path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/webdav.docbook
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diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/webdav.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/webdav.docbook
index 5fc85060f49..ca9544d7dba 100644
--- a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/webdav.docbook
+++ b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/tdeioslave/webdav.docbook
@@ -1,85 +1,40 @@
<article lang="&language;" id="webdav">
->&Hamish.Rodda; &Hamish.Rodda.mail;</author>
-<othercredit role="translator"
->Conversion to British English</contrib
+<author>&Hamish.Rodda; &Hamish.Rodda.mail;</author>
+<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Malcolm</firstname><surname>Hunter</surname><affiliation><address><email>[email protected]</email></address></affiliation><contrib>Conversion to British English</contrib></othercredit>
-> is a <emphasis
->istributed <emphasis
->uthoring and <emphasis
->ersioning protocol for the World Wide Web. It allows for easy management of documents and scripts on a <ulink url="help:/tdeioslave/webdav.html"
-> server, and has additional features designed to simplify version management amongst multiple authors.</para>
+<para><acronym>WebDAV</acronym> is a <emphasis>D</emphasis>istributed <emphasis>A</emphasis>uthoring and <emphasis>V</emphasis>ersioning protocol for the World Wide Web. It allows for easy management of documents and scripts on a <ulink url="help:/tdeioslave/webdav.html">http</ulink> server, and has additional features designed to simplify version management amongst multiple authors.</para>
->Usage of this protocol is simple. Type the location you want to view, similar to a <acronym
-> URL except for the webdav:// protocol name at the start. An example is <userinput
->. If you specify a folder name, a list of files and folders will be displayed, and you can manipulate these folders and files just as you would with any other filesystem.</para>
+<para>Usage of this protocol is simple. Type the location you want to view, similar to a <acronym>http</acronym> URL except for the webdav:// protocol name at the start. An example is <userinput>webdav://<replaceable></replaceable></userinput>. If you specify a folder name, a list of files and folders will be displayed, and you can manipulate these folders and files just as you would with any other filesystem.</para>
->WebDAV Features</title>
+<title>WebDAV Features</title>
->File locking allows users to lock a file, informing others that they are currently working on this file. This way, editing can be done without fear that the changes may be overwritten by another person who is also editing the same document.</para>
+<para>File locking allows users to lock a file, informing others that they are currently working on this file. This way, editing can be done without fear that the changes may be overwritten by another person who is also editing the same document.</para>
->Source file access</term>
+<term>Source file access</term>
-> allows access to the script which is called to produce a specific page, so changes can be made to the script itself.</para>
+<para><acronym>WebDAV</acronym> allows access to the script which is called to produce a specific page, so changes can be made to the script itself.</para>
->Per-document property support</term>
+<term>Per-document property support</term>
->Arbitrary properties may be set to assist identification of a document, such as the author.</para>
+<para>Arbitrary properties may be set to assist identification of a document, such as the author.</para>
->To take advantage of these additional capabilities, you will need an application which supports them. No application currently supports them through this tdeioslave.</para>
+<para>To take advantage of these additional capabilities, you will need an application which supports them. No application currently supports them through this tdeioslave.</para>