path: root/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdeedu/kturtle.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdeedu/kturtle.po')
1 files changed, 816 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdeedu/kturtle.po b/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdeedu/kturtle.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e40628b219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdeedu/kturtle.po
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+# translation of kturtle.po to Basque
+# Marcos Goienetxe <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Ion Gaztañaga <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Ion Gaztañaga <[email protected]>, 2005.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: kturtle\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-06-18 01:16+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-25 18:19+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ion Gaztañaga <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
+msgid ""
+"Your names"
+msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
+msgid ""
+"Your emails"
+#: canvas.cpp:609
+msgid "The turtle picture could not be found. Please check your installation."
+msgstr "Ezin da dordokaren irudia aurkitu. Egiaztatu zure instalazioa."
+#: dialogs.cpp:29
+msgid "Help on &Error"
+msgstr "&Erroreari buruzko laguntza"
+#: dialogs.cpp:33
+msgid "Error Dialog"
+msgstr "Errore elkarrizketa-koadroa"
+#: dialogs.cpp:34
+msgid "Closes this error dialog"
+msgstr "Errore elkarrizketa hau ixten du"
+#: dialogs.cpp:35
+msgid "Click here to read more on this error dialog in KTurtle's Handbook."
+msgstr ""
+"Klikatu hemen KTurtle-en eskuliburuan errore-elkarrizketa honi buruz gehiago "
+#: dialogs.cpp:36
+msgid "Click here for help using this error dialog"
+msgstr ""
+"Klikatu hemen errore-elkarrizketaren erabilerari buruzko laguntza jasotzeko"
+#: dialogs.cpp:37
+msgid ""
+"Click here for help regarding the error you selected in the list. This button "
+"will not work when no error is selected."
+msgstr ""
+"Klikatu hemen zerrendan hautatu duzun erroreari buruz laguntza jasotzeko. Botoi "
+"honek ez du funtzionatuko errorerik hautatzen ez bada."
+#: dialogs.cpp:38
+msgid "Click here for help regarding the error you selected."
+msgstr "Klikatu hemen hautatu duzun erroreari buruzko laguntza jasotzeko."
+#: dialogs.cpp:45
+msgid ""
+"In this list you find the error(s) that resulted from running your Logo code. \n"
+"Good luck!"
+msgstr ""
+"Zerrenda honetan zure Logo kodearen exekuzioko erroreak aurki ditzakezu. \n"
+"Zorte on!"
+#: dialogs.cpp:60
+msgid "number"
+msgstr "zenbakia"
+#: dialogs.cpp:63
+msgid "line"
+msgstr "lerroa"
+#: dialogs.cpp:66
+msgid "description"
+msgstr "deskribapena"
+#: dialogs.cpp:144
+msgid "Color Picker"
+msgstr "Kolore hautatzailea"
+#: dialogs.cpp:157
+msgid "Insert Color Code at Cursor"
+msgstr "Txertatu kolore-kodea kurtsorean"
+#: dialogs.cpp:200
+msgid "Color code:"
+msgstr "Kolore-kodea:"
+#: dialogs.cpp:301
+msgid "&Restart"
+msgstr "&Berrabiarazi"
+#: dialogs.cpp:301
+msgid "&Back"
+msgstr "&Atzera"
+#: dialogs.cpp:303
+msgid "Finished Execution"
+msgstr "Exekuzioa amaituta"
+#: dialogs.cpp:304
+msgid "Click here to restart the current logo program."
+msgstr "Klikatu hemen uneko Logo programa berrabiarazteko."
+#: dialogs.cpp:305
+msgid "Click here to switch back to the edit mode."
+msgstr "Klikatu hemen edizio modura itzultzeko."
+#: dialogs.cpp:311
+msgid ""
+"Execution was finished without errors.\n"
+"What do you want to do next?"
+msgstr ""
+"Exekuzioa errorerik gabe amaitu da. \n"
+"Zer egin nahi duzu orain?"
+#: executer.cpp:223
+#, c-format
+msgid "Call to undefined function: %1."
+msgstr "Definitu-gabeko funtzioari deia: %1."
+#: executer.cpp:234
+msgid "Call to function '%1' with wrong number of parameters."
+msgstr "'%1' funtzioari argumentu kopuru okerrarekin deitu zaio."
+#: executer.cpp:277
+msgid "Function %1 did not return a value."
+msgstr "%1 funtzioak ez du baliorik itzuli."
+#: executer.cpp:528
+msgid "Can only multiply numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak bakarrik biderka daitezke."
+#: executer.cpp:539
+msgid "Cannot divide by zero."
+msgstr "Ezin da zerorekin zatitu."
+#: executer.cpp:542
+msgid "Can only divide numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak bakarrik zatitu daitezke."
+#: executer.cpp:554
+msgid "Can only subtract numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak bakarrik kendu daitezke."
+#: executer.cpp:815
+msgid ""
+"The penwidth cannot be set to something smaller than 1, or bigger than 10000."
+msgstr ""
+"Itsaslumaren zabalera ezin da 1 baina txikiago edo 10000 baina handiagoa izan."
+#: executer.cpp:842
+msgid "The parameters of function %1 must be within range: 0 to 350."
+msgstr "%1 funtzioaren parametroek 0 eta 350 artean egon behar dute."
+#: executer.cpp:880
+msgid ""
+"The parameters of the %1 command must be numbers in the range: 1 to 10000."
+msgstr "%1 aginduaren parametroek 0 eta 350 arteko zenbakiak izan behar dute."
+#: executer.cpp:920 executer.cpp:941
+msgid ""
+"The parameters of the %1 command must be numbers in the range: 0 to 255."
+msgstr "%1 aginduaren parametroek 0 eta 250 arteko zenbakiak izan behar dute."
+#: executer.cpp:979
+msgid "The print command needs input"
+msgstr "inprimatzekoaginduak kate bat behar du"
+#: executer.cpp:1059
+msgid "The %1 command accepts no parameters."
+msgstr "%1 aginduak ez du parametrorik onartzen."
+#: executer.cpp:1071
+msgid ""
+"_n: The %1 command was called with %2 but needs 1 parameter.\n"
+"The %1 command was called with %2 but needs %n parameters."
+msgstr ""
+" %1 agindua %2 parametrorekin deitu da baina bat behar du.\n"
+"%1 agindua %2 parametrorekin deitu da baina %n behar ditu."
+#: executer.cpp:1075
+msgid ""
+"_n: The %1 command was called with %2 but only accepts 1 parameter.\n"
+"The %1 command was called with %2 but only accepts %n parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"%1 agindua %2 parametrorekin deitu da baina bakarra onartzen.\n"
+"%1 agindua %2 parametrorekin deitu da baina %n bakarrik onartzen ditu."
+#: executer.cpp:1096
+msgid "The %1 command only accepts a string as its parameter."
+msgstr "%1 aginduak kate bat bakarrik onartzen du argumentu bezala."
+#: executer.cpp:1098
+msgid "The %1 command only accepts strings as its parameters."
+msgstr "%1 aginduak kateak bakarrik onartzen ditu argumentu bezala."
+#: executer.cpp:1103
+msgid "The %1 command only accepts a number as its parameter."
+msgstr "%1 aginduak zenbaki bat bakarrik onartzen du argumentu bezala."
+#: executer.cpp:1105
+msgid "The %1 command only accepts numbers as its parameters."
+msgstr "%1 aginduak zenbakiak bakarrik onartzen ditu argumentu bezala."
+#: kturtle.cpp:87
+msgid ""
+"A KDE text-editor component could not be found;\n"
+"please check your KDE installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Ezin da KDE-ren testu-editore osagai bat aurkitu;\n"
+"Egiaztatu zure KDE-ren instalazioa."
+#: kturtle.cpp:127
+msgid "Open Exa&mples..."
+msgstr "Ireki &adibideak..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:132
+msgid "Save &Canvas..."
+msgstr "Gorde &oihala..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:133
+msgid "Execution Speed"
+msgstr "Exekuzio abiadura"
+#: kturtle.cpp:134
+msgid "Full Speed"
+msgstr "Abiadura osoa"
+#: kturtle.cpp:134
+msgid "Slow"
+msgstr "Mantsoa"
+#: kturtle.cpp:134
+msgid "Slower"
+msgstr "Mantsoago"
+#: kturtle.cpp:134
+msgid "Slowest"
+msgstr "Mantsoena"
+#: kturtle.cpp:137
+msgid "&Execute Commands"
+msgstr "&Exekutatu aginduak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:138
+msgid "Pause E&xecution"
+msgstr "Pausatu e&xekuzioa"
+#: kturtle.cpp:141
+msgid "Stop E&xecution"
+msgstr "Gelditu e&xekuzioa"
+#: kturtle.cpp:154
+msgid "Toggle Insert"
+msgstr "Aldatu sartzeko modua"
+#: kturtle.cpp:161
+msgid "Show &Line Numbers"
+msgstr "Erakutsi &lerro kopurua"
+#: kturtle.cpp:166
+msgid "&Color Picker"
+msgstr "&Kolore hautatzailea"
+#: kturtle.cpp:167
+msgid "&Indent"
+msgstr "&Koska"
+#: kturtle.cpp:168
+msgid "&Unindent"
+msgstr "Koska ke&ndu"
+#: kturtle.cpp:169
+msgid "Cl&ean Indentation"
+msgstr "&Garbitu koska"
+#: kturtle.cpp:170
+msgid "Co&mment"
+msgstr "Iruzki&na"
+#: kturtle.cpp:171
+msgid "Unc&omment"
+msgstr "Iruzkinak &kendu"
+#: kturtle.cpp:175
+msgid "&Configure Editor..."
+msgstr "&Konfiguratu editorea..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:194
+msgid ""
+"This is the code editor, here you type the Logo commands to instruct the "
+"turtle. You can also open an existing Logo program with File->"
+"Open Examples... or File->Open."
+msgstr ""
+"Hau kode-editorea da. Hemen, dordoka kontrolatzeko Logo aginduak sartzen dira. "
+"Existitzen den Logo programa bat ere ireki dezakezu \"Fitxategia\"->"
+"\"Ireki adibideak...\" edo \"Fitxategia\"->\"Ireki\" erabiliz."
+#: kturtle.cpp:223
+msgid "Welcome to KTurtle..."
+msgstr "Ongi etorria KTurtle-era..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:224
+msgid "Line: %1 Column: %2"
+msgstr "Lerroa: %1 Zutabea: %2"
+#: kturtle.cpp:225
+msgid "INS"
+msgstr "SAR"
+#: kturtle.cpp:237
+msgid "This is the canvas, here the turtle draws a picture."
+msgstr "Hau oihala da, hemen dorkokak oirudi bat marraztuko du."
+#: kturtle.cpp:259
+msgid " Line: %1 Column: %2 "
+msgstr " Lerroa: %1 Zutabea: %2 "
+#: kturtle.cpp:275 kturtle.cpp:318
+msgid ""
+"The program you are currently working on is not saved. By continuing you may "
+"lose the changes you have made."
+msgstr ""
+"Une honetan lantzen ari zaren programa ez da gorde. Jarraitzen baduzu egindako "
+"aldaketak gal ditzakezu."
+#: kturtle.cpp:277 kturtle.cpp:320 kturtle.cpp:476
+msgid "Unsaved File"
+msgstr "Gorde gabeko fitxategia"
+#: kturtle.cpp:277 kturtle.cpp:320
+msgid "&Discard Changes"
+msgstr "&Baztertu aldaketak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:285
+msgid "New file... Happy coding!"
+msgstr "Fitxategi berria... Ongi programatu!"
+#: kturtle.cpp:295 kturtle.cpp:360
+msgid "Logo Files"
+msgstr "Logo fitxategiak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:295
+msgid "Open Logo File"
+msgstr "Ireki logo fitxategia"
+#: kturtle.cpp:304
+msgid "Logo Examples Files"
+msgstr "Logo adibide-fitxategiak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:304
+msgid "Open Logo Example File"
+msgstr "Ireki Logo adibide-fitxategia"
+#: kturtle.cpp:323
+msgid "Opening aborted, nothing opened."
+msgstr "Irekiera abortatu da, ez da ezer irki."
+#: kturtle.cpp:333
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opened file: %1"
+msgstr "Fitxategia ireki da: %1"
+#: kturtle.cpp:341
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"KTurtle was unable to open: \n"
+msgstr ""
+"KTurtle-ek ezin izan du hau ireki:\n"
+#: kturtle.cpp:342
+msgid "Open Error"
+msgstr "Errorea irekitzean"
+#: kturtle.cpp:343
+msgid "Opening aborted because of error."
+msgstr "Irekiera abortatu da errore bat dela eta."
+#: kturtle.cpp:347
+msgid "Opening aborted."
+msgstr "Irekiera abortatu da."
+#: kturtle.cpp:363
+msgid "Saving aborted."
+msgstr "Gordetzea abortatu da."
+#: kturtle.cpp:369
+msgid ""
+"A program named \"%1\" already exists in this folder. Do you want to overwrite "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%1\" izeneko programa bat badago karpeta honetan. Gainidatzi nahi al duzu?"
+#: kturtle.cpp:371 kturtle.cpp:409
+msgid "Overwrite?"
+msgstr "Gainidatzi?"
+#: kturtle.cpp:371 kturtle.cpp:409
+msgid "&Overwrite"
+msgstr "&Gainidatzi"
+#: kturtle.cpp:387
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saved to: %1"
+msgstr "Hona gorde da: %1"
+#: kturtle.cpp:402
+msgid "Pictures"
+msgstr "Irudiak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:402
+msgid "Save Canvas as Picture"
+msgstr "Gorde ohiala irudi bezala"
+#: kturtle.cpp:407
+msgid ""
+"A picture named \"%1\" already in this folder. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%1\" izeneko irudi bat dagoeneko karpetan dago. Gainidatzi nahi al duzu?"
+#: kturtle.cpp:431
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"KTurtle was unable to save the image to: \n"
+msgstr ""
+"KTurtle-ek ezin izan du irudia hona gorde:\n"
+#: kturtle.cpp:432
+msgid "Unable to Save Image"
+msgstr "Ezin da irudia gorde"
+#: kturtle.cpp:433
+msgid "Could not save image."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da irudia gorde"
+#: kturtle.cpp:436
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saved canvas to: %1"
+msgstr "Ohiala hona gorde da: %1"
+#: kturtle.cpp:444
+msgid "Do you want to print the Logo code or the canvas?"
+msgstr "Logo kodea edo ohiala inprimatu nahi al duzu?"
+#: kturtle.cpp:445
+msgid "What to Print?"
+msgstr "Zer inprimatu nahi?"
+#: kturtle.cpp:445
+msgid "Print &Logo Code"
+msgstr "Inprimatu &Logo kodea"
+#: kturtle.cpp:445
+msgid "Print &Canvas"
+msgstr "Inprimatu o&hiala"
+#: kturtle.cpp:462
+msgid "Printing aborted."
+msgstr "Inprimaketa abortatu da."
+#: kturtle.cpp:471
+msgid "Quitting KTurtle..."
+msgstr "KTurtle ixten..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:474
+msgid ""
+"The program you are currently working on is not saved. By quitting KTurtle you "
+"may lose the changes you have made."
+msgstr ""
+"Une honetan lan egiten ari zaren programa gorde gabe dago. KTurtle ixten "
+"baduzu, egin dituzun aldaketak gordeko dituzu."
+#: kturtle.cpp:476
+msgid "Discard Changes && &Quit"
+msgstr "Baztertu aldaketak eta &irten"
+#: kturtle.cpp:479 kturtle.cpp:488
+msgid "Quitting aborted."
+msgstr "Itxiera abortatu da."
+#: kturtle.cpp:521
+msgid "Parsing commands..."
+msgstr "Aginduak prozesatzen..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:540 kturtle.cpp:602
+msgid "Executing commands..."
+msgstr "Aginduak exekutatzen..."
+#: kturtle.cpp:583
+msgid "Done."
+msgstr "Eginda."
+#: kturtle.cpp:584
+msgid "Execution aborted."
+msgstr "Exekuzioa abortatu da."
+#: kturtle.cpp:597
+msgid "Execution paused."
+msgstr "Exekuzioa pausatu da."
+#: kturtle.cpp:641
+msgid "Input"
+msgstr "Sarrera"
+#: kturtle.cpp:646
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Mezua"
+#: kturtle.cpp:745
+msgid " OVR "
+msgstr " GAI"
+#: kturtle.cpp:745
+msgid " INS "
+msgstr " SAR"
+#: kturtle.cpp:878
+msgid "Initial Canvas Size"
+msgstr "Hasierako ohialaren tamaina"
+#: kturtle.cpp:901
+msgid "Canvas &width:"
+msgstr "Ohialaren &zabalera:"
+#: kturtle.cpp:903
+msgid "Ca&nvas height:"
+msgstr "Oi&halaren altuera:"
+#: kturtle.cpp:909
+msgid "You need to restart before these settings have effect"
+msgstr "Ezarpen hauek efektua izan dezaten berrabiarazi egin behar duzu"
+#: kturtle.cpp:914
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Orokorra"
+#: kturtle.cpp:914
+msgid "General Settings"
+msgstr "Ezarpen orokorrak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:937
+msgid "&Select the language for the Logo commands:"
+msgstr "&Hautatu Logo aginduentzako hizkuntza:"
+#: kturtle.cpp:946
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Hizkuntza"
+#: kturtle.cpp:946
+msgid "Language Settings"
+msgstr "Hizkuntzaren ezarpenak"
+#: kturtle.cpp:970 kturtle.cpp:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Command language: %1"
+msgstr "Aginduen hizkuntza: %1"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1016 kturtle.cpp:1066 kturtle.cpp:1110 kturtle.cpp:1135
+msgid "<no keyword>"
+msgstr "<hitz-gakorik ez>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1018
+msgid "There is currently no text under the cursor to get help on."
+msgstr "Une honetan ez dago laguntza eskatzeko kurtsore azpian testurik."
+#: kturtle.cpp:1018
+msgid "Nothing Under Cursor"
+msgstr "Ezer ez kurtsorearen azpian"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1021 kturtle.cpp:1115
+msgid "<number>"
+msgstr "<zenbakia>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1022 kturtle.cpp:1084
+msgid "<string>"
+msgstr "<katea>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1023 kturtle.cpp:1119
+msgid "<assignment>"
+msgstr "<esleipena>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1024 kturtle.cpp:1121
+msgid "<question>"
+msgstr "<galdera>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1025 kturtle.cpp:1126
+msgid "<name>"
+msgstr "<izena>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1026 kturtle.cpp:1060
+msgid "<comment>"
+msgstr "<iruzkina>"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1047
+msgid "\"%1\""
+msgstr "\"%1\""
+#: kturtle.cpp:1048
+#, c-format
+msgid "Displaying help on %1"
+msgstr "%1 buruzko laguntza bistaratzen"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1061 kturtle.cpp:1067 kturtle.cpp:1085 kturtle.cpp:1128
+#: kturtle.cpp:1136
+#, c-format
+msgid "Help on: %1"
+msgstr "Honi buruzko laguntza: %1"
+#: kturtle.cpp:1117
+msgid "<math>"
+msgstr "<matematika>"
+#: main.cpp:27
+msgid "Educational Programming Environment using the Logo programming language"
+msgstr "Logo programazio lengoaia darabilen heziketarako programazio ingurunea"
+#: main.cpp:31
+msgid "(C) 2003 The KTurtle Authors"
+msgstr "(C) 2003 The KTurtle-en egileak"
+#: main.cpp:48
+msgid "KTurtle"
+msgstr "KTurtle"
+#: main.cpp:50
+msgid "Main developer and initiator"
+msgstr "Garatzaile nagusia eta proiektuaren sortzailea"
+#: main.cpp:53
+msgid "Big contributor, supporter and fan"
+msgstr "Laguntzaile handia, jarraitzailea eta mireslea."
+#: main.cpp:56
+msgid ""
+"Author of \"wsbasic\" ( the base for the interpreter of KTurtle"
+msgstr ""
+"KTurtle-en interpretatzailearen oinarria den \"wsbasic\"-en ( "
+#: main.cpp:59 main.cpp:62
+msgid "German Data Files"
+msgstr "Alemaneko datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:65
+msgid "Swedish Data Files"
+msgstr "Suediar dau fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:68
+msgid "Slovenian Data Files"
+msgstr "Esloveniar datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:71
+msgid "Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) Data Files"
+msgstr "Serbiar (latindar eta ziriliko) datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:74
+msgid "Italian Data Files"
+msgstr "Italierako datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:77
+msgid "British English Data Files"
+msgstr "Ingalaterrako ingeleseko datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:80
+msgid "Spanish Data Files"
+msgstr "Gaztelerazko datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:83
+msgid "Brazilian Portuguese Data Files"
+msgstr "Brasilgo portugeseko datu fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:86
+msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk and Bokmål Data files"
+msgstr "Nynorsk norvegiarra eta Bokmål datuen fitxategiak"
+#: main.cpp:88
+msgid "Parser Cyrillic support"
+msgstr "Prozesatzailearen zirilikorako euskarria"
+#: parser.cpp:97
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Unexpected intruction after the '%1' command, please use only one instruction "
+"per line"
+msgstr ""
+"Espero ez den instrukzioa '%1' aginduaren ondoren. Erabili agindu bakar bat "
+"lerro bakoitzeko"
+#: parser.cpp:101
+msgid "Expected '['"
+msgstr "'[' espero zen"
+#: parser.cpp:105
+msgid "Expected 'to' after the '%1' command"
+msgstr "'hona' espero zen '%1' aginduaren ondoren"
+#: parser.cpp:109
+msgid "Expected '=' after the '%1' command"
+msgstr "'=' espero zen '%1' aginduaren ondoren"
+#: parser.cpp:113
+msgid "Expected ']' after the '%1' command"
+msgstr "']' espero zen '%1' aginduaren ondoren"
+#: parser.cpp:117
+msgid "Expected a name after the '%1' command"
+msgstr "Izen bat zen '%1' aginduaren ondoren"
+#: parser.cpp:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"UNDEFINED ERROR NR %1: please send this Logo script to the KTurtle developers"
+msgstr ""
+"%1 DEFINITU GABEKO ERROREA: bidali Logo script hau KTurtle-en garatzaileei"
+#: parser.cpp:161 parser.cpp:167
+msgid "Expected an expression"
+msgstr "Espresio bat espero zen"
+#: parser.cpp:211
+msgid "String text not properly delimited with a ' \" ' (double quote)"
+msgstr "Katearen testua ez dago '\"' (komilla) artean "
+#: parser.cpp:244
+msgid ""
+"INTERNAL ERROR NR %1: please sent this Logo script to KTurtle developers"
+msgstr "%1 BARNE ERROREA: bidali Logo script hau KTurtle-en garatzaileei"
+#: parser.cpp:249
+msgid "Cannot understand '%1', expected an expression after the '%2' command"
+msgstr "Ezin da '%1' ulertu, espresio bat espero zen '%2'-en ondoren"
+#: parser.cpp:346 parser.cpp:445
+msgid "Expected '*' or '/'"
+msgstr "'*' edo '/' espero zen"
+#: parser.cpp:527
+msgid "Cannot understand ']'"
+msgstr "Ezin da ']' ulertu"
+#: parser.cpp:532
+msgid "Cannot understand '['"
+msgstr "Ezin da '[' ulertu"
+#: parser.cpp:541
+msgid "Cannot understand '%1'"
+msgstr "Ezin da '%1' ulertu"
+#: parser.cpp:1068
+msgid "'%1' is neither a Logo command nor a learned command."
+msgstr "'%1' ez dago ez Logo agindu bat ezta ikasitako agindu bat."
+#. i18n: file kturtleui.rc line 58
+#: rc.cpp:18
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "&Advanced Settings"
+msgstr "Ezarpen &aurreratuak"
+#. i18n: file kturtle.kcfg line 10
+#: rc.cpp:24
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The width of the canvas in pixels"
+msgstr "Ohialaren zabalera pixeletan"
+#. i18n: file kturtle.kcfg line 14
+#: rc.cpp:27
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The height of the canvas in pixels"
+msgstr "Ohialaren altuera pixeletan"
+#. i18n: file kturtle.kcfg line 22
+#: rc.cpp:30
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The list of the available languages for the Logo commands"
+msgstr "Logo aginduentzat eskuragarri dauden hizkuntzen zerrenda"
+#. i18n: file kturtle.kcfg line 47
+#: rc.cpp:33
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The language of the Logo commands"
+msgstr "Logo aginduen hizkuntza"
+#. i18n: file kturtle.kcfg line 83
+#: rc.cpp:36
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The value of the ComboBox"
+msgstr "Kombinazio-kaxaren balioa"
+#: translate.cpp:41
+msgid "'%1' (%2)"
+msgstr "'%1' (%2)"
+#: value.cpp:49 value.cpp:84 value.cpp:127
+msgid "false"
+msgstr "gezurra"
+#: value.cpp:79 value.cpp:126
+msgid "true"
+msgstr "egia"