-center-menus"> +<title +>The &kcontrol; Menus</title> + +<para +>This next section gives you a brief description of what each menu item does. </para> + +<sect2 id="control-center-menu-file"> +<title +><guimenu +>File</guimenu +> Menu</title> + +<para +>The <guimenu +>File</guimenu +> menu has a single entry. </para> + +<variablelist> + +<varlistentry> +<term +><menuchoice +><shortcut +> <keycombo action="simul" +>&Ctrl;<keycap +>Q</keycap +></keycombo +> </shortcut +> <guimenu +>File</guimenu +> <guimenuitem +>Quit</guimenuitem +> </menuchoice +></term> +<listitem> +<para> +<action +>Closes the control centre.</action> +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="control-center-menu-view"> +<title +><guimenu +>View</guimenu +> Menu</title> + +<para +>These options determine how the module selection looks and behaves. </para> + +<variablelist +> +<varlistentry +> +<term +><menuchoice +><guimenu +>View</guimenu +> <guimenuitem +>Mode</guimenuitem +> </menuchoice +></term> + +<listitem> +<para +>Determines whether to use <guimenuitem +>Tree</guimenuitem +> view, or <guimenuitem +>Icon</guimenuitem +> view for your modules. </para> + +<para +>With <guimenuitem +>Tree</guimenuitem +> view, each submenu appears as an indented list. </para> + +<para +>With <guimenuitem +>Icon</guimenuitem +> view, when you click on a category, the categories disappear and are replaced with the module list. You then use the <guiicon +>up</guiicon +> button to return to the categories. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry +> +<term +><menuchoice +><guimenu +>View</guimenu +><guisubmenu +>Icon size</guisubmenu +> </menuchoice +></term +> + +<listitem> +<para +>Using this option, you can choose <guimenuitem +>Small</guimenuitem +>, <guimenuitem +>Medium</guimenuitem +>, or <guimenuitem +>Large</guimenuitem +> icons to select your modules. </para> + +<note +><para +>This menu item only controls the icon size if you are in <guimenuitem +>Icon View</guimenuitem +>. If you choose <guimenuitem +>Tree View</guimenuitem +>, the <guimenuitem +>Small</guimenuitem +> icon size will be used, no matter what size was previously selected in <guimenuitem +>Icon View</guimenuitem +>. </para> +</note> +</listitem> + +</varlistentry +> +</variablelist +> +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="control-center-menu-mod"> +<title +><guimenu +>Modules</guimenu +> Menu</title> + +<para +>The modules menu is a shortcut to take you directly to any module in the control centre. </para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="control-center-menu-help"> +<title +><guimenu +>Help</guimenu +> Menu</title> +&help.menu.documentation; </sect2> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="control-center-exiting"> +<title +>Exiting The &kde; Control Centre</title> + +<para +>You can exit the control centre one of three ways: </para> + +<itemizedlist> +<listitem> +<para +>Select <menuchoice +><guimenu +>File</guimenu +> <guimenuitem +>Quit</guimenuitem +></menuchoice +> from the menu bar. </para> +</listitem> + +<listitem> +<para +>Type <keycombo action="simul" +>&Ctrl;<keycap +>Q</keycap +></keycombo +> on the keyboard. </para> +</listitem> + +<listitem> +<para +>Click on the <guiicon +>Close</guiicon +> button on the frame surrounding the control centre. </para> +</listitem> +</itemizedlist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="control-center-run-indiv"> +<title +>Running Individual Modules</title> + +<para +>You can run individual modules without running kcontrol by selecting <menuchoice +><guimenu +>K Button</guimenu +> <guisubmenu +>Preferences</guisubmenu +> </menuchoice +> from the &kde; panel. You can then select the module you want to run in the submenus. </para> + +</sect1> + +</chapter> + +<!--*****************************************************************--> + +<chapter id="module"> +<title +>The &kcontrol; Modules</title> + +<para +>In order to make it as easy as possible, the &kcontrol; has organised similar options into groups. Each group is called a module. When you click on the name of a module in the left window, you will be presented with the options of the module on the right. </para> + +<para +>Each module will have some or all of the following buttons: </para> + +<variablelist> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Help</term> +<listitem> +<para +>This button will give you help specific to the current module. The button will show you a short summary help page in the left window. At the bottom of that window, you can click on a link to get more detailed help. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +><guilabel +>Use Defaults</guilabel +></term +> +<listitem> +<para +>This button will restore this module to its default values. You must click <guibutton +>OK</guibutton +> to save the options. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +><guibutton +>Apply</guibutton +></term> +<listitem> +<para +>Clicking this button will save all changes to &kde;. If you have changed anything, clicking <guibutton +>Apply</guibutton +> will cause the changes to take effect. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +><guibutton +>Reset</guibutton +></term> +<listitem> +<para +>This button will <quote +>Reset</quote +> the module. The exact effect will depend on the module. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry +> + +</variablelist> + +<note> +<para +>You must save the options of one module using <guibutton +>Apply</guibutton +> before you can change to a different module. </para> +<para +>If you try to change without saving your options, you will be asked if you want to save your changes, or discard them. </para> +</note> + + +<sect1 id="module-intro"> +<title +>Navigating Modules</title> + +<para +>This is a list of the <emphasis +>standard</emphasis +> configuration modules (sorted by category) provided by the <application role="package" +>KDE base</application +> package. Please note that there may be many more modules on your system if you have installed additional software. </para> + +<!-- Commented until fixed arrangement is made --> +<!-- +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term +>File Browsing</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="file-assoc" +>File Associations</link +>, +<link linkend="file-manager" +>File Manager</link +>, +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Look and Feel</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="background" +>Background</link +>, +<!- - <link linkend="borders" +>Borders</link +>,- -> +<link linkend="color" +>Colors</link +>, +<link linkend="desktop" +>Desktop</link +>, +<link linkend="fonts" +>Fonts</link +>, +<link linkend="icons" +>Icons</link +>, +<!- - <link linkend="iconstyle" +>Icon Style</link +>, - -> +<link linkend="key-bindings" +>Key Bindings</link +>, +<link linkend="launch-feedback" +>Launch feedback</link +>, +<link linkend="panel" +>Panel</link +>, +<link linkend="screensaver" +>Screensaver</link +>, +<link linkend="style" +>Style</link +>, +<link linkend="sys-notify" +>System Notifications</link +>, +<link linkend="taskbar" +>Taskbar</link +>, +<link linkend="theme-manager" +>Theme Manager</link +>, +<!- - <link linkend="numbername" +>Virtual Desktops</link +>,- -> +<link linkend="window-behavior" +>Window Behavior</link +>, +<link linkend="window-deco" +>Window Decoration</link +>. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Network</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="e-mail" +>E-Mail</link +>, +<link linkend="lan-browsing" +>LAN Browsing</link +>, +<link linkend="timeouts" +>Preferences</link +>, <!- - FIXME - -> +<link linkend="socks" +>SOCKS</link +>, +<link linkend="talk" +>Talk Configuration</link> +<link linkend="windows-shares" +>Windows Shares</link> +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Peripherals</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="kbd" +>Keyboard</link +>, +<link linkend="mouse" +>Mouse</link> +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Personalization</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="accessibility" +>Accessibility</link +>, +<link linkend="locale" +>Country & Language</link +>, +<link linkend="crypto" +>Crypto</link +>, +<!- - <link linkend="kblayout" +>Keyboard Layout</link +>, - -> +<link linkend="passwords" +>Passwords</link> +<link linkend="spell-checking" +>Spell Checking</link +>. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Power Control</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="battery-monitor" +>Battery Monitor</link +>, +<link linkend="energy" +>Energy</link +>, +<link linkend="powerctrl" +>Laptop Power Control</link +>, +<link linkend="lowbatcrit" +>Low Battery Critical</link +>, +<link linkend="lowbatwarn" +>Low Battery Warning</link> +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Sound</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="midi" +>Midi</link +>, +<link linkend="mixer" +>Mixer</link +>, +<link linkend="sndserver" +>Sound Server</link +>, +<link linkend="bell" +>System Bell</link> +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>System</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="datetime" +>Date and Time</link +>, +<link linkend="konsole" +>&konsole;</link +>, +<link linkend="login-manager" +>Login Manager</link +>, +<link linkend="print-manager" +>Printing Manager</link +>, +<link linkend="sessions" +>Session Manager</link +>, +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term +>Web Browsing</term> +<listitem> +<para> +<link linkend="cookie" +>Cookies</link +>, +<link linkend="ebrowse" +>Enhanced Browsing</link +>, +<link linkend="konq-browsing" +>Konqueror Browser</link +>, +<link linkend="nsplugins" +>Netscape Plugins</link +>, +<link linkend="proxies" +>Proxies & Cache</link +>, +<link linkend="stylesheets" +>Stylesheets</link +>, +<link linkend="user-agent" +>User Agent</link +>, +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +</variablelist +>--> +</sect1> + + + +<!--****************************************--> + +</chapter> + +<chapter id="laptop"> +<title +>Laptop Modules Notes</title> + +<para +>In order to use the laptop modules, you must have the kernel <acronym +>APM</acronym +> package installed in your kernel. Useful information on how to do this can be found at <ulink url="http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/apm.html" +> http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/apm.html</ulink +> and in the Battery Powered Linux mini-HOWTO at <ulink url="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Battery-Powered.html" +> http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Battery-Powered.html</ulink +>. </para> + +<para +>If you want the <guimenuitem +>suspend</guimenuitem +> and <guimenuitem +>standby</guimenuitem +> menu commands to work then you should install the &Linux; <application +>apmd</application +> package (version 2.4 or later). If you want to use them from non-root accounts you must mark the <application +>apm</application +> command <quote +>set uid root</quote +>. </para> + +<para +>To do this, log on as <systemitem class="username" +>root</systemitem +> and enter: </para> + +<screen +><prompt +>%</prompt +><userinput +><command +>chown</command +> <option +>root +/usr/bin/apm</option +>;<command +>chmod</command +> <option +>+s +/usr/bin/apm</option +></userinput +> +</screen> + +<warning> +<para +>By doing this you will allow any user of your system to put it into suspend or standby states - if you are the only user, this should not be a problem. </para> + +<para +>Also note that any program which has <systemitem class="username" +>root</systemitem +> access, can be a potential security problem. You should carefully determine if there are any security concerns <emphasis +>before</emphasis +> giving any program <systemitem class="username" +>root</systemitem +> permissions. </para> +</warning> + +</chapter> + +<chapter id="credits"> +<title +>Credits and Licence</title> + +<para +>&kcontrol;</para> +<para +>Program copyright 1997-2001 The &kcontrolcenter; Developers</para> +<para +>Contributors:</para> + +<itemizedlist> +<listitem +><para +>Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Matthias Elter <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +</itemizedlist> + +<para +>Documentation <trademark class="copyright" +>copyright 2000 Michael McBride</trademark +> <email +>[email protected]</email +></para> + +<para +>Contributors:</para> + +<itemizedlist> +<listitem +><para +>Paul Campbell <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Helge Deller <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Mark Donohoe </para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Pat Dowler </para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Duncan Haldane <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Steffen Hansen <email +>[email protected]</email +>.</para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Martin Jones <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Jost Schenck <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Jonathan Singer <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Thomas Tanghus <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Krishna Tateneni <email +></email +></para +></listitem> +<listitem +><para +>Ellis Whitehead <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +></listitem> + +</itemizedlist> +<para +>Conversion to British English: Malcolm Hunter <email +>[email protected]</email +></para +> +&underFDL; &underGPL; </chapter> + +</book> +<!-- +Local Variables: +mode: sgml +End: +--> + |